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Cast Target, Area, Save

Cantrips Sch. Comp Time Range Effect Duration Throw Description Page
Druidcraft Tra V,S action 30 ft - Instant - Create minor weather or sensory effect. Make flower blossom or light candle. 236
Guidance Div V,S action Touch Target Con, 1 min - Sums a d4 on the next ability check. 248
Mending Tra V,S,M 1 min Touch Object Instant - Repairs a break or tear in an object. Repair no longer than 1ft 259
Poison Spray Con V,S action 10 ft Target Instant Con negate Deals 1d12 poison. (2d12 lvl 5, 3d12 lvl 11, 4d12 lvl 17) 266
Produce Flame Con V,S action Self / 30 ft Target 10 min Attack roll 10ft bright, 10ft dim. Attack deals 1d8 fire (2d8 lvl 5, 3d8 lvl 11, 4d8 lvl 17) 269
Resistance Abj V,S,M action Touch Target Con, 1 min - Sums a d4 on the next save throw. 272
Shillelagh Tra V,S,M bonus Touch Club, Staff 1 min - Use spellcasting for attk and dmg rolls. Weapon dmg is d8 and magical. 275
Thorn Whip Tra V,S,M action 30 ft Target Instant Attack roll Deals 1d6 piercing and pulls target 10 ft. (2d6 lvl 5, 3d6 lvl 11, 4d6 lvl 17) 282

Cast Target, Area, Save

Level 1 Spells Sch. Comp Time Range Effect Duration Throw Description Page
Animal Friendship Enc V, S, M action 30 ft Beast 24 hours Wis negate Charm beast with Int 3 or lower. (Additional beast for higher lvl slot) 212
Charm Person Enc V, S action 30 ft Humanoid 1 hour Wis negate When ends he knows was charmed (Additional target for higher lvl slot) 221
Create or Destroy Water Tra V, S, M action 30 ft - Instant - 10 gallons or 30ft cube rain. (Additional 10 gal or 5ft for higher lvl slot) 229
Cure Wounds Evo V, S action Touch Target Instant - Heals 1d8+Wis HP. (Additional 1d8 for higher lvl slot) 230
Detect Magic (Ritual) Div V, S action Self 30 ft - Con, 10 min - Sees aura on magic thing and learn school. Can pass 3 ft dirt, 1 ft stone or 1 inch metal. 231
Detect Poison and Disease Div V, S, M action Self 30 ft - Con, 10 min - Identify poison or desease. Can pass 3 ft dirt, 1 ft stone or 1 inch metal. 231
Entangle Con V, S action 90 ft 20 ft sqare Con, 1 min Str negate Difficult terrain and restrain creature. Can use Str to free themselves later 238
Faerie Fire Evo V action 60 ft 20 ft cube Con, 1 min Dex negate Each object is outlined in 10 ft light. Attacks have advantage. Cant benefit invisible. 239
Fog Cloud Con V, S action 120 ft 20 ft sphere Con, 1 hour - Creates heavily obscured fog. (Adittional 20 ft for higher lvl slot) 243
Godberry Tra V, S, M action Touch - Instant - Up to 10 berries. Each berry heals 1 HP. Berries loose properties after 24 hours. 246
Healing Word Evo V bonus 60 ft Target Instant - Heals 1d4+Wis HP (Additional 1d4 for higher lvl slot) 250
Jump Tra V, S, M action Touch Target 1 min - Jump distance is tripled 254
Longstrider Tra V, S, M action Touch Target 1 hour - Increases speed by 10 ft. (Additional target for higher lvl slot) 256
Purify Food and Drink (Ritual) Tra V, S action 10 ft 5 ft sphere Instant - Removes poison and deseases on food or drink 270
Speak with Animals (Ritual) Div V, S action Self - 10 min - Comprehend beasts. Can persuade beast to help with favor. 277
Thunderwave Evo V, S action Self 15 ft cube Instant Con halves Deals 2d8 thunder dmg and pushed 10 ft. (Additional 1d8 for higher lvl slot) 282

Cast Target, Area, Save

Level 2 Spells Sch. Comp Time Range Effect Duration Throw Description Page
Animal Messenger (Ritual) Enc V, S, M action 30 ft Tiny Beast 24 hours - Specify location and recipient. Max 25 words (Additional 48 hours for higher lvl slot) 212
Barkskin Tra V, S, M action Touch Target Con, 1 hour - AC is > 16. 217
Beast Sense (Ritual) Div S action Touch Beast Con, 1 hour - See through beast's eyes and hears what it hears. 217
Darkvision Tra V, S, M action Touch Target 8 hours - Grants darkvision 60 ft. 230
Enhance Ability Tra V, S, M action Touch Target Con, 1 hour - Gives Adv on Str,Con,Dex,Int,Wis or Cha. (Additional target on higher lvl slot) 237
Find Traps Div V, S action 120 ft - Instant - Only mechanical traps, not natural weaknesses. Doesnt reveal location, only danger. 241
Flame Blade Evo V, S, M bonus Self - Con, 10 min - Blade deals 3d6 fire dmg. Has 10 ft light(Additional 1d6 for every 2 higher lvl slot) 242
Flaming Sphere Con V, S, M action 60 ft 5 ft sphere Con, 1 min Dex halves Deals 2d6 fire dmg. Can move sphere (Additional 1d6 for higher lvl slot) 242
Gust of Wind Evo V, S, M action Self Line 60/10 ft Con, 1 min Str negates Pushes away failed saves 15 ft. Costs double movement towards wind. 248
Heat Metal Tra V, S, M action 60 ft Metal Con, 1 min Con holds Deals 2d8 fire dmg. Gives disadvantage if hold. (Additional 1d8 for higher lvl slot) 250
Hold Person Enc V, S, M action 60 ft Humanoid Con, 1 min Wis negates Paralizes if failed. (Additional target for higher lvl slot. Must be 30 ft of each other) 251
Lesser Restoration Abj V, S action Touch Target Instant - Cures one desease or condition (blinded, deafned, paralyzed, poisoned). 255
Locate Animal or Plants (Ritual) Div V, S, M action Self - Instant - Name a plant or beast. Know location of nearest in 5 miles. 256
Locate Object Div V, S, M action Self - Con, 10 min - Describe object. Know location within 1000 miles. Must be a known object. 256
Moonbeam Evo V, S, M action 120 ft Cyl 5/40 ft Con, 1 min Con halves Deals 2d10 radiant dmg. Can move beam. (Additional 1d10 for higher lvl slot) 261
Pass without Trace Abj V, S, M action Self 30 ft sphere Con, 1 hour - Allies and self have +10 bonus on Dexterity checks. Leaves no tracks behind. 264
Protection from Poison Abj V, S action Touch Target 1 hour - Neuralizes a poison. Has advatnage against being poisoned and res to poison dmg. 270
Spike Growth Tra V, S, M action 150 ft 20 ft radius Con, 10 min Wis reveals Difficult terrain and deals 2d4 piercing dmg every 5ft crossed. 277

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