March 14 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 14, 2017

Can we ever put an end to this endless cycle of birth and death? Bhagawan encouragingly
answers drawing an example from Nature.

You know only the present, what is happening before your eyes;
you do not know that the present is related to the past and is
preparing the course of the future. Each birth wipes out the
memory of the one already experienced. People do not realise that
the end of this cycle of birth and death is in their own hands. The
tree came from the seed and the seed from the tree and so on,
since the beginning of time. You may not know which came first
tree or seed, but you should know that you can easily put an end
to the cycle by frying the seed. A fried seed will not sprout again!
You claim to have mastered your senses and all low desires, but
they sprout at the very first opportunity, just like grass that grows
after the first summer shower. Just as you seek the udder of the
cow for the milk it gives, seek only the Lord and His Glory in
Nature. As a matter of fact, Nature is useful only when it adds to
the wonder and awe that it is able to provoke and sustain.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 12, 1964.

Release from bondage to inborn impulses is the Real Liberation. Baba

14 mwrc,2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: kI AsIN kdy, ies jnm-mrn dy nw Kqm hox vwly c`kr qoN Cutkwrw pw skdy hW? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, iek
kudrq nwl sMbMDq audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: quhwnUM kyvl, brqmwn dI jwnkwrI hY ArQwq ijhVw ku`J quhwfI A`KW dy swhmxy ho irhw hY, qusIN auhI ku`J
jwxdy hoY[ quhwnUM, ieh nhIN pqw ik brqmwn dw sMbMD, BUqkwl nwl hY Aqy brqmwn kr ky, quhwfw Biv`K bx irhw
hY[hr jnm, quhwfIAW ipCly jnm dy AnuBvW dI XwdwSq nUM Kqm kr idMdw hY[lokW nUM ieh pqw nhIN, ik aunHW dy
jnm-mrn dy c`kr dw AMq, aunHW dy Awpxy h`QW ivc hI hY[smyN dy SurU qoN hI, iek dr`Kq aus dy bIj qoN bixAw hY
Aqy iek bIj,iek dr`Kq qoN hI bixAw hY[quhwnUM, ies cIj dw pqw hovy jW nw, ik bIj pihlW AwieAw jW dr`Kq
pihlW AwieAw pr ieh gl qW p`kI hY ik qusIN ies c`kr nUM, bIj nUM A`g ivc jlw ky Kqm kr skdy ho[iek jly
hoey bIj iv`coN, dobwrw pOdw, pYdw nhIN ho skdw[qusIN ieh dwhvw krdy ho ik mYN AwpxIAW swrIAW ieMdRIAW Aqy
mwVIAW ie`CwvW au`qy kwbU pw ilAw hY pr ijauN hI quhwnUM mOkw imldw hY auh ie`CwvW dobwrw ies qrHW pxp pYNdIAW hn
ijvyN grmIAW dI pihlI vrKw kwrx, Gw Awpxy-Awp aug pYNdw hY[ijs qrHW qusIN, gW dw du`D pRwpq krn leI gW dy
QxW ivc du`D dI kwmnw krdy ho ausy qrHW quhwnUM, kudrq qoN Bgvwn Aqy Bgvwn dI mihmw dI kwmnw krnI cwhIdI
hY[AslIXq ieh hY ik kudrq qW hI lwBdwiek hY jy ieh AdBu`q Aqy imiSRq Awdr dyvy qW jo mnu`K, pRyirq hovy Aqy
izMdw rih sky[(12 PrvrI, 1964 dy idvX pRvcn)[

Awpxy AMdrlIAW qrMgW(vwsnwvW) qoN mukqI pwauxw hI AslI mukqI hY[(bwbw)[

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