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3.1 Summary of the Novel.

Lara Mallory was a beautiful, brilliant, smart, and

talented woman. She was a doctor. Her husband, Randall

Porter worked in abroad institution in Texas. Laras parent

encouraged her to marry Randall. They thought that Randall

was a perfect man for their daughter.

For her marriage life, Lara felt unhappy until finally

they had a daughter named Ashley Porter. Their house hold

conflict began when Lara was trapped in a big scandal that

involved Clark Tackett, a decedent of Clark Junior who

heritage a big company of Tackett Oil in Eden Pass, a small

town in Texas.

Clark Tackett is the first son of Clark Junior and Jody

Tackett. He had a young brother named Key Tackett and young

sister named Janellen. After the death of Tackett Junior,

the company was lead by Jody Tackett, a bad tempered,

unpleasant, smart and proud person.

She handled this company helped by Janellen. Janellen

was an obedient daughter. She would do what Jody wanted to

do. She was a shy person. It was contrast with her brothers

characters, Key. Key was a handsome man, drunkard who always

opposed her mother. He liked to work as pilot than in his

own company. The Tackett family had great power in Eden

pass. Many people in Eden Pass worked to them.

The scandal which involved Clark and Lara made Jody

angry. Jody would do everything to get rid Lara and her

family from Eden Pass. That scandal extremely influenced

reputation, mental and carrier of Clark. Finally, Clark died

in a lake when he went boating.

Before the death of Clark, Randall and his family had

moved to Montesangre as ambassador. This place was full of

conflict. Clark and his family had big role to move

Randalls family. At that time, Lara was in pregnant a few

months later, after they moved to Montesangre, Randall and

his family were going to attend the government invitation.

In the cross road, their car was stopped by a group of gun

man. Act brutally, they shot the car. Ashley died in the

incident, but she did not know the condition of her husband

because she was faint.

The death of her daughter and her husband made Lara

extremely sad. This was the worst experience which happened

in her life. Lara finally went back to Eden Pass. In Eden

Pass, she lived and opened a clinic. This clinic was a gift

of Clark Tackett which was bought from Dr. Patton. Clark

gave this clinic to Lara which was written in a testament

before he died.

One night, when Lara was sleeping, she heard that there

was someone who knocked her clinic. She then wake up and

opened the door. She looked a man with blood body, named Key

Tackett. She helped Key by wrapping his injury. Key got

surprise when he knew that her named was Dr. Lara Mallory,

Randalls wife. He knew that she had made his brother


Jody Tackett knew that Lara had returned to Eden Pass

and opened a clinic. Jody hated Lara so much. She would do

everything to get away Lara. Jody had a big power in Eden

Pass because most of people worked in her company, Tackett

Oil. Although Jody was the leader of Tackett Oil and had a

power, Lara was not afraid of her. She would stay in Eden

Pass patiently. She realized that she would face many


The relation between Lara and Key was quite good

because they often met. Key felt pity when Lara told that

her husband and her daughter were died in an incident in

Montesangre. Lara did not know where Ashley was buried. Lara

used this opportunity to persuade Key to fly to Montesangre

for searching the grave of her daughter. Key was a good

aviator and had flown everywhere, but he had never flown to


Lara and Key finally flew to Montesangre. At that

place, Lara and Key met a pastor, named Geraldo, and asked

him to help them. Father Geraldo then brought Lara and Key

to Dr. Soto. Dr. Soto knew where Ashley was buried. Dr. Soto

refused their request because it would make his life

dangerous. Key threatened to kill him if he didnt want to

help them. Under pressure, Dr. Soto then was ready to show

the grave.

In an area, Dr. Soto said that Ashley was buried

together with a thousand other victims. Spontaneously, Lara

cried and fell dawn to the ground. She was extremely sad to

know that Ashley was buried improper place. At the same

time, a group of rebels came and shot Father Geraldo and Dr.

Soto. Then they arrested and brought Lara and Key to their

leader, Elcorazon Del Diablo. Elcorazon was Emillio Sanchez

Peron. He had ever worked with Randall in embassy of America

in Montesangre. Elcorazon brought Lara and Key in a hotel.

In the hotel, Lara got surprise when he met Randall.

She thought that Randall was dead. Randall told a falls

story to Lara that Elcorazon arrested him for three years.

Elcorazon let him go because he could help the independent

of Montesangre.

Finally they returned to America. Elcorazon conspired

with Randall to make diplomatic relationship between America

and Montesangre. The returned of Randall from Montesangre

made his name well known. Randall made himself to be

respectable person, but it was not for Lara. Lara regarded

that Randall was a very bad man. It was because Randall had

told the true story. Randall said that this was his plan

even when he went to Montesangre for the first time. He also

said that the incident that made Ashley died was his idea.

But he did not mean to kill his daughter. It was only

accident. Lara was very angry.

Suddenly she took her gun and wanted to shoot Randall.

Before shooting Randall, Lara heard a great explosion

outside. She ran out approaching the explosion. Lara looked

and helped many victims because of the explosion from a

motel near her house. After that, Lara and Key went back to

Laras house. They found Randall died. Jody Tackett killed

Randall by shooting him. Jody worried that everyone would

know about her sons love affair with Randall. Key was

confused and asked Jody to tell everything. Jody told that

Clark was Randalls sweetheart. Randall blamed Lara that she

had made love affair with Clark in order to save his

carrier. Lara obeyed what Randall said because she was

pregnant at that time. She did not want to look his daughter

got suffered because of Randalls scandal. She chose to go

to Montesangre with Randall to hide this secret. After

taking the true story, Jody Tackett died because of heart


Lara and Key finally made decision to live together.

They love each other and nobody could prevent their effort

to marry.

3.2 Characters of the Novel

Lara Mallory

Lara Mallory, the protagonist of the novel, is a

beautiful, smart, and talent. She is a doctor. Her parents

encourage her to marry Randall Porter, a husband who brings

her many problems until the death of her daughter. She has

mission to look for and find the grave of her daughter in


Key Tackett

Key Tackett is Jody Tacketts second son who always

opposes what his mother wants. He is a pilot who flies Lara

to Montesangre in looking for Ashleys grave. He is a

handsome, drunkard, womanizer, and adventure, but in the end

of the novel she loves and is interested to marry Lara


Randall Porter

Randall Porter is Laras husband. He is charming,

urban, and cosmopolitan who holds a promoting position in

State Department. He has broken his house hold owing to the

fact that he makes love affair with Clark Tackett. Randall

makes false story that Lara has made love affair with Clark


Clark Tackett

Clark Tackett is Randalls sweet heart. He is Jody

Tacketts first son. He is smart and prestigious. His

position in government as senator breaks down after he has

big scandal with Lara. Clark finally dies when he goes

boating which makes speculation that it is not an accident

at all but a suicide.

Jody Tackett

Jody Tackett is a bad tempered, unpleasant, smart, and

proud person. She comes from poverty but her intelligence

makes her as high class person who marries Tackett Junior,

the owner of Tackett Oil. Jody leads the company helped by

Janellene after the death of her husband.


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