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Name: Cohort: Social Studies: Rise of Dictators Homework Packet Due Date: Friday, March 17 jirecti heck Mm) Q Write YOUR Name on each page O Read AND Map EACH Passage -YOU MUST ALSO JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWER (100 pts) Q Mapping Includes the Following: Q Numbering each paragraph Q Underline Key Terms, Phrases, and/or Vocab O Summarize paragraphs Q Justify Answers by indicating which paragraph number you got the information to answer the question O Answer the Question (100 pts) Q Parent Signature (50 pts) Q Turn in COMPLETED PACKET ON TIME Parents, Please ensure that each item is completed before signing. (Parent Signature) Communism ‘Communism is a type of government and philosophy. Its goal is to form a society where everything is shared equally. All people are treated equally and there is little private ownership. In a communist government, the government owns and controls most everything including property, means of production, education, transportation, and agriculture. Karl Marx is considered the Father of Communism. Marx was a German philosopher and economist who wrote about his ideas in a book called the Communist Manifesto in 1848. His communist theories have also become known as Marxism. Marx described ten important aspects of a communist government: 1) Noprivate property 2). Asingle central bank 3) High income tax that would rise significantly as you made more 4) All property rights would be confiscated 5)__No inheritance rights 6) The government would own and control all communication and transportation 7) The government would own and control all education 8) ‘The government would own and control factories and agriculture 9) Farming and regional planning would be run by the government. 10) The government would tightly control labor Communism in Russia ‘Communism began in Russia with the rise of the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin. They led the 1917 October Revolution that overthrew the current government and took power. Lenin was a follower of Marxist philosophies. His views on ‘government became known as Marxism-Leninism ‘Actual Results The actual results of communist governments have been nothing like the theories of Marxism. The low class people that were supposed to be helped by Marxism, were treated horribly by the leaders of the government. For example, itis estimated that Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin had over 40 million people murdered for the "good of the state”. Stalin created labor camps for anyone who disagreed with the government. He even created famines in order to break the will ofthe people and gain total control. Communist states generally have much less freedom. They prevent the practice of religion, order certain people to ‘work certain jobs, and prevent people from moving around or moving to other countries. People lose all rights to ownership and government officials become incredibly powerful. 1. Describe Communism in your own words. 2. Who first developed the philosophy of Communism? 3. Explain any similarities you see in the 10 aspects of a communist government. 4. What was the typical outcome out communism? Give at least 3 examples: Name: Periods, Fascism Fascism is a political system in which the state has all the power. All citizens must work for the country and the government. A dictator or another powerful person is the head of such a state. He uses a strong army and a police force to keep law and order. He is often a strong, authoritarian leader who is, at the beginning, admired by many people. LIFE IN A FASCIST REGIME Fascist governments control the way people live. Those who criticize the goverment or do not obey are punished. They must leave the country, go to prison or are often executed. Fascist leaders want to make their state strong and powerful. They claim that only the strongest and fittest in the population can survive. With the help of a strong army they go to war and expand their territory. School teachers show children that only the state is important. Youth organizations are often created in which children admire the state and leam slogans and songs. They are trained to march and follow the beliefs of the ruling party. Fascist governments try to give all people work, mainly in the industries they need. They build roads, hospitals and industries which help them rise to power. In fascist countries no other political parties are allowed. The government controls newspapers, radio and television. There is no freedom of speech. 1. Ina Fascist political system who has all the power? 2. What does a Fascist dictator use to keep law and order? 3. What happens to people who criticize the government? 4. Why does a Fascist government want to go to war? 5. What is one benefit of a Fascist government?

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