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Swimming is the movement when moving in water, and usually without artificial
equipment. This activity can be used for recreation and sports. Swimming is used
when moving from one place to another in the water, fishing, bathing, or doing water
Swimming for recreation and competition do people in the pool. Humans also swim in
the river, lake, and at sea as a form of recreation. Sports pool keeps the body healthy
because almost all the body muscles used when swimming.

Humans are able to swim since prehistoric times, the oldest evidence of swimming are
the paintings of swimmers from the Stone Age have been found in the "cave
swimmers" near Wadi Sora in the Gilf Kebir, southwest Egypt. The oldest records
about the swim comes from 2000 BC. Some of the oldest documents that mention
about swimming is the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Iliad, Odyssey, and the Bible (the Book
of Ezekiel 47:5, Acts 27:42, Isaiah 25:11), and the saga-saga Beowulf and others. In
1538, Nikolaus Wynmann a professor of German language to write a book about the
first swim, swimmer or a Dialogue on Art Swimming (Der Schwimmer oder ein ber
die Zwiegesprch Schwimmkunst).

Swimming race in Europe starting around the year 1800 after the construction of a
swimming-pool. Most of the participants time to swim with the breaststroke. In 1873,
John Arthur Trudgen introduce front crawl style called trudgen style in swimming
race in the Western world. Trudgen imitate the technique of the freestyle swimming in
South American Indian tribes. Swimming is one sport in the Olympic Games Athens
1896. In 1900, backstroke included as a number of new Olympic pool. Unity
swimming world, the Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) was formed in
1908. Butterfly style that was originally a variation breaststroke accepted as a separate
style in 1952.

In the pool for recreation, people swim the breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle and
butterfly. Style swimming pool that competed in the race is butterfly, backstroke,
breaststroke and freestyle. In a number of freestyle swimming race, swimmers can use
a variety of style pool, except the breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. Unlike the
breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly, the International Swimming Federation does
not regulate the techniques used in a number of freestyle swimming. Nevertheless,
almost all the swimmers swim with krol style, so that krol style (front crawl) is used
almost universally by the swimmer in freestyle swimming numbers.

Freestyle is a swim with chest position overlooking the water surface. Both hands
alternately moved far ahead with pedaling motion, while both feet alternately
dicambukkan fluctuates upward and downward. When swimming freestyle, the
position of her face to the surface of the water. Respiratory done when the arm is
moved out of the water, when the body becomes tilted and the head turned to the side.
When taking a breath, swimmers can choose to turn to the left or right. Compared to
other swimming styles, freestyle swimming is a force that can make the body go
faster in the water.
Freestyle is a style that is not bound by certain basic techniques. Freestyle performed
with a wide range of motion in swimming that can make swimmers can go in the
water. So the movement in the freestyle can be used by several people, either already
trained or the beginner.

Breast stroke
Breaststroke swimming is the most popular style for outdoor recreation. Stable body
and head position can be out of water for a long time. Breaststroke or frog style (frog
style) is to swim with chest position overlooking the water surface, but differs from
freestyle, always in a state trunk fixed. Both legs kick outward while both hands
straightened out in front. Both hands open to the side like a movement for the body
forward through the water more quickly to the front. Body movements mimic the
movement the frog was swimming so-called frog style. Respiratory done when the
mouth is on the surface of water, after a single hand movement or twice-foot hand-
foot movements.
In the swim lessons, beginner swimmers learn breaststroke or freestyle. Of the three
numbers to the official pool set the International Swimming Federation, breaststroke
swimmer was the slowest swimmer.

When swimming backstroke, men swim with your back facing the water surface. The
position of the face above water so that people easily take a breath. However,
swimmers can only see the top and could not see into the future. During a race,
swimmers estimate the pool wall by counting the number of movements.
In the style of back, arm and leg movement is similar to freestyle, but with the supine
body position on the surface of the water. Both hands alternately moved toward the
waist like pedaling motion. Mouth and nose are outside the water making it easy to
take or dispose of breath with his mouth or nose.
During a race, is different from the attitude start freestyle swimmer, breaststroke, and
butterfly style, all done on the block start, swimmer doing the backstroke start of the
pond. Swimmer facing the pool wall with both hands holding an iron grip. Both knees
bent in between the two arms, while both feet resting on the pool wall.
Backstroke is a style of swimming which has been known since ancient times. First
time in Olympic diperlombakan Paris 1900, the backstroke is the oldest style pool
diperlombakan after freestyle

Butterfly style
Butterfly or dolphin style is one of style swim with chest position overlooking the
water surface. Both arms simultaneously pressed down and moved to the outside
before swinging forward. While both legs simultaneously kicking down and up like
the tail fin movement of fish or dolphins. The air exhaled forcefully from the mouth
and nose before the head emerges from the water, and air is inhaled through the mouth
when the head is outside the water.
Butterfly style was created in 1933, and is the newest swimming style. Unlike other
styles of swimming, swimmers beginner to learn the butterfly style needs more time
to study the coordination of hand and foot movements.
Swim butterfly style too demanding greater force than swimmers. The speed of
swimming butterfly style derived from swing both hands simultaneously. The fastest
swimmers butterfly can swim faster than freestyle swimmer. Compared to the other
swimming style, butterfly style swimmers can not cover up bad technique that
movement by releasing more power.
Accidents in the water because it can cause injury to death due to drowning. Before
entering the water, swimmers need to find out the depth of the pool, river, or marine
who wanted to swim.
Swim in the river or at sea can be very dangerous when coming swift currents or large
waves suddenly. People who are in the influence of alcohol and drugs is prohibited to
Swimming goggles to prevent eye people who take it from irritation. Swimming in
dirty water will cause skin diseases and eye irritation. In the pool, the bacteria that
cause disease are controlled by the provision of chlorine. Substitution of water
regularly will improve the quality of a healthy pond water.


NIM :20100320029

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