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January, 26, 2017 To Whom It May Concer: This lotter is written to rocommend Anna Schilling for the MEA Scholarship. Mrs Schilling has boon a Texas ASM — Gommerco Intern/Resident in ny Third Grade classroom since August 2016. Mrs, Schilling and [have worked closoly togothor in every aspect curriculum, planning, and classtoom management Mrs. Schilling has done an outstanding job of teaching in whole group, small group, 60: teaching, and with individual students. Sho is in charge of implomenting Third Grade TEKS, differentiation, fostering a caring learning environment, and teaching strategios in order to meot the noeds of all studeny Throughout hor teaching experience, the students’ responses to her classroom, Management and leadership have boon very positive Mrs. Schilling has proparod and taught lossor clearly illustrated and Hor knowlodgo of development ns, works with small groups, and individuals to onsure success. Her teamwork with mo and othor staff, proparing and revising lessons, and experimenting with additional ideas for tho lose enthusiasm about teaching, learnin, Her willingnoss to take sugg sl ons domonstratod hor motivation and reflection about teaching and learning. Sho was ablo to communicate offectively and she displayed excollent porsonal and professional qualities | boliove aro attributes of an outstanding leader. She always carried out her responsibilitios in a dependable manner Mrs. Schilling is an excollent recipient of your scholarship, Sho has temondous. initiative, a desire to continue {o learn, and a rofloctivo practitioner outlook. | would strongly encourage you to award hor your scholarship. Sincerely, rau tne pate: MaryAnne Chiarelli Third Grade Teacher and Mentor IN, Range Elementary Mesquite, 1X mehiarelli@mesquiteisd org

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