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Graham Brown-Martin



Education in the MENA region

The region is home to nearly 220 million people.

School-age population of 80 million.

Based on gross enrolment rates at each level per country, the

school-going population in MENA stands at 57 million, with 50
million attending public schools/institutions and 7 million
attending private schools/institutions.

4.3 million primary-aged children and

2.9 million lower secondary-aged children are still not in school.

Including one year of pre-primary education

the foundation on which a childs future learning is built
12.3 million children across 20 countries are being left behind.
source: UNESCO

Approx 7,200 English-medium international schools teaching over

3.7 million students

By 2024, there will be over 12,000 international schools teaching

6.9 million students generating an annual fee income of over US
$62 billion (37 billion)
source: International School Consultancy Group

Based on estimates of average tuition fee for each country (at

each level), we found MENAs overall education market to be
worth US $128 billion. Our estimates place the MENA education
market at US $237 billion by 2020
source: Al Masah Capital

Teacher shortages.

By 2030,school-age population in region increases with 9.5

million additional students.

To achieve universal primary education, the region needs to

create an additional 500,000 posts by 2030 and replace 1.4
million teachers who will have left the profession. source: UNESCO

Limited Arabic digital educational material

Challenging & expensive internet access

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