Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Registered office :.P.8. No.1. Kamqlaj!!ag-a-r^col.!1V, satem 636 O14. Tamil Nadu
tit;el :-izl
LllN\llTl-rlD website izqbibo i-ri-igr ^e2t'zzqbroe .(E)-.coryo_r9!
www.sambandam. com CorpoiatJlOentlt, - L1 7 1'l 1T21 97 3PLCOOO675

Ref: 25 36 /SSML lcsl20l6-17 ff \.U* ary 2017

The DGM Listing,

The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd,
Floor No. 25, P.J.Towers,
Dilal Street,

Dear Sir;

pursuanr to Regulation 33(3) of Securities Exchange Board of India ( Listing Obligations and

Disclosure Requirements ) Regulation 2015, we are uploading herewith Unaudited Financial

Results ( UFR ) of our Company forthe nine months / quarter ended 3Itr December 2}l6,which
has.been reviewed by our Audit Committee at the Audit Committee Meeting held on l0-02 -2017
and approved by our Board at the Board Meeting held on I 1-02-2017 atthe Registered office of
our Company in Kamaraj Nagar Colony, Salem - 636 0l4,9uly signed by our Chairman and

Managing Director, and together with the Limited Review Report dt.ll-02-2017 of our Statutory

We are also uploading the above Unaudited Financial Results in our Company's Website
'www.' and also in B SE Website

Receipt of the above may kindly be acknowledged. -

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
for Sambandam Spinning Mills Limited

( S.N6-tarajan )
Company Secretary

An 14001 :2004/ oHSAS : 18001 :2007 / NABL

tso 9oo1:2008 / EMS : tSO 17025:20A5 r
OEKOTEX / ORGANIC : GOTS & OE 7 eCl - Certified Company
Regd. Ofilce : Mttl'Premlses, Kamaral Ilagar Colony, Salem 636 O14
e-mall: Phoae 04;27 224o'79O ?exO427 224JJ169 Yeb rite:
' Rr. Lakbr

Three noathr eaded Nine months ended Year ended

31.12.16 30.09.2016 31.12.15 3t.t2.t6 31.12.15 31.03.2016
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Part-I -
t. Iacone &om Operatlonr
4,536.77 4,352.54 4,678.86 14,001.71 15,373.01 20,524.97
a. Net Sales/ Income from operations
b. Other Operating Income 1.40 10.36 4.17 18.60 LL.76 t7.26

Total Iacome fron Operatloan 4,538.17 4,362.91- 4,683.(}3 14,O2O.31 L5,384.77 20,542.24

2. Erpearer
a. Cost of Materials consumed '2,668.33 2,570.LO 2,7t6.84 8,439.67 8,958.32 L2,O73.gO
b. Purchase of stock-in-trade
c. Changes in inventories of finished goods, work in progress -(63.42l, 1442.O41 (e8.36) (886.78) (372.781 (se0.79)
and stock in trade
d. Employee benefits expense 530.33 528.O4 580.59 1,659.03 1,769.40 2,396.O7
e. Depreciation and arnortisation expense 262.O2 261.85 263.54 785.72 794.61 1,068.45
f. Power cost (net) 538.20 49.68 ' 752.94 l, 1 13.98 2,177.52 2,883.12
f. Other exoenses 322.t5 304.75 352.39 949.60 1.119.70 1,499.38
Total Drpenrer 4,267.62 3,272.38 4,5,67.94 12,(,61.23 14,44.6.78 19,330.15

3. Prollt &om opciatlonr before other lacone, llanncb cortr

end erceptlond ltem (l-21 280.55 I,O9O.52 115.O9 1,959.(}8 937.99 1,212.09

4 Other income 36.92 . 33.98 6.56 95.36 40.7 50.12

5 Prollt from ordher5l eetlvltler before lhence cortr ald

exceptlonal ftirm (3+4f 317.47 1,124.5() r2t.64 2,O5,4.44 974.26 1,262.22

6 Finance costs 270.65 287.t2. 274.25 855.08 846.88 1,136.63

7. Proltt/(Losl &om ordinary actlwltler after llaeaae cortr

but before exceptlond ltea (5-61 ' 1,199.36 131.38 r25.58
46.A2 837.38 lr52.6rl

8. Exceptional item

9. Profit/(Losf &oro ordlnety actlvttier before tar (7-Ef 46.A2 837.38 lr52.6U 1,199.36 131.38 125.58

10. Tax expense - Income Tax

- Current Tax 8.00 220.50 (1s.00) 261.00 45.00 45.00
- Deferred Tax 16.00 46.00 9.00 r59.O0 58.O0 39.00

11. IIet Proltt/(Lorf &on ordlnar5r ectlvltler rfter ter (9-1Ol (146.6U 779.36 28.38 41.58
22.42 570.88

t2. Extraordinary item (net of tax)

13. Ifet prollt/(Lopl for the perlod (f 1-f2) 22.42 570.88 (146.6U 779.56 28.38 41.58

427.65 427.55 427.65 427.55 427.55 427.55

L4, Paid-up equity share capital (Face value per share Re. 10)

15. Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve 4,551.01

16. Basic/diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) (Rs.) 0.53 13.39 (l3.44l. 18.23 o.67 o.97
' 2.OO
t7. Dividend Per Share (Rs.)

rcsults, IvicEEd by tnc Audit CoEDittcc, sltE apgoved st the Ec.tina of tlr Board of DirctoE hcld on
f , The abovc firDrrciaf
Fcbruary 11,2017. Liroited rEview ofthcs. rtrult!, has becn conplctcd by the Statutory AuditoE.
2. A! on DcccEbr 31,2Ot6, thc company hss benkir8 of 56.22.IaIrIr uliits ofwinddiu elcEicity with an estimatad value of k.365 bkh,
which is cxpcctcd to h con.uEcd bcforr March 31, 2017.
3. The Eduction in wind mill aenrstd units production during thc qufftcr cnded Dccemh.r 31, 2016 iftlterd'the porrtr cost. Also Ole dcdoncthation
policy of the GovrnEctrt afcctcd thc !alc! snd t]rc yern !@ductioE ha! bcr rcltictcd to that o.tcnt, rcault ng itr increar in cost
4. Thc colapanys priEsly scgmcnt is idcatifcd a! bulinr.s scgacpt bascd on naturc of pioducts, risk3, rhrrn and thE int mel bulins!
reporting systcm (ic.'cotton ysrn) and oprat s tn a sinete icograpldcsl lcSdcnt as pc, Accouniing Standad 17.
5. Thc Coopany would bc cotrsolidating alrd prc.nting it! Coruolidatcd FiDancial StatEmnts at the nd of thc ycar i,e. Mglth 31, 2017.
6. Figures for the previous periods have been regrouped/reclassified/amended, whereever necessarJr.
of the Board

w w
Februarv 11
Independent Auditor's Review Report on Review of Interim
Financial Results
To The Board of Directors, IWs Sambandam Spinning Mills Limited, Kamaraj
Nagar Colony, Salem 636 014.

We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of Standalone Unaudited Financial ,

Results of NtUs Sambandam Spinning Mills Limited ("the Company") for the nine
months / Quarter ended December 31,2016 ("the Statemetrt"), being submitted by the
Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation 2015, as modified by Circular
No. CIR/CFD/FAC 16212016 dated July 5, 2016. This statement which is the
responsibility of the Company's Management and approved by the Board of Directors
has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid
down in the Accounting Standard prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act,
2013, read with relevant rules issued there under and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement
based on our review.

We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review
Engagement (SRE) 2410 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity', issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate
assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement. A review is
limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and analyical procedures applied
to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed
an audit and accordingly, we do not express any audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above nothing has come to our attention that causes
us to believe that the accompanying Statement prepared in accordance with the
aforesaid Accounting Standards and other accounting principles generally accepted in
India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation
33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation 2015, as
modified by Circular No. CIR/CFD/FAC /6212016 dated July 5, 2016 including the
manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.


Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No.0 1 554 S

February lL,2017
Membership No.201133

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