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Benefit of Immigration


Prame Ruangkana

What is the benefit of immigration in Thailand Prame Ruangkana (Tuang) G.1106

What is the benefit of immigration in Thailand


Immigrant is everywhere around the world at the present. Immigrant refer to people who

move from their area or hometown to come live permanently in a foreign country. There are so

many reason that immigrants move away from their hometown which might related to the

environment, economy, politics, career path, business, marriage, war, etc. Some people hold a

grudge against the immigrants because they believe that time immigrants stole a job of local people

or come to use a resource in the country. In spite of that, immigrant do have a good point. In my

theory, I believe that the Immigrant help the economy to rise. They help the local industries to save

the cost and risen up the GDP. Furthermore, They also help to diverse the culture and expand

relationship between countries.


Immigration were hold grudge against by a local people because they believe that immigrant

make labor work become more competitiveness. However, some of them did not realize that the

immigrant help to benefit a country in term of economy because they were only looking for their

own benefit. In 2007, a statistic of immigrants that were represented to be a workforce of a country

is shown at 5% of all labor work (Lathapipat, 2012). From East Asia Forum, the article that analysis

on politics, law, business, economy, national relationship that focus on Asia, saids that the

immigrant help GDP to rise 1% and they are highly demand to the industries (Lathapipat, 2012). It

shows that the immigrant rise the economy by supporting the industries. From ObamaWhiteHouse

article in 2012 by Jason Furman, an American economist who was president Barack Obamas

chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. The other person is Danielle Gray, Cabinet

Secretary, former Assistant to the President, and a Senior Advisor to the President Barack Obama.

To brief the information, both of writers were used to work in the white house which explained that

this source is credible. The immigrant in America incline to demand lots of a local consumer goods

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What is the benefit of immigration in Thailand Prame Ruangkana (Tuang) G.1106
which increase an income to the country (Furman & Gray, 2012). At this point, it make sense that

that people who are moving to settle down in Thailand are surely to demand a goods in Thai since

the product or service are located in the local area which help to facilitate them more. As I mention,

I will conclude that immigration will help Thai Economy to rise because of the following statement



The economy is not the only factor that can benefit the country. Right now Asian is opening

so it will be very important to learn their culture in the future. At this moment, many factories have

recruited the neighbor countries to work in their company. Also that today, the amount of foreign

teacher are increasing which will be more essential to learn about their culture. Immigration help to

diverse a culture and influence education. From the first evidence, EMBRACE, the non profit

organization that runs by church that supports the minority people whose need help, specified that

the host country do gains a benefit because it help to variety a culture which can be use to grow an

international trade in the future (THE PROS AND CONS OF MIGRATION, n.d.). This explain

the example of benefit of rich in culture. The second evidence is from Thaiways magazine which

publish on the 5th every month. This magazine and website itself established to promote a tourism

in Thailand for more that 20 years. The information were studied and distributed by the experience

staff and the content were constantly updated. The evidence mentioned that before 20 centuries,

Thai parent do believe that their daughter should marry to a man and make a family (Ninnart, n.d.).

With that belief that implanted for a long generation, woman were not granted an education since

they thought that what they have learned might become useless in the future (Ninnart, n.d.). After

the western influence in Thailand, woman and man began to be treated equally. In 1877, the first

school were established in the Grand Palace to educate only for a aristocrats children (Ninnart,

n.d.). 7 years later, the first school for normal people were found in Bangkok called Wat

Mahannoppharam school (Ninnart, n.d.). This prove the influence of the education that cause by the

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What is the benefit of immigration in Thailand Prame Ruangkana (Tuang) G.1106
western immigration. In the statement that mentioned in essay, the evidence shows that immigration

do give a benefit to the country in host of cultural diversity.


Apart from economy and culture, the most important role that immigration can do to benefit

the country is to establishing a relationship between both countries together. It is always better to

make friends instead of enemies. This can be apply everywhere and therefore, it will help to make

your life easier. In the opposite, people or countries who make a lot of enemies will have a hard

time to live and have a bad reputation. From The New York Times newspaper, it said that the order

of Trumps immigration have a large impact on sports. Iran and the US have a very pleasant

relationship in sport and they are going well until Donald Trump became the president and execute

the order to banned 7 muslim countries which Iran is one of them (Longman, 2017). The order also

affect the schedules of the upcoming olympic event in 2024 and 2026 soccers world cup

(Longman, 2017). Furthermore, all American citizen will not be able to enter Iran from now on

because of Trumps order (Longman, 2017). This shows that friendship between Iran and North

America is now over and therefore, Iran and other 6 countries that blacklist from the US will

become an enemy with the American citizen . The another impact of banning the immigration and

blacklisting countries will be affect on education as well. From INSIGHT Into Diversity website, a

foreign student who planned to came back to school after winter break were canceled the visa ticket

by the governments work. Among those group of student, 2 of them were Iranian students at

Harvard Medical School (Bahanon, n.d.). Also that the foreign student who graduate at Stanford

who returning on research trip were detained and handcuffed before the government release the

student who are being verified as a legal resident according to Harvard Crimson (Bahanon, n.d.).

This show that banning immigration has a negative impact on foreign student who are planning on

attempt to return to the US soil. Trumps decision is not only influence on foreign citizen but also

image to the country which make the US become bad in public sight immediately after it had been

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What is the benefit of immigration in Thailand Prame Ruangkana (Tuang) G.1106
published to the country. This prove that the American will have a hard time from this moment on

because they have already cut off their channel which will affect their reputation in the public sight.


I do believe that opening country for immigration cause more benefit than loss from the

following statements that it help to expand the economy to the country, make a normal country

become international country because of cultural diversity, and help to expand relationship between

the countries. The evidences are support by Eastasia forum article and Mahidol university for

economy benefit that immigrant make for the countries. I have also used Embrace organization and

thaiways magazine to to support in culture benefit while the last paragraph, I have used source from

NY times and insight into diversity article to support the effect of banned relationship. I do believe

that from the following statement, immigration should be allow to enter to the countries because it

benefit both people who want to work and the country. I dont know what if the others agree about

my statement because every each individual have their own point of view about immigration.

Somehow, I do believe that opening country for immigration is the best way for both side to get

benefit. What do you think about immigration? Should you let immigration happen in Thailand?

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What is the benefit of immigration in Thailand Prame Ruangkana (Tuang) G.1106

Lathapipat, D. (2012). Immigration and the Thai Labour Market. Retrieved Jan 31, 2017 from http://

Furman, J. and Gray, D. (2012). Ten Ways Immigrants Help Build and Strengthen Our

Economy. Retrieved in Jan 31, 2017 from


THE PROS AND CONS OF MIGRATION. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 11, 2017 from

Ninnart. (n.d.). Western Influences on Thai Culture. Retrieved Feb 11th, 2017 from thai_article/1923_western_influence/


Bohanon, M. (n.d.) Trumps Immigration Ban Has Negative Consequences for U.S. Higher

Education. Retrieved Feb 20, 2017 from


Longman, J. (2017) Trumps Immigration Order Could Have a Big Impact on Sports. Retrieved Feb 20, 2017


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