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Lord of the Flies: Chapter Nine and Ten- Notes

, take notes by adding details to the spaces below. Once you

As you read chapters seven and eight of Lord of the Flies
are finished taking notes, respond to the discussion question and identify 5 or more vocabulary words you have
learned in these chapters. Refer back to our chapter 9-10 Quizlet study set as needed.

I. Chapter 9 discussion questions:

A. What does Simon realize is the true beast on the island? What does he decide to do about the beast?
Simon realizes that the the true beast is all of them on the inside, so basically the beast is
within them. Simon decides to tell the other boys about the beast because he has proof that
the beast is within them and not an actual creature. He does this because he wants everything
to go back to normal and nobody to be afraid anymore.

B. What happens after the feast that causes the boys to form a frenzied mob? Why are they acting this
The thing that happens after the feast that causes the boys to form a frenzied mob is Jack and
Ralph starting to argue about being leader and all the things they have done and provided for
the boys and Jack decides to stop arguing when Ralph points out things about the shelters
which causes the whole dance party. They are acting this way because they dont want to
think and just have fun while they can.

C. What happens when Simon emerges from the forest to tell the boys the true nature of the beast? Why
do the boys do this to Simon?
When Simon emerges from the forest to tell the boys the true nature of the beast, the boys
arent paying attention since theyre too busy dancing and singing and they dont realize the
black figure getting close to them is actually Simon and not the beast, so they end up
attacking Simon and end up murdering him. They do this because it is dark and rainy so
basically a whole storm is going down so they cant see that it is Simon.

D. Discuss changes in SETTING, CHARACTERS, and CONFLICT that emerge in chapter nine here:
The boys are starting to become more and more savage by the minute, they start believing
things without having full on proof that it is true
II. Chapter 10 discussion questions:
A. How do each of the remaining civilized boys respond to Simons death? Discuss how Ralph, Piggy,
Samneric act.
Ralph is trying to wrap his mind around Simons death and trying to figure out why and how it all went
down. Piggy tries to convince Ralph that the murder of Simon was an accident and it wasnt their fault
because it was dark and they couldnt see anything from the storm. Samneric are asking Ralph and Piggy if
they saw what happened and they say that they left early when in reality they all just dont want to admit
that they were part of killing Simon and they dont want to be responsible for it.

B. How does Jack change after Simons death? Describe the changes he makes to his tribe and his
attitude towards the beast in relationship to his power as chief.
He becomes more aggressive to everybody including his own crew and he wants more power so he takes
Piggys glasses to make fire so now the roles have changed, Ralphs group is weaker now since Jacks has
Piggys glasses which make Ralphs group have to help Piggy because he cant see. He is telling the boys
that the beast is still alive and that Simon was the beast in disguise. If he had told the boys that the beast
was dead then they wouldnt have a reason to follow him anymore.

C. How does the power shift after Jacks tribe raids Ralphs camp? Why? What item is each side most
interested in having? Explain the symbolism of each.
The power shifts after Jacks tribe raids Ralphs camp because the thing that was keeping them civilized
and made them represent technology was Piggys glasses and now that Jack has them he has more power
since he can make fire with the glasses and he can also leave Piggy somewhat blind since he cant see very
well without his glasses. Jacks side is most interested in having power with the glasses and maybe the
conch because whoever had the conch or blew the conch was special and to Ralphs side the conch was a
little more important because it symbolized power over anyone else.

D. Discuss changes in SETTING, CHARACTERS, and CONFLICT that emerge in chapter ten here:
There is more fighting and arguing between Jack and Ralph, they start to become more aggressive towards
each other, everyone changed a lot based on who theyre following, more boys preferred Jack than Ralph

III. After reading: Vocabulary learned: List 5 of the words you learned in chapters 9 & 10. Include the word,
definition, and a sentence which demonstrates your understanding of the word.
A. Word #1
1. Word: Parody
2. Definition: a funny version of something or different but similar in many ways
3. Example Sentence: We made a parody of Taylor Swifts song last night.
B. Word #2
1. Word: Inaudible
2. Definition: not being able to hear or not hearing something clearly
3. Example Sentence: While she was speaking she was inaudible to the students.
C. Word #3
1. Word: Demented
2. Definition: crazy, psychotic
3. Example Sentence: The Joker is one of the most demented villains I have seen.
D. Word #4
1. Word: Constellation
2. Definition: a group of stars that form a shape with specific names
3. Example Sentence: My favorite constellation is The Big Dipper.
E. Word #5
1. Word: Phosphorescence
2. Definition: a glowing type of bacteria that appears in ocean water
3. Example Sentence: There is phosphorescence in the Bahamas, it is quite beautiful during the
F. May-do: Word #6
1. Word:
2. Definition:
3. Example Sentence:
G. May-do: Word #7
1. Word:
2. Definition:
3. Example Sentence:
H. May-do: Word #8
1. Word:
2. Definition:
3. Example Sentence:

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