Visual Complexity Mapping Patterns of Information

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Visual Complexit y

Mapping Patterns of Information

Manuel Lima

Princeton Architectural Press

New York
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Printed and bound in China
14 13 12 11 4 3 2 1 First edition

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written
permission from the publisher, except in the context of reviews.

Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify owners of copyright. Errors or
omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions.

Editor: Linda Lee

Designer: Jan Haux

Special thanks to: Bree Anne Apperley, Sara Bader, Nicola Bednarek Brower, Janet
Behning, Megan Carey, Becca Casbon, Carina Cha, Tom Cho, Penny (Yuen Pik)
Chu, Russell Fernandez, John Myers, Katharine Myers, Margaret Rogalski, Dan Simon,
Andrew Stepanian, Jennifer Thompson, Paul Wagner, Joseph Weston, and Deb Wood
of Princeton Architectural Press Kevin C. Lippert, publisher

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lima, Manuel, 1978
Visual complexity : mapping patterns of information / Manuel Lima. 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-56898-936-5 (alk. paper)
1. Communication in scienceGraphic methods. 2. Visual communication. I. Title.
II. Title: Mapping patterns of information.
Q223.L55 2011

Page 1: Eric Fischer, The Geotaggers World Atlas, 2010. A map of geotagged
photographs from Flickr and Picasa taken in New York City. The speed at which
photographers traveled the urban landscape was determined by analyzing the
time stamps and geotags of the images. The resulting traces were plotted on an
OpenStreetMap background layer.

Page 2: and Moritz Stefaner, Visualizing Information Flow in Science,

2009. A citation network of a subset of Thomson Reuterss Journal Citation Reports
between 1997 and 2005.

Page 3: Ian Dapot, The Force of Things, 2005. A part of a series of posters based
on mapping the relationships between cited authors and referenced ideas in Jane
Bennetts essay The Force of Things: Steps Toward an Ecology of Matter (2005).

Page 4: Marius Watz, Trajectories, 2008

To my p arents, Jorge and M aria Luisa, and my wife, Jo ana

Foreword by Lev Manovich 11

01 | The Tree of Life 21

Sacred Trees Trees of Knowledge The End of an Era

Introduction 15

02 | From Trees to Net works

Planning a City Neural Landscape Ubiquitous Datasphere

Social Collaboration Classifying Information Ordering Nature

Network Thinking

03 | Decoding Net works 73

The Birth of Network Science Psychological Geography

The Cartography of Networks Principles of Network Visualization

04 | Infinite Interconnectedness 97

Blogosphere Citations Donations Email Internet

Literature Music News Proteins Terrorism Trajectories

Twitter Wikipedia
05 | The Syntax of a New Language 159
Bibliography 2 58

Arc Diagram Area Grouping Centralized Burst Centralized Ring

Contributor Biographies 26 3
Circled Globe Circular Ties Elliptical Implosion Flow Chart

Organic Rhizome Radial Convergence Radial Implosion

Image Credits 26 4
Ramifications Scaling Circles Segmented Radial Convergence Sphere

Index 26 5

06 | Complex Beaut y 2 21

Holism Complexity Encoding Ordered Complexity Networkism

07 | Looking Ahead 24 5

Seeing the World in Data

by Nathan Yau 24 6

The Fall and Rise of Ambient Visualization

by Andrew Vande Moere 249

Cybernetics Revisited: Toward a Collective Intelligence

by Christopher Kirwan 252

Reflexive Ecologies: Visualizing Priorities

by David McConville 255

Lev Manovich

Visual Complexity looks at the intersection of two key motion graphics, and information design, for exampleare
techno-cultural phenomena of our time: networks and visual- simply visual portfolios. Others are how-to books that pres-
ization. Both were relatively unknown only fifteen years ago ent techniques, best practices, and practical step-by-step
but have since moved to the forefront of our social and cul- guides. Although we can often extract a few paragraphs or
tural lives. While some social scientists had already started pages of important theoretical insights from both types of
to study networks in the middle of the twentieth century, books, these passages usually represent only a very small
globalization and the rise of the web in the nineties and the percentage of a whole book.
explosion of online social networks in the last decade have If visualization of complex data is well on its way to
drawn attention to their importance. Furthermore, although becoming as important to the twenty-first century as pho-
scientists had already been making graphs and charts of tography and film were to the twentieth century, the time
their data since the early nineteenth century, the ubiquity for books that encapsulate its main ideas and concepts
of computers, the growing programming literacy, and the has arrived. Visual Complexity is the first such book. Lima
wealth of data unleashed by networks at the turn of the establishes conceptual coordinates and historical trajec-
twenty-first century democratized information visualization, tories for both practice and appreciation of visualization.
making it a rapidly expanding new area of art and culture. He also balances historical and theoretical discussions of
Author Manuel Lima is a thinker, designer, lecturer, and larger issues with the presentation of exemplary projects in
curator of one of the most influential online galleries that presents network visualization.
the best projects in information visualization: Visualcomplexity The rise of information visualization over the last
.com. However, in contrast to other important galleries that fifteen years raises many important and interesting ques-
try to cover all of information visualization, Visualcomplexity. tions about the identity of this new medium. For example,
com is focused on visualizations of networks. As its ongoing what exactly is the difference between the hundreds of
curator, Lima is likely to have the best understanding of the cre- projects collected in Visualcomplexity.coms gallery and
ative impulses, exciting discoveries, and sheer range of work the standard graphbar charts, pie charts, scatter plots,
produced today in this area. Imbued with Limas expertise, this line charts, and so onthat many of us are routinely pro-
book will become the essential reference for all practitioners ducing using Excel, Apples Numbers, Google Charts, or
and fans of network visualizationor, to use Limas more evoc- similar software? These graph typeswhich were all origi-
ative language, visualizations of complexity. nally invented in the first part of the nineteenth century and
Many books on the recently emerging areas of have therefore already been in use for about one hundred
software-driven designweb design, interaction design, years before digital computersshare a lot in common
Fo re w o rd 12

with digitally native information visualization techniques understanding the phenomena of complexity (think chaos
developed more recently. Both depict quantified data by theory, emergence, complexity theory), which is reflected in
systematically mapping it into visual images. Both use the kinds of visualizations we find appealing.
the same graphic language: points, lines, curves, simple We can also explain the visual variety of information-
shapes, and other graphic primitives. visualization culture. It comes from the systematic effort on
Interestingly, this language of information visualiza- the part of its practitioners to invent new visualization tech-
tion also has many parallels with the language of geomet- niques, which is rewarded both in academia and in the
ric abstraction, which crystallized in the second decade of cultural world. Additionally, since visualizations are now
the twentieth century through the work of Piet Mondrian, valued as artistic and cultural artifacts, we expect them
Kasimir Malevich, Frank Kupka, and other modernist artists. to be uniquejust as we expect this in fashion, product
However, if these artists wanted to liberate visual art from design, architecture, music, and other cultural fields.
its representational functioni.e., its dependence on vis- Another question that inevitably comes up in any
ible datainformation visualization brings representation discussion of information visualization is whether it falls in
back. But this is a new kind of representation appropriate the category of science, design, or art. Here is my pro-
for information society: rather than representing the visible posal: rather than identifying visualization culture with a
world, we now seek to representin order to understand single category, let us consider it as existing in the space
all kinds of data sets. defined by all three.
So what else is unique about information visualiza- Information visualization is widely used as a tool
tion? There are many possible answers to this question, for understanding datai.e., discovering patterns, connec-
although no single response can completely capture all the tions, and structure. Since science is the area of human
differences. Most of the projects discussed in this book are activity targeting the discovery of new knowledge about
visually more dense, more complex, and more varied than the world through systematic methodssuch as experimen-
the familiar charts created with graphing software. Why tation, mathematical modeling, simulationvisualization
is this the case? First, contemporary designers, artists, and now functions as another of these methods.
computer scientists are trying to represent considerably more What distinguishes this new method is that it also
data than ever before. Second, they want to represent rela- firmly belongs to designit involves the visual presenta-
tions between more dimensions of data than is possible with tion of data in a way that facilitates the perception of pat-
older graph types such as bar charts (one dimension) or terns. Just as a graphic designer organizes information on
scatter plots (two dimensions). The third reason is aesthetic a poster or web page to help the user navigate its layout
and ideological: if nineteenth-century techniques for graphs efficiently, an information-visualization designer organizes
fit the scientific paradigm of reduction (breaking nature data to help users see the patterns. At the same time, just
down into the simplest possible elements and defining rules like graphic designers, information-visualization design-
on how these elements interact), our current interest lies in ers do not only aim for efficiency and clarity. They chose
Fo re w o rd 13

particular visualization techniques and graphic styles in their opinions about the world by choosing what they paint;
order to communicate an idea about the data and to evoke writers and filmmakers do this by choosing the subjects of
particular emotions in the viewer. For example, a network their narratives. Now artists can also talk about our world
visualization may emphasize the density of the network, by choosing which data to visualize. How do you represent
present it as a result of organic growth, focus on its instabil- and ask interesting questions about society through its data
ity and dynamism, or show the same network as a logically traces? This is a new opportunity, responsibility, and chal-
arranged, symmetrical, top-down, and stable structure. lenge for contemporary artists.
A significant number of visualization projects col- The space defined by the disciplines of science,
lected on, and presented elsewhere design, or artor more precisely, the different goals and
online, can be considered pure artand by art, we refer methods we associate with these three areas of human activ-
to the product of nonutilitarian activity as opposed to utili- itycontains lots of possibilities. A given visualization proj-
tarian design. The intent of these projects is not to reveal ect can be situated anywhere in this space, depending on
patterns or structures in data sets but to use information what it privileges. I think that this conceptualization can help
visualization as a technique to produce something aestheti- us understand why some information-visualization projects
cally interesting. Old European masters created color in have already achieved the status of classics within such a
their paintings using a number of transparent layers; sur- brief history of the field. They do not privilege one dimension
realists practiced automatic writings; pop artists magnified of this space at the expense of others but manage to com-
and manipulated fragments of mass media, such as comics, bine all three. They are functional in that they reveal inter-
newspapers, and product packaging. Contemporary artists esting patterns in visualized data. They have strong design
can now use the algorithms to create complex static, ani- in terms of how they organize information and coordinate
mated, or interactive abstractions out of data sets. all the visual elements. And they embody art at its best
Visualizations of complex data sets can also func- both pointing at and making provocative statements about
tion as art in a different sense: an activity aimed at making important new phenomena in the world.3 Visual Complexity
statements and asking questions about the world by select- will help to inspire practitioners to make many more excit-
ing parts of it and representing these parts in particular ing projectsand will help the public better understand the
ways. Some of the most well-known artistic visualization importance and beauty of visualizations of complexity.
projects do exactly that: they make strong assertions about
our world not only through the choice of visualization tech- Notes
niques but also through the choice of data sets.1 As com- 1 For instance, Josh On, They Rule, 2004.
2 Kosara, Visualization Criticism.
puter scientist Robert Kosara wrote in a paper presented at 3 A few strong examples of such successful blends include Fernanda B.
the 2007 Information Visualization conference: The goal Vigas and Martin Wattenberg, History Flow, 2003; Marcos Weskamp,
Newsmap, 2005; Mark Hansen et al., Terre Natale (Exits 2), 2008;
of artistic visualization is usually to communicate a con-
and Ben Fry, On the Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favoured
cern, rather than to show data.2 Figurative artists express Traces, 2009.

In the midst of a hot, damp summer in New York City, in a physical environment, such as a school, company, or vil-
September 2005, I, strangely enough, found myself with lage. The blogosphere, on the other hand, provided an
too much time on my hands. I had recently graduated extraordinary laboratory to track and analyze how trends,
from Parsons School of Design and had just embarked on ideas, and information travel through different online social
a much-desired full-time job in Midtown Manhattan. Even groups. The possibility of bringing this vast atlas of memes
though I was now officially a member of the frantic world to life was the driving premise of my MFA thesis, Blogviz.
of digital advertising, everything else in my life seemed Presented in May 2005, Blogviz was a visualiza-
extremely slow paced. The weekends were the worsttwo tion model for mapping the transmission and internal struc-
full days with nothing to do but unhurriedly relax from a ture of popular links across the blogosphere. It explored
mildly busy week. Just a few months before, however, I had the idea of meme propagation by drawing a parallel to
been immersed in work, preparing for the climax of two the frequency with which the most-cited URLs appeared
years of obstinate dedication, my MFA thesis show. It was in daily blog entries. It was, in other words, a topologi-
not surprising that after this intense period of my life, I was cal model of meme activity. But in order to properly chart
finding the newly rediscovered spare time to be a grueling these intriguing flows across varied blog entries, I needed
luxury. I missed the adrenaline, the challenges, the con- a better understanding of how blogs were linked and how
stant array of projects and ideas. But above all, I missed a the World Wide Web was structured. During this research
recently discovered passion for an enticing yet unfamiliar period, I investigated and collected dozens of projects
domain: the visual representation of networks. that aimed at providing a portrait of the vast landscape of
During my time at Parsons I observed the blog phe- the web, as well as many network depictions from other,
nomenon swiftly become mainstream, with many dooming apparently less related domains, such as food webs, airline
predictions about the end of mass media and enthused routes, protein chains, neural patterns, and social connec-
visions about the rise of self-publishing. What I found par- tions. As I quickly realized, the network is a truly ubiquitous
ticularly compelling about this change was the role of the structure present in most natural and artificial systems you
blogosphere as a vibrant research environment, specifically can think of, from power grids to proteins, the internet, and
as a venue for the study of information diffusion. the brain. Usually depicted by network diagrams made
Word of mouththe transfer of information orally of nodes (a person, website, neuron, protein, or airport)
from person to personhas always been a subject of inter- and lines that connect and highlight relationships between
est for the social sciences, but one that has always proved the nodes (friendship, chemical exchange, or informa-
difficult to scrutinize among individuals interacting within tion flow), networks are an inherent fabric of life and a
I n t ro d u c t i o n 16

growing object of study in various scientific domains. The However, as the book gained shape, it quickly became
more of these intriguing diagrams I uncovered, the more clear that it was not just about making the pool of knowl-
enthralled and absorbed I became. This genuine curiosity edge more accessible, but also saving it for posterity. As I
quickly turned into a long-lasting obsession over the visual reviewed projects to feature in the book, I was astounded
representation of networks, or more appropriately, network by how many dead links and error messages I encountered.
visualization. As I entered my new postgrad career, this Some of these projects became completely untraceable,
passion somehow became contained, but I knew I couldnt possibly gone forever. This disappearance is certainly not
resist it for much longer. Just a few months after graduating, unique to network visualizationit is a widespread quan-
in the midst of that hot, damp summer in New York City, I dary of modern technology. Commonly referred to as the
pulled together most of this initial body of research into one Digital Dark Age, the possibility of many present-day digital
unique resource. In October 2005, artifacts vanishing within a few decades is a considerably
was born. worrying prospect.
Initiated with approximately eighty projectsthe result The reasons for this vanishing are never the same.
of my academic quickly In most instances, pieces are simply neglected over time,
grew to encompass a variety of efforts, from mapping a social with authors not bothering to update the code, rendering it
network of friends on Facebook to representing a global obsolete. In other cases, the plug-in version might become
network of IP addresses. Although incapable of reading older formats or the application pro-
has grown to over seven hundred projects, the goal remains gramming interface (API) from an early data-set source
the same: to facilitate a critical understanding of different might change, making it extremely difficult to reuse the code
network-visualization methods across the widest spectrum that generated the original visualization. Lastly, projects are
of knowledge. This vast repositoryfrequently referred to occasionally moved into different folders or domains or just
as a map of maps and depicting an assortment of systems taken down from the servers, simply because they highlight
in subject areas as diverse as biology, social networks, and an outdated model that does not fit the current ambitions
the World Wide Webis the most complete and acces- of their respective author or company. As I gathered many
sible chart of the fields landscape. Some projects are rich of the projects showcased in the book, I was surprised to
interactive applications that go beyond the computer screen find that it was easier to retrieve an illustration by Joachim
and live in large-scale multisensorial installations; others are of Fiore, produced in the twelfth century, than to attain an
static, meant to be experienced in print media like posters image of a visualization of web routers developed in 2001.
and printouts. Some require hours of rendering and com- Overall, this digital laissez-faire contributes to the ephem-
plex algorithms to produce; others are simply drafted by eral lifespan of most online visualizations, and consequently
hand or use a specific drawing software. the whole field suffers from memory loss.
Making this pool of knowledge available to an More than preserving this collective effort for the
even larger audience was the main impetus for this book. future, this book provides a broad background on the
I n t ro d u c t i o n 17

various forces shaping its development. It yields a com- Following a series of functional recommenda-
prehensive view of the visual representation of networks, tions for network visualization, chapter four, Infinite
delving into historical precedents, various contemporary Interconnectedness, presents a large number of examples
methods, and a range of future prospects. It looks at the divided into fourteen popular subjects. From depictions of
depiction of networks from a practical and functional the blogosphere to representations of terrorist networks,
perspective, proposing several guiding principles for cur- chapter four highlights the truly complex connectedness of
rent practitioners, but also explores the alluring qualities modern times.
of the network schema, as a central driver for a new If chapter four looks at the practice primarily through
conception of art. This comprehensive study of network its most common themes, chapter five, The Syntax of a
visualization should ultimately be accessible to anyone New Language, organizes a vast array of projects by their
interested in the field, independent of their level of exper- shared visual layouts and configurations. As designers, sci-
tise or academic dexterity. entists, and researchers across the globe portray an increas-
The book opens with Tree of Life, an exploration ing number of network structures in innovative ways, their
of the sacred meaning of trees and their widespread use as collective effort forms the building blocks of a new network-
a classification system over the centuries. It showcases an visualization lexicon.
assortment of ancient representationsas predecessors of After presenting an abundance of network-visualiza-
modern-day network diagramswhere the tree metaphor tion examples in chapters four and five, chapter six, Complex
is used to visually convey a variety of topics, from theologi- Beauty, examines the alluring nature of networks, responsible
cal events to an encyclopedias table of contents. for a considerable shift in our culture and society. Alternating
The second chapter, From Trees to Networks, makes between scientific and artistic viewpoints, this chapter explores
the case for a new network-based outlook on the world, one the divide between order and complexity before culminating
that is based on diversity, decentralization, and nonlinearity. in a discussion of an original art movement embracing the
It explores several instancesfrom the way we envision our newly discovered beauty of the network scheme.
cities to the way we organize information and decode our Finally, and in the spirit of network diversity and
brainwhere an alternative network model is replacing the decentralization, Looking Ahead, the last chapter, pres-
hierarchical tree schema. ents different views on the influential growth of visualiza-
Chapter three, Decoding Networks, delves into tion, according to renowned experts, active participants,
the science behind network thinking and network drawing, and attentive observers. The featured essays cover an array
providing a short introduction to its main precursors and of trends and technologies shaping the progress of visual-
early milestones. It also takes a pragmatic and utilitarian ization and provide an immensely captivating perspective
look at network visualization, acknowledging its key func- on what may lie ahead.
tions and proposing a set of guiding principles aimed at By exploring different facets of our information-
improving existing methods and techniques. driven network culture, this book ultimately unifies two rising
I n t ro d u c t i o n 18

disciplines: network science and information visualization.

While network science examines the interconnections of
various natural and artificial systems in areas as diverse as
physics, genetics, sociology, and urban planning, informa-
tion visualization aims at visually translating large volumes
of data into digestible insights, creating an explicit bridge
between data and knowledge. Due to its intrinsic aspira-
tion for sense-making, information visualization is an obvi-
ous tool for network science, able to disentangle a range
of complex systems and make them more comprehensible.
Not only do both disciplines share a yearning for under-
standing, but they have also experienced a meteoric rise
in the last decade, bringing together people from various
fields and capturing the interest of individuals across the
globe. But if this popularity is to become more than a fad,
our efforts at decoding complexity need to be mastered
and consolidated so that we can contribute substantially to
our long journey of deciphering an increasingly intercon-
nected and interdependent world. This book is a single step
in this journey, and ultimately a testimony to the enthralling
power of networks and visualization.

This endeavor would not have been possible if it had not Sub-directorate of Library Coordination (Spanish Ministry
been for the effort of dozens of individuals and institutions. of Culture); Marcela Elgueda from Fundacin Gego; and
First and foremost my gratitude goes to all the authors and Joe Amrhein from Pierogi Gallery.
organizations, who without exception have kindly shared I would also like to thank the contributing writers
their images, some spending many hours updating old code of the last chapterChristopher Grant Kirwan, David
and re-creating new pieces especially for this undertaking. McConville, Andrew Vande Moere, and Nathan Yau
This book would not exist without you. The second wave whose essays have enriched the book in a remarkable way.
of recognition goes to those who went out of their way to A big thanks to my editor, Linda Lee, for all the advice and
help me during my research and investigation, particularly support, and to Alexandre Nakonechnyj, Lev Manovich,
Luigi Oliverio from the International Center for Joachimist and Fernanda Viegas for their feedback and patient review
Studies; Glenn Roe and Mark Olsen from the Project for of the manuscript. Finally, and most warmly, my caring
American and French Research on the Treasury of the French gratitude goes to my wife, Joana, for her understanding,
Language, University of Chicago; Olga Pombo, author encouragement, and immense patience during my occa-
and researcher at the Center for Philosophy of Sciences of sional ramblings about networks and visualization and the
the University of Lisbon; Pablo Rodriguez Gordo, General long nights spent in front of the computer.

Tom Beddard, Fractal Tree, 2009

A tree representation generated

by a Glynn fractala type of Julia
Set fractalwhich itself is derived
from a simple mathematical function
that produces a complex pattern by
repeating itself

01 The Tree of Life

As buds give rise by growth to fresh buds, and these, if vigorous,
branch out and overtop on all sides many a feebler branch, so by
generation I believe it has been with the great Tree of Life, which
fills with its dead and broken branches the crust of the earth,
and covers the surface with its ever branching and beautiful

Charles Darwin

The distributions and partitions of knowledge are not like several

lines that meet in one angle, and so touch but in a point; but
are like branches of a tree, that meet in a stem, which hath a
dimension and quantity of entireness and continuance, before it
comes to discontinue and break itself into arms and boughs.

Francis Bacon

Trees are among the earliest representations of sys- complexities of human understanding, from theological
tems of thought and have been invaluable in organiz- beliefs to the intersections of scientific subjects. This favored
ing, rationalizing, and illustrating various information scheme, usually highlighting a hierarchical ordering in which
patterns through the ages. As the early precursors of all divisions branch out from a central foundational trunk,
modern-day network diagrams, tree models have been is ultimately a universal metaphor for the way we organize
an important instrument in interpreting the evolving and classify ourselves and the world around us.

The two epigraphs to this chapter

are drawn from Darwin, The Origin
of Species, 172; and Bacon, Francis
Bacon, 189.
Ch a p t e r 1 22

Sacred Trees embodied in vegetation, that trees, like men, had spirits,
For thousands of years trees have been the subject of passing in and out amongst them, which possessed a mys-
worship, esteem, and mythology. They are a common motif terious and potent influence over human affairs.4
in world religions and a central theme in the art and culture The romances of the Middle Ages contain innumer-
of many ancient civilizations, from Babylon to the Aztecs. ous fables of enchanted forests and gallant knights, with the
As symbols of prosperity, fertility, strength, and growth, trees woods serving as the perfect backdrop. The magic, how-
have been considered sacred by, or have had an astral ever, started a long time ago. In his captivating The Forest
meaning to, numerous societies over the ages. With their in Folklore and Mythology (1928), Alexander Porteous
roots firmly entrenched in the ground and branches reach- explains the meaning of this primordial fascination:
ing toward the skies, they embody a link between heaven,
Earth, and the underworlda unifying symbol of all ele- In the early strivings of the mind of primitive
ments, physical and metaphysical. A tree that reaches into man to account for the scheme of creation, the
heaven, says Rachel Pollack, a science fiction writer and tree took a foremost place, and the sky, with its
tarot expert, is a very vivid and enticing metaphor, and clouds and luminaries, became likened to an
so has proved useful to humans the world over as a way to enormous Cosmogonic Tree of which the fruits
formulate our desire to encounter the divine. 1
were the sun, moon, and stars. Many races of
For thousands of years, forests have had an impact the earth evolved their own conception of a
on humans, not only as a symbol of the mysteries of nature World Tree, vast as the world itself. They looked
but also as tangible providers of shelter and resources. In upon this tree as the cradle of their being, and
The Real Middle Earth: Exploring the Magic and Mystery it bore different names among different nations,
of the Middle Ages (2002), Brian Bates explains how for- and possessed different attributes.5
ests were considered places of magic and power, like a
great spirit which had to be befriended.2 It is not surpris- The tree of life, or the world tree, is an image of the
ing, notes Bates, that so many ancient folktales are set in whole universe, or at least of our planet, that embodies the
the woods, as forests seem to be a natural template for notion that all life is interrelated and sacred.6 This mystical
the human imagination.3 Even though the West has lost its concept has been frequently associated with actual trees in
connection to nature as a divine revelation, many of these the real world, adopting distinct shapes and traits depend-
ancient myths still bear a considerable influence in con- ing on the era and area of the globe. Lotus trees, pome-
temporary society. The folklore of the modern European granate trees, almond trees, and olive trees are among
peasant, and the observances with which Christmas, May the many varieties that have embodied this myth. But the
Day, and the gathering of the harvest are still celebrated in tree of life is ultimately a symbol of all trees. Behind their
civilized countries, explains J. H. Philpot, are all perme- multifaceted physical manifestations, elucidates renowned
ated by the primitive idea that there was a spiritual essence anthropologist Edwin Oliver James, lies the basic themes
Tre e o f L i f e 23

of creation, redemption, and resurrection, resting upon the or with fear, as being closely connected with some spiri-
conception of an ultimate source of ever-renewing life at tual potency, affirms J. H. Philpot in The Sacred Tree in
the centre of the cosmos, manifest and operative in the uni- Religion and Myth (1897). 9
The Bible itself has several
verse, in nature, and in the human order. Author and tree
references to mystical trees, with the most popular being
mythology researcher Fred Hageneder further explains the the tree of knowledge from the Book of Genesisa tree
universal nature of the tree: situated in the center of the Garden of Eden and from
which Adam was forbidden to eat. fig. 1 But perhaps one
According to many of the teachings of ancient of the most bewildering religious manifestations of the tree
wisdom, the universe comprises a spiral or cir- of life is the Sephirotic treea mystical symbol, central to
cular movement around a central axis, the axis esoteric Judaism. fig. 2
mundi. And this centre pole has often been Kabbalah (aytz chayim in Hebrew) is a Jewish mys-
depicted as the Tree of Life, or Universal Tree.... tical tradition, which translates as received, an allusion
It portrays the universe as much more than a to the teachings passed through generations or directly
lifeless, clockwork mechanism that blindly fol- from God. A pivotal element of the Kabbalah wisdom is
lows the laws of physics; rather, it presents our the Sephirotic tree: a diagram of ten circles symbolizing ten
world as a living, evolving organism, imbued pulses, or emanations, of divine energy, called sephirot in
with divine spirit. 8
Hebrewthe derivation of sapphire. fig. 3 The ten nodes of
this schema, reading zigzaggedly from top to bottom, are
Throughout the ages, different cultures developed deciphered in the following manner: (1) Kethercrown,
their own concept of a tree of life, with all major reli- (2) Hokhmahwisdom, (3) Binahunderstanding, (4),
gions around the world containing tales and legends of Chesedmercy, (5) Gevurahpower, (6) Tiferetbeauty,
sacred trees. While pre-Christian Scandinavia had its Ash (7) Netzacheternity, (8) Hodglory, (9) Yesod
Yggdrasil, early Hinduism had its tree of Jiva and Atman, foundation, (10) Malkuthkingdom. Even though there are
and later its Ashvastha, or Sacred Fig treealso called several interpretations to the Sephirotic tree, the diagram
Bodhi tree by Buddhists, and under which Gautama Buddha ultimately depicts the different stages of divine creation,
is believed to have meditated and attained enlightenment. indicating that the Creator sent the energy down in a spe-
As for Christians, Jews, and Muslims, they all share cific pattern from Kether to Malkuth,10 or in other words,
the mystical tale of the tree of knowledge of good and from a sublime and intangible presence to a physical and
evil, which originally came from ancient Sumera pre- earthly existence. Using the tree metaphor to represent
Babylonian civilization spanning over three thousand years the emanation of the Universe, a map of all existence, the
in Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. There is, indeed, Sephirotic tree has remained a powerful symbol over many
scarcely a country in the world where the tree has not centuries and still bears a great significance in the mystic
at one time or another been approached with reverence study of the Torah.
Tre e o f L i f e 24

fig. 1
Albrecht Drer, The Fall of Man, 1509
fig. 2
Sephirotic tree, from Paulus Riccius,
In this engraving depicting the famous
Portae lucis (Doors of light), 1516
biblical tale from the Book of Genesis,
Adam and Eve stand in the Garden of
The pen-and-ink illustration depicts
Eden, with the tree of knowledge of
a Jewish Kabbalist meditating while
good and evil in the background.
holding the tree of life.

fig. 3
Sephirotic-tree diagram, from Rachel
Pollack, The Kabbalah Tree: A Journey
of Balance & Growth, 2004. 2004
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Used with
the permission of the publisher. All
rights reserved.
Tre e o f L i f e 25

Trees of Knowledge development of ideas, subjects, people, and society through

Our primeval connection with nature and the tree history) and classification (a systematic taxonomy of values
might explain why its branched schema has not only been and subvalues). Whereas genealogy incorporates the tree
a symbol with sacred and pagan meanings but also an to illustrate growth and subdivision over time, classification
important metaphor for the classification of the natural applies the hierarchical model to show our desire for order,
world and the meanders of human understanding. Used symmetry, and regularity.
to address social stratification, domains of human under- Portuguese scholar Olga Pombo, who has thoroughly
standing, family ties, or evolutionary relationships between investigated the classification of science, points to German
species, the tree has been a ubiquitous model since it philosopher Alwin Diemer as the progenitor of a fundamen-
can pragmatically express multiplicity (represented by its tal framework for classification. In Conceptual Basis of the
boughs, branches, twigs, and leaves) from unity (its central Classification of Knowledge (1974), Diemer divided the con-
foundational trunk). fig. 4 Its arrangement implies a succes- ventions of classification into four main domains: ontologi-
sion of subgroups from larger groups, which are in turn cal (classification of species), informational (classification
connected to a common root, or starting point. Because of information), biblioteconomical (classification of books),
of this expressive quality, the metaphorical structure of and gnosiological (classification of knowledge). (See also
a tree has been used for thousands of years, from early chapter 2, Classifying Information, pages 6164, and
Sumerian times to modern-day science and operating sys- Ordering Nature, pages 6469.) Even though the onto-
tems. Currently the scheme still finds relevance in genet- logical, informational, and biblioteconomical domains
ics, linguistics, archeology, epistemology, philosophy, have been greatly marked by the tree model, it was in the
genealogy, computer science, and library and information gnosiological domain that the recursive metaphor of the
science, among many other areas. fig. 5 As Pollack elo- tree had one of the most striking manifestations.
quently puts it: As the traditions of Western and Christian The idea of capturing the entirety of human knowl-
Kabbalah clearly demonstrate, the tree operates very well edge and classifying it by means of a tree is an aged
as a symbol for many systems of belief. It really has grown aspiration, a meme hundreds of years old. The biblical
into a kind of organizing principle for our human efforts to tree of knowledge, for instance, represented the collec-
understand the world.11 tive knowledge of humanityeverything we have learned
Most of us are familiar with the tree metaphor. You as a species, embodied in a tree. The idea of an arbo-
have probably seen an archetypal organizational chart of real organizational scheme is so ingrained in our minds
your company, a genealogical tree of your family, or per- that we employ it figuratively in a variety of daily circum-
haps a map of musical influences. While the metaphor is stances, which in turn conditions the way we understand
truly widespread, it is still possible to distill the use of trees, things and express them to others. When we say the root
as an epistemological model, into two major domains: of a problem or the root of scientific research, we are
genealogy (in its broad philosophical sense, tracing the alluding to some sort of hierarchical model with a defined

fig. 4 fig. 5
Genealogy of Henry II (9731024), the Ernst Haeckel, Pedigree of Man, 1879
Holy Roman Emperor, from Hartmann
Schedel, Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 Like many other early evolutionists,
Haeckel believed that humans were the
In this genealogical scheme, the tree pinnacle of evolutionthe highest form
metaphor is taken literally, with the of lifeas shown in this depiction of
womans womb depicted as the source the tree of life, with man at the zenith.
of offshoots.
Tre e o f L i f e 27

foundation, a unifying basis. We also use it to convey the group of immediately subordinate kinds, or species, which
distinct areas of human knowledge, as in the branches of in turn serve as genera for further species subordinate to
science or, more specifically, genetics is a branch of sci- them, and so on until one reaches a level at which no fur-
ence. The origin of the word knowledge itself is strongly ther division is possible.13
tied to trees. In the Germanic languages, most terms for This outstanding work is one of the most important
learning, knowledge, wisdom, and so on are derived from philosophical treatises of all time and has been a long-
the words for tree or wood, says Hageneder. In Anglo- lasting influence in Western culture. It grabbed the atten-
Saxon we have witan (mind, consciousness) and witige tion of innumerous philosophers over the centuries, such as
(wisdom); in English, wits, witch, and wizard; and in Porphyry, Ren Descartes, Gottfried Leibniz, Immanuel Kant,
modern German, Witz (wits, joke). These words all stem and Martin Heidegger, all of whom variously defended,
from the ancient Scandinavian root word vid, which means opposed, or modified Aristotles original ideas. The cor-
wood (as in forest, not timber).12
nerstone of Aristotles philosophical theorizing, Categories
laid the foundation for all subsequent classification efforts
Early Pioneers in a variety of scientific areas and still remains a subject of
The earliest known concept for a hierarchical orga- study and encouragement in the pursuit of a comprehen-
nization of knowledge comes to us from ancient Greece, sible universal categorization.
through the work of one of its main characters: Aristotle.
In Categoriesthe first of six works on logic, collectively Tree of Porphyr y
called Organon (ca. 40 BCE)Aristotle (384322 BCE) Porphyry (234ca. 305 CE) was a Greek philosopher
delivers a fundamental vision on classification. He starts born in the city of Tyre, modern-day Lebanon. He is mostly
by exploring a series of semantic relationships, as in the renowned for his contribution to The Six Enneads (ca. 270
equivocal, unequivocal, and derivative naming of things. CE)the only collection of writings by Porphyrys teacher
He then presents the notion of the predicable, used in differ- and founder of Neoplatonism, the Greek philosopher
ent forms of speech and the division of beings, before orga- Plotinus. But it was in his short introduction, or Isagoge (ca.
nizing every entity of human apprehension according to 270 CE), to Aristotles Categories that Porphyry made one of
ten categories: substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, the most striking contributions to knowledge classification.
time, position, state, action, and affection. In the remaining In this highly influential introduction, translated into Latin
text, Aristotle discusses in detail the definitions of all given by Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius and disseminated
categories and concludes with the different types of move- across medieval Europe, Porphyry reframes Aristotles origi-
ment in nature (e.g., generation, destruction, increase). As nal predicables into a decisive list of five classes: genus
professor of philosophy Anthony Preus explains, Aristotles (genos), species (eidos), difference (diaphora), property
structure is not simply based in a tenfold classification but (idion), and accident (sumbebekos). Most importantly, he
suggests that each category serves as the genus for a introduces a hierarchical, finite structure of classification, in
Ch a p t e r 1 28

what became known as the tree of Porphyry, or simply the theological and philosophical developments by scholars
Porphyrian tree. fig. 6 throughout the ages. It was also, as far as we know, the
Expanding on Aristotles Categories and visually earliest metaphorical tree of knowledge.
alluding to a trees trunk, Porphyrys structure reveals the
idea of layered assembly in logic. It is made of three col- Liber figurarum (Book of figures)
umns of words, where the central column contains a series Joachim of Fiore (ca. 11351202) was a twelfth-century
of dichotomous divisions between genus and species, Italian abbot and the founder of the monastic order of San
which derive from the supreme genus, Substance. Even Giovanni in Fiore, whose followers are called Joachimites.
though Porphyry himself never drew such an illustration Very little is known with certainty about this extraordinary
his original tree was purely textual in naturethe symbolic man, and most of his life accounts came to us from a biog-
tree of Porphyry was frequently represented in medieval raphy published by a later monk of the monastery of Fiore,
and Renaissance works on logic and set the stage for Jacobus Grcus Syllanus, in 1612. Joachim opposed
many religious dogmas and was a firm believer in a more
liberal Church. He envisioned a new age in which man-
kind would reach total freedom and the hierarchy of the
Church would become unnecessary under the rule of the
Order of the Just, an alliance between Christians, Jews,
and Muslims.
Some see Joachim of Fiore as a visionary and a
prophet, others as a mere dissident. Still considered a here-
tic by the Vatican, Joachim of Fiore left behind a number of
his writings and treatises that attest to his productive intel-
lect. Among them is the extraordinary Liber figurarum, one
of the most important and stunning collections of symbolic
theology from the Middle Ages. fig. 7 The illustrations shown
in the manuscript were conceived by Joachim in different
stages of his life and published posthumously in 1202. They
depict a variety of characters and institutions from the Old
and New Testaments, and many employ an organic arbo-
real schema to highlight the centrality of Christ, the grada-
tion of biblical protagonists, and the links with the pastas
in the recurrent use of branches to symbolize the twelve
tribes of Israel. fig. 8, fig. 9, fig. 10

fig. 6 fig. 7
The Tree of the Two Advents, from
The porphyrian tree, the oldest
Joachim of Fiore, Liber figurarum, 1202
known type of a classificatory tree
diagram, was conceived by the
This remarkable figure presents the Redemption), as well as the very top
Greek philosopher Porphyry in the
main characters and institutions of the (the place of the second coming, or
third century AD. This figure shows a
Christian salvation history. From bottom Resurrection). The lower branches,
Porphyrian tree as it was originally
to top: Adam, Jacob the Patriarch, Ozias originating from the figure of Jacob
drawn by the thirteenth-century logician
the Prophet, and Jesus Christ (repeated the Patriarch, correspond to the twelve
Peter of Spain.
twice). The figure of Christ dominates tribes of Israel, and the top branches,
the center of the genealogical tree radiating from the image of Jesus Christ,
(representing the first coming, or symbolize the twelve Christian churches.
Tre e of Life 29
fig. 8
The Trinitarian Tree Circles, from
Joachim of Fiore, Liber figurarum

This tree represents the development of the second (age of the Son), and
the history of Christianity, divided into ultimately the third (age of the Holy
three circles, or states, of the world. Spirit). The amount of foliage increases
At the bottom, Noahs tree (rooted in in density toward the top, culminating
his three sons) gives origin to the first in lush vegetation, symbolizing the
circle (age of the Father), leading to glory of the universal church.

fig. 9
A Pair of Trees with Side-shoots, from
Joachim of Fiore, Liber figurarum

A depiction of the Christian salvation

history, with the names of its main
protagonists stacked up along the two
tree trunks. The first tree traces the Old
TestamentAbraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Joseph, Ephraim; and the second, the
New Testament.
Tre e of Life 31

Editor Peter L. Heyworth sees this tree allegory as a of sixteen trees of scientific domains following a leading
teaching tool for the rich biblical heritage. In this period, tree, itself called the arbor scientiae. fig. 11 An expression
the art of preaching itself came to be likened to a tree. of his mystical universalism, this encyclopedic work con-
Praedicare est arborizare [to preach is to plant a tree]: the centrates on the central image of a tree of science, able
well-grown sermon must be rooted in a theme, that flour- to sustain all areas of knowledge.15 Appearing in the very
ishes in the trunk of a biblical auctoritas, and thence grows beginning of the book, the illustration of the tree of science
into its branches and twigs: the divisions and subdivisions works as an introduction to his beguiling concept and a sort
whereby the preacher extends his subject-matter. The ser- 14
of arborescent table of contents. This great tree comprises
mon Praedicare est arborizare is an example of a medieval eighteen roots, which relate to nine transcendent principles
formulation in which trees were often allegorized in relation (not detailed) and nine art principles: difference, concord,
to discursive phenomena, which in turn might explain why contrariety, beginning, middle, end, majority, equality, and
the tree metaphor is so prevalent in the illustrations featured minority. The top of the tree is made of sixteen branches,
in Liber figurarum. With a strong theological nature, Liber each bearing a fruit and a label, representing the different
figurarum represents a remarkable effort of systematization domains of science, which are then depicted as individual
of historical accounts, events, and social ties by means of trees in the remaining pages of the work.
trees and is a seminal work in this period of history. The first set of trees relates to profane knowledge
and includes the arbor elementalis (physics, metaphysics,
Arbor scientiae (Tree of science) and cosmology), the arbor vegetalis (botany and medi-
Born in the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca in 1235, cine), the arbor sensualis (animals and sensible beings), the
Ramon Llull (12321315) was one of the most astonishing arbor imaginalis (mental entities, psychology), the arbor
figures of medieval Europe. A poet, mystic, philosopher, humanalis (anthropology and the studies of man), the arbor
and devout Christian, he wrote one of the earliest, if not moralis (ethics, moral vices, and virtues), and the arbor
the first, European novel, Blanquerna (1283), and was the imperialis (government and politics of a prince). fig. 12
spearhead of the consolidation of the Catalan language. The second group covers the entirety of religious knowl-
Llull left behind more than 250 works in Catalan, Latin, edge and comprises the arbor apostolocalis (ecclesiasti-
and Arabic, with many more subsequent translations into cal studies and the organization of the church), the arbor
French, Spanish, and Italian. His most renowned piece is celestialis (astronomy and astrology), the arbor angelicalis
Ars magna (The great art), first published in 1271 as Ars (angels), the arbor eviternalis (immortality, the afterlife, hell
magna primitiva (The first great art) and recurrently iterated and paradise), the arbor maternalis (the study of Virgin
by Llull in subsequent editions over thirty years. Mary), the arbor christinalis (christology), and the arbor
But one of Llulls most well-known works, pertaining divinalis (theology). There are two additional trees, arbor
to knowledge representation, was his wonderful Arbor sci- exemplificalis and arbor quaestionalis. The first contains
entiae from 1296, which includes a magnificent compilation a series of metaphorical examples pertaining to the four

fig. 10
The Tree-Eagle (Old Dispensation), from
Joachim of Fiore, Liber figurarum

The eagle, a powerful symbol Christianity, from Adam to Zorobabel,

of spiritual enlightenment and while the lower branches symbolize the
contemplation, is prominently featured twelve tribes of Israel, separated by
in this tree that depicts the advent of the the tribes that first entered the promised
age of the Holy Spirit. The central trunk land (left) and the tribes that arrived
lists various generations in the history of later (right).
fig. 11 (left)

Arbor scientiae (Tree of science), from

Ramon Llull, Arbor scientiae venerabilis
et caelitus illuminati Patris Raymundi
Lullii maioricensis Liber ad omnes fig. 12
scientias utilissimus, 1515
Arbor moralis (Moral tree), from Llull,
Arbor scientiae venerabilis

fig. 13
Diagrams of Llulls intriguing
combinatory-logic concepts, from Llull,
Ars Brevis V.M.B. Raymundi Lullij Tertij
Ord. S. Francisci, Doc. Illu.: mendis
castigata, Capitibus Divisa, atque
scholiis locupletata, 1669
Tre e of Life 33

natural elements (fire, water, earth, and air), with the goal Encyclopedism
of transforming science into an accessible narrative, while The desire for gathering the sum of human knowl-
the second features a large body of four thousand ques- edge in a comprehensive compendium is as old as our
tions related to the preceding trees. desire to organize it. The earliest known attempt to do so
Despite Llulls magnificent arrangement of the trees appeared in the form of Naturalis historia (Natural his-
of science, which centuries later influenced the classifica- tory), published in 80 AD, a thirty-seven-chapter encyclo-
tion efforts of Francis Bacon and Ren Descartes, his most pedia describing different aspects of the natural world and
recognized contribution to European thinking was the pur- human developments in art, architecture, and medicine,
suit of an organic and unitary corpus of knowledge and among other domains, written by Pliny the Elder, a Roman
a systematic classification of reality, which included a statesman. Leading up to the Middle Ages, the seminal
series of diagrams, symbolic notations, and mechanical Etymologiae (ca. 630 AD), by the prolific scholar Saint
apparatuses. 16
fig. 13 This approach was instrumental in Isidore of Seville, is one of the most significant encyclope-
the research of German philosopher and mathematician dic ventures. The work comprised 449 chapters in twenty
Gottfried Leibniz (16461716), particularly in his con- volumes and encapsulated much of the knowledge of the
ception of an imaginary universal language capable of age. Later on Bartholomeus Anglicuss De proprietatibus
expressing the most sophisticated mathematical, scientific, rerum (1240) became one of the most read encyclopedias
and metaphysical conceptsthe famous characteristica of the time, while Vincent of Beauvaiss Speculum majus
universalis (universal characteristic). Leibniz first men- (1260) was the most comprehensivewith over three mil-
tioned this lexicon made of pictographic characters, which lion words. But it was in the midst of the French Renaissance
reduces all debate to calculation, in his Dissertatio de arte that one of the most consequential efforts at rationalizing
combinatoria (Dissertation on the combinatorial art), pub- knowledge took place, by the hands of French scholar
lished when Leibniz was only nineteen. This vocabulary Christophe de Savigny.
created the seed for the later development of the binary
systemthe foundation of all modern computersthat Tableaux accomplis de tous les arts libraux
Leibniz eventually presented in his ingenious Explication (Complete tables of all liberal arts)
de larithmtique binaire (Explanation of binary arithme- In 1587 de Savigny published in Paris the magnificent
tic), published in 1705. Tableaux accomplis de tous les arts libraux. This pivotal
work contains sixteen beautifully decorated tables covering
the following arts and sciences (in the order they appear in
the book): grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geome-
try, optics, music, cosmography, astrology, geography, phys-
ics, medicine, ethics, jurisprudence, history, and theology.
The book is solely composed of the sixteen tables, each one
Ch a p t e r 1 34

accompanied by a corresponding one-page description. In While this effort on the classification of knowledge
every table, a tree of interrelated topics takes center stage, is thought to have been inspired by de Savignys picto-
surrounded by an oval ornamental piece containing various rial encyclopedia, produced a few years before, Bacons
graphic elements pertaining to the depicted discipline. fig. 14 essay fostered much of the subsequent thinking in scholarly
Tableaux accomplis de tous les arts libraux, one of the circles, making him the great precursor of modern encyclo-
most enticing medieval pieces on the rationalization and pedism and a key influence in Descartess conception of the
visual representation of knowledge, became an important tree of knowledge.
influence on the subsequent work of Bacon, ultimately con- Descartes (15961650), often called the father of
solidating the widespread use of the tree metaphor. modern philosophy, continued exploring Bacons ideas on
the arboreal scheme of science in many of his works, includ-
The consolidation: Francis Bacon and Ren Descartes ing The World (162933), Dioptrics (1637), Meteorology
In 1605 English philosopher and fervent promoter of the (1637), and Geometry (1637). But it was in his Principia
Scientific Revolution Bacon (15611626) published one of philosophiae (Principles of Philosophy) (1644), his longest
the major landmarks in the history of science, and arguably and most ambitious piece, that Descartes delved further
the most significant philosophical work in English until then. into the topic. This exceptional work was meant to have
In The Advancement of Learning, Bacon not only suggests six parts (although he only concluded the first four): IThe
a new science of observation and experimentation, as a Principles of Human Knowledge, IIThe Principles of
substitute to secular Aristotelian science, but also explores Material Things, IIIThe Visible Universe, IVThe Earth,
with great minutia the wide arrangement of all human VLiving Things, VIHuman Beings. The 207 completed
knowledge, from the general to the particular. He starts principles are normally short (one paragraph each) and
by dividing mans understanding into three main parts: resemble a list of small knowledgeable units, a synthesis of
History to his Memory, Poesy [poetry] to his Imagination, most of his theories in philosophy and physics, dealing with
and Philosophy to his Reason.17 He then suggests various everything from geometry to the perception of the senses.
subdivisions to the three main categories and drills down to In a letter to the French translator of the work, while
its key disciplines, such as physics, mathematics, and anat- explaining the rationale behind the principles, Descartes
omy, describing and contextualizing them in great detail. describes his image of the tree of knowledge:
During his expositions he alludes to the tree of knowledge:
The distributions and partitions of knowledge are not like Thus, all Philosophy is like a tree, of which
several lines that meet in one angle, and so touch but in a Metaphysics is the root, Physics the trunk, and
point; but are like branches of a tree, that meet in a stem, all the other sciences the branches that grow
which hath a dimension and quantity of entireness and con- out of this trunk, which are reduced to three
tinuance, before it comes to discontinue and break itself principles, namely, Medicine, Mechanics, and
into arms and boughs. 18
Ethics.... But as it is not from the roots or the

fig. 14
Geometry, from Christophe de Savigny,
Tableaux accomplis, 1587

Ch a p t e r 1 36

trunks of trees that we gather the fruit, but only instead of the common top-down or bottom-up arrange-
from the extremities of their branches, so the ment. fig. 15, fig. 16 The leftmost branch of knowledge has a
principal utility of philosophy depends on the series of sub-branches (e.g., artificial, external, real) before
separate uses of its parts, which we can only reaching the final, rightmost branches (e.g., astronomy,
learn last of all.
geography, sculpture), which represent particular sections
in the book and fulfill the goal of the chart to serve as a
While neither Bacon nor Descartes developed a table of contents. Bearing a strong resemblance to the suc-
visual representation of the tree of knowledge, it is through cessive forking of the Porphyrian tree, the diagram maps
their words that we can ascertain the construction of such a forty-seven different disciplines in the book, including
hierarchical classification scheme, which contributed deci- meteorology, geometry, alchemy, architecture, commerce,
sively to the establishment of the general metaphor of the tree medicine, and poetry. We can once more perceive the tree
as the underlying epistemological model of all sciences. metaphor, not only to express the various relations between
the topics, but also as a unifying element, connecting all
Cyclopdia areas of knowledge under the same foundation.
Published in 1728 and composed of two volumes, this work
by Ephraim Chambers was one of the earliest general ency- Encyclopdie
clopedias written in English. The noticeably long full title During the mid-eighteenth century, in the height of French
of the piece describes its holistic aim: Cyclopdia, or, An Enlightenment, one of the most astounding encyclopedic
universal dictionary of arts and sciences: containing the efforts took place by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond
definitions of the terms, and accounts of the things signifyd dAlembert. First published in 1751, the Encyclopdie, ou
thereby, in the several arts, both liberal and mechanical, dictionnaire raisonn des sciences, des arts et des mtiers
and the several sciences, human and divine: the figures, (Encyclopedia, or a systematic dictionary of the sciences,
kinds, properties, productions, preparations, and uses, of arts, and crafts) was one of the largest encyclopedias pro-
things natural and artificial: the rise, progress, and state of duced until then, accounting for 20 million words in 71,818
things ecclesiastical, civil, military, and commercial: with articles and 3,129 illustrations over thirty-five volumes.
the several systems, sects, opinions, etc: among philoso- Inspired by a French translation of Chamberss Cyclopdia,
phers, divines, mathematicians, physicians, antiquaries, Encyclopdie became an important drive for the subse-
criticks, etc: the whole intended as a course of ancient and quent launch of Encyclopedia Britannica seventeen years
modern learning. later, and a precursor to many modern encyclopedias.
One of the most significant achievements of This innovative encyclopedia paid special atten-
Cyclopdia, with respect to knowledge classification, was tion to the mechanical arts, and it was the first to include
the introduction of a horizontal tree diagram, in which the contributions from well-known authors, many of the great
hierarchical ordering of subjects reads from left to right, names of French Enlightenment among them, such as

fig. 16
Table of contents, from Chambers,

fig. 15
Table of contents as it appears in the
preface of the original publication,
from Ephraim Chambers, Cyclopdia,
or, An universal dictionary of arts and
sciences, 1728

fig. 17 fig. 18
Title page, from Denis Diderot and Jean Systme figur des connaissances
le Rond DAlembert, Encyclopdie, ou humaines (Figurative system of
dictionnaire raisonn des sciences, des human knowledge), from Diderot and
arts et des mtiers (Encyclopedia, or a DAlembert, Encyclopdie
systematic dictionary of the sciences,
arts, and crafts), 1751
Tre e of Life 39

Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. Diderots article This conception of an encyclopedia as a growing organ-
Encyclopedia indicates his main motivation behind this ism with many possible directions, as a map of scientific
pursuit: Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to col- domains, explains why Diderot and dAlembert included
lect knowledge disseminated around the globe; to set forth an illustration of the collective knowledge of humankind
its general system to the men with whom we live, and trans- in the Encyclopdie. The piece entitled Systme Figur des
mit it to those who will come after us, so that the work of Connaissances Humaines (Figurative system of human knowl-
preceding centuries will not become useless to the centuries edge), and later called the tree of Diderot and dAlembert,
to come. 20
was first featured in the original 1751 edition and executed
Diderot believed an encyclopedia to be, above all, by French designer and engraver Charles-Nicolas Cochin.
a directory of associations, where the connections between fig. 17, fig. 18 The scheme organizes all areas of science
the different areas of science could be exposed and fur- (knowledge) under three main branches: memory (or his-
ther pursued by each individual reader. Every science tory), reason (or philosophy), and imagination (or poetry).
overlaps with others: they are two continuous branches off If conceptually the scheme is inspired by Bacons classifica-
a single trunk, 21
asserts Diderot. The branching analogy tion, graphically it has a clear similitude to Chamberss tree
appears once again. In the same article, Diderot expresses diagram in Cyclopdia, showcasing an analogous succes-
an intriguing vision of the future, reminiscent of our now sion of curly brackets from higher to lower categories.
ubiquitous hypertext: In 1780 an alternative version of the original illustra-
tion was made, this time as a much more literal arboreal
Thanks to encyclopedic ordering, the univer- metaphor. Essai dune distribution gnalogique des sci-
sality of knowledge, and the frequency of ences et des arts principaux (Genealogical distribution of
references, the connections grow, the links go arts and sciences) was featured as a fold-out frontispiece
out in all directions, the demonstrative power in the Table analytique et raisonne des matieres contenues
is increased, the word list is complemented, dans les XXXIII volumes in-folio du Dictionnaire des sciences,
fields of knowledge are drawn closer together des arts et des mtiers, et dans son supplement. figs. 1920
and strengthened; we perceive either the conti- This tree depicts a genealogical distribution of knowledge,
nuity or the gaps in our system, its weak sides, with its three prominent branches matching the early dia-
its strong points, and at a glance on which gram: memory/history (left), reason/philosophy (center),
objects it is important to work for ones own and imagination/poetry (right). The heavy tree bears fruits
glory, or for the greater utility to humankind. of different sizes, representing the different domains of sci-
If our dictionary is good, how many still better ence, in an intricate branching configuration. Its slightly
works it will produce! 22
unbalanced look is caused by the dominance of the central
bough of philosophy, which holds most of the trees branches
and shadows the withered ones of history and poetry.

fig. 20
Detail of Essai dune distribution

fig. 19
Chrtien Frederic Guillaume Roth,
Essai dune distribution gnalogique
des sciences et des arts principaux
(Genealogical distribution of arts and
sciences), from Diderot and DAlembert,
Tre e of Life 41

The End of an Era Notes

1 Pollack, The Kabbalah Tree, 2.
Various types of depictions of trees mapping an 2 Bates, The Real Middle Earth, 44.
3 Ibid.
incredible array of topics have surfaced throughout the
4 Philpot, The Sacred Tree in Religion and Myth, 3.
decades. The descendants of these ancient tree diagrams 5 Porteous, The Forest in Folklore and Mythology, 191.
6 Hageneder, The Living Wisdom of Trees, 8.
are still an integral part of the structure and navigation of
7 James, The Tree of Life, 1.
most modern computer systems, allowing one to browse, 8 Hageneder, The Living Wisdom of Trees, 8.

filter, and organize files in a nested hierarchy. Nonetheless, 9 Philpot, The Sacred Tree in Religion and Myth, 1.
10 Pollack, The Kabbalah Tree, xvi.
the Essai dune distribution gnalogique des sciences et 11 Ibid., xvii.

des arts principaux marked the end of the golden age of 12 Hageneder, The Living Wisdom of Trees, 8.
13 Preus and Anton, Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy V, 19.
embellishment, in which trees were seen as powerful fig- 14 Heyworth, Medieval Studies for J. A. W. Bennett, 216.
ures embedded with loftier connotations. Over time, tree 15 Pombo, Combinatria e Enciclopdia em Rmon Lull.
16 Rossi, Logic and the Art of Memory, 38.
diagrams acquired a generic nonfigurative design and 17 Bacon, Francis Bacon, 175.
became utilitarian tools rigorously studied by those in com- 18 Ibid., 189.
19 Ibid.
puter science and the mathematical field of graph theory.
20 Diderot, Encyclopedia.
Even though they have lost most of their allegorical symbol- 21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
ism, contemporary tree models still use many labels of the
past (e.g., root, branches, leaves). Today trees are used in
the representation of taxonomic knowledge in a variety of
subject areas; and, as an exceptionally suitable scheme
in the modeling of hierarchical structures, they will most
certainly continue their widespread sphere of influence well
into the future.

W. Bradford Paley, Dick Klavans, and

Kevin Boyack, Mapping Scientific
Paradigms, 2006

A map of science constructed by sorting

roughly 800,000 scientific papers
into 776 different scientific paradigms
(colored circles) based on how often
papers were cited together by authors
of other papers. Links were made
between the paradigms that shared
common members (authors).

02 From Trees to Net works

In simplicit y of structure the tree is comparable to the compulsive
desire for neatness and order that insists the candlesticks on
a mantelpiece be perfectly straight and perfectly symmetrical
about the centre. The semilattice, by comparison, is the structure
of a complex fabric; it is the structure of living things, of great
paintings and symphonies.
Christopher Alexander

Were tired of trees. We should stop believing in trees, roots,

and radicles. Theyve made us suffer too much. All of arborescent
culture is founded on them, from biology to linguistics. Nothing is
beautiful or loving or political aside from underground stems and
aerial root, adventitious growths and rhizomes.
Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari

Besides its evocative symbolism and undeniable appli- tree metaphor, advocating for flexible alternative models
cability in different types of organizational contexts, able to accommodate the complex connectedness of mod-
the hierarchical tree model has innumerous connota- ern society. The first disapproving view associates trees with
tions that have been occasionally criticized. Many the notion of centralism, or centralization, which expresses
opposing voices, usually highlighting its most perni- either an unequivocal concentration of power and author-
cious attributes, have refuted the centralized, top-down ity in a central person or group of people, or a particular

The two epigraphs to this chapter are

drawn from Alexander, A City is Not a
Tree, 5862; and Deleuze and Guat-
tari, A Thousand Plateaus, 15.
Ch a p t e r 2 44

system in which most communications are routed through In opposition to this authoritarian model, Deleuze
one central hub. Centralism is also linked to other less repu- and Guattari in their Capitalism and Schizophrenia
table concepts, such as totalitarianism, authoritarianism, (197280) propose the concept of rhizome, aimed at
and absolutismtypical of severely oppressive hierarchi- acknowledging multiplicities and multilinearities: In con-
cal systems. trast to centered systems with hierarchical modes of com-
In The Tree of Life (2007), Guillaume Lecointre and munication and pre-established paths, the rhizome is an
Herv Le Guyader provide two additional views associ- acentered, nonhierarchical, nonsignifying system without
ated with the widespread concept of trees: finalism and a General and without an organizing memory or central
essentialism. Finalism, as the name implies, envisages a
automaton, defined solely by a circulation of states.2
world where everything flows toward a predetermined Distinct from a tree topology and its individual branches,
final goal. Essentialism has an absolute understanding of the rhizome connects any point to any other point, in a
the nature of being, in which every entity has a set of transverse and autonomous way, allowing for a flexible
properties belonging to a precisely defined kind or group. network of intercommunicability to emerge. The rhizome
It sees the essence of things as permanent, immutable char- pertains to a map that must be produced, constructed, a
acteristicsa fundamental rule for the enduring tree orga- map that is always detachable, connectable, reversible,
nization. If finalism describes the unidirectional courses of modifiable, and has multiple entryways and exits and its
trees, essentialism alludes to their inert branches, which own lines of flight.3
never shift or interact. Given that centralism, finalism, and The rhizomatic model is a significant influence in
essentialism form the basis of a common tree arrangement, postmodern thinking, particularly in areas like communi-
we might also describe it as an authoritarian, unidirec- cation theory, cyberspace theory, complex systems, non-
tional, and stagnant model. linear narrative, and hypermedia. But perhaps one of the
In part due to its aforementioned traits, the tree most famous demonstrations of the principles applicability
model has been attacked, most notably by French philoso- is hypertext. Pertaining to any text with references (hyper-
phers Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari, who, in response, links) to other texts, hypertext is the fundamental building
developed an antagonistic philosophical theory. Deleuze block of the World Wide Webarguably the largest rhi-
and Guattari oppose trees due to their forced totalitarian- zomatic system ever created by man. But rhizomatic theory
ism and despotismthey are always dependent on a cen- also helps us apprehend the intricacies of the world: the
tral authority. The authors argue in A Thousand Plateaus rhizome is not a self-imposed conjectural view on our exis-
(1987) that trees are a condition of theoretical rigidness tence, but a fundamental topology of nature and an under-
and unidirectional progress, where everything returns to a lying element to the complex fabric of life. Perhaps for this
central trunk through vertical and linear connections. Trees reason, the rhizome has become a philosophical mentor
therefore embody an organization that has never truly in the ongoing struggle of modern science to cope with
embraced multiplicity. increasingly complex challenges.

fig. 1
Warren Weavers concept of the three
stages of modern science, according to
the type of problems it tried to solve
problems of simplicity, problems of
disorganized complexity, and problems
of organized complexityas discussed
in Weaver, Science and Complexity
From Tre es to N et works 45

A few decades before Deleuze and Guattaris con- techniques which were so dramatically suc-
ception of the rhizome, American scientist Warren Weaver cessful on two-, three-, or four-variable prob-
was already aware of the inherent complexities of nature lems of simplicity....These new problems, and
and the hurdles anticipated by the scientific community in the future of the world depends on many of
deciphering them. In 1948 in an article entitled Science them, requires science to make a third great
and Complexity, Weaver divided the history of modern advance, an advance that must be even
science into three distinct stages: The first period, covering greater than the nineteenth century conquest
most of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centu- of problems of simplicity or the twentieth cen-
ries, encapsulated what he denominated as problems of tury victory over problems of disorganized
simplicity. Most scientists during this period were funda- complexity. Science must, over the next 50
mentally trying to understand the influence of one variable years, learn to deal with these problems of
over another. The second phase, taking place during the organized complexity. 4
first half of the twentieth century, involved problems of
disorganized complexity. This was a period of time when Weavers paper has been a great influence on con-
researchers started conceiving systems with a substantial temporary thinking about complexity and the emergence
number of variables, but the way many of these variables of recent fields like complexity science and network theory.
interacted was thought to be random and sometimes cha- The conjecture he made for the second half of the twentieth
otic. The last stage defined by Weaver, initiated in the sec- century, and the advancement of science in dealing with
ond half of the twentieth century and continuing to this day, increasingly complex challenges, is as true now as it has
is critically shaped by problems of organized complexity. ever been. As we will see throughout this chapter, many
Not only have we recognized the presence of exceedingly of our contemporary hurdles, from the way we organize
complex systems, with a large number of variables, but we our cities to the way we decode our brain, concern prob-
have also recognized the notion that these variables are lems of organized complexity that cannot be portrayed,
highly interconnected and interdependent. fig. 1 analyzed, or understood by employing a centralized tree
In reference to the last stage, Weaver wrote in 1948: metaphor. In opposition to top-down hierarchies, these new
challenges deal primarily with rhizomatic properties such
These problems [such as commodity price fluc- as decentralization, emergence, mutability, nonlinearity,
tuation, currency stabilization, war strategies, and ultimately, diversity.
or the behavioral patterns of social groups] The complex connectedness of modern times
and a wide range of similar problems in the requires new tools of analysis and exploration, but above
biological, medical, psychological, economic, all, it demands a new way of thinking. It demands a plu-
and political sciencesare just too compli- ralistic understanding of the world that is able to envision
cated to yield to the old nineteenth century the wider structural plan and at the same time examine the

17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries First half of the 20th Century Post -1950

Problems of Simplicity Problems of Disorganized Problems of Organized

Complexity Complexity
Ch a p t e r 2 46

intricate mesh of connections among its smallest elements. society, dissociation is anarchy. In a person, dissociation
It ultimately calls for a holistic systems approach; it calls for is the mark of schizophrenia and impending suicide.5 As
network thinking. Alexander clearly implies, human beings do not naturally
comply with this highly compartmentalized modus ope-
randi. Our connections, among ourselves and with the
Planning a Cit y surrounding environment, do not follow this type of con-
In 1965 the influential architect Christopher ceptual order and simplicity. We are ambiguous, complex,
Alexander, most famously known for his book A Pattern and idiosyncratic. The reality of todays social structure
Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (1977), wrote one is thick with overlapthe systems of friends and acquain-
of the most influential pieces of postmodern criticisms on tances form a semilattice, not a tree,6 states Alexander on
architecture, a short essay entitled A City is Not a Tree. In the convergent nature of social groups. He is convinced
it, Alexander refutes the hierarchical and centralized orga- that the reductionist conception of urban spaces, typical
nization of the urban landscape, characteristic of model cit- of a tree organization, blinds our judgment of the city and
ies such as Brasilia, in favor of organic cities like London limits the problem-solving abilities of many planners and
and New York. He declares that many of these artificial cit- system analysts.
ies have failed due to the rigid and insipid thinking of their Alexander understands well the invisible mesh of
creators, who planned areas of activity (e.g., residential, interconnections that overlays the urban environment and
industrial, commercial) as independent and incommunicable suggests a semilattice organization, similar to a network,
modules, in a typical tree structure of separate branches. that can better suit the complexities of human relationships.
Although we have become accustomed to this type Due to its structural intricacy, the semilattice is a source
of stringent urban layout, it is a fairly recent conception. of rich variety. Within the semilattice the idea of over-
Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived in resi- lap, ambiguity, multiplicity of aspect [are not] less orderly
dential spaces located above their work environment, and than the rigid tree, but more so....They represent a thicker,
the line between personal and professional spheres was tougher, more subtle and more complex view of structure.7
very thin. The effects of industrialization meant that people Alexander finishes the article with the unequivocal asser-
lived in one area of town, worked in another, and probably tion that the city is not, cannot and must not be a tree....
shopped in yet another area. Anyone who has ever lived The city is a receptacle for life.8 fig. 3
in a large city with its sprawling suburban areas knows Published four years before Alexanders piece, Jane
how this segregation translates to lengthy daily commuting Jacobs, in the classic The Death and Life of Great American
time. fig. 2 Alexander is extremely forthright about the con- Cities (1961), delivers a biting criticism of the urban calami-
sequences of this fragmentation: In any organized object, ties perpetrated in the United States during the 1950s,
extreme compartmentalization and the dissociation of inter- which caused social alienation by isolating a large number
nal elements are the first signs of coming destruction. In a of communities and urban spaces. The book also offers
From Tre es to N et works

fig. 2
Brandon Martin-Anderson, Shortest Path
Tree, 2006

Street and transit information are

inputted into software that computes the
shortest routes between one specific
location and the remaining areas of
town (San Francisco). The width of a
branch (route) is proportional to the sum
of branches reachable by that branch.

fig. 3
Nikos Salingaros, Tree versus
semilattice, 1965

A set of diagrams that appeared in

Christopher Alexanders essay A
City is Not a Tree (1977), which
complemented his discourse on the
different ways to organize a city.
It shows the scheme of a simplified
tree model (left), which excludes the
likelihood of overlapping areas, and a
more tolerant semilattice (right), which
allows for different urban layers to
Ch a p t e r 2 48

a convincing exaltation for organicisma philosophical cooperation can easily prosper. This will only happen if
notion that proposes that reality is best understood as an we stop imposing artificial barriers on our spaces and truly
organic whole. Jacobs eloquently describes the aim of her embrace the diverse social nature of man.
book in the very first introductory paragraph: This book is
an attack on current city planning and rebuilding. It is also,
and mostly, an attempt to introduce new principles of city Neural Landscape
planning and rebuilding, different and even opposite from The study of the brain has truly come a long way.
those now taught in everything from schools of architec- Ancient accounts, dating back to Greek philosophy, indi-
ture and planning to the Sunday supplements and womens cate an early belief in the assessment of ones character
magazines. She opposes any simplified or ingenuous
or personality (e.g., criminality) from ones facial features
plan of a city, and in reference to Weavers original thesis, (e.g., distance between the eyes), in what became com-
Jacobs states, Cities happen to be problems in organized monly referred to as physiognomy. It is not surprising that,
complexity, like the life sciences. They present situations in as social beings, people would associate outer appearance
which a half-dozen or even several dozen quantities are with inner character. This became a widespread convic-
all varying simultaneously and in subtly interconnected tion that was held by many prominent figures of antiquity,
Jacobs reiterates that contemporary urban plan- including Aristotle.
ning has obliterated the city, because it has rejected its Toward the eighteenth century, researchers aban-
main actorshuman beings. doned the study of facial features to pursue the study of the
The work of Jacobs and Alexander has been fun- skull itself. And by 1796, by the hands of German physician
damental in the emergence of New Urbanism, a move- Franz Joseph Gall, the pseudoscience of phrenology was
ment started in the 1980s with the goal of investigating born. Phrenologists believed that the shape of the skull,
a more efficient integration between the primary uses of with its bumps and hollows, exposed the thoughts within.
a city. Even though this movement has caused various Believing that the mind was made up of different mental
new developments to emerge in the last decades across faculties represented in distinct areas of the brain, phre-
the globepromoting pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods, nologists measured the cranial bone to find the engorged
green-building construction, historic preservation, and a or shrunken areas of the skull that corresponded to the area
balanced development between jobs and housingwe still of the brain responsible for a particular personality trait,
have a long way to go. This much needed transformation character, or behavior. Galls list of the brain organs con-
will have to acknowledge the city as a living organism in tained twenty-seven different regions, including the love
constant mutation, a highly complex network involving a of ones offspring, the carnivorous instinct; the tendency
vast number of variables. It will have to conceive the city to murder, the memory of words, the sense of sounds;
as an open space bursting with overlap and spontaneity, the gift of music, the poetical talent, and the organ of
where the natural conditions for creativity, recreation, and religion. fig. 4, fig. 5
From Tre es to N et works 49

fig. 4
Phrenology diagram, from W. H. De
Puy, Peoples Cyclopedia of Universal
Knowledge, 1883

fig. 5
The definition of phrenology with
corresponding diagram, from Noah
Webster, Websters Academic
Dictionary, 1895
Ch a p t e r 2 50

fig. 6
Brain and Body, from Alesha Sivartha,
The Book of Life: The Spiritual and
Physical Constitution of Man, 1912
From Tre es to N et works 51

fig. 8
Locations, from Sivartha, The Book of Life

fig. 7
Brain Structure, from Sivartha, The Book
of Life
Ch a p t e r 2 52

A century later, as phrenology was already in Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), in Switzerland, and project
decline, the work of philosopher Alesha Sivartha captured director of the remarkably impressive Blue Brain project.
the pinnacle of this ideology in The Book of Life: The Spiritual Markram and his team of neuroscientists, paired
and Physical Constitution of Man (1912). In this magnificent with IBMs sophisticated supercomputer, Blue Gene, are cre-
collection of brain maps and pseudoscientific illustrations, ating a blueprint of the neocortexa part of the cerebral
Sivartha explores many of the ideas associated with phre- cortex that accounts for nearly 80 percent of the human
nology, with the brain as the setting for the structuring of brain. fig. 9 In this active region, made up from a dense net-
all types of social, political, ethical, and cultural concepts. work of neurons and fiberscommonly known as gray mat-
fig. 6, fig. 7, fig. 8 ter due to its gray color in preserved brainsmany higher
Phrenology was eventually recognized as an cognitive functions such as conscious thought, memory, and
extremely flawed system that simply went down in history communication occur.
as a divergent scientific pursuit. It did, however, contrib- The goal of the Blue Brain projectto generate
ute to a long-lasting meme regarding the modularity of the a holistic model of such an intricate structureis not a
mind. Many people still think of the brain in terms of left straightforward task and conceivably requires an astound-
and right, front and back modules, or believe in the pres- ing amount of computing power. This is how writer Jonah
ence of a unique centralized control responsible for the Lehrer describes the technical setup behind the project:
great diversity of cognitive tasks and human behaviors.
The idea of a centre for different functions in the brain In the basement of a university in Lausanne,
is so intuitively appealing, it is hard to relinquish, explains Switzerland, sit four black boxes, each about
renowned neuroscientist Susan Greenfield. 11
But it is an the size of a refrigerator, and filled with 2,000
inadequate model. Instead of a centralized control, our IBM microchips stacked in repeating rows.
voluntary and involuntary actions are triggered by a series Together they form the processing core of a
of electrochemical impulses percolating through millions machine that can handle 22.8 trillion opera-
of neurons, like a multitude of musical instruments coming tions per second. It contains no moving parts
together for a symphony. and is eerily silent. When the computer is
It is estimated that an adult human brain has around turned on, the only thing you can hear is the
one hundred billion neurons, with each neuron being biolog- continuous sigh of the massive air conditioner.
ically wired to thousands of its neighbors by dendrites and This is Blue Brain.12
axons. The brains staggering complexity represents one of
the toughest puzzles, challenging modern neuroscientists Blue Brain is an incredible initiative, only compa-
to constantly reassess their assumptions. One of the men rable in greatness to the Human Genome Projectan
leading this quest is Henry Markram, director of the Center international scientific initiative with the goal of mapping
for Neuroscience and Technology at cole Polytechnique and sequencing the entire human genome. The immense
fig. 9
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de
Lausanne, Blue Brain Project, 2008

A computer-generated model produced

with IBMs Blue Gene supercomputer,
part of the Blue Brain project, shows
the thirty million connections between
ten thousand neurons in a single
neocortical columnarguably the most
complex part of a mammals brain. The
different colors indicate distinctive levels
of electrical activity.
Ch a p t e r 2 54

knowledge that could arise from this breakthrough is still this systemic modeling method. What this new reasoning
hard to grasp, and so are its consequences. Once we might represent for the advancement of science might be
have the entire map of the neural circuitry, the possibility even more significant than Blue Brain itself.
of re-creating it in a functional simulation would be the
logical next step. In an ambitious statement at the annual
TEDGlobal conference in Oxford, England, in July 2009, Ubiquitous Datasphere
with the theme The Substance of Things Not Seen, The internet is one of the most extraordinary and
Markram declared, It is not impossible to build a human complex systems ever built by man. It has become so influ-
brain and we can do it in ten years. 13
ential in our lives that it is easy to forget its relatively young
The first significant milestone of the project has age. In the middle of the Cold War and while working for
already been achieved: the replication of the neocorti- the U.S. military intelligence agency RAND Corporation to
cal columna small slice of the brain cortex containing develop a new communication system that could survive a
approximately ten thousand neurons, and about thirty mil- nuclear attack, the then thirty-year-old Paul Baran produced
lion synaptic connections between them. Now we just several documents that attested the vulnerabilities of the
have to scale it up, says Markram in his usual optimis- communication infrastructure of the time. His proposition
tic attitude, referring to the replication of the rest of the for a safer alternative would become a central driving force
brain. His encouraging view is founded in the conviction
for the subsequent development of the internet. In 1964
that Blue Brain is conveying a different way of looking at Baran suggested three possible models for the novel sys-
ourselves, and ultimately at science. Markram considers tem: centralized (with a single decision center), decentral-
that merely looking at the isolated parts is not providing us ized (more than one decision center), and distributed (made
the whole picture, and the reductionist approach of neu- by uniformly distributed nodes with no decision center).
roscience, successful as it was until now, has exhausted fig. 10 Baran recommended the very last one, a model with
itself. This doesnt mean weve completed the reduction- a noticeable mesh structure, more resilient to an eventual
ist project, far from it. There is still so much that we dont attack. The distributed topology Baran proposed, which
know about the brain. But now we have a different, and he published in a series of reports entitled On Distributed
perhaps even harder, problem. Were literally drowning in Communications (1964), would then be further developed
data. We have lots of scientists who spend their life work- and implemented by another American agency: the
ing out important details, but we have virtually no idea Advanced Research Projects Agency, commonly known as
how all these details connect together. Blue Brain is about ARPA. fig. 11, fig. 12
showing people the whole. 15
Since the first message sent across two comput-
If Markram is right in his conjecture regarding a ers in October 1969 as a part of the early ARPANET, the
holistic approach to replace an outmoded reductionist view, internet has grown at an astounding pace. Contemporary
then we might see many other areas of science following maps of the convoluted landscape of routers, servers, and
From Tre es to N et works 55

fig. 10
Paul Baran, Network models, 1964

The three architecturescentralized,

decentralized, and distributed
possible for a novel communication
system. From Baran, On Distributed
Communications: Introduction to
Distributed Communications Networks,
1964 (paper published internally within
Rand Corporation).

fig. 11
A map of the Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
from September 1971, showing some
of its earliest nodes: at University of
California, Los Angeles; University
of California, Santa Barbara; Rand
Corporation; Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; and Harvard University.
From F. Heart, A. McKenzie, J.
McQuillian, and D. Walden, ARPANET
Completion Report, January 4, 1978.

fig. 12
A map of an expanding ARPANET
from March 1977. Heart, McKenzie,
McQuillian, and Walden, ARPANET
Completion Report.
Ch a p t e r 2 56

connections are astonishingly complex, highlighting one of common citizens, through the use of empowering online
the most intricate man-made structures. But one of the most tools and services, the next web revolution will be even
interesting attributes of the internet is that it sustains another more powerful.
equally tangled network of nodes and links, embodying an While there are millions of information-embedded
enormous volume of data: the World Wide Web. web pages online, they are, in most cases, unable to auto-
Twenty years after the famous ARPANET experiment, matically extract knowledge from their inherent interconnec-
in 1990, English physicist Tim Berners-Lee and Belgian tions. A single neuron is insignificant, but as it communicates
scientist Robert Cailliau, while working for the European with thousands of neighbors through synapses, it suddenly
Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, becomes part of a whole, much bigger than the sum of its
proposed the construction of a web of nodes that could parts. This whole keeps changing over time by the addi-
store hypertext pages visualized by browsers in a cer- tion and deletion of nodes, increasing or decreasing the
tain network. The original name for this global hypertext strength of their connections, in order to constantly adapt
system was mesh, but in December of the same year, it to human experience and new learning requirements. It is
was launched with its brand new designation: World Wide through this process that the brain retrieves an old memory,
Web. After the first hypertext pages were added to the web, analyzes the thread of a sudden event, or composes an
it was just a matter of time until other websites followed argument for a particular idea. This is the level of mal-
in a vertiginous expansion. In June 1993 there were only leability, commonly called neuroplasticity, that the web is
about 130 websites in the whole world. By June of 1998 expected to develop in the next few years or decades.
the web had grown to 2,410,067, and by June 2003 there It might certainly take longer than that, but there
were 40,936,076 indexed websites. Currently the number are several signs attesting to this neurological transforma-
is greater than two hundred million, and it might be con- tion of the web. Not only is data becoming more widely
siderably higher, given that many websites include other accessibleas companies, institutions, and governments
websites under the same domain, and a remaining number open their data sets to the general publicit is also becom-
is undocumented and far from the reach of legal estimates. ing enriched with prolific metadata, allowing new sets of
This proliferation of websites denotes the vitality of comparison and interweaving. In a March 2009 talk at
the World Wide Web, mostly due to its underlying demo- Technology Entertainment and Design (TED) conference,
cratic distribution of information. According to professors Berners-Lee made a vehement exaltation for linked data.
of Communication and Creative Arts at Purdue University One year later, in February 2010, he came back to the
Calumet Lee Artz and Yahya R. Kamalipour, this massively renowned conference to corroborate his vision with various
complex network constitutes an information biosphere ...a practical examples, stating that if people put data on the
single, interconnected information organism of free expres- webgovernment data, scientific data, community data
sion and free trade. 16
fig. 13 But if currently the autonomous whatever it is, it will be used by other people to do wonder-
web is mostly characterized by the enhanced influence of ful things in ways they never could have imagined.17
From Tre es to N et works 57

Initiatives such as the U.S. governments launch of Social Collaboration

Data.govan advanced online portal that combines hun- The idea of social stratification is one of the most
dreds of databases from a variety of public agencies, insti- ubiquitous and oldest sociological constructs in the world.
tutions, and departments across the countryare a brilliant From feudalism to capitalism, there has always existed
indicator of change and one that is being replicated the rigid layers of society based on social differentiation, with
world over. Launched in May 2009, opens the a strong emphasis on the division of labor. It is not only
door to political transparency and public scrutiny, aiming society at large that succumbs to this unyielding model;
at a broadly informed democracy, but even more impor- businesses, armies, churches, governments, and many
tantly, it adds a very reliable set of building blocks to the other entities also follow a defined ranking among their
growing mesh of online knowledge. members, always lead by a central commanding figure.
Increasingly distant from any centralized communi- Although it is difficult to define the origins of social
cation model of the past, the significant impending shift of stratification, Professor Anthony J. McMichael considers one
the web will command an even more detailed and tangled of the central seeds for its development to have occurred
layer of complexity, where data becomes widely inter- around 10,000 BC in the Fertile Crescent, a bountiful,
related with and detached from constraining documents. crescent-shaped area covering parts of the Middle East.
The early documentcentric web will give way to a pulsat- The development of agriculture drove modern humans to
ing ecosystem of data, a truly ubiquitous datasphere, the slowly abandon their nomadic lifestyles for more reliable,
main challenge of whichapart from privacy concerns confined harvests. This transition from hunting and gather-
will be interoperabilityuniversal standards and formats ing to settled farming and agriculture gave birth to the first
that enable an effortless data interlace. The last thing we agricultural revolution, known as the Neolithic Revolution.
want is a large collection of indiscernible data points lying This transformation brought prosperity, the enlargement
in servers across the world. It is particularly interesting to of rural settlements, and the surge of many new types of
see how the internets fundamental model of autonomy has labor, which in turn caused the emergence of social class,
been replicated over time, just like looking into a convo- status, and powercentral elements to the emergence of
luted fractal representation, where the same underlying hierarchical systems of domination.
principle of complexity and interconnectedness is applied But it was during the Industrial Revolution that many
to ever more tiny parts of the structure, from routers to serv- of our hierarchical conceptions of society were widely put
ers, web pages, and now data. into practice. This critical period caused not only a major
change in the way cities were planned but also a key trans-
formation in the way businesses and society at large were
organized. The fundamental process of rationalization that
occurred during this stage became a central impetus for
the solidification of bureaucracy, corporate ranking, and
Ch a p t e r 2 58
fig. 13
Antonin Rohmer, Eurosphere, 2009

A map of the political blogosphere in

Central Europe (France, Germany, Italy,
and the Netherlands), showing shared
links between communities of political
bloggers and portals, communities of
journalists and experts, communities
of political pundits, media websites,
trade unions, think tanks, public
institutions, NGOs, and activists. The
distance between websites, within a
community and between communities,
reveals the amount of interactions:
the closer websites are, the more they
engage with each other. The data was
collected over a one-year period.

fig. 14 fig. 15
A typical corporate organizational This radial organization chart highlights
chart, showing the hierarchical structure the centralized decision-making power
from the president to the individual structure of most companies, with the
workman. From Smith, Graphic Statistics president at the very core, followed by
in Management. successive degrees of dependency.
From Smith, Graphic Statistics in
From Tre es to N et works 59

management models based on centralized control. Many would immediately emerge. The further the Spanish
of these ideas are still so ingrained in our modern existence charged, the more decentralized and hard to conquer the
that it is hard to relinquish them. fig. 14, fig. 15 Apaches became.
We tend to consider social hierarchy as the norm This particular chapter of history is not entirely dis-
across societies and, in some cases, as a necessity or soci- tant from present-day news headlines announcing the state
ological predisposition. But in fact, many past and present- of affairs between armies and terrorist cells. Although with
day hunter-gatherer societies have little or no concept of an entirely distinct nature and political motivation, the main
economic or political status, class, or permanent leader- tool of terrorist resistance today is the same as the one
ship. Many indigenous communities in the Americas and perpetrated by the Apache four hundred years ago: decen-
Australia today follow the same type of decentralized and tralization.
egalitarian structure, since stratification is broadly seen as Decentralized social groups are not only common
a cause of conflict and instability. in hunter-gatherers and terrorist networks, but continue to
In The Starfish and the Spider (2006), Ori Brafman grow today, more than in any other period since the Indus-
and Road Beckstrom describe the difficulties encountered trial Revolution, challenging many secular theories and
by the Spanish conquistadors when facing the leaderless also becoming intrinsically associated with our technologi-
Apache tribes in the sixteenth century in present-day New cal progress. As Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams
Mexico. The Spanish tried to convert them to Christian- affirm in their bestselling Wikinomics (2006), Profound
ity and to a sedentary agrarian lifestyle, but the Apache changes in the nature of technology, demographics, and
resisted and fought back and held them off for two centu- the global economy are giving rise to powerful new mod-
ries. It wasnt that the Apaches had some secret weapon els of production based on community, collaboration,
that was unknown to the Incas and the Aztecs. Nor had and self-organization rather than on hierarchy and con-
the Spanish army lost its might, explain the authors. No, trol.19 Wikinomics is just one of many books published
the Apache defeat of the Spanish was all about the way in the last few years exploring the topic of decentraliza-
the Apaches were organized as a societya simple, yet tion and its effects on modern society. Much has been
complex flattened layout, typical of a decentralized con- written, blogged, and discussed on the evolution of this
figuration.18 new nonstratified scheme, usually coupled with encourag-
Decentralized social structures do not have a leader ing democratized ideas such as the wisdom of crowds,
in control or defined ranks, and most importantly, they have democratic journalism, local decision, self-empowerment,
no headquarters. Additionally, when attacked, central- independence, and self-organization, and repeatedly illus-
ized systems tend to become even more centralized, while trated by its main frontrunners: Wikipedia, the open-source
decentralized organizations become more open and decen- movement, Craigslist, and Digg.
tralized. Even when the Spanish went after and started As the web is a prime case of a leaderless structure,
killing Nantans (a type of spiritual leader), new Nantans embodied by its overlaying mesh of self-governing information
Ch a p t e r 2 60

fig. 16
Linkfluence, CPAN Explorer, 2009

A map showing the collaborations released on CPAN, and connections

between the most active Perl represent shared modules between
programming language developers authors.
within the large online community
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive
Network). The size of the node denotes
the number of Perl modules (discrete
components of software for the Perl
programming language) an author has
From Tre es to N et works 61

nodes, it is not surprising that the most well-known cases of Classif ying Information
decentralization are happening on the web. This growing The need to store and organize information has been
autonomy is also fomenting a critical social behavior that with us since early Sumerian times, but it is from medieval
sustains many online services and initiatives. In Thomas L. Europe that we have the most vivid ancient accounts. In the
Friedmans international bestselling book The World is Flat twelfth century, the emergence of universities marked the
(2005), he describes ten flattenerskey drivers for trans- decline of the great cloister libraries and the rise of a new
forming the world into a level playing field. Among them is form of knowledge archive: the university library. As these
what Friedman considers to be the most subversive force of new centers of scholarly teaching and research became
all: online collaboration. fig. 16 increasingly independent from religion, they expanded
When geography and the speed of communication their curricula to include secular disciplines, propelling an
are no longer obstacles, collaboration is virtually unlimited. exuberant intellectual activity and an intense eagerness for
The web is not only a data biosphere but also a social bio- even more knowledgein the form of books. This fervor
sphere with access to an increasingly diverse set of online was soon met with an increase in book production, aided
communication tools that are environments for globalized by the invention of printing and cheaper paper. fig. 17
collaboration and community building. As professor of new The insatiability for information led to challenges
media Geert Lovink eloquently states, What defines the in indexing many of the newly discovered works. Profes-
Internet is its social architecture. Its the living environment sor Alfred W. Crosby explains in The Measure of Reality
that counts, the live interaction, not just the storage and (1996) how medieval schoolmen were at loss for a prin-
retrieval procedure. 20
ciple by which to arrange masses of information for easy
As the intricacy of online social network services retrieval.21 Alternative categorization systems had to be
and their inherent collaboration increases, so does the devised, with many new indices featuring Arabic numer-
prospect of a human collective intelligence, a sphere of als, which had just started to disseminate across Europe.
human thought, or noosphere, as it was famously called Strangely enough, one of the solutions to the dilemma, just
by Russian mineralogist and geochemist Vladimir Vernadsky. before the use of alphabetization became standard in the
In fact, the image of someone closing their laptop and turn- twelfth century, was quite distinct from most modern objec-
ing off their online status is quickly becoming an illustration tive taxonomies. Looking at the arrangement of information
of the past, as the virtual web becomes more and more through a subjective lens, medieval schoolmen organized
intertwined with real life. As it continues to expand and library catalogs by order of prestige, beginning with the
pervade every level of human activity, the web also diffuses Bible, followed by books on and by the church fathers
many of its collaborative social models based on decen- (influential theologians, Christian teachers, and bishops),
tralization and democratization, and the effects of this con- and so on, with books on liberal arts coming last.22
ceptual permeation might create an everlasting shift in the Many generations later, on the other side of the
stratification of society. ocean, American librarian Melvil Dewey (18511931)
Ch a p t e r 2 62

devised one of the most relevant contributions to knowl- for navigation, letting us climb down branches to get to
edge organization. Created in 1876, the Dewey Decimal the leaf were looking for.23 More recently a new method
Classification (DDC) method is a widely used library clas- has emerged that promises to cut across the branches and
sification system based on decimal numbers. Having under- reach forthwith for the leaves.
gone twenty-two major revisions, the last one in 2004, its Initially used in online services such as Flickr, Del.
uncomplicated structure has been adopted by innumerous, and YouTube, folksonomy is a method employed by
libraries, both in the United States and abroad. thousands of websites, services, and applications. A term
As the founder of the American Metric Bureauan coined by information architect Thomas Vander Wal in July
organization established in Boston in 1876 with the goal of 2004, folksonomy is a portmanteau of folk and taxonomy,
promoting the metric system in the United StatesDewey and is also known as social classification or social tagging.
was a passionate supporter of the decimal system of mea- Folksonomy is an alternative system for categorizing con-
surement first adopted by France, which in part explains his tent by means of informal tagsspecific keywords assigned
preference for the inherent simplicity of powers of ten. The to a piece of information (e.g., a web page, video, image,
system he created organizes all knowledge into ten classes computer file)which describe the item and facilitate its
(e.g., Religion [100], Social Sciences [200], and Literature retrieval during browsing or searching. This emergent bot-
[800]). These classes are subdivided into ten divisions, and tom-up classification is intrinsically distinct from top-down
each division into ten sections. fig. 18 To locate a particular hierarchies like the Dewey system. In DDC, each book or
book on ecology, one would start on Science (500), then document has a unique reference in a single immutable
Life Sciences (570), and finally Ecology (577). In compari- hierarchical structure. In contrast, any digital object cre-
son, that same book on ecology would have a call number ated by folksonomy is defined by different tags (metadata),
QH540-549.5 under DDCs main competitor, the Library of allowing it to be ordered and located in multiple ways. It
Congress Classification (LCC) system. The unclutteredness is also a highly adaptable method, since it ultimately relies
of the purely numerical method was an important reason on the natural language of the community or individual
for its widespread adoption, but even though the simplest using it. fig. 19
of its kind, DDC is still based on an absolute tree arrange- In an interesting reference to this phenomenon,
ment of fixed positions, allowing for few, if any, interlinks. David Weinberger, who has been following this change
Other methods have challenged Deweys structure, some up close, states: Autumn has come to the forest of knowl-
using the notion of faceted classification, which is based edge, thanks to the digital revolution. The leaves are fall-
on calling out clearly defined properties of a book (e.g., ing and the trees are looking bare. We are discovering
title, author, subject, year). But both trees and faceted that traditional knowledge hierarchies that have served
systems specify the categories, or facets, ahead of time, us so well are unnecessarily restricted when it comes to
explains technologist, writer, and philosopher David Wein- organizing information in the digital world.24 According
berger. They both present users with tree-like structures to Weinberger, while the old method conceived immutable
fig. 17
Jan Cornelius Woudanus, Leiden
University Library, 1610

This renowned print depicts the

organization of shelves at the library
of the University of Leiden, the oldest
university in the Netherlands, founded
in 1575.

fig. 18 (above)

The hierarchical structure of the

Dewey Decimal Classification system,
showing three individual paths within
the Sciences (500), Technology (600),
and History and Geography (900)

fig. 19 (left)

Kunal Anand, Looks, 2008

An intricate graph of tag relationships

in an individuals account, a
pioneer social-bookmarking system and
one of the precursors of folksonomy
Ch a p t e r 2 64

trees, the new creates piles of leaves in an idiosyncratic, possibly causing an important shift in the long run. Will
flexible way. folksonomy be a point of departure for profound structural
The adoption of folksonomy would certainly have change or a mere fad portrayed in history as a transitory
been much less likely if not for the significant advances in alternative to the hierarchical tree model? Only time will tell.
modern computer science, particularly in search algorithms
and data mining. In the past it would have been unthink-
able to conceive a folksonomic model without an advanced Ordering Nature
computerized system that could facilitate the simultaneous Our long obsession for orderly arrangement can be
search and retrieval of thousands of items. Recent progress best observed in the keystone of science: the classification
has also placed folksonomy in the midst of a much larger of the natural world. As in the establishment of knowledge
technological movementinfluenced by parallel advances classification, we turn to Aristotle for the first proposal on
in tracking and navigation satellite systems, microchip the division of living things as a linear gradation principle.
implants, and radio-frequency identifiersthat aims at con- The most well-known student of Plato and the teacher of
verting a variety of objects (physical or digital) into intel- Alexander the Great, Aristotle was highly dedicated to the
ligible, reachable, and indexable entities. tangible world. His views on the physical sciences, pub-
It is still too early to speculate on the role of folk- lished as a collection of treatises in his seminal Physica
sonomy in the next few years or decades, and some might (Physics) (ca. 350 BC), have been a key influence in medi-
even say that it will never be as dominant as it promises. eval erudition and an impetus for many radical views lead-
One of these hushing voices is renowned information ing to the Scientific Revolution. Aristotles conception of a
architect Peter Morville, who considers the revolutionary natural philosophy, dedicated to the uncovering of natu-
rhetoric of the free-tagging movement behind folksonomy ral phenomena, was the precursor of the natural sciences
to be an overhyped exaggeration. Although acknowledg- and the dominant term referring to scientific inquiry before
ing the benefits of folksonomy as a trendspotting and per- the emergence of modern science.
sonal bookmarking tool, Morville says in his book Ambient Both Plato and Aristotle believed in universalism (a
Findability (2005) that when it comes to findability, folk- school of thought that believes in universal facts or prop-
sonomies inability to handle equivalence, hierarchy, and erties), but while Plato contemplated the universal apart
other semantic relationships causes them to fail miserably from particular thingssince the particular was merely
at any significant scale.... If forced to choose between the a prototype or imitation of an ideal formAristotle saw
old and new, Ill take the ancient tree of knowledge over the universal in particular things, in what he considered
the transient leaves of popularity any day. 25
to be the essence of things. His belief in essentialismthe
Whatever your view on the topic, one thing is indu- presence of an immutable essence in every objectled
bitable: this innovative system has brought a new agility and to the desire for an absolute ordering of nature, a perfect
malleability to the way we index and access information, universe, where all species are hierarchically arranged
From Tre es to N et works 65

in a natural ladder from lowest to highest. Even though Swedish physician and zoologist Carl Linnaeus (1707
some of the classes and divisions he set forth in Historia 1778). The Linnaean taxonomy, as it was later called, was
Animalium (History of animals), published circa 350 BC, set forth in his Systema naturae (1735) and organized
quickly became obsolete, others, such as genus, species, nature into three main kingdoms: Regnum animale (ani-
and substance, have endured for a long time and still reso- mal), Regnum vegetabile (vegetable), and Regnum lapi-
nate in modern natural taxonomies. deum (mineral). Based on a nested hierarchy of successive
Throughout the Middle Ages, many of Aristotles categories, or ranks, kingdoms were divided into classes,
ideas were revived, expanded, and sometimes misrepre- and classes were divided into orders, and so on, until the
sented. Scala naturae (natural ladder), commonly referred very last rank. Organisms were essentially grouped by
to as the Great Chain of Being, was a medieval philo- their shared physical traits, and many were kept in similar
sophical concept that viewed the world as a hierarchical arrangements until modern times. fig. 20
tree of virtues, which assessed the most heavenly virtues of With the recognition of Darwins theory of evolution
all matter and life on the planet. Different versions of this as the central principle for species formation, Linnaeuss
partisan system have been developed over the centuries, classification somewhat fell out of favor. This is where phy-
highlighting particular beliefs or ideologies of the time. logenetics came in. Seen as the history of the descendants
Some placed God in the very pinnacle of the hierarchy, of living beings, or the study of evolutionary association
with angels immediately below, followed by members of across different groups of organisms, phylogenetics is a
the church, laymen, animals, and plants, until the very last contemporary by-product of Darwins drastic biological
foundational layer, earth itself. Other variations, based on revolution, which greatly informed the naming and classifi-
the Divine Right of Kingsa doctrine of royal absolutism cation of species.26 Central to its study is the Phylogenetic
in which the monarch is subject to no earthly authority treea hierarchical representation of evolutionary rela-
positioned the king at the very top of the ladder, above tionships between ranges of biological species that share a
the aristocratic lords, with the peasants below them. Appli- common ancestor. Darwin himself suggested such an evo-
cable in limitless circumstances, scala naturae was always lutionary tree, in a rough sketch back in 1837. fig. 21 Years
portrayed as an immutable linear gradation of perfection, later his tree concept would be materialized in his seminal
or heavenly virtue. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
The Renaissance gave rise to serious efforts to cat- (1859). The only illustration in this masterpiece appears in
egorize a growing number of unidentified species, par- the fourth chapter, Natural Selection, in what he denomi-
ticularly through the work of naturalists and physicians, nated the Tree of Life. Further in the chapters summary,
including Conrad von Gesner, Andrea Cesalpino, Robert Darwin expands on the tree metaphor to better explain his
Hooke, John Ray, Augustus Rivinus, and Joseph Pitton de views on evolution:
Tournefort. But one of the greatest contributions to biologi-
cal classification and nomenclature came a bit later, by
Ch a p t e r 2 66

fig. 20
The taxonomic ranks of the fruit fly,
the modern human, and the pea, in a
hierarchical tree according to Linnaean

fig. 21 fig. 22
A diagram of an evolutionary tree, from Tree of Life, from Charles Darwin, The
Charles Darwin, First Notebook on Origin of Species, 1859
Transmutation of Species, 1837
This illustration, the only one featured in
This simple sketch alludes to the the first edition of Darwins masterpiece,
branching of lineages, similar to the popularized the notion of the
splitting of a trees trunk, and marks evolutionary tree and later catalyzed
the first-known representation of an the field of phylogenetics.
evolutionary tree. Above the sketch,
Darwin wrote, I think.
From Tre es to N et works 67

The affinities of all the beings of the same years and years of change and adaptation. This genea-
class have sometimes been represented by a logical variable, however, brought a big dilemma to bio-
great tree. I believe this simile largely speaks logical sciences, as Sigrid Weigel points out in her brilliant
the truth. The green and budding twigs may Genealogy: On the Iconography and Rhetorics of an Epis-
represent existing species; and those produced temological Topos. Biologists had to not only strive for the
during former years may represent the long constancy required in a classification system agreed by all
succession of extinct species. At each period but also embrace variation and modification as part of evo-
of growth all the growing twigs have tried to lutionary change. This was understandably a cumbersome
branch out on all sides, and to overtop and endeavor.
kill the surrounding twigs and branches, in the The continuous challenge of combining uniformity
same manner as species and groups of species and variety in an integrated model has recently suffered
have at all times overmastered other species in a major quiver, with scientists having to rethink their
the great battle for life. 27
approach to phylogenetics. The first significant change is
technical and relates to new methods of analysis. While
Darwin was well aware of the importance of the most early evolutionary trees were based on morphologi-
tree schema and considered it at the core of his thinking. cal attributes (appearance and physical traits), the more
In a letter to his publisher John Murray, sent on May 31, recent trees are constructed using molecular data (based
1859, a few months before the publication of his scientific on genetic and molecular sequencing). By providing an
landmark, Darwin writes: Enclosed is the Diagram which I alternative way of looking at the shared relationships
wish engraved on Copper on folding out Plate to face latter between species, this approach has introduced uncer-
part of volume.It is an odd looking affair, but is indis- tainty to established labeling conventions. The second,
pensable to show the nature of the very complex affinities and the most current, upheaval runs much deeper and has
of past & present animals.28 This indispensable illustration caused a major shift in the way we conceive the classifica-
is, according to Darwin, not a secondary element to his tion of biodiversity.
narrative but a crucial symbol of his idea. fig. 22 In June 2005 a group of researchers from the Com-
The notion of a tree as a classification system was putational Genomics Group at the European Bioinformatics
nothing new and neither was its applicability to the organi- Institute (EBI) published an influential paper entitled The Net
zation of species. We had seen it before in the Great Chain of Life: Reconstructing the Microbial Phylogenetic Network.
of Being, and much of the work developed by Aristotle, In this study, the EBI team, lead by Christos Ouzounis, set
Leibniz, and Linnaeus. fig. 23 However, Darwin introduced up a new vision for evolution classification based on net-
a critical unsettling element to the equation: time. Darwins works, rather than trees, in which the genomic history of
evolutionary tree was no longer a static immutable image most microbial species is a mosaic, with a significant amount
of the present but a shifting dynamic model, encompassing of horizontal gene transfer present.29
Ch a p t e r 2 68

fig. 23
A diagram of the tree of life. From Ernst
Haeckel, Generelle morphologie der
organismen (General morphology of
organisms), 1866.

fig. 24
A three-dimensional representation of
the net of lifean alternative version
to the common tree of life. Red lines,
depicting horizontal gene transfer,
tie individual bacteria and archaea,
which all originate from a common
root depicted in orange. From V.
Kunin, L. Goldovsky, N. Darzentas,
and C. A. Ouzounis, The Net of
Life: Reconstructing the Microbial
Phylogenetic Network, Genome
Research 15, no. 7 ( July 2005):
From Tre es to N et works 69

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a recurrent pro- Net work Thinking

cess in nature and occurs when a living being incorporates In the various cases explored throughout this chap-
genetic material from a different organism without being ter, we saw how previous conceptions based on hierarchical
its offspring. As a prevailing form of genetic transfer in and centralized tree organizations are giving way to new
single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, HGT is the sub- ideas that are able to address the inherent complexities of
ject of much debate and study. Since roughly 90 percent modern society. Cities, the brain, the World Wide Web,
of the cells in the human body are nonhuman organisms social groups, knowledge classification, and the genetic
essentially bacteriathe impact of these studies in future association between species all refer to complex systems
assessments of evolutionary processes is monumental. defined by a large number of interconnected elements,
Phylogenetics, therefore, is in the midst of a recon- normally taking the shape of a network. This ubiquitous
struction phase in which there is a vertical disintegration topology, prevalent in a wide range of domains, is at the
of the tree of life. According to biologist Johann Peter forefront of a new scientific awareness of complexity, epito-
Gogarten, the original metaphor of a tree no longer fits mizing the third stage of science described by Weaver.
the data from recent genome research. 30
He also suggests Networks are not just an omnipresent structure but also
that biologists use the metaphor of a mosaic to describe a symbol of autonomy, flexibility, collaboration, diversity,
the different histories combined in individual genomes and and multiplicity. As nonhierarchical models, networks are
use the metaphor of a net to visualize the rich exchange embedded with processes of democratization that stimulate
and cooperative effects of HGT among microbes. 31
individuality and our appetites for learning, evolving, and
In the study conducted by EBI, an arresting image communicating. They are, in essence, the fabric of life.
was produced showing a hybrid between the original However, even though a significant transition from
tree of life and the new HGT mesh. In this model the vari- trees to networks has occurred in a variety of fields, the
ous horizontal links, or vines, cross the tree in a form of two models are not necessarily conflicting. There are knots
rhizomatic contamination. fig. 24 Based on these remark- of arborescence in rhizomes, and rhizomatic offshoots
able advancements, an international set of rules for phy- in roots, proclaim Deleuze and Guattari with respect to
logenetic nomenclature, called the PhyloCode, is currently this occasional overlap.32 In some of the aforementioned
being devised by the International Society for Phylogenetic cases, network thinking denotes an alternative and possi-
Nomenclature. This considerable effort might well be the bly complementary view of the analyzed system; in others,
basis for a new shift in species classification, soon replac- it embodies a drastic departure from the existing modus
ing the old tree metaphor with a novel network representa- operandi.
tion: the net of life. In order to tackle problems of an increasingly
complex and interconnected nature, we need to consider
new methods of analysis, modeling, and simulation. More
importantly, we need to consider an alternative way of
From Tre es to N et works 70
From Tre es to N et works 71

thinking. We act and live in networks, so it makes sense Notes

1 Lecointre and Le Guyader, The Tree of Life, 17.
that we start thinking in networks. fig. 25 By truly embrac- 2 Ibid., 21.
ing network thinking we can not only dissect a variety of 3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
interdependent natural systems, including our own brain, 5 Alexander, A City is Not a Tree.
but also apply the same knowledge in the development of 6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
future endeavors. In reference to the challenge of social
8 Ibid.
networks, leading social scientist Jacob Moreno stated 9 Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 3.
10 Ibid., 433.
back in 1933 that until we have at least determined the
11 Greenfield, The Human Brain, 53.
nature of these fundamental structures which form the net- 12 Lehrer, Out of the Blue.
13 Fildes, Artificial brain 10 years away.
works, we are working blindly in a hit-or-miss effort to solve
14 Lehrer, Out of the Blue.
problems.33 The global effort of constructing a general 15 Ibid.

theory of complexity is tremendous and may lead to major 16 Artz and Kamalipour, The Globalization of Corporate
Media Hegemony, 118.
improvements in health, stability, and security of most sys- 17 Berners-Lee, Tim Berners-Lee.
tems around us. As physicist and complex-network expert 18 Brafman, The Starfish and the Spider, 18.
19 Tapscott and Williams, Wikinomics, 1.
Albert-Lszl Barabsi declares in Linked (2003): Once 20 Lovink, The Principle of Notworking, 11.
we stumble across the right vision of complexity, it will take 21 Crosby, The Measure of Reality, 63.
22 Ibid.
little to bring it to fruition. When that will happen is one of
23 Ibid.
the mysteries that keeps many of us going.34 24 Ibid.
25 Morville, Ambient Findability, 139.
26 Lecointre and Le Guyader, The Tree of Life, 5.
27 Darwin, The Origin of Species, 171.
28 Darwin Correspondence Project Database.
29 Ibid.
30 Gogarten, Horizontal Gene Transfer.
31 Ibid.
32 Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, 20.
33 New York Times, Emotions Mapped by New Geography.
34 Barabsi, Linked, 238.

fig. 25
A partial food web, depicting predator- fully described. Furthermore, not all
prey relationships between species speciesincluding some of the marine
at the Scotian Shelf in the Northwest mammalsspend the entire year in
Atlantic off of the east coast of the area.
Canada. Species names enclosed
in rectangles are of those exploited
by humans, with cod at the heart of
the convoluted network. Despite its
remarkable intricacy, this food web
is incomplete, because the feeding
habits of all participants have not been

Mark Lombardi, World Finance

Corporation and Associates, ca.
197084: Miami, Ajman, and Bogota-
Caracas (Brigada 2506: Cuban
Anti-Castro Bay of Pigs Veteran) (7th
version), 1999

03 Decoding Net works

If we ever get to the point of charting a whole cit y or a whole
nation, we would have an intricate maze of psychological
reactions which would present a picture of a vast solar system
of intangible structures, powerfully influencing conduct, as
gravitation does bodies in space.
Jacob Moreno

The graphic is no longer only the representation of a final

simplification, it is a point of departure for the discover y of these
simplifications and the means for their justification. The graphic
has become, by its manageabilit y, an instrument for information
Jacques Bertin

Networks are everywhere. It is a structural and orga- multitude of interconnecting elements. As an important
nizational model that pervades almost every subject, driving force for understanding the complex connected-
from genes to power systems, from social communi- ness of modern society, network science has innumerous
ties to transportation routes. This ubiquitous topology applications in fields such as physics, economics, biology,
is the object of study in network science, a new thriv- computer science, sociology, ecology, and epidemiology.
ing discipline aiming to uncover the inherent princi- Although the disciplines considerable expansion occurred
ples and behaviors that regulate a variety of natural only fairly recently, its roots go back to the first half of the
and artificial systems, normally characterized by a eighteenth century.

The two epigraphs to this chapter are

drawn from New York Times, Emotions
Mapped by New Geography; and
Bertin, Semiology of Graphics, 4.
Ch a p t e r 3 74

The Birth of Net work Science assert that it could be done. From this, I have
Although human beings have previously envisioned formulated the general problem: whatever be
models of networklike structures, the first documented the arrangement and division of the river into
mathematical analysis of the process occurred in 1736 by branches, and however many bridges there
Leonhard Euler (17071783). Euler was a prolific mathema- be, can one find out whether or not it is pos-
tician and a key contributor to the fields of calculus, optics, sible to cross each bridge exactly once?1
fluid dynamics, astronomy, and geometry. But it was in the
explanation of a witty mathematical problem that Euler Eulers answer to the problem was shown in a paper
became forever associated with network science. published in 1736 entitled Solutio problematis ad geometriam
Founded in 1255, the city of Knigsbergin mod- situs pertinentis (Solution of a problem relating to the geom-
ern-day Kaliningrad, Russiasat on the banks of the Pregel etry of position), in which he rigorously proves by means
River. Within the river were two large islands, which were of a pioneering analytical method that such a path does
connected to each other and the adjacent riverbanks by not exist. In an extended English translation of the paper
seven bridges. fig. 1 A popular pastime of Knigsbergs citi- in Graph Theory 17361936 (1976), by Norman L. Biggs,
zens in the eighteenth century was to find a route where E. Keith Lloyd, and Robin J. Wilson, Euler starts his argu-
one could cross all seven bridges without crossing the same ment by shunning the conventional procedure of making
one twice. Euler was amused by this dilemma and was an exhaustive list of all possible routes, and then finding
determined to solve it: whether or not any route satisfies the conditions of the prob-
lem.2 As he explains, due to the large number of possible
Concerning these bridges, it was asked paths, this solution would be too exhausting and probably
whether anyone could arrange a route in such impossible to execute in a scenario with more than seven
a way that he would cross each bridge once bridges. Euler rejects this approach and suggests a new,
and only once. I was told that some people groundbreaking one:
asserted that this was impossible, while oth-
ers were in doubt; but nobody would actually My whole method relies on the particularly
convenient way in which the crossing of a
bridge can be represented. For this I use the
capital letters A, B, C, D, for each of the land
areas separated by the river. If a traveler goes
from A to B over bridge a or b, I write this as
ABwhere the first letter refers to the area the
traveler is leaving, and the second refers to the
area he arrives at after crossing the bridge.

fig. 1
The original sketch of the seven bridges
of Knigsberg, from Leonhard Euler,
Solutio problematis ad geometriam
situs pertinentis (Solution of a problem
relating to the geometry of position),
D e co ding N et works 75

Thus, if the traveler leaves B and crosses into approach, particularly by mathematical giants such as
D over bridge f, this crossing is represented Augustin Louis Cauchy, William Rowan Hamilton, Arthur
by BD, and the two crossings AB and BD com- Cayley, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, and George Plya.4
bined I shall denote by the three letters ABD, But most of these efforts remained within the confines of
where the middle letter B refers to both the area mathematics. Strangely enough, even the burst of original-
which is entered in the first crossing and to the ity in mid-nineteenth-century cartographywith the map-
one which is left in the second crossing. 3
ping of statistical data, originally pioneered by William
Playfairs seminal work The Commercial and Political Atlas
(1786)remained immune to the appeal of the network
diagram. Network science would have to wait a couple of
centuries for another pioneer in network representation to
provide a significant breakthrough.

Psychological Geography
Psychologist Jacob Moreno was born in 1889 in
the city of Bucharest, Romania, and spent most of his youth
and early career in Vienna, Austria, where he graduated
with a medical degree in 1917. While studying at the
University of Vienna, Moreno attended Sigmund Freuds
Euler essentially reformulated the problem in abstract (18561939) lectures and became an early challenger of
terms, isolating the seven bridges as a series of edges (links) his theories. While Freud favored meeting people individu-
connecting the different landmasses represented by vertices ally in the artificial setting of his office, Moreno believed in
(nodes). fig. 2 Even though Euler did not use any of these the power of group settings for therapy, which could only
modern terms, he did however deconstruct the problem in be accurately conducted in their natural environmentthe
such a way that suggests a type of simplified scheme, com- street, the park, the community. The latter also opposed
monly called a graph in mathematics. Eulers ability to look the emphasis on the unconscious mind: Moreno was more
at the problem from a topological perspectiveby conceiv- interested in the conscious process, the here and now, the
ing the bridges challenge as a graphlaid the foundation creativity of the person, than the unconscious process, the
for graph theory (the study of graphs in mathematics and past and the resistance of the patient, writes Morenos
computer science) and, consequently, network science. biographer Ren Marineau.5
In the evolution of graph theory, there has been a In order to further pursue his ongoing research on
great deal of work developed after Eulers foundational his theory of interpersonal relations, Moreno moved to New

fig. 2
Graph theory was born thanks to
Leonhard Eulers deconstruction of the
mathematical problem of the seven
bridges in an abstract graph. In it, the
land areas are represented by four
nodes connected by seven links, which
correspond to the bridges.
Ch a p t e r 3 76

York City at the age of thirty-six. The following years saw charts, explained Moreno, we will have the opportunity
Moreno become increasingly motivated by the prospect of to grasp the myriad networks of human relations and at the
visually representing social structures, and seven years after same time view any part or portion of the whole which we
his arrival in the United States, at a convention of medical may desire to relate or distinguish.7
scholars, Moreno presented one of his most famous cre- A year later Moreno expanded many of his initial
ations: the sociogram. Morenos sociogram introduced a ideas in what came to be known as the paramount work on
graphic representation of social ties between a group of sociometry, Who Shall Survive? A New Approach to The
boys and girls from one elementary school, marking the Problem of Human Interrelations (1934). The work contains
beginning of sociometry, which later came to be known as some of the earliest graphical depictions of social networks
social network analysisa field of sociology dealing with and exposes Morenos appreciation for the power of visu-
the mapping and measuring of relationships between peo- alization. fig. 4 In his discourse, Moreno explains that the
ple (e.g., kinship, friendship, common interests, financial sociogram is not simply a method of presentation but a
exchange, sexual relationships). The idea of a measurable method of exploration.... It is at present the only available
sociogram became a decisive turning point in the quantita- scheme, which makes structural analysis of a community
tive evaluation of an individuals role in a community, but possible.8
it also demonstrated, for the very first time, the enticing Canadian psychologist Mary Northway dedicated
power of network visualization. almost three decades of research to the topic of sociometry,
Morenos network depiction was so captivating that while working as an associate professor at the University of
it was printed in a 1933 article, Emotions Mapped by Toronto. Her book A Primer of Sociometry (1953) elaborates
New Geography: Charts Seek to Portray the Psychological on Morenos foundational work, advancing a sociometric
Currents of Human Relationships, in the New York Times. test consisting of asking each person in a group whom they
The novel practice merited the label psychological geog- would choose to associate with for a particular activity or
raphy by the journalist, who was impressed with the dia- event. With the results of the inquiry, each person could
gram presented by Moreno: A mere glance at the chart be attributed a specific sociometric score based on their
shows the strange human currents that flow in all directions choices, depending on how many people they selected
from each individual in the group toward other individuals, and how many people selected them.9 These results would
from group to group, and from the entire group toward then be plotted in a sociogramnow called a social net-
the individuals. Each group has its popular and unpopular work diagram.
members, and here and there an individual stands totally A few years before A Primer of Sociometry,
alone, isolated from the rest of the group. The article was
Northway had already introduced a new visualization
illustrated with one of Morenos sociograms, which showed technique, called the target sociogram. fig. 5 fig. 6 This
two independent groups, boys and girls, and links within method is composed of four concentric circles, correspond-
each group and between the groups. fig. 3 With these ing to different scoring outcomes in the aforementioned
fig. 3
Jacob Moreno, one of the first
sociograms, published in the New
York Times, April 3, 1933, showing the
relationships within a class of fourth
graders. Boys (triangles) are on the left
and girls (circles) on the right.

fig. 4 fig. 5
Typical Structures within Groups, from Target sociogram of a nursery school,
Moreno, Who Shall Survive?, 1934 from Mary Northway, A Primer of
Sociometry, 1953
This visual lexicon, from Morenos rejected by fifteen individuals within
seminal book, shows a set of possible and outside of her own group (8). The target sociogram shows four
sociogram constructs and scenarios, concentric circles and four quadrants
ranging from total isolation (1), to relating to four groups: senior boys,
an individual being attracted to six senior girls, junior boys, and junior
others outside of her group (2), to a girls.
more complex structure defined by an
individual rejecting six and also being
Ch a p t e r 3 78

fig. 6 (top) fig. 7 (bottom row)

Target sociogram of a first-grade class, Target sociogram board, from

from Northway, A Primer of Sociometry. Northway, A Primer of Sociometry.
An original interpretation of a target This apparatusa set of movable
sociogram by one of Northways physical pins connected by elastic
students, based on her teachings. Faces bandsfacilitated the quick prototyping
replaced the conventional triangles and of sociograms.
circles, and the arrows between faces
draw attention to the center, where key
people are located.
D e co ding N et works 79

sociometric test: Each circle may be used to represent the beyond the mere geometric construct, employing elemen-
four quartiles or the four levels of probability, significantly tary design principles aimed at an efficient and compre-
above chance, above chance, below chance, and signifi- hensible representation of the targeted system.
cantly below chance. 10
This way, the mere placement of Networks have multiple interpretations and defi-
nodes on a target sociogramsmall triangles for males nitions, usually depending on the particular discipline
and small circles for femalescould easily portray the like- responsible for studying the network. There are also numer-
lihood of being selected among the different members of ous insights that can be extracted from these structures:
a community while still maintaining a high level of graphic What are the nodes doing? How are they interacting? How
clarity. Inspired by these developments, Dorothy McKenzie, many connections do they have? What are they sharing?
the supervisor of the nursery school at the Institute of Child This series of queries can lead to the identification of a
Study, a laboratory school and research institute at the taxonomy, or topological truth, of the analyzed network. In
University of Toronto where Northway taught, designed this pursuit, network visualization can be a remarkable dis-
and constructed a target sociogram board. fig. 7 Modeled covery tool, able to translate structural complexity into per-
on a childs pegboard, this physical device allowed the ceptible visual insights aimed at a clearer understanding. It
easy mock-up of a target sociogram by means of movable is through its pictorial representation and interactive analy-
pegs (standing for nodes) and rubber bands (linkages), in sis that modern network visualization gives life to many
what can be considered a forerunner of modern-day com- structures hidden from human perception, providing us with
puterized, interactive depictions. an original map of the territory. Even though social net-
works (relationships of friendship, kinship, collaboration,
common interest) have the longest history of quantitative
The Cartography of Net works study and analysis, network visualization explores numer-
Since these developments pioneered by Moreno ous phenomena, particularly in technological networks (the
and Northway, many other researchers have dedicated World Wide Web, train systems, air routes, power grids),
their time and energy to the depiction of network diagrams, knowledge networks (classification systems, information
increasingly through the use of computer software algo- exchange, semantic relationships between concepts), and
rithms. Today network representation is commonly pursued biological networks (protein-interaction networks, genetic-
under two main areas: graph drawing (under graph theory) regulatory networks, neural networks).
and network visualization (under information visualization). A highly influential tradition for network visualiza-
In both disciplines graph is the preferred term to describe tion, besides the intellectual legacy of graph theory and the
the pictorial depiction of a network through a set of vertices recent advancement of computer graphics, is cartography.
(nodes) connected by edges (links). But while graph draw- From the outstanding contribution of Ptolemys Geographia
ing, as the name implies, deals primarily with the math- (Geography) (ca. 150 AD), almost two millennia ago, and
ematical drawing of graphs, network visualization extends the notable mapmakers of the Age of Explorationwhich
Ch a p t e r 3 80

took place during the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth maps of these hidden structures are the only visual refer-
centuriesto the explosion of statistical mapping, or the- ence we have, constituting its own alternative territory.
matic mapping, in the mid-nineteenth century, the ancient There is a lot network visualization can learn from
heritage of cartography provides a rich setting for the cartography, particularly as an exemplary case of harmoni-
present development of network visualization. The bond ously combining science, aesthetics, and technique. A brief
between both areas may even be strengthened when histo- overview of the grammar of maps highlights the indubitable
rians examine the current efforts many decades from now. relationship between the two disciplines, as most maps,
After all, this burst of innovation, as network visualization similar to network representations, employ three basic
embraces a multitude of attempts at decoding complex sys- types of graphical markers: areas, line features, and point
tems, resembles a new golden age of cartography led by features.12 Not only are their ingredients similar, but also
invigorating aspirations for knowledge. Even though we many of their aspirations. Mapmaking and the charting
feel the need to label our contemporary endeavors in net- of networks are fundamentally bounded by similar goals of
work visualization as a unique and original practice, car- simplifying, clarifying, communicating, exploring, record-
tography might simply incorporate them as an evolutionary ing, and supporting.
step in its long practice. So what are the specific purposes of network visu-
Cartography has commonly been used as a vehicle alization? As a potential visual decoder of complexity, the
for the depiction of various abstract concepts and imagi- practice is commonly driven by five key functions: docu-
nary places. Nonetheless, its roots are in the representation ment, clarify, reveal, expand, and abstract.
of physical features of the natural environment: coastlines,
mountains, rivers, cities, and roads. Cartography is an illus- Document
tration of the tangible worldan abstraction of the thing Map a system that has never been depicted before. A result
itselfwhich ties back to philosopher Alfred Korzybskis of our inherent human curiosity, this goal is tied to the most
well-known expression that the map is not the territory.11 ancient cartographic ambition: to portray a new unfamil-
Korzybskis assertion triggers an age-old concern that iar territory. The map of a particular system can stimulate
equally applies to network visualization, warning against interest and awareness of a subject matter while naturally
the disproportionate belief in the trustworthiness of certain opening the door for further discoveries and interpreta-
maps. Any system can be depicted and interpreted in mul- tions. A key drive for many projects is the prospect of docu-
tiple ways, and a specific map delivers only one of many menting and recording the surveyed structure for posterior
possible views. But network visualization is also the cartog- knowledge.
raphy of the indiscernible, depicting intangible structures
that are invisible and undetected by the human eye, from Clarif y
eccentric visualizations of the World Wide Web to repre- Make the system more understandable, intelligible, and trans-
sentations of the brains neural network. In some cases, the parent. The central objective in this context is simplification
D e co ding N et works 81

to explain important aspects and clarify given areas of the Principles of Network Visualization
system. By communicating in a simple, effective way, the net- The pursuit of a rigorous classification of graphical
work visualizations become powerful means for information methods is not a contemporary ambition. Almost one hun-
processing and understanding. dred years ago, Willard Brinton, in his outstanding book
Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts (1914), pursued a
Reveal much-needed taxonomy for a growing discipline:
Find a hidden pattern in or explicit new insight into the sys-
tem, or in other words, a polished gem of knowledge from The rules of grammar for the English language
a flat data set. The goal of revealing should concentrate on are numerous as well as complex, and there
causality by leading the disclosure of unidentified relation- are about as many exceptions as there are
ships and correlations while also checking initial assump- rules. Yet we all try to follow the rules in spite
tions and central questions. of their intricacies. The principles for a gram-
mar of graphic presentation are so simple that
Expand a remarkably small number of rules would be
Serve as a vehicle for other uses and set the stage for fur- sufficient to give a universal language. It is
ther exploration. The subsequent expansion might relate to interesting to note, also, that there are possi-
the portrayal of multidimensional behaviors, or the depicted bilities of the graphic presentation becoming
structure might simply become a complementary part of a an international language, like music, which
larger work. In this context, the network is seen as the means is now written by such standard methods that
to an end, the underlying layer of additional visualizations sheet music may be played in any country.13
able to integrate multivariate data sets. Nodes and edges
become the terrain, in the same way many web-mapping At the end of the book, he identifies that though
services serve as the initial outline for further building and graphic presentations are used to a very large extent today,
expansion. there are at present no standard rules by which the person
preparing a chart may know that he is following good prac-
Abstract tice. This is unfortunate because it permits every one mak-
Explore the networked schema as a platform for abstract ing a chart to follow his own sweet will.14 In response to
representation. Network visualization can be a vehicle for this problem, he outlines twenty-five rules, simply described
hypothetical and metaphorical expression, depicting a as suggestions ...until such time as definite rules have been
variety of intangible concepts that might not even rely on agreed upon and sanctioned by authoritative bodies.15 From
an existing data set. broad guidelines suggesting a clear chart title where no mis-
interpretation is possible, to defining a specific line thickness
for curve graphs, Brintons list is insightful and extremely worth
Ch a p t e r 3 82

reading. He was well aware that it would take some time for identifying the question that you want to answer. Rather than
the appropriate bodies to come together and consent to a thinking about the data that was collected, think about how
system of graphical rules abided by all practitioners. it will be used and work backward to what was collected.
Some time has passedalmost a century to be You collect data because you want to know something
preciseand we are still as far from that target as Brinton about it. If you dont really know why youre collecting it,
was in 1914. In fact, some might argue that it is not yet the youre just hoarding it.16 It is only from the problem domain
time for a fixed set of norms. After all, one of the thrills of that we can ascertain that a layout may be better suited
being involved in an emerging field is the sense that it is and easier to understand than others. The initial question
being defined with every execution. But as the past decade works as a yardstick of your efforts, constantly evaluating
witnessed a meteoric rise in the visual representation of the effectiveness of your project as a measure for naturally
networks, it has made more pressing the need to reflect on filtering the essential from the superfluous.
what has been done and to propose ways to improve it. The definition of a question is vital and ties back to
Not all readers of this book will pursue their own the need for a clear purpose or goal in every execution.
network-visualization projects, but for those who do, the And sometimes, an initial question can lead to new compel-
following list of eight principles is meant to encourage and ling ones. This particularly explorative path is one of the
support their endeavors. The first four are larger univer- most engaging and fascinating traits of visualization.
sal considerations that, due to their broad assessment, can
be applied in a variety of graphical representations. The 2. Look for Relevancy
subsequent four encompass detailed principles, tackling After defining a central question, what normally
explicit challenges in the depiction of networks. follows is the quest for relevancy, which acts as a con-
stant thread throughout the project. As Dan Sperber and
1. Start with a Question Deirdre Wilson exposed in their influential Relevance:
He who is ashamed of asking is afraid of learning Communication and Cognition (1996), human cognition is
is a famous Danish proverb. A great quality for anyone relevance oriented: we pay attention to information that
doing work in the realm of visualization is inquisitiveness. seems relevant to us. This drives a natural expectation of
Every project should start with an inquiry that leads to fur- relevance in every act of communication. Something is
ther insights about the system and perhaps answer ques- said to be relevant if it serves as an effective means to a
tions that were not originally asked. This investigation might particular purpose or, more specifically, if it increases the
arise from a personal quest or the specific needs of a client likelihood of achieving an underlying goal. The measure of
or audience, but there should always be a defined query relevance is therefore primarily based on the intent of the
to drive the work. project and the validation of the initial question that set it
As Ben Fry states in his book Visualizing Data forward. A central responsibility of visualization is to fulfill
(2008), the most important part of understanding data is this expectation in the most effortless manner possible.
D e co ding N et works 83

In the context of visualization, relevancy comes should try to formulate her utterance in such a way as to
into place when selecting two central elements: the sup- spare the hearer gratuitous processing effort, so that the
porting data set (content) and the subsequent visualiza- first acceptable interpretation to occur to the hearer is the
tion techniques (method). Choosing the most relevant data one she intended to convey.17
set is naturally dependent on the goal of the execution,
but appropriateness does not necessarily translate into a 3. Enable Multivariate Analysis
direct correlation between data and purpose. Sometimes In many cases the depiction of a network is seen as
we need to look laterally for alternatives in order to find a binary system, where connections are simply turned on
the content that can most appropriately answer our ques- and off like transistors in a computer. But the ties among ele-
tion. In the 2006 visualization Tracing the Visitors Eye, ments in a network are immensely rich and detailed, and
researcher and computer scientist Fabien Girardin lever- the inclusion of additional information can be fundamen-
aged the rich image bank of Flickr to map the most popu- tal in the unveiling of many of these nuances. By embrac-
lar paths made by tourists in Barcelona; in Just Landed ing complementary data setsable to provide additional
(2009) (see page 150), digital artist and designer Jer information on the nature of nodes and respective tiesthe
Thorp looked into the content of Twitter messages, particu- system can easily expose causality in patterns and relation-
larly those starting with just landed in, to make a chart ships, contributing decisively to the holistic understanding
of popular travel destinations around the world. These of the depicted topology.
examples illustrate the idiosyncratic nature of this process, Lets suppose you are creating a visualization of a
recurrently involving a creative approach accentuated by network of rivers, where nodes represent key locations
lateral thinking. e.g., neighborhoods, cities, districts, regionscrossed by
The selection of the most suitable visualization the different streams. Now imagine the unique richness of
method for the project is largely determined by the cen- one single stream and the number of its oscillating vari-
tral question. However, this particular quest is equally ables: color and temperature of water, pollution levels,
dependent on the end users, their immediate context and tides, current speed, and width of stream bed, among many
expressed needs. Acknowledging the different contexts of other facets. Such a multivariate approach would be criti-
usewhen, where, and how the final execution will be cal in the interpretation of particular behaviors and poten-
usedis crucial in the pursuit of relevancy. tial accidents, by determining, for instance, the causes for
If the relevancy ratio is high, it can increase the water contamination, a sudden blockage, or overflow. But
possibility of comprehension, assimilation, and decision- such an affluent contemplation is not unique to this sce-
making, becoming a fundamental step in the transition from nario; it applies broadly to most types of networks. Try to
information into knowledge. The greater the processing think of how many elements you could consider when map-
effort, the lower the relevance. As linguistics professor Elly ping your own network of friends and the immense quali-
Ifantidou explains, A speaker aiming at optimal relevance tative richness that underlies each individual relationship,
Ch a p t e r 3 84

and you might have a better grasp of the importance of over time, investigate how it expands or shrinks, how rela-
integrating multivariate data sets. tionships evolve, and how certain nodes become more or
Multivariate analysis is a prerequisite in a variety less prominent. This, of course, should change.
of ongoing scientific endeavors that involve the interweav- Networks are evolving systems, constantly mutating
ing of a vast assortment of elements, and, as Bruce Mau and adapting. As physicists Mark Newman, Albert-Lszl
states in Massive Change (2004): When everything is con- Barabsi, and Duncan J. Watts explain, Many networks
nected to everything else, for better or worse, everything are the product of dynamical processes that add or remove
matters. In the end, we are multivariate beings involved in
vertices or edges....The ties people make affect the form
multivariate actions inhabiting a multivariate world. Nearly of the network, and the form of the network affects the ties
all the interesting worlds (physical, biological, imaginary, people make. Social network structure therefore evolves
human) we seek to understand are inevitably multivariate in in a historically dependent manner, in which the role of
nature, elucidates statistician Edward Tufte. As a longtime
the participants and the patterns of behavior they follow
advocate of this principle, Tufte explains in detail why this cannot be ignored.21 In some cases, the changes do not
consideration is vital: The analysis of cause and effect, ini- take weeks or months, but minutes or hours. And it is not
tially bivariate, quickly becomes multivariate through such only the network that adapts; whatever is being exchanged
necessary elaborations as the conditions under which the within the system also fluctuates over time (e.g., information,
causal relations holds, interaction effects, multiple causes, energy, water, a virus).
multiple effects, causal sequences, sources of bias, spuri- If we consider the vast hidden networks that sustain
ous correlations, sources of measurement error, competing our biosphere, we can truly understand how critical the
variables, and whether the alleged cause is merely a proxy dimension of time really is. After all, it is the particularly
or a market variable.20 dynamic nature of interconnecting ecosystems around the
world that poses one of the most difficult challenges to
4. Embrace Time our enduring effort to understand the intricacies of our
Time is one of the hardest variables to map in any planet. Even something seemingly as stable as the human
complex system. It is also one of the richest. If we consider brain is continuously adding or removing synapsesthe
a social network, we can quickly realize that a snapshot connections between neuronsin a process associated
in time can only tell us a bit of information about that com- with cognitive learning. Not to mention the internet, with
munity. Alternatively, if time were to be properly measured its constant flux of information and vast landscape of serv-
and mapped, it would provide us with a comprehensive ers, frequently adds or disconnects machines from the
understanding of the social groups changing dynamics. network. And time analysis does not only cover histori-
Out of the existing panoply of social-network-analysis tools cal evolution; it equally applies to real-time dynamics and
available, very few offer the ability to explore the network oscillations. fig. 8, fig. 9

fig. 8 (opposite)

Skye Bender-deMoll and Dan

McFarland, Social Network Image
Animator (SoNIA), 2004.

A series of images from a movie made The data set consists of repeated
using SoNIA showing classroom observations in more than one hundred
interactions between teacher and fifty high school classrooms during the
students using 2.5-minute time slices. 199697 school year.
D e co ding N et works 85

fig. 9 fig. 10 (right)

W. Bradford Paley and Jeff Han, Trace Tom Carden, Travel Time Tube Map,
Encounters, 2004 2005

A real-time visualization debuted on Four frames of an innovative interactive

September 3, 2004, in Linz, Austria, at map of the London Underground
the one-day Ars Electronica Festival. It system. Once a station is selected, the
mapped live social interaction among entire map adjusts to show the time it
the events participants by means takes from the chosen station to any
of limited-range infrared stickpins other in the system. Time is represented
embedded on the participant badges. by concentric circles demarcating ten-
minute intervals.
Ch a p t e r 3 86

But mapping time in any network, as computer sci- Richer nodes

entist Chaomei Chen recognizes, is one of the toughest Nodes are the atomic units of a graph, the objects within
challenges for research in information technology....[It is] the system. Instead of being depicted as empty squares or
technically challenging as well as conceptually complex. 22
circles, they can be made more intelligible with an appro-
Due to the extremely demanding nature of charting the pas- priate use of color and graphical features. They can also
sage of time within a network, most scientists and designers become responsive and provide important contextual infor-
feel apprehensive about incorporating this dimension in many mation through the use of interactive features. Most graphic
of their executions, which in part explains the lack of projects variables (size, color, shape, position) can express the type
in this realm. There is no doubt that when we embrace time, and prominence of a node, as well as its natural affor-
the difficulty of the task at hand increases tenfold, but if visu- dances: Is the node interactive? Does it have hidden links?
alization is to become a fundamental tool in network discov- Does it contain additional details? By embracing interactiv-
ery, it needs to make this substantial jump. Most networked ity, there is also a spectrum of pertinent features to explore.
systems are affected by the natural progression of time, and Nodes can expand or shrink, show or hide relevant infor-
their depiction is never complete unless this critical dimension mation, and ultimately morph according to the users crite-
becomes part of the equation. fig. 10 rion and input. fig. 11, fig. 12

5. Enrich Your Vocabular y

Whenever considering the representation of a net-
work, there are two vital elements to consider: nodes (ver-
tices) and links (edges). While the recipe is simple enough,
these two essential ingredients are rarely used to their full-
est potential. Usually represented by mere circles or squares
and indistinguishable connecting lines, nodes and links are
too often mistreated. A consideration of a full spectrum of
visual propertiescolor, shape, size, orientation, texture,
value, and position, as outlined in Jacques Bertins list of
seven graphical attributes from his seminal work Semiology
of Graphics (1984)can and should be used comprehen-
sively, always reinforced by a specific semantics able to
tie the different data attributes to corresponding visual
D e co ding N et works 87

fig. 11 (top row) fig. 12 (bottom row)

Bestiario, B10, 2008 Moritz Stefaner, CIA World Factbook

Visualization, 2004
Two frames of a dynamic visualization easy to identify a variety of categories,
created for the tenth anniversary of like blog posts, video files, audio files, An interactive map of geographic
Harvard Universitys Berkman Center news articles, Wikipedia articles, boundaries and linguistic ties (B, has a
for Internet & Society. It showcases tweets, images, and people. border with; P, is part of; S, is spoken
various ideas and media gleaned from in) between countries found in the CIA
conferences organized by the Berkman world factbook database. Any country
Center between 2007 and 2008. name, upon selection, immediately
The graphical richness of the nodes expands to reveal detailed information
is evident in this execution, making it about it.
Ch a p t e r 3 88

Expressive edges legend. A map legend is simple, yet vital, allowing for a
Edges are connectors in a graph and are a vital element quick interpretation of the various graphic components. This
in any network representationwithout them nodes would prevalent mapping practice should be widely adopted by
simply be hollow elements in space. But edges can express network visualization, making the vocabulary intelligible and
much more than a single connection between entities. For facilitating an immediate understanding of the final piece.
every relationship between nodes, there are innumerous
layers of quantitative and qualitative information pertain- 6. Expose Grouping
ing to the nature of the connection (e.g., geographical or The ability to showcase variation in a depicted sys-
emotional proximity, frequency of communication, duration tem is a central attribute of network visualization. This can
of friendship). be achieved not only by enriching the visual vocabulary but
Cartography is a great source for inspiration when also by exploring the potentialities of spatial arrangement.
examining the portrayal of edges. In a conventional country Spatial relationships are as important as explicit visual ties
map, a number of associations are evident: two major cities and are a critical element in exposing contrast and simi-
can be connected by a variety of line segmentsprimary larity. The concept of grouping is particularly significant
and secondary roads, train tracks, rivers, and alternative in this context, allowing for the improved apprehension of
pathsall depicted in a unique, discernable way. fig. 13 A clusters, islands, prominent patterns, and the general distri-
similar process could be applied for network visualization. bution of nodes and links. The idea of grouping is simply
The following factors should be considered in visualizing to combine several units of information into related chunks
edges: length to suggest a gradation of values, such as in order to reinforce relationships, reduce complexity, and
physical proximity, degree of relationship, strength, simi- improve cognition.
larity, or relatedness; width to express density or intensity Grouping can be pursued with a variety of crite-
of flow, or an alternative gradation of values; color to dif- ria in mind, ultimately depending on the central goal of
ferentiate or highlight particular groups, categories, and the execution. But in most cases, elements can be grouped
clusters, or alternatively, singular connections; shape to in five distinct ways: alphabetically, by time, by location,
communicate the type of relationship (e.g., family, friends, by a particular continuum (or scale), and by a specified
coworkers). fig. 14, fig. 15, fig. 16 category (e.g., images, videos, text). This procedure, first
proposed by Richard Saul Wurman in Information Anxiety
Clear visual language (2000), is known as the five hat racks, and it delivers an
One of the caveats behind the implementation of diverse effective way to organize most types of information.
graphical attributes is to beware of creating a visual lan- Another remarkable source of knowledge on
guage that might not be immediately recognized by every- the notion of grouping comes from Gestalt psychology.
one. We can flatten out the required learning curve by Emerging in the early twentieth century, by the hands of
simply embracing a widespread cartographic technique: the prominent psychologists Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and
D e co ding N et works 89

fig. 13 (left) fig. 14 (right)

Eric Gaba and Bamse, Maps Template, TeleGeography, Traffic Flow Map,
2009 2000

A legend of the WikiProject Maps usually applied to different types of A map of the communication-traffic city, encode the countrys total annual
initiative, which provides advice points, e.g., capital, city, village, as flow between European countries. outgoing traffic to all other countries.
and templates for the creation of well as line features, e.g., highway, The width of the orange lines is
geographic and topographic maps secondary road, railway line, in many proportional to the annual volume of
on Wikipedia Commons, an online cartographic projects. traffic between countries, measured as
repository of free-use images, sound, one unit equaling one hundred million
and other media files. This excerpt of minutes of voice telecommunication.
the legend shows the graphical diversity Circular symbols, located on the capital
D e co ding N et works 90

fig. 15 (top) fig. 16 (bottom)

Andrew Coulter Enright and Heather Detail of Dramatis Personae

Samples, Dramatis Personae, 2007

A map of relationships between guests had collected and solicited from their
at Andrew Coulter Enright and Heather parents. By tying people with stories,
Sampless wedding. With the goal this original treatment of edges brings
of helping start conversations, the an appealing qualitative and personal
couple produced a chart of the tightly layer to the execution.
knit group of family and friends at the
wedding, connecting guests based
on favorite shared stories, which they
D e co ding N et works 91

Wolfgang Kohler, Gestalt psychology was a serious attempt are perceived as being more related than elements that are
at comprehending our perception of visual patterns. Some stationary or that move in different directions. This notion
of the results from their studies are still of immense impor- is particularly pertinent when trying to highlight contrast
tance to most forms of visual communication. Of particular through animation (e.g., depicting the changing dynamics
relevance are the devised rules of perceptual organization, of a network over time).
also known as Gestalt laws of grouping, which, by explain-
ing how people perceive a well-organized pattern, can 7. Maximize Scaling
easily translate into concise design principles. Three of the One of the biggest misconceptions in network visu-
Gestalt lawssimilarity, proximity, and common fateare alization is the notion that a representation that works at
particularly important rules in exposing groups in network one scale will also work at a larger or smaller scale. This
visualization. scaling fallacy is a fundamental cause for many misguided
projects. Not only do networks showcase different pat-
Law of similarit y (graphical treatment) terns and behaviors at different scales, but also the users
The law of similarity asserts that elements that are similar needs vary depending on his or her particular position with
either in terms of color, shape, or sizeare perceived to be respect to the network. When representing a network, it
more related than elements that are dissimilar. This Gestalt is important to consider three fundamental views in line
principle highlights the need for a differentiated graphical with a specific method of analysis: macro view, relationship
vocabulary in the depiction of nodes, as a critical mea- view, and micro view. fig. 17
sure for spotting similarities and differences and in order to
apprehend the overall distribution within the system. Macro view (pat tern)
A well-executed macro view does not have to provide a
Law of proximit y (spatial arrangement) detailed understanding of individual links, and less so of
The law of proximity states that elements that are close individual nodes. It should provide a birds-eye view into
together are perceived as being more related than elements the network and highlight certain clusters, as well as iso-
that are farther apart. This organizing principle proves that lated groups, within its structure. As the common entry
relatedness is not only expressed by graphical proper- point to a particular representation, it needs to facilitate an
ties but also by spatial proximity. The mere placement of understanding of the networks topology, the structure of
homologous nodes closer to each other suggests inherent the group as a whole, but not necessarily of its constituent
relationships not solely manifested by edges (links). parts. In most cases, the use of color (within nodes or edges)
and relevant positioning (grouping) is enough to provide
Law of common fate (motion) meaningful insight into the networks broad organization.
The law of common fate proclaims that elements that move
simultaneously in the same direction and at the same speed

fig. 17
The three critical views of network
Ch a p t e r 3 92

Relationship view (connectivit y) 8. Manage Intricacy

The relationship view is concerned with an effective analy- Even though the three main views for network visual-
sis of the types of relationships among the mapped entities ization appear to be autonomous, it is imperative that users
(nodes). It not only indicates the existence of connections are able to navigate between them effortlessly, in a seam-
but also offers further revelation, such as proximity between less wayfinding approach. Ben Schneidermans renowned
the nodes, and type and intensity of association. This is a visual-information-seeking mantra is a great place to start.
fundamental view of network visualization and normally Proposed in his seminal paper The Eyes Have It: A Task
requires analysis from different perspectives or points of by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations
view in order to obtain a solid grasp of the different topolo- (1996), the mantra reads as follows: Overview first, zoom
gies. While the main concern in the macro view is synthesis and filter, then details on demand.23 This apparently obvi-
(to grasp the whole with one look), the relationship view ous rule, instinctually practiced by different design practi-
is about analytics (to efficiently dismantle the system and tioners, even those unfamiliar with Schneidermans mantra,
discover the interconnections between the parts). is an excellent strategy for network visualization. As com-
puter scientist Riccardo Mazza explains, It is necessary to
Micro view (individual nodes) provide a global overview of the entire collection of data
The last layer of insight provided by an efficient network so that users gain an understanding of the entire data set,
visualization relates to the disclosure of an individual nodes then users may filter the data to focus on a specific part of
qualitative attributes. A micro view into the network should particular interest.24
be comprehensive and explicit, providing detailed informa- Underlying Schneidermans maxim is the notion of
tion, facts, and characteristics on a single-node entity. This progressive disclosurea widespread interaction-design
qualitative exposure helps clarify the reasons behind the technique aiming at simplification that allows additional
overall connectivity pattern, from an isolated node to one content and options to be revealed gradually, as needed,
highly connected to a large number of other nodes. to the user. This technique is particularly relevant if we con-
A successful network visualization does not have to sider Hicks Law, put forth by psychologist William Edmund
possess all three views, but the more questions it is able to Hick, which states that the time required to make a decision
answer, the more successful it will be. If a representation increases as the number of variables increases. Alluding to
focuses exclusively on a macro view, it can still provide the risk of displaying a full, convoluted network at once in
relevant insights into a networks topology, but by leaving one single view, Hicks Law is an important point of aware-
out the other two views, it is neglecting a set of possible ness of the perceptual limits of network visualization. Even
answers. The three views also shape a natural continuum of though other methods can and should be devised, there are
processing, where the increasing detail of information, from three important concepts that can help minimize intricacy
macro to micro, can be a critical measure for reasoning. and unify the three views of network visualization.
D e co ding N et works 93

Adaptive zooming
This widely used modern cartographic techniquestrongly
tied with the notion of progressive disclosureenables the
system to render a different set of visual elements depend-
ing on the present zooming view. An interactive web map,
for example, typically starts with regional view; as you
zoom in, more detailed elements progressively appear: pri-
mary roads, secondary roads, road names, and points of
interest. A similar method could be employed in the depic-
tion of networks, by focusing on a gradation from macro
view to micro view, showing the most prominent nodes first,
and then slowly disclosing additional graphical and textual
elements: major hubs and primary links, labels, secondary
nodes and links, tertiary nodes, and so on. fig. 18

Over view and detail

A common interaction-design technique, seen in a variety
of contemporary mapping tools, overview and detail usu-
ally comprises a primary viewing area (detail) that allows
for different levels of zoom, accompanied by a smaller
macro view (overview), which permits users to see where
they are in the general context. This is particularly relevant
in reassuring users they are free to navigate the system
without getting lost. fig. 19

Focus and context

This widely used information-visualization concept is one of
the fields strongest contributions and its most studied tech-
nique. It simultaneously provides a detailed view (focus)
and a macro view (context) within a single configuration.
Popularized by the widespread fish-eye view, this method
merges both views in the same space without the need to

fig. 18
Bing Maps, Adaptive Zooming, 2010

Microsoft Bing Maps, like many other

web-mapping services, makes use
of adaptive zooming. The displayed
information changes at different zooming
levels, showing progressively more
detailed factsfrom names of cities to
names of roads and neighborhoodsas
users zoom in.
Ch a p t e r 3 94

fig. 19
Christophe Tricot, EyeTree, 2006

An interactive fish-eye view of Diderot

and DAlemberts Figurative System of
Human Knowledge. This project makes
great use of both overview and detail
as well as focus and context methods.

fig. 20
Moritz Stefaner, Organic Link Network,

An example of the focus and context

technique, in which the activated nodes
(crosses) are given greater prominence
by enlarging in size, while the
remaining ones are left to the periphery
at a reduced scale
D e co ding N et works 95

segregate them. This is usually achieved by enlarging the based on well-founded design principles and appropriate
detailed viewthe users focus of attentionwhile leaving interactive methods.
the other nodes and edges to the periphery. fig. 20 The eight principles exposed in this chapter are not
meant to be restrictive but generative. They are meant to
inspire and influence current practitioners and to be the
On the Principles basis for further study and exploration, superseding many
The main premise of the previous list of principles of the fields limitations. There is still a great amount of work
is that networks are very difficult to visualize, but we do to be done in network visualization, but we can collectively
not need to make them more complex in the process of try- improve it, step by step, node by node.
ing. Graphs are, as of today, the most suitable method for
the depiction of networks due to their intrinsic organization Notes
1 Biggs and Wilson, Graph Theory 17361936, 3.
based on nodes and links, but they are far from perfect.
2 Ibid., 34.
Many of the current limitationssuch as resolution and 3 Ibid., 4.

screen sizecan quickly lead to cluttered and indecipher- 4 Barabsi, Linked, 12.
5 Marineau, Jacob Levy Moreno 18891974, 31.
able displays. This drawback, paired with a long-existing 6 New York Times, Emotions Mapped by New Geography.

emphasis on process rather than outcome, explains the 7 Ibid.

8 Moreno, Who Shall Survive?, 9596.
challenging state of affairs in network visualization. Even 9 Ibid., 22.
though the field has traditionally placed a strong empha- 10 Ibid.
11 Korzybski, A Non-Aristotelian System.
sis on mathematics and the generation of computer algo- 12 Ware, Information Visualization, 215.
rithms, these are merely a means to an end. The end should 13 Brinton, Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts, 3.
14 Ibid., 361.
always be a useful depiction able to fulfill its most funda-
15 Ibid.
mental promise of communicating relevant information. 16 Fry, Visualizing Data, 4.
17 Ifantidou, Evidentials and Relevance, 64.
If sometimes an intricate outcome can reveal a con-
18 Mau and Institute Without Boundaries, Massive Change, 129.
siderable appeal, it might equally raise critical issues of 19 Tufte, Beautiful Evidence, 129.
20 Ibid.
clarity and function. The adoption of interactive techniques
21 Newman and Watts, The Structure and Dynamics of Networks, 7.
solves some but not all of the problems. In order for the gen- 22 Chen, Information Visualization, 69.

eral usability of network visualization to improve, we need 23 Ware, Information Visualization, 317.
24 Mazza, Introduction to Information Visualization, 106.
to embrace the existing body of knowledge from graphic
design, cartography, and visual perception, including
notions of color theory, composition, typography, layout,
and spatial arrangement. The aim is not to merely create an
algorithm capable of sustaining copious amounts of nodes
and links, but also to select the most appropriate scheme

Jeffrey Heer, Personal Friendster

Network, 2004

A map of Heers three-level Friendster

networkfriend, friend-of-a-friend,
and friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend social
structureconsisting of 47,471 people
connected by 432,430 friendship
ties. The data was collected between
October 2003 and February 2004.

04 Infinite
When ever ything is connected to ever ything else, for better or
worse, ever ything matters.
Bruce Mau

The dynamic of our societ y, and particularly our new economy,

will increasingly obey the logic of net works. Understanding
how net works work will be the key to understanding how the
economy works.
Kevin Kelly

Over recent years network visualization has shed light common graphexpressed by an arrangement of nodes
on an incredible array of subject areas, and by doing and linksthe range of depicted subjects is astonishing.
so has drawn the attention back onto itself. Driven by People, companies, websites, emails, IP addresses, routers,
a surge in computing power and storage, increasingly species, genes, proteins, neurons, scientific papers, books,
open and accessible data sets, a large adoption by or wordsbonded by a multiplicity of linesexpressing
mainstream media and online-social-network services, anything from social ties to bibliographic citations, com-
and most importantly, our never-ending eagerness for munication flows to hyperlinks. Never before have we felt
measurement and quantification, visualization is cur- so strongly the sense of living in a highly interrelated and
rently at a tipping point. This drastic growth symbol- interdependent world. The following examples showcase
izes a new age of exploration, with the charting of the network as the ubiquitous model in the new age of infi-
innumerous undiscovered territories. While the vast nite interconnectedness.
majority of network visualizations are illustrated by the

The two epigraphs to this chapter are

drawn from Mau and Institute Without
Boundaries, Massive Change, 129; and
Kelly, New Rules for the New Economy,
Ch a p t e r 4 98

Blogging presents one of the most interesting social
phenomena of our time. This change in the flow of online
information is radically changing the way we look at news
providers and large media conglomerates. It also provides
a remarkable laboratory to investigate how information
spreads across online social communities. Most visualiza-
tion projects under this theme map different aspects of the
blogosphere, from charting the link exchange between polit-
ical blogs to the dynamic blogspace of an entire country.

Ludovico Magnocavallo
Italian Blogosphere

A chart of the five hundred most

influential Italian blogs and their
shared links, for a total of 2,500 blogs
(above); detail (right)
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 99

Matthew Hurst
The Hyperbolic Blogosphere

This intricate map plots the most

active and interconnected parts of the
blogosphere from link data collected
over six weeks.
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 100

(top) (bottom)
Makoto Uchida and Susumu Antonin Rohmer
Japanese Blogosphere 2009
A map of the 2008 U.S. political orientationprogressive, independent,
This large survey of the Japanese from complex networks, Journal of blogosphere, showcasing the links and conservativeand the smallest
blogosphere highlights the herd Visualization 10, no. 3 (August 2007): between the 292 influential sites and group represents mass-media websites.
behavior of blogs. Each community 25356. opinion hubs that contributed to the
(depicted by a different color) online debate about the presidential
represents a group of blogs that discuss race. The graph shows four communities
the same or similar topics. From Uchida depicted by different node colors.
and Shirayama, Formation of patterns Three are based on their political

A visual representation of 1,044 local political party and placed throughout a

blogs and websites that supported the map of the French territory according to
2007 French presidential candidate their geographic coordinates.
Segolene Royal. The depicted blogs,
tied by shared links, are grouped by

Lada Adamic and Natalie
The 2004 U.S. Election and Political

A map of the American political presidential election to calculate the

blogosphere. The authors analyzed the frequency of reference of the name of
posts of forty A-list political blogsof a candidate by another candidate and
both liberal (blue) and conservative to quantify the overlap in the topics
(red) partiesover the period of two discussed on the blogs, both within and
months preceding the 2004 U.S. across parties.
Ch a p t e r 4 102

Bibliographic citation is a common practice in aca-
demic publications and an important measure of popularity
and credibility among scholarly circles. It also makes for
an accurate means to ascertain relationships of similarity
between subjects. If two works are cited by a third, a con-
nection can be inferred between the first two, even if they
do not cite each other. This approach can be administered
to a large body of books and research papers, creating
vast matrices of association and highlighting proximity
across domains.

Martin Rosvall and Carl

Map of science

A map of 6,434,916 citations in 6,128 Structure, Proceedings of the National

scientific journals based on data from Academy of Sciences (PNAS) USA 105,
the Thomson Reuterss 2004 Journal no. 4 ( January 29, 2008): 111823.
Citation Reports. From Rosvall and
Bergstrom, Maps of Random Walks on
Complex Networks Reveal Community
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 103 and Moritz

Visualizing Information Flow in Science

A citation network of a subset of

Thomson Reuterss Journal Citation
Reports between 1997 and 2005
(above); detail (right)
Ch a p t e r 4 104

W. Bradford Paley, Dick

Klavans, and Kevin Boyack
The Strengths of Nations

A visualization of the most active

scientific areas in the United States,
based on references (how often articles
were cited by authors of other articles)
in roughly eight hundred thousand
scientific papers. Scientific publications
(colored nodes) are divided into
twenty-three major scientific topics,
such as astrophysics, mathematics, and

W. Bradford Paley, Dick

Klavans, and Kevin Boyack
The Strengths of Nations

Maps of the most prolific scientific

areas (according to the number of
published articles) in six countries:
United Kingdom, France, China,
Australia, Germany, Taiwan. Nodes
and edges are highlighted if a nation
publishes significantly more in that
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 105

Jean-Daniel Fekete
LRI Co-authorship Network

A graph showing the coauthorship

of papers written by members of
the Laboratoire de Recherche en
Informatique (LRI), a computer science
laboratory at the University Paris-Sud,
Ch a p t e r 4 106
Founded in 2003, was a pioneer social-
bookmarking system and one of the precursors of folkson-
omy. Like many subsequent bookmarking systems,
makes the recording of new information extremely easy.
However, as the collection of bookmarks grows over time,
it is easy to get lost in the pile of tags. Many visualization
authors have tried to come up with alternative ways of visu-
alizing their personal tagging systems, either to improve the
retrieval process or simply to unearth their own indexing
behaviors. ultimately embodies an extraordinary
epistemological laboratory where one can draw interesting
insights on how humans collectively classify information.

Inan Olcer
Delicious Tag Cloud

(left and right)

Kunal Anand

A graph of tag relationships in an

individuals account
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 107

Aaron Siegel
Research Chronology 2

A chronological visualization of an
individuals bookmarking activity on It maps research activity
along a time line, tying bookmarks
together with colored tag lines. Each
line represents a tag, which changes
from yellow to red, depending on the
number of bookmarks using that tag.
Ch a p t e r 4 108

Ian Timourian

A comparative analysis of tagging

behavior between different users

Joris Klerkx and Erik Duval visualization

A map of the implicit connections

between tags, users, and
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 109

Flink Labs
Delicious Circle

A visualization of an individuals tags and the connections that
emerge between them
Ch a p t e r 4 110

An extraordinary outcome of the growing number
of freely accessible data has been the outbreak of pub-
lic visualization projects scrutinizing various business and
political practices. Many of these initiatives convey the flow
of private and public donations to political candidates but
also explore lesser-known associations, such as the funding
of political and environmental organizations by gas and oil

Skye Bender-deMoll and Greg

Oil Money

A map of the political-campaign

contributions from oil- and gas-industry
companies to presidential candidates
in 2008
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 111

Wesley Grubbs and Nick Yahnke

2008 Presidential Candidate

A map of all donations made between amounts donated. On either side of the
January 2007 and July 2008 to John inner semicircles, the top fan represents
McCain (in red) and Barack Obama any donation between $1 and $100;
(in blue). The area of the two inner the middle narrow fan, $101$500; the
semicircles represents the total amount bottom fan, $501$1,000; and finally,
of donations for the candidates, and all amounts over $1,000 are depicted
the outer segments, fanning from by two lightweight fans on the very
the center, illustrate variations in the bottom of the semicircles.

Wesley Grubbs and Nick Yahnke

2008 Presidential Candidate
Donations: Job Titles of Donors

A map of all donations made between

January 2007 and July 2008 to Barack
Obama, sorted by the 250 most
common job titles held by the donors

Josh On and Amy Balkin

Exxon Secrets

A visualization platform developed for

Greenpeace, exposing Exxon-Mobils
funding of climate-change-skeptic think
tanks, conservative institutions, and
other organizations
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 113

Marco Borgna
We Show the Money

A visualization that reveals the

connection between U.S. governors
elected in 2006 and the top one
hundred donors. It shows only those
who donated to more than one
candidate or made at least one single
donation greater than $100,000.

Jute Networks

A sociogram of individual donations

made in Asheville, North Carolina, to
the 2008 U.S. presidential candidates
Ch a p t e r 4 114

Email is one of the most important communication
channels in modern society. It is estimated that two million
emails are sent every second across the world, and for
many of us this number translates into copious amounts of
messages that we send and receive every single day. In
order to better understand the habits and social behav-
ioral patterns of our in-boxes, many authors depict these
rich containers in various ways, usually by looking at the
complex social structures created within email lists of com-
panies, schools, and institutions, with the Enron email data
set being a popular example.

Matthias Dittrich
5 Years Designerlist

Visualizations showing all of the emails

exchanged in two twenty-four-hour time
periods at the University of Applied
Sciences Potsdam, Germany
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 115

Christopher Paul Baker

Email Map

A rendering of the relationships

between Baker and individuals in his
address book generated by examining
the to, from, and cc fields of every
email in his in-box archive (above);
detail (right)
Ch a p t e r 4 116

Josh Knowles
ITP Student List Conversations

A visualization of the email to the same discussion threads; the

conversations that occurred within stronger the connection, the heavier the
the last four months of 2006 by line between them.
the students of the Interactive
Telecommunications Program (ITP) at
the Tisch School of the Arts, New York
University. The amount of conversation
between two people was determined
by the number of emails they each sent
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 117

Kitware Inc.
Enron Communication Graph

A map of the links between all the

employees in-boxesthe emails sent
internally to each otherthat were
examined as a part of the Enron-crash

Marcos Weskamp
Social Circles

A chart of social interactions (based

on exchanged emails) within a mailing
list. Nodes represent members of the
mailing list, while each nodes size
illustrates the frequency of posts by that
member. Links between members depict
communication in reply to a thread.
Ch a p t e r 4 118

The internet is an intriguing domain for many peo-
ple. With its vast network of servers and routers, linked by
copper wires and fiber-optic cables, this hidden landscape
that spans the globe represents a noteworthy target in the
new age of technological discovery. As with many newly
exposed territories, its visual depiction is the very first step
in awareness and understanding of its inherent structure.
The question of what the internet looks like has compelled
many authors to create striking visualizations of different
facets of the system.

Chris Harrison
Internet Map

A map of internet connectivity in

Europe, based on router configuration.
The opacity of the edge line reflects
the number of connections between the
two points. Data was collected from
the Dimes Project, a scientific-research
project aimed at studying the structure
and topology of the internet.
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 119

Barrett Lyon
Opte Project

A complete internet map from

November 23, 2003, displaying
over five million links across millions
of IP addresses in several regions of
the world: Asia Pacific (red), Europe/
Middle East/Central Asia/Africa
(green), North America (blue), Latin
America/Caribbean (yellow), private
networks (cyan), unknown (white).
Ch a p t e r 4 120

J. I. Alvarez-Hamelin, M. Beir,
L. DallAsta, A. Barrat, and A.
Internet Autonomous Systems

A map of interconnectivity between the global routing system that makes

autonomous systems (a collection of up the internet. Red indicates the most
IP prefixes controlled by one or more connected nodes; violet, the least
network operators) based on data connected ones.
obtained from Oregon Route Views
Project, a tool for internet operators
to obtain real-time information about
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 121

Lumeta Corporation
Internet Map

A topological map of an active area

of the internet, generated in January
18, 2010

Stephen Coast
IP Mapping

A map of global router connectivity,

tracking 32,000 IP addresses
Ch a p t e r 4 122

Any text presents an intricate mesh of relationships
between its many lines of words. From mapping the occur-
rence of particular sentences and words in a single book
to cross-citations of particular topics, or even ties between
books, literature is a growing subject matter for network
visualization. Many visualization initiatives analyze large
quantities of text in order to expose relevant insights within
the narrative structure and the authors style, or hidden
associations between discussed subjects.

Stefanie Posavec and Greg

The Evolution of The Origin of Species

Top right: A map of the chapter and sentences (represented as small first, second, and third editions of The
structure of the 1866 fourth edition wedge-shaped leaflets at the very end Origin of Species. Bottom row, from left
of Charles Darwins The Origin of of the branches). The color of each to right: The chapter structures of the
Species (1859). In the inner tree, sentence indicates whether the sentence fourth, fifth, and sixth editions of The
each splitting of the branch into survived to the fifth edition (green) or Origin of Species.
progressively smaller sections parallels whether it was deleted from the third
the organization of the content from edition (orange). Center row, from left
chapters to subchapters, paragraphs, to right: The chapter structures of the
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 123

W. Bradford Paley
TextArc: Alice in Wonderland

A map of word frequency and its position in the book, just inside the
associations in Lewis Carrolls Alice in ellipse next to the sentence in which
Wonderland (1865). TextArc is a text- it appears. Words that appear near
analysis tool that shows the distribution one another in the book share a similar
of words in texts that have no metadata color and are brighter if they appear
descriptions, such as a table of contents more frequently. The selection of any
or an index. It first draws the entire text, word (e.g., Alice) sprouts lines that
sentence by sentence, in the shape of immediately show the distribution of its
an ellipse. Every word is then drawn at usage (where it appears in the book).
Ch a p t e r 4 124
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 125

Philipp Steinweber and Andreas

Similar Diversity

A visualization of the similarities and

differences between the holy books of
five world religions: Christianity, Islam,
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism
Ch a p t e r 4 126

Jrgen Spth and Magnus

Graphical visualization of text

Visualizations of the thematic links

between the nineteen essays featured
in the book Total Interaction: Theory
and Practice of a New Paradigm for the
Design Disciplines (2004), edited by
Gerhard M. Buurman
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 127

Dan Collier
Typographic Links

A hand-sewn, three-dimensional
hyperlink structure that guides the
reader through the pages of a book
(above); detail (right)
Ch a p t e r 4 128

One of the most interesting and recent themes for
network visualization is music. Either by creating a visual
metaphor for the notes of a song or by mapping similarities
and differences between artists across extensive data sets,
music is an enthralling emergent topic. A significant object
of study in this context has been the popular music website Apart from the familiar social features, Last.fms
application programming interface (API) has been used
by many visualization authors to better understand music
affinities, personal playing habits, and overall community

Lee Byron
Listening History

A visualization of a users while warmer colors represent artists

listening patterns over an eighteen- who are more recent in the users
month period. The names of artists, listening habits.
progressing in a clockwise movement
through the eighteen-month span,
increase in type size linearly with
greater listening frequency. Cooler
colors represent artists who have been
listened to for a long period of time,
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 129

Peter Crnokrak
Love Will Tear Us Apart Again

A map of eighty-five recorded covers of

Joy Divisions Love Will Tear Us Apart,
showing time since original recording,
recording artist, release name, release
date, and label
Ch a p t e r 4 130

Matthias Dittrich (left) Marco Quaggiotto, Giorgio

Narratives 2.0 Caviglia, and Adam Leibsohn
2008 Visual i/zer
A chart of Molokos Familiar Feelings
music track segmented into single An interactive visualization that
channels depicted as fanlike lines uncovers syntax ties between various
moving away from the center with song lyrics
time. The angle of the line changes
according to the frequency of the
channel; and at high frequency levels,
the channel is highlighted in orange.


An interactive graph of music artists

connected by genre, based on
and databases
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 131

Mariona Ortiz
Indie in the 1990s

A map of band collaborations within

the 1990s independent music scene
Ch a p t e r 4 132

Mass media is a central player in contemporary
information-packed society. Having to reinvent themselves
in order to adapt to a new digital landscape, many media
channels are now incorporating alternative methods of
dealing with the hefty amounts of daily news. Most projects
in this category are either novel visualization approaches
presented by the media source itself or original concepts by
individual authors pursuing a better grasp of the underlying
relationships within the provided data sets.

Francesco Franchi
Biologia della Pagina (Newspaper

A typographical map of the complex

network that underlies the production of
a daily newspaper
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 133

Giorgio Caviglia, Marco Quaggiotto,

Donato Ricci, Gaia Scagnetti,
Michele Graffieti, Samuel Granados
Lopez, and Daniele Guido
City Murmur

From a large RSS feed of 733 online sources,

City Murmur tracks every time a street, place
of interest, or district in Madrid is mentioned
in the Spanish media, creating a time-based
visual narrative of the urban space.
Ch a p t e r 4 134

Jer Thorp
NYTimes: 365/360

A visualization showing ties between

the top organizations and personalities
mentioned in the New York Times
in 1996. A part of a large series of
visualizations produced every year from
1985 to 2001, using the New York
Times Article Search API.
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 135

Dave Bowker
One Week of the Guardian

A map of relationships between

headlines, authors, page numbers, and
categories in the Guardian newspaper
in one single day. Prominent stories,
depicted by lines, are color coded by
category (e.g., science, politics), and
their width is proportionate to their
word count (above). Detail (right).
Ch a p t e r 4 136
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 137

Stefan Brautigam
Overnewsed but uninformed

A comparative-usage analysis of news-

access points (newspaper, TV, radio,
and computer) in different countries
around the world. Countries are
sorted based on their ranking (from
right to left) in four horizontal rows
representative of the different news-
access points. The lines provide a
visual clue of the fluctuations in rankings
by media.
Ch a p t e r 4 138

Protein interaction networks have been one of the
most popular subjects for network visualization and the
chosen area of study for many biologists over the past
decade. Interactions between proteins are crucial in almost
every biological function and of fundamental importance
for all processes in a living cell. The secrets behind many
diseases reside within these intricate structures, and visu-
alization has been an important tool for discovery and
insight. The extracted knowledge from this exploratory pro-
cess can prove essential in future therapeutic approaches.

Yose Widjaja
The Interactorium

A three-dimensional representation of
the yeast interactome (all molecular
interactions in cells) using Interactorium,
a visualization platform that analyzes
large interactome data sets. Developed
in collaboration between Yose Widjaja
and the School of Computer Science
and Engineering at the University of
New South Wales (above). Detail (left).
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 139

Alex Adai and Edward Marcotte

Protein Homology Network

A protein-homology graph depicting

32,727 proteins and 1,206,654 edges
Ch a p t e r 4 140

Alex Adai and Edward Marcotte

Minimum Spanning Protein Homology

A protein-homology map featuring on the other hand, are colored based

302,832 proteins. An edge is colored on their Clusters of Orthologous
blue if it connects two proteins of Groups, a classification system
the same species and red if from determined by their genetic lineages
two different species. If no species (top). Detail (bottom).
information is available, edges are
automatically colored based on a
customized layout hierarchy. Proteins,
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 141

Francesco Rao and Amedeo

The Protein Folding Network
Ch a p t e r 4 142

Characterized by idiosyncratic social structures and
a loose hierarchy, terrorist cells are a challenging system to
decipher. The unraveling of these decentralized organiza-
tions is an important pursuit for governments and military
agencies across the world as well as for inquisitive citizens.
Network visualization provides an important analytical
tool by highlighting the ties between groups and individu-
als while also singling out prominent and influential people
within the organizations.

Lisa Strausfeld and James Nick

Open-Source Spying

A three-dimensional graph of
associations between frequently
searched words in a large
counterterrorism database
Heath Bunting
A Map of Terrorism

A map of global activities and

affiliations associated with terrorism.
Commissioned by the Tate (above).
Detail (right).
Ch a p t e r 4 144

Jeffrey Heer and Alan

9/11 Terrorist Network

A visualization of suspected
connections between terrorists involved
in the September 11 attacks

FMS Advanced Systems Group

Screenshots of an interactive
application that provides a graphical
breakdown of the Al Qaeda network
part of an open-source database
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 145

FMS Advanced Systems Group

Sentinel Visualizer

A map of interconnections between

members of the Al Qaeda terrorist
Ch a p t e r 4 146

Empowered by a wide range of cheap and acces-
sible GPS and video-tracking devices, numerous authors
are mapping an assortment of trails, paths, and movements
within the physical environment, creating a dense lattice
of individual networks. Social cartography is an emergent
practice visible in multiple initiatives, from large collabora-
tive projects like to smaller individual
approaches aiming at exploring different facets of our own
personal trajectories.

Jeremy Wood
Fly for Art (GPS Drawing)

A map of commercial-airline tracks

across London
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 147

Pedro Miguel Cruz, Penousal

Machado, and Joo Bicker
Visualizing Lisbons traffic

A map of the GPS coordinates and gradation indicating the average of the University of Coimbra and the
the speed of 1,534 taxis circulating in speed. Cool hues (green and blue) CityMotion Project at MIT Portugal.
Lisbon, Portugal, during a single day in represent rapid transit arteries, while the
October 2009. White dots symbolize sluggish ones are depicted by warmer
circulating vehicles. Each trail produced ones (red and orange). Pure green
by the vehicles constitutes a temporary represents average speeds of 37 mph
route, with the thickness standing for (60 km/h). A collaboration between
traffic intensity and a specific color the Centre for Informatics and Systems
Ch a p t e r 4 148

Tom Carden and Steve Coast

London GPS Tracking Map

User-generated GPS traces of London

collected for the OpenStreetMap
project, a large collaborative project
to create a free, editable map of the


A visualization of the GPS data

generated by Yellow Cab taxis in San
Francisco during a four-hour period
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 149

(top left) (top right) (bottom)

Tom Carden Jeremy Wood and Hugh Pryor Jeremy Wood
Biomapping Sketch Oxford Fisheye (GPS Drawing) Lawn (GPS Drawing)
2006 2002 2008

A visualization of the emotion levels GPS traces in Oxford, England The path generated by Jeremy Wood
of people walking on the Greenwich while mowing the lawn during different
Peninsula, London, calculated from seasons throughout one year. From left
GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) and to right: spring, summer, autumn, and
GPS data. GSR is a simple indicator winter.
of emotional arousal. The height of the
mesh is a measure of the GSR level.
Ch a p t e r 4 150

Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging
social services, through which millions of people around the
world communicate, using text messages of up to 140 char-
acters, famously known as tweets. Twitters underlying struc-
ture provides a great laboratory to investigate the behavioral
traits of social groups and is an outstanding trend-analysis
tool in tracking the fluctuations of public opinion in real time.
In the context of network visualization, most authors try to
disclose a range of relationships between Twitter users and
the vast number of messages they regularly post.

Jer Thorp
Just Landed

A visualization of the flight activity of

Twitter users over a period of thirty-six
hours. It finds tweets containing the
phrase Just landed in and then marks
the location where the user landed and
the home location listed on their Twitter
profile to generate the travel paths.
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 151

Augusto Becciu

A radial visualization of an individuals

Twitter network and the connections
between followers
Ch a p t e r 4 152

Burak Arikan
Growth of a Twitter Graph

A map of connections within a users

Twitter network, grouped by topics of

Jacob Ratkiewicz et al.


A diffusion network of the Twitter

#GOP hashtag using Truthy, a system
to analyze and visualize the diffusion of
information on Twitter. Truthy evaluates
thousands of tweets an hour to identify
new and emerging bursts of activity
around different memes.
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 153

Kris Temmerman
Twitter Friends Browser

A screenshot of an interactive
application that allows anyone
to explore their immediate Twitter
followers as well as the followers own

Daniel McLaren

A screenshot of a web application

used to explore an individuals Twitter
network. Links indicate a name mention
of one user by another, with line
thickness corresponding to number of
Ch a p t e r 4 154

With three million published articles by August
2009, in its English version alone, Wikipedia is the largest
encyclopedia ever created in the history of humankind. This
dense body of knowledge, connected by millions of hyper-
links, has been an intriguing subject for many who have felt
compelled to uncover its intricate patterns. This fascination
is in part due to Wikipedias evolving nature and how it
continues to redefine knowledge territories within its com-
plex rhizomatic structure.

Dennis Lorson

A screenshot generated by Pathway, a

free Mac application designed to help
navigate Wikipediadepicting the
trail of article pages visited by a user
(above); detail (right)
Infinite Interconne cte dnes s 155

Chris Harrison

A chart of interconnections in
subcategories of the Wikipedia
Medicine category page
Chris Harrison

An intricate map detailing the linking

structure of Wikipedia. Wikipedia
categories are pages that are used to
group other pages on similar subjects
together. Each category is made up
of smaller groups and subcategories,
which contain even smaller groups
inside them. This map depicts five levels
of subcategories, and inherent linkage,
from the History category page.

Arc Diagram Area Grouping Centralized Burst

Centralized Ring Circled Globe Circular Ties

Elliptical Implosion Flow Chart Organic Rhizome

Radial Convergence Radial Implosion Ramification

Scaling Circles Segmented Radial Convergence Sphere


05 The Syntax of a
New Language
Graphic representation constitutes one of the basic sign-systems con-
ceived by the human mind for the purposes of storing, understanding,
and communicating essential information. As a language for the eye,

graphics benefits from the ubiquitous properties of visual perception.

Jacques Bertin

Functional visualizations are more than innovative statistical analyses

and computational algorithms. They must make sense to the user and
require a visual language system that uses colour, shape, line, hier-
archy and composition to communicate clearly and appropriately,
much like the alphabetic and character-based languages used world -

wide bet ween humans.

Matt Woolman

Looking at the range of network depictions produced in color, text, imagery, size, shape, contrast, transparency, posi-
the last fifteen years, one cannot help but marvel at the tion, orientation, layout, and configuration. Despite this rich
diversity of topics and subjects being explored. But almost graphical diversity, many projects tend to follow noticeable
as staggering as the assortment of portrayed subjects trends and common principles, which in turn result in a type
is the variety of employed visual techniques. Frequently of emergent taxonomy. This embryonic and evolving taxon-
generated by computer algorithms and enhanced by omy provides a portrait of the current state of the practice
interactive features, most projects showcase a broad and reveals the initial building blocks shaping a new visual
palette of visual elements and variations that consider language.

The two epigraphs to this chapter

are drawn from Bertin, Semiology of
Graphics, 2; and Woolman, Digital
Information Graphics, 11.
Ch a p t e r 5 160

Arc Diagram

(top) (bottom)
Martin Wattenberg Martin Wattenberg
The Shape of Song The Shape of Song
2001 2001

A visualization of Moonlight Sonata A visualization of Four Seasons

by Ludwig van Beethoven. Each arc (Autumn) by Antonio Vivaldi
connects identical, repeated passages
of the composition. With these
passages as signposts, the diagram
reveals the foundational structure of the
music track.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 161

Chris Harrison
Visualizing the Bible

A map of 63,779 cross-references Each arc represents a textual cross-

found in the Bible. The bar graph on reference (e.g., place, person), and the
the bottom represents all of the books color denotes the distance between
in the Bible, alternating between white the two chapters where the reference
and light gray for easy differentiation. appearsultimately creating a
The length of each bar, representative rainbowlike effect.
of a books chapter and dropping
below the datum, corresponds to
the number of verses in that chapter.

Martin Dittus
Chart Arcs

Map of a persons weekly chart in Last.

fm. The vertical yellow points indicate
chart positions, while arcs represent
movement on the chart.
Ch a p t e r 5 162

Felix Heinen
Data Visualisation of a Social Network

A diagram, part of a larger

composition, depicting the diverse
activity of members from an online-
social-network service similar to
Facebook. It portrays the prevalence
of popular features (e.g., blog, chat,
search), each represented by a
different arc color, across common
demographical information (e.g., age,
education, marital status) pulled from
member profiles.

Ian Timourian

A comparative analysis of tagging

behavior of different users

Martin Dittus
IRC Arcs

A communication chart of an Internet

Relay Chat (IRC) channel. Circles
represent users, and arcs symbolize
references, which are messages from
a user containing the name of another
user. The arcs are directional and
are drawn clockwise. Arc strength
(thickness) corresponds to the number of
references from the source to the target.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 163
Ch a p t e r 5 164

Area Grouping

Michael Balzer and Oliver

Visualization of Clustered Graph Layouts

An example of a visualization
technique that generates an interactive
representation of large and complex
networks in two or three dimensions by
representing clusters of nodes as single
The Syntax of a N ew Language 165


An interactive map of the human-

disease network, made of 903 genes
and 516 diseases, and divided into
twenty-two different categories, such
as cardiovascular, dermatological,
metabolic, muscular, nutritional. White
nodes represent genes; color nodes,
diseases. Edges show correlations
between genes and diseases, as
well as between diseases that share
common genes.

Jeffrey Heer
Automated community analysis

A community-analysis visualization,
which clusters individuals in groups
bounded by different colors. It is
generated using Vizster, an interactive
visualization tool for the exploration
of the community structure of social-
networking services, such as Friendster,, and Orkut.
Ch a p t e r 5 166

Ernesto Mislej

A view into different visualization

modes of Cocovas, an analysis tool
for investigating the relevance and
similarity of online-search results.
Its radial diagram (shown here in a
sequence) clusters similar results in
various categories highlighted by
different colors. Users can adjust the
different levels of clustering, from broad
to smaller, more specific categories.

Eytan Adar

An example of a visualization created

from an open-source program written in
Jython (an implementation of the Python
programming language written in Java)
to visualize networks and perform
operations on them. It allows for the
dynamic representation of graphs on
infinite planes and with various degrees
of zooming.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 167

Marco Quaggiotto
Knowledge Cartography

Screenshots taken from ATLAS, an

application developed to explore the
possibilities of applying cartographic
techniques to mapping knowledge.
ATLAS allows users to list their bio-
bibliographic references and to map
them according to four main rendering
modes: semantic, socio-relational,
geographic, and temporal.
Ch a p t e r 5 168

Centralized Burst

Matt Rubinstein, Yarun Luon,

Sameer Halai, and John Suciu
Mapping WoW Arena Teams

A visualization of group formations

in the arenasa virtual environment
for a player-versus-player battleof
the massively multiplayer online role-
playing game World of Warcraft
(WoW). It represents 16,534 players,
5,758 teams, and 4,065 guilds.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 169

Jose Luis Ortega and Isidro

European Academic Network

A map of online academic

relationships, based on exchanged
hyperlinks, between 535 universities
in fourteen European countriesthat
belong to the European Higher
Education Area (EHEA)
Ch a p t e r 5 170

Ramesh Govindan and Anoop


A map of the routers that make up a

large-scale Internet backbone (main
data routes between Internet service
providers and core routers)

Berend Snel, Peer Bork, and

Martijn A. Huynen
Genomic Network

A map of a large cluster of 1,611 Hawoong Jeong

groups of orthologous genesgenes Protein-Protein Network
that occur in two or more different 2001
species that originate from the same
common ancestor. From B. Snel, P. A map of protein-to-protein interactions
Bork, M. A. Huynen, The Identification of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
of Functional Modules from the From H. Jeong, S. P. Mason, A. L.
Genomic Association of Genes, Barabsi, and Z. N. Oltvai, Lethality
Proceedings of the National Academy and Centrality in Protein Networks,
of Sciences (PNAS) USA 99 (April 30, Nature, no. 411 (May 3, 2001):
2002): 589095. 4142.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 171

Peter Uetz
Protein-Protein Interaction Modeling

An interaction map of the yeast

proteome (entire set of proteins)
published by the scientific-research
community. It contains 1,548 proteins
that make up 2,358 interactions.

Nicholas Christakis and James

The Spread of Obesity in a Large
Social Network

A social-network map of 2,200 people

accessed according to their body-
mass index in the year 2000. Each
circle (node) represents one person in
the data set. Circles with red borders
denote women, and circles with blue
borders indicate men. The size of each
circle is proportional to the persons
body-mass index. The color of the
circle shows the persons obesity status:
yellow is an obese person; green, a
nonobese person. The color of the
ties between the nodes indicates the
personal relationship between them:
purple represents a friendship or marital
tie; orange, a familial tie. From N.
A. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, The
Spread of Obesity in a Large Social
Network Over 32 Years, New England
Journal of Medicine 357, no. 4 ( July
2007): 37079.
Ch a p t e r 5 172

Centralized Ring

Ai Zaidi
motirotis Priceless

A part of a series of personal networks

(constellations) of the London
Underground staff, exhibited in South
Kensington station. Commissioned by
Serpentine Gallery in collaboration with
the Exhibition Road Cultural Group and
Platform for Art.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 173

Moritz Stefaner
CIA World Factbook Visualization

An interactive map of geographic

boundaries and linguistic ties (B, has a
border with; P, is part of; S, is spoken
in) between countries in the CIA world
factbook database. (See also chapter
3, page 87, figure 11.)

Sebastien Pierre and Olivier


A dynamic visualization of an
individuals tag (in the
center) surrounded by related tags,
based on bookmarking behavior
Ch a p t e r 5 174

Marcos Weskamp
Social Circles

A chart of social interactions (based

on exchanged emails) within a mailing
list. Nodes represent members of the
mailing list, while its size illustrates the
frequency of posts by that member.
Links between members depict
communication in reply to a thread.

Jute Networks

A sociogram of individual donations in

Asheville, North Carolina, to Barack
Obamas 2008 presidential campaign.
(See also chapter 4, page 113.)
The Syntax of a N ew Language 175

Andrey Rzhetsky et al.

Mapping Complex Diseases

A map of genetic overlap between

migraine and approximately sixty other
diseases. Each of the outer circles
represents a different disease, and the
size of the circle corresponds to the size
of patient samples, ranging from 46
to 136,000 people, of those suffering
from the disease.

Christoph Gerstle and Florian


A visualization of the German online

social network StudiVZ
Ch a p t e r 5 176

Circled Globe

Aaron Koblin, Kristian Kloeckl,

Andrea Vaccari, and Franscesco
New York Talk Exchange

A map of real-time exchange of

information, from long-distance-
telephone and IP data, flowing
between New York and other cities
around the world
The Syntax of a N ew Language 177

City Distances

A three-dimensional scheme showing

the relationship intensity between
cities based on Google searches. The
number of mentions of any two cities on
the same web page was divided by the
physical distance separating them. The
width of the resulting arc connecting
two cities indicates the relationship
strength between them.

Eye-Sys Stephen G. Eick

Global Cereal Supply Chain 3D Geographic Network Display
2005 1996

A visualization part of a video A visualization showing the internet Computer Graphics and Applications
demonstration showcasing the traffic between fifty countries over a 16, no. 2 (March 1996): 6972.
production and consumption of two-hour period, as measured by the
breakfast cereal around the globe. National Science Foundation Network
It also acts as an general analogy (NSFNET) backbone in 1993. The color
for real-world supply-and-demand and thickness of the lines correspond
scenarios. to the time and intensity of the traffic,
respectively. From Stephen G. Eick.
Aspects of Network Visualization,
Ch a p t e r 5 178

Shiftcontrol, Hosoya Schaefer

Architects, and Bro Destruct

An interactive visualization of
geostationary GPS satellites

Advanced Analytic

A visualization showing the simulated

flight path of more than 650 satellites
The Syntax of a N ew Language 179

(top row) (bottom row)

Richard Wolton Tamara Munzner, Eric Hoffman,
EarthQuake 3D K. Claffy, and Bill Fenner
2004 MBone topology
An interactive three-dimensional
visualization of the occurrence and A geographic representation of the Claffy, and Bill Fenner, Visualizing the
magnitude of the twenty most recent Internet Multicast Backbone (MBone) Global Topology of the MBone, 85
earthquakes topology in 1996. Developed in the 92 (paper presented at Proceedings
early 1990s, the MBone is a virtual of the IEEE Symposium on Information
network built on top of the internet to Visualization [InfoVis], San Francisco,
deliver packets of multimedia data. CA, October 2829, 1996).
From Tamara Munzner, Eric Hoffman, K.
Ch a p t e r 5 180

Circular Ties

Maurits de Bruijn and Jeanne

van Heeswijk
Typologies and Capacities

A social-network map of collaborators

involved in all of Dutch artist Jeanne
van Heeswijks projects. Each project,
represented by a prominent hub, is
surrounded by the names of its direct
collaborators and linked to other
projects with which they were also
The Syntax of a N ew Language 181

Marian Bantjes

A diagram exploring the concept of

community, specifically the ideas of
inclusion and exclusion as they relate
to geography, personal identification,
interests, and involuntary circumstance

Dietmar Offenhuber and

Gerhard Dirmoser

A map of the Ars Electronica social

network, showing all of the projects
and people involved in the art festival
between 1996 and 2003
Ch a p t e r 5 182

Pascal Chirol

A graphic representation of the internal-

folder and pyramidal-file structure of a
computers hard drive

Eduardo Sciammarella
Fidgt Visualizer

A dynamic visualization of multiple

online social networks of a given user,
including Flickr and
The Syntax of a N ew Language 183

Patrick Vuarnoz

A visual output of a search engine

that matches search terms to related
academic courses, research projects,
job opportunities, and members of
a university community (lecturers,
assistants, and students) (above); detail
Ch a p t e r 5 184

Elliptical Implosion

W. Bradford Paley (overleaf) (opposite, bottom)

TextArc: Ulysses W. Bradford Paley Muckety
2009 TextArc: Alice in Wonderland MucketyMaps
2009 2008
This interactive visualization, generated
using TextArc, details James Joyces use An interactive map highlighting word A network diagram disclosing
of language throughout Ulysses (1922) frequency and associations between connections between people,
terms in Lewis Carrolls novel Alice in corporations, and other organizations
Wonderland (1865). (See also chapter appearing in the news

3, page 123.)
The Syntax of a N ew Language 185

Greg Judelman and Maria

A visualization generated from a web-

based tool for mapping real-time social
networking. It was implemented at
the three-day Bodies in Play: Shaping
and Mapping Mobile Applications
summit in Banff, Alberta, Canada,
May 2005. The fifty participants were
invited to input information about who
they spoke to and what they discussed
during the duration of the event. Each
participant is visually represented
by a flower, with a petal growing
on the flower in real time as a new
conversation is entered. The flowers of
individuals who have conversed with
one another are connected by green
vines, and the proximity of two flowers
directly corresponds to the number of
conversations between them. The topics
discussed appear in the background
according to how often they are
Ch a p t e r 5 186
The Syntax of a N ew Language 187
Ch a p t e r 5 188

Flow Chart

Christopher Adjei and Nils

Monitoring and Visualizing

A visualization depicting the fluctuating

numbers of Bjrk fans worldwide
during four one-week periods. Each
color represents a continent; each
stripe, a different country (above).
Detail (opposite).
The Syntax of a N ew Language 189
Ch a p t e r 5 190

Density Design: Mario Porpora

The Poverty Red Thread

A map of the poverty line in Italy

organized according to family
typologies (number of family members),
and further categorized by location (the
north, center, or south of Italy)
The Syntax of a N ew Language 191

(top) (right)
Density Design: Bergamini Doantam Phan, Ling Xiao, Ron
Andrea, Bertola Guido, Yeh, Pat Hanrahan, and Terry
Discacciati Pietro, Mangiaracina Winograd
Francesca, and Merenda Flow Map Layout
Stefania 2005
The Italian Wine System
2006 A pioneering computer-generated flow
maptraditionally drawn by hand
A part of a larger map on the that shows the movement of objects
distribution of Italian wines, from from one location to another (e.g., the
production to consumption, both number of people in a migration, the
domestically and abroad amount of traded goods, or energy
Ch a p t e r 5 192

Organic Rhizome

Robert King

Examples generated from an

experimental tool for visualizing instant
messaging conversations
The Syntax of a N ew Language 193

Sandra Niedersberg
London Connections

A map of Sandra Niedersbergs

network of acquaintances and friends
in London during a five-month period.
Locations reflect the individuals
addresses, and connections indicate
friendships (above). Detail (right)
Ch a p t e r 5 194

Tyler Lang and Elsa Chaves

Connecting Distant Dots

A map of connections between the

various social and environmental
forces that affect our planet. The inner
concentric circles are the main causes
of environmental damage (population
growth, farming, deforestation), and
rippling outward are the effects. Red
lines depict augmenting forces (CO 2
release, methane release, drought),
and blue lines show inhibitory forces
(ecomigration, food riots, alternative
energy). This is a reprint of an
illustration that originally appeared in
Seed 2, no. 20 (2009).

Philippe Vandenbroeck, Jo
Goossens, and Marshall
Obesity System Influence Diagram

A systemic look at nine factors

contributing to the obesity epidemic,
such as social psychology and food
The Syntax of a N ew Language 195

Daniel Peltz, Dennis Hlynsky,

and Chuan Khoo Call & Response

Screenshots from a collaborative

visualization framework for video
production at Rhode Island School of
Design (RISD), which highlights various
tagging relationships between videos
submitted to the database
Ch a p t e r 5 196

Radial Convergence

Santiago Ortiz, Luis Rico, and

Alfonso Valencia

A visualization of the interaction

network of genes of the bacteria
Escherichia coli. Each gene is
represented by a segment of color on
the outside ring. The color of the lines
within the circle express the nature of
the relationship between genes.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 197

Martin Krzywinski

A visualization of chromosomal
relationships within one genome
Ch a p t e r 5 198

Danny Holten
Hierarchical Edge Bundles

A diagram generated from an

innovative visualization technique used
to render data sets containing both
hierarchical components (parent-child
relations between data items [e.g.,
folder, sub-folder, sub-sub-folder]), as
well as nonhierarchical components

Jonathan Corum for the New

York Times
Naming Names

A chart of the frequency of names

mentioned by major presidential
candidates during the Democratic and
Republican debates leading up to the
Iowa caucuses. Each line represents
the reference of the last name of a
candidate by another candidate.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 199

Baris Gumustas
Eurovision 2009 Results

A map of voting patterns of

participating countries in the Moscow
Eurovision 2009 song contest, an
annual competition held among forty-
two countries that are members of
the European Broadcasting Union.
Countries are arranged in a radial
layout and represented by a unique
color. Links signify a vote for a countrys
song, and the weight of the link
represents the value of the votes.

Andreas Koberle
Processing Flickr Group

A chart of connections between

members of a Flickr group who share
an interest in Processing, the open-
source programming language and
development environment
Ch a p t e r 5 200

Radial Implosion

Richard Rogers
Climate Change: U.S. Groups in
International Context

A map of interlinks among prominent

climate-change websites
The Syntax of a N ew Language 201

J. Bollen, H. Van de Sompel,

A. Hagberg, L. Bettencourt, R.
Chute, et al.
Map of Science

A network of associations between stream ties together journals. Circles Thesaurus, a controlled vocabulary of
scientific journals that includes nearly represent individual journals; labels art, architecture, and material-culture
one billion user interactions recorded have been assigned to local clusters of terms. From J. Bollen, H. Van de
between 2007 and 2008 in scholarly journals that correspond to particular Sompel, A. Hagberg, L. Bettencourt, R.
web portals of significant publishers, scientific disciplines. The colors Chute, et al., Clickstream Data Yields
aggregators, and institutional consortia. correspond to the journal-classification High-Resolution Maps of Science. PLoS
As users select journals, their click system of the Art & Architecture ONE 4(3): e4803.
Ch a p t e r 5 202

Alvarez-Hamelin, Beir,
DallAsta, Barrat, and
Internet Autonomous Systems

A map of interconnectivity between

autonomous systems (a collection of
IP prefixes controlled by one or more
network operators), based on data
obtained from Cooperative Association
for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA).
Colors highlight the level of connectivity
of autonomous systems: red for the
most connected nodes through the
colors of the rainbow to violet for least
connected ones. (See also chapter 4,
page 120.)

Firstborn and Digital Kitchen

Operation Smile

A large-scale visualization of hundreds

of smiling portraits of visitors to New
York Citys South Street Seaport. (See
also chapter 6, page 233, figure 15.)
The Syntax of a N ew Language 203

Collaboration Structure of Cultural

A map of collaborators at the annual

Ars Electronica Festival, from its launch
in 1979 to the 2004 event. Each white
node represents one of the 2,575
artists who worked on any of the 5,176
projects. A line connects any two
collaborating artists; a different color
represents each festival year.
Ch a p t e r 5 204


yWorks (opposite)
yFiles Visualization Stefanie Posavec
2005 Writing Without Words
A visualization of abstract nodes
created through a Java library of layout A chart of the structure of part one of Posavec for the book (e.g., travel, work
algorithms for graphs, charts, and Jack Kerouacs On the Road (1957). and survival, sketches of regional life).
diagrams Each splitting of the branch into
progressively smaller sections parallels
the organization of the content from
chapters to paragraphs, sentences, and
words. Each color relates to one of
eleven thematic categories created by
The Syntax of a N ew Language 205
Ch a p t e r 5 206

Jukka-Pekka Onnela et al.

Mobile Communication Network

The structure of the mobile-

communication network around a
single individual. From J-P. Onnela, J.
Saramki, J. Hyvnen, G. Szab, D.
Lazer, K. Kaski, J. Kertsz, and A-L.
Barabsi, Structure and Tie Strengths
in Mobile Communication Networks,
Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences (PNAS) USA 104, no. 18
(2007): 733236.

Marcel Salath
Websites as Graphs

A network diagram depicting the HTML-

tag structure of home page
The Syntax of a N ew Language 207

Michael Schmuhl

A screenshot of a visualization program

that helps optimize computer-generated
network diagrams
Ch a p t e r 5 208

Scaling Circles

Juan Pablo de Gregorio and

Jos Neira
CMM Infographic

A conceptual illustration in a
monograph on the work of the Center
for Mathematical Modeling (CMM)
at the University of Chile engineering
The Syntax of a N ew Language 209

Instrument and Gridplane

Visualizing Online Media

A conceptual visualization based on the

idea of aggregating online media buzz
from various social-media outlets

Frederic Vavrille

A snapshot of an interactive online

visualization generated using a
visual-discovery engine that maps
and displays music and movie search
results from Amazons application
programming interface (API). When
a search term is submitted, the word
appears and is immediately surrounded
by related terms, the proximity based
on the relatedness of the terms. In this
example, the name of an artist, Pearl
Jam, was selected. The bands that are
similar in genre are closer to the Pearl
Jam node.
Ch a p t e r 5 210

Density Design: Donato Ricci,

Daniele Guido, Luca Masud,
Mauro Napoli, and Gaia
Design Research Nature

A map of the most common research

methodologies used by various Italian
design firms

Christopher Homan, Andrew

Pavlo, and Jonathan Schull
Tree Radial Balloon Layout

A diagram showing an alternative

visualization method for representing
hierarchical tree models (with parent-
child relations between data items).
From Homan, Pavlo, and Schull,
Smoother Transitions between Breadth-
first-spanning-tree-based Drawings
(paper presented at the Proceedings
of Graph Drawing, 14th International
Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany,
September 1820, 2006).
The Syntax of a N ew Language 211

Anne Pascual and Marcus Hauer


A sequence of screenshots from a

visualization tool for browsing the peer-
to-peer Gnutella network

Syed Reza Ali

Dewey Circles

A visualization showing the borrowing

patterns of Seattle Public Library
patrons using the Dewey Decimal
Classification system
Ch a p t e r 5 212

Segmented Radial Convergence

Boris Muller
Poetry on the Road

A visualization of various poems The diameter of the circle is based on occasionally highlighting repetitive
featured on a poster for an international the length of the poem: short poems patterns in the poem.
literature festival in Bremen, Germany. are in the center, while the longer ones
A number was assigned to every letter form the outer circles. Red rings on the
of the alphabet and added together circular path represent a number, and
to determine the numerical value of its thickness is directly proportional to
a word, e.g., the word poetry would the amount of words that share that
equal 99. Using this system, entire number. Gray lines connect the words
poems were arranged on circular paths. of the poem in their original sequence,
The Syntax of a N ew Language 213

Trina Brady
I Wish ...

A collection of wishes connecting 191

people (above); detail (right)
Ch a p t e r 5 214

Sebastian Heycke

An interactive visualization of the

subject catalog of INCOM, an online-
communication platform of the Interface
Design department at the University of
Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany.
INCOMs existing keywords are
mapped alphabetically in a clockwise
configuration on a radial structure. All
of the articles in the INCOM database
are represented by rectangles in the
inner circle. One can hover over a
keyword to see the names of related
articles or over an article to discover an
array of associated keywords.

Bill Marsh for New York Times

Finding Patterns in Corporate Chatter

A map of the email-exchange patterns

of Enron employees during a single
week in May 2001
The Syntax of a N ew Language 215

Wesley Grubbs and Nick Yahnke

Patterns in Oscar Movies

A map of working relationships

between directors, Oscar-winning
actors, and non-Oscar-winning actors,
generated using a data set of over ten
thousand movie records provided by
the IEEE InfoVis 2007 conference, for
their annual information-visualization
contest. Names of Oscar-winning actors
are placed on the intermediate ring,
directors they have worked with in the
inner ring, and other actors they have
worked with in the outer ring. Curved
lines were used to draw the working

Axel Cleeremans
Interactive Activation

A demonstration of an Interactive Conference of the Cognitive Science

Activation and Competition network Society, 1981, 17072. Hillsdale, New
neural networks made up of nodes or Jersey.
artificial neurons and used to model
memoryas first described by J. L.
McClelland in his paper Retrieving
General and Specific Information
from Stored Knowledge of Specifics,
Proceedings of the Third Annual
Ch a p t e r 5 216


2Roqs and Hudson Powell

Music Growth

A visual representation of musical

pieces with audio-frequency patterns
feeding the structures growth. Made for
Barbican, an art venue in London, for
its Great Performers session booklets.
The Syntax of a N ew Language 217

2Roqs and Hudson Powell

Music Growth


A three-dimensional network
visualization exploring semantic
overlaps between video-recorded talks
at the Technology Entertainment and
Design (TED) conference.
Ch a p t e r 5 218


A conceptual, prototype visualization of

abstract data outputted using Walrus,
a tool for interactively visualizing large
graphs in three-dimensional space.
Walrus uses a common focus and
context technique, allowing the user
to interact with the graph by selecting
a node, which smoothly moves to the
center of the display and enlarges to
enable the user to view fine details.

Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne

Celestial Mechanics

A planetarium visualization revealing

the location of many of the technologies
hovering, flying, and drifting above us
The Syntax of a N ew Language 219

James Spahr
Website Traffic Map

Santiago Ortiz
SpheresSpherical Surface of
Dialogue (English)

The semantic network of 122 common

words in the domain of complexity

Jang Sub Lee, Complexcity, 2008

A graphic composition of urban-road

patterns in Moscow

06 Complex Beaut y
Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is ever y where and
the circumference nowhere.
Blaise Pascal

For the harmony of the world is manifest in Form and Number,

and the heart and soul and all the poetr y of Natural Philosophy
are embodied in the concept of mathematical beaut y.
DArcy Wentworth Thompson

Complex networks are not just omnipresent, they are And the most elaborate of schemes are the ones that
also intriguing, stimulating, and extremely alluring apparently seduce us at the deepest level. So what are
structures. Networks are not just at the center of a sci- the enthralling properties of complexity? Why do we feel
entific revolution; they are also contributing to a con- so innately drawn to these structures? To try and answer
siderable shift in our conception of society, culture, these questions, we will investigate the various trajectories
and art, expressing a new sense of beauty. As we con- of complexity, alternating between a scientific and artistic
tinuously strive to decipher many of their inner work- viewpoint, before culminating in a contemporary artistic
ings, we are constantly bewildered by their displays expression that truly embodies a redefined notion of com-
of convolution, multiplicity, and interconnectedness. plex beauty.

The two epigraphs to this chapter are

drawn from Pascal, Penses, 60; and
Thompson, On Growth and Form, 326.
Ch a p t e r 6 222

Holism these ingredientsa wide palette of means for the visual

It is difficultsome would say impossibleto mea- expression of content.3 These are some of the pairings pre-
sure and understand the aesthetic appeal of art. Some sented: balance and instability, symmetry and asymmetry,
artists altogether oppose the pursuit, as John D. Barrow regularity and irregularity, predictability and spontaneity,
articulates in his essay Art and ScienceLes Liaisons subtlety and boldness, neutrality and accent, transparency
Dangereuses (2003): Most artists are very nervous of and opacity, accuracy and distortion, flatness and depth,
scientific analysis. They feel it destroys something about sharpness and diffusion. Dondis further describes each
the human aspect of creativity. The fear (possibly real) of paired approach with a series of visual examples and short
unsubtle reductionismmusic is nothing but the trace of an recommendations for its appropriate use. A seminal work,
air pressure curveis widespread. The realm of aesthet-
used in art and design classes across the globe, Dondiss
ics deals, after all, with emotional values and is never a study provides a set of communication-design patterns,
straightforward territory for investigation. Many attempts cohesive guidelines for building the most suitable visual
at creating a reliable framework of analysis have been composition for any given intent.
derailed, but that does not mean others have stopped try- It is important to understand such communication
ing to deconstruct various elements of aesthetics. strategies by scrutinizing the different methods for reaching
When one looks at a painting or visual represen- a particular goal. However, this reductionist effort can only
tation, one immediately perceives certain characteristics, tell us half of the story. When it comes to painting, litera-
such as composition, balance, symmetry, contrast, or color. ture, music, cinema, or other artistic expressions, the whole
These qualities themselves are made up of smaller building is always more than the sum of its parts.
blockswhat Donis A. Dondis, professor of communica- This dominant notion of wholeness, which seems
tion at Boston University School of Public Communication, commonplace today, only matured in the early twenti-
called the skeletal visual forces in her eminent A Primer of eth century, when a group of researchers from the Berlin
Visual Literacy (1974). These are easily recognizable in the School of Experimental Psychology set the foundations for
form of a dot, line, color, shape, direction, texture, scale, what would become known as Gestalt psychology. This
dimension, and motion. According to Dondis, these com- innovative school of thought emphasized the idea of whole-
ponents comprise the raw material of all visual informa- ness, asserting that the operational principle of the brain
tion in selective choices and combinations, and are chosen was ultimately holistic. Gestaltists reinforced the belief that
according to the nature of whats being designedthe final human experiences cannot be derived from the summation
aim of the piece.2 of perceptual elements, because they are ultimately irreduc-
But when it comes to expressing particular inten- ible. An outcome of their experiments, the Gestalt effect
tions, the mere appliance of these individual elements is describes a cognitive process in which the visual recogni-
not enough. This is why Dondis provides a complementary tion of shapes and forms is not based on a collection of
inventory of visual methods, or recipes, of how to combine elementsdots and linesbut on seeing them as a fully
Complex B e aut y 223

identifiable pattern: from recognizing a zebra in a grass- relies on the satisfying reward of identifying a figure or
land, to distinguishing a face in the crowd. form in a particular portrayal. The brains propensity to
But Gestaltism had a much wider influence outside look for familiar shapes is so strong that we even tend
the walls of perceptual psychology. Its theoretical base fos- to find meaningful patterns in meaningless noise, a type
tered a larger shift in science and in society at large, under of behavior usually called patternicity. Philosopher Karl
the name of holism. While reductionism asserts that any sys- Popper suggests that people are born with a certain innate
tem can be explained by reducing it down to its most fun- proclivity for regularity, an inborn propensity to look out
damental elements, holism expresses the opposite, believing for regularities, or with a need to find regularities.4
that the whole is ultimately irreducible. Even though this gen- So what happens if that sense of order is unstable
eral principle can be traced back to Aristotle, it became a and regularity imperceptible? When complexity exceeds
fundamental school of thought in twentieth-century science. a sustainable level? Does our perceptual system become
It helped to explain newly discovered natural systems, in clogged, preventing us from appreciating the specific tar-
which the whole was consistently made of interconnected get of our attention? Architect and lecturer Richard Padovan
and interdependent parts, and where no one unit of a system elaborates on this delicate balance, by paraphrasing art
could be altered without modifying the whole. historian Ernst Gombrich: Delight lies somewhere between
Gestalt theory is still today an immensely valuable boredom and confusion. If monotony makes it difficult to
resource in disciplines dealing with objective visual com- attend, a surfeit of novelty will overload the system and
munication, such as graphic design, interface design, and cause us to give up; we are not tempted to analyze the
information design. The Gestalt principles of form percep- crazy pavement.5 If this is really the case, how can we
tion, developed by Gestaltists over the years, constitute explain our attraction to particularly convoluted nonfigu-
great recipes for how to better employ visual elements while rative subjects? Ultimately, how can we explain the allur-
also pointing to their ability to easily fool the cognitive sys- ing qualities of complexity? Well, to shed new light on this
tem. However, when it comes to complex nonfigurative rep- topic, we need to resort to a different type of analysis.
resentations, Gestalt falls short in two key aspects. First, it is
always prescriptive and never explanatory: it may describe
that we are able to see a dog in a particular arrange- Complexit y Encoding
ment of dots, but it does not explain how the percept of a When talking about intricate depictions of complex
dog emerges in our mind. Second, Gestalt addresses the networks, there is a recurrent association with one particu-
form-forming capability of our senses, the way we visually lar art movement: abstract expressionism. As one of its main
identify familiar figures and whole forms. So what happens figures, Jackson Pollock was the key perpetrator of a sub-
when we are unable to identify a pattern? genre of abstract expressionism called action painting, or
Humans have a remarkable aptitude for pattern rec- gestural abstraction, which describes the act of dribbling,
ognition, and some might argue that the idea of aesthetics leaking, or splashing paint onto the canvas. His intricate
Ch a p t e r 6 224

and dynamic drip paintings have attracted many enthusiasts In his innovative analysis of Pollocks convoluted
over the years and have decisively defied the mold of most patterns and trajectories generated by his drip paintings,
traditional views on art and artistic execution. fig. 1 Taylor goes much further and suggests the evidence of
Pollocks drip paintings evoke large-scale views several fractal properties. Fractals are recurrent patterns
into undisclosed networked systems, where singularity is found in nature that express self-similarityany reduced
lost in the dense forest of interconnections. These intricate part of the entity is the same in proportion to the whole
landscapes express a variety of dynamic patterns and like never-ending repetitions of identical geometrical motifs.
organic textures that resemble those found in natural sys- According to Taylor, Pollocks fractality appears in two
tems. fig. 2 The similarity is certainly not accidental. My visual modes: fractal scaling and fractal displacement.
concern is with the rhythms of nature....I work inside out, While the former relates to a pattern that employs the same
like nature, Pollock declared. 6
But it is in Pollocks pro- repetitious motifs at different scales or magnifications, the
cess that we find the closest affinities with nature, explains latter refers to the use of the same motifs at different spatial
Richard Taylor, a physicist who has investigated many of locations.
Pollocks pieces. In the paper Fractal Expressionism The inherent fractal features of Pollocks paintings
Where Art Meets Science (2003), Taylor describes the might in part explain the captivating qualities of his work.
interesting overlap between nature and Pollocks paintings Nature builds its patterns using fractals as its basic build-
and provides five key traits of Pollocks method that reveal ing block, notes Taylor. Having evolved surrounded by
a unique instinctive character: (1) Cumulative layering: this fractal scenery, it perhaps is not surprising that humanity
similar to the way leaves fall over time or erosion patterns possesses an affinity with these fractals and an implicit rec-
are created, Pollocks paintings are made of a succes- ognition of their qualities. Indeed, it is possible to speculate
sion of strata; (2) Variation in intensity: just as weather that people possess some sort of fractal encoding within
changes over time, assuming a bright blue sky or a dark the perception system of their minds.8 fig. 3, fig. 4, fig. 5
intense storm, so do Pollocks patterns, both in color and Are we in the possession of some type of percep-
energy; (3) Horizontal plane: Pollocks canvas was the tual fractal encoding? And could the same encoding be
terrainhis dripping technique exploited gravity in the extended to other natural patterns? If this holds true, it could
same way nature builds patterns; (4) The large canvas: this well explain why we are so allured by depictions of com-
was seen by Pollock as an environment, which by ignor- plex networks. After all, it has been proven that networks
ing the canvas edges resembles Natures expansive and are a ubiquitous topology in nature, and a type of encod-
unconfined patterns; (5) Ongoing process: the cyclical ing similar to fractal encoding might exist in our minds. The
routine of nature is illustrated by Pollocks habit of leav- fact that as you read this sentence you are using your own
ing a painting resting for a long time and occasionally vastly interconnected network of neurons alludes to this
revisiting ithe was a great enthusiast of the continuous plausible cognitive complexity encoding. Perhaps we have
dynamic method. 7
a propensity for structures similar to our own brainat its

fig. 3
Carden and Coast, London GPS
Tracking Map

User-generated GPS traces of London,

used as a part of the OpenStreetMap
project, a large collaborative proposal
aimed at creating a free, editable map
of the world. (See also chapter 4, page
Complex B e aut y 225

fig. 1
Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm:
Number 30, 1950, oil on canvas.

fig. 2
Graciela Blaum, Oaks, 2007,

Oak trees tangled up in Calero Park,

San Jose, California

fig. 4 fig. 5
Richard P. Taylor, Pollocks Traces, Paul De Koninck Laboratory,
2006 Dissociated culture of rat hippocampal
neurons, 2005
A schematic version of Jackson Pollocks
poured trajectories A detailed view into a rats neuronal
network. (See also page 230, figure
Ch a p t e r 6 226

most basic cellular levelturning us into victims of a dop- a variety of animals, from insects like bees and termites, to
aminelike neurotransmitter every time we view systems that birds (flocking), fish (schooling), and even people (crowds).
roughly resemble a neural network. fig. 6, fig. 7 figs. 89
Most of these queries and assertions are specula- The highly synchronized movement of large groups
tive by nature, and at this stage there is hardly a more reli- of animals, sometimes forming perfectly aligned patterns
able framework that can explain this appeal. As a matter as in the case of bird flockingis an intriguing occurrence,
of course, the outcomes of ongoing efforts may clarify this particularly since it subverts our assumptions that some type
elusiveness. Aesthetic judgment has always been seen as of hierarchy or centralized control is taking place. It turns
an unempirical domain, but many researchers are striving out that the highly complex performance is not based on
to quantify and understand it. Whereas the growing field any chain of command, but on very simple local rules, fol-
of computational aesthetics facilitates the analysis of aes- lowed by every animal in the group. Most swarm behaviors
thetic perception by means of computer-driven automated follow three basic directives: separationdont crowd your
tools, the emergent subfield of empirical aesthetics, known neighbors (short-range repulsion); alignmentmaneuver in
as neuroesthetics, recognizes aesthetic perceptions at the the average direction neighbors are moving toward; cohe-
neurological level. Even if significant discoveries arise from sionsteer toward average position of neighbors (long-
these innovative approaches, it is apparent that many of the range attraction). This set of directives forms, in essence,
obstacles preventing a new understanding of aesthetics are a very simple recipe, manifested in various natural systems
not related to technological or scientific limitations but to a and able to create gripping complexity out of simplicity.
widespread resistance to alternative concepts of beauty. Our knowledge of swarming has grown consider-
ably in the last two decades, in part due to our ability to
replicate collective animal behavior in various computer
Ordered Complexit y simulations, initially developed by computer graphics
In Regularities and Randomness: Evolving Schemata expert Craig Reynolds in 1986. Reynoldss work was an
in Science and the Arts (2003), American physicist and important contribution to the field of computation evolution,
Nobel Prize winner Murray Gell-Mann notes that computer which encompasses a series of computational techniques
scientist, psychologist, and economist Herbert Simon stud- and algorithms based on evolutionary processes of biologi-
ied the path made by ants, which may appear complex at cal life, but it also became a popular subject of interest for
first, but when we realize that the ant is following a rather generative art.
simple program, into which are fed the incidental features Emerging in the 1960s, generative art refers to
of the landscape and the pheromone trails laid down by art created or constructed by means of computer algo-
the other ants for the transport of food, we understand that rithms, usually employing randomized autonomous pro-
the path is fundamentally not very complex. A parallel 9
cesses. Arguably the most suitable art practice to illustrate
phenomenon, known as swarm behavior, is observable in the intricate and cumulative building of natural patterns,
Complex B e aut y 227

fig. 6 fig. 7
Jackson Pollock, Number 5, 1948, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de
oil, enamel, and aluminum paint on Lausanne, Blue Brain Project, 2008
A computer-generated model produced single neocortical columnarguably the
with IBMs Blue Gene supercomputer most complex part of a mammals brain.
shows the thirty million connections The different colors indicate distinctive
between ten thousand neurons in a levels of electrical activity. (See also
chapter 2, page 53.)

figs. 89
Robert Hodgin, Birds, 2007

A computer simulation of bird-flocking

behavior, with more than three
thousand bird silhouettes
Ch a p t e r 6 228

fig. 10
Marius Watz, Abstract 1, 2003

figs. 1112
Keith Peters, Random Lissajous Webs,
Complex B e aut y 229

generative art has gained momentum in the past decade, scientists began to view nature differently, understanding
with the works of artists Marius Watz, Alessandro Capozzo, that even though natural systems masqueraded as being
Jared Tarbell, Keith Peters, Eno Henze, Casey Reas, Paul disordered, lurking underneath was a remarkably subtle
Prudence, Robert Hodgin, and Karsten Schmidt, among form of order.11
others, delivering riveting views on the artistic qualities of The 1960s and 1970s witnessed the growth of two
code. fig. 10, fig. 11, fig. 12 groundbreaking areas of scientific inquiry, fractal and chaos
Generative art is fascinating, not only for its medium theories, which in turn led to the development of the notion
and end result, but also for its inherent building process, of emergence. While fractal theory looks at recursive self-
akin to the creation processes of nature. The associations similarity as a building mechanism for complexity, whereby
with biology and evolution are indubitable, with many the same geometrical motif is continuously repeated at dif-
artists employing behavioral algorithms, in which coded ferent scales, chaos theory, famously typified by the but-
agents, or virtual ants, are told to move across the terfly effect, is a wide field of study that investigates the
screen in a series of randomized directions, progressively properties of complex dynamic systems sensitive to initial
generating the elaborate final piece as they leave behind small changes, and covers areas like mathematics, phys-
their colorful trails. If Pollocks affinity to natural processes ics, and economics. Both theories led to the awareness of
helps explain the magnetism of his work, so too does gen- emergencethe rise of complex patterns and systems from
erative arts nature-inspired assembly procedure explain its multiple simple interactionswhich delivered a new under-
own magnetism. After all, the way generative art operates standing of natural phenomena and became an integral
at a code levelas simple orders repeated over timeis part of complexity science.
remarkably similar to the way nature builds many of its These theories look at dynamic systems from an
convoluted patterns. entirely new perspective, in which order and complexity
But the notion of such an ordered nature is in fact are not seen as opposing but as complementary elements
quite recent. Before the 1950s, as Taylor observes in his of nature. The extraordinary work of mathematicians Alan
book Chaos, Fractals, Nature (2006), science showed lit- Turing, Edward Lorenz, and Benot Mandelbrot, which
tle interest for the visual complexity that abounded in the translated natures apparent disorder into simple math-
natural environment, with the common presumption that it ematical equations, was pivotal in this transition. Soon it
was no match for humanitys artificial order: Although the became widely accepted that the newly conceived ordered
individual actions of Nature were expected to be trivially complexity of natural systems relied on basic rules, coming
simple, it was assumed that the sheer number and variety together in a variety of intricate shapes and schemas.
of these actions caused the combined system (the one we In many cases it is not so much a matter of order
observe all around us) to descend into disorder. In other and disorder being antagonistic as it is a matter of each
words, complexity was thought to exclude any hope of prevailing at a different scale. What seems complex in
order. 10
But around the time of Pollocks death, in 1956, one representation may seem ordered or disordered in a
Ch a p t e r 6 230

representation at a different scale, say media artists and view that prevailed for centuries. Many other philosophers
researchers Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau. 12
have supported and expanded on this belief. But in the
To elucidate this point, they provide the example of cracks beginning of the twentieth century, the notion of pure, bal-
in dried mud, which might seem like a flat, homogeneous anced beauty was assertively challenged by vocal artists
surface from afar, but a disordered array when the clay who suggested a new type of aesthetics independent of a
particles making the mud is looked at closely. An inverse striving for balance. Cubism and futurism helped foster this
of this duality might be said to exist in the case of fractals change of mind-set, gearing art toward the path of abstrac-
or networks, whether biological, social, or technological. tion. Most people familiar with art history know what hap-
They might seem astoundingly complex from afar, but as pened next: art became gradually detached from its role
we zoom in, we find a very defined order between indi- as a faithful representation of the real and became looser
vidual entities and their respective ties. When we alternate and nonliteral, often placing emphasis on the process, the
between micro and macro views of the world, we can deci- emotional impact, and experimentation.
pher different attributes of order and complexity, as if look- Even though art went through a major transformation
ing at a flexible universal continuum. fig. 13, fig. 14 in this period, the refusal to fully acknowledge complexity
As the idea of an ordered complexity in nature was carried out by a number of art critics, who later found
through advances in chaos, fractal, and network theory in Pollock the perfect target for their repudiation. In 1957,
became accepted in the sciences, the art community likewise art theorist and perceptual psychologist Rudolf Arnheim
began to question this duality. In his seminal Metaphysics (19042007) took a stand against the latest accidental
(ca. first century CE), Aristotle considered order, symmetry, form of art in a harsh condemnation of contemporary art.
and definiteness to be the general elements of beauty, a Published in the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, his

fig. 13 fig. 14
Paul De Koninck Laboratory, Volker Springel et al., Millennium
Dissociated culture of rat hippocampal Simulation, 2005
neurons, 2005
The largest and most realistic simulation
A detailed view of a rats neuronal of the formation and growth of
network galaxies and quasars. It re-created the
evolutionary histories of approximately
twenty million galaxies in twenty-five
terabytes of stored data.
Complex B e aut y 231

essay Accident and the Necessity of Art delivered a livid By analyzing Pollocks work in this fashion,
attack on modern artists, particularly Pollock, who deliber- Greenberg became a voice of change, finally pairing order
ately [rely] on accident for the production of their work. 13
and complexity in a new type of orderly disorder aesthet-
As one of the key precursors of Gestaltism, it was ics. This important shift, similar to the one observed in the
only natural for Arnheim to be derisive of a new form of sciences, still reverberates throughout the arts. As Padovan
expression lacking any obvious sign of uniformity. After explains, Order and complexity are twin poles of the same
all, Gestaltists believed psychological organization was phenomenon. Neither can exist without the other, and aes-
facilitated by regularity, predictability, and symmetry, and thetic value is the measure of both.... Just as order needs
if anything, order and complexity were antagonists in a complexity to become manifest, complexity needs order to
struggle for constancy. Slowly, other critics started realizing become intelligible.15 According to philosophy professor
that the aesthetic split between order and complexity was Ruth Lorand, this interlace leads to the formula of beauty
not clear cut, and the dismissal of Pollocks work began to described as unity in diversity.16
fade. The influential art critic Clement Greenberg, one of We can witness this aesthetic formula in a variety
the first voices of appraisal for Pollock, opposed the super- of daily circumstances, simply by looking at a stirring natu-
ficial idea of accident popularized by Arnheim. In the ral landscape. It is the apparent sense of unity despite the
article Inspiration, Vision, Intuitive Decision, from 1967, uncountable interacting variables and inherent complexity
Greenberg writes: that makes us gaze in awe when contemplating such a
landscape and wonder with amazement how all these ele-
Pollock wrests aesthetic order from the look of ments came to form such a striking construct. Truly, the same
accidentbut only from the look of it ....True, sense of wonder occurs when we are faced with a complex
this is all hard to discern at first. The seeming network. The dense layering of lines and interconnections
haphazardness of Pollocks execution, with its might enthrall us at a deeper level, leaving us to marvel
mazy trickling, dribbling, whipping, blotching, at the feeling of wholeness from disparate multiplicity. If
and staining of paint, appears to threaten to a sense of self-awareness, driven by an innate complexity
swallow up and extinguish every element of encoding, can partly explain our infatuation with networks
order. But this is more a matter of connotation and complexity, the notion of unity in diversity can certainly
than of actual effect. The strength of the art complement it. Unity in diversity is ultimately an important
itself lies in the tension... between the con- metaphor for a new outlook on the captivating power of
notations of haphazardness and the felt and networks, granting complexity greater aesthetic legitimacy
actual aesthetic order, to which every detail than ever before.
of execution contributes. Order supervenes at
the last moment, as it were, but all the more
triumphantly because of that.14
Ch a p t e r 6 232

Net workism domains as it is by the desire for the representation of com-

It is well documented that the traditional arts, such plex systems. fig. 15, fig. 16
as painting and sculpture, have always been influenced by It is never easy to introduce an artistic trend, since
advances in science. Mathematics and art, for instance, most artists, and rightfully so, tend to detach themselves
have a long history of cross-pollination, going back to from definition: their work is an individual pursuit and
the golden ratio and the idea of symmetrical quantifiable should be analyzed as such. Nevertheless, it is still possible
beauty in Ancient Greece. Furthermore a multitude of art- to establish correlations and find patterns emerging from
ists, like Leonardo da Vinci, Piet Mondrian, M. C. Escher, their discrete efforts. The general motivations of networkism
and Salvador Dali, have famously incorporated mathemati- are best expressed in the words of artist Sharon Molloy,
cal themes in their work. As mathematician John L. Casti one of the precursors of this movement:
amusingly stated: Nowadays its almost impossible to
walk into the office of a scientist or mathematician without My quest is to reveal how everything is inter-
seeing an engraving or two by the well-known Dutch artist connected. From the atom to the cell, to the
M. C. Escher hanging on the wall. 17
body and beyond into society and the cos-
Today, more than ever, art and science are highly mos, there are underlying processes, structures
intertwined in a cyclical sphere of influence, and com- and rhythms that are mirrored all around and
plexity science is simply a new source of inspiration. As permeate small thing leads to
researchers, scientists, and designers across the globe use another and larger patterns emerge....This
a variety of technological tools to make sense of a wide work embraces the multiple, the network, the
range of complex structures, they inspire a growing number paradoxical and the idea that even the small-
of artists infatuated with networked schema and their dis- est gesture or event has significance, and the
closure of hidden territories. This seductiveness is bearing power to change everything.18
fruits, with many similar art projects emerging under a new
trend called networkism. Stimulated by rhizomatic proper- In an apparent allusion to chaos theory, the words
ties like nonlinearity, multiplicity, or interconnectedness, of Molloy echo many of the inherent properties of com-
and scientific advances in areas such as genetics, neurosci- plex systems: rhythm, movement, pattern, structure, multi-
ence, physics, molecular biology, computer systems, and plicity, and interconnectedness. These are all qualities of
sociology, networkism is a small but growing artistic trend, observed networks but also intrinsic traits of the work of
characterized by the portrayal of figurative graph struc- artists operating in this realm. As a systems art practice,
turesillustrations of network topologies revealing convo- networkism epitomizes the notion of ordered complexity,
luted patterns of nodes and links. As a direct consequence balancing order and disorder in a striking resemblance to
of the recent outburst of network visualization, networkism both natural patterns and scientific visualizations. fig. 17,
is equally motivated by the unveiling of new knowledge fig. 18, fig. 19, fig. 20

fig. 17 (opposite, left) fig. 18 (opposite, right)

Stephen Coast, detail from IP Mapping, Sharon Molloy, detail of Transient

2001 Structures and Unstable Networks,
2008, oil and enamel on canvas
A three-dimensionally rendered network
of 8,996 IP addresses with 10,334
Complex B e aut y 233

fig. 15
Firstborn and Digital Kitchen, detail
from Operation Smile. A large-scale
visualization of hundreds of smiling
portraits of visitors to New York Citys
South Street Seaport. (See also chapter
5, page 202.)

fig. 16
Emma McNally, detail from Field 4,
2009, graphite on paper
Ch a p t e r 6 234

fig. 19
Sharon Molloy, Transient Structures and
Unstable Networks
Complex B e aut y 235

In addition to Molloy, other central players of net- took part, writer Catherine Walworth opens with the fol-
workism are artists Janice Caswell and Emma McNally. lowing: Maps are gorgeous but notable artists are rarely
Although the three artists seem to be allured by the most invited to render them. They wouldnt make sense in a lan-
appealing features of network formationswith imaginary guage of pure subjectivity... or would they?20 She then
landscapes of interconnected entities being the prevail- describes Caswells exhibited works in detail:
ing themetheir motivations are never exactly the same.
While Molloy seems to be captivated by scientific discov- Unconstrained lines drawn in marker travel
eries and underlying structures in nature, Caswell pursues back and forth across the page creating airy,
portraits of her own memories as indecipherable mental curving forms with no specific mass....Caswells
maps. McNally, on the other hand, is highly influenced by markings pause as they stroll along, conveying
the concept of the rhizome from Deleuze and Guatarri, and the slightly awkward sense that they have no
her work investigates possibilities of semiotic connections intended direction. Dots of various sizes are
and disconnections through a visually and conceptually affixed to these lines like the symbol for towns
dense use of pencil on paper. 19
and cities on a common road map.21
In an article for Art Liesa contemporary art quar-
terlycovering the exhibition City Maps in which Caswell Caswells maps of intertwined lines and colorful pins
are captivating, taking us through imaginary journeys and
wanderings. The network is an ever-present topology, linking
different nodes, tying different places together, in a glimpse
of faded memory. Caswell has also developed a personal
lexiconwhich she recurrently explores in her mapsremi-
niscent of computer-generated network representations: This
work arises out of a desire to capture experience, an impulse
to locate, arrange, and secure the past. I use a pared-down,
coded language through which points, lines, and fields of
color define spaces and retell narratives, making memories
concrete.22 fig. 21
McNally, whose drawings showcase remarkable
landscapes of intense graphite, depicting imaginary net-
works, paths, and trajectories, explores a parallel carto-
graphic conjecture. In an essay accompanying McNallys
work at T1+2 Gallery, in London, curator and art historian
Ana Balona de Oliveira describes McNallys studies: Her

fig. 20
Sharon Molloy, Transient Structure,
2010, oil and enamel on canvas
Ch a p t e r 6 236

large and small-scale drawings ...offer themselves to the Nodal building. The key influence of networkism,
viewer as surfaces or sites for rhythmic relations of graph- as the name implies, is networkswidespread topologies
ite marks disruptively connected in gatherings, collisions, usually represented by means of a graph. It is the specific
swirls, and dispersals that are both geometric and chaotic. nonlinear network configurationdefined in sets of nodes
There seems to be a permanent flux of disquietingly pulsing and edgesthat situates networkism in a different artistic
energy achieved through these conflicting highly organized context, separate from other past and contemporary art
and extremely fleeting forces. 23
Oliveira explains that movements, particularly action painting and other branches
McNallys nodal connections show a similarity between of abstract expressionism.
the processes of the radically differing micro-cosmos of the Even though the strongest manifestation of networkism
atom and macro-cosmos of the star formation and bear is occurring in painting and illustration, it is not limited to
a resemblance to a variety of themes, like aerial views, expression in two dimensions. The work of Tomas Saraceno,
battlefield maps, geological formations, oceanic charts, particularly a piece with the fabulous title Galaxies Forming
disease transmissions, animal migratory routes, molecule Along Filaments, Like Droplets Along the Strands of A Spiders
structures, black holes, etc. 24
fig. 22, fig. 23 Web (2008), shown at the Venice Art Biennale in 2009, is a
The work of Molloy, Caswell, and McNally has magnificent example of what networkism is all about. In this
a strong correspondence to the work produced in action dramatic installation, several bulbous shapes hang in the air,
painting, generative art, and even network visualization. sustained by a dense interwoven elastic rope that stretches
So what makes networkism distinct as an independent artis- to the floor, walls, and ceiling. It plays with the notion of
tic movement? Although analogous in terms of visual out- celestial space and the vast planetary landscape, like invis-
put, networkism is unique in a number of ways. ible strands holding groups of stars in candid emptiness; but
No tangible data. In most cases the depicted enti- it also alludes to smaller-scale entities, resembling at times
ties on canvas and their expressed linkages are fictitious the construct of a neuronal network. The piece is striking
and do not relate to an existing data set. This first feature and theatrical, and allows users to wander freely between
of networkism puts aside apparent similarities with infor- the multitudes of elastic strands. Art editor Kristin M. Jones
mation design or network visualizationfields that always describes her own experience with Saracenos web in Frieze
employ actual data sets or tangible facts. Magazine: Bumping into one [rope] meant sending shiv-
Not entirely random. Although dealing with abstract ers throughout the skeletal cosmological web, but clumsiness
elements and respective ties, their placement on the can- worked to the viewers advantage, providing this surrogate
vas seems to be carefully considered and planned, with a universe with a sense of tangible interconnectedness and
particular visual composition in mind. This differs from most mutability.25 figs. 2427
generative art and other forms of algorithmic art, which, If Saracenos Galaxies Forming Along Filaments
besides distinct computerized media, tend to employ ran- appears to sustain the surrounding white walls in a slen-
domized, autonomous processes in their work. der assemblage, Japanese artist Chiharu Shiotas lattices
Complex B e aut y 237

fig. 21
Janice Caswell, The Book of Salt,
2006, ink, paper, pins, enamel, beads
on paper, mounted on aluminum-
backed archival foam board

fig. 22
Emma McNally, e1, 2009, graphite
on paper

fig. 23
Emma McNally, field 8, 2010, graphite
on paper
Complex B e aut y 238

figs. 2427
Tomas Saraceno, Galaxies Forming
Along Filaments, Like Droplets Along
the Strands of A Spiders Web, 2008,
elastic ropes
Complex B e aut y 239

emphatically invade every corner of the room, in a gloomy Bosnian artist Dalibor Nikolic has also been explor-
swarm of dark lines. fig. 28 Her spaces are filled with hun- ing the meanderings of the network, but instead of using
dreds of black woolen threadsdense layers that form elastic bands or woolen threads, Nikolic uses plastic pipes
an impenetrable cocoonand appear to be contaminated and wires to produce many of his convoluted shapes in a
by the intrusive web. Shiota does not have a studio, nor remarkable effort of systematization. figs. 2930 His con-
does she produce drawings or notes beforehand. She structions are made by the continuous replication of basic
works only on location and relies solely on recollection. patterns, always with a simple, or the simplest possible,
This explains why her captivating installations resemble assembly process. Accepting the premise that everything
dreamy scenarios, invoking the passage of time or the ero- is made up of atoms, Nikolic finds great inspiration in the
sion of memory. repetition of uncomplicated patterns, as a universal mode

fig. 28
Chiharu Shiota, In Silence, 2008,
elastic ropes and black woolen thread
Ch a p t e r 6 240

figs. 2930
Dalibor Nikolic, Network, 2007

fig. 31
Gertrud Goldschmidt (Gego), Esfera
(Sphere), 1976, stainless-steel wire
Complex B e aut y 241

of production, and the duality of absoluteness and noth- Theresa Papanikolas draw a comparison between Gegos
ingness. In one of his pieces, appropriately titled Network Reticulrea and Deleuze and Guattaris rhizome:
(2007), Nikolic builds a dense globe of interconnections of
intersecting pipes and assembled joints, resembling visions As in the rhizome, two principles rule instead
of a noosphere, the sphere of human thought. of a master plan: a principle of connection
A visionary precursor to the works of Saraceno, and a principle of heterogeneity.... By con-
Shiota, and Nikolic comes from the hands of the notori- necting any one point with any other, the
ous artist Gertrude Goldschmidt, known as Gego. A true Reticulrea, like all rhizomes, makes multiple
predecessor of networkism, Gego was born and raised in without adding a superior dimension; it nei-
Germany. In 1939, at the age of twenty-seven, she moved ther begins nor ends, but is instead always in
to Venezuela and lived there the rest of her life, until passing the middle, in the midst of things, and there-
away in 1994. Her artistic vocabulary was unique and con- fore always lacking a culminating point.27
stantly changing. In her drawings, prints, and sculptures,
she showcased an unconventional and independent view- The rhizome, discussed in chapter two, is not only
point, apparently immune to trends or styles. fig. 31 a strong metaphor for Gegos work but for all artists within
Gegos Reticulrea is the most popular and striking the sphere of networkism. Rhizome showcases an entirely
piece in her diverse body of work. figs. 3233 First exhib- new conception of aesthetic qualityopposed to our obses-
ited at the Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas in 1969, sion for order, tidiness, and linear narrativethat relies
several meshes of aluminum and steel were tied together on multiplicity and interconnectedness to express the inner
and dispersed irregularly in the confined space of a room. construct of the world and its striking invisible beauty. The
In a June 2003 article for Art in America, critic and cura- net has no center, no orbits, no certainty, writes technol-
tor Robert Storr described Reticulrea as an astonishing ogy editor and writer Kevin Kelly. It is an indefinite web
tessellation of suspended, interlocking stainless-steel wire of causes.28 If complexity science is networkisms scientific
elements that fills a large white room whose corners have mentor, then rhizome is its philosophical counterpart.
been rounded so that viewers can more easily lose them- Networkism typifies a new conception of art, stretch-
selves and their sense of scale in the triangulated, volumet- ing as far as our scientific eye can take us and embracing
ric webs that surround them, webs through which they move all scales of human understanding, from atoms, genes, and
like planes navigating the gaps in a cloud bank.26 neurons to ecosystems, the planet, and the universe. A seem-
The web of influence between Gego, Saraceno, ing consequence of the complex connectedness of modern
Shiota, and Nikolic is evident not only in the similarity life, networkism follows a revised idea of metanarrative, or
of their resulting structures but also in the ingrained prin- grand narrative, introduced by French philosopher Jean-
ciples that tie their work. In Questioning the Line: Gego Franois Lyotard in the 1970s, in this case pertaining to
in Context (2003), curators Mari Carmen Ramrez and the omniscience of science. The network is at the center of
Ch a p t e r 6 242

figs. 3233
Gertrud Goldschmidt (Gego),
Reticulrea (Reticula + area), 1969.
Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas,
Complex B e aut y 243

this belief, embodying a transcendent and universal truth, Notes

1 Casti and Karlqvist, Art and Complexity, 1.
an archetype that represents all circuits, all intelligence, 2 Dondis, Primer of Visual Literacy, 39.
all interdependence, all things economic, social, or eco- 3 Ibid., 110.
4 Padovan, Proportion, 41.
logical, all communications, all democracy, all families, all 5 Ibid.
large systems, almost all that we find interesting and impor- 6 Emmerling, Jackson Pollock, 48.
7 Taylor, Chaos, Fractals, Nature, 56.
tant. 29
Ultimately, networkism is an absorbing testimony of
8 Casti and Karlqvist, Art and Complexity, 142.
the networks widening influence. 9 Ibid., 49.
10 Taylor, Chaos, Fractals, Nature, 11.
As we recognize its ubiquitynot as a superficial
11 Ibid.
model but as a structural dynamic forcethe network will 12 Casti and Karlqvist, Art and Complexity, 94.
13 Arnheim, Toward a Psychology of Art, 162.
continue to challenge any conventional notion of beauty. The
14 Taylor, Chaos, Fractals, Nature, 132.
awareness of this widespread topology is driving a consider- 15 Padovan, Proportion, 41, 42.

able perceptual shift, replacing many of complexitys dubi- 16 Lorand, Aesthetic Order, 10.
17 Casti and Karlqvist, Art and Complexity, 25.
ous qualities with new, evocative ones. Networks show us 18 Molloy, Sharon Molloy: Artist Statement.
that there is order in disorder, that there is unity in diversity, 19 Oliveira, Emma McNally.
20 Walworth, City Maps.
and above all, that complexity is astonishingly beautiful. 21 Ibid.
22 Caswell, Artist Statement.
23 Oliveira, Emma McNally.
24 Ibid.
25 Jones, Tomas Saraceno.
26 Storr, Gegos Galaxies, 10813.
27 Ramrez and Papanikolas, Questioning the Line, 93.
28 Kelly, New Rules for the New Economy, 9.
29 Ibid.

Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne,

Celestial Mechanics, 2005

A still image from a visual animation

depicting the paths of several satellites
drifting above our planet. It is part of
a larger planetarium-based installation
that visualizes the statistics, data,
and protocols of man-made aerial

07 Looking Ahead
Today we live invested with an electric information environment
that is quite as imperceptible to us as water is to a fish.
Marshall McLuhan

This quantit y over qualit y shift in our culture has created an even
deeper need for truly informing experiencesfor insight, the most
precious form of information.

Nathan Shedroff

Information gently but relentlessly drizzles down on the various political, economic, cultural, sociological, and
us in an invisible, impalpable electric rain. This is
technological advances shaping the coming years.
how physicist Hans Christian von Baeyer starts his In the spirit of network diversity and multiplicity, this
engaging book Information: The New Language of chapter will embrace a number of different views on the future
Science (2005). The statement is not only an intriguing of visualization, covering an array of trends and technologies
metaphor for our contemporary data-inundated world that will shape the progress of the field. Some of these direc-
but an acute look into the future. If visualization has tions have just begun to show the first signs, while others have
until now played a major role as a substantiated filter been maturing for years. The essays cover topics ranging
of relevance, disclosing imperceptible patterns and from ubiquitous visualization to social-data collection, neo-
hidden connections in von Baeyers electric rain, it will cartography, ambient visualization, collective intelligence,
simply become indispensable as raindrops swiftly turn mass digitization, and sensory networks. Through these dis-
into a drenching downpour. Visualization will become cussions, their authors forecast an engaging and malleable
imperative not solely as a response to the growing use of visualization as a fundamental tool of discovery in an
surge of data, but also as a supporting mechanism to increasingly interconnected and complex world.

The two epigraphs to this chapter are

drawn from McLuhan, Counterblast,
5; and Wurman, Sume, and Leifer,
Information Anxiety 2, 16.

1 von Baeyer, Information, 3.


Seeing the World in Data

by Nathan Yau

In the early 1900s, an anthropologist, a poet, and a film- levels, which in turn could help others find the best route
maker started a project in the United Kingdom called home or to work in real time. Citizens can collect pollution
Mass-Observation, in which the goal was to gain a better levels in their area, which could collectively provide a view
understanding of their community. They asked participants of a citys air quality and provide a clear direction for pub-
to keep diaries documenting their daily lives. Sometimes lic policy. Less serious matters can also be measured, like
participants were given specific objectives, like count how helping people find a fun place to hang out.
many people in a pub wore hats. Other times, the sub- It is easy to see the potential in such an idea; how-
ject of documentation was open-ended with very little to ever, we are still very much at the beginning of social-data
no structure. The collective result was a micro view of the collection, or Participatory Sensing. Before we hit any mile-
United Kingdom, made possible by thousands of individu- stones and really make use of these new flows of data,
als working toward a common goal. These journals were there are three main areas that we have to work on: collec-
meaningful to the individuals who kept them but also pro- tion, analysis, and interaction.
vided something useful as a collection. This, of course, was
before computers.
Current technological developments offer the oppor- Data Collection
tunity to collect data in the same vein as Mass-Observation, With the huge growth and adoption of mobile tech-
at an even more detailed, and a much larger, scale. We nology, data collection is easier than ever. We can record
can use advancing technology, like mobile phones and our location every few seconds with GPS devices, take digi-
the internet, to collect information about our surroundings tal pictures on a whim, and send text messages wherever
and ourselves. An individual can collect thousands of data there is connectivity, which is just about everywhere nowa-
points during a single day without even batting an eye or days. Some data flows are self-updating and automatic.
picking up a pencil and a notepad. Hundreds of thousands Others are manual and involve more active collection pro-
of people are a part of this fast-paced digital world. cedures. Either way, one of the keys to data collection is
With these advances come a number of possible to make the process easy and to intertwine it with daily
applications. One area is citizen science. People can take activities.
active roles in their community by collecting data about Millions of people around the world own mobile
what is around them, contributing to a common database phones and subscribe to services so that they are con-
that experts can in turn analyze to find solutions to local nected almost everywhere they go. These phones could be
problems. For example, individuals could report traffic repurposed into data-collection devices with software that
Lo oking Ahe ad 247

tasks the phone to retrieve data a few times per minute so help locate the useful points in the data, which are then
that people can collect data almost everywhere they go. visualized.
Programs could be created to allow users to take pictures For example, imagine a camera phone programmed
and annotate them with location and metadata. to take pictures several times a minute, perhaps with the
It is, of course, not as easy as it sounds. Like with intent of examining whom we interact with or the foods that
any experiment, there are many kinks to resolve before we eat during a single day. Without proper algorithms to
moving on to the next step. Connectivity, for example, will distill the data, the hundreds of thousands of images are
inevitably be spotty in some areas. How do we account for difficult to process. Our brains are great at finding patterns,
a loss of connection? How should we store the data? We but when we have gigabytes or terabytes of information,
can cache data on a phones memory, but what happens it is easy to see how important details could be missed.
when it runs out of space? Along with connectivity and stor- Not only does analysis help find the interesting points in
age come synchronization issues with phone and server. our data, but it also filters out the outliers and corrupted
Then there are concerns with data privacy. Who files, and automates tedious tasks like classification and
sees your data when you upload it to the server? How safe correlation.
is your data and how long will it stay in memory? If the data
is used for research, is the data properly anonymized?
For example, some might not mind sharing what they eat, Interaction
but most people are not comfortable revealing their loca- Once the information is in the database and
tion every single minute of the day. properly vetted, we can finally see our world in data
Ultimately, these are issues to address while retain- through visualization. With the growing amount of data,
ing transparency for the user. When the user, who is not nec- many toolssome artistic, some analytical, and others in
essarily professionally trained to deal with data, becomes betweenhave been applied to provide unique views of
analyst, it is important he or she knows what is going on. our surroundings. And the web has made it much easier for
these ideas to propagate.
Dynamic online mapping, or so-called neocartogra-
Analysis phy, has brought intuitive interfaces in a familiar geographic
Once there are streams of data to work with, we setting to all users to access specific information about their
have to figure out what to do with it. There is an inclination county or city. What if you were able to see what was
to show all the data at once, which may be appropriate at going on in your neighborhood from a data standpoint?
times, but what happens when there is too much data to fit Is your block due for a road repair because there are too
on a single screen? In these cases, which continue to grow many potholes? Which street lamps are flickering on and off
in number, analysis occurs between data collection and the at night? Are the noise levels too high in the middle of the
end use. Algorithms and traditional statistical techniques night? People can easily access this information, which not
Ch a p t e r 7 248

just satisfies curiosity but also provides quantitative evidence how we can use that information for the better. Computers
that can be used in public-council meetings or provided are often thought of as technology that takes us away from
to policy makers. Participants can also collect and aggre- the physical world and social interactions. Quite the oppo-
gate information about their neighborhoods themselves. So site. Computers, through data, visualization, and interfaces,
while people interact with the data through a computer, can bring us closerand that is certainly something to look
they are actually able to improve their communities. forward to.
Although not everyone who analyzes this data
will have a background in the proper techniques, a certain
level of data literacy must be developed. Visualization will
be essential in making the data more accessible.

Looking For ward

In the end, it all comes down to the data. It comes
down to the individual taking an interest in his or her sur-
roundings. Visualization is only as good as the data that
creates it, and if there is no data, there is nothing to ana-
lyzeno new understanding of the world.
If no one had sent in journals for Mass-Observation,
there would be no localized narrative of Britain in the
archives. We have come a long way since the early
1900s. Data collection is much easier today, and we have
the opportunity to engage nonprofessionals with visualiza-
tion and analysis. In some ways, this is already happen-
ing with microblogging on social applications like Twitter
and Facebook, or with citizen reporting on popular news
sites, such as CNN, MSNBC, and ABC. The next step is to
add structure and tools that take advantage of these open
applications, and when that happens, we gain micro views
into our neighborhoods. But most importantly, we will start
to see undiscovered relationships between neighborhoods,
communities, states, countries, and continents. We will see
how we, as individuals, interact with our surroundings and

The Fall and Rise of Ambient

by Andrew Vande Moere

Released back in 2002, the Ambient Orb is a cute light- been developed, although most have not appeared outside
emitting globe able to change its external color depending of the bubble of academia. For instance, in 2000 research-
on various data, such as the forecasted temperature, current ers in Sweden proposed the concept of informative art, an
stock-market performance, or sports statistics. It is a perfect attempt to introduce dynamic data visualizations in public
example of an ambient display, a new approach to visualiza- space by exploiting the social acceptance of art paintings.3
tion that combines two intrinsically contradicting goals: to con- An electronic version of a Mondrian-style painting slowly
stantly inform viewers about useful, time-varying information changed its visual composition according to the worlds
and to do so without disturbing them. Or, in academic terms, weather conditions or the real-time locations of public-
ambient visualization communicates information through the transportation buses. Passersby would initially be puzzled,
periphery of user attention so that one can remain commit- often unaware that the wall-mounted Mondrian replica was
ted to other, more important, tasks at hand. The significant
a slow-changing computer art work, even when informed
contradiction lies in the fact that our visual sense tends to be citizens revealed that the painting actually portrayed mean-
so sensitive that the slightest perceivable change within our ingful information.
visual range will inevitably obstruct any concurrent activity.
But why is there a need for a display of data, when one does
not want to be disturbed by it anyway? The Downfall
The idea of ambient visualization is thought to The wish to present information without being noticed
have been conceived by a group of researchers at the MIT demonstrates the contradicting requirements of ambient
Media Lab, who investigated the idea to discover a way visualization, a discipline that surfaced when information
to convey information by means beyond the traditional visualization was introduced to the field of ubiquitous com-
computer screen. They proposed the dynamic alteration of
puting (ubicomp), which investigates how computing tech-
environmental qualities according to changes in data, such nology can disappear into the fabric of everyday life.4 The
as slight changes in sound or subtle adaptations of light, issues facing ambient visualization are manifold, including
so that people would be continuously provided with infor- a widespread belief that people do not appreciate textual
mation like live traffic conditions, trends in airline prices to interfaces. For instance, displaying the forecasted outside
favorite holiday destinations, or the online status of friends temperature in an ambient way is often more difficult to
and family. Many examples of ambient visualization have comprehend than simply reading a numerical value: while
Ch a p t e r 7 250

the relatively small difference between 20 and 23 degrees goes beyond the triviality of representing environmental
Celsius could lead to a fashion adjustment, it might just conditions through changes too subtle to be really noticed
be a slight, almost indistinguishable color hue shift on the or even comprehended.
Ambient Orb. In addition, the urge for creating visualiza-
tions that have more decorative than informative qualities
has led to the fact that most laypeople cannot understand The Rise
the need to dedicate their money or space for something Slowly but surely, we are moving toward a world
that requires deciphering for it to become functional. There that urgently requires us to become more aware of the envi-
has also been a severe shortage of interesting data sets that ronmental consequences of our actionsperhaps by intro-
go beyond simple weather reports or stock-market quotes ducing some sort of visual feedback that reveals their true
and establish a personal relationship with the user. Who cost or impact. As most of our actions are already electroni-
really cares about the weather when one can simply look cally traced and stored, most of the required data already
outside the window? And are people who really care about exists somewhere in todays huge corporate databases
the real-time performance of their stock-market portfolio not for example, our day-to-day energy usage, water consump-
much better off with more precise tools than noticing an tion, or food-spending habits. However, there is still no
odd twist in the Mondrianesque pattern? convincing interface that reveals the consequences of such
consumer actions, right when such information would be
needed the most. Where are the visceral multimedia experi-
The Current ences that could encourage us to keep up even minor behav-
During the last few years, some of these issues have ioral changes, show our progress in relation to set goals, or
dramatically changed. Data visualization is becoming a benchmark our habits with those of similar people?
communication medium in its own right, able to both inform Ambient visualization research should explore how
and engage people. There is also the emerging trend of such socially relevant data depictions could become inte-
self-surveillance and Participatory Sensing, as people vol- grated within our physical experience, potentially using the
untarily record their personal behaviors for self-analysis or plethora of electronic displays of today for more socially
social-media sharing. (See Nathan Yaus essay Seeing relevant goals. People tend to make more considerate deci-
the World in Data, on pages 24648.) Finally, we have sions when directly confronted with pertinent and trustworthy
become aware of the urgent need to use modern technology information about the consequences of our intended actions.
for persuasive goalsfor instance, information feedback These situated data depictions should be present when and
displays that are specifically designed to change peoples where it really counts, namely, when we make decisions.
behavior, attitude, or opinions. In short, the unique combi-
Moreover, the physical location of such data repre-
nation of these three phenomena will enable ambient visu- sentations could contextualize the information beyond high-
alization to rise out of its ashes and forge a purpose that lighting data patterns or trends that lie beyond our own
Lo oking Ahe ad 251

personal experience. Instead, situated-data depictions that The Future

immediately relate human activities to their impact could The future role of visualization in an ambient context
demonstrate the underlying principles that actually drive is potentially much more versatile than just providing feed-
the data. They could even give meaning to the physical back to encourage behavioral change. A well-designed
environment by making invisible but place-specific data ambient visualization should have the unique power to
streams that define the local identity perceivable to the also help shape our identity as well as our experience of a
local community. Ambient feedback in a public context place. In the information society of today, we have lost a
could further emphasize the current movement toward the sense of presence, of ourselves, of our actions, and of other
democratization of data access, to empower the people people that surround us. However, a sense of presence still
whose very data is being represented. persists through the continuous creation of data in our soci-
ety. To capture the true nature of our existence, we should
look for it through the lens of socially relevant datain the
Abstract versus Realistic form of real-time digital tracesand consider their qualita-
The use of visualization for persuasive goals has tive impact on our lives, through which many characteristics
actually been attempted before. However, the majority of shaping our unique identity can be distinguished. By track-
such initiatives have focused on photorealistic simulations ing this data that is continuously generated all around us
of potential outcomes, such as conveying the implications of and sharing it through the medium of visualization, a mean-
climate change or the negative consequences of unhealthy ingful sense of existence, as well as responsibility, could be
eating habits. Visualizations that simulate reality, however, instated. When mass-produced consumer weather station
tend to emphasize the visual aspects of change, which may displays can inform us of the impact of our actions, in addi-
exacerbate peoples existing tendency to relate their deci- tion to the outside conditions we have no control over, and
sion-making solely to what they can see. Instead, a well- when architectural media facades finally display informa-
designed ambient visualization could shift the focus to the tion that is meaningful and socially relevant to their immedi-
hidden, but often more meaningful, insights that actually ate surroundings, ambient visualization might finally enjoy
should be considered, such as causal factors that relate our the success it deserves.
actions to their impact. The actual shape and form of such
situated visualizations can be manifold, reaching beyond
1 Weiser and Brown, Designing Calm Technology.
the normal flat displays of today. Ranging from shape- 2 Wisneski, Ishii, Dahley, Gorbet, Brave, Ullmer, and Yarin, Ambient
Displays, 2232.
changing clothing and reactive-wall textures to multitouch
3 Redstrm, Skog, and Hallns, Informative Art, 103114.
walls and kinetic urban monuments, we should attempt to 4 Weiser, The Computer for the 21st Century, 94104.

integrate information displays within our everyday experi- 5 Fogg, Persuasive Technology.

ence by exploiting our natural capability to understand our

environment through its natural affordances.

Cybernetics Revisited: Toward a

Collective Intelligence
by Christopher Kirwan

Living in our time poses a formidable challenge that will and neurophysiology. Coined from the Greek word kyber-
require the collective intelligence of mankind to reach a new netes, meaning steersman, pilot, governor, cybernetics
dimension of cooperation to harness and apply the vast traces back to Plato, who used the concept in his essay
amount of technological resources we have at our disposal. on self-governance. Cybernetics examines the structure of
If we can learn to overcome the real issues that are pre- regulatory systems, investigating and defining those sys-
venting progress (geopolitical division, economic disparity, tems that have goals and operate within circular causal
and intellectual property domination), we can then begin to loops, and in which action, information input (feedback),
effectively work as a global network to monitor and manage and response all interact, causing the system to adapt and
the state of entropy that mother earth is experiencing. In this change its behavior. It is notable that the military was the
way we can achieve what Norbert Weiner, the founder of first employer of cybernetics, often in ways dangerous to
the term cybernetics, described as resistance: a way to slow humans and our environmentquite different from what we
the planets inevitable systemic decline. expect from the intelligent systems described herein.
Today, more than a half a century after the publica- The early applications, known as first-order cyber-
tion of Weiners groundbreaking book The Human Use of netics, utilized relatively simple applications of cybernetic
Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society (1950), in which principles for the control and regulation of mechanical
he describes the general theory of organizational and con- systems. While being very effective in solving problems
trol relationships in systems and the cooperation between of limited complexity, they did not factor in the influence
human and machines, we need to revisit the underlying of the observer in the process. To overcome this problem,
concepts of cybernetics and the ways they have influenced new approaches called second-order cybernetics evolved
the rapidly evolving world of human-computer interface. to incorporate a broader and more complex set of circum-
Successful application of this has the potential to play a stances, representative of a more holistic approach. These
critical role in the efforts to preserve our ecosphere and include the user point of view, the environmental context,
create a more peaceful, equitable world community. and the models and methods being applied. Second-order
Weiner and his colleagues, building on the work of cybernetics has been central to rapid development of a myr-
other pioneers in mathematics and computation, developed iad of scientific and technological fields, including biology,
cybernetics as a new discipline linking the fields of elec- medicine, demography, robotics, semiotics, management,
trical and mechanical engineering, logic theory, biology, artificial intelligence, and a number of important analytical
Lo oking Ahe ad 253

disciplines, such as systems theory, decision theory, and We have just begun to recognize the importance of
information theory. his predictions, with Barack Obama, Al Gore, and other
One of these new applications of cybernetics, emer- world leaders and activists striving frantically to find new
gence theory, is concerned with complex, open systems and solutions to our global dilemmas. Scientific studies from
the way order can be created without central command and many credible sources inform us that our biological sys-
control, made possible by open systems, which have the tem is reaching its tipping point and is in imminent danger
capability of extracting information directly from the envi- of failure. In order to counteract this seemingly inexorable
ronment. This is the basis for the popularized term rhizome, trajectory toward global disorder, we must devise an imagi-
which describes a nonhierarchical system, exemplified by native new cybernetic process to ensure the viability of our
the World Wide Web and its self-generating, exponential life-sustaining environmental systems. A vital component in
growth. (See also chapter 2, page 44.) Another finding developing such a process will be our capacity to plan,
indicates that when a large number of complex actions/ organize, and manage complex systems and entities with
reactions occur simultaneously, it may lead to the creation the capacity to link both organic life and digital networks
of new phenomena and new constructs. Weiner docu- and to allow us to monitor larger patterns of complex sys-
mented the unique ability of information systems, because temic forces at work. Importantly, the resulting systems must
they operate within organizational structures, to perform become self-generating to be sustainable.
negentropically (to resist entropy). If these facts are true, This new cybernetic process will rely on our expo-
then the fusion of information systems and organic life may nential increase in computational power to process and
become part of our solution to arrest global decline. filter the massive data required to provide a real-time
Many eminent scientists, in their later years, incor- documentation of global activity and resulting behavioral
porated new philosophical, historical, and cultural insights patterns. Each element within our collective biosphere will
into their foundational theories. Weiner was one of those need to be carefully tracked, interrelating multiple factors
prescient thinkers, like Albert Einstein and others, who even- such as geologic and climatic conditions, predatory traits,
tually came to understand the critical need for our species to and life cycles. In this complex and multidimensional data
accept a greater sense of responsibility for the stewardship environment, the role of visualization will be key in pro-
of planet Earth and the cosmological system with which we viding the capacity to recognize the emergent patterns
are inextricably linked. In The Human Use of Human Beings, and processes of these phenomena. Visualization will
Weiner compared Earths precarious state to the biological itself become organic, as it will need to adapt to simu-
fact that all organisms reach a peak in their life cycle when late information from a wide spectrum of sources, ranging
their cells stop reproducing. He termed this natural process from micro/organic to macro/planetary states. The role of
resistance and used the idea to reinforce the need for man- artificial intelligence will be critical in creating this new
made systems to develop feedback mechanisms to assist in cybernetic form of resistance, revealing abnormal trends
the control of entropy. and anomalies and giving us the ability to utilize resources
Ch a p t e r 7 254

more effectively and to prevent major catastrophes before advanced technologies and systems offer great benefits to
they occur. mankind, they also present serious obstacles to progress,
A new process I am calling regenerative networks due to our innate human weaknessesfear, hate, greed,
could be the next phase of cybernetics, a real-time living and the lust for power.
system of communication, capable of dealing with highly The threat of imminent disaster to our planet may
complex interactions. In early-stage electronics, a simple well be the catalyst for leaders in government, industry,
one-way/two-way communicationa computer respond- and religion to reach across ancient and contemporary
ing to a querywas considered a breakthrough. But soon boundaries to create innovative new partnerships and net-
we will have the capability to integrate electromechanical works as well as a set of shared ethical and moral prin-
devices with organic structures, permitting us to monitor and ciples to move toward what might be called a state of
regulate the flow of information from multiple data sources collective intelligence. Within the resulting collaborative
and creating a macroscale feedback system designed to framework, diverse cultures, environments, and life forms
evolve gradually and to link more and more networks until could be harnessed together as a technological extension
there is a virtual reproduction of organic states. This new of both natural processes and human consciousness. On
regenerative process would have the capability to monitor an organic level, such a new system would allow unions of
and control both environmental and man-made systems. collective intelligence to form a holistic web that would no
The Smart City program, currently underway in a number longer be constrained by the divisions and boundaries of
of large cities, integrates smart electronics into both build- human creation.
ing systems and urban infrastructure. These are examples In our effort to create this collective intelligence, we
of the potential of the new systems and tools already at will need to work together to find equitable ways of shar-
our command. ing economic opportunities, create new public-private part-
The prognostications of Ray Kurzweil in his book nerships, incorporate new technologies rather than allow
The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) is a reflection of the protectionist interests of large corporations to inhibit
our efforts to create a productive, sustainable future their use by the public, and move away from our current
one requiring local and global cooperation. Kurzweil is fossil-fuel-based economy toward a new era of bio-organic
confident that by 2020, computers will approximate the and artificial intelligence. The liberators of the future will
memory capacity and computational power of the human be those from diverse industries, fields of knowledge, and
brain. Yet he argues that raw computational power alone cultural backgrounds who seek to facilitate this critically
will not supplant the human ability to foresee events and needed and daunting integration process, to sustain our
chart new courses. We must now employ what he refers planet, and to realize what Weiner called the human use
to as the software of intelligence to construct a global of human beings.
open network, which utilizes the collective capacities of
both man and machine. He notes, however, that while our

Reflexive Ecologies: Visualizing

by David McConville

Who are we? Within this simple question is contained the Western worlds understanding of humanitys relationship
essence of what it means to be human: our capacity to to the heavens. Almost five hundred years later, the Apollo
reflect on our own consciousness. This reflexive impulse 8 Earthrise image recontextualized perceptions of human-
is so central to our character that we call our subspecies itys place in the cosmos for much of the world, with its first
homo sapien sapiens, identifying sapiencethe wisdom to photographic view of Earth from outer space. This image
act with appropriate judgmentas the primary trait that is often attributed with instigating an environmental-para-
distinguishes us from other animals. digm shift, inducing numerous commentaries concerning
Our collective quest to know ourselves begins with the fragility of our home planet and the interconnected-
imagining the world and our place in it. The success of ness of the global community. Designers Charles and Ray
our species is largely attributable to our ability to imagine Eames further pushed the reorienting potential of imagery
and map abstract concepts, which help us to study, commu- to new heights (and depths) with their seminal 1972 short
nicate, and synchronize with our local environments. We film Powers of Ten. It took viewers on an impossible journey
create and imbue imagery with symbolism derived from across many orders of magnitude from quarks to quasars,
interactions with our surroundings, often accompanied by pioneering the dynamic long-zoom camera technique that
stories, artifacts, and practices that give clues to their mean- illustrates how strongly our concepts of reality are shaped
ing. These culturally constructed modes of communication by sensory experiences.
enable us to share our experiences and cultivate knowl- Today our self-reflective search has expanded into
edge across generations, providing important contextual new dimensions. While these earlier examples shifted spa-
understanding that helps us to situate ourselves in the world tial awareness, we are increasingly able to measure and
and the cosmos. represent temporal, spectral, and relational characteristics
The power of imagery to profoundly affect our sense of our environs. A latticework of satellites, telescopes, and
of place has been exquisitely demonstrated by a few key other measuring instruments are perpetually scanning and
examples in the history of science. Nicolaus Copernicuss providing voluminous amounts of data about our surround-
sixteenth-century illustration of a sun-centered solar system ings. Time-lapse and hyperspectral photographs shed new
has been widely credited as the primary factor in the pre- light on atmospheric, biospheric, and cosmic processes.
cipitation of the scientific revolution. In one fell swoop, he GPS and radio-frequency identification devices (RFID) track
redrew the cosmic order and by extension, much of the interactions between people, products, and processes
Ch a p t e r 7 256

around the globe. And with the ever-expanding integra- invisible as externalities with modern economic systems, it
tion of internet-connected gadgets into our daily lives, data is apparent that their healthy functioning can no longer be
about our activities, interests, and movements are gener- taken for granted.
ated across physical, social, and virtual domains. The sensory networks that monitor our home planet
As many of us attempt to make sense of the gestalt have brought to light some alarming trends in recent
of information being generated by and about us, it is little decades. Industrial societies have been consuming resources
surprise that interest in computer visualization is exploding. much faster than the planet can regenerate them, resulting in
Mass digitization yields endless territories to map, while the destabilization of environmental conditions upon which
increased accessibility of graphics software enables wide- human civilizations have been dependent for millennia.
spread experimentation with novel representation tech- Specific planetary boundaries have now been identified as
niques. Geospatial visualizations provide instant access to the safe operating space for humanity, within which we
worldwide atlases of information, now ubiquitously avail- must stay to avoid disastrous consequences. Since 1968
able through GPS, web maps, and digital globes. Scientific (ironically, the same year the Earthrise photograph helped
visualizations are widely used to visually simulate phenom- to birth the environmental movement), we have been slip-
ena at various scales, appearing regularly in news reports, ping further into ecological debt as we rapidly expand
exhibitions, websites, and mobile applications. Information our global footprint and exceed the safe operating space.1
visualizations are used to reveal hidden patterns within As a result, we are facing a convergence of interconnected
interdisciplinary networks of large-scale data collections. environmental crises, including ocean acidification, mass
A new generation of information cartographers has taken species extinction, overfishing, peak oil, peak water, land
up the challenge of exploring the aesthetic possibilities degradation, deforestation, and plastics pollutionnot to
of these databases, and these ongoing investigations are mention climate change.
yielding intriguingand occasionally usefulrenderings Developing appropriate responses to these urgent
to disclose previously imperceptible relationships. issues requires more effective tools for reflexively examin-
Burgeoning interest in these visualizations suggests ing humanitys relationship with global ecological systems.
that they may also prove useful for illuminating the most Derived from the Greek root oikos and logos, ecology
complex and important network of all: Earths biosphere. appropriately means the study of relations and is used to
Composed of all of the ecosystems on the planet, the bio- describe many studies of interactions between organisms
sphere regulates the countless vital interactions that are and their environments. Practitioners in the field of complex
essential for supporting life as we know it. These include network visualization are well positioned to apply their
not only the biological networks that sustain us but also the artistic and technical experiences to focus much-needed
generation of the natural resources that feed consumer attention on these essential interconnections.
societys global production and distribution networks. A number of nascent efforts are already exploring
While most of these ecological processes have been made how aesthetic approaches to visualization and mapping
Lo oking Ahe ad 257

can provide new perspectives on critical ecological interac- Notes

1 Global Footprint Network; Rockstrom et al., A Safe Operating Space,
tions. NASAs Scientific Visualization Studio incorporates 47275.
satellite data with 3-D animations to demonstrate a wide 2 NASA Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio.
3 Holmes,
range of scientifically measured phenomena.2 Designers 4 Jordan, Running the Numbers.
Tyler Lang and Elsa Chaves have illustrated that intercon- 5 SourcemapOpen Supply Chains.

nected global systems and events can influence each other

with Connecting Distant Dots (2009). (See chapter 5, page
194.) Media artist Tiffany Holmes creates and curates art-
works devised to reveal the processes of consumption under
the rubric of eco-visualization, which she defines as the cre-
ative practice of converting real-time ecological data into
image and sound for the purpose of promoting environmen-
tal awareness and resource conservation.3 Photographer
Chris Jordan has created a series of sobering images
chronicling the unimaginable scale of mass consumption
with the series Running the Numbers: An American Self-
Portrait (20069).4 The Sourcemap project from MIT uses
geospatial data and information visualization to reveal the
global impact of product supply chains.5
But these efforts are only the beginning. The
accelerating environmental challenges faced by modern
civilization are necessitating that we reimagine our rela-
tionships to the natural world. Meeting the needs of global
society does not require infinite economic growth but an
understanding of and respect for the regenerative limits
of the biosphere. As accelerating global changes force
us to find innovative ways of enhancing the integrity of
local and global ecosystems, visualizations will play an
essential role in making our connections to these ecologi-
cal processes explicit. We will likely find that our species
unique ability to creatively imagine and map our place in
the world will once again be key to adapting to changing

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Christopher Grant Kirwan is a multidisciplinary consultant and educator with exper-

tise in urban planning, architecture, and new media. He grew up in a large, artistic
Unitarian Universalist family in Cambridge, Massachusetts; graduated from RISD with
a bachelor of architecture; attended MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies; has
been an adjunct faculty at Parsons The New School for Design since 1996 and a visit-
ing lecturer at Harvard GSD; worked and lived throughout Europe, the Middle East,
and Asia; and cofounded the firm Newwork, with offices in New York and Beijing.

David McConville is a media artist and theorist, whose investigations focus on how
visualization environments can transform perspectives on the world. He is cofounder
of The Elumenati, a design and engineering firm with clients ranging from art festivals
to space agencies. He is also on the board of directors of the Buckminster Fuller
Institute, through which he helps to develop Idea Index 1.0, a network of projects
designed to apply ecological principles to human endeavors.

Andrew Vande Moere is a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney and specializes
in the research and teaching of data visualization, interaction design, and media
architecture. He is also the sole author of the blog Information Aesthetics, which col-
lects contemporary examples of the blending of design, art, and visualization.

Nathan Yau is a PhD candidate in Statistics at UCLA and has a background in com-
puter science and graphic design. He focuses on visualization and making data more
accessible to those without scientific training, which he covers regularly on his blog

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A Ash Yggdrasil, 23 brain, 15

absolutism, 44, 65 ATLAS, 167 Blue Brain and, 5254, 227
Abstract 1 (Watz), 228 authoritarianism, 44 neural landscape and, 4854
accident, 27, 231 Autumn Rhythm: Number 30 (Pollock), 225 phrenology and, 48, 49, 52
Accident and the Necessity of Art (Arnheim), 231 Aztecs, 22, 59 Brasilia, 46
Adai, Alex, 13940 Brautigam, Stefan, 13637
Adam (first man), 23, 24, 31 B Brinton, Willard, 8182
Adamic, Lada, 101 B10 (Bestiario), 87 Bruijn, Maurits de. See de Bruijn, Maurits
adaptive zooming, 93 Babylon, 2223 Buddhists, 23
Adar, Eytan, 166 Bacon, Francis, 21, 3334, 36, 39 Bunting, Heath, 143
Adjei, Christopher, 18889 Baker, Christopher Paul, 115 Bro Destruct, 178
Advanced Analytic, 178 Balkin, Amy, 112 butterfly effect, 229
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Balzer, Michael, 164 Buurman, Gerhard M., 126
(ARPANET), 5456 Bantjes, Marian, 181 Byron, Lee, 128
Advancement of Learning, The (Bacon), 34 Barabsi, Albert-Lszl, 71
aesthetics, 13, 80 Baran, Paul, 54, 55 C
complex beauty and, 22144 bar charts, 1112 Cabspotting (Stamen), 148
composition and, 95, 159, 222, 236, 249 Barrat, A., 120, 202 Caflisch, Amedeo, 141
cubism and, 230 Barrow, John D., 222 Cailliau, Robert, 56
ecological, 25557 Bates, Brian, 22 Calabrese, Franscesco, 176
futurism and, 230 Becciu, Augusto, 151 Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Deleuze and Guattari), 44
golden ratio and, 232 Beckstrom, Road, 59 Capozzo, Alessandro, 229
holism and, 22223 Beddard, Tom, 20 Carden, Tom, 85, 148, 224
layout and, 12, 17, 46, 59, 82, 95, 140, 159 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 160 Carroll, Lewis, 123, 184
mathematics and, 232 Beir, M., 120, 202 cartography, 247, 256
networkism and, 23243 Bender-deMoll, Skye, 84, 110 complex beauty and, 235, 245
orderly disorder and, 231 Benner, Bill, 179 decoding networks and, 75, 7981, 88, 89,
Age of Exploration, 79 Bergstrom, Carl, 102 93, 95
Age of Spiritual Machines, The (Kurzweil), 254 Berlin School of Experimental Psychology, 222 infinite interconnectedness and, 146
Aguillo, Isidro, 169 Berners-Lee, Tim, 56 new language syntax and, 167
Alexander, Christopher, 43, 46, 47, 48 Bertin, Jacques, 73, 86, 159 Casti, John L., 232
Alexander the Great, 64 Bestiario, 87, 177, 217 Caswell, Janice, 235, 237
algorithms, 13, 16, 64, 79, 95, 159, 204, 226, best practices, 11 Categories (Aristotle), 2728
229, 236, 247 Bettencourt, L., 201 Cauchy, Augustin Louis, 75
Ali, Syed Reaz, 211 Bible, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 61, 161 Caviglia, Giorgio, 130, 133
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 123, 184 Bicker, Joo, 147 Cayley, Arthur, 75
Al Qaeda, 145 Biggs, Norman L., 74 Celestial Mechanics (Hessels and Dunne), 218, 244
Alvarez-Hamelin, J. I., 120, 202 Binah (understanding), 23 Center for Neuroscience and Technology, 52
Amazon, 130, 209 Bing Maps, 93 centralism, 4344
Ambient Findability (Morville), 64 Biologia della Pagina (Newspaper map) (Franchi), 132 centralized burst, 158, 16871
Ambient Orb, 24950 Biomapping Sketch (Carden), 148 centralized ring, 158, 17275
American Metric Bureau, 62 Birds (Hodgin), 226, 227 Cesalpino, Andrea, 65
Anand, Kunal, 63, 106 Bjrk, 188 Chambers, Ephraim, 36, 37, 39
Andrea, Bergamini, 191 Blanquerna (Llull), 31 Chaos, Fractals, Nature (Taylor), 229
Anglicus, Bartholomeus, 33 Blaum, Graciela, 225 chaos theory, 12, 229, 232
ants, 226, 229 blogosphere, 1517, 58, 98101 characteristica universalis, 33
Apollo 8, 25556 Blogviz, 1516 Chart Arcs (Dittus), 161
Apples Numbers, 11 Blue Brain project, 5254, 227 Chaves, Elsa, 194, 257
application programming interface (API), 16, 209 Blue Gene supercomputer, 52, 53 Chen, Chaomei, 86
Arbor scientiae (Tree of science) (Llull), 3133 Bodhi tree, 23 Chesed (mercy), 23
arc diagram, 158, 16063 Bodies in Play: Shaping and Mapping Mobile Chirol, Pascal, 182
archaeology, 25 Applications (summit), 185 Christakis, Nicholas, 171
architecture, 12, 33, 36, 46, 48, 55, 6162, 64, Boethius, Ancius Manlius Severinus, 27, 29 Christians, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 59, 61, 125
201, 223, 251 Bollen, J., 201 Christmas trees, 22
area grouping, 158, 16467 Book of Life, The: The Spiritual and Physical Constitution Chute, R., 201
Arikan, Burak, 152 of Man (Sivartha), 50, 51, 52 CIA World Factbook Visualization (Stefaner), 87, 173
Aristotle, 2728, 34, 6465, 67, 223, 230 Book of Salt, The (Caswell), 237 circled globe, 158, 17679
Arnheim, Rudolf, 23031 Borgna, Marco, 113 Circos (Krzywinski), 197
Ars Electronica, 85, 181, 203 Bork, Peer, 170 circular ties, 158, 18083
Art and Architecture Thesaurus, 201 Boston University, 222 citations, 1025
Art and ScienceLes Liaisons Dangereuses (Barrow), 222 Bowker, Dave, 135 citizen science, 246
Art in America journal, 241 Boyack, Kevin, 42, 104 City Distances (Bestiario), 177
Art Lies journal, 235 Brady Trina, 213 City is Not a Tree, A (Alexander), 43, 46
Artz, Lee, 56 Brafman, Ori, 59 CityMotion Project, 147
Ashvastha, 23 City Murmur (Caviglia, Quaggiotto, Ricci, Scagnetti,
Graffieti, Lopez, and Guido), 133
Index 266

city planning, 4648, 57, 254 computers, 1113, 16 de Tournefort, Joseph Pitton, 65
Claffy, K., 179 complex beauty and, 22627, 232, 23536 Deussen, Oliver, 164
clarity, 12, 79, 88, 95 decoding networks and, 73, 75, 79, 83, 86, Dewey, Melvil, 6162
classification 92, 95 Dewey Circles (Ali), 211
accident, 27 future issues and, 24656 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) method, 62
biblioteconomical, 25 infinite interconnectedness and, 105, 13738 diaphora (difference), 27
Boethius and, 27, 29 new language syntax and, 159, 177, 182, Diderot, Denis, 36, 38, 39
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) method 191, 207 Diemer, Alwin, 25
and, 62 trees and, 25, 33, 41, 5254, 62, 64 difference, 27
difference, 27 computing power, 52, 97 Digg, 59
folksonomy and, 6264, 106 Conceptual Basis of the Classification of Knowledge digital advertising, 15
genus, 27 (Diemer), 25 Digital Dark Age, 16
gnosiological, 25 Connecting Distant Dots (Lang and Chaves), 194, 257 Digital Information Graphics (Woolman), 159
information and, 25, 27, 3334, 36, 39, connectivity, 92, 118, 12021, 202, 24647. See Digital Kitchen, 202, 233
6169, 106, 247 also infinite interconnectedness Dimes Project, 118
Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system context, 93, 95, 25557 Dioptrics (Descartes), 34
and, 62 continuous dynamic method, 224 Dirmoser, Gerhard, 181
ontological, 25 Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis Diseasome (Linkfluence), 165
ordering nature and, 6469 (CAIDA), 202, 218 Dissertatio de arte combinatoria (Leibniz), 33
property, 27 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 255 Dittrich, Matthias, 114, 130
semantics and, 27, 64, 79, 86, 167, 217, 219 Corum, Jonathan, 198 Dittus, Martin, 16162
species, 27 Counterblast (McLuhan), 245 diversity, 17, 45, 52, 67, 69, 89, 125, 159, 231,
subgroups and, 25 CPAN Explorer (Linkfluence), 60 243, 245
trees and, 25, 27, 3334, 36, 39 Craigslist, 59 Divine Right of Kings, 65
Cleeremans, Axel, 215 Crnokrak, Peter, 129 DOLBY (Heycke), 214
Clemens, Marshall, 194 Crosby, Alfred W., 61 donations, 11013
Climate Change: U.S. Groups in International Context Cruz, Pedro Miguel, 147 Dondis, Donis A., 222
(Rogers), 200 cubism, 230 Dramatis Personae (Enright and Samples), 90
ClusterBall (Harrison), 155 cumulative layering, 224 drip paintings, 22324, 231
CMM Infographic (de Gregorio and Neira), 208 Cybernetics Revisited: Toward a Collective Dunne, Gabriel, 218, 244
Coast, Stephen, 121, 148, 224, 232 Intelligence (Kirwan), 25254 Drer, Albrecht, 24
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, 39 Cyclopaedia (Chambers), 36, 37, 39 Duval, Erik, 108
Cocovas (Mislej), 166
Collaboration Structure of Cultural Projects (FAS. D E
research), 203 dAlembert, Jean le Rond, 36, 38, 39 e1 (McNally), 237
collective intelligence, 25254 Dali, Salvador, 232 Eames, Charles, 255
Collier, Dan, 127 DallAsta, L., 120, 202 Eames, Ray, 255
color theory, 95 Darwin, Charles, 21, 6567, 122 EarthQuake 3D (Wolton), 179
combinatory logic, 32 Darzentas, N., 68 Earthrise (Apollo 8 photograph), 25556
Commercial and Political Atlas, The (Playfair), 75 data collection, 24647 Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, 227
community analysis, 165, 57 ecology, 25557
Community (Bantjes), 181 Data Visualisation of a Social Network (Heinen), eco-visualization, 257
complex beauty 16263 edges
accident and, 231 da Vinci, Leonardo, 232 adapting, 84
communication and, 222 dead links, 16 expansion and, 81
complexity encoding and, 22326 Death and Life of Great American Cities, The (Jacobs), expressive, 88
continuous dynamic method and, 224 46, 48 law of proximity and, 91
convolution and, 221 de Bruijn, Maurits, 180 macro view and, 91
cumulative layering and, 224 decentralization, 17, 45, 54, 55, 59, 61, 142 networks and, 75, 79, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91,
drip paintings and, 22324 de Gregorio, Juan Pablo, 208 95, 104, 13940, 165, 236
fractals and, 224, 22930 Deleuze, Gilles, 4345, 69, 235, 241 nodal building and, 236
generative art and, 226, 229, 236, 62, 63, 1069, 162, 173 Eick, Stephen G., 177
Gestalt psychology and, 22223, 231 Delicious Circle (Flink Labs), 109 eidos (species), 27
holism and, 22223 discover (Timourian), 108, 162, 103
horizontal plane and, 224 Delicious Tag Cloud (Olcer), 106 Einstein, Albert, 253
interconnectedness and, 221 visualization (Klerkx and Duval), 108 elliptical implosion, 158, 18487
large canvas and, 224 democracy, 57, 243 email, 11417
multiplicity and, 221 Density Design, 19091, 210 Email Map (Baker), 115
nature and, 22122, 224, 22930, 235 De Puy, W. H., 49 emergence, 12, 45, 48, 57, 229, 253
networkism and, 23243 de Savigny, Christophe, 3334 Encyclopdie (Diderot and dAlembert), 36, 38, 39
ongoing process and, 224 Descartes, Ren, 2728, 3334, 36 encylopedism, 33
ordered complexity and, 22631 design Enright, Andrew Coulter, 90
pattern recognition and, 223 aesthetics and, 13 (see also aesthetics) Enron, 114, 214
swarm behavior and, 226 information, 11 Enron Communication Graph (Kitware, Inc.), 117
variation in intensity and, 224 interaction, 11 entropy, 25253
Complexicity (Lee), 220 layout, 12, 17, 46, 59, 82, 95, 140, 159 epistemology, 25, 36, 67, 106
complexity encoding, 22226 Parsons School of Design and, 15 Escher, M. C., 232
complexity science, 1113, 17, 45, 219, 229, 232, 241 principles for network visualization and, 8195 Escherichia coli, 196
composition, 95, 159, 222, 236, 249 space and, 13 Esfera (Gego), 240
Computational Genomics Group, 67 Design Research Nature (Density Design), 210 essentialism, 44, 6465
Computer Graphics and Applications (Eick), 177 despotism, 44 Etymologiae (Saint Isidore of Seville), 33
detail, 93 Euler, Leonhard, 7475
Index 267

European Academic Network (Ortega and Aguillo), 169 geneaology, 25, 26 Henze, Eno, 229
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), 6769 generative art, 226, 229, 236 Hessels, Scott, 218, 244
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 56 Genesis, Bible Book of, 23 Heycke, Sebastian, 214
Eurosphere (Rohmer), 58 genetics, 18, 25, 27 Heyworth, Peter L., 31
Eurovision 2009 Results (Gumustas), 199 Genomic Network (Snel, Bork, and Huynen), 170 Hick, William Edmund, 92
evolutionary trees, 6569 genus, 27, 65 Hicks Law, 92
Evolution of The Origin of Species, The (Posavec and Geographia (Ptolemy), 79 Hierarchical Edge Bundles (Holten), 198
McInerny), 122 geometric abstraction, 12 hierarchy, 17, 253
Excel, 11 Geometry (Descartes), 34 bottom-up, 36, 62
Exhibition Road Cultural Group, 172 Germanic languages, 27 centralism and, 4344
Exxon-Mobil, 112 Gerstle, Christoph, 175 complex beauty and, 226
Exxon Secrets (On and Balkin), 112 Gestalt psychology, 88, 91, 22223, 231, 256 Industrial Revolution and, 46, 57, 59
Eyes Have It, The: A Task of Data Type Taxonomy for Gevurah (power), 23 infinite interconnectedness and, 140, 142
Information Visualizations (Schneiderman), 92 Girardin, Fabien, 83 networks and, 4446, 57, 58, 59, 6266, 69
Eye-Sys, 177 Glance, Natalie, 101 new language syntax and, 159, 198, 210
EyeTree (Tricot), 94 Global Cereal Supply Chain (Eye-Sys), 177 ordering nature and, 6469
Glynn fractal, 20 rhizomes and, 4345, 69, 158, 192, 235,
F GNOM (Ortiz, Rico, and Valencia), 196 241, 253
Facebook, 16, 162, 248 God, 23, 65 social collaboration and, 5761
Fall and Rise of Ambient Visualization, The (Moere), golden ratio, 232 top-down, 13, 36, 43, 45, 62
24951 Goldovsky, L., 68 trees and, 21, 25, 2728, 36, 41, 4346, 57,
Fall of Man, The (Drer), 24 Goldschmidt, Gertrude (Gego), 240, 241 58, 59, 6266, 69
Familiar Feelings (Moloko), 130 Google Charts, 11 Hindus, 23, 125
FAS.research, 203 Goossens, Jo, 194 Historia Animalium (Aristotle), 65
Fekete, Jean-Daniel, 105 Gore, Al, 253 Hlynsky, Dennis, 195
Fidgt Visualizer (Sciammarella), 182 Govindan, Ramesh, 170 Hodgin, Robert, 226, 227, 229
Field 4 (McNally), 233 GPS, 14649, 178, 224, 246, 25556 Hod (glory), 23
Field 8 (McNally), 237 Graffieti, Michele, 133 Hoffman, Eric, 179
finalism, 44 Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts (Brinton), 81 Hokhmah (wisdom), 23
Finding Patterns in Corporate Chatter (Marsh), 214 Graphic Statistics in Management (Smith), 48, 58 holism, 22223
Firstborn, 202, 233 graphopt (Schmuhl), 207 Holland-Cunz, Nils, 18889
First Notebook on Transmutation of Species (Darwin), 66 graphs, 11, 206 Holmes, Tiffany, 257
5 Years Designerlist (Dittrich), 114 aesthetics of, 12 Holten, Danny, 198
Flickr, 62, 83, 182, 199 algorithms for, 204 Holy Spirit, 30, 31
Flink Labs, 109 infinite planes and, 166 Homan, Christopher, 210
flow chart, 158, 18891 limitations of, 95 Hooke, Robert, 65
flowerGarden (Judelman and Lantin), 185 line thickness and, 81 horizontal gene transfer (HGT), 69
Flow Map Layout (Phan, Xiao, Yeh, Hanrahan, and mathematical drawing of, 79 horizontal plane, 224
Winograd), 191 suitability of, 95 Hosoya Schaefer Architects, 178
Fly for Art (GPS Drawing) (Wood), 146 visualizing large, 218 Hudson Powell, 21617
FMS Advanced Systems Group, 14445 graph theory, 41, 7475, 79 Human Genome Project, 52
focus, 93, 95 Graph Theory (Biggs, Lloyd, and Wilson), 74 Human Use of Human Beings, The: Cybernetics and
folklore, 2223 Great Chain of Being, 65, 67 Society (Weiner), 25254
folksonomy, 6264, 106 Greenberg, Clement, 231 Hurst, Matthew, 99
Forest in Folklore and Mythology, The (Porteous), 22 Greenfield, Susan, 52 Huynen, Martijn A., 170
Four Seasons (Vivaldi), 160 Greenpeace, 112 Hyperbolic Blogosphere, The (Hurst), 99
Fowler, James, 171 Gregorio, Juan Pablo de. See de Gregorio, Juan Pablo hyperlinks, 44, 97, 127, 154, 169
Fractal Tree (Beddard), 20 grouping, 25, 88, 91, 158, 16467 Hyperonyme (Chirol), 182
Fractal Expressionism-Where Art Meets Science Growth of a Twitter Graph (Arikan), 152 hypertext, 56
(Taylor), 224 Grubbs, Wesley, 11112, 215
fractals, 20, 57, 224, 22930 GSR (Galvanic Skin Response), 149 I
fragmentation, 46 Guattari, Flix, 4345, 69, 235, 241 IBM, 52, 53
Francesca, Mangiaracina, 191 GUESS (Adar), 166 idion (property), 27
Franchi, Francesaco, 132 Guido, Bertola, 191 IEEE InfoVis, 215
Francis Bacon (Bacon), 21 Guido, Daniele, 133, 210 INCOME, 214
FreeFall (Advanced Analytic), 178 Gumustas, Baris, 199 Indie in the 1990s (Ortiz), 130
French Enlightenment, 36, 39 Industrial Revolution, 46, 57, 59
Freud, Sigmund, 75 H infinite interconnectedness
Friedman, Thomas L., 61 Haeckel, Ernst, 26, 68 blogosphere and, 15, 17, 58, 98101
Friendster, 96, 165 Hagberg, A., 201 citations and, 1025
Frieze Magazine, 236 Hageneder, Fred, 23, 27 and, 1069
Fry, Ben, 82 Halai, Sameer, 168 donations and, 11013
futurism, 230 Hamilton, William Rowan, 75 email and, 11417
Han, Jeff, 85 explosive growth of, 97
G Hanrahan, Pat, 191 Facebook and, 16, 162, 248
Galaxies Forming Along Filaments, Like Droplets Along the Harrison, Chris, 118, 15557, 161 Flickr and, 62, 83, 182, 199
Strands of A Spiders Web (Saraceno), 236, 238 Hauer, Marcus, 211 GPS and, 14649, 178, 224, 246, 25556
Gall, Franz Joseph, 48 Heer, Jeffrey, 96, 144, 165 internet and, 11821
Garden of Eden, 23, 24 Heeswijk, Jeanne van. See van Heeswijk, Jeanne literature and, 12227
Gell-Mann, Murray, 226 Heidegger, Martin, 2728 music and, 12831
Genealogy: On the Iconography and Rhetorics of an Heinen, Felix, 16263 news and, 13237
Epistemological Topos (Seigel), 67 Henry II, 26 proteins and, 13841
Index 268

terrorism and, 14245 Iraq, 23 layout, 12, 17, 46, 59, 82, 95, 140, 159
trajectories and, 14649 IRC Arcs (Dittus), 162 Lecointre, Guillaume, 44
Twitter and, 83, 15053, 248 Isagoge (Poryphyry), 27 Lee, Jan Sub, 220
Wikipedia and, 15458 Italian Blogosphere (Magnocavallo), 98 Le Guyader, Herv, 44
information Italian Wine System, The (Density Design), 191 Lehrer, Jonah, 52
algorithms and, 13, 16, 64, 79, 95, 159, 204, ITP Student List Conversations (Knowles), 116 Leibniz, Gottfried, 2728, 33, 67
226, 229, 236, 247 I Wish . . . (Brady), 213 Leibsohn, Adam, 130
ambient, 24951 Leiden University Library (Woudanus), 63
analysis and, 247 J Leifer, Loring, 245
biological, 13841 Jacobs, Jane, 46, 48 Liber figuram (Book of figures) (Joachim of Fiore),
blogosphere and, 1517, 58, 98101 James, Edwin Oliver, 2223 2831
centralism and, 4344 Japanese Blogosphere (Uchida and Shirayama), 100 Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system, 62
classification of, 25, 27, 3334, 36, 39, Java, 166, 204 line charts, 11
6169, 106, 247 Jeong, Hawoong, 170 linguistics, 25, 27, 43, 81, 83, 87, 173
collective intelligence and, 25254 Jews, 23, 24, 28 Linked (Barabsi), 71
context and, 25557 Joachim of Fiore, 2831 Linkfluence, 60, 101, 165
data collection and, 24647 Jones, Kristin M., 236 links
digitally native, 12 Jordan, Chris, 257 expressive edges and, 88 (see also edges)
disappearing, 16 Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 23031 hyperlinks and, 44, 97, 127, 154, 169
emergence theory and, 253 Joyce, James, 184 macro view and, 91
GPS and, 14649, 178, 224, 246, 25556 Joy Division, 129 nodes and, 1516, 28 (see also nodes)
graphic language and, 12 Judelman, Greg, 185 Linnaeus, Carl, 65, 67
interaction and, 24748 Julia Set fractal, 20 Listening History (Byron), 128
intricacy management and, 9295 Just Landed (Thorp), 83, 150 literature, 12227
Kirwan on, 25254 Jute Networks, 113, 174 LivePlasma (Vavrille), 209
McLuhan on, 245 Jython, 166 Lloyd, E. Keith, 74
mapping of, 12 Llull, Ramon, 3133
Mass-Observation project and, 246, 248 K Locus (King), 192
networks and, 1618 (see also Networks) Kabbalah, 2325 Lombardi, Mark, 72
news and, 13237 Kabbalah Tree, The: A Journey of Balance & Growth London Connections (Niedersberg), 193
ordered complexity and, 22631 (Pollack), 24 London GPS Tracking Map (Carden and Coast), 148, 224
patterns in, 13 Kamalipour, Yahya R., 56 London Underground, 172
relevancy and, 8283 Kant, Immanuel, 2728 Looks (Anand), 63, 106
RFID and, 25556 Kasara, Robert, 13 Lopez, Samuel Granados, 133
rhizomes and, 4345, 69, 158, 192, 235, Kelly, Kevin, 97, 241 Lorand, Ruth, 231
241, 253 Kerouac, Jack, 204 Lorenz, Edward, 229
software of intelligence and, 254 Kether (crown), 23 Lorson, Dennis, 154
structure of, 15 Khoo, Chuan, 195 Love Will Tear Us Apart Again (Crnokrak), 129
trees and, 2540 (see also trees) King, Robert, 192 LRI Co-authorship Network (Fekete), 105
ubiquitous datasphere and, 5457 Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 75 Lumeta Corporation, 121
understanding data and, 12 Kirwan, Christopher Grant, 25254 Luon, Yarun, 168
Wikipedia and, 59, 87, 89, 15458 Kitware, Inc., 117 Lyon, Barrett, 119
word of mouth, 15 Klavans, Dick, 42, 104 Lyotard, Jean-Franois, 241, 243
Yau on, 24648 Klerkx, Joris, 108
Information Anxiety (Wurman, Sume, and Leifer), 88, 245 Kloeckl, Kristian, 176 M
information design, 11 Knowledge Cartography (Quaggiotto), 167 Machado, Penousal, 147
information technology (IT), 86 Knowles, Josh, 116 macro view, 91
Information: The New Language of Science (von Bayer), Koberle, Andreas, 199 Magnocavallo, Ludovico, 98
245 Koblin, Aaron, 176 Malevich, Kasimir, 12
informative art concept, 249 Koffka, Kurt, 88 Malkuth (kingdom), 23
In Silence (Shiota), 239 Kohler, Wolfgang, 91 Mandelbrot, Benot, 229
Inspiration, Vision, Intuitive Decision (Greenberg), 231 Koller, Andreas, 12425 Manovich, Lev, 1113
Institute Without Boundaries, 97 Knigsberg Bridge Problem, 7475 mapmakers, 7980
Instrument and Gridplane, 209 Korzybski, Alfred, 80 Map of Science (Bollen, Van de Sompel, Hagberg,
interaction design, 11 Krzywinski, Martin, 197 Bettencourt, Chute, et al.), 201
Interactive Activation (Cleeremans), 215 Kunin, V., 68 Map of Terrorism, A (Bunting), 143
Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), 116 Kupka, Frank, 12 mapping. See also visualization
Interactorium, The (Widjaja), 138 Kurzweil, Ray, 254 abstract and, 81
internet, 15 Blogviz and, 1516
ARPANET and, 5456 L clarification and, 8081
as ubiquitous datasphere, 5457 Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), 105 document and, 80
development of, 54 Lang, Tyler, 194, 257 expand and, 81
hyperlinks and, 44, 97, 127, 154, 169 language, 17. See also new language GPS and, 14649, 178, 224, 246, 25556
infinite interconnectedness and, 11821 of information, 12 reveal and, 81
social networks and, 5761 linguistics, and 25, 27, 43, 81, 83, 87, 173 thematic, 80
Internet Autonomous Systems (Alvarez-Hamelin, Beir, Lantin, Maria, 185 Mapping Complex Diseases (Rzhetsky, et al.), 175
DallAsta, Barrat, and Vespignani), 120, 201 large canvas, 224 Mapping Scientific Paradigms (Paley, Klavans, and
Internet Map (Harrison), 118, 128, 130, 161, 182, 188 Boyack), 42
Internet Map (Lumeta Corporation), 121 Lawn (GPS Drawing) (Wood), 148 Mapping WoW Teams (Rubinstein, Luon, Halai, and
intricacy management, 9295 law of common fate, 91 Suciu), 168
IP addresses, 16 law of proximity, 91 Marcotte, Edward, 13940
IP Mapping (Coast), 121, 232 law of similarity, 91 Marineau, Ren, 75
Index 269

Markram, Henry, 52, 54 Montesquieu, 39 Euler and, 7475

Marsh, Bill, 214 Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven), 160 exposing grouping and, 88, 91
Martin-Anderson, Brandon, 47 Moreno, Jacob, 73, 7576, 77, 79 graph theory and, 41, 7475, 79
Massive Change (Mau), 84, 97 Moritz, Florian, 175 Hicks Law and, 92
mass media, 15, 13237 Morville, Peter, 64 hyperlinks and, 44, 97, 127, 154, 169
Mass-Observation project, 246, 248 motion graphics, 11, 91, 222 infinite interconnectedness and, 97158 (see
Masud, Luca, 210 motirotis Priceless (Zaidi), 172 also infinite interconnectedness)
mathematics, 12, 104, 208 Muckety Maps (Muckety), 18485 information and, 6164 (see also information)
aesthetics and, 232 Muller, Boris, 212 intricacy management and, 9295
algorithms and, 13, 16, 64, 79, 95, 159, 204, multivariate analysis, 8384 Knigsberg Bridge Problem and, 7475
226, 229, 236, 247 Munzner, Tamara, 179 links and, 1516, 28, 39 (see also links)
art and, 232 Murray, John, 67 looking for relevancy and, 8283
calculus, 74 Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, 241 managing intricacy and, 9295
complex beauty and, 22144 music, 12, 209 maximizing scaling and, 9192
Dali and, 232 brain and, 48, 52 multiplicity and, 245
da Vinci and, 232 holism and, 222 neural landscape and, 4854
decoding networks and, 7475, 79, 95 infinite interconnectedness and, 12831, 160 new language and, 159220 (see also new
Escher and, 232 and, 128, 130, 161, 182, 188 language)
Euler and, 7475 standardization of, 81 nodes and, 15, 23, 5456 (see also nodes)
form and, 221 trees and, 25, 33 open, 254
golden ratio and, 232 Music Growth (2Roqs and Hudson Powell), 21617 ordering nature and, 6469
graph theory and, 41, 7475, 79 Muslims, 23, 28 pervasiveness of, 73
Leibniz and, 27, 33 mutability, 45, 236 principles of visualization and, 8195
Mondrian and, 232 proteins and, 13841
statistics and, 58, 75, 80, 85, 159, 244, 247, 249 N psychological geography and, 7579
trees and, 20, 3334, 36, 41 Naming Names (Corum), 198 questions and, 82
topology and, 15, 44, 54, 69, 73, 75, 79, 83, Napoli, Mauro, 210 social, 11 (see also social networks)
9192, 118, 121, 179, 224, 232, Narratives 2.0 (Dittrich), 130 sociograms and, 7679, 113, 174
23536, 243 NASA, 257 terrorist, 14245
Weiner and, 25254 National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET), 177 time and, 8486
Mau, Bruce, 84, 97 Naturalis historia (Pliny the Elder), 33 topology and, 15, 44, 54, 69, 73, 75, 79, 83,
May Day, 22 Neira, Jos, 208 9192, 118, 121, 179, 224, 232,
Mazza, Riccardo, 92 Neolithic Revolution, 57 23536, 243
MBone topology (Munzner, Hoffman, Claffy, and Neoplatonism, 27 trees and, 17, 21 (see also trees)
Fenner), 179 Net of Life, The: Reconstructing the Microbial ubiquitous datasphere and, 5457
McCain, John, 111 Phylogenetic Network (EBI), 67, 68 visualization principles for, 8195
McClelland, J. L., 215 networkism Wikipedia and, 59, 87, 89, 15458
McConville, David, 25557 Caswell and, 235 network theory, 45, 230
McFarland, Dan, 84 chaos theory and, 232 network thinking, 6971
McInerny, Greg, 122 complex beauty and, 23243 Netzach (eternity), 23
McKenzie, Dorothy, 79 Gego and, 241 neurons, 15
McLaren, Daniel, 153 higher dimensions and, 236 Newberger, Alan, 144
McLuhan, Marshall, 245 lack of tangible data in, 236 new language
McMichael, Anthony J., 57 McNally and, 23536 arc diagram and, 158, 16064
McNally, Emma, 233, 235, 237 Molloy and, 23236 area grouping and, 158, 16467
Measure of Reality, The (Crosby), 61 Nikolic and, 23941 centralized burst and, 158, 16871
memes, 15, 25, 52, 152 nodal building and, 236 centralized ring and, 158, 17275
Mentionmap (McLaren), 153 randomness and, 236 circled globe and, 158, 17679
Mercator (Govindan and Anoop), 170 rhizomes and, 235, 241 circular ties and, 158, 18083
Mesopotamia, 23 Saraceno and, 236, 238, 241 common principles and, 159
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 230 Shiota and, 236, 239, 241 elliptical implosion and, 158, 18487
Meteorology (Descartes), 34 traditional arts and, 232 flow chart and, 158, 18891
Michalec, Greg, 110 universal truth and, 243 organic rhizome and, 158, 19295
micro view, 92 Network (Nikolic), 240 radial convergence and, 158, 19699
Middle Ages, 22, 28, 33, 65 networks radial implosion and, 158, 200203
Migonneau, Laurent, 230 biosphere and, 256 ramifications and, 158, 2047
Millennium Simulation (Volcker, et al.), 230 birth of science of, 7475 scaling circles and, 158, 20811
Minimum Spanning Protein Homology (Adai and Blogviz and, 1516 segmented radial convergence and, 158,
Marcotte), 140 cartography of, 7981 21215
Minitasking (Pascual and Hauer), 211 city planning and, 4648 sphere and, 158, 21620
Mislej, Ernesto, 166 complex beauty and, 22144 New Rules for the New Economy (Kelly), 97
MIT Media Lab, 249 complexity encoding and, 22326 news, 13237
MIT Portugal, 147 connectivity and, 92 New Urbanism, 48
Mobiglobe (Shiftcontrol, Hosoya Schaefer Architects, culture of, 1618 New York Talk Exchange (Koblin, Kloeckl, Vaccari, and
and Bro Destruct), 178 decoding, 17, 7295 Calabrese), 176
Mobile Communication Network (Onnela, et al.), 206 density of, 13 Niedersberg, Sandra, 193
mobile phones, 24647 diversity and, 245 Nikolic, Dalibor, 23941
Moere, Andrew Vande, 24951 edges and, 75, 79, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 9/11 Terrorist Network (Heer and Newberger), 144
Molloy, Sharon, 23236 95, 104, 13940, 165, 236 Noah, 30
Moloko, 130 embracing time and, 84, 86 nodes, 60
Mondrian, Piet, 12, 232, 249 enabling multivariate analysis, 8384 complex beauty and, 232, 23536
Monitoring and Visualizing (Adjei and Holland- enriching vocabulary and, 86, 88 decision centers and, 54
Cunz), 18889
Index 270

decoding networks and, 7588, 9195 Ouzounis, Christos, 67, 68 Protein Folding Network, The (Rao and Caflisch), 141
edges and, 75, 79, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, Overnewsed but uninformed (Brautigan), 13637 Protein Homology Network (Adai and Marcotte), 139
95, 104, 13940, 165, 236 overview, 93 Protein-Protein Interaction Modeling (Uetz), 171
expansion of, 86 Oxford Fisheye (GPS Drawing) (Wood and Pryor), 148 Protein-Protein Network (Jeong), 170
individual, 92 proteins, 15, 79, 97, 13841, 17071
infinite interconnectedness and, 100, 104, 117, 120 P Prudence, Paul, 229
internet and, 5456, 61 Pair of Trees with Side-shoots, A (Joachim of Fiore), 30 Pryor, Hugh, 148
links and, 1516, 28, 39, 42 (see also links) Paley, W. Bradford, 42, 85, 104, 123, 184, 18687 psychological geography, 7579
macro view and, 91 Papanikolas, Theresa, 241 psychology
networkism and, 236 Parsons School of Design, 15 ants and, 226
new language syntax and, 16465, 171, 174, Participatory Sensing, 246 Gestalt, 88, 91, 22223, 231, 256
2024, 209, 215, 218 Pascal, Blaise, 221 Hicks Law and, 92
richer, 86 Pascual, Anne, 211 perceptual, 23031
shrinking, 86 Pathway, 154 swarm behavior and, 226
trees and, 23 Pathway (Lorson), 154 Ptolemy, 79
nonlinearity, 17, 4445, 232, 236 Pattern of Language, A: Towns, Buildings, Construction PublicMaps (Jute Networks), 113, 174
noosphere, 61 (Alexander), 46 Purdue University, 56
Northway, Mary, 76, 77, 78, 79 pattern recognition, 215, 223, 226, 229, 236 Python, 166
Number 5 (Pollock), 227 Patterns in Oscar Movies (Grubbs and Yahnke), 215
Nuremberg Chronicle (Schedel), 26 Paul De Koninck Laboratory, 225, 230 Q
NYTimes: 365/360 (Thorp), 134 Pavlo, Andrew, 210 Quaggiotto, Marco, 130, 133, 167
Pedigree of Man (Haeckel), 26 Questioning the Line: Gego in Context (Ramrez and
O Peltz, Daniel, 195 Papanikolas), 241
Oaks (Blaum), 225 Penses (Pascal), 221 questions, 82
Obama, Barack, 111, 174, 253 Peoples Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (De Puy), 49
Obesity System Influence Diagram (Vandenbroeck, Personal Friendster Network (Heer), 96 R
Goossens, and Clemens), 194 Peter of Spain, 28 radial convergence, 158, 19699
Offenhuber, Dietmar, 181 Peters, Keith, 228, 229 radial implosion, 158, 200203
Oil Money (Bender-deMoll and Michalec), 110 Phan, Doantam, 191 radio-frequency identification devices (RFID), 25556
Olcer, Inan, 106 philosophy, 253 ramification, 158, 2047
Oliveira, Ana Balona de, 23536 brain studies and, 48, 52 Ramrez, Mari Carmen, 241
On, Josh, 112 complex beauty and, 223, 23031, 241 RAND Corporation, 54
On Distributed Communications (Baran), 54 essentialism and, 44, 6465 Random Lissajous Webs (Peters), 228
One Week of the Guardian (Bowker), 135 networks and, 48, 52, 6265, 80 Rao, Francesco, 141
ongoing process, 224 organic whole and, 48 rationalization, 21, 3334, 57
On Growth and Form (Thompson), 221 trees and, 25, 2728, 3136, 39, 44, 48 Ratkiewicz, Jacob, 152
Onnela, Jukka-Pekka, 206 Philpot, J. H., 22, 23 Ray, John, 65
On the Road (Kerouac), 204 phrenology, 48, 49, 52 Real Middle Earth, The: Exploring the Magic and
Onyro, 130 PhyloCode, 69 Mystery of the Middle Ages (Bates), 22
Open-Source Spying (Strausfeld and Sears), 142 phylogenetics, 6569 Reas, Casey, 229, 146 Physica (Aristotle), 64 Reddy, Anoop, 170
Operation Smile (Firstborn and Digital Kitchen), 202, 233 physics, 18, 23, 31, 3334, 64, 73, 104, 229, 232 Reflexive Ecologies: Visualizing Priorities (McConville),
Opte Project (Lyon), 119 pie charts, 11 25557
ordered complexity, 22631 Pierre, Sebastien, 173 Regularities and Randomness: Evolving Schemata in
Order of the Just, 28 Pietro, Discacciati, 191 Science and the Arts (Gell-Mann), 226
Organic Link Network (Stefaner), 94 Platform for Art, 172 relationship view, 92
organic rhizome, 158, 19295 Plato, 64, 252 Relevance: Communication and Cognition (Sperber), 82
organization of knowledge Playfair, William, 75 relevancy, 8283
ancient Greeks and, 2728 Pliny the Elder, 33 religion
centralism and, 4344 Poetry on the Road (Muller), 212 brain and, 48
city planning and, 4648 (Rohmer), 100 Buddhists, 23
early pioneers in, 27 Pollack, Rachel, 22, 24, 25 Christians, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 59, 61, 125
encylopedism and, 33 Pollock, Jackson, 22324, 225, 227, 22931 Hindus, 23, 125
folksonomy and, 6264, 106 Pollocks Traces (Taylor), 225 holy books and, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 61, 161,
grouping and, 88, 91 Plya, George, 75 12425
networks and, 73 (see also networks) Pombo, Olga, 25 Joachim of Fiore and, 2831
neural landscape and, 4854 Popper, Karl, 223 Muslims, 23, 28
ordered complexity and, 22631 Porphyry, 2728 theology and, 17, 21, 28, 31, 33, 61
ordering nature and, 6469 Porpora, Mario, 190 trees and, 2124
Porphyry and, 2728 Portae lucis (Doors of light) (Riccius), 24 Rembold, Magnus, 126
rhizomes and, 4345, 69, 158, 192, 235, Porteous, Alexander, 22 Renaissance, 28, 33, 65
241, 253 Posavec, Stefanie, 122, 2045 Research Chronology 2 (Siegel), 107
semantics and, 27, 64, 79, 86, 167, 217, 219 Poverty Red Thread, The (Density Design), 191 Reticulrea (Gego), 24142
trees and, 2540 power grids, 15 Retrieving General and Specific Information from Stored
ubiquitous datasphere and, 5457 Powers of Ten (Eames and Eames), 255 Knowledge of Specifics (McClelland), 215
Organon (Aristotle), 27 Preus, Anthony, 27 Revalicous-SpaceNav (Pierre and Zitvogel), 173
Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 21, 65, 66, 122 Primer of Sociometry, A (Northway), 76, 77, 78 Reynolds, Craig, 226
Orkut, 165 Primer of Visual Literacy, A (Dondis), 222 rhizomes, 4345, 69
Ortega, Jose Luis, 169 Principia philosophiae (Descartes), 34, 36 complex beauty and, 235, 241
Orthologous Groups, 140 Processing Flickr Group (Koberle), 199 emergence theory and, 253
Ortiz, Mariona, 130 property, 27 infinite interconnectedness and, 158
Ortiz, Santiago, 196, 219 proprietatibus rerum, De (Anglicus), 33 networkism and, 235, 241
Index 271

new language syntax and, 192 Sephirotic tree, 23, 24 T

organic, 158, 19295 Serpentine Gallery, 172 T1+2 Gallery, 235
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), 195 Shape of Song, The (Wattenberg), 160 Tableaux accomplis de tous les arts libraus (de Savigny),
Ricci, Donato, 133, 210 Sherdroff, Nathan, 245 3334
Riccius, Paulus, 242 Shiftcontrol, 178 Tapscott, Don, 59
Rico, Luis, 196 Shiota, Chiharu, 236, 239, 241 Tarbell, Jared, 229 Call & Response (Peltz, Hlynsky, and Khoo), 195 Shirayama, Susumu, 100 Taylor, Richard P., 224, 225, 229
Rivinus, Augustus, 65 Shortest Path Tree (Martin-Anderson), 47 Technology Entertainment and Design (TED) conferences,
Rogers, Richard, 200 Siegel, Aaron, 107 54, 56, 217
Rohmer, Antonin, 58, 100 Similar Diversity (Steinweber and Koller), 12425 TeleGeography, 89
root of a problem, 25, 27 Simon, Herbert, 226 Temmerman, Kris, 153
Rosvall, Martin, 102 Sivartha, Alesha, 50, 51, 52 terrorism, 14245
Roth, Chrtien Frederic Buillaume, 40 Six Enneads, The (Porphyry), 27 TextArc: Alice in Wonderland (Paley), 123, 184, 18687
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 39 Smart City program, 254 TextArc: Ulysses (Paley), 184
Royal, Segolene, 101 Snel, Berend, 170 text messages, 150, 246
Rubinstein, Matt, 168 Social Circles (Weskamp), 117, 174 thematic mapping, 80
Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait social collaboration, 5761 theological beliefs, 21
(Jordan), 257 Social Network Image Animator (SoNIA) (Bender- theory of evolution, 229
Rzhetsky, Andrey, 175 deMoll and McFarland), 84 Darwin and, 21, 6567, 122
social networks horizontal gene transfer and, 69
S blogosphere and, 15, 17, 58, 98101 swarming and, 226
Sacred Fig tree, 23 decoding networks and, 76, 79, 8384, 96 trees and, 25, 26
Sacred Tree in Religion and Myth, The (Philpot), 23 and, 62, 63, 1069, 162, 173 Thompson, DArcy Wentworth, 221
Saint Isidore of Seville, 33 explosion of, 11 Thomson Reuters, 102, 103
Salath, Marcel, 206 Facebook and, 16, 162, 248 Thorp, Jer, 83, 134, 150
Salingaros, Nikos, 47 Flickr and, 62, 83, 182, 199 Thousand Plateaus, A (Deleuze and Guattari), 4344
Samples, Heather, 90 infinite interconnectedness and, 97 3D Geographic Network Display (Eick), 177
San Giovanni, 28 new language and, 162, 171, 175, 18082, 185 Tiferet (beauty), 23
Saraceno, Tomas, 236, 238, 241 trees and, 61, 71 time, 8486, 92
Savigny, Christophe de. See de Savigny, Christophe Twitter and, 83, 15053, 248 Timourian, Ian, 108, 162
Scagnetti, Gaia, 133, 210 sociograms, 7679, 113, 174 Tisch School of the Arts, 116
scala naturae (natural ladder), 65 sociology, 18, 73, 76, 232 topology, 15, 243
scaling software-driven design, 11 adaptive zooming and, 93
fractal, 224 Sommerer, Christa, 230 complex beauty and, 224, 232, 23536
maximization of, 9192 Sompel, H. Van de. See Van de Sompel, H. infinite interconnectedness and, 118, 121
scaling circles, 158, 20811 Sourcemap project, 257 macro view and, 91
scatter plots, 1112 Spahr, James, 219 micro view and, 92
Schedel, Hartmann, 26 Spth, Jrgen, 126 networks and, 54, 69, 73, 75, 79, 83, 9192
Schmidt, Karsten, 229 spatial arrangement, 88, 91, 95 new language syntax and, 179
Schmuhl, Michael, 207 species, 27, 65 trees and, 44
Schneiderman, Ben, 92 Speculum majus (Vincent of Beauvais), 33 Torah, 23
Schull, Jonathan, 210 Sperber, Dan, 82 Total Interaction: Theory and Practice of a New
Sciammarella, Eduardo, 182 sphere, 158, 21620 Paradigm for the Design Principles (Buurman), 126
science Spheres-Spherical Surface Dialogue (Ortiz), 219 totalitarianism, 44
Bacon and, 34, 36 Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network, The Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. See de Tournefort, Joseph
branches of, 27 (Christakis and Fowler), 171 Pitton
citizen, 246 Springel, Volker, 230 Trace Encounters (Paley and Han), 85
classification and, 25 Stamen, 148 Tracing the Visitors Eye (Girardin), 83
complexity and, 44, 45, 219, 229, 232, 241 Starfish and the Spider, The (Brafman and Beckstrom), 59 (FMS Advanced Systems Group),
cybernetics and, 25254 statistics, 58, 75, 80, 85, 159, 244, 247, 249 144
Descartes and, 34, 36 Stefaner, Moritz, 87, 94, 103, 173 Traffic Flow Map (TeleGeography), 89
holism and, 22223 Stefania, Merenda, 191 trajectories, 14649
information and, 245 (see also information) Steinweber, Philipp, 12425 Transient Structures and Unstable Networks (Molloy),
networkism and, 23243 Storr, Robert, 241 232, 234, 235
omniscience of, 241, 243 Strausfeld, Lisa, 142 Travel Time Tube Map (Carden), 85
ordering nature and, 6469 Strengths of Nations, the (Paley, Klavans, and Boyack), Tree-Eagle, The (Joachim of Fiore), 31
physics, 18, 23, 31, 3334, 64, 73, 104, 104 tree of Jiva and Atman, 23
229, 232 StudiAnalyse (Gerstle and Moritz), 175 tree of knowledge, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34, 36, 64
tree metaphor and, 25 StudiVZ, 175 Tree of Life, 2123, 24, 26, 58, 68
Tree of, 3133 Studyscape (Vuarnoz), 183 Tree of Life, The (Lecointre and Le Guyader), 44
Science and Complexity (Weaver), 44, 45 subgroups, 25 Tree of Life (Darwin), 66
Scientific Revolution, 34, 64 substance, 65 tree of Porphyry, 2728
Scientific Visualization Studio, 257 Substance of Things Not Seen, The (Markram), 54 Tree of science, 3133
Sears, James Nick, 142 Suciu, John, 168 Tree of the Two Advents, The (Joachim of Fiore), 28
Seeing the World in Data (Yau), 24648, 250 sumbebekos (accident), 27 Tree Radial Balloon Layout (Homan, Pavlo, and Schull), 210
Segoland (Linkfluence), 101 Sume, David, 245 trees, 17
segmented radial convergence, 158, 21215 Sumer, 23, 25, 61 branches and, 2122, 25, 2728, 31, 34, 36,
self-publishing, 15 swarm behavior, 226 39, 41, 44, 46, 47, 62, 66, 67, 74,
semantics, 27, 64, 79, 86, 167, 217, 219 Syllanaeus, Jacobus Graecus, 28 122, 204, 236
SemaSpace (Offenhuber and Dirmoser), 181 Systema naturae (Linnaeus), 65 centralism and, 4344
Semiology of Graphics (Bertin), 73, 86, 159 Christmas, 22
Sentinel Visualizer (FMS advanced Systems Group), 145 city planning and, 4648
Index 272

classification and, 25, 27, 3334, 36, 39, 62 Vespignani, A., 120, 202 W
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and, 62 Videosphere (Bestiario), 217 Walrus (CAIDA), 218
early system representation and, 21 Vincent of Beauvais, 33 Walworth, Catherine, 235
encylopedism and, 33 Virgin Mary, 31 Wattenberg, Martin, 160
family, 25, 26, 11, 13, 16 Watz, Marius, 228, 229
finalism and, 44 visualization Weaver, Warren, 44, 45, 58, 69
folklore and, 2223 adaptive zooming and, 93 web design, 11
hierarchy and, 21, 25, 2728, 36, 41, 4346, aesthetics and, 1213, 80, 22223, 226, web routers, 16
57, 58, 59, 6266, 69 23031, 241, 256 Websites as Graphs (Salath), 206
of knowledge, 2540 Blogviz and, 1516 Website Traffic Map (Spahr), 219
leaves and, 25, 41, 62, 64, 122, 224 Brinton on, 8182 Weigel, Sigrid, 67
Liber figuram, 2831 complex beauty and, 22144 Weinberger, David, 62
links and, 1516, 28 (see also links) complexity and, 1113 Weiner, Norbert, 25254
May Day, 22 composition and, 95, 159, 222, 236, 249 Wertheimer, Max, 88
metaphor of, 25 context and, 93, 95, 25557 We Show the Money (Borgna), 113
mysterious forests and, 22 cybernetics and, 25254 Weskamp, Marcos, 117, 174
neural landscape and, 4854 detail and, 93 Who Shall Survive? A New Approach to The Problem
phylogenetics and, 6569 ecological, 25557 of Human Interrelations (Moreno), 76
as precursor of network diagrams, 21 embracing time and, 84, 86 Widjaja, Yose, 138
primeval connection with, 25 enabling multivariate analysis, 8384 Wikinomics (Tapscott and Williams), 59
rhizomes and, 4345, 69, 158, 192, 235, enriching vocabulary and, 86, 88 Wikipedia, 59, 87, 89, 15458
241, 253 exposing grouping and, 88, 91 WikiProject Maps, 89
sacred, 2224 focus and, 93, 95 WikiViz (Harrison), 15657
Sephirotic, 23, 24 future issues of, 17, 24557 Williams, Anthony D., 59
subgroups and, 25 Gestalt psychology and, 88, 91, 22223, 231, 256 Wilson, Robin J., 74
as symbols of prosperity, 22 GPS and, 14649, 178, 224, 246, 25556 Winograd, Terry, 191
top-down metaphor and, 43 Hicks Law and, 92 Wolton, Richard, 179
trunk and, 21, 25, 28, 30, 31, 34, 36, 39, holism and, 22223 Wood, Jeremy, 146, 148
44, 66 infinite interconnectedness and, 97158 (see Woolman, Matt, 159
as universal metaphor, 21 also infinite interconnectedness) word of mouth, 15
Tree versus semilattice (Salingaros), 47 of information, 1112 (see also information) World, The (Descartes), 34, 165 intricacy management and, 9295 World Finance Corporation and Association (Lombardi),
Tricot, Christophe, 94 law of common and, 91 72
Trinitarian Tree Circles, the (Joachim of Fiore), 30 law of proximity and, 91 World is Flat, The (Friedman), 61
Truthy (Ratkiewicz, et al.), 152 law of similarity and, 91 World Wide Web, 15, 7980
Tufte, Edward, 84 layout and, 12, 17, 46, 59, 82, 95, 140, 159 dead links and, 16
TuneGlue (Onyro), 130 McConville on, 25557 emergence theory and, 253
Turing, Alan, 229 macro view and, 91 growth of, 56
TweetWheel (Becciu), 151 managing intricacy and, 9295 hyperlinks and, 44, 97, 127, 154, 169
Twitter, 83, 15053, 248 maximizing scaling and, 9192 network thinking and, 6971
Twitter Friends Browser (Temmerman), 153 micro view and, 92 Woudanus, Jan Cornelius, 63
2004 U.S. Election and Political Blogosphere, The Moere on, 24951 Writing Without Words (Posavec), 2045
(Adamic and Glance), 101 music and, 12831 Wurman, Richard Saul, 88, 245
2008 Presidential Candidate Donations (Grubbs and new language and, 159220 (see also new
Yahnke), 11112 language) X
2Roqs, 21617 new techniques and, 12 Xiao, Ling, 191
Typographic Links (Collier), 127 overview and, 93
typography, 95 power of, 255 Y
Typologies and Capacities (de Bruijn and van principles of network, 8195 Yahnke, Nick, 11112, 215
Heeswijk), 180 relationships and, 1516, 92 Yau, Nathan, 24648, 250
relevancy and, 8283 Yeh, Ron, 191
U starting with a question and, 82 Yesod (foundation), 23
Uchida, Makoto, 100 time and, 8486 yFiles Visualization (yWorks), 204
Uetz, Peter, 171 topology and, 15, 44, 54, 69, 73, 75, 79, 83, YouTube, 62
Ulysses (Joyce), 184 9192, 118, 121, 179, 224, 232, yWorks, 204
University of Applied Sciences, 114, 214 23536, 243
University of New South Wales, 138 Visualization of Clustered Graph Layouts (Balzer and Z
University Paris-Sud, 105 Deussen), 164 Zaidi, Ai, 172
urban planning, 18 Visual i/zer (Quaffiotto, Caviglia, and Leibsohn), 130 Zitvogel, Olivier, 173
URLs, 15 Visualizing Data (Fry), 82 zooming, 9293, 166, 230, 255
Visualizing Information Flow in Science ( Zorobabel, 31
V and Stefaner), 103
Vaccari, Andrea, 176 Visualizing Online Media (Instrument and Gridplane), 209
Valencia, Alfonso, 196 Visualizing the Bible (Harrison), 161
Vandenbroeck, Philippe, 194 visual portfolios, 11
Vande Moere, Andrew. See Moere, Andrew Vande Vivaldi, Antonio, 160
Vander Wal, Thomas, 62 Vizster, 165
Van de Sompel, H., 201 Voltaire, 39
van Heeswijk, Jeanne, 180 von Baeyer, Hans Christian, 245
variation in intensity, 224 von Gesner, Conrad, 65
Vavrille, Frederic, 209 Vuarnoz, Patrick, 183
Vernadsky, Vladimir, 61

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