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Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

SAP HANA Platform Software

Target Audience

Document version 1.1 2015/05/08
Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA


1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 4
1.1 About This Document ............................................................................ 4
1.2 SAP HANA Guides ................................................................................. 4
2 Filename: global.ini ............................................................................. 5
Section: auditing configuration .................................................................. 5
Section: backup............................................................................................ 6
Section: communication .............................................................................. 7
Section: cryptography ................................................................................. 7
Section: execution ....................................................................................... 8
Section: inifile_checker ............................................................................... 9
Section: internal_hostname_resolution ..................................................... 9
Section: memorymanager ......................................................................... 10
Section: multidb ......................................................................................... 12
Section: password policy .......................................................................... 13
Section: memoryobjects............................................................................ 14
Section: persistence .................................................................................. 15
Section: public_hostname_resolution ..................................................... 19
Section: resource_tracking ....................................................................... 20
Section: system_replication ...................................................................... 21
Section: table_placement .......................................................................... 29
Section: trace ............................................................................................. 30
3 Filename: attributes.ini ..................................................................... 32
Section: global............................................................................................ 32
4 Filename: daemon.ini ....................................................................... 33
Section: compileserver .............................................................................. 33
Section: indexserver .................................................................................. 33
Section: nameserver .................................................................................. 34
Section: preprocessor ............................................................................... 35
Section: statisticsserver ............................................................................ 35
5 Filename: executor.ini ...................................................................... 37
Section: pythontrace.................................................................................. 37
6 Filename: indexserver.ini ................................................................. 38
Section: authentication.............................................................................. 38
Section: cache ............................................................................................ 38
Section: calcengine.................................................................................... 39
Section: distribution .................................................................................. 40
Section: joins .............................................................................................. 40
Section: mergedog ..................................................................................... 41
Section: optimize_compression ............................................................... 44
Section: partitioning .................................................................................. 44
Section: parallel.......................................................................................... 45

SAP HANA platform 2

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Section: search........................................................................................... 46
Section: session ......................................................................................... 47
Section: smart_data_access ..................................................................... 51
Section: sql ................................................................................................. 52
Section: sqlscript ....................................................................................... 55
Section: table_redist .................................................................................. 56
Section: trace ............................................................................................. 57
Section: transaction ................................................................................... 58
7 Filename: multidb.ini ........................................................................ 61
Section: readonly_parameters .................................................................. 61
8 Filename: nameserver.ini ................................................................. 65
Section: statisticsserver ............................................................................ 65
Section: topology ....................................................................................... 65
9 Filename: statisticsserver.ini ........................................................... 66
Section: memorymanager ......................................................................... 66
Section: statisticsserver_general ............................................................. 66
Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects........................................... 67
Coding Samples ......................................................................................... 67
Accessibility ............................................................................................... 67
Gender-Neutral Language ......................................................................... 67
Internet Hyperlinks ..................................................................................... 67
Copyright .............................................................................................. 68

SAP HANA platform 3

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

1 Introduction
1.1 About This Document
This guide provides information about some of the main configurable parameters in SAP
Check SAP Note 2036111 for information on the latest version of this document.

1.2 SAP HANA Guides

For more information about SAP HANA landscape, security, installation and administration,
see the SAP HANA platform page of SAP Help Portal at

SAP HANA platform 4

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

2 Filename: global.ini
This configuration file describes global parameters for each service in the landscape.

Section: auditing configuration

This section contains parameters that are related to auditing configuration.
Parameter: alert_audit_trail_type

Description: Sets an audit trail target to which audit entries

from audit policies with the audit level ALERT are
Default: default_audit_trail_type
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Security Guide (Audit Policies)
Parameter: critical_audit_trail_type

Description: Sets an audit trail target to which audit entries

from audit policies with the audit level CRITICAL
are written.
Default: default_audit_trail_type
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Security Guide
Parameter: default_audit_trail_type

Description: Default audit trail target of the database

Default: CSTABLE

SAP HANA platform 5

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13 ,
Default value CSTABLE in SAP HANA revisions >=
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Security Guide
Parameter: emergency_audit_trail_type

Description: Audit trail target to which audit entries from audit

policies with the audit level EMERGENCY are
Default: default_audit_trail_type
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Security Guide
Parameter: global_auditing_state

Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) global auditing

regardless of the enabled state of the audit
Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1991634
SAP HANA Security Guide (Auditing Activity)

Section: backup
This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of backup.
Parameter: log_backup_using_backint

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) log backup using a

third-party tool through the backint interface.
Values: true, false
Default: False

SAP HANA platform 6

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 45
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide

Section: communication
This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of communications.
Parameter: listeninterface

Description: Specifies the network interface that the

processes listen on.
Values: .global to select all available network interfaces
.internal to select all network interfaces that are
listed in [internal_hostname_resolution]
.local to select only local network interfaces, for
Default: .global
Restart required: No. Changes take effect after the service has
been reconfigured.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 45
Related information: SAP Note 1999797
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Network for
Multiple Hosts)
SAP HANA Master Guide (Internal Host Name
Parameter: sslCreateSelfSignedCertificate

Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) the creation of a

self-signed certificate if the key store for external
communication cannot be found.
Values: true, false
Default: False
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1891055

Section: cryptography
This section contains parameters that are related to cryptography.

Parameter: ssfs_key_file_path

SAP HANA platform 7

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Sets a path to the key files used by SSFS (Secure

Storage in File System) for Persistence Encryption
and Application Encryption.
Caution: Check that this path is accessible by
every server within your distributed

Values: Absolute file path

Default: /usr/sap/<SID>/global/hdb/security/ssfs
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Security Guide

Section: execution
This section contains parameters that are related to parallel execution.

Parameter: max_concurrency

Description: Sets a maximum target value for the average

number of running job worker threads (0 =
number of available logical cores).
Job worker threads process parallelized OLAP
queries and perform system tasks such as table
updates, savepoint operations, garbage
collection, backup, and recovery.
The current number of running job worker
threads can exceed the specified target value.
The total number of job worker threads can be
larger than the specified target value because
some of the job worker threads are not in the
state Running.
When set to 0, the target value is the number of
available logical CPU cores.
When Hyperthreading is enabled, the server has
more logical cores than physical cores. When the
specified value is smaller than the default value,
the job worker threads will only use a part of the
available logical CPU cores.
When the specified target value is too large, the
SAP HANA System may be overloaded due to a
high degree of parallelization.
When the specified target value is too small,

SAP HANA platform 8

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

important system tasks may get stuck.

The parameter max_concurrency controls an
effective number of logical cores of a multi-
tenant database container.

Values: Positive integer or zero

Default: Number of available logical cores.
Restart required: No. Parameter changes take effect not later than
the currently running job worker threads have
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 17
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide

Section: inifile_checker
This section contains parameters that control the watchdog checking ini files in HANA
System replication scenarios.
Parameter: enable

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) the watchdog that

checks differences of ini file parameters between
primary and secondary systems in a system
replication scenario.
Values: true, false
Default: True
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 60
Related information: SAP Note 1984641

Section: internal_hostname_resolution
This section contains mappings of IP addresses to internal hostnames.
Parameter: <internal_ip_address>

Description: Specifes internal IP addresses for the internal

communication among multiple server hosts of a
distributed SAP HANA System.
When the parameter listeninterface in the section
[communication] has been set to .internal, the
internal IP addresses specified in the section

SAP HANA platform 9

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

[internal_hostname_resolution] will be used.

Values: <internal_hostname>

Default: N/A
Restart required: No. Changes take effect after one minute.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 52
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
SAP HANA Master Guide (Internal Host Name

Section: memorymanager
This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of memory management.
Parameter: global_allocation_limit

Description: Sets an explicit usable memory for the entire SAP

HANA system in megabytes.
When set to 0, the SAP HANA system implicitly
calculates a default value based on the size of
physical RAM.
Set an explicit value to use only a portion of
physical RAM.
Do not select an explicit value less than 58982,
which is 90% of 64 GB, or more than the
calculated default value. For details, see the SAP
HANA Administration Guide.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Default: 0 (implicit limit calculation)
Restart required: No, since HANA revision 70
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1984422
Administration Guide (Allocated Memory Pools
and Allocation Limits)
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide
Parameter: oom_dump_time_delta

Description: Sets a lower limit for the time between creating

two dump files of the same type by the same
service in seconds (0 = disabled).
The following dump file types are supported:
compositelimit oom (statement-specific)

SAP HANA platform 10

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

oom memory release (node-specific)

after oom cleanup (node-specific)
Values: Positive integer
Default: 86400 (1 day)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 54
Related information: SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide
Parameter: statement_memory_limit

Description: Sets a statement memory limit in gigabytes.

The limit defines the maximum memory that can
be temporarily used for the execution of a
statement on one node.
Statements that exceed the limit will be aborted,
but other processes of the SAP HANA system are
not affected.
Within the time period defined by the parameter ,
oom_dump_time_delta, at most one dump file is
created per service. The name of the dump file
contains the string compositelimit oom.
The statement memory limit only takes effect
when memory tracking has been enabled
([memorymanager] enable_tracking = on and
[memorymanager] memory_tracking = on).
Caution: To disable the statement memory limit
feature, do not set the parameter
statement_memory_limit to 0, but to default
(empty string). See SAP Note 2072856.
Caution: Do not set a limit that is too small.
Values: Positive integer
Default: Empty string
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 80
Related information: SAP Note 2072856
SAP Note 1999997
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Statement Memory Limit)

Parameter: statement_memory_limit_threshold

Description: Sets a memory usage threshold per cluster node

as percentage of the global allocation limit (0 =

SAP HANA platform 11

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

disabled) so that the statement memory limit

feature only takes effect when the used memory
per node exceeds the specified memory usage
When the used memory per node falls below the
specified memory usage threshold, the statement
memory limit has no effect.
The statement memory limit only takes effect
when memory tracking has been enabled
([memorymanager] enable_tracking = on and
[memorymanager] memory_tracking = on).
When set to zero, the statement memory limit
does not depend on the used memory per node.
Values: Positive integer between 0 and 100.
Default: 0
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP Note 1999997
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Statement Memory Limit)

Section: multidb
This section contains parameters that are related to multitenant database containers.

Parameter: reserved_instance_numbers

Description: Sets a number of additional reserved instances.

The parameter reserved_instance_numbers
defines the port range (3<nn>00 3<mm>99) that
will be used for the creation of additional tenant
database containers.
Example: If thepre-defined instance number is
<nn> = 02, a port range from 30200 to 30299 can
be used. When the value of the parameter
reserved_instance_numbers is set to 3, the port
range is extended by three further instances <nn>
= 03, 04, 05, and you will effectively use tenant
ports ranging from 30200 to 30599.
Values: Positive integer or zero.
Default: 0
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Multitenant

SAP HANA platform 12

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Database Containers)

Section: password policy

This section contains parameters that are related to password policies.

Parameter: force_first_password_change
Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) enforced password
change after first logon.
When set to true, a user is forced to change
his/her password after logon with an initial
password given by a system administrator.
When set to false, a user can continue to use the
initial password.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
Parameter: maximum_unused_initial_password_lifetime

Description: Sets a maximum lifetime of an initial password

given by a system administrator in number of
When a user gets an initial password from the
system administrator and does not log in within
the specified number of days, the given initial
password becomes invalid and the user has to
request a new initial password.

Values: Positive integer (1 .. 65536)

Default: 7 (days)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide
Parameter: minimal_password_length

Description: Sets a minimum number of characters a password

has to consist of.
When the parameter minimal_password_length is
increased, existing passwords with a smaller
number of characters remain valid.

SAP HANA platform 13

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Values: Positive integer (6 ... 64)

Default: 8
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide

Section: memoryobjects
This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of memory objects.
Parameter: unload_lower_bound

Description: Sets a threshold for table size in bytes. When a

columnstore table exceeds this threshold, it is
unloaded from memory.
When set to 0, the SAP HANA system
automatically controls the unloading of
columnstore tables.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Example: 1.649.267.441.664 (1.5 TB)
Default: 0
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1993128
Parameter: unused_retention_period

Description: Sets a retention period for memory objects in

Memory objects that have not been used for the
specified period of time will be unloaded from
When set to 0, the SAP HANA system
automatically controls the unloading of memory
The unloading of memory objects can take longer
than the specified time.
Caution: Do not set an explicit value less than
3600 (one hour).
Values: Positive integer or zero
Recommended: 0, 3600 and larger
Default: 0
Restart required: No

SAP HANA platform 14

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70

Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide

Section: persistence
This section contains parameters that are related to the configuration of data and log
locations as well as data and log backup.
Parameter: basepath_datavolumes

Description: Defines the absolute base file path for data

volumes. All data volumes will be stored under this
file path.

Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of

data. Make sure you create a full system backup
Values: Absolute file path
Default: $(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/data

Restart required: Yes

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1766708
SAP Note 1900728
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Storage Snapshot)
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Persistent Data
Parameter: basepath_logvolumes

Description: Defines the absolute base file path for log volumes.
All log volumes will be stored under this file path.

Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of

data. Make sure you create a full system backup
Values: Absolute file path
Default: $(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/log

Restart required: Yes

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1766708
SAP Note 1900728
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Storage Snapshot)
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Persistent Data

SAP HANA platform 15

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: enable_auto_log_backup

Description: Enables (yes) /disables (no) automatic log backup

of closed log segments.
Values: yes, no
Default: yes
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1645183
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Log Backups)
Parameter: log_mode

Description: Sets the logging mode.

The log area of the database is subdivided into

logical log segments.

In normal mode, log segments are

released when they have been backed up
and a savepoint has taken place.
In overwrite mode, log segments are freed
by the next savepoint.
In legacy mode, log segments are kept in
the log area until a full backup has been

Caution: Legacy mode is deprecated since SPS

03 and is not supported since SPS 07.
Values: normal
legacy (deprecated as of SPS 03, not supported
since SPS 07)
Default: normal
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1645183
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Log Backups)
Parameter: log_backup_timeout_s

SAP HANA platform 16

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Sets a log backup timeout in seconds (0 = disabled).

The log backup timeout specifies the maximum

time period between a COMMIT operation and the
time when a log segment containing the COMMIT
operation is closed and put into the log segment
backup queue.

Log segments can be closed before they are

completely filled.

When set to 0, log segments are only put into the

log segment backup queue when they are full or
explicitly closed.

The log backup timeout depends on the Recovery

Point Objective (RPO) defined by the customer. The
RPO is the maximum acceptable amount of data
loss after an unplanned data-loss incident,
expressed as an amount of time.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Recommended: 300 to 3600.
Default: 900
Restart required: No. Changes take effect at the next log segment
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1645183
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Log Backups)
Parameter: savepoint_interval_s

Description: Sets the savepoint interval in seconds.

The savepoint interval controls the frequency at
which savepoint operations are performed.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Recommended: 10 to 7200
Default: 300
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1898505
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Persistent Data
Parameter: tablepreload_write_interval

SAP HANA platform 17

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Sets a table preload write interval in seconds (0 =


This parameter defines the time period at which

table preload information is collected and written
to disk.

The table preload information comprises all

column-store table columns that are currently
loaded into memory.

The collected information is used as follows:

- When the table reload option is enabled, the

table preload information determines the table
columns that are loaded during SAP HANA system

- In a system replication scenario, when the table

preload option has been enabled in the primary
system, the table preload information is collected
in the primary system and transferred to a
secondary system.

- In a system replication scenario, when the table

preload option has been enabled in the secondary
system, the table preload information determines
the table columns that are loaded into memory.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Default: 3600 (1h) for SAP HANA Revisions 54-69
86400 (1 day) since SAP HANA Revision 70
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Starting and
SAP HANA Administration Guide (System
Parameter: use_mountpoints

SAP HANA platform 18

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Includes (true) / excludes (false) mountpoint

directories in the file path of data and log volumes.
The mountpoint directories have the format
mntNNNNN, where NNNNN represents a 5-digit
number. The mountpoint directories are an
intermediate layer between the base file paths and
the volume directories hdbNNNNN.
Caution: Do not change this parameter unless the
reasons described in the SAP Notes below apply.
Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of
data. Make sure you create a full system backup
Values: true, false
Default: True
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 17
Related information: SAP Note 1809453
SAP Note 1820553

Section: public_hostname_resolution
This section specifies how internal hostnames are resolved to external names. External
names could be IP addresses, hostnames, or fully qualified host names.
Parameter: use_default_route

Description: Defines one or more ways of addressing database

server hosts by external clients:
ip = through external IP addresses
name = through external hostnames
fqdn = through external fully qualified domain
no = through internal hostnames

Values: ip, name, fqdn, or any combinations thereof

Default: Ip
Restart required: No. Changes take effect after one minute.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 54
Related information: SAP Note 1906381
SAP HANA Master Guide (Internal Host Name
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Mapping Host
Names for Database Client Access)

SAP HANA platform 19

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: map_<internal_hostname>

Description: Defines explicit addressing of database server hosts

by external clients when the parameter
use_default_route has been set to no.
The parameters refer to one or more internal
hostnames. The values refer to one or more
external/public names, which are mapped to the
corresponding external/public names.
Exact mapping:
map_<internal_hostname> = <external_name>
Pattern mapping:
map_<internal_hostname_prefix>* =
map_<internal_hostname_prefix>* =
In the case of pattern mapping, the parameter
name must end with *, the parameter value can
have the * in the middle or in the end.
The external names can be IP addresses,
hostnames or fully qualified domain names.

Values: <external_name-prefix>*
Default: Ip
Restart required: No. Changes take effect after one minute.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 54
Related information: SAP Note 1906381
SAP HANA Master Guide (Mapping Host Names for
Database Client Access)

Section: resource_tracking
This section contains parameters that are related to the tracking of system resources.
Parameter: enable_tracking

Description: Enables (on) / disables (off) tracking of system

For performance reasons, the system resource
tracking is disabled by default.
If enabled, all resources for which tracking has been
enabled, will be measured periodically and the values
can be displayed in corresponding system views
and/or trace files.

SAP HANA platform 20

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

To enable statement memory tracking and/or to use

statement memory limits, set the parameter
enable_tracking to true.
Values: on, off
Default: off
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1999997
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance Analysis
Guide (Statement Memory Limit)

Parameter: memory_tracking

Description: Enables (on) / disables (off) statement memory

For performance reasons, the statement memory
tracking is disabled by default.
If enabled together with system resource tracking
(enable_tracking = on), the memory usage for
statement execution will be measured periodically
and the values can be displayed in corresponding
system views and/or trace files.
To use statement memory limit, set the parameter
memory_tracking to on.
Values: on, true
off, false
Default: off, false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1999997
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance Analysis
Guide (Statement Memory Limit)

Section: system_replication
This section contains parameters that are related to system replication.

Parameter: datashipping_logsize_threshold

Description: Sets a minimum total size of log buffers in bytes that

the secondary system expects to receive from the
primary system between two datashipping requests,
which the secondary system sends to the primary

SAP HANA platform 21

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Log buffers are memory areas that store information
about changes made to the database. Log buffers are
written to log segment files on disks after a commit
operation occurs. The log information is necessary for
database recovery.
In response to receiving a data shipping request, the
primary system invokes a transfer of delta data pages
that have changed after the last data shipping.
When the total size of received log buffers exceeds
the specified threshold size, the secondary system
sends a new data shipping request, even if the time
elapsed after the last data shipping request has not
yet reached the time interval defined by the
parameter datashipping_min_time_interval.
When set to 0, the next data shipping starts
immediately after the last has finished.
System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the secondary
Values: Positive integer and zero
Default: 5368709120 = 5*1024*1024*1024 (5 GB)
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is necessary.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: datashipping_min_time_interval

Description: Sets a minimum time interval that the secondary

system waits between two data shipping requests,
which the secondary system sends to the primary
system. In response to receiving a data shipping
request, the primary system invokes a transfer of
delta data pages that have changed after the last
data shipping.
When the specified time interval elapsed after the
last data shipping request, the secondary system
sends the next data shipping request, even if the total
size of log buffers that have been received since the
last data shipping request has not yet reached the
threshold size defined by the parameter
When set to 0, the next data shipping starts
immediately after the last has finished.
System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the secondary
Values: Positive integer and zero

SAP HANA platform 22

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Default: 600 (10 minutes)

Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: datashipping_snapshot_max_retention_time

Description: Sets a maximum retention time of the active

snapshot in the primary system in minutes after the
snapshot information has been successfully shipped
to the secondary system.
Active snapshots that are older than the specified
retention time are automatically dropped in the
primary system.
Inactive snapshots, which are currently used in data
shipping, are not dropped even when data shipping
takes longer than the specified retention time.
Inactive snapshots are marked as active after the
snapshot information has been successfully shipped.
When set to 0, active snapshots are immediately
dropped after data shipping completed.
The retention of the last snapshot may reduce the
time of failback operations in the primary system
because full data shipping is not necessary and only
delta data shipping is required.
A drawback to snapshot retention is a higher
consumption of memory and disk space.

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the primary system.
Values: Positive integer and zero
Default: 120
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: enable_data_compression

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) compression of data

pages in the primary system before sending them
over the network to the secondary system, which
decompresses the data pages it receives.
A drawback to sending compressed data pages is that
it requires additional time and processing power for
compression and decompression. This can result in
worse data shipping performance, in particular in
environments with a fast network.

SAP HANA platform 23

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the secondary

Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: No, but the secondary system has to re-connect to
the primary system in order to activate the
parameter change. A re-connect can be forced by
restarting the secondary system.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: enable_full_sync

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) the full

synchronization (sync) option in synchronous system
replication mode.
When set to true, the system replication operates in
synchronous mode with full sync option. In that case,
a log write operation is successful, when the log
buffer has been written to the log segment files on
disks of the primary and secondary system. When the
secondary system is disconnected, the primary
system suspends processing write transactions until
the connection to the secondary system is re-
When set to false, the system replication operates in
synchronous mode. The log write operation succeeds
when the log buffer has been written to the log
segment files on disks of the primary and secondary
system. When the connection to the secondary
system is lost, the primary system continues
processing write transactions and writes changes only
to the local log segment file.
The connection to the secondary system is re-
established when the secondary system is restarted.
To enable synchronous system replication, the
system replication is invoked with the option
mode=sync. See the output of the command

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the primary system.

Values: true, false

Default: false
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.

SAP HANA platform 24

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 80

Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: enable_log_compression

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) compression of log

buffer pages on the primary system before sending
them over the network to the secondary system,
which decompresses the received log buffer pages.
The drawback to sending compressed log buffer
pages is that it requires additional time and
processing power for compression and
This can result in worse log buffer shipping
performance, in particular in environments with a
fast network.

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the secondary

Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: No, but the secondary system has to re-connect to
the primary system in order to activate the
parameter change. A re-connect can be forced by
restarting the secondary system.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: keep_old_style_alert

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) alerting that is

backwards compatible with HANA Revisions before
SPS 09.
When set to true, the statisticsserver alert 21 is
raised when closed system replication connections
and configuration parameter mismatches occur.
When set to false, separate alerts are raised for each
of both events.

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the primary system.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90

SAP HANA platform 25

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)

Parameter: logshipping_async_buffer_size

Description: Sets a maximum size of the asynchronous log

shipping buffer in bytes in asynchronous system
replication mode.
The asynchronous log shipping buffer is a transient
memory buffer, which temporarily stores copies of
log buffers before sending them to the secondary
A log writer process copies closed log buffers to the
asynchronous log shipping buffer.
An asynchronous sender process reads the log
buffers from the asynchronous log shipping buffer to
send them to the secondary system over a network.
The asynchronous log shipping buffer is useful to
handle peak load situations when log information is
generated faster in the primary system than sent to
the secondary system.
When the asynchronous log shipping buffer is full,
the parameter
logshipping_async_wait_on_buffer_full controls the
behaviour of the primary system.
To select asynchronous system replication, the
system replication is invoked with the option
mode=async. See the output of the command

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the primary system.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 67108864 = 64*1024*1024 (64 MB)
Restart required: No, but the secondary system has to re-connect to
the primary system in order to activate the
parameter change. A re-connect can be forced by
restarting the secondary system.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: logshipping_async_wait_on_buffer_full

Description: Controls the behavior of the primary system in

asynchronous system replication mode when the
asynchronous log shipping buffer is full. The
asynchronous log shipping buffer temporarily stores
log buffers before sending them to the secondary
When set to true and when the asynchronous log

SAP HANA platform 26

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

shipping buffer is full, the primary system waits until

enough memory space has been freed from the
asynchronous log shipping buffer so that new log
buffers can be copied into it.
When more log information is generated than can be
sent over the network, waiting for free memory
space can slow down the primary system.
When set to false and when the asynchronous log
shipping buffer is full, the system replication
connection to the secondary system will be closed
temporarily to avoid a performance impact on the
primary system.
After the time interval defined by the parameter
reconnect_time_interval has elapsed, the secondary
system tries to re-connect and synchronize with the
primary system.
To select asynchronous system replication, the
system replication is invoked with the option
mode=async. See the output of the command
System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the primary system.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: logshipping_timeout

Description: Sets a maximum wait time for sending a log buffer

from the primary to the secondary system.
Log buffers are memory areas that store information
about changes made to the database. Log buffers are
written to log segment files on disks after a commit
operation occurs. The log information is necessary for
database recovery.
The parameter applies to all system replication
modes: synchronous, synchronous in memory, and
In the synchronous and synchronous in memory
system replication modes, the secondary system
sends a confirmation back to the primary system
after receiving the log buffer.
In the asynchronous system replication mode, the
operating system layer of the primary system
confirms that the log buffer has been sent.
When the specified wait time elapsed after sending a
log buffer without receiving a confirmation, the

SAP HANA platform 27

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

primary system closes the system replication

session/connection with the secondary system.
After the secondary system has disconnected from
the primary system in the synchronous system
replication mode, the behaviour depends on the
parameter enable_full_sync:
When the parameter enable_full_sync is set to false,
write transactions are only processed in the primary
system until the secondary system re-connects and
initiates new data shipping.
When the parameter enable_full_sync is set to true,
the primary system suspends processing write
transactions until the connection to the secondary
system has been re-established.
See also the parameter reconnect_time_interval.
To select a system replication mode, the system
replication is invoked with the corresponding option
mode=sync|syncmem|async. See the output of
the command hdbnsutil.

System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the primary system.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 30 (seconds)
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: preload_column_tables

Description: When set on the primary system, the parameter

enables (true) / disables (false) collecting table
preload information. The table preload information
describes which columnstore table columns are
loaded into memory. The table preload information is
included in the snapshot that is shipped to the
secondary system.
When set on the secondary system, the parameter
enables (true) / disables (false) receiving of the table
preload information from the primary system and
loading of the corresponding columnstore tables in
the secondary system
System in replication scenario: The parameter can be set on the primary system and
on the secondary system.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required.

SAP HANA platform 28

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50

Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)
Parameter: reconnect_time_interval

Description: Sets a time interval in seconds at which the

secondary system periodically tests if the system
replication connections to the primary system are
When the connections have been closed, the
secondary system tries to re-connect to the primary
System in replication scenario: The parameter has to be set on the secondary
Values: Positive integer.
Default: 30 (seconds)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (System Replication)

Section: table_placement
This section contains parameters that are related to table placement.

Parameter: method

Description: Controls the default behavior of table placement and

When set to 0, row store and column store tables can
be created on any node or moved to any node
When set to 2, row store tables are created on or
moved to the master node during table
redistribution. Column store tables are created on or
moved to the master node only when the table name
starts with the prefix / and continues with the
database schema name as defined by the parameter
bw_schema, and when the table is not partitioned.
All other column store tables are created on or
moved to slave nodes.
As of Revision 80, the SAP HANA system can use
configurable rules for the placement and
redistribution of column store tables. The rules are
stored in the table _SYS_RT.TABLE_PLACEMENT. Until

SAP HANA platform 29

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

SPS 09, when the rules are not defined in the table
applies the default behavior based on the specified
parameter method.

Values: 0 and 2
Default: 0
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 45
Obsolete as of SPS 10.
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Table Placement)
Parameter: same_num_partitions

Description: Controls the behavior of table placement and

redistribution in relation to table classifications,
which are stored in the table
_SYS_RT.TABLE_GROUPS. There is an entry in this
table for all tables for which a group type, subtype, or
group name is specified. When set to true, all tables
with the same group name have the same number of
level 1 partitions. The number of partitions is
determined by the table with the largest number of
records within the group.
When set to false, the number of level 1 partitions is
independent of other tables with the same group

Values: true, false

Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 52
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Table Placement)

Section: trace
This section contains parameters that are related to tracing.

Parameter: maxfiles

Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace file

rotation disabled)?
When set to 0, the trace file rotation is disabled.

SAP HANA platform 30

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Values: Positive integer (0 to 999) or zero

Default: 10
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Trace File Rotation)
Parameter: maxfilesize

Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in

bytes (0 = unlimited)
When set to 0, the file size is unlimited.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 1073741824 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (1 GB)
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Trace File Rotation)

SAP HANA platform 31

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

3 Filename: attributes.ini
This configuration file describes parameters for the Attribute Engine.

Section: global
This section contains parameters that are related to each service of the landscape
Parameter: inverted_index_verification_after_load

Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) verification of index

information associated with uncompressed
columns of columnstore tables. The verification is
performed after loading the corresponding
columns into memory.
The inverted index verification is only effective
when the parameter [global]
runtime_structure_persistence has been set to
Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64
Parameter: runtime_structure_persistence

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) loading of runtime

structure information of columnstore tables from
persistence into memory.
The runtime structure information comprises index
information and SQL optimizer statistics, which are
associated with corresponding columns. The
parameter only applies to non-paged columns
which are loaded as one entity into memory.
When set to true, the runtime structure
information is read from persistence rather than
being generated at a column load so that the
system startup time is reduced at the expense of
increased disk space consumption.
When set to false, the runtime structure
information is generated after each column load.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1976994 (Revision 70)

SAP HANA platform 32

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

4 Filename: daemon.ini
This configuration file describes parameters for the daemon service.

Section: compileserver
This section contains parameters that are related to the compileserver service.
Parameter: affinity

Description: Selects a subset of available logical core indexes to

define an affinity of the hdbcompileserver process
to the selected logical cores (0 = ignored).
When set to 0, no affinity is set for the
hdbcompileserver process.
See also the section [indexserver].
Values: Subset of positive integers between 1 and the
maximum number of available logical cores where
multiple integers are separated by commas and
Default: 0
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Managing
Resources in Multiple-Container Systems
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Binding Processes to CPUs)

Section: indexserver
This section contains parameters that are related to the indexserver service.
Parameter: affinity

Description: Selects a subset of available logical core indexes to

define an affinity of the hdbindexserver process to
the selected logical cores (0 = ignored).
When set to 0, no affinity is set for the indexserver
The subset can comprise comma-separated single
indexes and index ranges, the ranges having a start
index, hyphen, and an end index.
For example, in a system with 32 logical cores, the
affinity value '1-7, 17-23' assigns logical cores with
indexes 1 to 7 and 17 to 23 to the hdbindexserver

SAP HANA platform 33

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

The distribution of logical cores to physical sockets
and cores depends on the hardware system and
To retrieve the hardware topology on Linux, use
the command numactl hardware or check
contents of the directories
/sys/devices/system/cpu and /proc/cpuinfo..
When set to 0, there is no affinity for the
hdbindexserver process.

Values: Subset of positive integers between 1 and the

maximum number of available logical cores where
multiple integers are separated by commas and
Default: 0
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Managing
Resources in Multiple-Container Systems)
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Binding Processes to CPUs)

Section: nameserver
This section contains parameters that are related to the nameserver service.
Parameter: affinity

Description: Selects a subset of available logical core indexes to

define an affinity of the hdbnameserver process to
the selected logical cores.
When set to 0, no affinity is set for the
hdbcompileserver process.
See also the section [indexserver].
Values: Subset of positive integers between 1 and the
maximum number of available logical cores where
multiple integers are separated by commas and
Default: Empty string.
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13

SAP HANA platform 34

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Managing

Resources in Multiple-Container Systems)
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Binding Processes to CPUs)

Section: preprocessor
This section contains parameters that are related to the preprocessor service.
Parameter: affinity

Description: Selects a subset of available logical core indexes to

define an affinity of the hdbpreprocessor process
to the selected logical cores (0 = ignored).
When set to 0, no affinity is set for the
hdbcompileserver process.
See also the section [indexserver].
Values: Subset of positive integers between 1 and the
maximum number of available logical cores where
multiple integers are separated by commas and
Default: 0
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Managing
Resources in Multiple-Container Systems)
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Binding Processes to CPUs)

Section: statisticsserver
This section contains parameters that are related to the statisticsserver service.
Parameter: affinity

Description: Selects a subset of available logical core indexes to

define an affinity of the hdbstatisticsserver process
to the selected logical cores (0 = ignored).
When set to 0, no affinity is set for the
hdbcompileserver process.
See also the section [indexserver].
Values: Subset of positive integers between 1 and the
maximum number of available logical cores where
multiple integers are separated by commas and

SAP HANA platform 35

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Default: 0
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Managing
Resources in Multiple-Container Systems)
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Binding Processes to CPUs)

SAP HANA platform 36

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

5 Filename: executor.ini
This configuration file describes parameters for the columnstore plan executor.

Section: pythontrace
This section contains parameters that are related to pythontrace configuration.

Parameter: trace

Description: Enables (on, yes, true)/disables (off, no, false)

python tracing, which writes executed plans into a
dedicated trace file. The plans are represented as
python program code, which can be used for
analysis and debugging.
Values: on, yes, true
off, no, false
Default: off, no, false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Memory Information from Logs and

SAP HANA platform 37

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

6 Filename: indexserver.ini
Section: authentication
This section contains parameters that are related to authentication configuration.
Parameter: SapLogonTicketTrustStore

Description: Absolute file path to the SAPLogon Ticket trust

store file, which must contain exactly one
Caution: Do not use environment variables in the
file path.
Values: Absolute file path
Default: The SAP HANA system sequentially tests which
cryptographic service providers have been
1) If the cryptographic library CommonCryptoLib
has been found, the default value of this
parameter is $(SECUDIR)/saplogon.pse and
the trust store file must be encoded in PSE
2) If the SAP Cryptographic library has been
detected, the default value is the same as
in 1).
3) If OpenSSL is used as cryptographic service
provider, the default value of this parameter is
$(HOME)/.ssl/saplogon.pem and the trust
store file must be encoded in PEM format.
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 45
Related information: SAP Note 1927949
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Configure the
Trust Store for SAP Logon Tickets and Assertions)
SAP HANA Security Guide (Single Sign-On Using
SAP Logon and Assertion Tickets)

Section: cache
This section contains parameters that are related to cache configuration.
Parameter: resultcache_enabled

Description: Enables (yes)/disables (no) the result cache.

Values: yes, no
Default: no

SAP HANA platform 38

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP Note 1980765

Section: calcengine
This section contains parameters that are related to calcengine configuration.
Parameter: max_cache_size_kb

Description: Sets a maximum memory cache size for

calculation engine operations in kilobytes.
Do not set a value less than the default.
Values: Positive integer
1048576 = 1024 * 1024 (1 GB),
4194304 = 4 * 1024 * 1024 (4 GB)
Default: 1048576(1 GB)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 32
Related information: For SAP BW systems, apply:
SAP Note 1856131
SAP Note 1942407
SAP Note 1988050

SAP HANA platform 39

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Section: distribution
This section contains parameters that are related to client distribution configuration.
Parameter: client_distribution_mode

Description: Sets the client distribution mode.

Values: off: all distribution features are disabled.
connection: client side load balancing is enabled.
statement: statement routing is enabled.
all: all distribution features are enabled.
Default: statement
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 26
Related information: SAP Note 1743225
SAP Note 1745057
SAP Note 1774187
SAP Note 1785171
SAP HANA SQL and System Views Reference
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Reading the SQL Plan Cache)

Section: joins
This section contains parameters that are related to Join Engine configuration.
Parameter: translator_cache_size

Description: Defines the maximum number of tables in the

JoinEngine translation table cache.
Translation tables are created for caching join
column entries of join engine queries.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 2000
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1840954
SAP Note 1998599

SAP HANA platform 40

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Section: mergedog
This section contains parameters that are related to mergedog configuration.
Parameter: active

Description: Enables (yes) / disables (no) automatic delta

merge operations globally for all columnstore
For an individual columnstore table, automatic
delta merge operations can be activated and
deactivated in the system view SYS.TABLES by
changing the value in the column
Values: yes, no
Default: yes
Restart required: no
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge

Parameter: auto_merge_decision_func

Description: Defines an automatic merge decision cost

function that determines whether or not a
requested automatic delta merge operation is
Values: Logical string expression
Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge

Parameter: auto_merge_priority_func

Description: Defines an auto merge priority cost function that

determines the priority that is assigned to an
automatic delta merge request.
Values: Logical string expression

SAP HANA platform 41

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost

Restart required: no
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge

Parameter: critical_merge_decision_func

Description: Defines a critical merge cost function that

determines whether or not a critical delta merge
operation is executed to avoid out of memory or
system crash situations even if other cost
functions have been turned off or failed to run.
Values: Logical string expression
Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost
Restart required: no
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge

Parameter: hard_merge_priority_func

Description: Defines a hard merge priority cost function that

determines the priority that is assigned to a hard
delta merge request.
Values: Logical string expression
Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost
Restart required: no
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge
Parameter: load_balancing_func

Description: Defines a load balancing cost function that

determines the allocation of system resources to
delta merge operations.
Values: Logical string expression
Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost

SAP HANA platform 42

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Restart required: no
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge
Parameter: smart_merge_decision_func

Description: Defines a smart merge decision cost function

that determines whether or not a requested
delta merge operation triggered by a smart
merge hint is executed.
Values: Logical string expression
Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost
Restart required: no
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge
Parameter: smart_merge_enabled

Description: Enables (yes) / disables (no) delta merge

operations triggered by smart merge hints.
Caution: The parameter is deprecated.
Values: yes, no
Default: yes
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge
Parameter: smart_merge_priority_func

Description: Defines a smart merge priority cost function that

determines the priority that is assigned to a delta
merge request triggered by a smart merge hint.
Values: Logical string expression
Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge

SAP HANA platform 43

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: token_per_table

Description: Sets a default number of merge tokens to control

parallel thread executions of operations under
the merge monitor, including delta merge and
optimized compression.
The merge monitor can determine a non-default
number of threads depending on the available
system resources (CPU, memory).
Values: Positive integer
Default: 2
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Delta Merge

Section: optimize_compression
This section contains parameters that are related to optimized compression.

Parameter: active

Description: Switches automatic data compression

optimization on (yes)/off (no).
The delta merge operation automatically
determines if data compression is required.
Values: yes, no
Default: yes
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Data
Compression in the Column Store)

Section: partitioning
This section contains parameters that are related to the partitioning of columstore tables.

SAP HANA platform 44

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: split_history_parallel

Description: When columnstore tables have history indexes,

the parameter enables (yes) / disables (no)
parallel partitioning of the main and history
Values: yes, no
Default: no
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Partitioning
Parameter: split_threads

Description: Sets a maxium number of threads per host to

perform parallel partitioning operations.
Each partitioning operation takes at least one
Caution: A high number of threads may overload
the system.
Values: Positive integer (1 to 128)
Default: 16
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Partitioning

Section: parallel
This section contains parameters that are related to the configuration of parallel algorithms.
Parameter: mode

Description: Sets the mode for parallel processing in system

functions that use this parameter:
Values: Off: turns off parallel processing
Auto: lets the system functions decide to
use parallel processing or not
Force: turns on parallel processing
Default: Auto
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions

SAP HANA platform 45

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: tables_preloaded_in_parallel

Description: Sets the maximum number of tables that are

reloaded in parallel during system restart.
See also the configuration parameter
Values: Positive integer
Default: 5
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA Revisions >= 50

Section: search
This section contains parameters that are related to search configuration.
Parameter: late_materialization_threshold

Description: Sets the lowest number of rows for compressed

materialization of large result sets from column
store tables. This processing mode is called late
materialization and significantly reduces the
memory consumption for processing large result
queries with the tradeoff of slightly decreased
query performance.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 20000
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 13
Related information: SAP Note 1975448
Parameter: late_materialization_threshold_for_insert

Description: Sets the lowest number of rows for compressed

materialization of large result sets during insert
as select operations from column store tables.
This processing mode is called late
materialization and significantly reduces the
memory consumption for processing large result
queries with the tradeoff of slightly decreased
query performance.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 2000000
Restart required: No

SAP HANA platform 46

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 20

Related information: SAP Note 1975448

Section: session
This section contains parameters that are related to sessions / connections.
Parameter: connection_history_lifetime

Description: Sets a maximum lifetime of historical information

about connections/session in minutes (0 =
When set to a positive value, information about
connections/sessions will be stored for the
specified lifetime.
Information about connections/sessions can be
displayed in the system views M_CONNECTIONS
When set to 0, no information about
connections/sessions will be stored in the above
system views.

Values: Positive integer or zero: 0 ... 10080 (7days)

Default: 60 (1 hour)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 23
Parameter: connection_history_maximum_size

Description: Sets a maximum number of historical information

entries about connections/sessions (0 = disabled).
When set to a positive value, information about
connections/sessions will be stored until the
maximum number of entries has been reached.
Information about connections/sessions can be
displayed in the system views M_CONNECTIONS
When set to 0, there is no upper limit on the
number of historical information entries.

Values: Positive integer or zero

Default: 100000
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 29

SAP HANA platform 47

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: idle_connection_timeout

Description: Sets a timeout interval in minutes for the

maximum duration of idle connections/sessions
(0 = disabled).
When set to a positive value, idle
connections/sessions will be disconnected and
associated resources released after the specified
timeout interval has elapsed.
When set to 0, idle connections/sessions will not
be disconnected.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Default: 1440 (1 day)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 52
Related information: SAP Note 1836774
SAP Note 2035443
Parameter: idle_connection_timeout_application_<applicati

Description: Sets a maximum timeout interval for the

maximum duration of idle connections/sessions
that were established by a specific application
<application_name> in minutes (0 = disabled).
When the <application_name> is, for example,
statisticsserver, the parameter reads
In this case, the parameter applies to idle
connections/sessions established by the
statisticsserver process.
When set to a positive value, idle
connections/sessions that were established by
the specific application will be disconnected and
associated resources released after the specified
timeout interval has elapsed.
When set to 0, idle connections/sessions that
were established by the specific application will
not be disconnected.
When set to a negative value or when the
parameter is not specified, the value of the
parameter idle_connection_timeout takes effect.
Values: Positive or negative integer or zero
Default: -1 (idle_connection_timeout)
Restart required: Yes

SAP HANA platform 48

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64

Parameter: idle_connection_timeout_application_hdbstudi

Description: Sets a maximum timeout interval for the

maximum duration of idle connections/sessions
that were established by the HDBStudio
application in minutes (0 = disabled).
When set to a positive value, idle
connections/sessions that were established by
the HDBStudio application will be disconnected
and associated resources released after the
specified timeout interval has elapsed.
When set to 0, idle connections/sessions that
were established by the HDBStudio application
will not be disconnected.
When set to a negative value or when the
parameter is not specified, the value of
idle_connection_timeout takes effect.
Values: Positive or negative integer or zero
Default: 60 (1 hour)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64
Parameter: maximum_connections

Description: Sets a maximum number of connections.

Information about connections/sessions can be
displayed in the system views M_CONNECTIONS

Values: Positive integer

Default: 65536
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 26
Parameter: maximum_external_connections

Description: Sets a maximum number of connections that are

created by user sessions.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 65536
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 26

SAP HANA platform 49

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Parameter: socket_keepalive

Description: Enables (on)/disables (off) monitoring of active

connections/sessions by means of keep-alive
probes. The monitoring may help to detect
network errors.
Values: on, off
Default: on
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71
Related information SAP Note 1836774
Parameter: tcp_keepalive_time

Description: Sets a time interval between the last packet sent

and the first keep-alive probe in seconds.
Values: Positive integer

Default: 600
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions > 71

Related information SAP Note 1836774

Parameter: tcp_keepalive_intvl

Description: Sets a time interval between subsequent keep-

alive probes in seconds. If no acknowledgement
has been received to a previous keep-alive probe,
a subsequent keep-alive probe is sent after the
specified time interval.
Values: Positive integer

Default: 10
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71

Related information SAP Note 1836774

Parameter: tcp_keepalive_probes

SAP HANA platform 50

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Sets a number of unacknowledged keep-alive

probes to send before notifying the application
layer that the connection/session is not available
any more.
Values: Positive integer

Default: 5
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71

Related information SAP Note 1836774

Section: smart_data_access
This section contains parameters that are related to remote caching.

Parameter: enable_remote_cache

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) remote caching

for federated queries.
Currently, only Hive sources are supported.
When set to false, the USE_REMOTE_CACHE hint
will be ignored.
When set to true and the USE_REMOTE_CACHE
hint is used, the result set of virtual tables
queries is materialized in Hive.
Subsequent queries are served from the
materialized view.
Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Using Remote
Parameter: remote_cache_validity

Description: Sets a lifetime of the remote cache in seconds ( 0

= disabled)
When the lifetime of an object elapsed, the
object is automatically removed. Subsequent
queries create new objects in the remote cache.
When set to zero, the remote cache is disabled.

SAP HANA platform 51

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Values: Positive integer or zero

Default: 3600 (1 hour)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Using Remote

Section: sql
This section contains parameters that are related to sql query processing
Parameter: max_sql_executors

Description: Sets a maximum number of SQL executor

threads, which process SQL requests (0 =
When set to 0, the number of SQL executor
threads is not limited.
Values: Positive integer or zero
Default: 0 (unlimited)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=70
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Controlling
Parallelism of SQL Statement Execution)
Parameter: plan_cache_size

Description: Sets a maximum size of the plan cache in bytes.

Values: Positive integer
Recommended: at least
2147483648 = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (bytes)
Default: 2147483648 (bytes)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 20
Related information SAP Note 1763592
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Controlling
Parallelism of SQL Statement Execution)
Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_enabled

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) capturing of

parameter (bind) values of an SQL statements
when the sum of execution times of the SQL

SAP HANA platform 52

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

statements is greater than the lower time limit

defined by the parameters
plan_cache_parameter_sum_threshold and
Captured parameter values can be displayed in
the system view
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP Note 1969700
Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_sum_threshold

Description: Sets a time threshold for the sum of execution

times of an SQL statement in milliseconds.
When the sum of execution times exceeds the
specified time threshold, parameter (bind)
information of the SQL statement is captured.
The captured parameter (bind) information can
be displayed in the system view

The capturing of parameter (bind) information is

disabled when the parameter
plan_cache_parameter_enabled is set to false.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 100000 (100 seconds)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP Note 1969700
Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_threshold

Description: Sets a time threshold for the single execution

time of an SQL statement in milliseconds
When the last single execution time exceeds both
the specified time threshold and previously
recorded single execution times of the SQL
statement, parameter (bind) information of the
SQL statement is captured.
The captured parameter (bind) information can
be displayed in the system view
The capturing of parameter (bind) information is

SAP HANA platform 53

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

disabled when the parameter

plan_cache_parameter_enabled is set to false.

Values: Positive integer.

Default: 100 (milliseconds)
Restart required: No ??
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP Note 1969700
Parameter: reload_tables

Description: On system startup, the parameter reload_tables

enables (true)/disables (false) automatic reload
of tables that were loaded before shutdown.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 52
Related information SAP Note 1889081
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Restart a
Parameter: reserved_connections

Description: Sets a number of reserved connections for

administrative access only.
When the maximum number of connections
defined by the parameter maximum_connections
minus the specified number of reserved
connections is reached, only an administrator
with the system privilege SESSION ADMIN can log
on to the system, for example, to resolve blocking
situations by canceling sessions.

Values: Positive integer.

Default: 10
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 60
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Reserve
Connections for Administrators)
Parameter: sql_executors

SAP HANA platform 54

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Sets a target value for the maximum number of
running SQL executor threads, which process SQL
requests (0 = number of available logical CPU
The actual number of SQL executor threads can
exceed the specified value when some of the
threads are not running.
When set to 0, the target value is the number of
available logical CPU cores.

Values: Positive integer and zero

Default: Number of available logical CPU cores.
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=13
Related information SAP Note 1763592
SAP Note 1844237
SAP HANA Administration Guide (Controlling
Parallelism of SQL Statement Execution)
SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Controlling Parallelism of SQL
Statement Execution)
Parameter: subplan_sharing

Description: Sets a mode for sharing subplans

Values: Force: prefer shared subplan
Auto: select best cost plan
Off: avoid shared subplan
Default: Auto
Restart required: No. Changes only affect new SQL plans in the plan
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information SAP Note 2002208

Section: sqlscript
This section contains parameters that are related to sqlscript query processing
Parameter: typecheck_procedure_input_param

Description: Defines how SQLScript procedures handle type

checks on input parameters, for example, length
of string values.
When set to true and type checks fail, the

SAP HANA platform 55

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

SQLScript procedure aborts with an error.

When set to false and type checks fail, the
SQLScript procedure prints a warning in the
indexserver trace.
Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=90

Section: table_redist
This section contains parameters that are related to table placement.

Parameter: all_moves_physical

Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) immediate

physical table moves during table
If set to true, in response to a table move
operation of a column store table, the
persistence storage is moved immediately to
the target host (physical table move).
If set to false, the table move operation will
create a link inside the target host persistence
pointing to the source host persistence
(logical table move). The link will be removed
on the next table merge operation of that
table or upon execution of the next table
move operation of that table without target
Caution: Physical table moves can
significantly extend the runtime of the table
redistribution. Logical table moves can have
negative impact on later query executions.

Values: true, false

Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 60
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Table
Parameter: force_partnum_to_splitrule

SAP HANA platform 56

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Controls the behavior of table redistribution

in relation to customizing settings.
Enables (true) / disables (false) execution of
operations that change the number of level 1
partitions according to the customizing
When set to false, the table redistribution
process only supports the following changes
of the number of level 1 partitions:
1) in table split operations, an
increase of the partition number
from 1 to 2, from 1 to 3, from 2
to 4, from 3 to 6, from 4 to 8,
and from 6 to 12.
2) in table merge operations, a
decrease of the partition
number from 12 to 6, from 8 to
4, from 6 to 3, from 4 to 2, from
3 to 1, and from 2 to 1
When set to true, the table redistribution
process allows all changes of the number of
level 1 partitions.
For example, a table has two level 1 partitions
but should have three level 1 partitions
according to the customizing settings.
When set to true, the table redistribution
process adjusts the number of level 1
partitions from 2 to 3.
When set to false, the number of level 1
partitions cannot be increased from 2 to 3.

Values: true, false

Default: false
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 60
Related information: SAP HANA Administration Guide (Table

Section: trace
This section contains parameters that are related to tracing.

Parameter: maxfiles

Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace

SAP HANA platform 57

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

file rotation disabled)?

When set to 0, the trace file rotation is disabled.

Values: Positive integer (0 to 999) or zero

Default: 10
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Trace File
Parameter: maxfilesize

Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in

bytes (0 = unlimited)
When set to 0, the file size is unlimited.
Values: Positive integer
Default: 1073741824 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (1 GB)
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA revisions
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Trace File
Parameter: python_output

Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) the redirection of

the output of embedded python scripts from
stdout and stderr to a trace file
Values: true, false
Default: false
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 50
Related information SAP Note 1888573

Section: transaction
This section contains parameters that are related to transactions.
Parameter: lock_wait_timeout

Description: Sets a lock wait timeout threshold in milliseconds

SAP HANA platform 58

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

(0 = nowait).

A transaction waits to acquire a lock held by

another transaction until the specified timeout
period elapses. Then, the HANA System returns an
error and the transaction is rolled back.

When set to 0, transactions will not wait.

Values: Positive integer or zero
2,147,483,647 = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
(approx.. 25days)
Default: 1800000 (30 minutes)
Restart required: No
Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions
Related information SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance
Analysis Guide (Configuration Parameter Issues)
Parameter: transaction_history_record_limit

Description: Sets a maximum row number of the system table

(0 =unlimited)

When set to zero, the number of rows of the table

is unlimited.

The table SYS.TRANS_TOKEN_HISTORY contains

information for time-travel queries.

Values: Positive integer and zero.

Default: 1000000
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 36
Related information: SAP Note 1910610
Parameter: transaction_history_size_limit
Description: Sets a maximum size of the system table
(0 = unlimited)

When set to zero, the number of rows of the table

is unlimited. The table
SYS.TRANS_TOKEN_HISTORY contains information
for time-travel queries.
Values: Positive integer and zero.

SAP HANA platform 59

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Default: 10240 (10 gigabytes)

Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 36
Related information: SAP Note 1910610

SAP HANA platform 60

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

7 Filename: multidb.ini
This configuration file describes parameters for multitenant database containers.

Section: readonly_parameters
This section contains parameters to prevent configuration of the multidb.ini file.
Parameter: auditing_configuration

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section
When set to asterisk, all parameters are read-
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
of the following value:
Default: default_audit_trail_type,
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: communication

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [communication]
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[communication] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [communication]
Default: Asterisk (*)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: execution

SAP HANA platform 61

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [execution]
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[execution] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [execution]
Default: max_concurrency
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: global.ini/customizable_funcationalities

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section
[customizable_funcationalities] in the file
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[customizable_funcationalities] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section
[customizable_funcationalities] in the file
Default: Asterisk (*)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: indexserver.ini/authentication

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [authentication] in the
file indexserver.ini.
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[authentication] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [authentication] in the
file indexserver.ini
Default: SapLogonTicketTrustStore
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90

SAP HANA platform 62

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes

to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: memorymanager

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [memorymanager].
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[memorymanager] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [memorymanager]
Default: allocationlimit,
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: multidb.ini/readonly_parameters

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [readonly_parameters]
in the file multidb.ini.
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[readonly_parameters] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [readonly_parameters]
in the file multidb.ini
Default: Asterisk (*)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: session

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [session].
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[session] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [session]

SAP HANA platform 63

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

Default: maximum_connections,
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)
Parameter: sql

Description: Prevents configuration of the specified

parameters of the section [sql].
When set to asterisk, all parameters of the section
[sql] are read-only.
Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more
parameters of the section [sql]
Default: sql_executors
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90
Related information SAP HANA Administration Guide (Prevent Changes
to System Properties in Tenant Databases)

SAP HANA platform 64

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

8 Filename: nameserver.ini

Section: statisticsserver
This section contains parameters that are related to the statistics server.
Parameter: active

Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) the new

embedded statistics server.
Values: true, false
Default: false (< SAP HANA Rev. 80)
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70
Related information: SAP Note 1925684

Section: topology
This section contains parameters that are related to topology.

Parameter: size

Description: Sets an upper limit of the operating system

shared memory that is allocated for topology
information in bytes.
The default value of 268435456 Bytes (256 MB)
is sufficient for roughly 1 million tables.
The maximum value is 2147483648 (2 GB).
Values: Positive integer
Default: 268435456 = 256 * 1024 * 1024 (256 MB)
Restart required: Yes
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 45
Related information: SAP Note 1977101

SAP HANA platform 65

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

9 Filename: statisticsserver.ini
Section: memorymanager
This section contains parameters that are related to the memory manager of the old stand-
alone statistics server.
Parameter: allocationlimit

Description: Sets an upper limit of memory usable by the

statistics server as a percentage of the global
allocation limit.
Caution: Do not forget the percentage
character %.
The value depends on the size of the database
(number of tables/views and size of data) and on
the size of the main memory.
Values: 0% to 100% (in theory)
Recommended: 5% to 20%
In large systems even higher, for example, 25%.
Default: 5%
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 23

Section: statisticsserver_general
This section contains parameters that are related to the old stand-alone statistics server.
Parameter: active

Description: Turns on (true)/off (false) the collection of

monitoring data by the statistics server.
Values: true, false
Default: true
Restart required: No
Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70

SAP HANA platform 66

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

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SAP HANA platform 67

Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA

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SAP HANA platform 68

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