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1lth February, 2017

Listing Compliances
BSE Ltd.,
P. I. Towers,
Mumbai - 400 001.

Scrip Code: - 504351.

Scrip ID: -EMPOWf,R

Bclf, Re8ulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation & Disclosure Requirements)

Regulations, 2015

Sub: Outcome ofthe Board Meeting held on 11fr February,2017

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Pursuant to the provisions of Reguiation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations,2015 ["Listing Regulations"), we wish to inform you that the
Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held today i.e. Saturday, 11tll
February, 2017 at its Registered Office, inter alia has transacted the following businesses
in terms of the provisions of Regulations 33 of Listing Regulations:

1. Considered and approved un-audited Financial Results for the quarter and nine
months ended 31st December, 2016 (Enclosed).
2. Considered and took note ofAuditor's Limited Review Report for the quarter ended
31st December, 2016 (Enclosed).

The meeting ofBoard ofDirectors commenced at 2.00 p,m. and concluded at 3.30 p.m.

We request you to kindly take the above mentioned information on your records.

Thanking You,

For Empower India Limited

.SJ -dqq
Diviya Nadar
Compliance Officer

Encl: a/a

Empower India Limited

crNr 151900MH1931P1C023931
Regd Ofli.e:25 /25A, rrnd Floor,327, Nawab Burlding, D.N.Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001
Phone: 022 22045055, 22045044, Moblle/Helpdesk No.: 9594750003
Email:inf; Wbsft er www.empowerindia.ln
CIN No.:L51900MH1981PLC023931
Regd. Off.:- 25 /?SA, Znd Floor, 327, Nawab Building D.N. Road, Opp. Thomas Cook Fort,
Mumbai - 400001.
Phone: o22-22o445055. 2204+5044, Mobile/Helpdesk No:- 95
Preceding 3 Coresponding fear to date (ear to date Previous year
I months
)nded monttrs ended 3 months igures for igures for tie :nded
ended ln tle :urrent
previous year perlod ended :nded

3r/L2/2OL6 30/oe12016 3U12l2or5 3UL2t2or6 3Ll12lzoLs 3r/03/2oL6

Sr, No. ?articulars

Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited tlnaudited Audited

2728.93 242t.29 2554.1( 5897 0 7593.2( 10.252.56
al Netsales/income from oper4tions t@ 00( 0.0( 00(
00( 000
2L2A,93 2421.29 25g'10 6A97.O7 7593-21 102585r
Iotal income from operations (net)

2 ExDenses
0.0( 00( 00( 00( 0Dc
al Cost oImaterials consumed ro247.7
2127.8i 2399 8C 2575.37 6A+5.97
[cJ Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress 00( 00( 00( 0.0( 0.0( [3e.e8]
<tn.k-i n-frade LT.6
II' zJa z.5t )I 66?
11 0C
2.99 2.99 00( 89i 00(
el Depreciation and amortisation expeM
Other expenses (Any item exceeding 10olo of the total expenses lo 7+9 II.J:
If 6.1( 0.96 14.38
.dt-rihd r^ .^nHhl ino to he shown seoamtelvl
^heEHnns 2a38.r4 2+O6.39 2519.51 6A74.51 7517,14 LOZ4Z.t8
Iotal exDenses
3 Protit / (Loss) from operations before ottrer itrcome, fioance costs (9,27 14.90 34.5: 22,50 76.06 163t
.-'l awrontinnal itpmc 11 -21
00( 00c 00( 000 184 10 0l
+ ft}ler income
J pront / (l,oss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and (e2t t49( 34.53 22.54 77,94 26.3:
ovronHnnrl itamc a? + 4l
00: 00( 01( 00 0.3(
6 Finance costs
lront 7 1t ossl fron ordinary activlties after finance
costs but (e.24 L4.9( 34.3i 22.41 77'54 25.92
rornro ovnantinnel itpns fS - 6l
00( 000 0.0( 00( 00(
I xceDtional items
9 Profit / (Loss) fuom ordinary activities before tax (7 +/- 8') (e.2+) 14.90 34.3t 22.+i I tJ. 2s.92

10 fax expense 00 2+(

0.0( 00( 00c 00(
lurrent 00( +L
00 000 00c 00(
De fe rred
(9.2+ 14.94 34.37 22.+7 77.V
NII ] 00( 00( 00( 000 0.0(
L2 t9.2"
t9.2+ 1[.9( 34.31 22.+7 77.54
13 2't
1637.91 77637 9S tL637.9t 7L637.9t 71637 9\ Lt637.91
15 R"seru" ex.luding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of 0.0c 000 0.0( 00( 00( 22226.3C
nFAwi^rrc r..nrrnhno veal
16 i. E-o*ingt p". th"te @efore exFaordinary items) (of Rs 1/- each) [not
0 001 0.00: 0 002 0 00t 0.00i
0.00l 0 00: 0.002 0.00t 0.00t
16 ii Er-ingt p". th".e (after extraordinary itemsl (of Rs' 1/-each] [not
000 0.00: 0.002 0 00t
t0 001
(0.001 0.001 0.003 0 002 0.00t
tbl DiluEed


L The Companv would provide
dle subsequae
dited financial results, as requi
and Disclosur nts) Regulations' 2015'
to the Stock Exchange
has been completed by Statutory Auditors and their report is being forwarded ,, circular .rD /.cn /.Mn /1 ( /?nl q
^t --,.r^- clR/cFD lcMD/ts/201s
- il;r.#;;T;".;:.;;ffi" *lil. i*ioising obrigati"on and Disclosures Requiremen*) Regulahons, 2015 and SEBI

Date : 1lth February,2017

Empower ltrdia Limited
CIN: L51900MH1981P1C023931
Regd Office: 25 /254 llnd Floor, 327, Nawab Building D N'Road, For! Mumbai - '+00 001
Phonet 022- 22M5055, 22045044, Mobile/HelpdesR {to': 9594750003
Email: M'empowerindia in

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