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Day 6 - Monday 13th, March 2017

In the table below:
List the function of the transitions that you observe during the
lesson (see Table 3 for examples)
Identify strategies used by the teacher to facilitate transitions
Comment on these strategies in terms of promoting positive
behavior and minimizing the incidence of challenging behavior

Type and function Strategies used Efficacy of the Suggestions for

of transitions to facilitate strategy in terms further
transitions of promoting development
positive behavior
and minimizing
1. Moving The teacher It was a I suggest also
children clap for each successful the that the teacher
from group to children respond should guide
carpet stand up and to the teacher them so
area to go to the and went to their everyone knows
groups group place quietly. where they
activities activities area should be.

2. when they It was effective I suggest that if

end from The teacher the children were instead of the
the activities turns on a cleaning in song the teacher
and come clean-up song enthusiasm but gives them
back to the for 2 minute so some of them enough time to
carpet area, they clean the were still working clean up for 5
dirty thing. because the minutes.
song was only
for 2 minutes so
the student were
not having
enough time to
finish their work.

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