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Lesson Plan &

Reflection and Analysis

The Reflection: The reflection component should make you think about your

overall impressions and feelings that you had. You also might address

something that surprised you or something that made you pause.

Questions to consider in your reflection:

1. What aspects of your lesson were implemented differently than you

planned? Why did that happen?

During a shared reading task, I had students write about a characters feelings from

the Dr. Seuss book, Gertrude McFuzz. I modeled for the students the middle of the

book and how Gertrude was feeling during the middle. The students had to write

the beginning of how Gertrude was feeling. I planned for giving students that

needed enrichment, a diary entry so they can write and Gertrude feelings but they

were confused. I didnt model what they had to do for the diary entry. Next time I

would model everything so students can know what they are doing.

2. What surprised you in your lesson?

The students were understanding what I modeled, and I only had to help 3

students on writing the beginning part of the Gertrudes feelings. I was so

proud of the students for sticking with it. They hate writing and they were

not complaining and really gave it their all. I thought that they would

complained and not write full sentences.

The Analysis: The analysis part addresses the lesson's effectiveness- to what
extent did the students meet the objectives stated in your lesson plan and how do
you know? Make a claim about student learning and support it with evidence that
you gathered from the lesson.

General questions to consider in your analysis:

1. To what extend did the students learn what was intended? How do you

know? As part of your answer, please indicate:

a. In what ways were your teaching methods effective? How do

you know?

b. In what ways were your activities effective? How do you know?

c. In what ways were the instructional materials effective?

Students need to write the characters feelings, Gertrude from the beginning part

of the book. I modeled Gertrudes feelings for the middle part of the story. I told

students to count the sentences with me not the lines of the paper. They did.

Also, after I finished a sentence, I would make a noise when to atop and place

periods. It worked and they were making those noises as they wrote. I gave a

paper with lines and the rubric for how many sentences they need to write and I

also gave a diary entry to students that needed enrichment and the rubric.

2. Identify an individual or group of students who had difficulty in today's

lesson. How do you account for this performance? How will you help this

(these) student(s) achieve the learning objectives?

A couple of students that who had difficulty have disabilities so they were

confused on what they needed to write. I sat with them and helped them one-on-

one. I re-read the story so they can identify the characters feelings from the

beginning of the story. This helped them identify the feelings and we were able to

complete the assignment.

3. Based on what happened in this lesson, what are the next steps? What do

you plan to teach next to this class? Be sure to explain how you will use

information from this evaluation in future lesson planning.

Questions to consider specific to differentiated instruction:

1. What specific differentiated instruction strategies and assessments are

used in this lesson? Be specific.

For students that needed enrichment I had them do a diary entry on what Gertrude

was feeling in the beginning part of the story, instead of just writing 5 sentences.

2. If you were going to teach this lesson again to the same group of students,

what would you do differently? (Consider: grouping, methods, materials,

evaluation, activities) Why? What would you do the same? Why?

If I were going to teach the lesson again I would teach about the diary entry to

the entire class, so they would be aware of what needed to be done for the diary

entry. The students that got to do the diary entry didnt know what to do. I

would try to be more specific though out my lesson and make sure to teach

everything. Next time, I will teach math.

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