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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering-Architecture
Sorsogon Campus
Sorsogon City


Heat Loss
Calculations in
Bare and Lagged
Submitted by:


Submitted to: 2
Engr. Berino H. Sandoy
Table of Contents

I. Introduction
a) Definition of Terms
b) Types and Models of Bare and Lagged Pipes
c) Detailed Parts
II. Operation
III. Testing of Equipment

A good pipe covering, in addition to being a good insulator, should be fireproof, waterproof,
vermin proof, odorless, and light in weight. It should also be mechanically strong and should
suffer no loss of insulating value due to time.

The only logical method for testing commercial pipe coverings is to mount these coverings
on pipe of the size for which they were intended. Extensive tests of commercial coverings
have been made by various investigators, and two general methods for heat measurement
have been used. For steam-pipe coverings, the most natural method is to fill the covered
pipe with steam, to measure the heat content of the steam entering and leaving the test
section, and to condense and weigh the steam. A dead-end pipe is ordinarily used, the test
pipe itself acting as the steam condenser.

Movement of cooling water, brine, compressed air and steam is essential in any industrial
complex. Fluid movement takes place in piping due pressure difference. For carrying out
study in these systems, knowledge of pressure at various points is essential. For a given
length of pipe, pressure drop can be measured or calculated. Measurement of pressure
drop is recommended if instruments of good accuracy are available and measurement is
practically possible. In systems where measurement is not possible, estimation of pressure
drop is recommended.

The measurements and estimations enables to take a decision whether the energy cost due
to pressure drop in existing piping system is more than the total cost of installing a new
pipeline of same size or higher size in order to reduce pressure drop. Recommended pipe
size for steam systems is given to help in proper selection and to verify whether existing
piping is properly sized. As a general rule, the pressure drop should not normally exceed 0.1
bar/50 m.

Piping if left bare can lose heat due to temperature difference between pipe surface
temperature and ambient temperature. The methods of measurements and calculations for
estimation of heat losses and heat gain in piping systems and insulation thickness are
described. Measurements of fluid temperature and pipe surface temperatures are necessary
for above calculations.


- A soft gray mineral that doesnt burn.

Bare Pipes
- A pipes without any processing and packing.

- defined as transferring heat or electricity through a conducting medium by way of
direct contact

- The movement of groups of molecules within fluids such as liquids or gases, and
within rheids. Convection takes place through advection, diffusion or both.

- Energy transferred as a result of a temperature difference.

Heat flux
- The rate of heat transfer per unit area.

Heat gain:
- When the surface to be insulated is below ambient temperature, heat will be gained
rather than lost. This fact will be indicated in the formulas in this section by a
negative value being show for Q.
Heat loss
- A measure of the total transfer of heat through the fabric of a building from inside to
the outside, either from conduction, convection, radiation, or any combination of the

Heat transfer
- The exchange of thermal energy between physical systems.

Lagged Pipes
- pipes having a thermal insulation structure placed around a central core of

Log mean temperature difference

- the T that most accurately represents the T for a heat exchanger.

Losses by convection
- when there are small air gaps exist between the surface wall and insulation.

Pipe insulation
- thermal insulation used to prevent heat loss and gain from pipes, to save energy and
improve effectiveness of thermal systems.

- a measure of the amount of molecular energy contained in a substance.

Thermal conduction
- the transfer of heat (internal energy) by microscopic collisions of particles and
movement of electrons within a body. The microscopically colliding objects, that
include molecules, atoms, and electrons, transfer disorganized microscopic kinetic
and potential energy, jointly known as internal energy.

Thermal conductivity
- a measure of a substances ability to transfer heat through itself.

The first law of thermodynamics

- a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems.
The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system
is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be
created or destroyed.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

- Implies that heat will not transfer from a colder to a hotter body without some
external source of energy.

- The emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through
space or through a material medium.
Radiant heat loss
- occurs as a result of highly energized molecules transmitting heat by way of waves
or particles

- A transfer of energy resulting from a force acting through a distance.


Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy between physical systems. The rate of
heat transfer is dependent on the temperatures of the systems and the properties of the
intervening medium through which the heat is transferred. The three fundamental modes of
heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. Heat transfer, the flow of energy in
the form of heat, is a process by which a system's internal energy is changed, hence is of
vital use in applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Conduction is also known as
diffusion, not to be confused with diffusion related to the mixing of constituents of a fluid.

Heat Loss Calculation Principles

Factors Affecting Heat Transfer and Thermal Performance Factors affecting heat transfer
and thermal performance through fibrous materials occur in a combination of the following

a. Advection
Advection is the transport mechanism of a fluid from one location to another, and is
dependent on motion and momentum of that fluid.

b. Conduction or diffusion
The transfer of energy between objects that are in physical contact. Thermal
conductivity is the property of a material to conduct heat and evaluated primarily in
terms of Fourier's Law for heat conduction.
c. Convection
The transfer of energy between an object and its environment, due to fluid motion.
The average temperature is a reference for evaluating properties related to
convective heat transfer.
d. Radiation
The transfer of energy by the emission of electromagnetic radiation.
Source: Wikipedia
Types of Lagged Pipes

MATERIAL SELECTION (for pipe and pipe insulation of the experiment )

In this research work, in the experiment section, I prefer to use Galvanized iron, Black
iron, and Black iron pipe with insulation (Perlite asbestos, outside aluminum), Stainless
Steel, Copper tube, and some Copper tube with fins (nonmetallic).
Piping materials

Pipe Material

1 Galvanized iron

2 Black iron
Black iron pipe with insulation
3 (Perlite asbestos, outside

4 Stainless Steel

5 Copper tube

6 Copper tube with fins



The setup of the experiment can be horizontal and vertical layout. In this research, I prefer
to choose the vertical layout.


Devices and Equipments:

An infrared thermometer - A thermometer which infers temperature from a portion of the

thermal radiation sometimes called blackbody radiation emitted by the object being
measured. They are sometimes called laser thermometers as a laser is used to help aim
the thermometer, or non-contact thermometers or temperature guns, to describe the
device's ability to measure temperature from a distance. By knowing the amount of
infrared energy emitted by the object and its emissivity, the object's temperature can
often be determined. Infrared thermometers are a subset of devices known as "thermal
radiation thermometers".

Heat engine is a system that performs the conversion of heat or thermal energy to
mechanical energy which can then be used to do mechanical work

Thermocouple is a temperature measuring device and widely used type of temperature

sensor for measurement and control, and can also be used to convert heat into electric

Thermoelectric cooler is a solid state electronic device that pumps (transfers) heat from
one side of the device to the other when electric current is passed through it. It is based
on the Peltier effect.

Thermal diode or thermal rectifier is a device that causes heat to flow preferentially in
one direction.

A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The heated or
vaporized fluid exits the boiler for use as a medium on this experiment.



1. The test section is consists of four 10 ft. lengths of 1-inch standard steel pipe mounted
on a framework of welded 2 inch steel angles.

2. Some of the lengths is bare, those are the Galvanized iron, Black iron), Stainless Steel,
Copper tube and the others are insulated, Black iron pipe with insulation (Perlite
asbestos, outside aluminum respectively). One of the pipes is Copper tube fins
3. The test pipes are connected to a common header into which steam is introduced either
directly from the main or from a line containing a reducing valve.
4. Each end of the tested pipe is equipped with a plug-type valve where steam condensate
is drained, collected in beakers and measured.

In this apparatus, determining the heat loss from bare and lagged pipe is conducted through:
Supplying heat from the condensation of steam into the pipe to be tested.
Surface temperatures are measured by means of a portable thermocouple


The following experiments data below was from Engr. Nelson Dela Pea Jr. and his class
laboratory experiment and is being used on this research work.


The ASME Test Code specifies that each run should be at least 1 hour long. If the
time available for this experiment necessitates shorter runs, all readings should be
taken every 5 minutes.
1. Make sure to wear/use the personal protective equipment in the entire duration
of the experiment.
2. With the assistance of the laboratory technician, set the main pressure of steam
to 40 psig and difference of 10psig. Set-up and install the automation unit by
attaching it to the terminal for bare and covered pipe assembly. Set the data
collection default at 5 minute interval. Encode the instructor and technician
names in the automation system.
3. Fire the boiler.
4. When desired steam pressure is achieved, direct the steam to the Bare and
Lagged pipe assembly by opening and closing the corresponding valves in the
steam line header.
5. With the drain valve open wide, turn the steam valve to allow steam to flow
through the steam line long enough to purge apparatus of all air. Close the drain
valve. Measure the air properties inside the boiler room. Plot the results on a
psychrometric chart.
6. For the bare pipes, get the steam temperature and that of the outer surface of
the pipe (both steam inlet and outlet). Record the data on the log sheet.
Determine the heat losses for each pipe.
7. For the lagged pipe, get the steam temperature, outer surface temperature of
the pipe, and that of outer surface of the covering (both steam inlet and outlet).
Record the data on the log sheet. Identify the insulation used. Determine the
heat loss on the lagged pipe. With the bare pipe of same material, compute the
efficiency of the insulation.
8. For the finned pipe, get the temperature of the outer surface of the pipe and that
of the outermost fin surface (both steam inlet and outlet). Record the data on the
log sheet. Considering the total surface area of the finned pipe, compute the
heat removed. With the bare pipe of same material, compute the efficiency of
the fin.
9. Repeat the procedure for each bare and lagged pipes over a 2-hour period with
readings every 5 minutes. Due to the large number of readings, much care is
necessary in arranging and recording the data.
10. Upon completion of data gathering, stop the automation unit, making sure that
data collected is stored in the hard drive. Print a hard copy. Data from
automation unit when used in computation and diagram must be marked and
cited accordingly.
11. For all pipes tested, draw a temperature-length diagram, pipe cross section
showing dimensions, respective heat flow directions. Label each diagram
The efficiency of the insulation is defined as follows:

(Heat lost from bare pipe) - (Heat lost from covered pipe)
E = x 100%
(Heat lost from bare pipe)

(Heat saved by insulation)

= x 100%
(Heat lost without insulation)

The heat-transfer coefficients to be calculated for each test pipe are:

over-all coefficient, U in over-all transmission equation; q = UAT

conductivity of the insulating material k in conduction equation; qL = kAT
outside-surface coefficient h in convection equation; q = hAT

The steam-side-surface coefficient and the contact resistance between covering and
pipe may be neglected.

The value of U for a simple wall:

1 L 1
+ +
h1 k h2

q = heat flow rate
A = area of surface on which heat transfer coefficient is based
T1 = higher temperature
T2 = lower temperature
MTD = mean temperature difference (arithmetic or logarithmic)
L = length of heat path
k = thermal conductivity
h = surface conductance
U = transmittance or over-all coefficient

Table 1: Piping materials

Pipe Material

1 Galvanized iron

2 Black iron
Black iron pipe with insulation
3 (Perlite asbestos, outside

4 Stainless Steel

5 Copper tube

6 Copper tube fins (nonmetallic)

This experiment used 5 minutes interval for gathering data. For measuring
surface temperature in every pipe, they used laser thermometers and
psychrometer for air temperature properties.

Table 2: Pipe inlet

Inside Temperatures: (Reading based on temperature gauges)
Surface Temperatures: (Using infrared gun thermometer)

trials Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 5 Pipe 6 Ambient

5mins 112.5 C 110 C 118 C 115 C 116 C 121 C 31 C
49psi 68.5 C 77.4 C 34.7 C 61.5 C 60.1 C 82.2
10mins 110 C 111 C 116 C 115 C 116 C 117 C 31 C
45psi 62.5 C 64.3 C 35 C 48.9 C 41.2 C 94.2
15mins 111 C 111 C 116 C 115 C 116 C 116 C 31 C
41psi 65.3 C 60.6 C 41.4 C 48.6 C 60.3 C 98 C
20mins 116 C 111 C 116 C 111 C 115 C 116 C 31 C
40psi 72.2 C 73.5 C 35.5 C 53.1 C 66.3 C 98.2
25mins 110 C 110 C 112 C 119 C 120 C 117 C 31 C
36psi 66.4 C 65 C 34.3 C 59.4 C 65 C 91.3
30mins 110 C 111 C 111 C 111 C 116 C 116 C 32 C
35psi 64.4 C 75.4 C 35.7 C 64.3 C 50.2 C 94.1
35mins 110 C 111 C 111 C 111 C 116 C 116 C 32 C
34psi 63.5 C 60.3 C 34.5 C 68.8 C 67.6 C 77.1
40mins 111 C 111 C 111 C 115 C 115 C 116 C 31.5 C
33psi 66.2 C 62.7 C 35.1 C 59.6 C 67.4 C 92.8
45mins 111 C 110 C 111 C 111 C 116 C 116 C 31 C
31psi 66.5 C 67 C 35.2 C 67 C 63.2 C 97.7
50mins 110 C 111 C 111 C 110 C 115 C 116 C 31.5 C
30psi 64.6 C 61.2 C 33.9 C 66.9 C 66.5 C 94.7
55mins 110 C 111 C 111 C 110 C 114 C 115 C 32 C
29psi 69.4 C 63.2 C 34.6 C 60.4 C 67.1 C 97.5
60mins 110 C 111 C 111 C 110 C 114 C 115 C 31.5 C
28psi 65.5 C 62.2 C 35.2 C 63.6 C 69.5 C 95.4
Table 3: Pipe inlet

Corresponding Inside Pressure (Using Steam Table)

Corresponding Surface Pressure (Using Steam Table)

Trials Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 5 Pipe 6 Ambient

KPa KPa KPa KPa KPa KPa temperatu
5mins 153.277 143.376 186.404 169.177 174.76 205.03 31 C
49psi 29.2312 42.6385 5.5359 21.3721 8 9
20.038 51.799
3 6
10mins 143.376 148.259 174.768 169.177 174.76 180 . 31 C
45psi 22.3704 23.4081 5.62862 11.6926 8 509
7.8701 82.147
2 9
15mins 148.259 148.259 174.768 169.177 174.76 174.76 31 C
41psi 25.379 20.7915 7.95369 11.5183 8 8
20.224 94.390
4 2
20mins 174.768 148.259 174.768 148.259 169.17 174.76 31 C
40psi 34.2914 36.2363 5.78614 14.3812 7 8
26.533 95.074
6 3
25mins 143.376 143.376 153.277 192.455 192.45 180.50 31 C
36psi 26.6515 25.0411 5.41433 19.3984 5 9
25.0411 73.719
30mins 143.376 148.259 148.259 148.259 174.76 174.76 32 C
35psi 34.3767 39.2458 5.85022 24.2674 8 8
12.412 81.844
7 5
35mins 143.376 148.259 148.259 148.259 174.76 174.76 32 C
34psi 23.4081 30.2244 5.4782 29.6164 8 8
28.100 42.114
9 4
40mins 148.259 148.259 148.259 169.177 169.17 174.76 31.5 C
33psi 26.4162 22.5748 5.65982 19.5794 7 8
27.854 77.984
45mins 148.259 143.376 148.259 148.259 174.76 174.76 31 C
31psi 26.7698 27.368 5.69118 27.368 8 8
23.092 93.371
6 8
50mins 143.376 148.259 148.259 143.376 169.17 174.76 31.5 C
30psi 34.5965 21.0801 5.29509 27.2475 7 8
26.769 83.679
55mins 143.376 148.259 148.259 143.376 163.73 169.17 32 C
29psi 30.3998 23.0926 5.50529 20.318 4 7
27.489 92.697
60mins 143.376 148.259 148.259 143.376 163.73 169.17 31.5 C
28psi 25.6065 22.0668 5.69118 23.5141 4 7
30.532 85.862
1 3

Table 4: Pipe outlet

Inside Temperatures: (Reading based on temperature gauges)

Surface Temperatures: (Using laser thermometers)

Trials Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 5 Pipe 6 Ambient

5mins 113 C 116 C 116 C 111 C 110 C 110 C 31 C
49psi 76.4 C 76 C 37 C 44 C 37.5 C 54.5
10mins 116 C 123 C 120 C 112 C 110 C 116 C 31 C
45psi 72.4 C 74 C 36.4 C 68 C 36.6 C 89.6
15mins 112 C 120 C 118 C 110 C 109 C 112 C 31 C
41psi 79.7 C 82.6 C 36.1 C 51.7 C 61.8 C 56.6C
20mins 117 C 120 C 120 C 110 C 109 C 110 C 31 C
40psi 72.6 C 82.6 C 35.5 C 64.3 C 80.1 C 86.4C
25mins 117 C 115 C 119 C 110 C 108 C 111 C 31 C
36psi 76.3 C 22.5 C 35.5 C 56.6 C 51.4 C 80 C
30mins 115 C 118 C 117 C 110 C 108 C 110 C 32 C
35psi 60 C 46.5 C 38.4 C 63.8 C 70 C 100.7
35mins 110 C 120 C 117 C 110 C 107 C 109 C 32 C
34psi 77.8 C 72.9 C 39.2 C 67.4 C 57.7 C 77.7C
40mins 117 C 120 C 117 C 110 C 107 C 109 C 31.5 C
33psi 71.3 C 74.1 C 39.8 C 64.8 C 75 C 95.1C
45mins 110 C 120 C 118 C 109 C 107 C 108 C 31 C
31psi 77.8 C 81 C 35.9 C 62.6 C 81.5 C 84 C
50mins 115 C 119 C 118 C 109 C 106 C 107 C 31.5 C
30psi 75.6 C 79 C 36 C 65.6 C 70.2 C 87.5C
55mins 112 C 120 C 119 C 110 C 108 C 110 C 32 C
29psi 70.6 C 74.8 C 35.3 C 64.6 C 83 C 78.5C
60mins 111 C 112 C 114 C 109 C 108 C 110 C 31.5 C
28psi 72.5 C 68.2 C 35.1 C 68.9 C 77.7 C 86.6C
Table 4: Pipe Out
Corresponding Inside Pressure (Using Steam Table)
Corresponding Surface Pressure (Using Steam Table)

Trials Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 5 Pipe 6 Ambient

KPa KPa KPa KPa KPa KPa temperatu
5mins 158.435 174.768 174.768 148.259 143.37 143.37 31 C
49psi 41.253 40.2389 6.28185 9.1118 6 6
6.4550 15.387
5 7
10mins 174.768 218.287 198.665 153.277 143.37 174.76 31 C
45psi 34.5847 37.0088 6.07933 28.5986 6 8
6.1462 69.122
15mins 153.277 198.665 186.404 143.376 138.62 153.27 31 C
41psi 46.8417 52.8422 5.9802 13.4317 6 7
21.667 17.01
20mins 180.509 198.665 198.665 143.376 138.62 143.37 31 C
40psi 34.8802 52.6323 5.78614 24.2674 6 6
47.607 61.117
25mins 180.509 169.177 192.455 143.376 134.00 148.25 31 C
36psi 40.7433 2.72697 5.78614 17.01 7 9
13.235 47.414
3 7
30mins 169.177 186.404 180.509 143.376 134.00 143.37 32 C
35psi 19.9458 10.3595 6.77724 23.7272 7 6
31.200 103.97
6 8
35mins 143.376 198.665 180.509 143.376 129.51 138.62 32 C
34psi 43.3458 35.3274 7.07521 27.8548 4 6
17.916 43.168
40mins 180.509 198.665 180.509 143.376 129.51 138.62 31.5 C
33psi 32.9971 37.1649 7.30605 24.8179 4 6
38.595 84.920
4 8
45mins 143.376 198.665 186.404 138.626 129.51 134.00 31 C
31psi 43.3458 49.3676 5.9149 22.4724 4 7
50.369 55.635
50mins 169.177 192.455 186.404 138.626 125.14 129.51 31.5 C
30psi 39.5745 45.5271 5.94747 25.7208 7 4
31.471 63.777
55mins 153.277 198.665 192.455 143.376 134.00 143.37 32 C
29psi 32.0192 38.2735 5.72268 24.5965 7 6
53.476 44.607
2 3
60mins 148.259 153.277 163.734 138.626 134.00 143.37 31.5 C
28psi 34.7322 28.8502 5.65982 29.7456 7 6
43.168 61.594


Heat Loss Calculations:

Di 1
2 kL Aoho

Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD):

Tmax Tmin
Note: use LMTD if Tmin > 2

Arithmetic Mean Temperature Difference (AMTD):

Tmax+ Tmin

Note: use AMTD if Tmin 2 with 4% error

Table 35:

Mean Inside Temperature

Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 5 Pipe 6
Inlet 102.5 102.4167 100.8333 97.25 101.5833 101.1667
Outlet 100.4167 101.6667 100.8333 98.91667 108.0392 96.33333

Mean Surface Temperature

Pipe 1 Pipe 2 Pipe 3 Pipe 4 Pipe 5 Pipe 6
Inlet 55.85 54.375 34.29167 47.975 46.03333 60.15
Outlet 70.45833 73.125 36.16667 59.62667 64.95833 74.675

For Pipe 1:

Tmax=( 102.555.85 ) =46.65

Tmin= (100.416770.45833 ) =29.95837

Tmax 46.65
= =1.56
Tmin 29.95837

Such that;


Therefore we use AMTD:

46.65 +29.95837
AMTD = =38.3042

Summary MTD outputs:

Table 36:

tmax /
Pipe Tmax Tmin MTD

1 46.65 29.95837 1.557161 38.30419

2 48.0417 28.5417 1.683211 38.2917
3 66.54163 64.66663 1.028995 65.60413
4 49.275 39.29 1.254136 44.2825
5 55.54997 43.08087 1.289435 49.31542
6 41.0167 21.65833 1.893807 31.33752

Inside and Outside Pipe Diameters

Table 37:

Pipe Number Pipe Material Outside Inside Conductivity,
Diamater, Do Diamater, Di W
(m) (m) k m. K

1 Galvanized 0.0334 0.02654 80.2

2 Black Iron 0.0334 0.02664 80.2
3 Black Iron 0.0334 0.02664 80.2
Perlite 0.12652 0.0334 0.02
Aluminum 0.012664 0.012652 205
4 Stainless 0.0334 0.02664 15.1
5 Copper Tube 0.02858 0.025281 401
6 Copper Tube 0.02958 0.02858 401
with Fins

Outside Surface Conductance (ho)

Since the pipes are in horizontal position then we use the equation:

ho=C 1+0.005(T hT a)

Pipe 1: @ Entry

C 1=0.53
T h=55.85
T a=30
ho=0.53+0.005 ( 55.8530 ) =6.5925
m2 K

Pipe 1: @ Outlet

C 1=0.53
T h=70.45833
T a=30

ho=0.53+0.005 ( 70.4583330 ) =7.3229
m2 K

Table 38: @ Pipe Inlet

Pipe C1 Th Ta w
ho 2
m K

1 0.53 55.85 30 6.5925

2 0.32 54.375 30 4.41875
3 0.32 34.29167 30 3.4146
4 0.32 47.975 30 4.09675
5 0.85 46.03333 30 9.3017
6 0.85 60.15 30 10.0075

Table 39: @ Pipe Outlet

Pipe C1 Th Ta w
m2 K

1 0.53 70.45833 30.5 7.2979

2 0.32 73.125 30.5 7.43125
3 0.32 36.16667 30.5 5.5833
4 0.32 59.62667 30.5 4.09675
5 0.85 64.95833 30.5 10.2229
6 0.85 74.675 30 10.7338

Surface Area

For Pipe 1 to 5

A= x D o x L eff .


Table 40:
Pipe Do Leff . Surface Area
m m

1 0.0334 2.34 0.245

2 0.0334 2.34 0.245

3 0.12664 2.34 0.931

4 0.0334 2.34 0.246

5 0.02858 2.34 0.210

For Pipe 6 (Copper Tube with fins)

A= A fin + A pipe =( 2 ) ( 4 )( D o
Di2) ( No . of fins )+( )( D pipe )( Leff . )

Such that:

N fins
For the number of fins (

N fins N
Leff . L


N =32 fins
Leff . =2.33 m

32 fins
N fins = ( 2.33 m )
0.1 m

N fins =746 fins

A=(2) ( 4 ) [ ( 0.02958 m ) ( 0.02858 m ) ] (746)+( )(0.02858 m)(2.33 m)

2 2

A=0.277353 m2
f in = tanh(mL) mL (2) where m = (hC/KA) h = film heat transfer coefficient from the
fin surface [Kcal/hrm2C ] C = circumference of the fin [m] K = thermal conductivity of fin
material [Kcal/hr mC ] A = cross-sectional area of fin [m2 ]

e fins=



(10W /m2K )( )(.02958 m)
(401 W /mK )(0.277353 m2) x 2.33m

mL = .273
e fins=

e fins=64.59

(Finned tube must be 50 75%)

Heat Loss Calculation

Pipe Inlet:

Pipe 1

Q i=
0.0334 m
0.02654 m 1
W w
2 80.2
m. K) (
(2.34 m ) ( 0.245 m2) 6.5925 2
m K )
Qi=61.85 W


Pipe Qloss

1 Galvanized iron 61.85 W

2 Black iron 41.46 W

Black iron pipe

with insulation 7.9049W
(Perlite asbestos,
outside aluminum)
4 Stainless Steel 44.58 W

5 Copper tube 96.33 W

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