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Cordano, Hazel F.

February 15, 2017

2013108712 CE-3


In our findings, the E-tricycle is one of the component to lessen the CO-emission that we had today
in our country that causes to expand more about the technology and preventing some hazardous waste being
build-up to the near urban cities. Our professor give us some activity to learn more about E-tricycle and we
had find out that it is source to improve our industry to help our environment and people to sustain the
development that we had in the past. Within the Intramuros, we ride the E-tricycle to experience what it
could do and its positivity that could show the advantages and disadvantages for the people who are using
It has started in Intramuros June 2016 the owner was a Japanese but the one who is handling it right
now was a Filipino and his name was Mike Concepcion. The E-tricycle has two routes which are the normal
and long route that has the capacity to run within inside or outside the intra. The time of the day they had
started is at 7am to 7pm only from Monday up to Saturday. In a day the number of vehicles rooming around
the intra was about 25 that 10 of them are the long route and normal route was about 15 on Saturdays the
E-tricycle has 10 which its separation is that 3 long and 7 short but in all they have 60 units of E-tricycle.
The number of drivers has 25 members and collectors of 15, their minimum wage are around P491 but
when it has an overtime the amount was P716.They are form in a group who will go outside on the time
given and who will go inside which for one driver it can handle two vehicles within a day for the exchange
for the first one. For normal route it has only one round which it consume of 15-20 mins while the long
route or outside the intra was 30 mins, the normal route has a large income rather than the long route. The
amount being paid for every passenger has different value like for the regular it was P25, students P20,
senior is P17.5 and for tourist P800 in an hour , in one month they ranges also for regular P400, student
P320 and senior P285. The length of the charge that it could consume was 6-7 hours for a full charge and
the place of charging where in Fort Santiago (PETRON). They say that the target was to remove the
pedecabs and jeepneys running around the intra to lessen the pollution that we had today.

Overall we learn than E-tricycle is one of the answer to letting our environment to improve more
and maintain what it has to be and could help us to be more open-minded to our surrounding. The
advantages and disadvantages is a key being consider if it could develop a good consumption for the
vehicles being used for the driver and passenger. With this it encourage the people to be more productive
and carefree for the environment and people after all.

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