Guidelines For Facilitator Reporting

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Guidelines for Facilitator reporting

Producing reports is a contractual obligation that all experts have to respect before fees can be
paid. Without proper reports, for auditing reasons the Strasbourg team will not be able, even if
aware of the field work conducted during the reporting period, to unblock payments of fees as
mentioned in the respective contracts .

The flexibility of adaptation of the Programme to the realities on the ground is an important
element for the impact it can create. In this regard, reporting is an important factor which will
determine the strategy that the ROMACT Management Team will follow together with you in
terms of addressing the right stakeholders, deciding upon the right activities and the right type
of advocacy in the field.

The success of the Programme relies on the work and inputs of the National Support Teams
(NSTs) which means that, at coordination level, visibility of your actions is crucial.

This implies that:

- Meetings are carefully prepared and planned. They are based on a written agenda that is
defined at the end of the previous meeting or together with relevant stakeholders (with the
National Focal Point, with CAG members, with municipal staff depending on the context).

- Meetings decisions are wrapped up at the end of the meeting, including responsible
person/entity and agenda of the next meeting. These elements are summed up in minutes
that are sent by email to the relevant stakeholders when possible- this might be difficult for CAG
members if they do not have an internet access but should be done for local authorities
representatives. In the case these elements cannot be sent by email, they should be given in
hard copies to participants at the beginning of the next meeting.

-Meeting reports are prepared shortly after the event so that details are fresh in the mind of
the author.

- Meeting reports contain clear and accurate information including the detailed agenda of
the meeting and the detailed decisions taken during the meeting as well as responsible

- Meeting reports should stand on themselves. Imagine you do not know anything about the
context and you need it to be explained to you. Which elements would you need? This is what
you need to mention. Bear in mind that Strasbourg team is not aware of the local situation in all
municipalities and/or cannot remember specific features of each municipality.
- Meeting reports are complete from A to Z (no fields left unfilled, even if there is not much to
inform us about, it is important to understand why there were no developments; therefore,
please explain).

- Meeting reports contain clear information on positive but also on negative developments,
barriers in implementation, resistance from the persons involved most likely they will exist!
Omitting this information is equivalent to depriving the coordinating team of insight and
overview, as well as of hints on how to strategize the implementation of the programme.

- Do not keep silence over any difficulty you might have in the field. No judgment will be
made on your capacity to overcome certain barriers. However failure to identify these barriers
and report on them will be considered.

Do not hesitate to contact the NPO, the NFP or Strasbourg team if you have doubts.

Please refer to ROMACT handbook to build up your activities and ensure their

Appendix 1- CAG Meeting Report Example with comments

Facilitator Report: 23-April-2016, Strasbourg, Community Action Group Meeting

Submitted by trainer.france on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 14:10

1) Report Author:
2) Date of the activity:
Saturday, April 23, 2016
3) Type of event:
Community Action Group Meeting
Name of the municipality (from Google):
67000 Strasbourg France
1. Which activity from the ROMACT Work Plan does this meeting refer to? :

1. Training of CAG for: 1) Group development; 2) Advocacy process with LA (Communication as a tool of
advocacy; Training of CAG members on Community monitoring)
This answer should refer to the facilitator municipal work plan.

2. Number of participants in the CAG meeting:

3. Number of women participating in the meeting:
4. Describe briefly the profile of each participant:

Three of the participants were unemployed. Three of them deal with micro business and one is an
educational mediator, appointed by the State in the frame of a Civic Service (voluntary service for 9
months period to work in social inclusion field). The woman is unemployed and is currently studying for
secondary education through an individual form of tuition. They all come from the same settlement,

Focus on employment, gender balance, geographic representation, average age, share of youth
participating, etc.

5. What were the scope and the main points of discussion during the meeting?:

a) Training of CAG on group development and advocacy process with the LA.
The group has been trained to elaborate rules for operation of CAG and rules on decision making process.
It has been agreed that CAG is an open structure, where every active person is welcomed to participate. It
has been agreed that the CAG meetings will be announced in the community at least three days prior to
the meeting. It has been also agreed that everyone who present at a meeting will have the right to vote
on decisions that will be taken, and every vote will be counted equally. Decisions will be taken with 50% +
1 of the presenting members of CAG.

The group has been also trained on advocacy process with LA. Communication as a tool was reviewed.
The group has been prepared on how to address the LA with proposals to be included within the MAPRI.
The group has been also prepared to discuss the organization of joint meeting with the LA in a form of
Round table, where the proposals of the group to be discussed and included within the MAPRI.

b) Review of the implementation of the Municipal Action Plan for Roma Inclusion (MAPRI)
The CAG members discussed that currently they do not receive detailed information by the municipality
regarding the implementation of the municipal integration plan and activities undertaken. A joined
meeting was proposed between the CAG and LA for the beginning of May, and at the meeting CAG plans
to demand information regarding the implementation of the MAPRI.

c) Planning further advocacy and participation in the consultative and monitoring meetings
with the LA.
The CAG members shared that they do not have detailed information regarding the projects, which the
municipality implements currently. They discussed on the need to get more deeply involved with the
process of monitoring the implementation of the municipal integration plan.

d) Elaboration of proposals for measures/ projects ideas to the Municipal Action Plan for Roma
Inclusion (MAPRI)
The CAG members Discussed that they will need to break down into small groups to prepare proposals to
be included within the MAPRI. It has been discussed that the best way is for every small group to take one
of the priority areas to prepare proposals.

e) The CAG discussed on short term priorities for the community 1) the problem with unpaid bills
for water supply; 2) the problem with demolition orders issued for not less than 5 Roma houses where the
people are not so far proposed alternative accommodation; 3) the problem with discrimination in the
sphere of public services

Here describe each point of the agenda in a few sentences and remember to give context of the
situation. Please remember to describe also positive developments as well as difficulties

6. What were the main decisions taken by the end of the meeting?:

CAG members prepared an official letter addressed to the mayor with the priorities that will be discussed
during the Joint meeting (round table).

CAG members decided that CAG can meet bi-weekly to discuss on-going problems and plan advocacy
activities. They agreed that meeting will take every second Monday evening at 6.30pm.

CAG members decided to draft rules for calling a CAG meeting and the process of decision making. The
drafted rules are to be presented for approval on the next CAG meeting. Mr. XXXXXX is in charge of
drafting the rules with the support of the facilitator.

Here describe decisions taken during the meeting including responsible person/entity when

7. List the prioritised CAG needs:

Short-term priorities
Infrastructure : Provide a solution for the unpaid bills for water supply in the 2 Roma settlements
Housing: Provide alternative solutions for the people living in the 11 illegal houses that were demolished

Long-term priorities of the CAG

Infrastructure : Inclusion of territories inhabited by Roma within the local urban planning
Health: Impose environmental norms on a local factory to prevent air pollution
Here describe list of CAG priorities, whether they are included in an adopted action plan or not.
Please always answer this question, even if the list did not change.

8. Are there any activities already started to be implemented in the municipality?:

The municipality is discussing the establishment of a special fund to provide financial and logistical support
for families, which are to be evicted by unlawfully built houses. The fund will be voted on the next session
of the municipal council - as to the municipality contribution. There is also a discussion for private local
entities to contribute to the fund, as well as civil organization, working on the problem of legalization of
Roma houses.

- A project for the integration of children from ethnic minorities has been submitted for funding in the
frame of OP HRD.
- A project for the integration of students from ethnic minorities has been submitted for funding in the
frame of OP HRD.

Here list activities / projects initiated / implemented as an outcome of ROMACT process

whether included or not in the Joint Action Plan. You can also include activities that were
initiated / implemented as an outcome of ROMACT process but were not foreseen in the Joint
Action Plan.
Include a short description of the project, its status (project submitted for funding/on-
going/implemented (when?), the implementation partners of the project, the backers (who is
funding the project?) and the amount of funds.

9. What are the capacity building needs of the CAG? :

CAG expressed capacity building needs of inclusive planning, monitoring and implementation of local
Roma policies and projects.

Try to be as accurate as possible with regards to the needs. Accordingly, we can decide upon
further training activities for the CAG.

10. How does the CAG envisage to continue working after the end of ROMACT in the municipality?:

CAG members are determined to continue the collaboration with the municipal administration. It is already
decided that CAG and LA will meet in every two months. The CAG members are organized in several
active NGOs.

Appendix 2- Meeting with Local Authorities Report Example with comments

Facilitator Report: 23-April-2016, Strasbourg, Meeting with Local Authorities

Submitted by trainer.france on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 14:10

1) Report Author:
2) Date of the activity:
Saturday, April 23, 2016
3) Type of event:
Meeting with Local Authorities
Name of the municipality (from Google):
67000 Strasbourg France
1. Which activity from the ROMACT Work Plan does this meeting refer to?
Meetings with the Projects department of the municipality and plan the new/on-going projects.
This answer should refer to the facilitator municipal work plan.

2. Who attended the meeting (name, position, institution)?:

Ms XXXXX, Executive Director of Programmes and Local Development Direction , Strasbourg Town Hall
Mr XXXXX, Local Expert on Roma Issues, Strasbourg Town Hall
Mr XXXXXX, ROMACT Coordinator, Strasbourg Town Hall
Ms XXXXXX, ROMACT Facilitator

Describe the position and the institution of the participants. This is an important element of the

3. What were the main points of discussion?:

The goal of the meeting was to discuss with the representatives of the local authority on the funding
opportunities and project development.

1) Presentation of available sources of funding by the ROMACT Expert

The expert presented a detailed list of existing project opportunities that was previously sent to the
municipality hall.
The expert is constantly monitoring funding opportunities and will inform the municipality if any new
opportunity opens.

2) Analysis of the needs, capacities and project funding

POCU 4.1 was the main point on the agenda that the discussion was mostly focused on. The main part of
the discussion consisted on analysing the project opportunities in relation with the needs and capacity of
the city hall.
The municipality would want to open a multifunctional centre for children. The municipality has the
necessary land and would want to extend/ construct a building where to place that centre but
would need educational and staff.
Applying for POCU 4.1 involves some challenges: ensuring sustainability of the created working places,
difficulties to mobilize local migrating population, low capacity of the local population to run independent
business, etc.

The details of the requirements of POCU 4.1 were presented to the staff. The expert will prepare a
summary of the requirements and the municipality staff will analyse in detail the opportunity in order to
decide if they are going to apply on it or not.

Here describe each point of the agenda in a few sentences and remember to give context of the
situation. Please remember to describe also positive developments as well as difficulties

4. What were the main decisions taken by the end of the meeting?:

ROMACT expert will summarised the detail of the requirements of POCU by 2 May.
The expert will also keep the municipality posted about any new opportunities for funding.

The municipality will analyse the opportunity of accessing the POCU 4.1 funds and decide on the

Here describe decisions taken during the meeting including responsible person/entity when

5. Were there any capacity building needs expressed / suggested?:

Accordingly, we can decide upon further training activities for the Local authorities.

The lack of staff for writing and managing projects was highlighted by the municipality

6. Were there any coaching / experts support needs expressed / suggested?:

The need for support in writing in the project application was mentioned.

7. How would you assess the involvement / performance of the municipality ROMACT Contact Person in
the activities of the Programme?:

The involvement of the ROMACT coordinator, Mr XXXXX is important but he is lacking expertise in project

Appendix 3- Joint Meeting Report Example with comments

Facilitator Report: 24-April-2016, Strasbourg, Joint Meeting between the Community

Submitted by trainer.france on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 14:10

1) Report Author:
2) Date of the activity:
Saturday, April 23, 2016
3) Type of event:
Meeting with Local Authorities
Name of the municipality (from Google):
67000 Strasbourg France
1. Which activity from the ROMACT Work Plan does this meeting refer to?
Facilitation of a joint working meeting of LA and CAG members for: 1) Presenting the findings of the CAG
from the review of the existing Local Action Plan and their recommendations to further addressing of the
community needs (what has been implemented, whats achieved, what
2. Who attended the meeting? (name, position, institution)? :

The meeting has been attended by:

Mr. XXXXX- Mayor (Strasbourg municipality);

Mr. XXXXXX - Deputy mayor (Strasbourg municipality)
Mrs. XXXX - Director of Social Affair (Strasbourg municipality);
Mrs. XXXX - Director of Direction (Strasbourg municipality);
Mr. XXXXXX - Chief expert at "Projects and programs" Direction at (Strasbourg municipality)
Mrs. XXXXX - Chief expert- Housing Department (Strasbourg Municipality)
Mr .XXXXXX Social Worker (Strasbourg municipality)
Mr XXXXXX - Junior expert- Health Department (Strasbourg municipality);

CAG members:
Mrs. XXXX (President of NGO.) ; Mrs. XXXX; Mr XXXXX; Ms XXXXX; Mr XXXXX (Health Mediator); Ms

Here always include position and institution from which the participants are coming from.
Please also mention Local authorities representatives, CAG members and ROMACT
representatives separately. It needs to be clear who represents what. If CAG members are also
part of an institution, please mention it. As much as possible, participants should reflect the
agenda of the meeting. It is important to have representatives of the Housing / Urban Planning
Department if you will tackle the issue of illegal housing for instance.

3. What were the main points of discussion during the meeting?:

Meeting was facilitated by Mr. XXXX, CAG member

1. Presentation of the implementation of the current Local Action Plan (LAP) by Strasbourg Municipality
Ms. XXXXX from Strasbourg municipality presented the following priorities of LAP:

1. Education: Information has been presented that Strasbourg municipality created conditions for full-
day educational activities; municipal transport is secured from Espace 16 to Strasbourg schools, which is
used by Roma children predominantly; all the educational facilities work according plans for
implementation of the regional integration strategy; students and parents clubs are created; additional
lessons on French language are secured both for the kindergartens and pre-school groups in the schools;
536 children visit kindergartens; 626 children are enrolled in pre-school groups in the schools; 177
children left the municipality with their parents and live abroad. As main reasons for early school drop-out
the municipality pointed the low family incomes; bad home conditions; unemployment; lack of interest to
education; early marriages; migration; pedagogical reasons - children cannot follow the curricula; lack of
developed connections between the school and the families.

2. Health care: The health mediators assisted for immunizations for 32 children; 4 times in 2015 mobile
medical cabinets performed checks for HIV/AIDS. The municipality reported 425 cases of people with AIDS
- most of these - Roma. Individual meetings and group discussions have been organized for young people,
young mothers and people with risky behaviour. Prevention anti-drug campaigns have been organized.

3. Employment: the municipality stated that one of the main problems is the low percentage of Roma
who register themselves in the Labour Office. Many of the registered do not self-identify themselves as
Roma. The registered have low qualification, low level of education. The municipality works on social
programs for securing employment, as for example, the municipality provides the social service called
"personal assistant", where 17 Roma are employed out of 43 persons in total. The municipality works
jointly with the Agency for Social welfare securing subsidies for employment opportunities. The
municipality also reported good relationships with the private sector, which resulted in securing
employment for 904 persons from Roma origin.

4. Housing: A major issue for the municipality is the unlawful housing in the Roma settlements. The
municipality works on joint project with XXXXXX Foundation for regulation of areas inhabited by Roma.

2. Presentation of CAG observations regarding the implementation of LAP and identification of new issues
to be included in the LAP


Educational mediators to be appointed in all schools;

Lectures to be organized for health education to tackle the problems with early pregnancy issues
Health mediators to be appointed in the two Roma settlements for medical follow-up;
Securing of municipal land for building of social housing;
Consultations with the National Assembly of the municipalities for exploring options for
amendments to be proposed with the Law on Spatial Planning;
Eco-patrols to be appointed to solve the issues of unregulated garbage collection spaces.

CAG also mentioned issues that should urgently be solved: plumbing and clogged drains in Polygone.

CAG asked to be involved in the monitoring of LAP.

4. Discussion over possible future steps and possible future support by ROMACT program.

NPO provided information on the possible support ROMACT can secure. He stated that the program is
designed to provide expert assistance to the municipalities to apply for EU funding.

Here describe each point of the agenda in a few sentences and remember to give context of the
situation. Please remember to describe also positive developments as well as difficulties

4. What were the main decisions taken by the end of the meeting?:

The Actualization of LAP for 2016: a smaller meeting among representatives of Strasbourg Municipality
and CAG representatives to review specific activities that will be placed in the MAPRI will take place before
the end of the month. The municipality will contact the facilitator in that regard.

Municipality representatives, CAG members and ROMACT expert will meet to review potential sources of
funding for LAP measures by the end of May. ROMACT expert will provide a list of funding opportunities
prior the meeting.

The most urgent problems will be resolve by the Municipality as soon as possible - plumbing and clogged
drains in Polygone.

CAG will be involved in the monitoring system of the LAP once it addressed a letter to request it to the
Local Council.

Here describe decisions taken during the meeting including responsible person/entity when

5. How would you describe the cooperation between the CAG and the Local Authority within the
Programme activities?:

The partnership between CAG and the municipality is stable. The CAG is able to formulate organise its
requests and formulate them in an organised manner as well as ready to cooperate with the Municipality
and the Municipality seems to cease this occasion to solve issues that were not tackled until now. For
instance, CAG and the municipality will start working in the beginning of next month on sorting out the
garbage issue in the Roma settlement.

Here describe the positive and negative developments of the relationship between the CAG and
the Municipality. You can give examples to illustrate what you describe.

6. What is the stage of elaboration of the Joint Action Plan? (The Joint Action Plan is drafted and agreed
upon, jointly, by the CAG and the Local Authority representatives based on the proposals of the CAG
(Community Action Plan) by the CAG and the representatives of the municipalities):

The Local Action Plan (that was not prepared in cooperation with the CAG) will be updated based on the
working meeting that was agreed on during the Joint meeting.

Here describe if the JAP exists already, or if the community is only prioritising its needs; if it
was discussed already with the Municipality. Please also mention difficulties linked to the
elaboration of the JAP.

7. What is the stage of approval of the Joint Action Plan by the Municipality / Local Council?:

Once the CAG and the Municipality will agree on the Plan and its future activities, it will then be adopted
by the Local Council.

Here describe if the Local Council is ready to adopt the JAP or if there are difficulties. Please
describe any difficulty or specificity.

8. What is the stage of the Joint Action Plans inclusion in the Local Development Strategy?:

The current LAP is included in the Local Development Strategy and the new updated version should also
be included.

Here describe if the JAP is included in the Local Development Strategy, which is the general /
mainstream Strategy of the municipality (not only the Roma Strategy). If the process is
different in your country, please describe it here.


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