Listening Dear John

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1. Fill in the gaps and modify where necessary:

Mutual dreams duty capture drop out enlist else settle down
face kind life

An angry rebel, John _________________ of school and ___________________ in

the Army, not knowing what else to do with his lifeuntil he meets the girl
of his __________________, Savannah. Their _________________ attraction
quickly grows into the ____________ of love that leaves Savannah waiting for
John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to ___________________ with
the woman who has _____________________ his heart. But 9/11 changes
everything. John feels it is his ______________ to re-enlist. And sadly, the long
separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone _______________.
Dear John, the letter readand with those two words, a heart was broken
and two ___________ were changed forever. Returning home, John must come
to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true loveand
______________ the hardest decision of his life.



A "Dear John letter" (Dear Jane for women) is a letter written to

a husband or boyfriend by his significant other to inform him their
relationship is over, usually because the author has found another lover.

While the exact origins of the phrase are unknown, it is commonly believed
to have been coined by Americans during World War II. Large numbers
of American troops were stationed overseas for many months or years, and
as time passed many of their wives or girlfriends decided to begin a
relationship with a new man rather than to wait for the original one to

As letters to servicemen from wives or girlfriends back home would typically

contain affectionate language (such as "Dear Johnny", "My dearest John", or
simply "Darling"), a serviceman receiving a note beginning with a curt "Dear
John" would instantly be aware of the letter's purpose.

Why do you think Nicholas Sparks decided to use the name




1. Who says what? SAVANNAH OR JOHN? Fill in the dialogue:

o Two weeks together, thats all it _______________, two weeks to

________ ________ ______.
o No matter where you are in the _______________, the ____________ is
never bigger than your __________________.
o Dear John, tell me _______________. Write it all _____________, that way,
well be with each other all the _______________, even if were not with
each other ________.
o I miss you so much it ________________.
o I just wanna stay right here with you as __________ ____ _____ __________

2. Find synonyms:

o Permission:
o I can notice:
o I am not afraid of you:
o I had to return:
o Goodbye:

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