Quantitative Analysis - Course Outline

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College of Business Management

Health and Hospital Management Program


MHM 530/402

1. Overall aims of course

Quantitative Analysis is a core courses for degrees in the MHM program. This course
provides an introduction to selected important topics in Biostatistical concepts and
reasoning. This course represents an introduction to the field and provides a survey of data
and data types. Specific topics include tools for describing central tendency and variability
in data; methods for performing inference on population means and proportions via sample
data; statistical hypothesis testing and its application to group comparisons; issues of power
and sample size in study designs; and random sample and other study types. While there
are some formulae and computational elements to the course, the emphasis is on
interpretation and concepts.

2. Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs)

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the course the student should be able to:

i. Present & Interpret data in tabular and graphical forms
ii. Apply the basic rules of probability
iii. Summarizes data using the appropriate measures of central tendency and variation
iv. Apply the principles of normal distribution on a population and on sample means
v. Determine the required sample size for a given level of significance
vi. Determine & Interpret the confidence interval for sample means and proportions
vii. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set:
i. * z-test * t-tests * Chi-square test * Test of proportion

viii. Determine the correlation between two sets of numerical variables

B. Intellectual Skills
To learn how to write statistical part in methodology of research project
To learn how to read and critically evaluate a research article especially the statistical part
of methodology writing

C. Professional and Practical Skills

To gain experience in the use of statistical software e.g. SPSS, Microsoft Excel

D. General and Transferable Skills

To guide and involve in the teaching of Biostatistical concepts in their respective

E. Experiential Learning

Session 5:
Tutorial : 50% (1 and half hours)
Experiential Learning : 50% (1 and half hours)

Session 10:
Tutorial : 50% (1 and half hours)
Experiential Learning : 50% (1 and half hours)

Session 13:
Tutorial : 50% (1 and half hours)
Experiential Learning : 50% (1 and half hours)

Session 15:
Tutorial : 25% (1 hour)
Experiential Learning : 75% (2 hours)
3. Contents:


1 Class and course introductions, Introduction to Biostatistics

Distribution of class material and explanation of course content.

Discussion on expectations from the student course booklet.
Interactive ice breaker with students by students presenting and introducing themselves
and sharing an unforgettable incident in their personal health care experience.
Introduction to biostatistics
Classification of variables
Organizing and displaying data
Exercises for chapter 3 will be given for 1st assignment due on the day of 1st Mid Term
CR is selected in this session
Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify variable
2. Present & Interpret data in tabular and graphical forms
1. Pre Class independent study
2. Input session (students centered)
3. Lecture with discussion
4. Review and evaluation (student centered)

2 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Interactive session on how to summarize data

Explaining the concept of Measures of Central Tendency i.e. mean, median and mode
Calculate and interpret the measures of dispersion i.e. range, variance, standard
deviation and CV%.
Exercises for chapter 4 will be given for 1st assignment due on the day of 1st Mid Term
Learning Outcomes:
1. Summarizes data using the appropriate measures of central tendency and variation
1. Pre Class independent study
2. Input session (students centered)
3. Lecture with discussion
4. Review and evaluation (student centered)

3 Probability

Understanding the basic concept and principles of probability

Addition and multiplication rules
Counting rules; number of ways, permutation, combination
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 5 will be given for 1st assignment due on the day of 1st Mid Term.
Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply the basic rules of probability

1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

4 Normal Distribution
Understand the concept of Normal Distribution
Area under the Normal distribution
Properties of normal distribution
Quiz 1 of chapter 1 to 5 based on problem solving exercises
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 6 will be given for 1st assignment due on the day of 1st Mid Term

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply the principles of normal distribution on a population and on sample means

1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

5 Tutorial: 50% (1and half hours)

Sampling Distribution
Understand the concept of Sampling Distribution of Means
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 7 will be given for 1st assignment due on the day of 1st Mid Term
Learning Outcomes

1. Describe the concept of sampling distribution in a given population

1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

Experiential Learning: 50% (1 and half hours)

Develop short questionnaire with different variables
Data entry on SPSS Software
Descriptive data presentation

Develop questionnaire 2
Group Work 2
Data entry on SPSS 3
Data Presentation 3
Total 10

6 1st Mid-term Exams and Hypothesis Testing

Students will be tested on their conceptual and applicative grasp of the biostatistics taught
so far. The one hour test should be prepared focusing sharply on the learning outcomes
detailed above in this curriculum read together with the learning outcomes identified in
each of the 5 preceding sessions.

After the exam, the class will continue with a discussion on Hypothesis Testing

One sample hypothesis testing - z-test

Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Collection of 1st assignment
Exercises for chapter 8 will be given for 2nd assignment due on the day of 2nd Mid

Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set: z-
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

7 Hypothesis Testing- t test

One sample hypothesis testing t-test

Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 8 will be given for 2nd assignment due on the day of 2nd Mid

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set: t-test
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

8 Pooled t test
Two sample hypothesis testing (I)
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 9 will be given for 2nd assignment due on the day of 2nd Mid

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set:
Pooled t-test
5. Pre class independent study
6. Student centered input session
7. Lecture discussion
8. Review and evaluation

9 Paired t test

Two sample hypothesis testing (II)

Quiz 2 of chapter 6 to 8 based on problem solving exercises
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 9 will be given for 2nd assignment due on the day of 2nd Mid
Learning Objectives

1. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set:
Paired t-test
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

10 Tutorial: 50% (1and half hours)

Confidence Interval, p-value, Sample Size

How to calculate Sample size

Concept of Confidence Interval
Concept and calculation of p-value
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 8 &9 will be given for 2nd assignment due on the day of 2nd Mid
Learning Outcomes

1. Determine the required sample size for a given level of significance

2. Determine & Interpret the confidence interval for sample means and proportions
3. Calculate and Interpret p value
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

Experiential Learning: 50% (1 and half hours)

Activity: Critical Reading of Published Article
The students should be able to:
Apply the concepts of quantitative methods (biostatistics) to critically appraise medical
literature on:
o Rationale and objectives of the study
o Interpretation of graphs and tables

Interpretation of data 2
Work presentation 3
Total 5
11 2nd Mid Term Exam

Students will be tested on their conceptual and applicative grasp of the biostatistics taught
so far. The one hour test should be prepared focusing sharply on the learning outcomes
detailed above in this curriculum read together with the learning outcomes identified in
each of the 10 preceding sessions.

After the one-hour test, the session will continue with session on Correlation and regression

Correlation and Linear Regression

Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Collection of 2nd assignment

Learning Outcome:
1. Determine the correlation between two sets of numerical variables
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

12 Test of Proportions
Inferences regarding Proportions
Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 10 will be given for 3rd assignment due on the day of Final Exam
Learning Outcomes

1. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set: Test
of proportions
5. Pre class independent study
6. Student centered input session
7. Lecture discussion
1. Review and evaluation

13 Tutorial: 50% (1and half hours)

Chi Square

Concept of Chi square

Calculations on OHP, Exercises, small group discussion
Exercises for chapter 12 will be given for 3rd assignment due on the day of Final Exam
Learning Outcomes

1. Apply the appropriate test of significance to test the hypothesis on a given data set: Chi
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered input session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

Experiential Learning: 50% (1 and half hours)

Activity: Critical Reading of Published Article
The students should be able to:
Apply the concepts of quantitative methods (biostatistics) to critically appraise medical
literature on:
o Rationale and objectives of the study
o Interpretation of statistical analysis
Interpretation of statistical analysis 4
Group Work 2
Work presentation 4
Total 10
14 SPSS and MS Excel

Hand on training on SPSS

Data entry and data analysis
Quiz 3 of chapter 9 to 12 based on problem solving exercises

Learning Objectives:
1. Demonstrate the use of statistical software e.g. SPSS, Excel
1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered opening session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

15 Tutorial: 25% (1 hour)

SPSS and MS Excel

Hand on training on Excel

Data entry and data analysis
Quiz 3 of chapter 9 to 12 based on problem solving exercises

Learning Objectives:

1. Demonstrate the use of statistical software e.g. SPSS, Excel

1. Pre class independent study
2. Student centered opening session
3. Lecture discussion
4. Review and evaluation

Experiential Learning: 75% (2 hours)

Project Presentation
Students will be asked to select one topic and develop questionnaire for that topic, collect data,
do data analysis and write results (both descriptive and analytical) for that article. Students
will be divided into groups for this activity and present their work on the day of presentation
This project will be tool to assess their skills for doing data analysis and writing results.

16 Final Exam

Students will be tested on their conceptual and applicative grasp of the biostatistics. The
three hour test should be prepared focusing sharply on the learning outcomes detailed
above in this curriculum read together with the learning outcomes identified in each of the
10 preceding sessions.

4. Teaching and learning methods

The teaching methods employed in the class include lectures, discussions, small group
presentations and written assignments. Discussions rely heavily on the students experiences
regarding working in health industry in different capacities. If at any time students have
questions or need clarification, they are welcome to contact the instructor.
Attendance - Participation in class discussion is an important part of the learning process.
Since this course is designed to meet the requirement for hours of formal instruction needed
for credit, regular attendance is expected. If due to unforeseen circumstances, a class will be
missed, please notify the instructor prior to class. Assignments due on the absence date are
to be handed in, by the beginning of the next class session.

Assignments It is the responsibility of the student to read the appropriate section of the text
prior to class and complete text questions and self-assessments. All assignments are due on
the assigned date. If an assignment is missed, please contact the instructor to make
arrangements for a make-up. Instructions for specific assignment will be given throughout
the semester.

Exams and Quizzes Assessment of knowledge and understanding will be tested through in
a series of Mid Terms and Final Exams including periodic quizzes within the sessions.

Discussions and Case studies and Practice Exercises - It is imperative for students to show
active participation during class by demonstrating presence during interactive discussions.
Class work will involve several different methods such as problem solving exercises and
case studies which will deliberately engage the learners in a more active process.
5. Rubric for Theory Question

Criteria Levels of Achievements

Exemplary 4 Proficient Marginal Unacceptable Score
3 2 1
Conceptual Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates a *5 = 20
Understanding clear and deep clear limited/surface superficial
understanding understanding understanding understanding of
of the theory. of the ideas of the theory. the theory.
presented in the
Identifies Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates *5= 20
Issues/Problems clear and deep deep limited/surface superficial
understanding understanding understanding understanding of
of an of an of an an issue/problem
issue/problem issue/problem issue/problem in the question.
in the question. in the question. in the
Proper Apply Apply Apply formula Apply wrong *5= 20
Application of appropriate appropriate but calculate formula
Formula formula, write it formula, write value without
& calculate it & calculate mentioning the
accurate value approximate formula
Calculations Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Directly *5 = 20
every single important steps few steps of demonstrate
step of of calculations. calculations answer without
calculation steps of

Provide Provide Provide Provide *5 = 20

Interpretation valuable, valuable and valuable inappropriate but
of Results standard and appropriate interpretation few interpretation
appropriate interpretation regarding
interpretation regarding results
regarding results
No. Assessment Criteria of Assessment Weight
Methods Assessment Schedule Week Age (%)
1 Quizzes (3) Knowledge and 4, 9, 14 5
2 Assignments (3) Knowledge and 6, 11, 15 5
3 1st Mid Term Exam Professional Skills 6 15
4 2nd Mid Term Exam Professional Skills 11 15
5 Final Exam Professional Skills 16 25
6 Experiential Learning Knowledge and 5, 10, 13, 15 35
(breakup given below) understanding

Marks break up for Rubrics: (for Experiential Learning)

Questionnaire development 10 marks

Data interpretation 5 marks
Interpretation of statistical analysis 10 marks
Project presentation 10 marks
Total 35 marks

Final Exam: It will be a comprehensive exam. It will include All sessions from 1 15.
Quizzes: There will be 3 quizzes. All students are expected to come prepared with the previous
class assignments for the quizzes

6. List of References

Required Reading:
Kuzma JW. Basic Statistics for the Health Sciences, Mayfield Publishing Company, 5th ed
Additional Readings:
Triola M. Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences with Statdisk,
Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 6th ed.
Triola MF. Elementary Statistics, Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 11th ed.
7. Facilities required for teaching and learning

PC with color printer with instructor

Classroom multimedia with full sound system
Classroom overhead projector
Panoramic whiteboard across front class wall
Access to a corporation for the term research project

Head of Department Dean

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