Political Parties and Civil Society in The Philippines February 13, 2014 SDC AVR, Social Development Complex Ateneo de Manila University

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Political Parties and Civil Society in the Philippines

February 13, 2014

SDC AVR, Social Development Complex
Ateneo de Manila University

The Catholic Church in the Philippines and Partisan Political Engagement as a

Response to Religious and Cultural Diversity
Ms. Jurgette Honculada
Ms. Anna Theresia N. Hontiveros

The Experience of the Urban Poor in Working with Political Parties

Dr. Anna Marie A. Karaos
Ms. Gloria Arellano
Mr. Percival Chavez
Mr. Renato Magtubo
Mr. Jose Morales

Tension Points in Contemporary Democratic Left Politics

Mr. Hansley Juliano

Without a strong civil society, political society cannot function.

Politics is power.
Politics is a way for humans to serve each other.
The Church in civil society
Gender subordination

Political parties are representative institutions that give a voice to the citizens and are
mechanisms to debate on policies. Through them, policy reform could be achieved.

The people are interested in political parties because they communicate with agencies
to implement policies. Political parties have also brought about significant reforms.
Why arent the lives of the poor improving? Why do they not feel development?
Are institutions the problem?
Di natratranslate sa congress ang pagunlad (reforms)
Democracy is manifested not through protests anymore but through institutionalized
Political parties are vehicles that allow the interests of the citizens, especially the poor to
be represented in the political system.
Recognized in the political system
Political parties are representative institutions
Give voice to the people
Political parties are mechanisms where policies and programs are discussed; what
programs would be good for the people.

Although we have a strong civil society and a long tradition of democratic politics,
there arent any true and strong political parties because parties today are more
personality-based and cannot identify clear platforms and programs.
1. Is this model of political democracy appropriate in the Philippines?
Dahil di tayo nakakabuo ng political party na may maayos na programa
2. There are political parties that are not strong enough. May political parties be
effective vehicles for the poor, especially those in the city, to promote their agendas?
3. Do social movements like those of the poor in the city play a role in transforming
political parties or party politics in the Philippines? YES. (Civil society or social
movement organizations) para unti unting maging tunay na partidong political, na
kinakatawan ang interes ng mga tao, may platforms and programs.

Political parties attend hearings so that anti-urban poor bills wont proceed.
Resources are not wisely used in improving the organization.
Congress is not ready. Walang pagkilala sa party list
kailangan iayon ng comelec ang regulations nito para lumakas ang transparency
Skills are needed in making advocacies and in implementing them.
Some communtites are not yet ready to accept programs because they are too
Social movements and political parties are separate entities. They are independent from
each other.
Social movements must be well founded because political parties wouldnt have an
interest in weak ones. Clear policy agendas must have already been discussed within
the movement and supported by all groups in the movement.
clear commitments talked about between social movements and political parties
maaring magkaroon ng kinatawan ang social movement sa mga partido
individual members ng kilusan o coalition ay pwedeng maging member ng political party
ang partido ay may mahalagang papel. Maaring makatulong sa kilusan
political leaders cant be trained in social movements. Only in political parties
requirements para magampanan ang model na ito:
1.consolidado, big social movement, certain degree of internal discipline in the
movement, capacity and resources for political campaigning, policy agenda in electoral
2.partidong pulitikal na handing makipagtulungan

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