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The Transportation Challenge

The Regional Growth Strategy promotes the development of a sustainable transportation system that provides
people with convenient and affordable travel options. To support this objective, the RGS promotes: Did you know?
1,200,000 Number of trips taken each day in the
• improved coordination of land use and transportation in order to reduce auto-dependant developments region
• development of the regional TravelChoices Strategy (was adopted in 2005) 342,000 Expected increase in trips per day, within
the next 30 years
• establishment of travel mode share targets intended to shift more travel to transit, walking & cycling 78% Portion of trips taken by automobile
Although local municipalities, and in some cases, the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure, are solely
responsible for the design, management and upkeep of all roadways, the CRD plays a coordinator’s role 3% Portion of trips taken by bicycle
in identifying common interests and issues with the goal of ensuring the network functions — among and
between jurisictions — as seamlessly as possible. 33% below GHG targets established by the Province to
1990 address Climate Change
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How can the region encourage more people to walk, cycle or take transit more often?

What should the Strategy Update do more — or less of?

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