Sophie Cravea Letter of Rec

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28, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:


It is my pleasure to recommend Sophie Cravea. During her 10 grade year, I

taught Sophie in an integrated humanities class, World Studies, which

incorporated English/Language Arts and World History. We maintained a Riley Johnson

relationship since then, and have cooperated in a variety of activities. Principal

Sophie excels academically. She is meticulous and thoughtful in her Susan Miller

approach to studies, and works well within teams. She has a quiet Assistant Principal

leadership style that brings out the best in others. When students had an

opportunity to reflect on their team members efforts after a project, 920 Yount Street

students described Sophie as making them feel more confident in their Napa, CA 94559

abilities and contributions, and as someone who could keep the team

organized through communication and encouragement. Sophie particularly P: 707.259.8557

shined on a challenging project related to the themes within Lord of the F: 707.259.8558

Flies and a study of various revolutions throughout history. She created a
comprehensive website that integrated themes of revolution, social change
and leadership and demonstrated skillful graphic design and visual style.
Sophie has been recognized for academic excellence as the recipient of the

schools Digital Media and Spanish Student of the Year awards.

Furthermore, she won an award and scholarship as a finalist for her entry in

the Untold Civil Rights Stories essay contest sponsored by Asian

Americans Advancing Justice.

Sophie is active beyond the classroom as well. She is a long-time

competitive bowler, ranked as the No. 1 female on her team. She also

serves on the board of representatives for the bowling league. She works

everyday after school caring for children at HealthQuest, and carefully

manages her time to ensure her studies arent compromised.

Over the years Ive known Sophie, I have grown to respect her resilience,

maturity and poise. She has faced tremendous personal challenges related

to family illness and instability. Despite these struggles, she has remained

focused, kind-hearted, open-minded and determined to succeed. She treats

others with fairness and brings a sense of fun and creativity to the tasks she

takes on.

I whole-heartedly give Sophie my highest recommendation. I know she will

excel in any field she pursues, and she will be a positive asset to any college

community she joins.


Anne Vallerga
College Adviser
(707) 812-0652
New Technology High School

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