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Sarah Masterson

Expository Writing 110

Mrs. Johnson

February 28, 2017

Schools Should Not Have Uniforms

Its a new school year and parents need to go out and buy all the new pencils, notebooks,

and folders. Starting the year, it is required that students wear uniforms, so now, parents need to

go out and buy over one hundred dollars worth of clothes and ignore what their child might

really want to wear. The average cost of school uniforms is $249. Not only do parents need to

buy shirts and pants, but also vests, ties, and shoes (Runge). Of course the price is not the only

problem with uniforms. Many students have problems expressing themselves. Some students feel

even more outcast. School uniforms do not express a student's individuality, do not stop bullying,

and do not affect academic achievements.

A student who is forced to wear a uniform isnt free to express his or her individuality.

Teenagers are at the age where they are figuring things out, what they want to do, where they

want to go, and who they want to be. Students need an environment that lets them figure these

things out and a school with uniforms does not do that. From a young age, children are taught

that everybody is different. Growing up, students are taught about people who have expressed

their diversity and individuality. When they get to middle or high school in which they are forced

to wear a uniform, it hides their differences. Kyler Sumter, a student from Chicago Junior High,

wrote in the Huffington Post, They decide to teach us about people like Rosa Parks, Susan B
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Anthony, and Booker T. Washington we learn about how these people expressed themselves

and conquered and we can't express ourselves in the hallway. (Should Students Have To Wear

Uniforms). Nevertheless, many schools use uniforms to keep out gang signs on clothing. (School

Uniforms As An Anti-Gang Tactic). Although uniforms would do that, they would also keep

every other person from showing their individuality. Schools are punishing everybody just in

case one person wears a gang sign. If gangs are really that big of an issue, make a rule only

banning clothing with gang signs. Students need to be able to express themselves, but a school

uniforms does not let them do that.

There is no proof that uniforms reduce bullying or make kids feel comfortable in school.

After looking at a peer-reviewed study, Tony Volk an Associate Professor at Brock University,

says Overall, there is no evidence that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms.

Many believe that school uniforms will minimize problems associated with name brand clothing

which will decrease the gap between rich and poor, but this is just not true. In 1999, the school

discipline incidents at Texas Southern University rose by 12% after uniforms were enforced. In

Miami-Dade County, Florida, fights in the middle schools nearly doubled after one year of

uniforms. (Should Students Have To Wear School Uniforms?). A high school principal from

Johnston County says that when uniforms are enforced demeanor is better and there are fewer

disruptions because of teasing or students being uncomfortable because of the apparel that others

are wearing. (School Dress Codes Are Necessary And Constitutional). However, Seamus, a

sixteen year old transgender boy proves that this isnt always true. Sitting in a blouse and skirt

all day made me feel insanely anxious. I wasnt taken seriously that uniform nearly destroyed

me (Should Students Have To Wear School Uniforms?). Going against the principal's opinion,
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school uniforms can make people uncomfortable and scared in an environment that is supposed

to be a safe bully-free zone. Uniforms do not make students feel confident and they do not put a

stop to bullying.

School uniforms do not improve academic preparedness, or exam results. Although

uniforms make the school look nicer, it is ridiculous to say that the students get better test results

because of them. Virginia Tech did a study on the effects of school uniforms on behaviors,

substance abuse, and test results. The outcome shows that uniforms do not have any impact on

academic performance. Thirty-eight North Carolina high schools found that 61% of principals

and assistant principals thought and reported that there was a reduction of misbehavior such as

absences or skipping. (Do School Uniforms Affect Academic Performance). In truth, the amount

of misbehaviors before and after uniforms were the same. It is clear to see that a piece of

clothing will not improve a student's mind.

School uniforms are apt to cause problems with a child's individuality and bullying. It is

also a misconception that uniforms have an effect on academic performance. A uniform can

reverse what a school tries to teach about diversity. Uniforms can make students feel unsafe and

rather than focusing on school they focus on their anxiety. It has also been proven that school

uniforms dont increase test results contrary to what some principals believe. Schools want

successful students that will grow into individual adults, to do this they need to allow students to

start off small and customize their clothing choices and wear what they want. If uniforms are

enforced in every school, diversity will be gone. Soon children and teens wont know how to

express themselves and where would we be if nobody were different.

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Does Imposing School Uniforms Prevent Students From Creatively Expressing Themselves?.

Debate. 2017, 3 Mar. 2017.

Do School Uniforms Affect Academic Performance. PennState. WordPress. n.d. 3 Mar. 2017

Flam, Lisa. Are School Uniforms Helping or Hindering?. Today. 19 Aug. 2013. 3 Mar. 2017.

Runge, Lisa. School Uniforms Dont Have To Cost So Much. Greater Greater Washington.

Creative Commons Attribution, 25 Sep. 2013, 3 Mar. 2017.

School Uniforms As An Anti-Gang Tactic. Prevention Works. TypePad, 30 Jun. 2014. 3 Mar.


School Dress Codes Are Necessary And Constitutional. Opposing Viewpoints. Greenhaven


n.d. 3 Mar. 2017.

Should Students Have To Wear School Uniforms?. ProCon. ProCon, 31 Jan. 2017, 3 Mar.


Students Shouldnt Have To Wear Uniforms. edublogs. WordPress, n.d. 3 Mar. 2017.

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