PLANet RE User Manual

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User Manual


Version: 1.20


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Table of Contents

1 Document Control Records............................................................................................................................................7

2 PLANet-RE Installation Guide.......................................................................................................................................10
2.1 Installing PLANet-RE Application............................................................................................................................10
3 Login............................................................................................................................................................................14
3.1 Logging in to PLANet-RE.........................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Forgot Password.....................................................................................................................................................15
3.3 Changing Password................................................................................................................................................16
4 Dashboard....................................................................................................................................................................17
5 Masters........................................................................................................................................................................18
5.2 Exchange Rate.......................................................................................................................................................18
5.2.1 Adding Exchange Rate......................................................................................................................................20
5.2.2 Retrieving Exchange Rate................................................................................................................................23
5.2.3 Modifying Exchange Rate.................................................................................................................................25
5.2.4 Exchange Rate Features...................................................................................................................................27
5.3 Collaboration Calendar...........................................................................................................................................30
5.3.1 Monthly Collaboration Calendar.......................................................................................................................30
5.3.2 Modifying Schedules.........................................................................................................................................31
5.3.3 Weekly Collaboration Calendar.........................................................................................................................35
5.3.4 Modifying Schedules.........................................................................................................................................36
5.4 Global Code System (GCS).....................................................................................................................................40
5.5 Category Master.....................................................................................................................................................41
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5.5.1 Adding Categories............................................................................................................................................42
5.5.2 Modifying Categories........................................................................................................................................44
5.5.1 Removing Categories.......................................................................................................................................47
5.5.2 Deleting Categories..........................................................................................................................................49
5.5.3 Model Type.......................................................................................................................................................51
5.6 FChart Category Master.........................................................................................................................................53
5.6.1 Adding FChart Categories.................................................................................................................................54
5.6.2 Modifying FChart Categories............................................................................................................................58
5.6.3 Removing Categories.......................................................................................................................................60
5.6.4 Deleting Categories..........................................................................................................................................62
5.6.5 Special Features...............................................................................................................................................64
6 Analysis Views..............................................................................................................................................................68
6.1 Forecast View.........................................................................................................................................................68
6.1.1 Displaying Forecast and Actual Data................................................................................................................69
6.1.2 Customizing Forecast Periods...........................................................................................................................77
6.1.3 Special Features...............................................................................................................................................78
6.3 BP View..................................................................................................................................................................86
6.3.1 Displaying BP Data...........................................................................................................................................87
6.3.2 Customizing BP Periods....................................................................................................................................94
6.3.3 Special Features...............................................................................................................................................95
6.4 ATP View...............................................................................................................................................................103
6.4.1 Displaying ATP Data.......................................................................................................................................104
6.4.2 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................110
6.5 PSI Weekly View...................................................................................................................................................117
6.5.1 Displaying ATP Data.......................................................................................................................................118
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6.5.2 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................124
6.6 Unaccounted PSI View..........................................................................................................................................130
6.6.1 Displaying Forecast and Actual Data..............................................................................................................131
6.6.2 Customizing Forecast Periods.........................................................................................................................137
6.6.3 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................138
7 Regional Views...........................................................................................................................................................145
7.1 Regional PSI View.................................................................................................................................................145
7.1.1 Display Actual and Regional Data...................................................................................................................146
7.1.2 Customizing Forecast Period..........................................................................................................................152
7.1.3 Special features..............................................................................................................................................153
7.2 Regional BP View..................................................................................................................................................161
7.2.1 Display Regional BP data................................................................................................................................162
7.2.2 Customizing BP Period....................................................................................................................................166
7.2.3 Special features..............................................................................................................................................167
8 System Administration...............................................................................................................................................174
8.1 User Profile...........................................................................................................................................................174
8.1.1 Adding a New User.........................................................................................................................................175
8.1.2 Modifying User Details....................................................................................................................................177
8.1.3 Deleting Users................................................................................................................................................178
8.1.4 Viewing User Details.......................................................................................................................................180
8.1.5 Resetting Password.........................................................................................................................................181
8.1.6 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................182
8.2 Roles Setup..........................................................................................................................................................188
8.2.1 Adding a New Role..........................................................................................................................................189
8.2.2 Modifying a Role.............................................................................................................................................192
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8.2.3 Deleting a Role...............................................................................................................................................193
8.2.4 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................194
8.3 Product Access Setup...........................................................................................................................................198
8.3.1 Adding a new Product Group..........................................................................................................................199
8.3.2 Modifying Product Group Setup......................................................................................................................200
8.3.3 Deleting Product Group Access......................................................................................................................201
8.3.4 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................203
8.5 History Log...........................................................................................................................................................204
8.5.1 Retrieve History Logs......................................................................................................................................205
8.6 Division Setup......................................................................................................................................................206
8.6.1 Adding a new Division....................................................................................................................................207
8.6.2 Modifying Division..........................................................................................................................................209
8.6.3 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................210
8.7 Base Currency Setup............................................................................................................................................211
8.7.1 Adding a new Base Currency..........................................................................................................................212
8.7.2 Modifying Base Currency................................................................................................................................214
8.7.3 Special Features.............................................................................................................................................215
9 Operational job..........................................................................................................................................................216
10 PAPAP Reporting......................................................................................................................................................224
10.1 Upload Data.........................................................................................................................................................224
10.1.1 Download PAPAP Category Template..............................................................................................................225
10.1.2 Upload PAPAP Category Tagging.....................................................................................................................226
10.1.3 Upload PAPAP Exchange Rate.........................................................................................................................227
10.1.4 Upload Adjustment Archive Forecast..............................................................................................................229
10.1.5 Upload F-Chart (1st/10th/25th/BP&LY)................................................................................................................230
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10.2 Download Data.....................................................................................................................................................233
10.2.1 Refresh SMC RE data and Adjustment............................................................................................................233
10.2.2 Generate Output............................................................................................................................................234
10.3 Upload/Download Log...........................................................................................................................................235
11 Miscellaneous..........................................................................................................................................................237
11.1 Forecast GIT Logic................................................................................................................................................237
11.1.1 Period Definitions...........................................................................................................................................237
11.1.2 GIT Calculation for Confirmed Periods............................................................................................................238
11.1.3 GIT Calculation for Lock Period.......................................................................................................................239
11.1.4 GIT Calculation for Indication Period...............................................................................................................239
11.1.5 GIT Calculation for Forecast Period.................................................................................................................239
11.1.6 GIT Calculation for Additional PO....................................................................................................................239
11.1.7 Special Handling for PMMA and MAICO..........................................................................................................240
11.1.8 Dynamic Confirmed Months (Lock +3)...........................................................................................................241
11.1.9 GIT Source Alert..............................................................................................................................................242
12 PSI Forex Report......................................................................................................................................................243
12.1.1 Report Layout.................................................................................................................................................243
12.1.2 Report Logic...................................................................................................................................................244
13 Formula Page..........................................................................................................................................................246
13.1 Calculating Forecast vsBP Percentage..................................................................................................................246
13.2 Calculating Forecast vsLY Percentage..................................................................................................................246
13.3 Calculating BP vsLY Percentage............................................................................................................................246
13.4 Calculating the Inventory Days............................................................................................................................247
13.4.1 Inventory Days Quantity.................................................................................................................................247
13.4.2 Inventory Days for Amount............................................................................................................................250
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13.5 Purchase Amount Calculation on Regional PSI View.............................................................................................251
13.6 Sales Adjustment Model Level Breakdown...........................................................................................................251
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Edited By Date Version Reasons for revision

1 June Manalo 29 November 0.1 Creation of document
2 08 February 0.4 Changes to screens and some process
3 27 March 2012 1.0 Added Simple View and updated the installer path
Release to version 1.0

4 June Manalo 18 June 2012 1.1 Add in the Category Master section
Handy Tjioe
5 03 September 1.2 Amended the Analysis Views by adding the enhancements on
2012 performance and product hierarchy
6 June Manalo 07 September 1.3 Add in the Regional PSI & GIT
7 Handy Tjioe 12 December 1.4 Add in the ATP, Category Master enhancements and rounding
2012 factor
8 June Manalo 18 December 1.5 Modified the main screen to include the rounding factor
9 07 February 1.6 Inclusion of the FChart Category Master
2013 Add in the Regional BP & GIT
Revised Product Access Setup screens
Hide the Simple Forecast View
Hide Import Non-PLANet
10 June Manalo 18 March 2013 1.7 Added the enhancement on the Exchange Rate masters and
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 Page | 8
Edited By Date Version Reasons for revision
implementation in the views
11 Handy Tjioe 24 April 2013 1.8 Added export function for User Profile & Role Setup

Edited By Date Version Reasons for Revision

12 Rico Lu 14 June 2013 1.9 Added miscellaneous section and GIT processing logic
13 June Manalo 26 June 2013 1.10 Inclusion of the PSI Forex Report Logic and a new screen for
Unaccounted PSI
14 30 July 2013 1.11 Added counter measure for the PSI Forex Report
15 June Manalo 07 August 1.12 Added enhancement in Product Access to add FY
2013 selection
Added a section Formula Page for the KPI calculations
16 Rico Lu 04 September 1.13 Modify GIT processing logic
17 June Manalo 01 July 2014 1.14 Added section 10.1.8 Dynamic Confirmed Months
(Lock +3) and 10.1.9 GIT Source Alert to cater for
the enhancement in GIT
Revised the content of the section 10.1.3 GIT
Calculation for Lock Period and 10.1.4 GIT
Calculation for Indication Period to remove the ATP
Source and to refer the Forecast logic as stated in
10.1.5 GIT Calculation for Forecast Period
18 June Manalo 02 October 1.15 Incorporate the enhancements on the Exchange Rate Master
2014 for Default and implementation on the following views:
Forecast, BP, Regional PSI & Regional BP
19 June Manalo 28 November 1.16 Added information on the 6.1 Forecast View regarding the
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Edited By Date Version Reasons for Revision
2014 sales amount and the formula for the sales adjustment in 12.6
Sales Adjustment Model Level Breakdown
20 June Manalo 16 March 2015 1.17 Added information regarding 6.6 Unaccounted PSI View
21 Yovita Indra 28 July 2015 1.18 Added section 5.5.3 Model Type in the Category master for
Assigned Model
22 Winda Lecaros 15 Nov 2015 1.19 Added section 10 PAPAP Reporting.
23 June Manalo 22 March 2016 1.20 Added an information regarding the sales amount conversion
for PSPs domestic transaction in 6.1.1 Displaying Forecast
and Actual Data
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Edited By Date Version Reasons for Revision
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2.1 Installing PLANet-RE Application

Step 1: Install the Oracle Client and copy the TNS to the client machine

Step 2: Click on the installer to install PLANet-RE. Install PLANet-RE

This window will prompt for security warning, click on the <Install> button to install the application.

<Figure 1 - Application Install>

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Step 3: After clicking the <Install> button, this window will be displayed to show the progress of the installation.

<Figure 2 - Installing PLANet-RE>

Step 4: If theres an update on the application, the installer will prompt for an update. For more accurate
functionalities, it is recommended to download the latest version of the application.
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<Figure 3 - Application Update>

Step 5: After clicking the <OK> button, a progress bar will be shown as per below.

<Figure 4 - Latest Version Finished>

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Step 6: Once the updating of PLANet-RE application to the latest version is completed, the <Login> screen will display.

<Figure 5 - Login>
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3.1 Logging in to PLANet-RE

1. The login screen is shown when the PLANet-RE application is launched.

User name This is the username created in the system to be used to access PLANet-RE
application. The username will follow the same format as your email ID (i.e. adam.tan).
This is not case sensitive.

Password The password to be used to access PLANet-RE application. This is case

sensitive. The default password will be generated but is optional to send to the registered
email address.

Change Password This checkbox is unchecked by default. Check the box highlighted in
orange if user wants to change their existing password. The <Change Password> screen
will display after successfully logging
in to PLANet-RE as shown in <Figure
9 - Change Password>

Forgot Password Username is

mandatory when clicking the
<Forgot Password> (highlighted in
red). The current password will be
reset and will be sent via email using
the email registered for username

<OK> button Clicking this button

will redirect you to PLANet-RE Home.
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<Cancel> button Clicking this <Figure 6 Login Features>
button will cancel the login process.
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3.2 Forgot Password

In case you forgot your password, we have provided you a way to reset your password through the <Forgot Password>

1. Click the <Forgot Password> to enter your username or email address to send the temporary

<Figure 7 - Forgot Password>

2. A new screen will display with an option to enter the username or email address to send the
temporary password.
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<Figure 8 - Forgot Password: Enter credentials>

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3.3 Changing Password

1. <Change Password> will display if the checkbox is checked from the login screen or the password has been

Current Password Enter the current password to change.

New Password Enter the new password. The new password must contain Capital letter,
small letter and a number with minimum 8-characters.

Confirm Password Confirm the new password.

<OK> button Clicking this button will submit the change password request.

<Cancel> button Clicking this button will cancel the change password action.

<Figure 9 - Change Password>

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This will be the main screen whenever logging into PLANet-RE application. This screen shows a summary of all the
previous and upcoming tasks.

<Figure 10 - Dashboard View>

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5.2 Exchange Rate

The exchange rate is maintained by the PSI Management Group/ Regional Planning team. There will be three (3)
types of exchange rate masters:

1) BP Rate This master can only be maintained during the BP period (Dec Mar) and is disabled afterwards
2) Default Rate This master can be modified from the previous month onwards. All quarterly totals will be
editable throughout
i. Latest Forecast This will use the Default master and refer to the rate of the latest forecast month
Current Month: March 2013
Latest Forecast: March 2013
ii. Latest Actual - This will use the Default master and refer to the rate of the latest actual month
Current Month: March 2013
Latest Actual: February 2013
3) Ad Hoc Rate This master is editable throughout the year. This is used when the rates are different from BP
and Default rates

All masters will contain P, S and I rates for each currency conversion. Purchase (P) and Sales (S) are based on the
P/L rate which is the average for the month, while Inventory (I) is based on the BS rates which is the rate during
the month end.
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The maintenance of the Default Exchange Rate for the next FY will be available starting at the beginning of the
new current FY in preparation for the BP period. For example, if current date is April 1, 2015, FY 2016 will be
opened for exchange rate maintenance.

<Figure 12 - Exchange Rate>

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5.2.1 Adding Exchange Rate

1. Click on the <Add New> button to add a new currency conversion for the selected FY, Base Currency and
Rate Type.
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2. A new row will be added for the new exchange rate. Select the new currency code from the list provided.
BP rates are only editable during BP period (Dec-Mar)
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3. Click on the <Save Changes> button to save the changes to the exchange rate. A confirmation message
will display for the saved changes.

4. To cancel all the changes made to the exchange rate, click on the <Cancel> button. A confirmation
message will show for cancellations. Click the <Proceed> check box to proceed with the cancellation.
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5.2.2 Retrieving Exchange Rate

1. Specify the filter criteria in highlighted in red box to display and click on the <Go!> button.

2. Default exchange rates for the past months are not editable and are highlighted in gray background.
However, the quarterly, half yearly and yearly rates are always open for modification.
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Ad Hoc exchange rates are always open for modifications throughout the FY.
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5.2.3 Modifying Exchange Rate

1. Change the conversion rate for a particular currency code by clicking or double clicking on the rate to
change. Currency code is not editable.
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2. Click the <Save> button to save the changes made to the exchange rate conversion. A confirmation
message will display for the saved changes.

3. To cancel all the changes made to the exchange rate, click on the <Cancel> button to display the
confirmation message. . A confirmation message will show for cancellations. Click the <Proceed> check
box to proceed with the cancellation.
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5.2.4 Exchange Rate Features

1. Copy and paste values to another cell by selecting the values to copy and selecting the target cells. Press
CTRL + C to copy and CTRL + V to paste.
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2. Undo the changes made by pressing the CTRL + Z key. The undo feature will undo all the changes since
the last save one by one.

3. Automatic calculation of USD equivalent from JPY. This feature only applies to BP and Default rates.
Having the example below, AUD JPY is manually entered. Using the USD JPY conversion, hence the
formula (JPY = AUD/USD).
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Upon saving the JPY rate, a USD rate is also automatically calculated. This does not restrict the users
from modifying the USD by themselves. However, as long as JPY is changed, USD equivalent will also
change and overwite the manual changes made by the users in USD.
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4. Filtering of currency code and type is also available as well as the sorting of columns by clicking on the
header of the column to sort.
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5.3 Collaboration Calendar

Only the PSI Management Group is able to modify the collaboration calendar for both Monthly and Weekly.

5.3.1 Monthly Collaboration Calendar

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<Figure 13 - Monthly Collaboration Calendar>

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5.3.2 Modifying Schedules

1. To modify the schedule of a specific task, double click on the pink colored cell. A new screen will pop
up for the detailed schedule. Only the future schedule for PSI Submission and PSI Sending is editable
in the calendar, all other tasks are read-only.
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2. Double click on the time of the task to edit, to show the <Schedule> screen. Set the date and time to
run the task and indicate a reason for the change of schedule. The new schedule for the PSI
Submission 1 should not be later than the PSI Submission 2.
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3. Click the <Save> button to save the changes in the schedule and reason for the change. Click
<Cancel> to discard the changes made to the schedule. This will redirect you back to the <Daily
Details> screen. A confirmation message will be displayed upon successful saving.
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4. The new schedule is reflected into the <Daily Details> screen. Click <OK> button to return to the
main calendar screen.
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5.3.3 Weekly Collaboration Calendar

<Figure 14 - Weekly Collaboration Calendar>

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5.3.4 Modifying Schedules

1. To modify the schedule of a specific task, double click on the pink colored cell. A new screen will pop up for the
detailed schedule. Only the future schedule for PSI Submission and PSI Sending is editable in the calendar, all
other tasks are read-only.
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2. Double click on the time of the task to edit, to show the <Schedule> screen. Set the date and time to
run the task and indicate a reason for the change of schedule. The new schedule for the PSI
Submission 1 should not be later than the PSI Submission 2.
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3. Click the <Save> button to save the changes in the schedule and reason for the change. Click <Cancel>
to discard the changes made to the schedule. This will redirect you back to the <Daily Details> screen. A
confirmation message will be displayed upon successful saving.
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4. The new schedule is reflected into the <Daily Details> screen. Click <OK> button to return to the main
calendar screen.
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5.4 Global Code System (GCS)

GCS Master is only for viewing and reference purposes, therefore modifications are not allowed.

Figure 15 - GCS Master>

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5.5 Category Master

This is the master for the new regional product hierarchy. The product hierarchy is defined and maintained by the
regional marketing. This new regional product hierarchy will be interfaced to BI and Oracle to apply to their

Category Master is also enhanced with the functionality limitation; this gives a clear segregation to some group of
users in term of access right on this view. The access setting is controlled by SCMG personnel in System Admin >
Roles Setup menu (refer to 8.2 Role Setup). Basically, the idea is Category Master & Regional Product Hierarchy is
only managed by particular group of user (in this case SCMG) and another group manages assign or un-assign
model to Regional Product Hierarchy.
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<Figure 16 - Category Master>

5.5.1 Adding Categories

1. Click on the <Add> button and select which category to add. Enter the required field for the new category.
i. Short name This is the short form for the category name. Will be used in the future reports.
ii. Name This is the name of the category being added
iii. Description - The detailed description for the category being added
iv. Status The status of the category. By default it is checked, means active and therefore can still be used.
If it is set to inactive (unchecked), then this category cannot be used anymore and will be displayed as
grey on the tree view.
v. Marketing Code the auto generated code by system and not-editable.
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vi. Accounting Code the code for each of individual category master item, this code is maintained by user.

<Figure 17 - Add New Category>

In Product Sub Sub Group level, there is an additional attribute to Include Quantity. This will indicate whether
to include quantity in the reports in PLANet and BI. This is mainly used for FChart module. Please refer to
screen below:
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<Figure 18 New Attribute in Product Sub Sub Group>

2. Click on the <Save Changes> button to save the changes into the database. A confirmation message will be

<Figure 19 - Save Category>

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5.5.2 Modifying Categories

1. Click on the Category you wish to edit (on tree view or category tab) and click on <Edit> button on the
Category Attribute screen.

<Figure 20 - Modifying Categories>

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2. Modify the Category Attributes and click on <Ok> button to complete editing. The Status attribute will dictate
if the category can be used or not. If the status is unchecked, the category will not be able to use anymore.
This is also one way of planning to delete the category in the future.

<Figure 21 - Update Categories>

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3. Click on the <Save Changes> button to save the changes into the database. A confirmation message will be

<Figure 22 - Save Modified Categories>

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1 Removing Categories

Remove category action will remove the selected category from the hierarchy. This function is useful if a category
has to be removed from the hierarchy without deleting it for good.

1. Select the Category to remove from the tree view and click on the <Remove Category> button.

<Figure 23 - Removing Categories>

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2. A confirmation message box will prompt as shown below. Clicking the checkbox will enable the <OK> button.

<Figure 24 - Removing Categories: Confirmation Message>

3. Click the <OK> button to remove the Category from the hierarchy and click the <Save> button to save the
changes. A confirmation message will be displayed.
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5.5.3 Deleting Categories

Delete Category action will permanently delete the category from the source and will not be available. Deletion is
required if the categories are not used anymore. It is advised to deactivate the category before deletion to avoid
usage of the category to be deleted. Refer to 5.5.2 Modifying Categories on how to deactivate.

1. Select the Category from the hierarchy or the source to delete and click <Delete Category> button.

<Figure 25 - Deleting Categories>

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2. A confirmation message box will prompt as show below. Clicking the checkbox will enable the <OK> button.

<Figure 26 - Deleting Categories: Confirmation Message>

3. Click the <OK> button to delete the Category from the source and click the <Save> button to save the
changes. A confirmation message will be displayed.
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5.5.4 Model Type

This is to define the [Model Type] for each model tagged to Regional Product Hierarchy (Assigned Models). You will
need to tag the models to Regional Product Hierarchy first, before the model type can be set. Model type
information will be sent to and used for BI-COGNOS Reporting for certain reports (ex: KPI Reports) as requested by
Regional Marketing Division (AP-Asia or PAPAP).

The access setting is based on [Category Master] & [Assign / Un-assign Model to RPH] role setup. Only user that
having access to [Assign / Un-assign Model to RPH] able to change the [Model Type].
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 66 Modifying the Model Type
1. Click on the Model Type column for the model that you wish to edit and then choose either one of the model
type list below:
- Blank Row (Default Value for the Normal Model)
- ODM Model
- Premium Model

<Figure 27: Modifying the Model Type>

2. Click the <Save> button on top of the screen to save the changes. A confirmation message will be
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 67
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 68

5.6 FChart Category Master

This is the master for the FChart categories. These categories and hierarchies are defined by the regional planning.
These masters and hierarchy will be interface to BI and PLANet to be used in the FChart Report.

<Figure 28 - FChart Category Master>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 69

5.6.1 Adding FChart Categories

1. Click on the <Add> button and select which category to add. Enter the required field for the new category.
i. Short name This is the short form for the category name with a maximum of 10 characters long
ii. Name This is the name of the category being added with a maximum of 50 characters long
iii. Description - The detailed description for the category being added with a maximum of 500 characters
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 70
iv. Status The status of the category. By default it is checked, means active and therefore can still be used.
If it is set to inactive (unchecked), then this category cannot be used anymore and will be displayed as
grey on the tree view.

v. Sort Order This is the sorting to follow when displaying in hierarchy and in the reports in PLANet and BI.
This has to be maintained by entering a numeric sort order or by dragging the categories from the
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 71

Dragging the category from the hierarchy.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 72

Dummy This is checked when the

categories are created automatically. This is created when the level is less than 7 and RPH is dragged to
the hierarchy. The name of the dummy categories is the same as the parent category.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 73

2. Click on the <Save Changes> button to save the changes into the database. A confirmation message will be
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 74

5.6.2 Modifying FChart Categories

1. Click on the Category you wish to edit (on tree view or category tab) and click on <Edit> button on the
Category Attribute screen.

<Figure 29 - Modifying Categories>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 75
2. Modify the Category Attributes and click on <Ok> button to complete editing. The Status attribute will dictate
if the category can be used or not. If the status Active is unchecked, the category will not be able to use
anymore. This is also one way of planning to delete the category in the future. Dummy categories can be
changed to non-Dummy when the immediate parent is non-Dummy.

<Figure 30 - Update Categories>

3. Click on the <Save Changes> button to save the changes into the database. A confirmation message will be
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 76
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 77

2 Removing Categories

Remove category action will remove the selected category from the hierarchy. This function is useful if a category
has to be removed from the hierarchy without deleting it for good.

1. Select the Category to remove from the tree view and click on the <Remove Category> button.

<Figure 31 - Removing FChart Categories>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 78
2. A confirmation message box will prompt as shown below. Clicking the checkbox will enable the <OK> button.

<Figure 32 - Removing FChart Categories: Confirmation Message>

3. Click the <OK> button to remove the Category from the hierarchy and click the <Save> button to save the
changes. A confirmation message will be displayed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 79

3 Deleting Categories

Delete Category action will permanently delete the category from the source and will not be available. Deletion is
required if the categories are not used anymore. It is advised to deactivate the category before deletion to avoid
usage of the category to be deleted. Refer to 5.6.2 Modifying FChart Categories on how to deactivate.

1. Select the Category from the hierarchy or the source to delete and click <Delete Category> button.

<Figure 33 - Deleting FChart Categories>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 80
2. A confirmation message box will prompt as show below. Clicking the checkbox will enable the <OK> button.

<Figure 34 - Deleting Categories: Confirmation Message>

3. Click the <OK> button to delete the Category from the source and click the <Save> button to save the
changes. A confirmation message will be displayed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 81

5.6.3 Special Features

1. Collapse / Expand All This function will expand or collapse a selected node in the tree view or hierarchy.
Select the node to expand / collapse and click on the <Expand All> button.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 82
Expand All as mentioned above will expand the TV Group node as shown below.

Select the expanded TV Group again and click on the <Collapse All> button to collapse the selected node.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 83
2. Re-arrange sort order Click and drag the category from the hierarchy to re-arrange the sort order. Dragging
the category from the tree view will automatically update the sort orders of each category in the same
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 84
After dragging the category, the sort order will automatically be updated based on the ordering in the tree
view / hierarchy.

3. Export To Excel The complete FChart hierarchy including the assigned RPH can be exported to excel so as the
list of unassigned RPH.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 85

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 86
6.1 Forecast View

<Figure 35 - Planning View>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 87

6.1.1 Displaying Forecast and Actual Data

1. Select the business type to display data. By default, the business type is showing all import models.
Sales companies with consolidated and non-consolidated sales will be split and displayed as Cons and
NCons below the Sales. GIT is also displayed as an additional row to display how many and how much
is still in transit. Actual GIT are for references only for that month as GIT will be considered delivered
for the past months.

The Sales Amount displayed is the amount after the sales

adjustments for NSCs using the sales adjustment feature in PLANet.
Companies which do not use this feature will display the total sales

In addition, Companies with Key Customer setup in PLANet will

display the sales amount by key customer after adjustments.

All sales transaction made in SGD for PSP is converted to USD in

Oracle & PLANet using the NSC BP Rate for both Actual & Forecast.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 88

Import Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show all
monthly and weekly collaboration models.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 89
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 90
Domestic Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show
domestic models.

Local Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show the local
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 91

2. Select the currency for the data to display. Default currency used is USD, select JPY to display in Japanese Yen and
Local to display all amounts based on the sales companys local currency.

If local currency is selected as the currency, all group amount totals before the sales company column
is invalid and will be displayed as a dash (-).
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 92

3. Select Forecast as the view to display the additional filters for the forecast data.

4. Filter periods to display 6 or 12 months, as well as show / hide the figures for Forecast, vsLY and vsBP. Unchecking
all the quantity and amount will automatically hide the columns.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 93

5. Select Actual to display the additional filters for the actual data. This will allow you to show / hide the quantity and
amount for the actual result.

6. Select Report Group to display. Models and product hierarchy displayed will be based on the selected Report
Group applicable for each user.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 94

7. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen. This is relatively useful
especially for NSCs with small currencies to become more readable.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 95
8. Select the preferred exchange rate to use when converting to the base currencies USD or JPY.
BP This option will use the BP rate based on the current FY and apply throughout the months
including the KPI
Default This option will use the Default rate. Each months rate is depending on the FY
covered. Example, if the Forecast has cross FY months, each month and FY will use the
corresponding rates maintained including the KPIs

Latest Forecast This option will use the latest forecast month or the current months rate and
apply throughout the months including the KPIs
Latest Actual This option will use the latest actual or the previous months rate and apply
throughout the months including the KPIs
Adhoc This option will use the Adhoc rates maintained for each month and apply to all months
including the KPIs
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 96
9. Click the <Go!> button to apply all filters specified at the same time. Clicking this button will not get the latest
data from the database. It will filter the data based on the last refresh date.

*Note: Refer to below for the information regarding the last refresh date.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 97

6.1.2 Customizing Forecast Periods

1. Select the Forecast Periods as the view type to display the filters for the periods available for forecast.

2. The available filters will be displayed for forecast. With this feature, it is very flexible to show / hide
the totals and figures per month, quarter and year. The order of the quarterly and monthly varies on
the current month. It follows the order of the data grid i.e. current month is JAN 2012, Q4 will be the
first to show based on Fiscal Year.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 98

6.1.3 Special Features

1. The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for these
columns will re-group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. During the re-
arranging of the columns, the data will be left blank, click on the <Go!> button to apply the column
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 99

Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which
data to display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search
for a specific character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will
clear the current filter.

Example: 1) fcl*, y* will allow you to search for models beginning with fcl and y.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 100
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 101
2. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 102
3. There are color indicators for the KPIs. Below are the reference of the colors and the screenshot.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 103
4. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 104
5. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in
the bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and
report group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 105
iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse over
to the bookmark to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark, mouse over
to the <Load> option, this way youll know which bookmark to load.

v. Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark. <Delete>
option will delete the selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up the bookmark
list when it is not used anymore to avoid confusion.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 106
6. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task

7. An option to select which exchange rate to use is available in all views. Latest Forecast and Latest
Actual will both use the Default Master.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 107
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 108
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 109
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 110
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 111
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 112
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 113
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 114
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 115
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 116
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 117
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 118
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 119

6.3 BP View
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 120

<Figure 37 - BP View>
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 121

6.3.1 Displaying BP Data

1. Select the business type to display data. By default, the business type is showing all import models.
GIT and [I + GIT] are displayed as an additional rows for reference how many and how much GIT for
the particular month. This is derived from ETA and lead time.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 122
Import Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show all
monthly and weekly collaboration models.

Click on Go button to apply changes.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 123

Domestic Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show
domestic models.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 124
Local Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show the local

2. Select the currency for the data to display. Default currency used is USD, select JPY to display in Japanese Yen and
Local to display all amounts based on the sales companys local currency.

If local currency is selected as the currency, all group amount totals before the sales company column
is invalid and will be displayed as a dash (-).
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 125

3. Select BP as the view to display the additional filters for the BP data.

4. Filter periods to display 6 or 12 months, as well as show / hide the figures for BP and vsLY. Unchecking all the
quantity and amount will automatically hide the columns.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 126

5. Select Report Group to display. Models and product hierarchy displayed will be based on the
selected Report Group applicable for each user.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 127
6. Select the preferred exchange rate to use when converting to the base currencies USD or JPY.
BP This option will use the BP rate based on the current FY and apply throughout the months
including the KPI
Default This option will use the Default rate. Each months rate is depending on the FY
covered. Example, if the Forecast has cross FY months, each month and FY will use the
corresponding rates maintained including the KPIs
Latest Forecast This option will use the latest forecast month or the current months rate and
apply throughout the months including the KPIs
Latest Actual This option will use the latest actual or the previous months rate and apply
throughout the months including the KPIs
Adhoc This option will use the Adhoc rates maintained for each month and apply to all months
including the KPIs

7. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 128

6.3.2 Customizing BP Periods

1.Select the BP Periods as the view type to display the filters for the periods available for BP.

2. The available filters will be displayed for BP. With this feature, it is very flexible to show / hide the
totals and figures per month, quarter and year. The order of the quarterly and monthly based on the
current Fiscal Year.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 129

6.3.3 Special Features

1. The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for these
columns will re-group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. During the re-arranging of
the columns, the data will be left blank, click on the <Go!> button to apply the column arrangements.

Click on Go button.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 130
Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which
data to display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search
for a specific character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will
clear the current filter.

Example: 1) fcl*, y* will allow you to search for models beginning with fcl and y.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 131
2. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 132
3. There are color indicators for the KPIs. Below are the reference of the colors and the screenshot.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 133
4. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 134
5. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in
the bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and
report group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 135
iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse
over to the bookmark to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark,
mouse over to the <Load> option, this way youll know which bookmark to load.

v. Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark. <Delete>
option will delete the selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up the
bookmark list when it is not used anymore to avoid confusion.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 136
6. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task

7. Select the preferred exchange rate to use when converting to the base currencies USD or JPY.
BP This option will use the BP rate based on the current FY and apply throughout the months
including the KPI
Default This option will use the Default rate. Each months rate is depending on the FY
covered. Example, if the Forecast has cross FY months, each month and FY will use the
corresponding rates maintained including the KPIs
Latest Forecast This option will use the latest forecast month or the current months rate and
apply throughout the months including the KPIs
Latest Actual This option will use the latest actual or the previous months rate and apply
throughout the months including the KPIs
Adhoc This option will use the Adhoc rates maintained for each month and apply to all months
including the KPIs
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 137
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 138
6.4 ATP View

<Figure 38 - ATP View>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 139

6.4.1 Displaying ATP Data

1. Select the business type to display data. By default, the business type is showing all import models.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 140
Import Business Type By selecting this business type, you are only filtering the import model.
Data grid will be blank.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 141
Click [Go] button to apply the selection.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 142
Domestic Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show
domestic models.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 143
Local Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show the local

2. Report Group - Data is displayed based on this report group selection. For each user may have
different report group assigned to them based on their division. The report group assignment is
controlled in User Profile menu.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 144
3. Go button - allows user to apply all screen changes at once, which includes:
a) Columns arrangement
b) Columns filtering
c) Business Type selection changes
d) Report Group selection changes
e) Loading bookmark

4. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 145

6.4.2 Special Features

The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for these
columns will re-group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. Click on <Go>
button to apply changes.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 146
Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which
data to display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search
for a specific character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will
clear the current filter.

Example: 1) MB* will allow you to search for models beginning with MB.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 147
1. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.

2. There are color indicators for the KPIs. Below are the reference of the colors and the screenshot.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 148

3. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 149
4. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in the
bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and report
group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 150
iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse over
to the bookmark to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark, mouse over
to the <Load> option, this way youll know which bookmark to load.

v. Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark. <Delete>
option will delete the selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up the bookmark
list when it is not used anymore to avoid confusion.

5. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 151

6. An option to select which exchange rate to use is available in all views. Latest Forecast and Latest Actual
will both use the Default Master.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 152
6.5 PSI Weekly View
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 153
6.5.1 Displaying ATP Data
1. Select the business type to display data. By default, the business type is showing all import models.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 154
Import Business Type By selecting this business type, you are only filtering the import model. Data
grid will be blank.

Click [Go] button to apply the selection

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 155
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 156
Domestic Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show domestic
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 157
Local Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show the local

2. Report Group
Data is displayed based on this report group selection. For each user may have different report group
assigned to them based on their division. The report group assignment is controlled in User Profile
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 158

3. Go button
Go button allows user to apply all screen changes at once, which includes:
f) Columns arrangement
g) Columns filtering
h) Business Type selection changes
i) Report Group selection changes
j) Loading bookmark

4. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 159

6.5.2 Special Features

1. The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for these columns will re-
group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. And click on Go! button to apply changes.

Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which
data to display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search
for a specific character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will
clear the current filter.

Example: 1) MB* will allow you to search for models beginning with MB.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 160
2. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 161
3. There are color indicators for the KPIs. Below are the reference of the colors and the screenshot.

4. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 162
5. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in the
bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and report
group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 163
iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse
over to the bookmark to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark,
mouse over to the <Load> option, this way youll know which bookmark to load.

v. Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark. <Delete>
option will delete the selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up the
bookmark list when it is not used anymore to avoid confusion.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 164
6. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task

7. An option to select which exchange rate to use is available in all views. Latest Forecast and Latest Actual will both use
the Default Master.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 165

6.6 Unaccounted PSI View

gure 39 - Unaccounted PSI View>
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 166

6.6.1 Displaying Forecast and Actual Data

1. Select the business type to display data. By default, the business type is showing all import models.
Sales companies with consolidated and non-consolidated sales will be split and displayed as Cons and
NCons below the Sales. GIT is also displayed as an additional row to display how many and how much
is still in transit. Actual GIT are for references only for that month as GIT will be considered delivered
for the past months.

Import Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show all
monthly and weekly collaboration models.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 167
Domestic Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show
domestic models.

Local Business Type By selecting this business type, the data displayed will only show the local
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 168
2. Select the currency for the data to display. Default currency used is USD, select JPY to display in
Japanese Yen and Local to display all amounts based on the sales companys local currency.

If local currency is selected as the currency, all group amount totals before the sales company column
is invalid and will be displayed as a dash (-).
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 169
3. Select Forecast as the view to display the additional filters for the forecast data.

4. Filter periods to display 6 or 12 months, as well as show / hide the figures for Forecast. Unchecking all
the quantity and amount will automatically hide the columns. There will be no KPIs such as vsLY and
vsBP for this view

5. Select Actual to display the additional filters for the actual data. This will allow you to show / hide the
quantity and amount for the actual result.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 170
6. Select Report Group to display. Models and product hierarchy displayed will be based on the selected
Report Group applicable for each user. Only the Report Group displayed below will be displayed in
this view. All assigned to PCMAP and PSCAP will be shown in the Forecast View.

The report group will show all RPH assigned to OTHERS Division. This will give the business some
visibility specifically on COLD CHAIN products.

7. Select the preferred exchange rate to use when converting to the base currencies USD or JPY.
BP This option will use the BP rate based on the current FY and apply throughout the months
including the KPI
Default This option will use the Default rate. Each months rate is depending on the FY
covered. Example, if the Forecast has cross FY months, each month and FY will use the
corresponding rates maintained including the KPIs
Latest Forecast This option will use the latest forecast month or the current months rate and
apply throughout the months including the KPIs
Latest Actual This option will use the latest actual or the previous months rate and apply
throughout the months including the KPIs
Adhoc This option will use the Adhoc rates maintained for each month and apply to all months
including the KPIs
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 171

8. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen.

9. Click the <Go!> button to apply all filters specified at the same time. Clicking this button will not get
the latest data from the database. It will filter the data based on the last refresh date.

*Note: Refer to below for the information regarding the last refresh date.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 172
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 173

6.6.2 Customizing Forecast Periods

1. Select the Forecast Periods as the view type to display the filters for the periods available for forecast.

2. The available filters will be displayed for forecast. With this feature, it is very flexible to show / hide
the totals and figures per month, quarter and year. The order of the quarterly and monthly varies on
the current month. It follows the order of the data grid i.e. current month is JAN 2012, Q4 will be the
first to show based on Fiscal Year.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 174

6.6.3 Special Features

1. The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for these
columns will re-group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. During the re-
arranging of the columns, the data will be left blank, click on the <Go!> button to apply the column
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 175
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 176
Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which
data to display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search
for a specific character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will
clear the current filter.

Example: 1) fcl*, y* will allow you to search for models beginning with fcl and y.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 177
2. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.

3. There are color indicators for the KPIs. Below are the reference of the colors and the screenshot.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 178
4. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 179
5. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in the
bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and report
group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 180
iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse over
to the bookmark to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark, mouse over
to the <Load> option, this way youll know which bookmark to load.

v. Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark. <Delete>
option will delete the selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up the bookmark
list when it is not used anymore to avoid confusion.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 181
6. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 182

7.1 Regional PSI View

<Figure 40 - Regional PSI View>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 183
7.1.1Display Actual and Regional Data
1. By default, the business type is showing only import models. The data displayed will only show
all monthly collaboration models. And the Type consists of P, S&I.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 184
2. Select the currency for the data to display. Default currency used is USD, select JPY to display in
Japanese Yen and Local to display all amounts based on the sales companys local currency.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 185
If local currency is selected as the currency, all group amount totals before the sales company column
is invalid and will be displayed as a dash (-).

Amounts are
displayed as -.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 186
3. Forecast as the view to display the additional filters for the Regional PSI data.

4. Filter periods to display 6 or 12 months as well as show / hide the figures for Forecast, vsLY.
Unchecking all the quantity and amount will automatically hide the columns.

5. Select Actual to display the additional filters for the actual data. This will allow you to show / hide the
quantity and amount for the actual result.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 187
6. Select Report Group to display. Models and product hierarchy displayed will be based on the selected
Report Group applicable for each user.

7. Select the preferred exchange rate to use when converting to the base currencies USD or JPY.
BP This option will use the BP rate based on the current FY and apply throughout the months
including the KPI
Default This option will use the Default rate. Each months rate is depending on the FY
covered. Example, if the Forecast has cross FY months, each month and FY will use the
corresponding rates maintained including the KPIs
Latest Forecast This option will use the latest forecast month or the current months rate and
apply throughout the months including the KPIs
Latest Actual This option will use the latest actual or the previous months rate and apply
throughout the months including the KPIs
Adhoc This option will use the Adhoc rates maintained for each month and apply to all months
including the KPIs
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 188
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 189
8. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen.

9. Click the <Go!> button to apply all filters specified at the same time. Clicking this button will not get
the latest data from the database. It will filter the data based on the last refresh date.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 190

7.1.2Customizing Forecast Period

1. Select the Forecast Periods as the view type to display the filters for the periods available for forecast.

2. The available filters will be displayed for forecast. With this feature, it is very flexible to show / hide
the totals and figures per month, quarter and year. The order of the quarterly and monthly varies on
the current month. It follows the order of the data grid i.e. current month is JAN 2012, Q4 will be the
first to show based on Fiscal Year.

Half and Monthly and

yearly total quarterly total
columns columns
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 191

7.1.3Special features
1. The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for
these columns will re-group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. During the
re-arranging of the columns, the data will be left blank, click on the <Go!> button to apply the
column arrangements.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 192

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 193
Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which data to
display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search for a specific
character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will clear the current filter.

Example: 1) fcl*, y* will allow you to search for models beginning with fcl and y.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.


Filter bar
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 194
2. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 195
3. There are color indicators for the KPIs. Below are the reference of the colors and the screenshot.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 196
4. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 197
5. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in
the bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and
report group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 198
iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse
over to the bookmark to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark,
mouse over to the <Load> option, this way youll know which bookmark to load.


Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark.
<Delete> option will delete the selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up
the bookmark list when it is not used anymore to avoid confusion.
6. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 199
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 200

7.2 Regional BP View

<Figure 41 - Regional BP View>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 201
7.2.1Display Regional BP data
1. By default, the business type is showing only import models. The data displayed will only show all
monthly collaboration models. And the Type consists of P, S & I. Regional BP is ETD based and is derived
from ETA and the lead time for each model.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 202
2. Select the currency for the data to display. Default currency used is USD provided there is no
bookmark saved. Choose JPY to display in Japanese Yen and Local to display all amounts based on the
sales companys local currency.

If local currency is selected as the currency, all group amount totals before the sales company column
is invalid and will be displayed as a dash (-).
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 203
3. Select BP as the view to display the additional filters for the Regional PSI data.

4. Filter periods to display 6 or 12 months as well as show / hide the figures for BP, vsLY. Unchecking all
the quantity and amount will automatically hide the columns.

5. Select Report Group to display. Models and product hierarchy displayed will be based on the selected
Report Group applicable for each user role.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 204
6. Select the preferred exchange rate to use when converting to the base currencies USD or JPY.
BP This option will use the BP rate based on the current FY and apply throughout the months
including the KPI
Default This option will use the Default rate. Each months rate is depending on the FY
covered. Example, if the Forecast has cross FY months, each month and FY will use the
corresponding rates maintained including the KPIs
Latest Forecast This option will use the latest forecast month or the current months rate and
apply throughout the months including the KPIs
Latest Actual This option will use the latest actual or the previous months rate and apply
throughout the months including the KPIs
Adhoc This option will use the Adhoc rates maintained for each month and apply to all months
including the KPIs

7. Rounding factor selection applies for all amount figures on the screen.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 205
8. Click the <Go!> button to apply all filters specified at the same time. Clicking this button will not get
the latest data from the database. It will filter the data based on the last refresh date.

7.2.2Customizing BP Period
1. Select the BP Period as the view type to display the filters for the periods available for BP.

2. The available filters will be displayed for BP. With this feature, it is very flexible to show / hide the
totals and figures per month, quarter and year. The order of the monthly, quarterly and yearly is
based on Fiscal Year.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 206

7.2.3Special features
1. The Category section can be dragged and re-arranged based on users preference. The data for
these columns will re-group and re-compute based on the arrangement of the columns. During the
re-arranging of the columns, the data will be left blank, click on the <Go!> button to apply the
column arrangements.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 207
Column filters are implemented for easy filtering. Specify the filter as shown below and select which data to
display and click <Apply> to apply the filter. The use of wildcard (*) will allow you to search for a specific
character and will shorten your filter list. <Close> will discard the filter and <Clear> will clear the current filter.

Example: 1) DH-3B* will allow you to search for models beginning with DH-3B.
2) *10E* will allow you to search for models containing 10E.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 208
2. Grand totals and subtotals per group are provided.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 209
3. All data displayed in the grid can be exported to excel. The exported file can then be saved to a
different file format or can be printed.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 210
4. Add a Bookmark for your favorites or your frequently used template. Only templates are saved in
the bookmark such as column arrangements, base currency, business type, collapsed column and
report group. Filtered data in each column is not saved in the bookmark.

i. Press CTRL + B to add a new bookmark or simply click on the Bookmark menu.
ii. Name your bookmark. The Info text is pre-populated based on current template.

iii. A message prompt will be displayed confirming the saved bookmark

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 211

iv. The newly created bookmark will be displayed on the bookmark list as show below. Mouse over to the bookmark
to see option to load or delete. To see the details of the bookmark, mouse over to the <Load> option, this way
youll know which bookmark to load.

v. Select the <Load> option and click <Go!> button to load the selected bookmark. <Delete> option will delete the
selected bookmark from the list. It is advisable to clean up the bookmark list when it is not used anymore to avoid
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 212
5. A <Cancel> button is provided in the splash screen to easily cancel the task
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 213
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 214
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 215
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 216
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 217

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 218
1 User Profile

<Figure 44 - User Profile>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 219

1 Adding a New User

1.Click on the <Add> button to add a new user.

2.A pop up window will display for the username. Enter a unique username for the new user and click <OK> to save
changes. Click <Cancel> to discard adding a new user.

3.Another pop up window will display for the email. Enter a valid email address for the new user and click <OK> to save
changes. Click <Cancel> to discard adding a new user.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 220

4.A new record will be added into the grid with the entered username and email. Admin then can add in more information
for the user and assign the new to which division, role and product access group.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 221
5.Click <Save> button to save the new user and <Cancel> to discard changes.

2 Modifying User Details

1.When modifying users, straight away edit the information from the data grid. Username is not editable.

6.Click <Save> button to save the new user and <Cancel> to discard changes.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 222
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 223

3 Deleting Users

1.To delete a user from the system, select the user to delete by highlighting the row.

2.Click the <Delete> button to delete the selected record from the system. There is no recovery for a deleted user.

3.A confirmation message will show for the deletion.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 224
5.Click <Yes> button to confirm the deletion of the selected user and <No> to abort the delete action.

8. The user is deleted from the system.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 225

4 Viewing User Details

1.Select which user to view the details. Notice the assigned division, roles and product group access is shown for the
selected user.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 226

5 Resetting Password
1.Click on the <Reset Password> button to reset the password for the particular user.

2.A confirmation message will show regarding the password reset.

3.Clicking <OK> button will send an email to the user with the temporary password and <No> button to cancel the reset


P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 227
6 Special Features
1. Export User Role in User Profile screen
20. Click on <Export User Role>

23. System will prompt a dialog window for saving the file in excel.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 228

26. Click on <Save> to save the file in local computer.
27. Below are the content of the exported file for User Roles:
a. Role assigned to the user
b. Role Description
c. User ID
d. First Name of user
e. Last Name of user
f. Status of user
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 229

2. Export User Product Access in User Profile Screen
31. Click on <Export User Prod Access>
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 230

34. System will prompt a dialog window for saving the file in excel.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 231

37. Click on <Save> to save the file in local computer.
38. Below are the content of the exported file for User Product Access:
a. User ID
b. Users email address
c. Users status
d. Users last login date
e. Division & Product Access / Marketing Sector assigned to user
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 232

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 233

8.2 Roles Setup

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 234


Role list

List of function
access rights List of
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 235
7 Adding a New Role
1. Click the <Add New> button to add a new role.

2. A pop up window will show for the unique role name. Click <OK> button to add the new role.

3. A new row will be added on the grid with the role name. Specify the role description for the new role.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 236
5. Assign the function access rights for the new role. Function access rights are access to the screens in
PLANet-RE application. Likewise for Email List, check which email the new role will be receiving from
the application. There s a new button for check status update in email list.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 237

9. Click the <Save> button to save the new role. A confirmation message will display that the new role
is added, click <Cancel> to discard changes.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 238

8 Modifying a Role
1. To modify an existing role, select the role to edit and straight away edit the description, status,
function access rights and the email list. Role names are not editable. The function access rights and
the email list are refreshed based on the role selected.

2. Click <Save> button to save the changes to the roles setup. A message will display regarding the
successful modification.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 239

9 Deleting a Role
1. To delete a role, select the role and click <Delete> button to permanently delete from the application.

2. Click <Delete> button to delete the selected role from the roles setup.

3. A confirmation message will display to confirm the deletion.

4. Click <Yes> button to confirm the deletion. Click <No> to cancel the deletion.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 240

10 Special Features
1. Filtering is implemented. Click on the dropdown to filter the contents of the specific column. Select
which item to show and click <Apply> to apply the filter, click <Clear> to clear the filter and click
<Close> to close the filtering feature. Similarly, for the function access rights and email list.

2. Export Menu Access in Roles Setup screen
31. Click on <Export Menu Access>
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 241

35. System will prompt a dialog window for saving the file in excel.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 242

40. Click on <Save> to save the file in users local computer. Below is the exported file content:
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 243

44. Remark:
1. Parent Menu & Parents Sub Menu assigned to Role
2. Roles available in system
3. Access right of each Menu & Role
4. Access right reference
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 244

2 Product Access Setup


49. <Figure 45 - Product Access Setup>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 245

1 Adding a new Product Group

1. Click <Add New> button to add a new category group.

2. A new row will be added for the new division and marketing sector. Enter the required information for
the new report group. After completing the report group information, select the necessary product
hierarchy to assign to the newly created report group.

3. Click <Save> button to save the changes to the product access setup and <Cancel> to discard
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 246

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 247

2 Modifying Product Group Setup

1. To modify an existing report group, simply change the Division using the dropdown button and
renaming the marketing sector in . To add or remove RPH, check or uncheck the items from the list
of the regional product hierarchies as shown in .

2. Click <Save> button to save the changes in the category group setup and <Cancel> to discard

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 248

3 Deleting Product Group Access

1. To delete a product access, select the report group and click <Delete> button to permanently delete
from the application.

2. Click <Delete> button to delete the selected report group from the product access setup. This will
permanently delete the group from the application.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 249
3. A confirmation message will display to confirm the deletion.

5. Click <Yes> button to confirm the deletion. Click <No> to cancel the deletion.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 250

4 Special Features
1. Filtering is implemented. Click on the dropdown to filter the contents of the specific column. Select
which item to show and click <Apply> to apply the filter, click <Clear> to clear the filter and click
<Close> to close the filtering feature. Similarly, for the product access categories. Wildcard (*) can be
used for the filters, *App* means that the filter list will only display names which contains App.

2. Assignment of product hierarchies into Division and Marketing Sector can be performed by Financial
Year as well as deletion and removal of assignment. Select the FY to Add, Edit or Delete Report Group
and RPH then follow as per normal steps mentioned this section of Product Access.

78. Changing the FY will load the Division and Marketing Sector and the attached RPH with it and
display on the list.
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4 History Log
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 254

98. <Figure 47 - History Log>

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 255

1 Retrieve History Logs

1. Select the which process to retrieve

2. Specify the date duration and click on the <Search> button to retrieve the history logs.

3. <Print> button will allow you to preview the result and save it in a different file format such as excel,
pdf, etc.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 256

5 Division Setup

109. <Figure 48 - Division Setup>
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 257

1 Adding a new Division

1. Click <Add New> button to add a new division.

2. A pop up window will display. Enter a unique division name. Click <OK> to add the new division name
to the grid, <Cancel> to discard the adding of new division.

3. Enter the required information for the new division.
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4. Click <Save> button to save the changes to the division setup and <Cancel> to discard changes.

5. A message will display confirming the successful adding of division.

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2 Modifying Division
1. To modify an existing division, directly do the modifications in the grid.

2. Click <Save> button to save changes to the division setup. A message will display regarding the
successful modification of the division. Click <Cancel> to discard changes.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 260

3 Special Features
1. Filtering is implemented. Click on the dropdown to filter the contents of the specific column. Select
which item to show and click <Apply> to apply the filter, click <Clear> to clear the filter and click
<Close> to close the filtering feature.

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6 Base Currency Setup


3. <Figure 49 - Base Currency Setup>
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1 Adding a new Base Currency

5. Click <Add New> button to add a new base currency.

8. A new row will be added for the new base currency. Select the currency code from the list. Duplicate
base currency is not allowed.
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10. Click <Save> button to save the changes to the base currency setup. A message will display
regarding the successful adding of new base currency. Click <Cancel> to discard changes.

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2 Modifying Base Currency

1. To modify an existing base currency, directly do the modifications in the grid. Only the status for each
base currency is editable.

2. Click <Save> button to save the changes to the base currency setup. A message will display
regarding the successful modification of the base currency.

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3 Special Features

1. Filtering is implemented. Click on the dropdown to filter the contents of the specific column. Select
which item to show and click <Apply> to apply the filter, click <Clear> to clear the filter and click
<Close> to close the filtering feature.
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1. To run the operational job manually, click the Operational Job Menu.

2. A wizard will be displayed. Click the <Next> button to go to the next step.
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3. Select the operation to execute from the list. Click <Next> button to go to the next step.
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4. Choose if the operation is to run from the beginning or from a particular job ID. If nothing is selected, an error
message will display. Click <Next> to go to the next step.

5. Select Perform a fresh run from the beginning and click <Next> button to go to the next step.
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7. Select the sales company in which the operation will run and click <Next> button to go to the next step.

10. This will display the operation to perform and the list of the sales companies to perform to. Click <Process>
button to start the job execution.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 273

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14. The completion time and status will show. Finish button will not be enabled as long as there is a status In

17. To run another task, click the <Perform another task> and click the <Finish> button. This will return to the
initial screen of the wizard.
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9.1 Upload Data

24. Clicking upload menu will show the upload screen where you will be able to choose whether to download
category template or to upload files to the system.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 277
9.1.1 Download PAPAP Category Template.
1. Select financial year option.
2. Click download button.
3. Select file location and enter the file name you want. Clicks save to proceed with file generation.

4. Wait until system finished generating the file. System will ask whether you want to open generated file.
Pressed [Yes] to open the file or pressed [No] to open the file manually later on.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 278
9.1.2 Upload PAPAP Category Tagging.
1. Select PAPAP Category Tagging option in upload template option.
2. Click browse button.
3. Select PAPAP category tagging file to be uploaded. Click open after selecting the file.

4. Select financial year option.
5. Click upload button.
6. If the data already exist in the database, system will ask whether user want to replace the data or not.
Click [Yes] to proceed with the upload or click [No] to cancel the upload process.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 279

7. Wait until the system finished processing the file. System will show success message.


9.1.3 Upload PAPAP Exchange Rate.

1. Select PAPAP Exchange Rate option in upload template option.
2. Click browse button.
3. Select exchange rate file to be uploaded. Click open after selecting the file.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 280

4. Select financial year option.
5. Click upload button.
6. If the data already exist in the database, system will ask whether user want to replace the data or not.
Click [Yes] to proceed with the upload or click [No] to cancel the upload process.

P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 281
7. Wait until the system finished processing the file. System will show success message.


9.1.4 Upload Adjustment Archive Forecast.

1. Select Adjustment Archive Forecast option in upload template option.
2. Click browse button.
3. Select adjustment file to be uploaded. Click open after selecting the file.

4. Select financial year option.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 282

5. Click upload button.

6. If the data already exist in the database, system will ask whether user want to replace the data or not.
Click [Yes] to proceed with the upload or click [No] to cancel the upload process.

7. Wait until the system finished processing the file. System will show success message.


9.1.5 Upload F-Chart (1st/10th/25th/BP&LY).

1. Select one of the F-Chart options in upload template option (depend on the F-Chart file type you want to

2. Click browse button.
3. Select f-chart file to be uploaded. Click open after selecting the file.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 283

4. Select company option.
5. Select financial year option.
6. Click upload button.
7. If the data already exist in the database, system will ask whether user want to replace the data or not.
Click [Yes] to proceed with the upload or click [No] to cancel the upload process.

8. Wait until the system finished processing the file. System will show success message.
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9.2 Download Data



9.2.1 Refresh SMC RE data and Adjustment.

1. Clicked refresh button
2. System will start processing the data. Wait until system finished. System will prompt below message.

3. Last refresh date will be updated.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 286
9.2.2 Generate Output.
1. Select financial year.
2. Select data format.
3. Select data classification A.
4. Select data classification B.
5. Select reporting month for data classification B.
6. Click download button.
7. Select file location and enter file name. Clicks save to proceed.

8. Wait until system finished generating the file. System will ask whether you want to open generated file.
Pressed [Yes] to open the file or pressed [No] to open the file manually later on.
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 287


9.3 Upload/Download Log


P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 288
1. Select the filtering you want. If you dont have any filtering criteria, you can just leave the option value as blank
(except for period).

2. Click search button.
3. System will display the result in the grid below it.

4. Click one of the record in the grid will show the record details.

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10.1 Forecast GIT Logic

59. GIT stands for Goods in Transit; it is to classify goods that have been sent from the factory but has not
received by the buyer. So to identify GIT we need to get the purchase which have different month for ETA
(estimated time of arrival) and ETD (estimated time of delivery).
60. ETD is calculated based on ETA subtract by lead time.
62. GIT Process only calculates 12 months of purchase and calculates the ETD to identify the ETD month.
64. In forecast, GIT calculation is divided into 5 types, which is:
GIT Calculation for Confirmed Periods
GIT Calculation for Lock Period
GIT Calculation for Indication Period
GIT Calculation for Forecast Periods
GIT Calculation for Additional PO
Special Handling for PMMA and MAICO
66. Each type of calculation is differentiated further between GIT processing for monthly models and weekly

10.1.1 Period Definitions

69. The period start and end are different for the following model types:
- Monthly collaboration models
- L.One collaboration models
- Monthly non collaboration models
- Weekly DASH collaboration models
- Weekly local collaboration models
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71. For monthly models (including L.One models), period definition is straight forward. It is limited per month.
The differences falls on how many confirmed months the model have
72. If the current month is July, then the periods is as shown on the picture below

76. The others on the above table refer to collaboration and non-collaboration models.
79. For Weekly collaboration models (local or DASH) period definitions can vary based on models.
80. Each models can have different lock week, some is on the 4th week, others on 13th week.
81. Comparison with monthly collaboration models for the period for model with lock week on the 4th week on
10 July 2013 is as shown as picture below


10.1.2 GIT Calculation for Confirmed Periods

85. For confirmed periods, the purchase is based on PO and PO history. This process currently is just processing
all the collaboration PO (monthly and weekly models). Lead time is retrieved from DASH lead time master
accordingly. SCMM PO (monthly models) is using SCMM lead time and SCMS PO (weekly models) is using SCMS lead
time. Default lead time is used when supplier not found on DASH lead time master. In addition, SCMS PO has 2
ETAs (dealer ETA and sales company ETA). GIT calculation of SCMS PO purchases is using sales company ETA.
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10.1.3 GIT Calculation for Lock Period

88. The process for the Locked Month has been modified from retrieving from ATP to retrieving from Forecast.
Refer to 10.1.5 GIT Calculation for Forecast Period.

10.1.4 GIT Calculation for Indication Period

91. The process for the Locked Month has been modified from retrieving from ATP to retrieving from Forecast.
Refer to 10.1.5 GIT Calculation for Forecast Period.

10.1.5 GIT Calculation for Forecast Period

94. For forecast period, the purchase data is based on purchase from forecast. Lead time is retrieved from DASH
lead time master accordingly. Monthly collaboration model is using SCMM lead time; weekly collaboration model is
using SCMS lead time and non-collaboration using local company lead time. Default lead time is used when
supplier not found on DASH lead time master.

10.1.6 GIT Calculation for Additional PO

97. For additional PO, the purchase data is based on additional PO data. This process will only process the
following types additional PO:
Approved additional PO
Additional PO with open status
Additional PO with status pending
Additional PO which created for PO that directly created on sales company ERP
Adjustment PO
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100. Lead time is retrieved from DASH lead time master according to rule confirmation by DASH. All additional
PO are using the first lead time they found a match with. The lead time was match with the following sequence,
SCMM lead time and local supplier lead from DASH lead time master followed by default lead time from PLANet

10.1.7 Special Handling for PMMA and MAICO

103. For PM models from PMMA and MAICO have a special trait compare to models from the other supplier. Below
are the differences

107. Because of the differences above the GIT processing for models from those two suppliers will be handled
differently. The purchase data for those models will be retrieved from the forecast data, regardless of the period as
shown on the picture below.

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10.1.8 Dynamic Confirmed Months (Lock +3)

113. The Confirmed months can be setup dynamically for each Sales Company using the Lock Month Master. A
validation is in place to check for collaborated suppliers / models from the Supplier Master and the Lock Month
Master from DASH.

116. <Figure 50 - ETA Validation>

118. The number of confirmed month is based on the Lock Month retrieved from the Lock Month Master;
otherwise, default 2 confirmed months will be applied.
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10.1.9 GIT Source Alert

122. An email alert is in place to send the lead time information to PLANet-RE users. The alert will be scheduled
every after PSI sending to generate an excel file. The email recipient is based on the members of the roles the
alert is assigned to.

124. <Figure 51 - Email Alert Assignment>

125. The LT Source email alert contains an excel file which contains 2 sheets:
1. DASH Lead Time Master This sheet contains the Vendors / Suppliers with the transportation method and the
lead time for each Sales Company. This information can be referenced to in terms of validating the lead time
for each vendor / supplier.
2. Suppliers w/o LT from DASH This sheet contain the Vendors / Suppliers which are not registered in DASH.
Models inside this list are using the default ETA and Lead Time setup for each Sales Company per
transportation method.
129. An email notification will be sent to PSI Support Team when an error is encountered during the file
generation and sending to users. In case the problem pertains to the network which permits the emails to be sent,
a text error log is created for reference purposes.
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130. This report is developed to grasp the purchase amount of NSC in local currency by USD or JPY and at the
same time the purchase amount from Domain for the purpose of hedging for PCMAP and PSCAP. The models
included in this report are only Import models.

11.1.1 Report Layout

131. The report is in excel format listing all NSC with the amounts in FOB (Free-On-Board) which is the purchase
amount of Regional Marketing from Domain and the TP (Transfer Price) which is the sales amount of Regional
Marketing to Sales Companies.
133. The report is showing 7 months of data base on settlement month (ETD +1) for all NSC. It also shows the
percentage of how much is JPY and USD.

136. <Figure 52 - PSI Forex Report>

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The FOB (USD/JPY) will be used to multiply against the [Payment] quantity for all Sales Company
The TP (USD/JPY) will be used to multiply against the [Collection] quantity for foreign currency billing Sales Company
The Selling Price (LOCAL) will be used to multiple against the [Collection] quantity for local currency billing Sales Company
Regional ERP will be interfacing the normal price (End User Code is blank) by priority. If the End user Code always has value, ERP will send latest transmitted price.


11.1.2 Report Logic

153. Users of this report are included in PLANet-RE user profile and assigned a role PSI Forex to be able to
receive the report thru email. Report is generated once a month after the PSI Sending to DASH to make sure that
P L A N e t - R E Ve r s i o n : 1 . 2 0 P a g e | 297
the report is based on the demand sent. After report generation, an email will be sent to PFI, PCMAP and PSCAP
users every 8:30AM.
155. Models assigned to the Regional Product Hierarchy are calculated in this report. Those models which are
assigned under Unapplied and Unassigned models will not be included.
157. Prices used are interfaced from Regional ERP to PLANet-RE and is only using the active price at the point of
report generation.
159. A counter measure is also added to handle basic scenarios:
I. During receiving of the interface from Regional ERP
a. If End Date is less than the current date, it will be marked as error with error code = OLD for old
b. If Model, Orderer, FOB Currency, Start and End Dates are all the same, system will get the highest
FOB and the rest will be marked as error with error code = DUP for duplicates
c. If Model, Orderer, FOB Currency, Start Date is the same and End Date is different, system will get
the longest date and the rest will be marked as error with error code = OVL for overlapping dates
d. If any of the columns are null, it will be marked as error with error code = NUL for blank columns
162. All marked as error will be compiled and sent to Oracle Support for action/information.
II. During population of Active prices
a. Archive prices with overlapping dates. The prices in red box from the Active Price will be archived
as shown below and the new price will be used as shown in blue boxes
164. Example:
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12.1 Calculating Forecast vsBP Percentage
166. To compare the forecast against BP PSI, the vsBP is provided with the
following formula.
168. (
vsBP =
BP ) 100

12.2 Calculating Forecast vsLY Percentage

171. To compare the forecast against the last year PSI, the vsLY is provided with the following formula.
173. vsLY = ( Forecast
LY )

12.3 Calculating BP vsLY Percentage

175. To compare the BP against the last year PSI, the vsLY is provided with the following formula.
177. vsLY = ( BP
LY )
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12.4 Calculating the Inventory Days

12.4.1 Inventory Days Quantity

To calculate inventory days for the quantity with 3 scenarios: (<= 30 days), (> 30 and <= 180) and (> 181).
For the scenario shown in <Figure 53 - I(D) <=30>, the system is checking the 1 month Sales.

<Figure 53 - I(D) <=30>

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For the scenario shown in <Figure 54 - I(D) >30 and <=180>, the system is checking for 2 6 month
Sales and derive the inventory days quantity.

<Figure 54 - I(D) >30 and <=180>

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For the scenario shown in <Figure 55 - I (D) > 181><Figure 54 - I(D) >30 and <=180>, the system is
checking for more than 6 months Sales and derive the inventory days quantity.

<Figure 55 - I (D) > 181>

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12.4.2 Inventory Days for Amount

Calculation of the Inventory Days amount is similar with the quantity where the maximum checking is for 6
months. However, the formula is different as per <Figure 56 - I(D) for Amount>.

<Figure 56 - I(D) for Amount>

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12.5 Purchase Amount Calculation on Regional PSI View

There are two possible formulas for purchase amount calculation:

Purchase amount * FOB price when FOB is available

Purchase amount * (TP / (1+ average margin)) when FOB is not available
Purchase amount * FOB when FOB is available

FOB price is freight on board unit price, TP is transfer unit price.

Current average margin for PCMAP and PSCAP is set to 1.5%.

12.6 Sales Adjustment Model Level Breakdown

The sales adjustments are entered into PLANet based on the category level. The breakdown is implemented from
PLANet categories to meet the requirement of displaying the sales after adjustment in PLANet-RE which is using
different model categories which is called the Regional Product Hierarchy (RPH).

There are two (2) adjustment UOMs applicable; Amount ($) and Percentage (%). When the UOM is in percentage, a
conversion to amount is necessary to handle the Sales Companies having different UOMs with the same set of product

To convert percentage (%) to amount ($):

ADJ ( S )= Category Sales Amount Category Adj

To breakdown the sales adjustment to model level:

Model Sales Amount

ADJ ( S )=( ) Sales Adj Amount
Total Sales Amount

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