C and C Ancients Scenarios and Tactical Tips

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ORONGIS- 212 BC Official Commands & Colors: Ancients Scenario - Approved by Richard Borg

Historical Background their doom within a year at Castulo and Ilorca.

Mago Barca began the Second Punic War as a subordinate
commander under his brother Hannibal. In 215 he was given War Council
command of his own army, and sent to Spain to reinforce his Carthaginian Army
other brother, Hasdrubal. Mago fought a series of campaigns Leader: Mago Barca
against the Romans under Gnaeus and Publius Scipio. In 213 5 Command Cards
Hasdrubal Barca was recalled to Africa to suppress a revolt, Move First
leaving Mago and Hasdrubal Gisgo to carry on the fight. Seeing
Roman Army
the Carthaginians weakened by the loss of an army, the Scipios
Leader: Gnaeus Scipio
went on the offensive. While Publius besieged Saguntum, 5 Command Cards
Gnaeus Scipio advanced into the valley of the Baetis in 212. (Scipio was badly wounded)
Hasdrubal Gisgo sent Mago into the interior to raise reinforce-
ments, while engaging Gnaeus in a series of battles. The Romans Victory
won at Iliturgi on the Baetis, but Gnaeus was badly wounded at
the drawn battle of Munda. Just then Mago returned with a band 6 Banners
of mercenary Gauls under their kings Vismarus and Moenicap- Special Rules
tus. The two armies clashed at Orongis (AKA Aurinx). Scipio None
had one reinforced legion, with some Iberian allies, about 14,000
men in all. Mago's army was smaller, totaling around 12,000
troops and a few elephants. Nevertheless, the Gauls were eager
to fight, as was Mago. Scipio had to be carried into battle on a
litter. The battle was fiercely fought, and most of the Gauls went The stage is set.
down fighting. In retreating, Mago salvaged the remainder of his The battle lines are drawn, and you are in command.
army. Gnaeus Scipio had the victory, but Mago was not entirely The rest is history.
displeased. His Gaullic mercenaries had slain hundreds of
Romans, and now he didn't have to make good on their payroll.
Gnaeus' victory was his last, as the Scipio brothers were to meet
Commands & Colors Ancients
Mago's Battles Revisited
By Richard Borg and Dan Fournie
In C3i Magazine Nr.6 Dan Fournie and Italian hastati and principes Recorded Losses:
presented the article Mago: Youngest of the Light infantry (L) represent Roman Carthage: 7,000 Celtiberians killed or captured;
Lion's Brood. Two battles, Celtiberia and Po and Italian velites 2,000 African infantry killed or captured;
River were presented as SPQR scenarios in the Medium cavalry (MC) represent Romans Hanno was captured.
GBoH Series. With the advent of Commands and Italians Rome: None recorded
and Colors: Ancients (CC:A) Warriors (W) represent Iberian scutarii Sources: Livy [28.1-2]
we have repackaged these battles for play in an Auxiliaries (A) represent Iberian caetrati
entirely different system. CC:A is more abstract, Light cavalry (LC) represent Iberians Po River, 203 BC (Setup on Page 45):
simpler, faster to play and most importantly, Scale: Each unit represents about 2,500
extremely fun. And with the terrain tiles, it is Recorded Losses:
infantry, 1,500 cavalry or 7 elephants
possible to recreate any ancient battlefield. In Carthage: 8,000 men with Vismarus and
Each block represents about 625 infantry,
this case, this has allowed us to develop a new Moenicaptus killed in action; 1,000 men
500 cavalry or 4 elephants
battle, one that was never available as an SPQR captured; eight elephants captured and three
scenario. The Battle of Orongis is a most killed; 58 standards lost
Carthaginian OOB: The Carthaginian army
unusual and interesting fight. In closing, we Rome: None recorded
was composed of one-half African and
offer these three scenarios for CC:A in the hope Sources: Livy [24.42]
Balearic levies and one-half Gauls and
that you will find as much enjoyment playing Ligurians, totaling about 33,000 foot,
them as we did designing them. Celtiberia, 207 BC (Setup on Page 44): 4,500 horse and 7 elephants
Scale: Each unit represents about 1,000 Heavy infantry (H) represent Libyans
The one-page format for CC:A battles is ideal infantry, 500 cavalry or 20 elephants Medium Infantry (M) represent Ligurians
for ease of reference and quick play. However, Each block represents about 250 infantry, Warriors (W) represent Gauls
it leaves little space for historical detail. Within 170 cavalry or 10 elephants Auxiliaries (A) represent Iberians
C3i Magazine, there is the opportunity to Slingers (S) represent Balearics
include more background information, in Carthaginian OOB: The Carthaginian army Bowmen (B) represent Moors
particular unit scale and specific order of battle was composed of one-third African levies Medium cavalry (MC) represents Gauls
information. The detailed background for and Balearics under Mago and two-thirds Light cavalry (LC) represent Numidians
Mago's battles can be found in C3i Nr.6, but Celtiberians, totaling about 14,000 foot,
1,500 horse and 20 elephants Roman OOB: The Roman army was
here are some CC:A specific comments:
Heavy infantry (H) represent Libyans composed of four double-legions, totaling
Warriors (W) represent Celtiberian scutarii about 40,000 foot and 3,000 horse.
Orongis, 212 BC (Setup on Page 41): Heavy infantry (H) represent Roman
Auxiliaries (A) represent Celtiberian caetrati
Scale: Each unit represents about 1,000 and Italian triarii
Light infantry (L) represent Libyans
infantry, 500 cavalry or 20 elephants
and Numidians Medium infantry (M) represent Roman
Each block represents about 250 infantry, and Italian hastati and principes
Slingers (S) represent Balearics
170 cavalry or 10 elephants Light infantry (L) represent Roman
Medium cavalry (MC) represents Celtiberians
Light cavalry (LC) represent Numidians and Italian velites
Carthaginian OOB: The Carthaginian army
Auxiliaries (A) represent allied Italian
was composed of one-half African levies and Roman OOB: The Roman army was hastati and principes
one-half Gauls, totaling about 10,000 foot, composed of one double-legion, totaling Medium cavalry (MC) represent Romans
1,500 horse and 20 elephants about 10,000 foot and 1,000 horse. and Italians
Heavy infantry (H) represent Libyans Heavy infantry (H) represent Roman
Medium infantry (M) represent and Italian triarii
veteran Iberians Additional Leaders:
Medium infantry (M) represent Roman
Warriors (W) represent elite Gauls Hamilcar: an officer left behind from Has-
and Italian hastati and principes
Auxiliaries (A) represent Gauls drubal's invasion in 207 BC. He again stayed
Light infantry (L) represent Roman
Bowmen (B) represent Moors behind after Mago's army departed and staged a
and Italian velites
Slingers (S) represent Balearics massive uprising of the Gauls and Ligures after
Medium cavalry (MC) represent Romans
Medium cavalry (MC) represent Gauls the Second Punic war ended, in 200 BC.
and Italians
Light cavalry (LC) represent Numidians
Recorded Losses:
Additional Leaders: Carthage: 5,000 killed in action;
Roman OOB: The Roman army was composed
Hanno: a common name for Punic 22 standards lost; Mago badly wounded
of one double-legion with some Iberian generals, this Hanno was sent out from Rome: 2,300 legionnaires from the front line
allies, totaling about 13,000 foot and Carthage as a replacement for Hasdrubal Barca (plus a few hundred from the reserve);
1,000 horse. in 207 BC. Captured in this battle. 22 equestrians, some centurions and three
Heavy infantry (H) represent Roman
and Italian triarii tribunes (of 24 present) all killed in action.
Medium infantry (M) represent Roman Sources: Livy [30.18-19]
C&C Ancients Scenarios and Tactical Tips
used where there is a good chance of destroying next card play once I have drawn my card at
Tactical Tips for CC:A an enemy unit, or in other cases if it does not the end of my turn. If you play quickly, you cut
by Andy Finkel
leave the advancing attacker in a vulnerable down on your opponent's thinking time and
position. Be particularly careful of momentum this may put pressure on him.
CC:A is one of my favorite games. For those advancing with a leader. Try to end up not
unfamiliar with CC:A, it offers the chance 1. "Follow me"
isolated if possible (exception; elephants, as
to play an ancient battle in 45-minutes (30-
mentioned later). A momentum advance by The efficient use of leaders can significantly
minutes if your opponent is Tony Curtis :-) with
cavalry can sometimes cut off an enemy unit's enhance your chances of winning. A chain of
simple but subtle game mechanics.
retreat path, thereby causing it increased adjoining hexes containing units connected
losses if a retreat result is rolled during the to a leader's hex will maximize the use of Line
Due to the unpredictable nature of command
momentum attack. Command cards. Leaders stacked with or
control caused by the vagaries of the card
adjacent to battling units give those units an
draw, this is a game where good play is an 4."Keep on running" additional pip on the combat die. This makes
art, rather than a science. As in all good card Units with the evade capability should usually leaders very potent in attack & defence. The
driven wargames, a good plan has the poten- use it, unless the attacker is reduced to 1 block. ability to allow infantry stacked with leaders to
tial to come unstuck if your opponent holds a Even then, the defender should evade if the at- make a momentum advance and attack is very
particular card. This article humbly offers some tacker can roll enough dice to kill the defender. powerful. A leader in the front rank of the army
suggestions which I have found helpful in play- can potentially influence 3 attacks, conferring
ing the game. As Captain Barbossa said in the 5."Vorwarts, mein Kinder" ("Forward, the potential of scoring up to 15 additional hits
movie Pirates of the Caribbean, "they are not my children" Prussian Marshal Blucher) on the opponents. Leaders attached to infantry
rules; rather, they are guidelines." Get your units into the enemy half of the board. should ideally be placed with medium or heavy
Your medium and heavy infantry need to keep infantry units.
9. "Get there firstest with the mostest" advancing in order to be able to reach and
In CC:A victory is achieved by being the first attack the enemy. Also, your cavalry should be 2."Horses for Courses"
to acquire a stated number of Victory Banners. pushed forward far enough to be able to retreat Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of
One of these is obtained for each enemy unit without taking additional losses for being un- different types of units in CC:A can give
destroyed, and in some scenarios, banners are able to retreat their full move distance. you an edge in your games. Light infantry are
awarded for geographical objectives. However, Finally, if you can pin enemy units against the best units to use in woods. They are also the
in most cases, victory involves killing some- their base line, their losses will increase most efficient units to use against elephants be-
where between 6-to-8 enemy units be exponentially since they will be unable to cause they do not lose any combat power when
aggressive. If you can kill one or two enemy retreat. fighting them. Auxilia are the kings of the hills.
units before your opponent has killed any of Elephants are an enigma. They can be devastat-
yours, you can then afford to trade losses with 6."All together now ing or useless. Get them clear of your own bat-
your opponent. Because the attacker strikes first tle lines to avoid friendly losses from rampage.
Try to link all your foot units in adjacent
in CC:A, in most cases, it is better to attack Elephants are very brittle, because they can be
hexes to maximize the effect of a Line
than defend. killed with 2 hits. I like to "use them before I
Command card. If you cannot achieve this, try
to group foot units in linked groups adjacent lose them", and deploy them aggressively. The
10. Use Boggle doctrine to a leader so that they can use a Leadership alternative school of thought on elephants is to
In Harvard Lampoon's Bored of the Ring, it keep them behind your lines, so as to avoid
Section card. Note that some of the units activated
states that the race of Boggies "are perfectly giving cheap victory banners to your opponent.
on a Leadership Section card can be in a different
capable of fighting creatures up to half their Cavalry units should be pushed forward as
section of the battlefield to the activated leader,
own size, provided they get the drop on them." early as possible, because if they are attacked
as long as
The smart CC:A player will target his attacks near their own baseline, they may be unable to
they form part of a chain of contiguous hexes
on units which are either likely to be retreat their full distance, which will cause them
connected to the leader's hex.
eliminated or retreated when attacked, or which to take additional losses. Heavy & medium
are less powerful than the attacker. Units which cavalry are powerful on the attack, partly
7."Play your cards right"
do not have bolstered morale by being stacked You can't control what cards you pick up, but because of the automatic ability to make a
with you can control how you play the cards you momentum attack if they advance after combat.
a leader or next to two friendly units are good get. If you are missing cards relating to a Light infantry units are wasted in close combat.
targets. An attacking unit which rolls 3 dice has section of the battlefield, you may be able to Keep them at range and use missile combat,
a 40% chance of causing their target to retreat, compensate by using a line command for a particularly at enemy units stacked with a
thereby avoiding the enemy battling back. leader in an adjacent section, if he has a leader, because any hits scored will give you a
Enemy units with 2 blocks or less are good connected set of hexes to the section for which chance of killing an enemy leader.
targets because of the increased chance of you don't have cards. Line command and
destroying them. You may need to use multiple double move can also be useful cards in this 3."They're playing my tune"
attacking units to chip away at strong enemy situation. You should base your initial strategy Seize the initiative and force your opponent to
units, but be prepared to take losses by doing so. on the cards you have. Where possible, hold spend his cards reacting to your plans; i.e make
Be wary of attacking enemy units stacked with unique cards such as Clash of Shields, Mounted him dance to your tune. This may involve plan-
or adjacent to a leader in close combat because Charge Rally and ning the use of your card hand to keep pressure
of their increased combat power, especially if on the enemy in one sector of the battlefield.
Lam Spartacus until you are able to maximize
they are at full strength.
the number of units which can use them.
I hope you find these CC:A tips helpful.
11. "They don't like it up 'em, Mr Mainwaring"
8."I have a cunning plan" Private Baldrick

Momentum advances and attacks should be
Use your opponent's player turns to plan your
CE LT I B E RIA 207 B C - Official Commands & Colors: Ancients Scenario - Approved by Richard Borg


Historical Background was captured. There would be no Carthaginian counter-offensive

Following the Battle of Baecula, Hasdrubal and Mago Barca and in Spain this year. The final showdown was delayed until 206 at
Hasdrubal Gisgo gathered for a council of war in 208 BC. They Ilipa.
decided that Hasdrubal Barca would cross the Alps into Italy.
Mago broke up his army to provide troops for his brother and War Council
sailed for the Balearics to raise more troops. Hasdrubal Gisgo Carthaginian Army
retreated to the Atlantic coast while Masinissa with 3,000 Leader: Mago
cavalry held Scipio Africanus at bay. In 207, Mago returned with 4 Command Cards
about 2,000 Balearics and 4,000 African recruits under Hanno.
To round out his new army, Mago recruited a band of 9,000 of Roman Army
the fierce Celtiberians. However, as soon as Scipio learned what Leader: Silanus
Mago was up to, he dispatched his deputy, the propraetor Marcus 5 Command Cards
Junius Silanus, with a single legion of 10,000 foot and 500 Move First
horse. Silanus force-marched undetected to a point just 10 miles
short of Mago's position. The Carthaginians were in two Victory
separate campsthe Africans to the right, and the 5 Banners
Celtiberians to the left. The African camp was properly
fortified, but the Celtiberians were bivouacked in disorder with Special Rules
little security. Silanus ordered an immediate advance on the None
Celtiberian position. The barbarians' shouts of terror alerted
Mago, who raced over to organize a defense. But the Romans
were already charging. A vicious hand-to-hand melee ensured,
while Hanno struggled to bring up the African troops. Hanno The stage is set.
The battle lines are drawn, and you are in command.
wasn't fast enough. Many barbarians were cut down where they The rest is history.
stood, and the remainder broke and fled. Mago, seeing that
the day was lost, made good his withdrawal with 2,000
infantry and nearly all the mounted troops. Hanno, coming up
with the last troops,
PO RIVER- 203 BC Official Commands & Colors: Ancients Scenario - Approved by Richard Borg

Historical Background his wound while sailing for Africa, but the remnants of his army
Following Scipio's victory at Ilipa in 206 BC Mago once again returned to fight at Zama.
sailed to the Balearic Isles to recruit mercenaries. Then, rather War Council
than fall back to Africa, as everyone expected, Mago launched
the third Barcid invasion of Italy. With new levies from Africa, Carthaginian Army
Mago sailed across the Mediterranean and landed at Genoa in Leader: Mago
205. After receiving reinforcements, Mago invaded the valley of 6Command Cards
the Po River in 203. He now had 18,000 infantry, 2,800 cavalry MoveFirst
and seven elephants from Africa; and about 15,000 foot and
1,500 horse from the Ligurian and Gaullic tribes. Two Roman Roman Army
armies were on hand in Cisalpine Gaul under the Praetor Publius Leaders: Varus and Cethegus
6 Command Cards
Quintilius Varus and the Proconsul Marcus Cornelius Cethegus.
Their army included four double legions, with 40,000 infantry
and 3,000 cavalry. The battle was joined in the plain along the Victory
Po River. Mago placed his reliable African and Ligurian infantry 7 Banners
in his main battle line with his Gauls in reserve. As the battle
began, Mago's main line clashed with the front line legions
and the Carthaginians had the advantage. Then Varus led a Special Rules
The Po River is not fordable.
cavalry charge towards the Carthaginian's open flank. This was
the moment Mago awaitedhe counter-charged with his
elephants. The Roman cavalry broke before the impact of the
The stage is set.
lumbering behemoths. As the Roman flank faltered, Cethegus
moved up the reserves. As these fresh troops began to turn the The battle lines are drawn, and you are in command.
tide in Rome's favor, Mago responded with his Gaullic warriors. The rest is history.
Just then Mago fell with a serious wound, and his
beleaguered army finally broke. It had been a very bloody
fight. Over 5,000 Carthaginians and 2,300 Romans were left
on the field. Mago perished of

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