Applying Social Science in The Real World

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Applying Social Science in the Real World

Informing practice with the best available research and making research more relevant to practice

are easier said than donewhether in health care, education, or adult learning. Making a

measurable difference in peoples lives is harder still.

The following short reflections on these challenges point to how we might make headway applying

what is learned from research studies to the real worlds of practice and policy.

The researchers who contributed here work in different fields and research traditions, but all hope to

prime conversation and collaboration with policymakers and practitioners, strengthening both

research and practice.

Both David Osher and Terry Salinger see the messiness of real-world settings, compared to the

controlled conditions of many research studies, as high but surmountable hurdles in generalizing,

adopting, or scaling up evidence-based practices.

Commercial applications pose particular problems related to educating both developers and

consumers, as George Rebok points out in his think piece on adopting cognitive training programs

for older adults. And so do efforts to inform government policies, as George Bohrnstedt contends

witness researchers frustration when decades of research on achievement gaps between Black and

White students go largely unheeded.

Addressing these challenges requires keener understanding of the real world that researchers hope

to help improve. One way is to walk in the shoes of your researchs intended beneficiaries. In her

personal account of navigating the healthcare system as both a health and aging researcher and a

caregiver, Marilyn Moon sees the issues from a new bottom-up vantage point. This perspective

also underlies Bea Birmans call for knowing how individuals and organizations get information and

learn new approaches.

To better grasp implementation challenges, researchers may need to interact more with the

practitioners and policymakers who might use research to inform their work. Steven

Garfinkel describes a new way for researchers to work in real-world settings through rapid-cycle

evaluation, which allows both researchers and practitioners to better understand how an innovation

is being implemented and provides practitioners with a steady flow of information so they can keep

improving practice in response. Such new ways of working challenge some of researchers well-

honed traditional skills along with the underpinnings of some traditional research paradigms.

Research can help solve problems of practice, and practitioners can help make research relevant.

The key, these commentaries suggest, is balancing the needs of practitioners and policymakers with

the requirements of research rigor, often through shared work.


Terry Salinger

In simple terms, education evaluations typically compare

classrooms or schools that receive specific programs (the treatment) with schools that

receive business-as-usualservices. In a recent study of a program designed to improve teacher

practice and student reading, for example, all kindergarten to Grade 2 teachers in participating

schools received the same business-as-usual services while teachers in schools randomly assigned
to the treatment received extra resources, summer professional development institutes, and

instructional coaching throughout the school year.

Even the best-designed study cant stop the inevitable and often unexpected
fluctuations in research settings like schools and districts, especially in urban areas.
Theres an inherent messiness in schools and districts.

An equally simple description of our job as evaluators is that we must collect the data needed to

investigate whether extra resources and services seemed to have a positive impact on teachers or

students or both. To go on with the kindergarten example, after the second and third (and final) year

of implementation, statistically significant differences between treatment and comparison schools

emerged in teacher practice, overall reading achievement in kindergarten and second grade, and

other variables. The positive findingssolid because we had validated both the method and the data

affirmed the programs promise for improving teaching and learning.

Rarely do evaluations of interventions in early reading find such significant differences between

treatment and comparison conditions. In a 2003 meta-analysis, only nine studies out of over 1,300

met standards for high-quality, rigorous research. And this shortage of well-designed studies makes

it difficult to generalize about how strong an impact professional development really can have on

teacher and student outcomes.

But here we were with a rigorous study and statistically significant resultsand a pressing need to

understand what the results did and did not mean. In a nutshell, the evaluation found positive

impacts for the program in specific schools in specific districts, but the findings did not guarantee

that positive impacts would be found in other districts or even in other schools in the same study

districts. The study met standards for rigor (including matched schools, large sample size, consistent

data collection over three years of implementation, and equal attrition rates under the two

conditions). But standing by the results is one thing; overgeneralizing from them is another. So we

cautioned the programs developer that the findings were indeed a big deal but still needed to be

viewed realistically.

Why? For starters, even the best-designed study cant stop the inevitable and often unexpected

fluctuations in research settings like schools and districts, especially in urban areas. Theres an
inherent messiness in schools and districts. Teachers, students and administrators move around

frequently, and curriculum changes often, too. Amid such instability, even positive findings like ours

may not justify districts adoption of the new approach.

More messiness: schools and districts grappling with poor student performance on state reading

tests or other accountability measures often search for whatever is marketed as new or special or

guaranteed to improve student achievement. They put their trust in the next big thing instead of in

the slow and steady process of building professional knowledge and teachers instructional capacity.

Then, too, the business-as-usual professional development and training or overall instructional

procedures in study districts may be intrinsically strong, raising the possibility that all teachers are

getting the support needed to improve their skills. As other scholars have pointed out, the nature and

quality of instruction in comparison classes and the training provided to those teachers need to be

measured carefully if researchers are to understand the real impact of positive program results.

All these factors can cloud the story that evaluation data tell about treatment and comparison

schools, making it difficult to determine the extent to which the program being evaluated has

produced real change. Evaluators like to assume that the messiness will be equally distributed

across treatment and comparison schools, but experimental studies rarely collect the data to prove

or disprove this assumption.

So while studies may find real, significant differences, theres no guarantee that the program
evaluated would have the same impact in other settings, even those nearby. This is the impact

evaluators dilemma.



David Osher
So why dont many practitioners implement evidence-based programs and practices? And, when

practitioners do practice what is preached, why dont they strictly follow the recipe? And, when they

implement the research with fidelity, why dont they get the results that efficacy studies say are


It is possible to implement evidence-based practices and programs successfully in

earthen trenches. But doing so takes time, and ... organizational readiness, support [for]
practitioners ... and the ability to adapt evidence-based programs to individual contexts
while maintaining the programs core ingredients.

These questions point to three research-to-practice challenges. Addressing them now is particularly

important as the rotten social outcomes identified by Lisbeth Schorr and Paul Steele and the

wicked policy problems that relate to them get increasing attention.

The first two challenges have been referred to as the research-to-practice gap and the third as the

gap between efficacy research (which is implemented under relatively ideal conditions) and

effectiveness research (implemented under more normal conditions). Addressing these challenges

requires (in the words of Peter Jensen, Kimberly Hoagwood, and Edison Trickett) moving research

from ivory towers, where graduate and postdoctoral students implement interventions to well

selected samples, to earthen trenches where children are more complex and resources exigent, to

examine what is palatable, feasible, durable, affordable, and sustainable in real-world settings.
Earthen trenches are messy and complex, contextually rich and interdependent, where in-the-

moment (hot action) decisions are often required and practitioners must grapple with multiple and

competing demands for their time, attention, energy and cognitive reserve. Teachers, for example,

work in what Michael Huberman referred to as busy kitchens while other practitioners (to borrow

Donald Schoens metaphor) confront tough and complex decisions in the swampy lowlands of

practice where situations are confusing 'messes' incapable of technical solution. Think here about

how the diverse academic, social, emotional and behavioral needs of every student in a classroom

can change from day to day or even hour to hour.

Think, too, about having to decide whether a child has been abused or neglected by family members

or whether a youth accused of delinquent behavior should be diverted from the juvenile justice

system. Change, rarely easy, is especially hard in highly stressed settings, particularly without ample

resources and support for learning, reflecting, collaborating and mastering new approaches and


Paradoxically, successful implementation of evidence-based strategies and programs may depend

on moving from a developer/research-centric perspective to one focused on setting. Research-

based interventions are not just matters of adhering to blueprints and implementing plans faithfully.

Rather, their ecology includes other programs and competing demands on practitioner and

consumer time and attention. These so-called setting effects can either amplify or diminish

intervention effects. In short, research, evaluation and technical assistance should account for how a
multiplicity of evidence-and non-evidenced-based practices affect particular outcomes.

All this said, it is possible to implement evidence-based practices and programs successfully in

earthen trenches. I have seen it happen as a researcher, evaluator and technical assistance

provider. But doing so takes time, and success also depends on organizational readiness, the

support practitioners changing practices receive, and the ability of those promoting scale-up to adapt

evidence-based programs to individual contexts while maintaining the programs core ingredients.


Marilyn Moon

A major challenge of being a health and aging researcher arises

when facing those issues personally. Its humbling to try to reconcile theory and research with

practice. But understanding how issues and policies play out in real life can help. As health care

becomes more complicated and fragmented, consumers are increasingly responsible for making

good choices and even managing what happens at various stages of treatment. Consequently,

researchers have worked hard to both measure quality and good practice and to develop materials

that consumers can use in decision-making. All that said, practical advice during times of need is

hard to come by. Most of us are just-in-time information usersseeking advice while in the throes

of our complex and fragmented health care system. More needs to be done to empower consumers

so the tools that have been developed get used.

Research tells us that we dont want health care providers steering people to their own
agencies or best friends, so we need a better way of providing decisionmaking
information than a midnight-to-1 a.m. search activity by an exhausted caregiver.

The fragmented system we have is difficult to navigate. My firsthand experience with helping my

spouse get care following a stroke is pretty typical. While there is a fairly common path to getting

care, it wends into different settings managed by different organizations, with almost no coordination

or even shared knowledge. Even when the same overarching institution is presumably involved,

each handoff occurs with uncertainty and with little sense of how one set of services helps or informs

the next. Even knowing the formal rules surrounding health care policy, as I do, helps little since the
practice can look quite different from what is implied in the regulations governing Medicare, for


For a stroke victim and other patients requiring hospitalization and considerable follow-up care, the

usual progression is inpatient hospital, inpatient rehabilitation hospital, home health care, and then

outpatient therapy. Technically, discharge planning is offered or required at various stages, but it can

amount to as little as handing the family a list of eligible providers, with no supporting information or

documentation. Research tells us that we dont want health care providers steering people to their

own agencies or best friends, so we need a better way of providing decisionmaking information than

a midnight-to-1 a.m. search activity by an exhausted caregiver (my experience).

Care providers should be knowledgeable about the quality and ratings information available and

share copies of such materials for those moving on to the next site of care. Currently, this is one

missing link in health care decision-making. Busy professionals in one setting have little knowledge

of how the other settings operate so can offer little guidance. Materials developed wont be used if

they dont make sense to both patients and care providers.

AIR research done several years ago found that health care professionals and consumers often talk

past each other: They are looking for different things and often express very different reasons for

ignoring quality information, for example. Getting them on the same page can be challenging.

Other AIR research has also found that many people use proxy information as a shorthand for
qualitysuch as equating higher prices with higher quality care. But many studies have shown that

lower cost providers may provide equivalent or higher quality care.

Timing also complicates information-seeking. In my husbands case, each time there was to be a

handoff to another setting I would be reassured that I had several days to make arrangementsbut

would actually be forced to make a decision on the spot. Quality information that is supposed to help

with these decisions is difficult to access and understand when under the stress of both a deadline

and the general worry over being the caregiver for someone who is very ill. For that matter, other

information, such as on the availability of services, often does not exist.

Some researchers have suggested adding a care coordination specialist to the mix. That might help,

but only if that person follows the patient and isnt housed in a single caregiving setting. And even

then, who would coordinate and oversee the coordinators? How would they be accessedor

compensated? At the moment, such activities are largely cottage industries. And services are

available only to those who can afford to pay out of pocket.

One answer might be to have a single organization provide all necessary care at each stage of the

process. Integrated health care systems promise that they will manage the handoffs and see that the

care is seamless. In practice, though, it does not always work that way. In one short-turnaround

handoff, it seemed the best approach would be to work with the home health agency affiliated with

the rehabilitation facility. But, absent coordination and any advantage of using related entities, I had

to fire the home health agency. After a brief orientation, it was our responsibility to call all the

individual aides to set up appointments; the nurse finally called back after two weeks (a week after I

had informed the agency that we were going elsewhere) and said she was ready to meet with us. A

homebound, very ill patient in a coordinated situation was not going to go untreated for over two

weeks! Fee-for-service gave us the option of finding another provider. In a managed care

environment, we would have to use the designated agency. Again, research indicates that, overall,

quality is fairly equivalent for Medicare Advantage (coordinated) plans and traditional Medicare. But

it is hard to find information on the various practical dimensions of receiving care when choosing

among health plan options.

Our second experience with home health was more successfulbut only because I used personal

connections. None of the information on quality or availability indicated anything about actual access

to services and timeliness of care. Someone without a network of professional friends would have

been hard-pressed to figure out what to do. Moreover, research on this topic needs to recognize the

subtle differences between acute care needs and supportive services when both are needed but, in

our system, do not come from the same providers.

Every new twist and turn in the caregiving process further convinces me that there must be a better

way. And now I know firsthand that its nearly as confusing to look at the problems facing the U.S.

health care system from the standpoint of a participant as from the standpoint of a researcher.
(When I find the time and insight to combine my practical experience and research knowledge, I

expect to have more lessons learned to share.) Research needs to help inform consumers but can

do so only if researchers choose to study the key questions that matter to patients. So far,

consumers must learn the hard way that there are no easy paths for navigating our current

healthcare system.


Steve Garfinkel

Evaluation design in the social sciences is a puzzleliterally. As

governments role in everyday life expanded during the 20th century, the demand for accountability,

and with it evaluation, grew too. Investigators proposed designs, identified flaws, puzzled out

solutions, and so on. My favorite puzzle guide is Campbell and Stanleys Experimental and Quasi-

Experimental Designs for Research. In it, the authors concisely synthesize 13 classic threats to the

validity of inferences made from evaluation research and 16 evaluation designs that address those


Fidelity has become a challenging concept, particularly in evaluating health care

insurance and delivery system interventions.

Campbell and Stanley popularized the use of X to indicate the intervention being evaluated and O

to indicate observations or measurements of the interventions effects. Rereading this work recently,
I was struck by what a great choice X was. Undoubtedly, it was chosen to represent any intervention

that readers might consider. But X also conveys, perhaps unintentionally, the notion of the

intervention as a black box. Interventions in social interactionteaching, providing health careare

hard to implement precisely, and implementers can take various approaches. Without addressing

implementation fidelity explicitly, Campbell and Stanley do recognize it in their discussion of threats

to validity. However, they implicitly treat X as a single, coherent intervention common to all

participating organizations and persons and treat outside events (history) and internal growth

(maturation) as alternative explanations that compete with the uniform X.

Since this influential text was written, fidelity has become a challenging concept, particularly in

evaluating health care insurance and delivery system interventions. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act

(ACA) accorded unprecedented importance and funding to the design, implementation, and

evaluation of innovations that would improve quality and safety, control costs, and optimize patient

outcomes in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Congress

created the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) at the Centers for Medicare &

Medicaid Services (CMS) to carry out this work. Expanding funding and authority to act on the

results of the kinds of rigorous evaluations that CMS had long carried out raised the stakes for all

Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP evaluations. Under the ACA, the Secretary of Health and Human

Services can expand an innovation demonstration program widely without congressional

authorization if the CMS Chief Actuary construes evaluation results and actuarial analysis to mean

that certain cost and quality criteria are met.

To achieve cost and quality goals like the ACAs, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement has, since

the early 1990s, promoted the identification and diffusion of best practices through continuous

quality improvement. Since 2010, organizational learning and diffusion of best practices have

become essential elements of CMMIs vision, mission and operations. This drive came at about the

same time that Congress raised the stakes for evaluations.

With the importance of rigorous evaluation greater than ever and innovation evolving during the

demonstrations that are being evaluated, the notion of fidelity, so long central to rigor in evaluation,

has been challenged. On the one hand, why should the intervention remain static when we already
know how to improve its implementation? Defending scientific rigor, Campbell and Stanley might

think of these improvements as threats to validity from history or maturation that should be

minimized through experimental design and statistical control. But, by definition, organizational

learning and diffusion within the demonstration change X intentionally while it is being evaluated.

CMMI itself embraces rapid-cycle evaluation (RCE) as the answer to this conundrum. If you are

continually changing the intervention, then you must also measure outcomes as you go along to see

if those changes are harmful or helpful. This means both feeding back results to the demonstration

organizations periodically for rapid-cycle improvement and drawing evaluation conclusions from

them. Obviously, RCE can identify only short-term effects, but more traditional summative evaluation

at the demonstrations end can capture longer-term effects using the kind of rigorous evaluation

designs described by Campbell and Stanley.

All this said, does rapid-cycle improvement (RCI), intentional organizational learning, and their

challenge to traditional notions of implementation fidelity threaten or enhance the chances of getting

accurate results from the overall rigorous evaluation? With or without RCI and RCE, adherence

across demonstration sites to a well-specified intervention model (fidelity) is challenging when the

pace and direction of history and maturation vary.

At first blush, fidelity seems degraded when the intervention is altered intentionally while it is being

evaluated. But the changes made by communities of practice and rapid feedback of standard

performance measures might also move diverse participants toward consistency in implementation
and, thus, greaterfidelity, at least by the end of the demonstration.

We dont yet fully understand these trade-offs impact on our ability to draw actionable conclusions

from demonstration evaluations. Still, it is clear that carefully measuring the shifts and changes

introduced by active organizational learning activities throughout a demonstration and considering

them as explicit variables in the summative evaluation should help define fidelity for a new research


George Rebok

There has been ongoing debate for a decade now over whether

cognitive stimulationthrough such everyday activities as completing crossword puzzles, learning to

play a musical instrument, and participating in a book club or through more formal cognitive training

interventionscan help maintain or even enhance cognitive functioning as people age.

An equally important question is whether the results of cognitive stimulation and training will transfer

to both laboratory and real-life tasks. For example, will training people on a laboratory memory task

help them better recall the names and faces of people they meet in their everyday lives? Or does

improving processing speed on a simulated driving task improve peoples actual driving ability and

on-road safety?

Too often, in their haste to sell brain-improvement products and games, developers rely
on one or two studies to back their claims of effectiveness rather than drawing on an
accumulated body of research.

Fortunately, a growing number of randomized controlled trials on the effects of cognitive training

programs, including adaptive computer training, are assessing the immediate and long-term benefits

of cognitive performance and whether such training will generalize to abilities and skills besides

those targeted by training.

The Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) clinical trialthe

largest test of whether cognitive training can improve the cognitive and speed of processing abilities
of healthy older adultsso far shows promising results for cognitive stimulation and cognitive

training. It demonstrates that older adults can improve their cognitive abilities, though not as fast as

younger adults can, and the improvements last for several months or even yearsup to 10 years in

the case of the ACTIVE trial.

The evidence for whether training transfers is more mixed. Relatively few studies show transfer to

non-trained tasks, including those involving everyday skills. However, in the ACTIVE trial, trained

participants self-reported fewer daily living problems, and those getting processing speed training

were less likely to cease driving or have at-fault automobile crashes.

Despite positive results, there is often a disconnect between laboratory research findings on

cognitive stimulation and cognitive training and their use in commercial brain training products

designed to stave off mental decline and forgetfulness. Brain training products have become a

billion-dollar industry worldwide; revenues are projected to surpass $6 billion by 2020. However, the

promised real-life benefits from cognitive training products are often unwarranted, and some

products arent based on current research evidence.

What works in the laboratory may not work in the real world, so claims about the efficacy of these

commercial programs may be premature. For example, no study has shown that brain training

programs cure or prevent Alzheimers disease, despite claims to the contrary by some commercial


So one key question is why research is not used more in the development of brain training programs

for older adults. Although there is steadily growing scientific evidence for the benefits of cognitive

training, many program developers are not trained scientists and often cite research findings that are

only tangentially related to their scientific claims about a product.

Developers may also be reluctant to use research findings because the results of many training

studies are modest or fleetingnot the stuff of strong advertising claims. Too often, in their haste to

sell brain-improvement products and games, developers rely on one or two studies to back their

claims of effectiveness rather than drawing on an accumulated body of research (which may not

exist for a particular program, might take time to collect, or pose product validity questions that
product developers cant answer). Although pharmaceutical claims are subject to regulatory review,

so far brain fitness programs arent, so some developers cherry-pick results and make

unsubstantiated advertising claims.

Further complicating the issue are important questions about implementing and disseminating

cognitive training programs for older adults in community settings. Many such programs are

computer-basedinaccessible to those who lack adequate computer or literacy skills, dont know

such programs exist, or find them hard to use for other reasons.

Researchers and developers need to pay more attention to making cognitive training programs

accessible and affordable for the increasingly diverse population of older persons, especially those

who are most in need. Guidelines for designing training and instructional programs for older learners

are available and could inform this translational effort.

Other important unanswered questions are how early cognitive training should begin, how much a

person should train, and how long the training can be expected to last. Until we know how to answer

these questions, potential consumers should ask questions and require scientific evidence that a

cognitive training program works. Which questions? For starters, are there scientists (ideally

neuropsychologists) and a scientific advisory board behind the program? Have these advisers

published peer-reviewed scientific papers? How many? What benefits are being claimed for using

this program? And, does the program fit my personal goals? (For more questions, see

this SharpBrains checklist.)



Bea Birman
Efforts by policymakers and program administrators to identify what

works in education are legion. During the 1970s, the Joint Dissemination Review Panel evaluated

the impacts of educational interventions so that the federal government could share them more

widely. In recent years, the Education Departments What Works Clearinghouse has identified

practices that improve outcomes, relying primarily on researchs gold standardrandomized

controlled trials. Yet, despite some positive changes in student outcomes (such as the modest

narrowing of achievement gaps between minority and nonminority students), simply identifying

effective practices hasnt yielded widespread or system-wide improvement outcomes. Is the

research on education practices partly to blame? Does it lack rigor or, on the other hand, the breadth

needed to make results generalizable?

Simply identifying effective practices hasnt yielded widespread or system-wide

improvement outcomes... Changing what individuals and organizations do is best done
in a durable community that supports both individual and organizational learning.

Certainly one difficulty is that finding practices that work, however rigorous the research behind

them, requires taking into account what is known about the organizations using the practices

successfully and how the people in these organizationsprincipals and teacherslearn. Too often,

research to determine whether interventions work ignores knowledge from both research and

practice about what it takes for teachers and schools to implement effective practicesabout how

people and organizations develop the capacity to improve.

By the same token, few policymakers design programs that create the optimal conditions for

improving education practices. Understanding how people and organizations learn could help shape

policies that support practice improvements rather than impede them.

Take teacher learning. Available evidence suggests that teachers learn best in an atmosphere of

trust. To improve, teachers must be able to learn new skills and unlearn old habits and behaviors.

This means making mistakes, at least at first. To risk trying something new, and to practice enough

to develop expertise, teachers require the kind of trust that takes time to develop, along with

supportive colleagues.

Beyond individual teachers, school improvement requires organizational learning. Implementing new

practices often requires breaking with entrenched organizational routines, monitoring how the new

practices are working, and making improvements along the way. Such changes dont happen

overnight! Changing what individuals and organizations do is best done in a durable community that

supports both individual and organizational learning.

Schools can be such learning communities, and some already are. But education policies and

practices beyond the school level can undermine the very conditions that these communities need to

thrive. For example, schools cant initiate or sustain effective practices without a stable teaching

force. Yet, district, state or federal policies can foster churn in the teaching force if district rules

dont incentivize teachers to stay in challenging schools or if rules mandate blanket staffing changes

(if, for example, School Improvement Grants require some schools to replace leaders or half of the
teaching force). And, beyond fostering a stable teaching force, continuous school improvement

requires leadership and resources from outside the school. Here, time for ongoing professional

learning springs to mind.

Some researchers and technical assistance providers recognize that identifying evidence-based

interventions is only one part of changing practice. AIRs National Center on Intensive Intervention,

for instance, employs randomized controlled trials and other rigorous research on data-based

individualization as the foundation for designing a five-step process of diagnosis, intervention,

progress monitoring, analysis and adaptation. Beyond rigorous research, build[ing] district and

school capacity to support implementation of data-based individualization in reading, mathematics,

and behavior for students with severe and persistent learning and behavioral needsthe Centers

missionrequires helping schools prepare to initiate change and to commit to the long haul. Since

implementation is multifaceted, it cant succeed without a host of supports ranging from strong

leadership and teacher and parent involvement to opportunities for professional learning and data

systems to monitor progress. Theres no one-size-fits-all formula, but these ingredients are all

needed in some form.

Identifying interventions that work, no matter how high the research standards, is only one part of

improving education practices and outcomes. Long-term improvement requires knowledge about the

ongoing individual and organizational learning inherent in implementation itself.



George W. Bohrnstedt

With each National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP)

release we read how sluggish American students progress is in subjects such as mathematics,

reading and U.S. history and, especially, how poor the achievement of Blacks is and, consequently,

how large the Black-White achievement gaps are. The most recent release of the 2015 NAEP

results was no different, except there were declines in Grades 4 and 8 mathematics and Grade 8

reading, and the Black-White achievement gaps remained large.

Results as a whole are very encouraging: both our White and Black students are
showing academic performance growth... And the bad news? When we compare the
Black-White achievement gaps over time, we can see that the gaps are closing but at a
snail's pace.

The NAEP assesses changes in the educational achievement of the nations fourth- and eighth-

graders in mathematics and reading every other year and several other subjects less frequently;

U.S. history is currently assessed every four years. When we examine roughly 25 years of

achievement assessments for White and Black students in mathematics, reading and U.S. history, a

good news/bad news picture emerges.

What is the good news? Save for 2015, scores have gone up for all students, and the gains have

been greater for Blacks than for Whites. For example, scores at Grades 4 and 8 in mathematics for

Whites and Blacks have all risen. In the past 25 years, the scores for Whites in Grade 4 have risen

29 points; for Blacks, 36 points. The somewhat smaller gains at Grade 8 follow this same pattern,

although the gain for Black students is only 1 point greater than for Whites22 points for Whites and

23 points for Blacks.

As a way to understand what these gains mean, consider that roughly 40 NAEP points separate the

average Grade 8 and Grade 4 scores, which implies that, on average, students gain 10 NAEP points

per year. Thus, these are considerable increases in student performance in the past 25 years, but

especially for Black students at Grade 4.

In reading, the same pattern holds, though the overall gains are less than for mathematics. Between

1992 and 2015, White fourth-graders gained 8 points, but Blacks gained 14 points. In Grade 8,

White students gained 7 points, compared to 11 for Black eighth-graders. This is all pretty good

news so far.

The pattern for U.S. history is similar. At Grade 4, the growth for Black students between 1994 and

2011, 22 points, far exceeded that for White students, 9 points. For eighth-graders who were most

recently administered the assessment in 2014, the results are similar but not as dramatic13 points

for Black students compared to 11 points for White students.

These results as a whole are very encouraging: both our White and Black students are showing

academic performance growth. Most impressive, Black student growth exceeds that of White

students for both fourth and eighth grades and in all three subjects.

And the bad news? When we compare the Black-White achievement gaps over time, we can see

that the gaps are closing but at a snails pace. Most progress has been made in Grade 4 history:

Over a 16-year period, the gap has closed 12 points. But progress has been much slower in the

other grade-subject combinations8 points in Grade 4 mathematics, 6 points in Grade 4 reading, 3

points in Grade 8 reading, 2 points in Grade 8 history, and 1 point in Grade 8 mathematics.

One way to gauge how fast gaps are closing is to examine the performance of Black students in a

given grade and subject area in the most recent assessment and compare that to the White

students score at the earliest point for which we have data. There is but a single instancefourth-

grade mathematicsin which Black students most recent score equals or exceeds that earned by

White students two or more decades earlier. The average score for Black students in 2015 was 224

just 4 points higher than White students scored in 1990. Still focusing on Grade 4 mathematics, it

took 15 years, until 2005, for Black student achievement to reach the 1990 level of White student

achievement. Importantly, Black students still have not caught up to early-1990s White student

achievement for any of the other grade-subject combinations.

So the good news is that Black students are improving their academic performance faster than

White students in key subject areas. But the bad news is that, at the current rate, closing the gaps
will take impossibly long. Even for Grade 4 mathematics, where progress has been greatest, it would

take a century to close the gap!

While the data do not tell us which policies would close this unacceptable Black-White achievement

gap, we know enough from other studies to implement changes that could speed up progress. Most

important is the need for early childhood educationeducation from birth through a childs arrival at

kindergarten. The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study indicates that Black children arrive at

kindergarten scoring over 20 percent lower on tests of cognitive ability than White students. To

address this disparity, the evidence suggests the importance of wrap-around childhood education

programs that include emotional, nutritional, and health supports in addition to learning activities in
reading and mathematics. Finally, the evidence is clear that the most effective interventions begin at

or shortly after birth.

Black students also have higher absence rates than White students and are more likely to be in

schools with less-experienced and more non-credentialed teachers. And a recent AIR study showed

that the average eighth-grade Black student attends a school that is 48 percent Black, while the

average eighth-grade White students school is about 10 percent Blacka differential negatively

related to Black male students academic performance when socio-economic status, teacher

qualifications and classroom practices are taken into account.

If we as a nation care about closing the Black-White achievement gaps, research tells us that early

childhood education, reducing segregation, and providing better teachers for our Black students

would be good places to start.


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