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LS 1.1 Whats This Place?

Stage Learning Standards: Lexical Sets:
1.1.1 Able to speak with the Places: night market,
Word correct word stress. hardware shop, stationery
shop, coffee shop, flower
shop, airport, bakery
Learning Outcomes: Materials:
Sentence Able to name the places PLACES AROUND YOU.ppt

Whole Text
Assessment: -
Task Procedures:
1. Show the power point slides of the PLACES AROUND YOU.ppt.
2. Ask pupils to name the places they see on the slides. If pupils answer in mother
tongue, acknowledge the answer and reinforce with the English word.
3. Point to a place on the slide and ask pupils to say out the name of the place.
4. Go to each group and ask them to say the name of the place. Then, ask the whole
class to say it. You can also get individual pupil to come to the front and point out
to the place on the slide.
5. Repeat step 2-4 for all the places. You can ask the pupils what they can see the
people in the places are doing to help build the context of the community.

Note to teachers:
1. The difference between coffee shop and restaurant:

Coffee Shops Restaurants

Usually serve breakfast, brunch, Generally serve lunch and dinner
lunch, hi-tea, dinner and supper
A hub for people to meet and A place for having leisure time
communicate with family and friends
The chairs and tables are light, close The furniture should be highly
and casual but not too comfortable comfortable
The shop may accommodate not too The restaurant may accommodate
many customers at a time big number of customers at a time

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