Stuart Henderson Week 2: Identifying Your Company's Influencers or Fans

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New Media Marketing

Week 2
Identifying Your Company's Influencers or Fans

March 12th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Web Design
Stuart andPresents:
Henderson Usability
Lynn Allen Jeter and Associates
Navigation and Information Scent
February 19th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017
Web Design and Usability

Week 1 Home Page Analysis

February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017


My Company Lynn Allen Jeter and Associates is a

full-service Public Relations and Special Events firm
centrally located in Los Angeles, California
Web Design
which happens to be oneand Usability
of the largest markets
in the world for Entertainment Industry related
opportunities. 1 Home Page
& Associates Analysis
currently specializes in
direct marketing, publicity,
February 5th, 2017 event planning,
fund-raisers promotions, crisis management,
conferences and trade shows.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

New HomePage That I Designed.....
(Post Screenshot of the page art on this slide)

Thank you for watching my

Week 2 Identifying Your Company's Influencers or Fans
Web Design and Usability

Week 1 Home Page Analysis

February 5th, 2017
Stuart Henderson
March 12th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Influencers vs Fans

Influencers vs Fans
Web Design and Usability
(This this a transition slide with a picture
Week that1 matches
Home the Page titleAnalysis

February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Influencers

Essentially, they are paid to post certain things

concerning a brand online so will people notice,
Web Design
therefore you wantand
on your side.
Influencers should be a consumer
Week 1 Home
of the product/service Page
that Analysis
they are paid to market
because without them having
February 5th, 2017 passion for it,
you won't really get the results you hoped for!

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Fans defend a brand as if it was their own business

Web because
or product Designthey and Usability
happen to consider
the brand as a part of their life or way of living.
Week 1they
Even-though Home Page
are not paid Analysis
by the company
fans will still spread messages
February 5th, 2017 freely!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Put A Another Pic Here

Our Influencers

Web Design and Usability

(Put a Pic of Influencers vs Fans here on this slide)
Week 1 Home Page Analysis
February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

1st Influencer for Our Brand

Web Design and Usability

Lynn Allen Jeter befriended legendary musician Stevie Wonder and was his
record label director at Black Bull Productions before establishing her own
public 1 event
relations, Home planningPage
and artistAnalysis
management firm.
She gives all the praise of starting her own business to the legendary artist,
because when she February
decided to start the5th, company,2017Stevie believed in her.
He said he would be Lynns first client and he kept his word
plus help spread the word to consistently get her more business
opportunities still to this day!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

2nd Influencer for Our Brand

Web Design and Usability

LynnWeek 1 Home
has effortlessly Page
set the standard Analysis
of what excellent production
and entrepreneurship entails for Actress Lisa Raye.
By working on her 5th,writing
marketing and branding, 2017 her press releases,
and helping her manage her online social media presence, Lynn has aided
in the launch of creative ideas, promotional events and more for Lisa Raye
so Lisa makes sure to shout Lynn and all of Lynns endeavors out on social media
to her 3 Million followers as well as at Red Carpet events!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

3rd Influencer for Our Brand

Lynn Allen Jeter developed and helped brand

new talent Antonique Smith.
Under the wing of Lynn Allen Jeter and Associates,
Antonique landed the role of Faith Evans
Web Design and Usability
in the big screen film Notorious and went on to
have a Grammy Nominated single in her debut as an Artist!
LynnWeek 1 Home
helped Antonique Page
Smith get Analysis
some initial start up money
for her career by setting up a GoFundMe account so in return
Antonique 5th,
continues 2017
to promote
Lynns services around internet to her online following
and offline too to people interested in her!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Social Media Outlook

Web Design and Usability

(Put picture to first transition about Social Media
here goes just a social
1 Home Pagemedia banner)
February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Social Media Outlook

Web Design and Usability

Week 1 Home Page Analysis

February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Where Are Our Fans

Twitter: 2430 Followers

Instagram: 815 Followers
Pinterest: 1103 Followers
Tumblr: 574 Followers
Web Design and Usability
Periscope: 328 Followers
Week 5,491 People
1 Home PageLike Our FB
Facebook: 5,441 People Follow Our FB
February 5th, 2017

Over 20,000 Combined Likes and Re-Post!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

How Our Fans and Clients
Will Find Us

Since we have such large influences,

a positive tweet/post/picture will go a long way.
By having our Influencers recommend or speak
positively about our services providing them with
good content the formand Usability
of editorials, guest posts
or topic recommendations you can safely bet that
fans and 1 Home
consumers willPage
be ableAnalysis
to discover us.
And on Google a lot of key
February 5th, 2017 terms relating to
our industry will locate more bloggers.
We have some of the best SEO, so after the first few
pages of net search results you can visibly find us!
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Psychographics is when you examine the attitudes,

activities, interest, habits, personality and lifestyle of
an audience to create marketing schemes and
campaigns around that vital information. That relates
to our services at Lynn Allen Jeter & Associates
Web Design and Usability
because understanding why people buy what they
buy andWeek
make certain
1 Home decisions
Page they make can help
us to better attract them to be clients of ours!
February 5th, 2017
*Start Up Companies
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Demographics is when you analyze audiences or
consumers by age, gender, ethnicity, location,
education, occupation and income.
That information correlates with our services at
Lynn Allen Jeter & Associates because whether you
are an entrepreneur, a small business owner or a
Web Design and Usability
major corporation it is always a good thing to do
key research that will help
Week 1 Home Page Analysis us to better recognize
our ideal clients or business partners!
February 5th,
*Ages 15 and Up 2017
*Males and Females
*African Americans
*People Urban Markets
*People in Suburban Markets
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Los Angeles-Hollywood-Beverly Hills-Glendale-Burbank

Web Design and Usability
San Francisco-San Diego (California)
Week 1 Home Page Analysis
Plus Las Vegas-New York-Atlanta!
February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

In Conclusion

In conclusion I believe if there's a story to be told,

there's likely an influencer that can tell it well.
Influencers are people that have gained respect and
trust from the decision makers and have a different
status than mostDesign and Usability
other employees in a company.
Influencer engagement goes beyond the number of
reached. 1 It
Home Page Analysis
also generates consumer trust,
hence its value. Social media and
February 5th, 2017 Traditional media
are also a strong emotion connection and influencer
of consumer and fan perception!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

New HomePage That I Designed.....
(Post Screenshot of the page art on this slide)
Web Design and Usability
Week 1 Home Page Analysis
February 5th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

New HomePage That I Designed.....
(Post Screenshot of the page art on this slide)

Thank you for watching my

Week 2 Identifying Your Company's Influencers or Fans
Web Design and Usability

Week 1 Home Page Analysis

February 5th, 2017
Stuart Henderson
March 12th, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

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