Legal Ethics Case Digest

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IN RE: PETITION TO SIGN IN THE ROLL profession and that he has prima facie

OF ATTORNEYSBM No. 2540 shown that he possesses the character

September 24, 2013 required to be a member of the Philippine
Bar. Third, Medado appears to have been a
Statement of Facts: competent and able legal practitioner,
Petitioner Michael Medado, who obtained his having held various positions at the Laurel
law degree in the year 1979, took and Law Office, Petron, Petrophil Corporation, the
passed the same years bar examinations Philippine National Oil Company, and the
and took the Attorneys Oath, failed to sign Energy Development Corporation. However,
the Attorneys Roll . After more than 30 the Court cannot fully free Medado from all
years of practicing the profession of law, he liability for his years of inaction. His
filed the instant Petition on February 2012, justification of his action, that it wasneither
praying that he be allowed to sign in the Roll willful nor intentional but based on a
of Attorneys. Medado said that he was not mistaken belief and an honest error of
able to sign the Roll of Attorneys because he judgment was opposed by the Court.
misplaced the notice given to him and he A mistake of law cannot be utilized as a
believed that since he had already taken the lawful justification, because everyone is
oath, the signing of the Roll ofAttorneys is presumed to know the law and its
not urgent, nor as crucial to his status as a consequences.
lawyer. The Office of the Bar Confidant Although an honest mistake of fact could be
(OBC) after conducting clarificatory used to excuse a person from the legal
conference on the matter recommended to consequences of his acts he could no longer
the Supreme Court that the instant petition claim it as a valid justification by the
be denied for petitioners gross negligence, moment he realized that what he had
gross misconduct and utter lack of merit. signed was merely an attendance record.
Issue: His action of continuing the practice of law in
WON the petitioner be allowed to sign in the spite of his knowledge of the need to take
roll of attorneys? the necessary steps to complete all
Ruling: requirements for the admission to the bar
Yes, the Court allowed the petitioner to sign constitutes unauthorized practice of law.
the Roll of Attorneys subject to the payment Such action transgresses Canon 9 of 'the
of a fine and the imposition of a penalty Code of Professional Responsibility, which
equivalent to suspension from the practice provides:
of law. The Court cannot forbid the petitioner CANON 9 - A lawyer shall not, directly
from signing the Roll of Attorneys because or indirectly, assist in the unauthorized
such action constitutes disbarment. Such practice of law.
penalty is reserved to the most serious With respect to the penalty, previous
ethical transgressions of members of the violations of Canon 9 have warranted the
Bar. The Court cited three main points which penalty of suspension from the practice of
demonstrate Medados worth to become a law. However, in the instant case the Court
full-fledged member of the Philippine Bar. could not warrant the penalty of suspension
First, Medado demonstrated good faith and from the practice of law to Medado because
good moral character when he finally filed he is not yet a full-fledged lawyer. Instead,
the instant Petition to sign in the Roll of the Court see it fit to impose upon him a
Attorneys. It was Medado himself who penalty similar to suspension by allowing
admitted his own error and not any third him to sign in the Roll of Attorneys one
person. Second, petitioner has not been ( 1) year after receipt of the Resolution
subject to any action for disqualification from and to fine him in the amount of
the practice of law. He strove to adhere to P32,000.The instant Petition to Sign in the
the strict requirements of the ethics of the Roll of Attorneys is Affirmed. Petitioner
Michael A. Medado is ALLOWED to sign in create a Committee to conduct a
the Roll of Attorneys ONE (1) YEAR after thorough investigation on the incident.
receipt of the Resolution. Petitioner is
likewise ORDERED to pay a FINE ofP32, 000 The investigation committee formed
for his unauthorized practice of law. During by 3 retired associate justices of the
the one year period, petitioner is NOT Supreme Court held nine (9) meetings
ALLOWED to practice law, and is STERNLY to conduct the investigation and
WARNED that doing any act that constitutes prepare the report. The investigation
practice of law before he has signed in the yielded that Atty. Marcial O.T. Balgas,
Roll of Attorneys will be dealt with severely examiner Mercantile Law, used his
by the Court. office computer to prepare the
questions for the bar exams and that
one of his associate lawyers, Atty.
Danilo de Guzman, admitted that he
downloaded the test questionnaires
from Atty. Balgos computer and faxed
a copy to his fraternity brother. After
further investigation, it yielded that
the copy that was leaked and the
Re: 2003 Bar Examinations actual exam were 82% identical and
B.M. No. 1222, 04 February 2004 such were reproduced among the
Nature: Disbarment barristers for that year. Aside from
Ponente: Per Curiam Atty. De Guzman, several people were
also investigated on but yielded not
much evidence.
Facts: On 22 September 2003,
Justice Jose Vitug, Chairman of the Issue: Whether or not the parties
2003 Bar examinations committee involved in the leakage should be
apprised Chief Justice Hilario Davide, disbarred?
Jr. and the other members of the court
of a rumored leakage on the bar Ratio: Atty. Danilo de Guzmans act
examination on Mercantile Law further of downloading Atty. Balgos test
recommending that the bar exam be questionnaires in Mercantile Law from
nullified and an investigation be Atty. Balgos computer without his
conducted. However after receiving knowledge and permission was a
numerous petitions and motions from criminal act of larceny, a theft of
the Philippine Association of Law intellectual property. Besides larceny,
schools agreeing to the nullification of Atty. De Guzman likewise committed
the bar exams on Mercantile Law but an unlawful infraction of Atty. Balgos
voicing strong reservations against right to privacy of communication and
holding another exam on the subject to the security of his papers and
due to physical, emotional and effects against unauthorized search
financial difficulties that may be and seizure rights protected by the
encountered by the examinees. In a Bill of rights of our Constitution. He
resolution dated 29 September 2003, likewise disobeyed the first canon of
the Court resolved to cancel the the lawyers Code of Professional
scheduled examination in Mercantile responsibility which provides that a
Law and allocate the 15 percentage lawyer shall uphold the Constitution,
points among the seven bar exam obey the laws of the land, and promise
subjects. Further, they resolved to respect for law and legal processes.
Further, the Committee upheld that met the respondent in January 2000
Atty. Balgos likewise committed when his then fiance Irene Moje
negligence in the preparation and introduced respondent to him as her
safekeeping of his proposed test friend who was married to Marianne
questions for the bar exam in Tantoco with whom he had three
Mercantile Law. Knowing that he was children.
not proficient on the use of computers, After his marriage to Irene on October
he could have used a typewriter where 7, 2000, Complainant noticed that
he was more proficient. from January to March 2001, Irene had
been receiving from respondent
Thus, the Committee recommended Cellphone calls, as well as messages
that: some which read I love you, I miss
you, or Meet you at Megamall. He
1 Atty. Danilo de Guzman be
also noticed that Irene habitually went
DISBARRED for he has shown
home very late at night or early in the
that he was morally unfit to
morning of the following day, and
continue as a member of the
sometimes did not go home from
legal profession, for grave
work. When he asked her
dishonesty, lack of integrity and
whereabouts, she replied that she
criminal behavior. He shall
slept at her parents house in
likewise make a PUBLIC
Binangonan, Rizal or she was busy
with her work.
the Supreme Court for involving
In February or March 2001,
it in another scandal.
complainant saw Irene and
2 Atty. Marcial O.T. Balgos should
Respondent together on two
be REPRIMANDED by the Court
occasions. On the second occasion, he
and be required to make a
confronted them following which Irene
written apology for the scandal
abandoned the conjugal house. On
he brought upon it as result of
April 22, 2001 complainant went
his negligence and lack of due
uninvited to Irenes birthday
care in preparing and
celebration at which he saw her and
safeguarding his proposed test
the respondent celebrating with her
questionnaires in Mercantile
family and friends. Out of
embarrassment, anger and
humiliation, he left the venue
Guevarra vs. Eala A.C. No. 7136 immediately. Following that incident,
August 1, 2007 Irene went to the conjugal house and
Joselano Guevarra vs. Atty. Jose hauled off all her personal belongings.
Emmanuel Eala Complainant later found a handwritten
A.C. No. 7136 letter dated October 7, 2007, the day
August 1, 2007 of his wedding to Irene, Complainant
soon saw respondents car and that of
Facts: On March 4, 2002 a complaint Irene constantly parked at No. 71-B11
of disbarment was filed before the Street, New Manila where as he was
Integrated Bar of the Philippines later learn sometime in April 2001,
Committee on Bar Discipline against Irene was already residing. He also
Atty. Jose Emmanuel M. Eala a.k.a. Noli learned still later that when his friends
Eala for grossly immoral conduct and saw Irene on about January 18, 2002
unmitigated violation of the lawyers together with respondent during a
oath. In the Complaint, Guevarra first concert, she was pregnant.
not hold true to his promise of
Issue: Whether Concubinage or marriage. In 1971, their relationship
Adulterous relationship, be the reason ended. Years later, he married another
for the disbarment of Atty. Jose woman. When Barranco was about to
Emmanuel Eala. take his oath to enter the legal
profession, Figueroa filed a complaint
Held: Lawyers oath stated that a relaying to the court what happened
lawyer should support the Constitution between her and Barranco. Until
and obey the laws, Meaning he shall 1988, Barranco has filed three motions
not make use of deceit, malpractice, to dismiss because Figueroa still would
or other gross misconduct, grossly not persecute and because for the
immoral conduct, or be convicted in past years, he has become elected in
any crime involving moral turpitude. In the Sangguniang Bayan, has actively
the case at bar Atty. Eala was accused participated in
of Concubinage, under ART. 334 of the various civicorganizations and has
Revised Penal Code, Any husband acquired a good standing within his
who shall keep a mistress in a conjugal community while the case was
dwelling, or, shall have sexual pending. The court sought the opinion
intercourse, under scandalous of the IBP which recommended
circumstances, with a woman who is that Barranco be allowed to take his
not his wife, or shall cohabit with her oath. Figueroa reappeared and
in any other place, shall be punished intercepted the scheduled oath-taking
by prision correccional in its minimum of Barranco which led to its delay.
and medium period. Section 2 of ART.
XV states that Marriage, as an Issue: Whether or
inviolable social institution, is the not Barranco should be allowed to
foundation of the family and shall be take his oath despite the accusations
protected by the state. Respondents of Figueroa.
grossly immoral conduct runs afoul of
the constitution and the laws, that he Held: Yes. The maintenance of
as a lawyer has sworn to uphold. an intimate relationship between a
Hence the court declared Atty. Jose man and a woman, both of whom had
Emmanul M. Eala DISBARRED for no impediment to marry and
grossly immoral conduct, violation of voluntarily carried on with the affair,
his oath of office, and violation of does not amount to a grossly immoral
canon 1, Rule 1.01 and Canon 7, Rule conduct even if a child was born out of
7.03 of the Code of Professional the relationship. His previous acts may
Responsibility. be said to be a question to his moral
character but none of these are
so corrupt and false as to constitute a
Figueroa vs. Barranco criminal act or so unprincipled or
disgraceful as to be reprehensible to a
Facts: Figueroa and Barranco were high degree. Her allegations that she
sweethearts since their teens. Their was forced to have sexual relations
intimacy eventually resulted to a son with him cannot lie as evidenced by
born out of wedlock. At this point her continued cohabitation with him
(1964) Barranco promised Figueroa even after their child was born in
that he would marry her when he 1964. The ignobleness of his
passes the bar examinations. After treatment of Figueroa is sufficiently
four takes, he finally passed but did punished by the 26 years that he has
been prevented from entering the June 2000. Again, in a letter dated July
profession he has worked so hard for. 3, 2000, the [respondent] made a
request for a final extension of only
LAO vs. MEDEL ten (10) days from June 30, 2000 (or
not later than July 10, 2000), within
The deliberate failure to pay just which to effect payment of P22,000.00
debts and the issuance of worthless to Engr. Lao. Needless to say, the
checks constitute gross misconduct, initiation of this present complaint
for which a lawyer may be sanctioned proves that contrary to his written
with one-year suspension from the promises, Atty. Medel never made
practice of law. good on his dishonored
checks. Neither has he paid his
The Case and the Facts indebtedness.

This administrative case stems In his Answer dated July 30, 2001,
from a Complaint-Affidavit filed with Atty. Medel reasons that because all of
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines- his proposals to settle his obligation
Commission on Bar Discipline (IBP- were rejected, he was unable to
CBD) by Selwyn F. Lao. Atty. Robert W. comply with his promise to pay
Medel was charged therein with complainant. Respondent maintains
dishonesty, grave misconduct and that the Complaint did not constitute a
conduct unbecoming an attorney. valid ground for disciplinary action
because of the following:
The material averments of the
Complaint are summarized by the IBP- (a). Under Sec. 27, Rule 138 of the
CBD in this wise: Rules, a member of the Bar, may be
disbarred or suspended from his office
The Complaint arose from the as attorney by the Supreme Court for
[respondents] persistent refusal to any deceit, malpractice, or other gross
make good on four (4) RCBC checks misconduct in such office, grossly
totaling [t]wenty [t]wo [t]housand immoral conduct, or by reason of his
(P22,000.00) [p]esos. These conviction of a crime involving moral
dishonored checks were issued by turpitude, or for any violation of the
defendant in replacement for previous oath which he is required to take
checks issued to the before admission to practice, or for a
complainant. Based on the exchange wil[l]ful disobedience of any lawful
of letters between the parties, it order of a superior court, or for
appears that [respondent], in a letter corruptly or wil[l]fully appearing as an
dated June 19, 2001, had committed attorney for a party to case without
to forthwith effect immediate authority so to do. The practice of
settlement of my outstanding soliciting cases at law for the purpose
obligation of P22,000.00 with Engr. of gain, either personally or through
Lao, at the earliest possible time, paid agents or brokers, constitutes
preferably, on or before the end of malpractice;
(a.1). Applying the afore-cited legal warrant his disbarment or suspension
provision to the facts obtaining in the from his office as attorney, by the
present case, it is clear that the Supreme Court; and
offense with which the respondent is
being charged by the complainant, is (d). The issuance of a worthless check
merely a violation of Batas Pambansa by a member of the Bar, in violation of
Bilang 22 (B.P. 22, for brevity), which B.P. 22, does NOT constitute
is a special law, and is not punishable dishonest, immoral or deceitful
under the Revised Penal Code (RPC, conduct, under Canon 1 and Rule 1.01
for brevity). It is self-evident therefore, of the Code of Professional
that the offense is not in the same Responsibility. This is because, the
category as a violation of Article 315, door to the law profession swings on
paragraph 2, (d), RPC, which is issuing reluctant hinges. Stated otherwise,
a post-dated check or a check in unless there is a clear, palpable and
payment of an obligation, with unmitigated immoral or deceitful
insufficient funds in the drawee bank, conduct, of a member of the Bar, in
through false pretenses or fraudulent violation of his oath as an attorney, by
acts, executed prior to or the mere issuance of a worthless
simultaneously with the commission of check, in violation of B.P. 22, the
the fraud, which is a crime involving Supreme Court is inclined to give the
moral turpitude; said attorney, the benefit of the doubt.

(b). If the respondent is to be On August 22, 2001, complainant

disciplined by the Supreme Court, submitted his Reply. Thereafter, IBP-
under Sec. 27, Rule 138 of the Rules, CBD Commissioner Renato G.
for the issuance of a worthless check, Cunanan, to whom the case was
in violation of B.P. 22, for payment of a assigned by the IBP for investigation
pre-existing obligation to the and report, scheduled the case for
complainant, then, verily, the said hearing on October 4, 2001. After
Rule 138, Sec. 27, would be a cruel several cancellations, the parties
and an unjust law, which the finally met on May 29, 2002. In that
Honorable Supreme Court would not hearing, respondent acknowledged his
countenance; obligation and committed himself to
pay a total of P42,000 (P22,000 for his
(c). A careful examination of the principal debt and P20,000 for
specific grounds enumerated, for attorneys fees). Complainant agreed
disbarment or suspension of a to give him until July 4, 2002 to settle
member of the Bar, under Sec. 27 of the principal debt and to discuss the
Rule 138 of the Rules, clearly shows plan of payment for attorneys fees in
beyond a shadow of doubt that the the next hearing.
alleged issuance of a worthless check,
in violation of B.P. 22, is NOT one of On July 4, 2002, both parties
the grounds for disciplinary action appeared before the IBP-CBD for their
against a member of the Bar, to scheduled hearing. But, while waiting
for the case to be called, respondent the Report and Recommendation of
suddenly insisted on leaving, Commissioner Cunanan and resolved
supposedly to attend to a family to suspend respondent from the
emergency. Complainants counsel practice of law for two years. The
objected and Commissioner Cunanan, Resolution, together with the records
who was still conducting a hearing in of the case, was transmitted to this
another case, ordered him to wait. He, Court for final action, pursuant to Rule
however, retorted in a loud voice, Its 139-B Sec. 12(b).
up to you, this is only disbarment, my
family is more important. And, despite The Courts Ruling
the objection and the warning, he
arrogantly left. He made no effort to We agree with the findings and
comply with his undertaking to settle recommendation of the IBP Board of
his indebtedness before leaving. Governors, but reduce the period of
suspension to one year.
Report and Recommendation of
the IBP Administrative Liability of
In his September 19, 2002
Report, Commissioner Cunanan found Lawyers are instruments for the
respondent guilty of violating the administration of justice. As vanguards
attorneys oath and the Code of of our legal system, they are expected
Professional Responsibility. The former to maintain not only legal proficiency
explained that, contrary to the latters but also a high standard of morality,
claim, violation of BP 22 was a crime honesty, integrity and fair dealing. In
that involved moral turpitude. Further, so doing, the peoples faith and
he observed that [w]hile no criminal confidence in the judicial system is
case may have been instituted against ensured.
[respondent], it is beyond cavil that
indeed, [the latter] committed not one In the present case, respondent
(1) but four counts of violation of BP has been brought to this Court for
22. The refusal [by respondent] to pay failure to pay his debts and for issuing
his indebtedness, his broken promises, worthless checks as payment for his
his arrogant attitude towards loan from complainant. While
complainants counsel and the acknowledging the fact that he issued
[commission sufficiently] warrant the several worthless checks, he contends
imposition of sanctions against that such act constitutes neither a
him. Thus, the investigating violation of the Code of Professional
commissioner recommended that Responsibility; nor dishonest, immoral
respondent be suspended from the or deceitful conduct.
practice of law.
The defense proffered by
In Resolution No. XV-2002-598, the respondent is untenable. It is evident
Board of Governors of the IBP adopted from the records that he made several
promises to pay his debt It is equally disturbing that
promptly. However, he reneged on his respondent remorselessly issued a
obligation despite sufficient time series of worthless checks, unmindful
afforded him. Worse, he refused to of the deleterious effects of such act
recognize any wrongdoing and to public interest and public order.
transferred the blame to complainant,
on the contorted reasoning that the Canon 1 of the Code of
latter had refused to accept the Professional Responsibility mandates
formers plan of payment. It must be all members of the bar to obey the
pointed out that complainant had no laws of the land and promote respect
obligation to accept it, considering for law. Rule 1.01 of the Code
respondents previous failure to comply specifically provides that [a] lawyer
with earlier payment plans for the shall not engage in unlawful,
same debt. dishonest, immoral or deceitful
conduct. In Co v. Bernardino, the Court
Moreover, before the IBP-CBD, considered the issuance of worthless
respondent had voluntarily committed checks as a violation of this Rule and
himself to the payment of his debts, an act constituting gross
yet failed again to fulfill his misconduct. It explained thus:
promise. That he had no real intention
to settle them is evident from his The general rule is that a lawyer may
unremitting failed commitments. His not be suspended or disbarred, and
cavalier attitude in incurring debts the court may not ordinarily assume
without any intention of paying for jurisdiction to discipline him for
them puts his moral character in misconduct in his non-professional or
serious doubt. private capacity (In Re Pelaez, 44 Phil.
5569 [1923]). Where, however, the
Verily, lawyers must at all times misconduct outside of the lawyer's
faithfully perform their duties to professional dealings is so gross a
society, to the bar, to the courts and character as to show him morally unfit
to their clients. As part of those duties, for the office and unworthy of the
they must promptly pay their financial privilege which his licenses and the
obligations. Their conduct must always law confer on him, the court may be
reflect the values and norms of the justified in suspending or removing
legal profession as embodied in the him from the office of attorney (In Re
Code of Professional Responsibility. On Sotto, 38 Phil. 569 [1923]).
these considerations, the Court may
disbar or suspend lawyers for any The evidence on record clearly shows
professional or private misconduct respondent's propensity to issue bad
showing them to be wanting in moral checks. This gross misconduct on his
character, honesty, probity and good part, though not related to his
demeanor -- or to be unworthy to professional duties as a member of the
continue as officers of the Court. bar, puts his moral character in
serious doubt. The Commission,
however, does not find him a hopeless his profession, but also for gross
case in the light of the fact that he misconduct not connected with his
eventually paid his obligation to the professional duties, which shows him
complainant, albeit very much to be unfit for the office and unworthy
delayed. of the privileges which his license and
the law confer upon him x x x.
While it is true that there was no
attorney-client relationship between Ten years later, in Piatt v. Abordo
complainant and respondent as the where the erring lawyer was
transaction between them did not suspended for one year from the
require the professional legal services practice of law for attempting to
of respondent, nevertheless engage in an opium deal, Justice
respondent's abject conduct merits Malcolm reiterated that an attorney
condemnation from this Court. may be removed not only for
malpractice and dishonesty in his
As early as 1923, however, the Court profession, but also for gross
laid down in In Re Vicente Pelaez [44 misconduct not related to his
Phil.567 (1923)] the principle that it professional duties which show him to
can exercise its power to discipline be an unfit and unworthy lawyer. The
lawyers for causes which do not courts are not curators of the morals
involve the relationship of an attorney of the bar. At the same time the
and client x x x In disciplining the profession is not compelled to harbor
respondent, Mr. Justice Malcolm said: x all persons whatever their character,
x x As a general rule, a court will not who are fortunate enough to keep out
assume jurisdiction to discipline one of of prison. As good character is an
its officers for misconduct alleged to essential qualification for admission of
have been committed in his private an attorney to practice, when the
capacity. But this is a general rule with attorney's character is bad in such
many exceptions x x x. The nature of respects as to show that he is unsafe
the office, the trust relation which and unfit to be entrusted with the
exists between attorney and client, as powers of an attorney, the courts
well as between court and attorney, retain the power to discipline him x x x
and the statutory rules prescribing the Of all classes and professions, the
qualifications of attorneys, uniformly lawyer is most sacredly bound to
require that an attorney shall be a uphold the law x x x and to that
person of good moral character. If that doctrine we give our unqualified
qualification is a condition precedent support."
to a license or privilege to enter upon
the practice of the law, it would seem We likewise take notice of the
to be equally essential during the high-handed manner in which
continuance of the practice and the respondent dealt with Commissioner
exercise of the privilege. So it is held Cunanan during the July 4, 2002
that an attorney will be removed not hearing, when the former was
only for malpractice and dishonesty in expected to settle his obligation with
complainant. We cannot countenance WHEREFORE, Atty. Robert W.
the discourtesy of respondent. He Medel is found guilty of gross
should be reminded that the IBP has misconduct and is
disciplinary authority over him by hereby SUSPENDED for one year from
virtue of his membership therein. the practice of law, effective upon his
receipt of this Decision.He is warned
Thus, it was imperative for him to that a repetition of the same or a
respect the authority of the officer similar act will be dealt with more
assigned to investigate his severely.
case. Assuming that he had a very
important personal matter to attend Let copies of this Decision be
to, he could have politely explained his entered in the record of respondent
predicament to the investigating and served on the IBP, as well as on
commissioner and asked permission to the court administrator who shall
leave immediately. Unfortunately, the circulate it to all courts for their
former showed dismal behavior by information and guidance.
raising his voice and leaving without
the consent of complainant and the SO ORDERED.
investigating commissioner.

We stress that membership in the

legal profession is a privilege. It Cheng vs. Agravante [A.C. No.
demands a high degree of good moral 6183. March 23, 2004]
character, not only as a condition Ponente: YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.
precedent to admission, but also as a
continuing requirement for the
practice of law. In this case, Respondent Atty. Alexander M.
respondent fell short of the exacting Agravante served as counsel for The
standards expected of him as a Rogemson Co., Inc. (Rogemson for
guardian of law and justice. brevity) in a case filed against it
before the National Labor Relations
Accordingly, administrative Commissions (NLRC) by its former
sanction is warranted by his gross employee, a certain Beaver Martin B.
misconduct. The IBP Board of Barril. The decision ordered
Governors recommended that he be Rogemson to pay Barril separation pay
suspended from the practice of law for and backwages. A copy of said
two years.However, in line decision was received by respondents
with Co v. Bernardino Ducat law office on September 8,
Jr. v. Villalon 1998. However, respondent filed a
Jr. and Saburnido v. Madroo-- which Memorandum of Appeal with the NLRC
also involved gross misconduct of only on September 22,
lawyers -- we find the suspension of 1998. Consequently, the NLRC
one year sufficient in this case. dismissed Rogemsons appeal.
The complainants terminated the [R]espondents filing of the
services of Atty. Agravante. Through Memorandum of Appeal four (4) days
their new lawyers, complainants wrote after the deadline proves that his
Atty. Agravante, demanding that they efforts fell short of the diligence
be compensated for the pecuniary required of a lawyer. His failure to
damages they had suffered as a result perfect an appeal within the
of his negligence. When it appeared prescribed period constitutes
that Atty. Agravante had no intention negligence and malpractice proscribed
of responding to their letter, Edison G. by the Code of Professional
Cheng, General Manager of Responsibility, which provide that a
Rogemson, filed an affidavit-complaint lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter
with the IBP Commission on Bar entrusted to him and his negligence in
Discipline. connection therewith shall render him
Agravante tells a different
story. Respondent alleges that he was Rule 10.01 A lawyer shall not do any
out of town on said date and only falsehood, nor consent to the doing of
returned to his office on September any in court; nor shall he mislead or
10, 1998. Upon arriving at the office, allow the court to be misled by any
his secretary handed to him all the artifice.
correspondence addressed to him,
including the envelope containing the Rule 18.03 A lawyer shall not
Labor Arbiters decision. He alleges neglect a legal matter entrusted to
that there were several markings on him and his negligence in connection
this particular envelope, one of which therewith shall render him liable.
was the date September 10, 1998,
and he allegedly assumed that this [T]he belated filing of the
was the date of receipt by his office. Memorandum of Appeal cannot in any
way mitigate respondents liability; on
ISSUE: the contrary, it shows ignorance on his
part. As a lawyer, he ought to know
Whether or not the Atty. Agravante is that his Memorandum of Appeal,
guilty of violating Rules 10.01 and having been filed beyond the
18.03 of the Code of Professional reglementary period, would surely be
Responsibility. struck down for late filing.


YES. Respondent was suspended from
practice of law for one (1) year and is Facts: Mrs. Irene Rayos-Ombac (lola)
fined the amount of Ten Thousand is the petitioner in this case. The
Pesos (P10,000.00). respondent is Atty. Orlando Rayos
(lawyer), her nephew. Jan. 1985:
RATIO: lawyer induced lola, who was then 85
years old, to withdraw all her bank deceitful conduct makes him unworthy
deposits and entrust it to him for of membership in the legal profession.
safekeeping. Lawyer made lola believe
that if she would do so, all the money
will be excluded from the estate of her
deceased husband and therefore
No. 5235, March 22, 2000
exclude the other heirs from
inheriting. Lola then withdrew all her FACTS: This is a disbarment case filed
money (P588K) and deposited it in the by the spouses Fernando and Amelia
account of lawyer in Union Bank. Upon Cruz against Atty. Ernesto C. Jacinto, a
demands that the amount be returned, lawyer of the couple in an unrelated
lawyer informed lola that he can only case, wherein requested the Cruz
return P400K on installment. Pumayag spouses for a loan in behalf of a
na lang si lola kasi kelangan niya certain Concepcion G. Padilla, who he
talaga ng pera. They signed a MOA claimed to be an old friend. The
regarding this transaction. However, spouses, believing and trusting the
the check given by lawyer to lola was representations of their lawyer that
dishonored due to insufficient funds. Padilla was a good risk, authorized him
Lola then filed an estafa case against to start preparing all the necessary
lawyer. Lawyer offered as settlement 2 documents relative to the registration
second-hand cars and cash amounting of the Real Estate Mortgage to secure
to P40K. Lola refused the offer. Lawyer the payment of the loan in favor of the
also filed cases against Lola. Estafa - Cruz spouses. Thereafter, the
because lola allegedly reneged on her complainants agreed to the request of
promise to sell a certain parcel of land. Atty. Jacinto and were presented by
Another accusing lola of making false the latter with a Real Estate Mortgage
statements in the testate proceedings Contract and a Transfer Certificate of
of her deceased husband. Lola then Title No. 127275 in the name of
filed a case for disbarment on 2 Concepcion G. Padilla. Upon maturity
grounds. (1) Defrauding lola and (2) of the loan, the spouses demanded
filing frivolous cases against her. IBP payment from Concepcion G. Padilla
recommended that lawyer be by going to the address given by the
suspended for 2 years. Lawyer then respondent but there proved to be no
filed this motion to lift the suspension person by that name living therein.
stating that lola has already withdrawn When the complainants verified the
her complaint for disbarment genuineness of TCT No. 127275 with
Register of Deeds of Quezon City, it
Issue: W/N lawyer should be
was certified by the said office to be a
suspended for 2 years
fake and spurious title. Further efforts
Held: Yes. In fact the SC raised the to locate the debtor-mortgagor
penalty to disbarment. (pinabayaan na likewise proved futile. In their sworn
lang sana niya yung suspension, baka affidavits given before the National
di pa siya disbarred). The withdrawal Bureau of Investigation (NBI), the
of lola of her complaint has no effect spouses claim that they relied much
on the disbarment proceedings. on the reassurances made by Atty.
Lawyer violated the CPR as well as his Jacinto as to Concepcion G. Padillas
oath when he deceived his 85 year old credit, considering that he was their
aunt. Lawyers wicked deed was lawyer. It was also their trust and
aggravated by the series of unfounded confidence in Atty. Jacinto that made
suits he filed against lola. Lawyers them decide to forego meeting the
debtor-mortgagor. The complainants time friend and a former client. He
also presented as evidence the acted not merely as an agent but as a
testimonies of Estrella Ermino- lawyer of complaints, thus, the
Palipada, the secretary of the execution of the real estate mortgage
respondent at the Neri Law Office, and contract, as well as its registration and
Avegail Payos, a housemaid of Atty. annotation on the title were entrusted
Jacinto. Ms. Palipada, where they were to him. In fact, respondent even
instructed by Atty. Jacinto to falsify the received his share in the interest
signatures of the notary public and earnings which complainants realized
Deputy Register of Deeds. On the from the transaction. His refusal to
other hand, Atty. Jacinto alleged that recognize any wrongdoing or
the criminal information for estafa thru carelessness by claiming that he is
falsification filed against him had likewise a victim when it was shown
already been dismissed because of the that the title to the property, the
voluntary desistance of the registration of the real estate
complainants. Moreover, Atty. Jacinto mortgage contract, and the annotation
averred that while he indeed thereon were all feigned, will not at all
facilitated the loan agreement exonerate him. As a rule, a lawyer is
between the Cruz spouses and not barred from dealing with his client
Concepcion G. Padilla, he had no idea but the business transaction must be
that the latter would give a falsified characterized with utmost honesty
Certificate of Title and use it to obtain and good faith. However, the measure
a loan. He claimed that he himself was of good faith which an attorney is
a victim under the circumstances. required to exercise in his dealings
Respondent further alleged that he with this client is a much higher
had not been remiss nor negligent in standard than is required in business
collecting the proceeds of the loan; dealings where the parties trade at
that in fact, he had even advanced the arms length. Business transactions
full payment of the loan due to the between an attorney and his client are
complainants from his own savings, disfavored and discouraged by the
even if Concepcion G. Padilla had not policy of the law. Hence, courts
yet paid, much less found. carefully watch these transactions to
be sure that no advantage is taken by
ISSUE: Is Atty. Jacinto guilty of a lawyer over his client. This rule is
professional misconduct? founded on public policy for, by virtue
of his office, an attorney is in an easy
HELD: YES Jessalyn R. Puerin Legal
position to take advantage of the
Ethics I-Viada In the instant case, there
credulity and ignorance of his client.
was a clear yet unrebutted allegation
Thus, no presumption of innocence or
in the complaint that the respondent
improbability of wrongdoing is
had ordered his secretary and
considered in an attorneys favor
housemaid to falsify the signatures of
(Nakpil vs. Valdes, 286 SCRA 758
the notary public and the Deputy
[1998]). Further, his fidelity to the
Register of Deeds respectively to
cause of his client requires him to be
make it appear that the real estate
ever mindful of the responsibilities
mortgage contract was duly registered
that should be expected of him.
and thus binding. Undeniably,
Respondent utterly failed to perform
respondent represented complainants
his duties and responsibilities faithfully
in the loan transaction. By his own
and well as to protect the rights and
admission, he was the one who
interests of his clients and by his
negotiated with the borrower, his long-
deceitful actuations constituting They agreed that respondent would
violations of the Code of Professional keep the property in thrust for the
Responsibilities must be subjected to Nakpils until the latter could buy it
disciplinary measures for his own
back. Pursuant to their agreement,
good, as well as for the good of the
entire membership of the Bar as a respondent obtained two (2) loans
whole. More importantly, while it may from a bank which he used to
be true that the complaint for Estafa purchase and renovate the property.
thru Falsification filed against the Title was then issued in respondents
Respondent had been dismissed, the name. The ownership of the Moran
dismissal was because of the property became an issue in the
complainants voluntary desistance
intestate proceedings when Jose
and not a finding of innocence. It
neither confirms nor denies Nakpil died. Respondent acted as the
Respondents non culpability. legal counsel and accountant of his
Furthermore, it is well-settled that widow. Respondent excluded the
disciplinary proceedings are "sui Moran property from the inventory of
generis", the primary object of which Joses estate and transferred his title
is not so much to punish the individual to the Moran property to his company,
attorney himself, as to safeguard the
the Caval Realty Corporation.
administration of justice by protecting
the court and the public from the
misconduct of lawyers, and to remove ISSUE:
from the professions persons whose
disregard of their oath have proven Whether or not there was conflict of
them unfit to continue discharging the interest between the respondent Atty.
trust reposed in them as members of Valdes and the complainant.
the bar. Thus, disciplinary cases may
still proceed despite the dismissal of
civil and/or criminal cases against a
YES. Respondent was suspended from
practice of law for one (1) year.
Nakpil vs Valdes
[A.C. No. 2040. March 4, 1998] RATIO:

Ponente: PUNO, J. [T]here is no question that the

interests of the estate and that of its
creditors are adverse to each other.
Respondents accounting firm
FACTS: prepared the list of assets and
liabilities of the estate and, at the
Jose Nakpil, husband of the same time, computed the claims of
complainant, became interested in two creditors of the estate. There is
purchasing a summer residence in clearly a conflict between the interest
Moran Street, Baguio City. For lack of of the estate which stands as the
funds, he requested respondent to debtor, and that of the two claimants
purchase the Moran property for him. who are creditors of the estate.
[R]espondent undoubtedly placed his FACTS: A disbarment case was filed
law firm in a position where his loyalty against Atty. Llosa by Pike P. Arrieta for
to his client could be doubted. In the allegedly notarizing a Deed of
Absolute sale, wherein,
estate proceedings, the duty of
vendors noted were already dead prior
respondents law firm was to contest to its execution. In answer, respondent
the claims of these two creditors but admitted having notarized the Deed of
which claims were prepared by Absolute Sale. But before affixing his
respondents accounting firm. Even if notarial seal, he first ascertained the
the claims were valid and did not authenticity of the signatures, verified
prejudice the estate, the set-up is still the identities of the signatories, and
determined the voluntariness of its
undesirable. The test to determine
whether there is a conflict of interest
in the representation is probability, not However, in a later date, the
certainty of conflict. It was respondent sought to dismiss the
respondents duty to inhibit either of disbarment case admitting to the fact
his firms from said proceedings to the instant case is only a product of
avoid the probability of conflict of misunderstanding and
misinterpretation of some facts and is
now convinced that everything is in
order. The designated Investigating
Public confidence in law and lawyers Commissioner of the IBP
may be eroded by the irresponsible recommended the dismissal of
and improper conduct of a member of the instant case. The Board of
the bar. Thus, a lawyer should Governors of the IBP adopted the
determine his conduct by acting in a above recommendation and resolved
to dismiss the instant case after
manner that would promote public
finding no compelling reason to
confidence in the integrity of the legal continue with the disbarment
profession. Members of the bar are proceedings.
expected to always live up to the
standards embodied in the Code of
Professional Responsibility as the ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Joel A.
relationship between an attorney and Llosa be disbarred or suspended from
practice of law.
his client is highly fiduciary in nature
and demands utmost fidelity and good
faith. In the case at bar, respondent HELD: YES. Respondent ordered
exhibited less than full fidelity to his SUSPENDED for six months from
duty to observe candor, fairness and practice of law with a warning that
loyalty in his dealings and transactions another infraction will be dealt with
more severely. Citing Section 1 of
with his clients.
Public Act No. 2103 also known as the
Notarial law, the Supreme Court
explained the importance
of adherence to said law as part of the
Arrieta vs Llosa responsibility of a duly deputized
authority to conduct such notarial
process. Due diligence is to be
observed, this being part of a purportedly as Attorney-in-Fact of the
lawyers professional responsibility and registered owners thereof, Pedro N.
procedural lapse is not an excuse to Torres and Oscar D. Granada. A copy
cater to the convenience of clients.
of this Real Estate Mortgage is
Any violation is tantamount to
misconduct. Such misconduct is a herewith attached as Annex A.
ground for disbarment as stated by
the Section 27 of Rule 138 of the Rules 2. That together with the aforesaid
of Court. Furthermore, the Supreme Real Estate Mortgage the respondent
Court stressed the primary submitted a Special Power of Attorney
responsibility of lawyers as stated by virtue of which he was purportedly
in Canon I of the Code authorized and empowered by the
of Professional Responsibility that a
lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, registered owners Pedro Torres and
obey the laws of the land and promote Oscar D. Granada to mortgage the
respect for law and legal processes. A aforesaid parcel of land in favor of the
lawyer must also refrain from complainant. A copy of this Special
engaging in unlawful, dishonest, Power of Attorney is herewith attached
immoral or deceitful conduct. Any as Annex B.
violation of his oath or of his duties as
an attorney and counsellor, which
3. That on the security of, among
include statutory grounds enumerated
in Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of others, the aforesaid parcel of land
Court, all of these being broad enough over which the respondent
to cover practically any misconduct of represented that he is authorized to
a lawyer in his professional or private mortgage, complainant extended and
capacity may be disbarred or released a loan to the respondent in
the amount of P91,427.00.

4. That complainant subsequently and

much later learned that the
Rural Bank of Silay vs. Pilla
respondent was not at all authorized
and empowered by the registered
Rural Bank of Silay. Inc.
owner Oscar D. Granada to mortgage
(complainant) filed with this Court the
the aforesaid parcel of land when it
instant complaint for disbarment
was joined as a defendant in a
against Atty. Ernesto H. Pilla
complaint filed by the aforesaid Oscar
(respondent) alleging deceit and gross
D. Grananda for removal of cloud on
misconduct on the part of the latter.
title with preliminary injunction and
The complaint alleges as follows:
damages. A copy of this complaint is
1. That on July 23, 1975 the herewith attached as Annex C.
respondent executed a Real Estate
5. That in the aforesaid complaint as
Mortgage in favor of the complainant
well as in the hearing conducted in
over a parcel of land located in the
connection therewith Oscar D.
Municipality of Sagay, Negros
Granada specifically and categorically
Occidental, covered by Transfer
denied having executed and signed
Certificate of Title No. T-55380,
the Special Power of Attorney, Annex denied employing any deceit or
B, submitted by the respondent to the misrepresentation in obtaining a loan
complainant in support of his from complainant rural
application for a loan. bank. According to respondent, he did
not know that the signature of Oscar
6. That the aforesaid civil case, Civil Granada on the special power of
Case No. 1 of the Regional Trial Court attorney appointing him (respondent)
of Negros Occidental, Branch 60, was as attorney-in-fact was forged. The
subsequently decided against the special power of attorney purportedly
respondent wherein the aforesaid authorized respondent to mortgaged
Court found that the Special Power of the parcel of land in Sagay, Negros
Attorney, Annex B, was indeed forged Occidental in favor of complainant
and falsified because the spouses rural bank. Respondent also claimed
Oscar D. Grananda and Lolita L. that if indeed said document was
Granada have not signed the same forged, he was not a party to the
and wherein the Court also made the forgery. He cited the findings of the
finding that the defendant, trial court in Civil Case No. 1-C, thus:
considering that he has benefited from
the said falsified document, is Although there is no showing that Atty.
presumed to have a hand in the Ernesto H. Pilla has actually falsified
preparation of the same. A copy of this the signatures of the spouses, Atty.
Decision is herewith attached as Oscar D. Granada, yet considering that
Annex D. he actually benefited from the said
falsified documents, he is presumed to
7. That the respondent has not have a hand on the same. (Decision,
appealed from the aforesaid Decision p. 20-annex D.)[2]
thereby making the findings of fact
made therein final as against him. Respondent maintained that he
obtained the loan from complainant
8. That the foregoing acts of the rural bank without depriving it of the
respondent in presenting to the opportunity to investigate his financial
complainant Bank a forged and capacity as well as to ascertain the
falsified Power of Attorney for the genuineness of the special power of
purpose of obtaining a loan is a attorney under which he acted as the
betrayal of his oath as a lawyer to do mortgagor. Thus, respondent is of the
falsehood to no man and by his view that, under the circumstances, it
conduct herein has forfeited his right cannot be said that he employed
to continue further in the practice of deceit and gross misconduct against
law.[1] complainant rural bank.

Upon the instance of the Court, After receipt of respondents

respondent filed his comment refuting comment, the Court referred the
the charges of deceit and gross matter to the Integrated Bar of the
misconduct against him. Respondent Philippines (IBP) for investigation. Both
parties adduced their respective then instituted this disbarment
evidence before the Commission on proceeding against the respondent.[3]
Bar Discipline of the IBP. Upon
agreement of the parties, the matter The IBP found from the above
was resolved on the basis of their facts that respondent violated his oath
respective pleadings and the annexes as a lawyer to do no falsehood, thus:
attached thereto. From these
pleadings, the IBP, through This office believes that the actuation
Commissioner Julio C. Elamparo, of the respondent constitutes a
established the following betrayal of his oath as a lawyer. The
uncontroverted facts: findings of the Regional Trial Court of
Negros Occidental have persuasive
Purportedly acting as attorney-in-fact effect in this proceeding.
of a certain Pedro Torres and Oscar D.
Granada, by virtue of a special power As found by the Regional Trial Court of
of attorney, respondent applied for a Negros Occidental in its decision in
loan and concomitantly executed a Civil Case No. 1-C, entitled Spouses
Real Estate Mortgage in favor of the Oscar D. Granada and Lolita L.
complainant bank covering the Granada vs. Ernesto H. Pilla, et al, the
property of Pedro Torres and Oscar D. plaintiffs Granada spouses have not
Granada. With such security, signed the questioned Special Power
complainant extended to the of Attorney in favor of the respondent
respondent his loan in the amount of and the said spouses signatures as
P91, 427.00. In view of the failure of appearing in the Special Power of
the respondent to pay the loan, the Attorney are not their true and
mortgaged property was foreclosed by genuine signatures for actually they
the complainant bank. Later, Oscar have not executed nor granted a
Granada, the real registered owner of Special Power of Attorney in favor of
the mortgaged property filed a herein respondent authorizing him to
complaint against the respondent and mortgage the one-third (1/3) share of
the complainant for the annulment of the said spouses in the mortgaged
the Real Estate Mortgage and Special property. The trial court stressed that:
Power of Attorney. After the trial, the
court declared null and void the said Although there is no showing that Atty.
Special Power of Attorney as well as Ernesto H. Pilla has actually falsified
the Real Estate Mortgage for being the signatures of the spouses,
products of forgery. This decision was Atty. Oscar D. Granada, yet
not appealed by the defendants. considering that he actually benefited
from the said falsified documents, he
There is no showing that respondent, is presumed to have a hand on the
despite the adverse decision, returned same.
or offered to return the money he took
from the complainant bank. The bank Defendant Antonio Pura testified and
in fact he admitted that he notarized
the said documents, Exhibit A and B, illegal and I have confidence
with the assurance of Atty. Pilla that in him considering that he is
the signatures appearing in the said a lawyer and he knows what
documents were the signatures of he was doing, I
Atty. Oscar D. Granada and of Pedro accommodated him.
Torres, registered owners of the
property in question. If indeed, respondent is not
responsible for the
Antonio G. Pura, the notary public who falsification of the Special
notarized the questioned Special Power of Attorney, why did
Power of Attorney in favor of the he not explain before the
respondent, testified in said Civil Case trial court or before this
as follows: office the circumstances on
how he obtained the
Q Now, compaero, will you same.He did not even
please relate to this bother to identify his
Honorable Court the alleged client who provided
circumstances under which him the forged Special
you notarized this Special Power of Attorney. Instead,
Power of Attorney now respondent is banking on
marked as Exh. A on April his defense that the
21, 1975? complainant bank has not
introduced any evidence to
A Yes, sir. I remember that on prove that he forged the
the same day, April 21, Special Power of
1975, defendant Atty. Attorney. He relied on the
Ernesto H. Pilla personally argument that his
appeared before me and he transaction with the
brought along with him this complainant bank was
Special Power of Attorney purely commercial business
executed in his favor. He and did not involve his
told me to notarize it. I capacity as a
asked him about the lawyer. Further, if it is
signature of Atty. Oscar D. true that the respondent
Granada if this is his maintains the highest
signature and he said Yes. I degree of morality and
also asked him about the integrity as he asserted,
signature of the other why did he represent before
principal and he said also the notary public that the
Yes. With that assurance signatures appearing in the
and being a brother lawyer I Special Power of Attorney
accommodated were the signatures of the
him. Knowing that he will real owners if he was not
not do anything that is actually aware that the
signatures were that of the to have a hand in the falsification of
real owners. the same. Respondent miserably failed
to rebut this presumption with his
The office is convinced that the barefaced denial that he had no
actuation of the respondent is knowledge of the forgery. The Court
misrepresentation constituting gross cannot give credence to respondents
misconduct at the very least. This is a negative assertion that he did not
violation of his oath as a lawyer to do know that the special power of
falsehood to no man. attorney issued in his favor was
falsified. As a lawyer, respondent
In conclusion, Commissioner knows or ought to know that parties to
Elamparo recommended that a public document must personally
respondent be suspended from the appear before the notary public to
practice of law for five (5) years. The attest that the same is their own free
IBP, through Resolution No. XIV-00- act and deed. In utter disregard of this
175, dated 7 April 2000, of its Board of requirement, respondent caused the
Governors, substantially adopted and special power of attorney to be
approved the report and notarized without the parties
recommendation of Commissioner appearing before the notary
Elamparo but modified the public.Thereafter, respondent
penalty. The IBP RESOLVED as follows: presented the same to complainant
rural bank in order to obtain a loan
to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is therefrom. It is thus apparent that
hereby ADOPTED and APPROVED, the respondent had a hand in the
Report and Recommendation of the falsification of the document
Investigating Commissioner of the especially considering that it was he
above-entitled case, herein made part who chiefly benefited from it. Indeed,
of this Resolution/Decision as annex A, the settled rule is that in the absence
and, finding the recommendation fully of satisfactory explanation, one found
supported by the evidence on record in possession of and who used a
and the applicable laws and rules, said forged document is the forger and
recommendation is with therefore guilty of
modification that Respondent falsification. Further, if a person had in
be SUSPENDED from the practice of his possession a falsified document
law for THREE (3) years for and he made use of it (uttered it),
misrepresentation.[5] taking advantage of it and profiting
thereby, the clear presumption is that
We fully agree with the findings of he is the material author of the
the Investigating Commissioner. falsification.

As correctly pointed out by the Respondents acts clearly fall short

trial court in Civil Case No. 1-C, since of the standards set by the Code of
respondent actually benefited from Professional Responsibility, particularly
the falsified document, he is presumed Rule 1.01 thereof, which provides that
[a] lawyer shall not engage in WHEREFORE, the Court hereby
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or finds respondent Atty. Ernesto H. Pilla
deceitful conduct. The fact that the guilty of misconduct. He is suspended
conduct pertained to respondents from the practice of law for a period of
private dealings with complainant three (3) years effective from receipt
rural bank is of no moment. A lawyer of this Resolution, with a warning that
may be suspended or disbarred for a repetition of the same or similar
ANY misconduct, even if it pertains to offense will be more severely dealt
his private activities, as long as it with.
shows him to be wanting in moral
character, honesty, probity, or good Let a copy of this Resolution be
demeanor.[8] Possession of good moral furnished, upon its finality, to the
character is not only a good condition Integrated Bar of the Philippines and
precedent to the practice of law, but a all the courts in the Philippines, and
continuing qualification for all spread on the personal record of
members of the bar.[9] respondent in the Office of the Bar
Confidant, Supreme Court of the
Considering the foregoing, the Philippines.
recommendation of the IBP that
respondent be suspended from the SO ORDERED.
practice of law for a period of three (3)
years is approved.

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