American Gov Exam

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Political scientist Harold Lasswell defined politics as the

process of determining
d. who gets what, when , and how in a society
2. Government can best be defined as
b. The individuals and institutions that make society's rules and
that also possess the power and authority to enforce those
3. In a(n) ______, the power and authority of the government
era in the hands of a single person.
d. Autocracy
4. The divine rights theory
a. Held that God gave those of royal birth the unlimited right to
govern other men and women
5. The United Kingdom (Britain) has a ________ monarchy
where the monarch is merely a ceremonial leader
e. Constitutional
6. Kim Jong Un in North Korea is an example of a(n)
b. Totalitarian dictator
7. The word democracy comes from the Greek demos,
meaning "__" and kratia, meaning "__"
c.the people/ rule
8. A representative democracy is a form of democracy in
d. the will of the majority is expressed through groups of
individuals elected by the people to act on their behalf
9. In a presidential democracy the lawmaking and law-
enforcing branches of govt. are
a. Separate but equal
10. Which of the following countries is an example of a
c. Iran
11. John Locke was an English philosopher who argued
that people are born with natural rights
c. Life, liberty and property
12. Which of the following is not a fundamental
principle on which American Democracy is based?
c. economic equality
13. ______ is the belief that the many cultures that make
up American society should remain distinct and be
protected-and even encouraged-by our laws.
b. Multiculturism
14. Which of the following statements is not accurate?
15. Which of the following statements is not accurate?
16. Progressivism is an alternative, more popular term
for the set of political beliefs also known as
c. Liberalism
17. ____ oppose almost all govt. regulation of the
economy, and they oppose govt. involvement in issues of
private morality
a. Libertarians

18. The Mayflower Compact

e. was essentially a social contract
19. Americas first constitution is the
b. Articles of Confederation
20. In 1765, Parliament passed the ______, which
imposed the first direct tax on the colonies.
c. Stamp act
21. The British Parliaments response to the Boston tea
party was the passage of the ____ Act(s), Which closed
Boston Harbor and placed the government of
Massachusetts under British Control.
c. Coercive
22. Thomas Paine's classic pamphlet, ______________,
presented one of the most rousing arguments in favor of
b. Common Sense
23. The concepts expressed in the Declaration of
Independence reflected European political philosophy. In
particular, the theories of _____________ provided
philosophical underpinnings by which the American
Revolution could be justified
a. John Locke
24. A confederation
a. Is a voluntary association of independent states that are
united only for the purpose of achieving common goals.
25. Under the articles of Confederation
c. the central government had the power to regulate commerce
between the states
26. Daniel Shay led angry farmers in western
Massechusetts , seized county courthouses and disrupted
debtors trials in 1786. This uprising is known as
a. Shays rebellion
27. The Philadelphia meeting that became the
Constitutional Convention was called for the "sole and
express purpose" of
d. revising the Articles of Confederation
28. For the most part, the delegates to the Constitutional
Convention were
d. from the best-educated and wealthiest classes
29. The ____ Plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention
favored large states. It called for a legislature in which the
number of representatives would be in proportion to each state's
d. Virginia
30. The great compromise
e. Resolved the small state/large state controversy
31. In a compromise reached during the Constitutional
Convention, it was agreed that ____ of all slaves were to be
counted for purposes of representation in the House of
Representatives for the slaves states.
b. Three-fifths

32. The battle over ratification of the Constitution was fought

chiefly by two opposing groups, the
c. Federalists and Anti-Federalists
33. John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison wrote a
series of essays in defense of the constitution, collectively known
a. The Federalist Papers
34. To gain the necessary support for ratification of the new
Constitution, the Federalists finally promised to add
c. The Bill of Rights
35. The Ninth state to ratify the constitution, thus formally
putting it into effect, was
d. New Hampshire
36. Under the Madisonian Model, the powers of the national
government were
c. Separated into different branches: the legislative, executive,
and judicial
37. By ____, all of the states had ratified the ____ amendments
that now constitute the Bill of Rights
d. 1791/ten
38. ____ is a system of shared sovereignty between two levels
of government - one national and one subnational - occupying
the same geographic region.
c. Federalism
39. Which of the following countries has a federalist system?
a. Canada
40. Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution enumerates twenty-
seven powers that Congress may exercise. Two of these
__________powers are the power to coin money and the power to
regulate interstate commerce.
d. Expressed
41. The constitutional provision in which gives Congress the
power to make all laws "necessary and proper" for the federal
government to carry out its responsibilities is often referred to as
the _____ clause
b. Elastic
42. A requirement that a state provides a service or undertake
some activity to meet standards specified by a federal law is
called a
b. Federal Mandate
43. The powers of a state to enact whatever laws are
necessary to protect the health, morals, safety, and welfare of its
people are called ____ powers
d. Police
44. An example of a concurrent power is the power to
a. Tax
45. The supremacy clause in Article VI of the constitution
d. Makes the constitution and federal laws superior to all
conflicting state and local laws
46. In __________, the Supreme Court established the doctrines
of implied powers and national supremacy.
b. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
47. The model of __________ federalism assumes that the states
and the national government are more or less equals, with each
level of government having separate and distinct functions and
c. Dual
48. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal legislation ushered in an era
of __________ federalism and also marked the real beginning of an
era of national supremacy
b. Cooperative
49. The transfer of powers to local authorities by a central
government is called
a. Devolution
50. Under the No Child left behind Act , the states
b. Are free to establish their own educational standards
51. A(n) ____ is an order requiring that an official bring a
specified prisoner into court and show the judge why the prisoner
is being kept in jail.
b. writ of habeas corpus
52. Civil liberties are
a. individual rights protected by the Constitution against the
powers of the government
53. The first eight amendments to the Constitution
b. Grant the people specific rights and liberties
54. A key function of the Bill of Rights is to protect
c. The rights of those in the minority against the will of the
55. For many years, the court assumed the Bill of Rights
limited only the actions of _______ governments.
b. The National
56. The due process clause guarantees that the government
c. Not illegally or arbitrarily deprive a person of life, liberty, or
57. Starting in 1925, the Supreme Court began using the due
process clause to say that states could not abridge a civil liberty
that the national government could not abridge. In other words,
the Court _____________ the protections guaranteed by the
national Bill of Rights into the liberties protected under the
_________________ Amendment.
a. incorporated/Fourteenth
58. Congress prohibited from declaring Protestantism to be the
official religion of the United States by the ______________
d. establishment clause of the First
59. engel vs vitale (1962), the supreme court
b. ruled that the state board of Regents in New York had acted
unconstitutionally by composing a prayer to be used in a public
school classroom
60. The three-part test used by the Supreme Court to
determine whether government aid to parochial schools is
constitutional is called the _______ test
e. Lemon

61. The free exercise clause of the first amendment

c. has been interpreted by the supreme court to mean that the
government has no authority to compel anyone to accept or
reject any particular religious beliefs but the right to practice
ones beliefs may have some limits
62. Which of the following statements are not accurate
63. Seditious Speech
b. Urges resistance to lawful authority or avocates overthrowing
the government
64. Commercial Speech
d. Protected by the first Amendment, but not as fully as regular
65. If the weekly gabfest publishes something about a person
that is untrue, with the intent of injuring that person's reputation,
and actual harm results, the daily gossip has engaged in
c. Libel
66. The supreme court has held that a right to privacy is
implied by other constitutional rights guaranteed in
b. The first, third, fourth, fifth, and ninth amendments
67. In ____, the supreme court held that the right to privacy is
broad enough to encompass a woman's decision to terminate a
pregnancy, subject to regulations
a. Roe V. Wade (1973)
68. In 1997 _____ became the first state to implement a law
permitting assisted suicide quiz
a. Oregon
69. Cruel and unusual punishments are prohibited by the ____
e. Eighth
70. The Fifth Amendment
d. guarantees the right to counsel at various stages in some
criminal proceedings
71. The U.S. Supreme Court developed a series of statements
informing criminal suspects of their constitutional rights in
a. Miranda V. Arizona (1966)
72. Generally, the term Civil Rights refers the rights of all
Americans to equal treatment under the law, as provided for by
the ____ Amendment to the Constitution
d. Fourteenth
73. Under the "intermediate-scrutiny" standard, a law based on
gender classifications is permissible if it is
b. "Substantially related to the achievement of an important
governmental objective."
74. The equal protection clause originally intended to protect
____ after the Civil War.
d. newly freed slaves
75. "Jim Crow" laws
a. Separated the white community from the black community

76. The Supreme Court established the separate-but-equal

doctrine in:
b. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
77. The Separate but equal Doctrine
c. the principle of separate but equal was used to justify
78. The Supreme Court
a. overturned the separate but equal doctrine in Brown V. Board
of Education of Topeka (1954)
79. Segregation that is not imposed by law but is the result of
past social and economic conditions and residential patterns is
called _______ segregation
a. De Facto
80. Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender,
and national origin in public places of accommodation and
discrimination in employment were outlawed by the
c. Civil Rights Act of 1964

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