Name(s) : Zachary Williams, Troy Butler, Aubrey Ellis: UDL Lesson Plan Template

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UDL Lesson Plan Template

Name(s) : Zachary Williams, Troy Butler, Aubrey Ellis

Focus (topic) of the Lesson Plan : Science Grade Five (Physical Education/Health)

Universal Outcomes Required

Design for Materials, Tools
Learning and Technology

Representation 302-9 describe nutritional Comp

and other requirements for uter
1.1 Vary the Proje
maintaining a healthy body
display of ctor
information- Healt
206-4: evaluate the
Multiple methods hy Body
usefulness of different
will be used to Worksheet
information sources in
display Chart
answering question about
information, such Paper
health and diet
as a powerpoint mark
presentation and ers
SWBAT (in student friendly Micro
props. A handout
terms): Student will learn phones
will also be
what factors make for a Props
healthy body and lifestyle (visual aids
1.2 Offer
information via for healthy
auditory food)
Assessment Aubre
(formative/summative, y (special
Microphones will
self/peer) Speaker)
be used in order
to help students What prior data is
who are either in informing your instruction?
the back of the Special
classroom, or Concerns
may be hard of APK: Carousel
hearing. Student will
1.3 Vary the participate in a
ng in the
visual displays carousel activity in
room should
of information- which they will cover
be at a
A powerpoint and the different aspects
props will be of healthy living:
level for
used in order to Eating well, Sleeping
have multiple well, Regular
sources of visual exercise, and dealing
aids with stress. (Troy)
should be
2.1 Clarify used if
vocabulary and available for
symbols- the hearing
Vocabulary impaired.
What assessment
words will be
strategies will measure the Students
explained and
learning from the who have
written down so
outcomes? trouble
that students can
see how a word Formative: hearing or
is spelled, and Carousel seeing
what it means. Activity: This activity should sit in
3.1 Activate will show the teacher the front.
background Easy
what kind of
knowledge- access
information that the
We will be using should be
students already
a carousel used for
know about the
activity to find out people who
subject prior to the
what students have
lesson being taught.
already know difficulty
The information can
about healthy moving.
reveal information
living. that the teacher does
3.2 Highlight not need to go into
patterns, too much detail in, or
features, ideas something that they Differentiation
and need to stress more.
relationships- Exit pass on
The relationship what the students
between the four learned: this
The use of images in
categories of formative assessment
combination with a
healthy living will will show the teacher
power-point allow
be highlighted. what kind of
the students to
information stuck with
Action and visually understand
the students and
Expression what is being asked
reveal where the
of them by the
4.1 Vary teacher needs to
educators and
methods of emphasize in the next
response- lesson.
We will have
multiple methods
There is a great deal
of response as Timeline / Elaboration of both lecturing and
we will be
Before (APK) 15m writing in this lesson.
expecting both
verbal and Focus Question: Logical
written responses What do you know about Mathematical
from the healthy living? A great deal of the
activities deals with
5.3 Scaffold- Mr.Williams will begin the addressing what is,
For the Is it lesson by telling the class and what is not
Healthy? what we will be covering acceptable in a
exercise, today. Which is teaching healthy lifestyle.
scaffolding will be students how to live Students will need to
used to ensure healthy lifestyles. He will critically analyze
that students then go over some whether or not this
know what is important terms that the information is
expected of class will need to know relevant to them and
them. Afterwards whether or not they
we can help Mr. Williams will also cover will implement it for
students along if the attention getter which themselves.
they do not will be Class followed by
understand. the class saying The topic of health
6.1 Goal Yessssss. lends itself to critical
Setting- thinking, factual
The outcome in Carousel activity: understanding, and
student friendly Each station will have a decision making.
terms will be on minute and a half to put
the board for the ideas on the chart paper. Bodily-Kinesthetic
students to see Students will The activities
what to goal of be broken up into implemented by the
the class is. groups presentation require
6.2 Planning- After each a degree of physical
The agenda for 1:30 students will activity on the part of
the class will be move clockwise to the students. The
written on the the next station and lesson will have a
board so that add new ideas to the physically
students know next section. achievable goal.
what the class is After students
doing. have been at every Interpersonal
station, the students Some of the
Engagement will return to their activities involved
seats will require aspects
7.1 Individual
The teacher
choices- of teamwork and
will read and
Students will be social interaction.
elaborate on some of
provided with There will be some
the students answers.
many ideas that elements of
they can use in During 20m discussion, on both
their own life as the part of the
they work educators and the
towards better Mr. Butler will begin the students.
living. lesson by talking about
7.2 Relevance, stress reduction. He will Intrapersonal
value and begin by defining what stress Some of the
authenticity- is. Then Mr.Butler will provide activities will require
This lesson is different strategies to combat students to, when
relevant to the stress. appropriate, work
life science individually. They will
chapter of the He will then hand it off to Mr. have to reflect on
grade 5 Science Williams who will discuss the their own abilities
curriculum, and it importance of sleep. Mr. and their own
is also important Williams will first talk about understanding of the
because there is the importance of Sleeping information
an epidemic of well. Afterwards he will provided.
unhealthy living. discuss how the lack of
7.3 Minimize sleeping affects the human Naturalistic
distractions- body. Then he will talk about Some of the
An attention how sleeping well can benefit information covered
getter will be students. He will close off his during the class will
used in order to section by giving some deal with aspects of
get students strategies on how to sleep health and the body.
attention if they better.
start getting off Balanced Literacy:
track. Instructions Mr. Williams will then Read-Aloud
will also be introduce the special guest The Teacher will
repeated by the who is Aubrey Ellis (A share the students
students in order personal trainer from findings following the
to ensure that Goodlife Fitness) conclusion of the
students know APK.
what is expected Coach Aubrey Ellis
of them and introduces himself and Independent
reduce transition explains that he is there to Reading
times. discuss the important The students will be
8.1 Optimize aspects of Exercise and required to read the
Goals- Nutrition in maintaining a handouts provided
The goal will be healthy lifestyle on their own.
to get students
interested in Coach Ellis describes what Independent
living healthy exercise is, what it means on Writing
lifestyles, and we the body, and how it affects As part of the exit
hope to achieve students learning. ticket, students will
this through an Followed up by nutrition and write down their
interactive class. what nutrition is, how it thoughts individually.
8.3 Foster affects the body, and why
collaboration students need to pay
and community- attention to what they eat
Students will be and how much they eat. In-Class Support
collaboratively on Coach Ellis will show a The teacher will
carousel activity movie clip from the Disney assist when called
with their movie Wall-E, where he will upon or when
assigned groups. explain the importance of necessary. They
8.4 Give beginning a healthy lifestyle will demonstrate
Positive now so that our bodies will the appropriate
Feedback- remain healthy and active. techniques and
Positive feedback Coach Ellis then introduces health strategies.
will be given to the class to a short activity The teacher will
great responses about figuring out if an image also offer:
on both the on screen is healthy, or
carousel activity, unhealthy. -Encouragement
and the Is it -Visual aids
Healthy? Activity. -Strategies and
Teachers will materials for
actively refrain students with
using any sort of physical disabilities
negative or Opportunity for and special needs
harming individual/small group
feedback. instruction
9.3 Teach how For the APK activity students
to self assess will be working in four groups
and reflect- to write out on a piece of
Student will chart paper everything they Cross-curricular
reflect on the know about the topic at each Connections
knowledge that of the four stations. Each
they have group will work at each
learned in their station for 1:30 seconds and Grade 5 Health:
exit pass as they then rotate to the next station 1.1: assess
will be instructed until all four stations have personal health
to write a small been completed, and then habits and their
response to what return to their desks. relationship to
they have wellness;
learned in the All students will perform a
lesson. self reflection based off of 1.2: analyse the
the exit ticket question which impact of the
will read; write down two - using strategies to
three things you have promote healthy
learned on healthy living growth and
since completing class. development.
Students will then hand in
their exit tickets before Grade 5 Physical
leaving class. Education
1. (pg 58): explain
the importance of
After 5m participating in
physical activities
to develop
Exit Pass:
components of
fitness and motor
Students will be required
to, using the cue cards
provided, write three to five
sentences explaining at 3 (pg 58): identify
least one way they could nutritional needs
make their lives healthier. related to physical
Once they have completed activity
this assignment they will
pass it to the teacher and 5 (pg 63): take
proceed to their next class. personal
responsibility for a
physically active


To be done later...

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