Organization Development

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1. Define the term organization development.

Theory and practice of planned, systematic change in the attitudes, beliefs, and values
of the employees through creation and reinforcement of long-term training programs.
OD is action oriented. It starts with a careful organization-wide analysis of the current
situation and of the future requirements, and employs techniques of behavioral sciences
such as behavior modeling, sensitivity training, and transactional analysis. Its objective
is to enable the organization in adopting-better to the fast-changing external
environment of new markets, regulations, and technologies.

2. List 3 of the elements of a typical organization development approach.

Some of the elements of typical organization development approach are

Group Dynamics
Behavior Modification
Socio-technical approach and Environment approach

3. Which of the following types of theories have been applied to the field of
organization development?

Organizational behavior theories

Change management theories

4. List 5 types of change management techniques that may be included in an

organization development plan.

Sensitivity Training
Grid Training
Process Consultation approach
Team Building
Survey Feedback

5. List 5 reasons why organizations would benefit from an effective organization

development strategy.
Continuous Improvement
Increased Communication
Employee Development
Product & Service Enhancement
Increased profit

6. List 5 common reasons why people resist change.

Misunderstanding about the need for change

Fear of the Unknown
Lack of competence
Connected to the old way
Poor communication

7. Name 5 strategies an organization could use to reduce resistance to change.

Education & Communication: One of the best ways to overcome resistance to

change is to educate people about the change effort beforehand. Up-front
communication and education helps employees see the logic in the change
effort. This reduces unfounded and incorrect rumors concerning the effects of
change in the organization.
Participation & Involvement: When employees are involved in the change
effort they are more likely to buy into change rather than resist it. This approach
is likely to lower resistance more so than merely hoping people will acquiesce to
Facilitation & Support: Managers can head-off potential resistance by being
supportive of employees during difficult times. Managerial support helps
employees deal with fear and anxiety during a transition period. This approach is
concerned with provision of special training, counseling, time off work.
Negotiation and Agreement: Managers can combat resistance by offering
incentives to employees not to resist change. This can be done by allowing
change resistors to veto elements of change that are threatening, or change
resistors can be offered incentives to go elsewhere in the company in order to
avoid having to experience the change effort. This approach will be appropriate
where those resisting change are in a position of power.
Explicit and Implicit Coercion: Managers can explicitly or implicitly force
employees into accepting change by making clear that resisting change can lead
to losing jobs, firing, or not promoting employees.

8. In a training needs analysis, what are 5 of the sources of information that could
be used to gather data about the organizational variables?

Evaluation of the operating characteristics of a fishery

Data type priority
Frequency of data collection
Data quantity and quality

9. In a training needs analysis, what are 5 of the sources of information that could
be used to gather data about individual training needs?

Needs Assessment (collecting and analyzing data)

Design (program objectives, plan, measures of success)
Testing (prototype the instrument and process)
Implementation (collection measures and update as needed)
Analysis & Evaluation (review feedback and data collected)

10. Name 5 training and development activities other than formal training courses
that could be used to address learning and development needs.

Assess and agree training needs

Create training or development specification
Consider learning styles and personality
Plan training and evaluation
Design materials, methods and deliver training

11. List 5 measures that could be used to determine the effectiveness of a sales
training course.

Visual Confirmation: In traditional trainings, learners demonstrate their

knowledge by performing a role-play. Technology allows us to take role-plays a
step further. Instead of demonstrating knowledge that may or may not be true to
the learners job, learners now have the ability to share visual confirmation
theyve completed a task in real life.
Social Ownership: The ability to teach others is one of the highest forms of
mastery of a subject. Social Ownership puts learners in the position to teach
others by showing how they apply concepts in their real world.
Skill Assessments: Creating a visual assessment of an employees skill set and
performance before and after a training moment.
Identify Your Weaknesses: Effective measurement of the quality of your customer
service will help you identify specific weaknesses within your operation.
Assess the Competition: Knowing what your competitors are offering in terms of
customer service can also help you know whether you are on track with your own
service level.

12. Explain 5 consultative processes that could be used to maximize participation

in the organization development process.

Data collection: Surveys may be made to determine organizational climate and

behavioral problems. The consultant usually meets with groups away for work to
develop information
Data feedback and confrontation: Work groups are assigned to review the data
collected, to medicate areas of disagreement, and to establish priorities for
Action planning and problem solving: Groups use the data to develop specific
recommendations for change. Discussion focuses on actual problems in the
organization. Plans are specific, including who is responsible and when the
action should be completed.
Use of intentions: Once the action planning is completed, the consultant helps
the participants select and use appropriate OD interventions, Depending on the
nature of the key problems; the intervention may focus on individuals, teams.
Interdepartmental relating or the total organization.
Evaluation and follow-up: The consultant helps the organization evaluate the
results of tits OD efforts and develop additional programs in areas where
additional results are needed.

13. List the 5 levels of conflict.

Competitive:At the competitive level, a person takes a position and sticks to it.
Company owners and upper management often negotiate from a competitive
level of conflict resolution.
Collaborative:At the collaborative level, all ideas are deemed important and
considered. Collaboration takes a look at all of the needs and opinions of a
situation and tries to come up with a solution that uses the best of those ideas.
Compromising:The compromising level accomplishes a solution that keeps
everyone partly happy. However, each person will still need to give up something
to come to a compromise
Accommodating:Use an accommodating level in situations where the outcome is
not vital, but solving the conflict is. Using this style means the leader gives up his
own stance on a situation and allows others their way.
Avoiding:At the avoiding level, the person simply refuses to make a decision.
Kilmann warns that this is a particularly weak response to conflict but that it can
be appropriate in situations where the outcome does not matter.

14. What are the 4 steps involved in mapping a conflict?

Conflict Context: The mapper first gathers information about the history of the
conflict and its physical and organizational settings. Conflict does not emerge in a
vacuum. Sometimes one conflict is nested within another. The university
departmental conflict referred to below, for example, was greatly influenced by a
concurrent higher-level conflict between the University president and the faculty.
Parties: Parties in a conflict differ in the directness of their involvement and the
importance of its outcome for them. Primary parties are those who oppose one
another, are using fighting behavior, and have a direct stake in the outcome of
the conflict. Secondary parties have an indirect stake in the outcome. They are
often allies or sympathizers with primary parties but are not direct adversaries.
Third parties are actors such as mediators and peacekeeping forces which might
intervene to facilitate resolution.
Causes and Consequences: It is not always possible to distinguish a cause of a
conflict from a consequence. In fact, as a conflict emerges, cause and
consequence tend to blend. Hostility might be a consequence of one phase of a
conflict and a cause of the next. Perceived goals and interests incompatibility is
perhaps the most basic cause of social conflict. Identity defense is also common,
particularly in the contemporary world where group awareness and rights have
assumed high visibility. Cultural differences and particularly language are sources
of separateness and difference. They create a sense of self and self-defense
which is probably the primary motive for conflict.
Using the conflict map: A conflict mapper can use this mapping guide in
numerous ways. It can be used by each party on its own, in an effort to clarify the
conflict from their own perspective. Or it can be used jointly, in an effort to
understand both sides' view of the conflict. A third party (such as a mediator)
could interview the conflict parties with the guide, draft a map, ask the parties to
modify it from their perspectives, redraft it, and present it as a first joint step
toward cooperative resolution. Alternatively, this could be done by parties on one
side who would solicit cooperation from their opponents in creating an accurate
conflict map.

15. List 5 activities or interventions that could be part of an organization

development plan.

Survey Feedback
Process Consultation
Sensitivity Training
The Managerial Grid
Goal Setting And Planning

16. Explain the key steps in action research.

Action research develops through the self-reflective spiral which includes cycles of
planning, acting(implementing,observing, reflecting, replanning, reacting, reobserving
and so on. One good way to begin an action research project is to collect some initial
data in an area of general interest , then to reflect , and then to make a plan for the
changed action. Another way to begin is to make an exploratory change, collect data of
what happens, reflect and then build more refined plans for action. In both cases, issues
and understandings, on the one hand, and the practices themselves on the other,
develop and evolve through the action research process. However, it would make better
sense if we start with issues that affect us in carrying out our professional

17. Explain the use of quality circles to support organization development.

A quality circle is a volunteer group, composed of regular employees, who meet

to discuss workplace improvement & make presentation to management with
their ideas especially relating to quality of output. It improves the performance of
the organization, motivates & enrich the work life of employees.
The modern concept has generated new ideas by involving task performer at the
grass root level to the work of employees in organization.
It motivates the employees to follow new techniques at hotel floor level by
forming small groups & sought their help in solving day to day problems
encountered during the service to the customers

18. Why is it important to have senior management reinforce the organization

development program?

It is important from the outset to understand that in Organization Development, a survey

is an action-research approach. Simply doing a survey and then only communicating
the results to senior management, who will then determine what needs to be done,
simply reinforces the distance of management from organizational members. Action-
research surveys use the data to involve people throughout the organization to identify
what the data are saying (test phase) and then build practical actions through the
awareness, acceptance, and action process. Those involved determine what they can
implement at the department level and what they want to recommend to senior
management in the way of broader unit- or organization-level change strategies/actions
(action phase). The survey is then re-administered after a period of time to assess
progress and the success of the implemented change strategies

19. What measures could be used to determine the effectiveness of the

organization development plan?
measuring and quantifying organizational behavior at the individual, group and
organizational levels. Survey feedback, an integral part of the organization development
process, provides leaders and managers with research-based information on what is
happening within the organization be it cultural norms, organizational systems,
organizational climate, leadership and managerial process and their consequent impact,
or the behaviors of key people throughout the organization. Such measurements must
be based on solid, academically respected research to help guide the process of

20. What is the focus of a process evaluation as compared to an outcome


here are many types and ways of evaluation: needs assessments, monitoring activities,
formative, participatory and summative evaluations

Outcome Evaluation

The type of evaluation most commonly requested by foundations is called outcome

evaluation. Outcome evaluations assess the effectiveness of a program in producing
change. Outcome evaluations focus on difficult questions that ask what happened to
program participants and how much of a difference the program made for them.

Outcome evaluations assess the effectiveness of a program in producing change.

Process evaluations help stakeholders see how a program outcome or impact was

Impact or outcome evaluations are undertaken when it is important to know whether

and how well the objectives of a project or program were met.

Process Evaluation

I have always felt that over-emphasizing outcome evaluation at the cost of other types,
especially process evaluation, is a disservice to nonprofits and the sector. Why?
Because process evaluation allows a nonprofit to look at how it develops itself, its
structures, its supporting programs like communications and marketing, even fund
development in order to get to the outcomes everyone wants it to achieve.

Reference: Ipl 2017 live score

Jabardasth comedy show 14th January 2016 Full Episode Online ETV

Jabardasth comedy show 14th January 2016: Watch Jabardasth comedy show 14th
January 2016 full episode online on ETV Telugu tv channel for free. This week episode
of ETV Jabardasth comedy show will be Sankranthi Special episode in which all the five
team leaders will be performing skits based on their own theme. Viewers can watch
Jabardasth show 14th January 2016 episode online on television channel telecast at
09:00 pm, and also on Youtube channel release by ETV Jabardasth channel for free.

In this week episode of Jabardasth comedy show Rocket Raghava will be performing
skit based on same marriage theme, based on which he won the last week performer of
the day title. In this week episode Rocket Raghava and his team will performing the skit
along with Vinod who will be playing the lady character in this skit. and also Ipl 2017 live
score streaming

Chalaki Chanti skit has failed to win the performer of the day title from quite a long time,
since Getup Seenu introduce as the new team captain. Seenu and his team is giving a
tough competition to Chanti and other team mates to win the title.

Getup Seenu skit on 14th January 2016 will be based on gay character which he
perform quite well, even in this episode of Jabardasth comedy show, Seenu will be
playing as a son-in-law character and Ram Prasad as father-in-law, the comedy puches
between both of them will be very funny to watch as we can see in the promo of
Jabardasth comedy show.

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