Newport - Motion Control Tutorial

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Motion Control can be considered to be composed of

Coordinate System translations along and/or rotations
about the coordinate axes.
Any positioning stage is considered
to have six degrees of freedom: three One key differentiating feature of
linear, along the x, y, and z axes; and Newport products is how well
three rotational about those same motion is constrained in all but the

axes (Figure 1). desired directions. In other words, if

very straight motion in the x direc-
All motions described here are
tion is required, then the stage must
with respect to a right-handed
be well constrained from moving in
coordinate system. All movements
the five off-axis directions (Figure 9).

Important Specifications

There are many different measures of Sensitivity

performance to consider when The minimum input capable of pro-
choosing a particular positioning ducing output motion (most often
stage. Understanding the definitions used to describe motion in manual
Z of the various parameters and how
Y stages). It is also defined as the ratio
they affect performance will simplify of the output motion to input drive.
the selection process.

This term is often used incorrectly in

z place of resolution.
Minimum Incremental Motion
The smallest motion a device is capa- Accuracy
ble of delivering reliably. Not to be The maximum expected difference
X confused with resolution claims, which between the actual and the ideal
are typically based on the smallest (desired) position for a given input
controller display increment and which (Figure 3). Accuracy of a motion
Figure 1 Right-handed coordinate
system showing six degrees of freedom.
can be more than an order of magni- device is highly dependent on how
tude more impressive than the actual the actual position is measured.
motion output. This is a key distinc- Therefore accuracy is not a meaning-
tion but is rarely disclosed.

ful specification for open-loop

Absolute Accuracy
The smallest position increment that The output of a system versus the
a motion system can detect, which is commanded or ideal input; it is
not the same as the minimum incre- more intuitively called inaccuracy.
mental motion. Also referred to as dis- When a motion system that is com-

play or encoder resolution, it is usually manded to move 10 mm actually

determined by the encoder output, moves 9.99 mm as measured by a
but due to inefficiencies in the drive- perfect ruler, the inaccuracy is 0.01
trainlike hysteresis, backlash and mm. Misalignment of the stage axis
windupmost systems cannot make versus the rulers axis will result in a
a minimum incremental move equal monotonically increasing inaccuracy
to the resolution unless the encoder proportional to the cosine of the
is directly measuring the delivered misalignment. This is commonly
motion. See the discussion on referred to as cosine error.
direct output metrology in the sec-

tion on Feedback Devices, page 7-15.

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On-Axis Accuracy Repeatability

The uncertainty of position after all The ability of a motion system to
sources of linear error are eliminated. reliably achieve a commanded posi-
Linear (or monotonically increasing) tion over many attempts. Manufac-
errors include cosine error, inaccuracy turers often specify uni-directional
of the leadscrew pitch, the angular repeatability which is the ability to
deviation effect at the measuring repeat a motion increment in one
point (Abbe error) and thermal expan- direction only. This specification
sion effects. Graphically these errors side-steps issues of backlash and

are represented by the slope of a hysteresis, and therefore is less
best fit line on a plot of position meaningful for many real-world
versus error (Figure 2). Knowing the applications where reversal of
slope of this line (error/travel), we motion direction is common.
can approximate absolute accuracy as:
A more significant specification is bi-
Absolute Accuracy = On-Axis directional repeatability, or the ability to
Accuracy + Slope x Travel. achieve a commanded position over
For stages with direct-output many attempts regardless of the

metrology such as a linear glass direction from which the position is Accuracy = .05 mm

scale, the slope approaches zero and approached. Few other manufacturers 10

Ideal (Theoretical) Motion

the absolute accuracy becomes the publicize this much tougher measure
same as the on-axis accuracy. of motion performance.

Precision Backlash
The range of deviations in output The maximum magnitude of an input 6

Average Actual Motion

that produces no measurable output

position that will occur for 95% of
the motion excursions from the same upon reversing direction. It can be a
error-free input. Precision is also result of insufficient axial preloads
known as repeatability. Although often or poor meshing between drivetrain
confused in common parlance, accu- components, i.e., gear teeth in a 2
racy and precision are not the same. gear-coupled drivetrain. Backlash is Precision =
.08 mm
Figure 3 shows graphically the differ- relatively repeatable and can be
ence between these two parameters. compensated for by capable 0

controllers. 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3


Figure 3 The difference between

accuracy and precision.

Combined Hysteresis
and Backlash Hysteresis

Position Error (m)


rwa Absolute


Travel (mm)

Figure 2 Error vs. position for a stage translated four times in each direction. This figure
shows graphically the difference between backlash and hysteresis.

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Hysteresis Tilt and Wobble

The difference in the absolute The angular portion of off-axis error.

position of an object for a given It is the deviation between ideal
Movement Desired
commanded input when approached straight line motion and actual mea-
from opposite directions (Figure 2). sured motion in a translation stage.
It is due to elastic forces accumulated Tilt and wobble have three orthogonal
in various drivetrain components components commonly referred to
(leadscrew wind-up, for instance). as roll, pitch, and yaw (Figure 7). These
This is often confused with backlash terms usually dominate the overall

which can be characterized and com- error due to the geometry of the
Figure 4 Position error in a pensated for by capable controllers. motion system.
translation stage.

Error Abbe Error

The difference between an obtained Additional linear off-axis error intro-
performance parameter and the duced through amplification of tilt
ideal or desired result. Errors fall into and wobble with a long moment arm
two primary categories. On-axis errors (Figure 8). This type of error occurs

(Figure 4), like accuracy, relate to when the point under measurement
parameters along the direction of is a relatively long distance from the
travel. Off-axis errors, like pitch error, axis of motion. For example, XYZ
relate to parameters along the con- stages incorporating an angle bracket
Eccentricity strained degrees of freedom. between the moving elements will
exhibit measurable Abbe error since
Ball Race Eccentricity and Wobble the Z stage is significantly displaced
Diameter above the X and Y axes. It appears as

Sometimes called concentricity,

Figure 5 Off-axis errors in a rotary runout, but unlike true runout, Abbe
stage. eccentricity in a rotary stage is the error can be minimized by reducing
deviation of the center of rotation the lever arm.
from its mean position as a stage
turns (Figure 5). If a stage were per-
Z fectly centered, there would be no
Typical Yaw Deviation eccentricity as it rotated.
Y Straightness For a rotary stage, wobble is

the angular deviation of the
axis of rotation over one
X revolution.

Typical Pitch
The linear (versus angular) portion of
Figure 6 Off-axis errors in a
linear stage. off-axis error. It is the
deviation between ideal straight line
Figure 8 Abbe error can be reduced by mini-
motion and actual measured motion mizing the height, h, from the stage surface.
in a translation stage. Runout has two

orthogonal components, straightness,

Yaw Axis
a measure of in-plane deviation, and Play
Z flatness, the out-of-plane
Uncontrolled movement due to
Y deviation (Figure 6).
looseness of mechanical parts. It is
Roll Axis very small in a well-built component
X and can increase as a component
Pitch Axis grows older, especially if it is roughly
handled or overloaded. Play is a con-
Figure 7 Roll, pitch, and yaw are tributor to backlash.
defined with respect to the direction

of travel.

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Friction surface for linear stages (Figure 10).

Friction is defined as the resistance to For rotary stages, the direction of the
motion between surfaces in contact. resultant force is along the axis of
Friction can be constant or it can vary rotation. For loads with a resultant
with speed. Elements contributing force which is not centered, the
to overall friction may be in the form specified load capacity must be
of drag, sliding friction, system wear derated appropriately.
or lubricant viscosity. One of the primary determinants of

a stages load capacity is the bearing
Stiction system. See the Bearings section for
further discussion.
The static friction that must be over-
come to impart motion to a body at Normal Load Capacity
rest. Since static friction is higher The maximum centered load that
than sliding friction, the force which can be placed directly on the moving
must be applied to impart motion is carriage. It is typically limited by the
greater than the force required to load capacity of the bearings in a
keep the body in motion. As a result, motion stage.

when a force is initially applied, the
Transverse Load Capacity
body will begin to move with a
Also called side load capacity, it is the
jump at some unpredictable and
maximum load that can be applied
unrepeatable force threshold, giving
perpendicular to the axis of motion
a non-linear, non-repeatable motion
and along the carriage surface. This Load
that controllers cannot compensate.
is usually limited by the load Transverse
capacity of the bearings and is typ- Load
Position Stability ically smaller than the normal load

The ability to maintain a constant capacity since fewer of the bearings
position over time. Variation from a carry the load. Axial
stable position is called drift. Load
Axial Load Capacity
Contributors to drift include worn
The maximum load along the direc-
parts, migration of lubricant, and Figure 10 Load capacity specifications
tion of the drivetrain. For linear refer to loads which are centered and
thermal variation.
stages mounted vertically, the speci- perpendicular.
fied vertical load capacity is usually
Load Capacity limited by the axial load capacity.
The allowable resultant force due to Most often, axial load capacity is
load applied at the center of the stage determined by the load capacity of

carriage with a direction perpendicular the motor and leadscrew.
to the axis of motion and carriage


2 150
Stabilized, 1 100


0 0
HeNe Laser (633 nm) -50
-1 -100
-2 -150
-3 -250
Beat -25000 -15000 -5000 0 0 5000 15000 25000
Detector micron
Motorized X Runouts (microns)
V-Reflector : Flatness (Z) X Deflection (rad)
Shear : Straightness (Y) : Yaw
: Roll

: Pitch
Beamsplitter Straightness
Figure 9 Simplified schematic of Newports interferometric test
setup for measuring off-axis errors and sample test results. High
quality translation stages have sub-micron runout errors with
angular deviations on the order of 100150 radians.

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Derating Normal Load Capacity Velocity (Speed)

for Off-Axis Loads The change in distance per unit

Selecting a stage requires under- time. Specifications for maximum
standing system load requirements speed are stated at the normal load
and how the load is applied to the capacity of the stage. Higher speeds
stage. may be possible with lower loads.
If the load is cantilevered, the allow- Minimum stated speeds are highly
able load capacity must be derated dependent on a motion devices
speed stability. As stated in this cat-

using the cantilever equation shown

below. alog, velocity (a vector) and speed (a
scalar) are used interchangeably.
The cantilevered load derating
equation is:
Speed Stability
C = Q (1 + D/a) The ability to maintain a constant
where: speed motion. Also specified as
C is the equivalent centered load velocity regulation, this parameter
depends upon the stages mechanical
Q is actual applied load

design, its feedback mechanisms,

D is the distance from the center of the control algorithm used and the
the carriage in centimeters magnitude of the speed. See the
a is a stage specific constant related discussion on tachometers in the
to the bearing geometry Feedback Devices section, page 7-15.
+Cx in Figure 11 is defined
as away from the motor. Acceleration

C When a stage is positioned The change in velocity per unit time.

vertically, the motor must
- Cx
be on top to meet stated Inertia
x vertical load capacity.
The measure of a loads resistance to
+ Cx The angular deflections change in velocity. The larger the
resulting from the off- inertia, the greater the torque
X center load are: required to accelerate or decelerate
a the load. Inertia is a function of a
y x = kx Qdx
loads mass and shape. If there is a
y = ky Qdy constraint on the amount of torque
Figure 11 Selecting the proper stage
requires an understanding of how loads z = kz Qdz available, then the allowable acceler-

are applied.
where : ation and deceleration times must be
Qdx, Qdy and Qdz are the projections
of the torque applied by Q onto the
x, y and z axes. MTBF
MTBF, or Mean Time Between Failure,
is a measure of stage reliability. It is
Dynamic Load
defined at a rated load and duty

The sum of all static loads and cycle. Quoting an accurate value for
dynamic resistance to motion. Some this important specification is diffi-
dynamic characteristics of the load cult due to the extensive testing
that need to be considered include involved.
friction and inertia. Dynamic load
must be considered when evaluating
overall performance of a motion sys-
tem since it limits the systems
achievable acceleration.

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Mechanical Stage Design


Each material used for mechanical The distortion caused by non-uniform

components in motion control has its temperature changes is proportional

own unique set of advantages and to the coefficient of thermal expan-
disadvantages. Following is a sum- sion, , divided by the coefficient of
mary of the properties for the most thermal conductivity, c.
common materials used in motion
Relative thermal distortion = /c
If the ambient operating temperature
Stiffness of the component is much different
from room temperature, then close
A measure of the amount of force
attention should be paid to compo-
required to cause a given amount of
nents made with more than one

deflection. Force and deflection are
material. In a translation stage, for
proportional and related by the
example, if the stage is aluminum
while the bearings are stainless steel,
F = kx the aluminum and steel will expand
where F and x are force and deflection at different rates if the temperature
respectively and k is a material changes and the stages bearings
dependent constant of proportionality may lose preload or the stage may

called the modulus of elasticity. A mate- warp due to stresses which build up
rial is stiffer for larger values of k. at the aluminum-steel interface.

Thermal Expansion Material Instability

Temperature changes cause size and The change of physical dimension
shape changes in a stage. The amount with time; so called cold flow or
of change is dependent on the size creep. For aluminum, brass and
of the component, the amount of stainless steel, the period of time
temperature change, and the material required to see this creep may be on
used. The equation relating dimen- the order of months or years.
sional change to temperature

change is: Aluminum
L = LT Features
Aluminum is a lightweight material,
where is the material dependent
resistant to cold flow or creep, with
coefficient of thermal expansion.
good stiffness-to-weight ratio. It has
a relatively high coefficient of thermal
Thermal Conductivity expansion, but it also has a high
Some materials, such as aluminum, thermal conductivity, making it a OEM SOLUTIONS
are good choices when temperature good choice in applications where
change across the component is there will be thermal gradients or
non-uniform. This occurs when where rapid adjustment to tempera-
mounting a heat source such as a ture changes is required. Aluminum
laser diode. Because the diode is is fast machining, cost effective, and
hotter than the surrounding environ- widely used in stage structures.
ment, it dissipates heat through the Aluminum doesnt rust and corrosion
mount setting up a temperature gra- is generally not a problem in a typical

dient along the stage. If the material users environment, even when the
does not readily dissipate the heat, surface is unprotected. It has an
then distortions caused by thermal excellent finish when anodized.
gradients can become significant.

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Limitations with steel or stainless steel lead-

Anodized surfaces are highly porous, screws or shafts. Brass is used in

making them unsuitable for use in some high precision applications
high vacuum. requiring extremely high resistance
to creep and can be diamond turned
Coatings for extremely smooth surfaces.
Anodized aluminum provides excel-
lent corrosion resistance and a good Limitations
finish. Black is the color most often Compared to aluminum and steel,

used. Anodizing hardens the surface, brass has a less desirable stiffness-to-
improving scratch and wear resistance. weight ratio. Also, despite that the
Aluminum may also be painted with thermal expansion of brass is similar
excellent results. to that of aluminum, its thermal
conductivity is nearly a factor of two
Steel worse.
Features Coatings
Steel has a high modulus of elasticity, For optical use, brass is usually dyed
giving it very good stiffness (nearly black. In other cases, it may be plated

three times that of aluminum), and with chrome or nickel for surface
good material stability. It also has durability.
about half the thermal expansion of
aluminum (Figure 12), making it an Granite
excellent choice for stability in typical
user environments where there are
Granites unique physical character-
uniform changes in temperature.
istics, combined with new advances
Stainless steel is well-suited to high

in machining methods, make granite

vacuum applications.
structures one of the best choices for
Limitations air-bearing support structures. The
Machining of steel is much slower flatness of the surface is often a major
than aluminum, making steel com- factor in the positioning accuracy
ponents considerably more expen- and repeatability of the total system.
sive. Corrosion of steel is a serious
The polished granite surfaces of these
problem but stainless steel alloys
structures are among the flattest
minimize the corrosion problems of
commercially availabletypically
other steels.
15 microns per square meter. Skilled
Coatings hand-lapping produces geometrically

Steel parts are generally plated or perfect surfaces that exceed the flat-
painted. Platings are often chrome, ness of surfaces produced by auto-
nickel, rhodium, or cadmium. A mated equipment of any kind.
black oxide finish is often used on
An important characteristic of granite
screws and mounting hardware to
is its extreme hardness, which enables
prevent rust. Stainless steel alloys
it to be lapped to very tight flatness
avoid the rust problems of other
specifications. Tests confirm that

steels. They are very clean materials

granite is more wear-resistant and
which do not require special surface
shock-resistant than steel. Granites
protection. A glass-bead blasted
high strength makes it particularly
surface will have a dull finish which
suitable to large-scale systems with
does not specularly reflect.
heavy static loads. Granite is also
non-magnetic, making it excellent
Brass for electron beam applications, and
Features is not affected by most chemicals.
Brass is a heavy material, denser The outstanding dimensional stability

than steel, and fast machining. The of granite also contributes to its use-
main use of brass is for wear reduc- fulness in precision support struc-
tion; it is often used as a dissimilar tures. Granite is completely free of
metal to avoid self-welding effects

7-8 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

internal stresses which results in
Parameter Steel Aluminum

uniform, predictable response to
Stiffness, k (Mpsi) 28 10.5
thermal changes. Granites high mass
Density, (lb/in3) 0.277 0.097
also gives it high thermal inertia,
Specific Stiffness, k/ 101 108
which protects experiments and
Thermal Expansion, (in/in/F) 5.6 12.4
processes from being affected by
Thermal Conduction, c (BTU/hr-ft-F) 15.6 104
short-term ambient temperature
Relative Thermal Distortion, /c 0.36 0.12

Limitations Figure 12 Properties for common stage materials.
For large structures and table surfaces
the mass of a granite structure can better weight to stiffness properties
become large. For applications where and can be damped for specific
extreme flatness is not important, frequencies to optimize system
steel honeycomb structures offer performance.


Bearings permit smooth low-friction need to have a larger diameter or be

rotary or linear movement between higher in quantity.
two surfaces. Bearings employ either
If the mating ways are ground with Figure 13 Ball bearing slides have
a sliding or rolling action. In both extremely low friction with moderate
either an arch or circular groove
cases, the bearing surfaces must be load capacity.
(Figure 14), the closer conformity to
separated by a film of oil or other

the balls radii allows the use of
lubricant for proper performance.
smaller balls than with flat ways. The
The load and trajectory performance arch approximates a Vee shaped Single Row Double Row
of a translation or rotation stage is way with the load effectively V Profile Gothic Profile Gothic Profile

primarily determined by the type of split at angles of about 45

bearings which are used. degrees with the vertical into
two loads on the way.
Ball Bearings A circular shaped way has a
Contact Points
Ball bearing slides reduce friction by higher load capacity, but the balls Ball Rotation Axis
replacing sliding motion with rolling bear the load on the bottom of the
motion. Balls are captured in guide groove which can result in side play

Figure 14 The type of bearing way,
ways by means of vee-ways or hard- for loads that are perpendicular to ball diameter and number of balls affect
ened steel rods as shown in Figure the direction of motion. the load capacity of a stage.
13. The guide ways are externally
loaded against the balls to eliminate Crossed-Roller Bearings
unwanted runout in the bearings.
Crossed-roller bearings (Figure 15)
Even with this preload, the friction is
offer all of the advantages of ball
very low resulting in extremely
bearings with higher load capacity
smooth travel. Ball bearing slides
and higher stiffness. This is a conse-
are relatively insensitive to contami-
quence of replacing the point contact
nation because each ball contacts
of a ball with the line contact of a
the guide ways at only a single
point, allowing debris to be pushed
out of the way. Bearings of this type require more care
during manufacture and assembly Figure 15 Crossed-roller bearings
With a vee-groove bearing way, ball
which results in higher costs. Reserve have all the advantages of ball bearings
bearings have a lower load capacity with greater stiffness and load capacity.
crossed-roller slides for applications
than crossed-roller bearings, since
which require the greatest stability,

the contact area available to transmit

stiffness and robustness.
loads is smaller; so in order to carry
the same size load, the balls would

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Drive Systems


Common drive systems for linear direct drives include higher velocity
and rotary precision positioning ratios and higher load capacities.
mechanics include the leadscrew,
ball screw and worm drive. Shaft Gearboxes
couplings and gearboxes, which
Nut Gearboxes are used to transmit rota-
Motor effect system dynamics such as

tional motion and power. They are

Figure 16 As the leadscrew rotates, speed, load capacity, backlash, and
the load is translated in the axial direc- frequently used in reduction to pro-
drive stiffness are located between
tion of the screw. duce increased resolution that may
the drive system and the motor
be difficult or impossible to produce
driving it. Gearboxes are most often
with standard motors. A 10:1 gear-
integrated with the motor.
box, for example produces one turn
Nut Screw of its output shaft for every 10 turns
Leadscrew of its input shaft. A 200-step motor
A very popular technique for moving with this gear combination would be

loads is to use the axial translation viewed as a device which has an

of a nut riding along a rotating screw effective resolution of 2000 points
Ball Return
(Figure 16). Leadscrews use sliding per revolution of the output shaft.
contact, so their wear rate is directly
Figure 17 Ball screws use recircu- In addition to changing resolution,
lating balls to reduce friction and gain proportional to usage. The advantages
gearboxes with non-unity gear ratios
higher efficiency than conventional of leadscrews include self-locking
leadscrews. also change the available output
capability, low initial costs, ease of
torque and speed. In the example
manufacture and a wide choice of
above, the torque is increased and

the speed is decreased.
Screw (worm)
Recirculating Ball Screw Flexible Shaft Couplings
Recirculating ball screws are essen-
Couplings are used in a drivetrain to
tially leadscrews with a train of ball
Gear transmit power and motion between
(wheel) bearings riding between the screw
two independent shafts which may
and nut in a recirculating track (Figure
not be perfectly aligned (Figure 19).
17). The large number of mating parts
makes tolerances critical and thus Flexible couplings generally allow for
Figure 18 Worm drive systems can
provide high speed and high torque. manufacturing costs higher. The some parallel and angular misalign-
screw profile has a rounded shape to ment. Depending on their design,

conform to the recirculating balls. they may accommodate more mis-

The primary advantage of ball screws alignment, have higher torsional
over leadscrews is higher efficiency, stiffness and load capacity, or be
or the amount of energy output for capable of higher speeds (Figure 20).
energy input. However, because it
cannot self-lock, a ball screw
requires an auxiliary brake to pre-

vent back driving. Additional advan-

tages of ball screws are predictable
service life and lower wear rate.

Worm Drive
The worm gear system is a method of
transforming rotary motion in one
direction into rotary motion in another Figure 20 Flexible couplings are made from
Figure 19 Shaft couplings adjust direction by meshing a screw (worm) many designs.
a) Helical. No backlash and constant velocity

for and accommodate angular and

parallel misalignment between rotat-
with a gear. As the screw is turned, under misalignment. Adaptable to high speed
ing shafts. the worm threads meshing with the applications.
gear cause it to rotate (Figure 18). b) Bellows. Generally for light-duty applications.
Misalignments to 9 angular, 14" parallel.
Advantages of worm drives over Good to 10,000 rpm.

7-10 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

Drive Options

N Stator

Manual Drives brushed DC motor is designed to self- D

A manual drive can be described as commutate while a stepper motor S

a high sensitivity leadscrew attached lacks internal commutation.

to a knurled knob. The sensitivity By applying current to the electro- Step 1 Armature
C (rotor)
depends mainly on a comfortable magnetic windings, stepping motors

hand position for the operator. With are able to move in a continuous A
the manual drives that Newport pro- point-to-point positioning manner.
vides, we specify a sensitivity of one When at rest, a full-step motors stop
micron. This assumes that the knob position does not drift because there
has a diameter of 30 millimeters and is an inherent holding or detent torque D S N S N B
drives a leadscrew pitch of one mil- without power applied. For this reason,
limeter. If reduction gears are incor- steppers at rest generate little heat
porated, sensitivity of 0.1 microns is making them suitable for position- Step 2
possible. and-hold vacuum applications where
heat dissipation is more difficult.

Stepper Motors The three primary types of stepper
A stepper motor operates using the motors are permanent magnet, variable
basic principle of magnetic attraction reluctance and hybrid synchronous. S
and repulsion. Steppers convert digital N
Permanent Magnet
pulses into mechanical shaft rotation. S
Permanent magnet motors have a
The amount of rotation is directly N
permanent magnet armature magne- Step 3
proportional to the number of input C

tized perpendicular to the rotation
pulses generated and speed is relative
axis. By energizing four phases in
to pulse frequency. A typical stepper A
sequence, the rotor will rotate as it
motor has a permanent magnet and/or
follows the changing magnetic field.
an iron rotor with a stator. The
For the motor depicted in Figure 21,
torque required to turn the stepper
the step angle is 90. Typical step D N S N S B
motor is generated by commutating
angles for permanent magnet motors
the motor as illustrated in Figure 21.
are 45 and 90. They step at relatively
Commutation low rates but have high torques and Step 4
The first difference to understand good damping characteristics.
between a DC and a stepper motor is Figure 21 Rotation in a stepper
Variable Reluctance motor is generated by alternately
that when a voltage is applied to a DC

Variable reluctance motors differ energizing and de-energizing the poles
servo motor, it will develop both in the motors stator creating torque
from permanent magnet motors by
torque and rotation. When a voltage which turns the rotor.
having a multi-tooth armature, each
is applied to a stepper motor it will
tooth being an individual magnet as
develop only torque. For the motor to
shown in Figure 22. At rest, these
rotate, the current applied must be
magnets align themselves in a natural
commutated or switched.
detent position providing larger
Commutation is the principle by which holding torque. In the example Figure 22 In a variable reluctance
motor, the multi-tooth armature provides
the amplitude and direction of the cur- shown, by alternately de-energizing higher holding torque at each 15
rent flowing in the electro-magnetic pole 1 and energizing pole 2, the rotary step. Motion is accomplished
coils within the motor changes. A armature rotates 15. through coordinated energizing of the
stator poles from step 1 through 4.

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

3 3 3 3

1 1 2 1 2 2
2 3 1 3
1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

1 1 1 1

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Hybrid Synchronous 3 1

The hybrid synchronous stepper
motor combines the advantages of 4 2

variable reluctance and permanent

magnet stepper motors. The hybrid
has multi-toothed stator poles and a 1
multi-toothed armature (Figure 23). 3
These types of motors exhibit high
detent torque, excellent dynamic

and static torque, and can achieve

high stepping rates.
Hybrids usually have two windings on Figure 23 Hybrid synchronous stepping
motors gain superior performance by combining
each stator pole so that the pole can the best of permanent magnet and variable
be either a magnetic north or south reluctance stepping motors.
depending on the direction of current
flow. Hybrid motors are manufactured
in a large torque range by varying both Rotating Spindle
length and diameter. Many actuators use the torque from

the motor to turn and extend a screw.

Using this technique means that the
DC Brush Motors actuator tip will be rotating against
A brushed DC motor consists of a the payload surface. This introduces
cylinder shaped armature with wind- problems with eccentricity and
ings running parallel to the cylinders unevenness at the tip which can be
axis. These windings interact with the minimized by rounding the actua-
magnetic field of the stator causing tors tip to reduce contact to a very

the armature to rotate when voltage small area. An advantage of a rotating

is applied. To generate continuous spindle design is small package size.
smooth motion with constant torque,
the magnetic fields of the armature Non-Rotating Spindle
and stator must be kept at a constant A better approach is to use actuators
magnitude and relative orientation. with non-rotating spindles such as
This is accomplished by constructing piezoelectric or electrostrictive actu-
the armature as a series of windings ators or motorized actuators with
which can be electrically commutated specially designed spindles.
using two brushes to electrically Although piezoelectric devices are
connect the armature. excellent for sub-micron positioning

DC motors are best characterized by they lack repeatability because of

their smooth motion at high speeds. their inherently high hysteresis and
A DC motor rotates continuously creep.
when its windings are energized, and Electrostrictive actuators have been
stops only when its windings are developed that provide open-loop
de-energized. For accurate and reliable positioning repeatability improve-
positioning, an encoder is required ments over piezo devices of an order

to provide position feedback. of magnitude or more. These actua-

tors offer minimum incremental
Actuators motion as fine as 0.04 m.
Actuators, as discussed here, move a Electrostrictive materials are similar
payload by extending and retracting to piezoelectric materials in that
a shaft by some electromechanical both are ferroelectric crystals which
means. To minimize backlash and expand and contract in proportion to
hysteresis, the payload is often pre- an applied voltage. However, the
loaded against the actuator shaft electrostrictive actuators use a lead-

using a spring. magnesium-niobate (PMN) crystal

7-12 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

stack while piezoelectric actuators excursions result in an elongation in

use lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) the direction of the applied field,
based ceramics. The PMN stack is a regardless of its polarity. Because
multi-layer configuration with very the PMN is unpoled, it is an inher-
thin layers (125 to 250 microns) that ently more stable device without the
are diffusion bonded during the man- long term creep associated with PZT.
ufacturing process. The net positive The creep, which can range up to
displacement is a superposition of 15% for PZT devices is reduced to
the strain from the individual layers. just 3% as shown in Figure 25.

For PMN materials, their change in PMN materials also have better
length is proportional to the square hysteresis characteristics than con-
of the applied voltage and on the ventional PZT elements. While piezo- 7.5 m
same order as PZTs. Unlike piezoelec- electric devices exhibit hysteresis of
tric devices, PMN ceramics are not 12 to 15%, PMN hysteresis is only

7.2 m
poled. Positive or negative voltage 6% (Figure 26). AD

6.8 m

6.4 m
Stepper Motor DC Motor

Controller Easiercan do open-loop More complexfeedback from 6.0 m

Electronics & control with straight-forward motor encoder/tachometer 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25
Software microprocessor implementation requires analog to digital
conversion Figure 25 Comparing actuator
creep-electrostrictive actuators are supe-
Driver Electronics More complexrequire Easierwindings are self rior to conventional PZTs when trying

commutation circuitry commutating to maintain position over time. The
figure shows the results after one hour
Maintenance No brushes to worry about Brushes can wear requiring with a voltage step applied at time-zero.
periodic maintenance after a
large number of cycles
Motor Heating Higher due to continuous Lower motor heating with no
current in windings motor current at target position
(with integral gain, Ki, equal 35.0
to zero)
Torque vs. Speed Full torque at very low speeds Flatter torque curve over the 25.0
dropping off quickly as speed

speed range provides higher

increases torque at higher speeds

Dynamic Range Lower for velocity and Higher for velocity and
acceleration acceleration
Resonance Inherent vibration at certain Smooth quiet operation across
lower frequencies can be a speed range
problem when accelerating to a -5.0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
higher speed. Ministepping VOLTS
reduces this problem
Figure 26 Electrostrictive actuators
Servo Tuning None required PID tuning can be tricky if the have very little hysteresis. OEM SOLUTIONS
system dynamics are not
Reaching Final Reaches final position without Reaches final position with
Position overshoot. Very stable holding closed-loop error correction.
a position due to natural detent Corrects for trajectory errors
forces. Open-loop may not also. Possible overshoot,
reach final position if load or hunting, or steady-state error if
speed capacities are exceeded PID tuning is inadequate

Figure 24 Advantages and disadvantages of stepper and brushed DC motors.

Email: Web: 7-13

Vacuum Compatibility

Stages used in a vacuum of 106 torr high-vacuum applications is unan-

or better must be specially prepared odized. Motors must also be specially
for that environment. Many of the prepared for vacuum operation.
materials used in standard translation
Machining practices must avoid cre-
stages will outgas in high vacuum,
ating surfaces conducive to trapping
resulting in a virtual leak which
gases and other foreign materials

limits the ability to maintain ade-

that could be released in vacuum
quate vacuum.
conditions. Care must also be taken
Procedures used at Newport to spe- to ensure that gasses are not trapped
cially prepare products for use in in assembly cavities.
vacuum environments ensure that
In addition to material selection and
our products will function as
manufacturing practices, special
designed at pressure levels down to
cleaning, handling, assembly and
106 torr and at the same time not
packaging practices must be followed.
release unacceptable quantities of

These functions are carried out in a

contaminants into the vacuum envi-
clean environment to minimize the
ronment. More information than just
possibility of airborne contaminants
the operating pressure is required for
becoming attached to the compo-
proper preparation. Acceptable levels
nents. Newport does not perform
of outgassing, mass loss and volatile
bakeout at an elevated temperature.
condensable materials can vary with
the application, pumping capacity, Performance specifications for prod-
temperature, etc. ucts used in a vacuum environment

may vary from non-vacuum use. For

Material issues that must be
example, because heat cannot be as
addressed include the selection of
readily dissipated, motor duty cycle
acceptable metals, ceramics, coat-
must be reduced which in turn may
ings, lubricants, adhesives, rubbers,
limit the maximum achievable
plastics and electrical components,
speed. If your application requires
etc. For example, highly porous
vacuum preparation, please contact
anodized aluminum surfaces trap
our Applications Engineering
large amounts of air molecules,
Department to discuss your specific
resulting in significant outgassing.
application needs.
For this reason, aluminum used in

Cleanroom Compatibility

Newport has facilities to properly those for vacuum preparation, each

prepare products for cleanroom application has its own unique
applications. While many of the requirements. Please contact our

techniques, practices, procedures Applications Engineering Department

and material requirements for clean- to discuss your specific application
room applications are similar to needs.

7-14 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

Feedback Devices

A feedback devices basic function is back devices are encoders for posi-
to transform a physical parameter tion feedback, tachometers for veloc-
into an electrical signal for use by a ity feedback, and accelerometers for
motion controller. Common feed- acceleration feedback.

Indirect vs. Direct Metrology Electronics

The location in the motion system revolution. This number is called its Assembly
from which the feedback device per- points per revolution and is analogous to Mask
forms its measurements directly the steps per revolution of a stepper
affects the quality of the data fed motor. A DC motor with a 2000 Code
back to the controller. The closer the points per revolution encoder is like
feedback device is to the parameter a stepping motor with 200 steps per Light
being controlled, the more effective it revolution when driven by a ministep

will be in helping the controller driver. The speed of an encoder is in
achieve the desired result. When units of counts-per-second. Linear
controlling position, for example, and rotary stages and actuators
measuring the linear position of the incorporating indirect metrology use Assembly
stage carriage directly provides high- rotary encoders measuring the motor
er quality feedback than measuring shaft or leadscrew angle to report Figure 27 Optical rotary encoders
the angular position of the leadscrew position. Conversely, rotary encoders commonly use a stationary mask
between the code wheel and the detector.
and inferring carriage position can also be used on rotation stages

through knowledge of the drivetrain for direct output metrology.
architecture between the encoder
and the carriage (Figure 31). The for- Linear Encoder
mer is known as direct output metrology
A linear encoder is used when direct
and avoids the drivetrain induced
verification of the output accuracy, Light Source
errors like backlash, hysteresis and Reference
resolution and repeatability of the
windup that can affect the latter, Mark
positioning system is desired. These
indirect measurement.
encoders can be used as direct out-
put metrology devices to overcome
Rotary Encoder many of the inaccuracies present in
A rotary encoder can differentiate a mechanical stages due to backlash,

number of discrete positions per hysteresis and leadscrew error. Scanning

Optical Encoders Scale

Although there are various kinds of Optical encoders can be further sub-
digital encoders, the most common is divided into absolute and incremental
the optical encoder. Rotary and linear encoders. Grating OEM SOLUTIONS
optical encoders are used frequently Pitch

for motion and position sensing. Absolute Encoders Figure 28 Optical linear encoders
direct light through a glass scale with
A disc or a plate containing opaque Absolute encoders contain multiple an accurately etched grating to photo-
and transparent segments passes detectors and up to 20 tracks of seg- cells on the opposite side.
between a light source (such an ment patterns. For each encoder
LED) and detector to interrupt a position, there is a different binary
light beam (Figures 27 & 28). The output so that shaft position is
electronic signals that are generated absolutely determined. With

are then fed into the controller absolute encoders, the position
where position and velocity informa- information is available even if the
tion is calculated based upon the encoder is turned off and on again.
signals received.

Email: Web: 7-15

Incremental Encoders through the rising edge of the signal

When lower cost is important, or and lose position.

when only relative information is Another benefit of the quadrature
needed, incremental encoders are signal scheme is the ability to elec-
preferred. Their output consists of tronically multiply the counts during
electronic signals corresponding to one encoder cycle. In the times-1
an increment of linear or rotational mode, all counts are generated on
movement. the rising edges of channel A. In the

Many incremental encoders also have times-2 mode, both the rising and
a feature called the index pulse. An falling edges of channel A are used
index pulse occurs once per encoder to generate counts. In the times-4
revolution in rotary encoders (Figure mode, the rising and falling edges of
29). It is used to establish an absolute channel A and channel B are used to
mechanical reference position within generate counts. This increases the
Origin Switch
one encoder count of the 360 resolution by a factor of four. For
encoder rotation. The index signal encoders with sine wave output, the
can be used to do several tasks in channels may be interpolated for
very high resolution.

the system. It can be used to reset
or preset the position counter and/or
generate an interrupt signal to the
Disc attached system controller.
to motor shaft
Quadrature Encoders Tachometers
Quadrature encoders are a particular
Figure 29 To get submicron kind of incremental encoder with of at For applications requiring velocity
repeatability using an index pulse from least two output signals, commonly regulation, speed can be either

an encoder, homing should always be

approached from the same direction. called channel A and channel B. As measured directly or derived from
seen in Figure 30, channel B is offset encoder supplied position informa-
90 degrees from channel A. The tion. For higher quality speed control,
addition of a second channel pro- a tachometer is used which produces
vides direction information in the a voltage or current level proportional
f (t)
feedback signal. The ability to detect to the speed of the motor (Figure 31).
direction is critical if encoder rotation Tachometer feedback can change
stops on a pulse edge. Without the instantaneously with speed change
Ch A t
ability to decode direction, the allowing faster correction and tighter
counter may count each transition regulation from a controller.

Ch B t

If Ch A leads Ch B, direction is forward

Figure 30 Quadrature encoder out-

(a) Controller Driver
put provides direction as well as position

(b) Controller Driver


(c) Controller Driver



Figure 31 Closed-loop systems. a) Using indirect metrology rotary encoder b) Using direct metrology
linear encoder c) Using encoder for position feedback and tachometer for velocity control.

7-16 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

Origin and Limit Switches

Desired Actual
An origin switch is a device which motor power when a limit is encoun- Output Controller/ Motion

defines a repeatable reference point. tered. Limit switches are most often Response Motor Driver Mechanics

The switch may be mechanical, such associated with linear stages but Measurements
as an on/off switch or it may be an rotary stages can also have limits to
optical device such as the index avoid problems like cable wind-up. Figure 32 Basic feedback control
pulse (top zero) of optical encoders system.
Mechanically actuated micro-switches

(Figure 29).
are often used to cut motor power
Limit switches are used to prevent and prevent over-travel. The
motion from proceeding beyond a repeatability of mechanical switches
defined point. They are usually is limited by their hysteresis and
located at the ends of stage travel susceptibility to wear.
immediately before the stages hard
travel stops. They can be mechanical
or optical and are designed to cut Command Trajectory Servo
Driver Motor
Interpreter Generator Controller

Motion Controller

Motion Electronics Design Figure 33 Functional block diagram


of controller operations.

A controller is a device in a motion Centralized versus Distributed
system that generates electronic Motion Processing DAC 10V
signals instructing the motion DC
Controllers may be designed such
mechanics to move or stop. If a Main Counter Encoder
that a single microprocessor controls P or Or
feedback system exists, then signals
motion on all axes. Alternatively, DSP F. Generator
measuring the actual motion output
the controller may use a distributed Stepper
are returned to the controller. The Counter Encoder
configuration where a central micro-
controller compares the actual to
processor coordinates dedicated
desired output and generates an
special-purpose motion control
error signal upon which corrective P Bus
chips on each axis (Figures 34 & 35).

action is taken (Figure 32). Figure 34 With centralized motion
processing, all axes are controlled by a
The controller sends signals to the Digital Signal Processor single microprocessor.
motor driver to control motion within
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
the system. A controller can have
are special chips manufactured to
various features such as data commu-
address the increased speed require-
nications, input/output lines, memory
ments in calculating advanced control
for storing motion programs, and
algorithms. When these operations are
encoder feedback processing for Dedicated
performed on an ordinary processor, Chip
closed-loop positioning (Figure 33). Encoder
they can consume too much time to Main
Although a displacement can take provide high-speed control.
several seconds, the controller has to Dedicated
DSPs are often built using an archi- Chip Encoder
work at higher speeds to make calcu-
tecture that allows instructions and
lations and output updated motion
data to move in parallel instead of
commands. The time needed for
sequentially. They often carry high P Bus
these actions to take place is called
speed hardware multipliers and fast
the sampling time. Figure 35 Distributed motion
on-chip memories that eliminate

processing provides dedicated motion

many delays associated with informa- controller chips for each axis coordinated
tion transfer to and from the chip. by a central CPU.

Email: Web: 7-17

Motor Drivers

A motor driver receives input signals High-Voltage Chopper Technology

from a controller and converts them A simple four-phase driver is fine for
to power to drive a motor. With basic, low performance applications.
stepper drivers, the user has the But, if high speeds are required,
option of selecting from among full, quickly switching the current with
half, or microstep resolutions and the inductive loads becomes a problem.

desired output power of the device. When voltage is applied to a winding,

the current (and therefore, the
Stepper Motor Driver torque) approaches its nominal
value exponentially (Figure 36). When
Full Step
the pulse rate is fast, the current
A full step driver operates a stepper
does not have time to reach the
motor in a detent-to-detent stepping
desired value before it is again
mode. When power is removed, the
turned off so the total torque gener-
stepper motor will not move from its
ated is only a fraction of nominal.
current position due to its inherent

Phase ON Nominal Current

holding or detent torque. The time required for the current to
reach its nominal value depends on
Current Half Step
three factors: the motor windings
A half step driver operates a stepper
inductance, its resistance and the
motor by positioning the armature
voltage applied.
Figure 36 Exponential current halfway between actual detent posi-
build-up in the motor is too slow for tions. This provides higher resolution The inductance cannot be reduced,
high speed applications.
and somewhat smoother motion over but the voltage can be temporarily

the motors operating speed range. increased to bring the current to its
However, if power is removed, the desired level faster. The most widely
stepper motor will move from its used technique is a high voltage
current half step position to a chopper.
physical detent position.
If, for instance, a stepper motor
Microstep/Ministep requiring only 3 V to reach the nomi-
A microstep driver will position a nal current is connected momentarily
Nominal Current stepper motor armature a defined to 30 V, it will reach the same current
fraction of a full step between the in only 110 the time.
actual detent positions. In this cata-
Once the desired current value is
log, microstep is used to describe
reached, a chopper circuit activates to

Phase ON 1100 of a full step and ministep is 110

Figure 37 A high voltage chopper
keep the current close to the nominal
of a full step. Mini- and microstep-
helps a stepper motor reach full current value (Figure 37).
faster enabling higher speeds.
ping are used for greater resolution
and to avoid resonance problems
and skipping steps in the motor over DC Motor Drivers
the speed range of the stage. Once Drivers for DC motors convert a
again, if power is removed, the small voltage signal from the con-

motor will move from its current troller (usually 10 V) into a usable
position to a true detent position. current to drive the motor.

7-18 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

Control Theory Terminology

Common motion systems use three Overshoot
types of control methods. They are The amount of over-correction in
position control, velocity control and an under-damped control system
torque control. (Figure 39).
The majority of Newports motion

systems use position control. This Steady-State Error
type of control moves the load from
The difference between actual and
one known fixed position to another
commanded position after the con-
known fixed position. Feedback, or
troller has finished applying correc-
closed-loop positioning, is impor-
tions (Figure 39).
tant for precise positioning.
Velocity control moves the load con- Vibration
tinuously for a certain time interval Commanded
When the operating speed approaches
or moves the load from one place to position
a natural frequency of the mechanical

another at a prescribed velocity. Acceptable error
system, structural vibrations, or
Newports systems use both encoder Time
ringing, can be induced. Ringing can
and tachometer feedback to regulate
also occur in a system following a
sudden change in velocity or posi-
Torque control measures the current tion. This oscillation will lessen the Settling Time
applied to a motor with a known effective torque and may result in
torque coefficient in order to develop loss of synchronization between the Figure 38 How settling time is
a known constant torque. Newports motor and controller. defined.

motion systems do not employ this
Settling times and vibrations can
method of control.
best be dealt with by damping motor
oscillations through mechanical
Following Error means such as friction or a viscous Overshoot
e steady state
The instantaneous difference damper. When operating a stepper
between actual position as reported system, some additional methods 1.0+
by the position feedback device and that can change resonance vibration 1.0
the ideal position, as commanded frequencies are:

by the controller.
half stepping or microstepping
the motor

Settling Time 0
Tp Time Ts
changing the system inertia Peak Settling
The amount of time elapsed between Tr
Time Time
when a stage first reaches a com- accelerating through the reso- Time
manded position and when it main- nance speed ranges
Figure 39 Response for a system
tains the commanded position to modifying drivetrain torsional using only proportional control leads to
within an acceptable pre-defined stiffness overshoot and non-zero steady-state
error value (Figure 38). errors.

Velocity Profiles

In order to achieve smooth high- Trapezoidal Profile

speed motion without over-taxing The trapezoidal profile changes
the motor, the controller must direct velocity in a linear fashion until the
the motor driver to change velocity target velocity is reached. When
judiciously to achieve optimum decelerating, the velocity again

results. This is accomplished using changes in a linear manner until it

shaped velocity profiles to limit the reaches zero velocity. Graphing velocity
accelerations and decelerations versus time results in a trapezoidal

Email: Web: 7-19

plot (Figure 40). Advanced con- cause some system disturbances at

trollers allow user modification of the corners that translate in small

the acceleration/deceleration with vibrations which extend the settling
more advanced controllers allowing time. For demanding applications
individual settings for acceleration sensitive to this phenomenon, the
and deceleration. velocity profile can be modified to
have an S shape during the accelera-
S Curve Profile tion and deceleration periods. This
minimizes the vibrations caused in a

A trapezoidal velocity profile is mechanical system by a moving mass.

adequate for most applications. Its
Accelerate Velocity Decelerate only disadvantage is that it may

Control Loops
Start/Stop Ramp Slope
Start Stop
TIME Open-Loop Control Open-loop is by no means a synonym
Figure 40 Trapezoidal motion Open-loop refers to a control tech- for crude. Very fine incremental

profiles are required to obtain higher nique which does not measure and motions can be achieved even by
speeds without skipping steps or stalling. inexpensive open-loop devices.
act upon the output of the system.
Most piezoelectric systems and Nanometer-scale incremental motions
inexpensive micrometer-replacement are achievable by open-loop piezo-
actuators are open-loop devices. and electrostrictive-type devices.

Open-loop positioners are useful Open-loop systems infer the approx-

when remote control is desired for imate position of a motion device

improved accessibility or to avoid without using an encoder. In the case

disturbing critical components by of a piezo device, the applied voltage
touching them. is an indicator of position. However,
the relationship is imprecise due to
Stepper and ministepper motors hysteresis and non-linearities inherent
are also often used open-loop. The in commonplace piezo materials.
count of pulses is a good indicator More recently-developed electro-
of position, but can be unpredictable strictive materials operate in a
unless loads, accelerations and similar manner with greatly reduced
velocities are well known. Skipped or hysteresis.
extra steps are frequent problems if
the system is not properly designed.
Closed-Loop Control

Open-loop motion control has Closed-loop refers to a control tech-

become very popular. Advances in nique which measures the output of
ministepping technology and incor- the system compared to the desired
poration of viscous motor-damping input and takes corrective action to
mechanisms have greatly improved achieve the desired result. Electronic
the positioning dependability and feedback mechanisms in closed-loop

reduced vibration levels of todays systems enhance the ability to cor-

highest quality stepper devices. rectly place and move loads.

Closed-Loop Control Techniques

Depending upon how the feedback Other types are called derivative and
signals are processed by the controller, integral control. Combining all three
different levels of performance can techniques into whats called PID
be achieved. The simplest type of control provides the best results.

feedback is called proportional control.

7-20 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

Proportional Control this type of control acts to stabilize

A control technique which multiplies the transient response of a system,
the error signal (the difference it may be thought of as electronic
between actual and desired position) damping.
by a user-specified gain factor Kp Increasing the value of K d, increases
and uses it as a corrective signal to the stability of the system. The
the motion system. The effective steady-state error, however, is unaf-
result is to exaggerate the error and fected since the derivative of the
react immediately to correct it.

steady-state error is zero.
Changes in position generally occur
during commanded acceleration, Current Position
deceleration, and in moves where
velocity changes occur in the system Current
Following Error
dynamics during motion. As Kp is x Kp E
increased the error is more quickly
corrected. However, if Kp becomes
too large, the mechanical system Desired
Position x Kd Amp M

will begin to overshoot, and at some
point, it may begin to oscillate,
becoming unstable if it has insuffi- Trajectory
Following Error
cient damping. Kp = proportional gain
Kd = derivative gain
Kp cannot completely eliminate ( n) Ki = integral gain
il = integral limit
errors since as the following error, e, M = motor
il x Ki
approaches zero, the proportional E = encoder
correction element, Kp e, disappears. ( n 1)

This results in some amount of Error Integral

steady-state error.
Figure 41 PID control implemented

Integral Control PID Control using position feedback.

The combination of proportional plus

A control technique which accumu-
integral plus derivative control. For
lates the error signal over time, multi-
motion systems, the PID loop has
plies the sum by a user specified gain
become a very popular control
factor K i and uses the result as a
algorithm (Figure 41). The feedback
corrective signal to the motion system.
elements are interactive and knowing
Since this technique also acts upon
how they interact is essential for

past errors, the correction factor
tuning a motion system. Optimum
does not go to zero as the following
system performance requires that the
error, e, approaches zero allowing
coefficients, Kp, Ki, and Kd, be tuned
steady-state errors to be eliminated.
for a given combination of motion
The integral gain has an important mechanics and payload inertias.
negative side effect. It is a destabi-
lizing factor for the stability of the Feed Forward Loops
control loop. Large values or used
When using a PID control algorithm, OEM SOLUTIONS
without proper damping could cause
severe system oscillations. an error between the desired and
actual positions must exist in order
to generate a corrective input. The
Derivative Control implication of this is that there will
A control technique which multiples always be some non-zero following error.
the rate of change of the following The goal when using a feed forward
error signal by a user specified gain loop is to minimize following error.
K d and uses the result as a corrective

signal to the motion system. Since

Email: Web: 7-21


Current Position

Following Error
x Kp

Desired Command
Position x Kd

Amp M
Axis 1 Trajectory
Following Error
Speed Generator f.f.

Time ( n) Kp =
proportional gain
Kd =
derivative gain
il x Ki Ki =
integral gain
Axis 2
Speed il =
integral limit
( n 1)
Kvff =
velocity feed
forward gain
Error Integral
Time M = motor
E = encoder

Trajectory x Kv ff
: Stop point
Axis 2
Figure 42 Adding a feed forward loop to the PID controller reduces following error and improves overall
system performance.

The concept in using a feed forward feed-forward correction signal. This

loop is to predict how the system correction is being used to reduce
Figure 43 With synchronized will function in future updates and the average following error during the

motion, multiple axes may or may not

move together.
to make corrections now based on acceleration and deceleration periods.
those estimates (Figure 42). Combining feed forward techniques
with PID allows the PID loop to correct
The corrections are generally imple-
only for the residual error left by the
mented by multiplying the desired
Axis 1 feed forward loop, thereby improving
Speed velocity with the velocity feed-forward
overall system response.
gain factor Kvff. The same technique
Time can be used to apply an acceleration

Axis 2
Positioning Trajectory Options


Trajectory Motion Without Interpolation Linear Interpolation

: Stop or start point (axis 1) There are three types of non-interpo- Linear interpolation is required for
: Stop or start point (axis 2)
lated motion: single-axis, simultaneous, multi-axis motion from one point to
and synchronized motion. another in a straight line. The con-
Axis 2 troller determines the speeds on
Simultaneous and synchronized each axis so that the movements are
motion are both multi-axis (Figure

coordinated. True linear interpola-

43). The difference between them is tion requires the ability to modify
Axis1 that simultaneous motion is unsyn- acceleration. Some controllers
chronized (Figure 44). approximate linear interpolation
Figure 44 With non-interpolated
motion several axes can move simulta- using pre-calculated acceleration
neously, but are not coordinated. profiles (Figure 45).
Motion with Interpolation
When the controlled load must fol- Circular Interpolation
low a particular path to get from its Circular interpolation is the ability to
starting point to its stopping point, move the payload around a circular
the coordination of axis movements trajectory. It requires the controller

is said to be interpolated. There are to modify acceleration on the fly

two types of interpolation, linear and (Figures 46 & 47).

7-22 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680


With contouring, the controller fined points. The speed is defined
changes the speeds on the different along the trajectory and can be con-
axes so that the trajectories pass stant, except during starting and
smoothly through a set of prede- stopping (Figure 48).

Axis Y XY Stage Figure 45 Pseudo linear
interpolation is obtained with
(Inc.) Position Position
controllers using precalculated
12 acceleration ramps. Axis 1

10 Real
Linear Time
Interpolation Axis 2


Interpolation Trajectory

Axis 2
0 0 X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (T1) 0
3 Speed 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 (Inc.) 0 -1 (Inc. /s) -2 -1 -0 -1 -2 (Inc. /s2)
(Inc. /s)
Position Speed Acceleration Axis1
Figure 46 Simple circular

(Inc. /s2) Acceleration
2 Axis X
-1 Time
Time Time Time

Note: Inc = Increment

Inc/s = Increment per second Axis 1
Inc/s 2 = Increment per second 2 Speed

= Controller without linear interpolation

Axis 2

Axis Y Y XY Stage
(Inc.) Position (T3)
10 10
Figure 47 To be able to
control stages in real circu- Axis 2
6 6 (T1) (TC)
(T9) lar interpolation, a controller
must be able to modify the
acceleration on the fly.
2 2

(T7) Axis1
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 Time 0 2 6 10 Figure 48 Applications such as laser
Speed writing require unusual trajectories
2 (Inc.) (Inc. /s 2 ) (Inc. /s 2 )
executed at constant speed.
1 0 2 6 10 -3 0 3 -2 -1 -0 -1 -2
(Inc./s) Time
-2 1 Position Speed Acceleration
(Inc. /s 2 )
2 5
Axis X
0 7
-1 Time

Time Time Time
Note: Inc = Increment
Inc/s = Increment per second
Inc/s 2 = Increment per second 2
= Controller without circular interpolation

Email: Web: 7-23

Servo Tuning Principles

Servo tuning sets the K p, Ki and K d more responsive system that mini-
and the feed forward parameters of mizes following error. To achieve the
the digital PID algorithm, also called best dynamic performance possible,
the PID filter. the system must be tuned for the
specific application. Load, accelera-
Always start the tuning process using
tion, stage orientation and perfor-

the default values supplied with the

mance requirements all affect how
controller. These values are usually
the servo loop should be tuned for
very conservative, favoring safe,
best results.
oscillation-free operation for a tighter,

Tuning Procedures

As a rule of thumb for tuning systems: statically and/or dynamically) or


because the system is malfunction-

Always start tuning with propor-
ing (oscillating and /or shutting off
tional gain K p to get adequate
due to excessive following error).
response speed
Acceleration plays a significant role
Next, increase the value for K d to
Before you start in the magnitudes of the following
decrease the overshoot and stabi-
error and the overshoot, especially
Proper tuning requires the lize the system
at start and stop. Asking the con-
motor drivers signal gain, Finally, increase the value for K i to troller to change the velocity instan-

tachometer gain and DC offset eliminate steady-state error taneously amounts to an infinite
on each axis to be properly acceleration which, since it is physi-
To avoid stability problems, never
cally impossible, causes large follow-
adjusted. Please consult our use K p and K i without K d
ing errors and overshoot. Use the
technical staff. Servo tuning is usually performed to smallest acceleration the application
achieve better motion performance can tolerate to reduce overshoot and
(such as reducing the following error make tuning the PID filter easier.

Stabilizing Axis Oscillation


If an axis oscillates, this indicates If the oscillation does not stop,

that the gain K p may be too large. reduce K p again.
Start by reducing the proportional
When the axis stops oscillating, the
gain factor K p by one order of mag-
system response is probably very
nitude (e.g., 0.2 to 0.02) and making
soft. The following error may be
K i and K d equal to zero.
quite large during motion and non-

zero at stop. You should continue

tuning the PID with the steps
described in the next paragraph.

Improving Stable Performance

If the system is stable and you want Depending on the performance start-
to improve the performance, start ing point and the desired outcome,

with the current parameters. The goal here are some guidelines for further
is to reduce the following error during tuning.
motion and to eliminate it at stop.

7-24 Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680

Following Error Too Large accurately, modify the integral gain

This is a case of a soft loop. It is factor K i. As described before, this
especially common if you just per- term of the PID reduces the following
formed the steps described under error to near zero. Unfortunately, it
axis oscillations. The proportional can also contribute to oscillation
gain K p is probably too low and K i and overshoot. Always change this
and K d are zero. parameter carefully and in conjunc-
tion with K d.
Start by increasing K p by a factor of

1.5 to 2. Continue this operation Start, if possible with a value for K i
while monitoring the following error that is at least two orders of magni-
until it starts to exhibit excessive tude smaller than K p. Increase its
ringing characteristics (more than value by 50% at time and monitor
3 cycles after stop). To reduce the the overshoot and the final position
ringing, add some damping by at stop.
increasing the K d parameter. If intolerable overshoot develops,
Start with a K d value one order of increase the K d factor. Continue
magnitude smaller than K p. Increase alternately increasing K i and K d

it by a factor of 2 while monitoring until an acceptable loop response
the following error. As K d is increased, is obtained. If oscillation develops,
the overshoot and the ringing will immediately reduce the K i.
decrease almost to zero. Remember that any finite value for
NOTE K i will eventually reduce the error at
Remember that if the acceleration is stop. It is simply a matter of how
set too high, the overshoot cannot much time is acceptable for the
application. In most cases it is

be completely eliminated with K d.
preferable to wait a few extra milli-
If K d is further increased, at some seconds to stop in position rather
point the oscillation will reappear, than have overshoot or run the risk
usually at a higher frequency. Avoid of oscillations.
this by keeping K d at a high enough
value, but not so high as to reintro-
Following Error During Motion
duce oscillations.
This is caused by a K i value that is
Next, add more gain. Increase the K p too low. Follow the steps in the pre-
value by 50% at a time until signs of vious paragraph, keeping in mind that
excessive ringing appear again. it is desirable to increase the integral

Alternately increase K d and K p until gain factor as little as possible.
K d cannot eliminate the overshoot Points to Remember
and ringing at stop. This indicates K p Use the lowest acceleration the
is larger than its optimal value and application can tolerate. Smaller
should be reduced. acceleration generates less over-
Ultimately, optimal values for K p and shoot.
K d depend on the stiffness of the
Use the default values provided
loop and how much ringing the with the system for all standard
application can tolerate. motion devices as a starting
Errors After Stop Use the minimum value for K i
If you are satisfied with the dynamic that gives acceptable performance.
response of the PID loop but the The integral gain factor can cause
motion device does not always stop overshoot and oscillations.

Email: Web: 7-25

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