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Computer Graphics Unit-2 Multimedia Building Blocks



Building blocks multimedia is a combination of various elements, such as
Video and

Text: It is a collection of characters that makes the user understand very easily and special
meaning is given. Text can be used for communication. The information what you are trying to
say will be given as a text. With the recent explosion of and increasing demand for the Internet
and the World Wide Web, text is an essential aspect of presenting the information. Like each
element of the multimedia design, effective use of text can either direct users/readers attention or
divert it.
Images: An image is a visual representation of something. An image is a picture that has been
created or copied and stored in electronic form.
Sound: Sound is perhaps the most sensuous element of multimedia. It is meaningful speech in
any language. It can provide the listening pleasure of music, the startling accent of special
effects, or the ambience of a mood-setting background.
Video: Visual multimedia source that combines a sequence of images to form a moving picture.
The video transmits a signal to a screen and processes the order in which the screen captures
should be shown. Videos usually have audio components that correspond with the pictures being
shown on the screen.
Animation is the illusion of movement created by showing a series of still pictures in rapid
Note the difference between animation and video. Whereas video takes continuous motion and
breaks it up into discrete frames, animation starts with independent pictures and puts them
together to form the illusion of continuous motion.

Thontadari C., Dept. of B.C.A., S.M.R.F.G College 1

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