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English 118 Contextualized Summary assignment

For your final summary assignment you will choose a scholarly article that you plan to use in
writing Paper Two. This should be an article that you have found in your search of the library
databases. Unlike the mini-summaries, you will need to supply some context, which you can
think of as bookends or frames for your summary.

In Bookend One, tell me:

What your P2 topic is
What your P2 research question is
What you know about your topic so far (main ideas, main arguments, main
controversies, etc.)
Why you chose this source
In this part of your assignment, you should use first person (My topic for Paper Two is, I
have read several articles that argue, I chose this article because). This part should be
125-200 words.

In the first sentence of your actual summary of the article, following Bookend One ,
The name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication (i.e., an APA in-text citation)
The purpose of the study
In the remainder of your summary, identify:
All and only important points about the method of the study
All and only important points about the results
The researchers/s conclusions
If included in the article, recommendations the author(s) makes
Any limitations discussed by the author(s)
In this part of your assignment, you should NOT use first person, and you SHOULD cite and
attribute appropriately. This part should be 250-300 words.

In Bookend Two, tell me:

How you think this article answers your research question
How you can use this article in your paper
Any other reactions you had to this article (e.g., This article surprised me
because, It was challenging to read this article because)
In this part of your assignment, you should use first person. This part should be 125-200 words.

Your assignment should be a continuous piece of writing. It should NOT be broken into separate

After the complete summary, provide a full APA style citation for the article, as you
did for your mini-summary.
The total length of your summary will be about 500 words (2 pages)

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