SIELMEN 2015-Mihai Tirsu Buildings - Ext

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The energy efficiency promotion in buildings

Mihai Tirsu1, Sveatoslav Postoronca1, Ion Martnos1

1 Institute of Power Engineering of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, e-mail:

Abstract In the paper the solutions how to decrease the

energy consumption for the most common types of buildings
in urban areas of The Republic of Moldova using the
modern practice of improving energy efficiency are shown.
Here we mean modernization measures like thermal
insulation and integration of renewable energy sources. A
study has been made for the schedule of energy
consumption and the losses of energy inside the buildings.
Were described the technical possibilities of mounting of
such sources as, solar collectors, photovoltaic panels, devices Fig.1. Energy consumption of Moldova for 2013. Source National
for recovery the waste heat. The optimal operating Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
conditions of renewable and traditional energy sources with
subsequent analysis of the effect gained from measures It should be mentioned that around 50% of all energy is
described are submitted. consumed by the residential sector. Over 220ktoe is used
as heat supply by district heating, which constitutes 10%
Keywords renewable sources; building efficiency; PV; solar of total consumption in the country. Due to the low quality
collectors; heat recovery of heat supply services through centralized networks, held
major disconnection from the centralized system for moral
I. INTRODUCT boiler rooms. Even new buildings constructed focus on
ION individual moral boilers, which results in less efficient
centralized system. Another important factor is the high
Moldova is a country with limited fossil energy level of heat losses in networks. It reaches 22%.
resources. This fact imposes the country as more than
95% of energy consumption to be provided by import.
Being a country with limited energy resources, Moldova III. BUILDING
should use the widest available sources in territory such as CHARACTERISTICS
renewables. This would help increase the level of energy
security. On the other hand, it is necessary to use the OF CHISINAU
innovative technical solutions (so called BAT best MUNICIPALITY
available technologies) in order to have high energy The current situation on buildings from Chisinau is
efficiency. Unfortunately, the country's energy presented in Table 1.
consumption is constantly rising and the level of energy
efficiency is very low. Today Moldova has energy Table 1. Structure of residential and nonresidential
intensity 2-3 times higher than the average of European buildings by story category
countries. This means that for each unit of production is Residential Nonresidential
consumed 2-3 times more energy compared to other buildings 3521 buildings 5092
countries. The main cause is the use of obsolete 1-2 floors 2207 General education
technologies from the Soviet era and lack of investment school 168
for modernization. 3-4 floors 250
In Moldova there are several crucial opportunities to 5 floors 713 Preschool institutions 152
increase energy efficiency. One of them is multi-storey
buildings, which is an important energy consumer. Over 9 floors 248 Other education
60% of all dwelling is situated in Chisinau [1]. The 6,7,8,10, 15 institutions 65
present work presents possibilities for efficient energy use floors 55
in both existing buildings and new ones under 12-14 floors 9 Cultural institutions 99
construction or planned. 16 and higher
floors 39 Medical institutions 436
Commercial units 3760
CHARACTERISTIC Industrial factories 281
CONSUMPTION IN Analysis of the consumption data shows that over
MOLDOVA 150ktoe or about 1500kGcal are consumed by these
buildings from centralized heating networks [2] and nearly
Moldova consumes around 2300 ktoe. Distribution by as much energy is consumed by individual heating
consumption category is shown in Fig. 1. systems powered by natural gas. The buildings in
Chisinau are responsible for over 20% of total energy
consumption in the country, which means a major In Figure 3 you can see that the biggest losses of energy
potential for efficient energy consumption. are through walls (they can reach 50%) and windows
At the same time, the buildings have different periods, (ranging between 15-30%).
varying between 0 and 50 years. Building age distribution Another source of energy loss is the domestic hot water.
is shown in Fig. 2. On average, each family consumes around 3m3 of hot
water per month. In total per year a block of flats
consumes around 2592 m3 of hot water. This means
around 99Gcal.

11.2 4.7 10-20 years V. EFFICIENCY

from 20 to40 MEASURES FOR
54.3 years
40-50 years BUILDINGS
> 50 years
Recently was published the document entitled Energy
Efficiency the first fuel for the EU Economy [4]. It is
an up to date roadmap how to manage the investments in
Fig.2. Buildings characteristics by age in Chisinau the situation of increasing energy efficiency requirements
using the studies developed and obtained data resulted
It should be noted that most buildings are without thermal from the reach European practice over the last years. The
insulation and the windows are large energy losses, and a Energy Community (EC), organization established in
good part of the windows are of low quality with heat 2005 by the International Treaty, has developed the
losses substantial and are mounted without respecting
technologies, which resulted in create thermal bridges. energy polices in regard to the energy efficiency
treatment for countries in EU, South East Europe and
Black Sea region, including Moldova [5]. But due to the
IV. ESTIMATIO appropriate specific of each country, the Ministerial
N OF ENERGY Council of the EC, considering the recommendation from
LOSSES IN the Permanent High Level Group, has proposed
BUILDINGS implementation of Directive 2012/27/EU [6], in each
Much of the existing buildings in Moldova are between Contracting Party, but with certain modifications [7].
20-60 years old and their thermal characteristics are low. So that, in the Republic of Moldova the measures of
On average 75% of energy is consumed for heating energy efficiency to decarbonise and diversify the energy
buildings. To estimate the energy losses in buildings we supply in the light of increasing energy consumption are
will focus on multi-storey buildings constructed of the same with the EU ones. We have to reduce the high
reinforced concrete, which constitutes over 30% of all dependence of fossil fuels taking into account the Climate
buildings. We consider an apartment building with nine
floors and two staircases. Such blocks have approximately Change requirements. In the domain of Construction the
500 m2 and 72 apartments. The energy consumption of Directives [5], 2010/31/EU [8] and 2002/91/EC [9] have
these apartments is approximately 180kWh/m2 year, which been implemented the common general methodology for
is 3 times more than in EU countries [3]. the calculation the energy efficiency of buildings. It was
For this type of building are characteristic energy losses the Directive [6], so-called Energy Performance of
through walls (U value) of 1.8 W (m2K), through the Building Directive (EPBD), which required the EU
windows of 3.3 W (m2K), through roof of 0.73 W (m2K). Member States to ensure that by 31 December 2020 all
Typical distribution of energy losses through the new buildings are going to be classified as Nearly Zero
constructive elements of the building are shown on Fig. 3. Energy Buildings (NZEB). But the state of the art in
Member States of EU is a significant deviation in EPBD
implementation with big differences in impact,
compliance and control. Many countries have adopted the
special soft for estimation methods, but fail to the
necessary implementation [10]. The main among the
aforementioned measures are: renovation of residential
and nonresidential buildings, integration of renewable
energy sources and the installation of high efficiency
equipment, utilization of modern appliances with low
level of energy consumption. A special relevance has the
basic building retrofit measures, like:
- Thermal insulation of the envelope (external walls, roof,
eventually roof or ceiling below the lowest heated
Fig.3. Typical distribution of energy losses through constructive floor);
elements of building - Replacement of windows and doors;
- Regulation of the heating system (primarily measurement measures related to building insulation it is possible to cut
and the control systems, eventually on insulation of energy losses by up to 40%.
valves, pipe insulation or replacement of pumps); With using the Phase Change Materials (PCM) in order
- Installation of heat recovery units to reduce ventilation to have a passive building design we can mount a solar
losses (including the distribution system). heating system which works ws. electricity with positive
effect even in the winter. Term of passive solar building
design is used for a house in which, windows, walls and
Further was estimated a relative prices per square meter floors are made to collect, store and distribute solar energy
of floor space for each retrofit measure apart. An average in the form of heat. One of the goals to use and design
unique price for all EC countries was considered suitable, passive solar buildings are o take in advantage of the local
as in the region there are similar construction standards, weather [14].
but not the same climate conditions. Overall, for existing buildings energy losses can be
reduced on average by at least 30% only by thermal
Table 1. Prices of building retrofit measures concerning rehabilitation of buildings shell. This value would be
about 500 thousand Gcal.
heat energy (EUR/m2 of floor area)
Here we have to underline the assessment that has
corroborated the difference between the energy
Measures Price performance of buildings calculated with the simulation
(EUR/m2) software and their actual energy performance [15]. As
Measures Window replacement 31 showed the practice of some EU countries like Italy, UK
and Denmark there are deviations of around 30% between
to reduce External insulation 28 the esteemed and really consumed energy quantities [16].
heating Insulation of the ground 16 The phenomena results from the difficult complexity of
losses floor behavior of users/consumers. It is not easy to predict
Roof insulation (slope) 15 accurately what indoor temperature will prefer the tenant
to adjust, how long the consumer will be cooking,
Roof insulation (flat) 6 watching TV, staying in the bathroom, etc.
Ceiling insulation 5 A second measure would be replacing of one-pipe
Floor to basement 4 internal thermal distribution system by two-pipe heating
insulation system, metering each apartment, ensuring the possibility
Regulation of a heating equipment 7 of regulating the temperature in each room as needed and
the financial strength of tenants.
Focusing the concrete measures in Moldova lets begin As next measure it is necessary to implement in every
with organizational methods. On the top of importance we residential block of individual thermal points (ITP). This
find the appropriate state legislation framework which would exclude transport losses which are around 20%.
facilitates the sustainable development of the domain. Keeping the current tariff for heat from implementing
The important methodology for developing an energy efficiency measures will create a surplus of money that
review is an energy audit with the purpose to analyze the can be directed towards paying investments.
energy consumption to work out to the potential for Another category of measures can be recovery of waste
energy saving and to define the proposals. In addition heat from canalization. To this end it is necessary to
energy audit report on the impact of the CO2 emissions. install waste heat recovery systems for sewer pipes that
European practice shows us that its not enough to possess can be redirected back to the individual thermal points for
the modern methodologies of calculation of energy DHW.
efficiency. Initially we have to collect big volumes of data
during some periods of time from different places of A. Using of RES in energy circuit of buildings
location. In this field are developed a various number of One of the possibilities to reduce traditional energy
pilot projects with recruiting the people who live or
manage the buildings and consume energy, as well as consumption is using of renewable sources for both heat
different focus groups or discussions, measures also production and electricity. Well known Building
stipulated in EU energy efficiency Directives [11]. Integrated Solar Thermal System (BISTS) can ensure the
Involving users have the advantage that they are usually at reduction of: overall primary energy demand for space
the forefront of adapting new trends and knowing how to heating and cooling purposes; building construction
use cutting-edge technology. They are users who exhibit
relevant real-world experience, would strongly benefit by capital cost and land cost; overall building energy
enacting change and can provide accurate data about the consumption (toward NZEB).
matters at hand [12]. In this regard we have to select The results obtained by the energy and economic
individuals who fulfill the minimum screening criteria: analysis highlight the promising feasibility of the adoption
they are open to technological and behavioral change, can of building integrated PVT (BIPVT) collectors which
provide a constructive criticism, are willing to discuss and involve high and satisfactory Primary Energy Saving
participate, and having some understanding or experience (PES) [17]. The highest thermal and electric efficiencies
in the field. of the case when PVT system is mounted on the roof are
The first measure urgently needed to be implemented is observed. The calculated Simple Pay Back is still high,
the thermal rehabilitation of buildings shell both ranging from 12 to 15 years depending of the investigated
residential and nonresidential. This measure requires huge cases.
investments (around 660 mln. EUR according to [13]) and As mentioned above, the roof surface of two staircase 9-
it is clear that without the implementation of investment story building is approximately 500 m2. To estimate the
projects at the Central Public Authority or/and Local amount of energy produced by solar collectors or
Public Authority will not be easy. If we implementing photovoltaic panels will use this information presented
Table 2. Level of daily insulation in Moldova according to zones
s for last Marc Ma Sep Dece
22 years m.u. Jan Feb h Apr y Jun Jul Aug t Oct Nov m
kWh/m2/da 4.1
Drochia y 1.69 2.56 3.15 3.49 4.71 9 4.48 4.40 3.14 2.44 1.39 1.44
kWh/m2/da 5.8
Bli y 1.19 2.18 3.42 4.48 5.65 9 5.83 5.05 3.71 2.24 1.27 0.93
kWh/m2/da 5.8
Taraclia y 1.19 2.18 3.42 4.48 5.65 9 5.83 5.05 3.71 2.24 1.27 0.93
kWh/m2/da 5.7
Chiinu y 1.08 1.78 2.68 3.87 5.40 0 6.39 5.63 3.96 2.45 1.06 0.87

Based on the data of Table 2 for the estimated amount considered to be 25 W m 2. So, in an area of 500m2 we fail
of energy available monthly on the surface of 500 m 2 (see to provide a heat load 12,5kW. Thus, in one year can
Fig. 4). obtain around 82 000 kWh with a heat pump which has a
COP of at least 4. This energy is equivalent to 70Gcal /
year or 71% of total consumption of thermal energy for
DHW. In this case, it is necessary to use this energy for
the heating season, and during the warm geothermal plant
can use the element of air conditioning. This application
would essentially reduce electricity consumption.

By implementation of efficiency measures to existing

buildings both residential and non residential we would
Fig.4. Available energy potential on surface of 500m2. ET thermal reduce energy consumption by at least 30% or 300ktoe.
energy; EE electrical energy. On the other hand, the use of renewable energy for
existing buildings could replace around 35% of energy
and 45% in new built homes.
From Fig. 4 it is evident that the use of solar collectors
with an efficiency of 85% in July we can get an amount of ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS
81 000 kWh of thermal energy and 14 400 kWh of
electricity by using photovoltaic panels. Since maximum BAT - Best available technologies;
heat produced from this area is 70Gcal in July, while NBS National Bureau of Statistics;
house consumption is 99Gcal / year or about 10Gcal / EC Energy Community;
month, it is obvious that the rational is using only an area
of the roof for heat production and the rest for electricity. EPBD Energy Performance of Building Directive;
NZEB Nearly Zero Energy Building;
It should be noted that the location of solar collectors
on the roof need to be used in combination with heat- PCM Phase Change Material;
insulated water tanks. This would enable the use of a large ITP Individual Thermal Point;
area of solar collectors and thus using part then we have RES Renewable Energy Source;
cloudy days without sunshine. On the other hand, the size DHW Domestic Hot Water;
of the tanks could be calculated that during the spring- BISTS Building Individual Solar Thermal System;
autumn season to provide tenants with hot water. BIPVT Building Integrated PV Thermal Collector;
The overall area of solar collectors must be calculated PES Primary Energy Saving.
so as not to exceed the energy consumption for hot water
by tenants. Otherwise it is necessary to implement REFERENCES
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