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CRUZ, Carlito C.

Assignment #2
BSA 4-2 Corporate Social Responsibility

Caterpillar Inc. Unethical Business Practices

For years, the Caterpillar Company has provided Israel with the bulldozers used to

destroy Palestinian homes. Despite worldwide condemnation, Caterpillar has refused to end its

corporate participation house demolition by cutting off sales of specially modified D9 and D10

bulldozers to the Israeli military. The toll of human lives destroyed with these machines is truly

horrifying. During the last 4 years the Israeli army has flattened over 4,000 homes - rendering

tens of thousands homeless, traumatized and impoverished. Israel claims that these demolitions

are punitive actions against suspected terrorists. While such punishment is anyway illegal under

international humanitarian law, a recent report by Israeli human rights organization found that in

half of all cases there was nothing linking the houses to terrorism.

In a letter to Caterpillar CEO James Owens, The Office of the UN High Commissioner

on Human Rights said: "allowing the delivery of your ... bulldozers to the Israeli army ... in the

certain knowledge that they are being used for such action, might involve complicity or

acceptance on the part of your company to actual and potential violations of human rights..."

Peace activist Rachel Corrie was killed by a Caterpillar D-9, military bulldozer in 2003.

She was run over while attempting to block the destruction a family's home in Gaza. Her family

filed suit against Caterpillar in March 2005 charging that Caterpillar knowingly sold machines

used to violate human rights.

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