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Jo urn al o f C hin ese In te g r at ive Me dicin e Ma y V ol N o


Chemical components of Centella asiatica and their bioactivities

Chengjian ZHENG Luping QIN
Depa r tment of Phar maco gnosy Scho ol of Phar macy Seco nd Militar y M edical University Sha ng hai Chin a

Keywords Centella asiatica triterpenes apiaceae biological activity chemical constituent

Zheng CJ Q in L P J Ch in Integ r Med Zh ong X i Yi J ie H e X ue Bao R eceived S eptem ber

published online M ay Free f ull text PD F is available at w w w jcimjournal co m

depressive sedative effect s of C as iatica prepara

tions as w ell as their a bility t o im pr ove ven ous in
Cen tell a asiatica L U rba n a pr ost r ate su fficie ncy and mic roangiopathy
per ennial h erbaceous cr eeper belo ngs to t he genus T he h erb is also a t raditional ve getab le in Ch i
Cen tell a Apiceae flouris hing abund an tly i n na India Sri L anka and Indonesia and is being
moist areas and dis t ribu ting widely in t r opical and int r odu ced as a cultivat ed veg etable in developed
sub tr opical count ries up to an altit ude o f m co unt ries P opula rit y of C asi ati ca is m os tly due
T he plant is clonally pr opagated by pr oducin g t o it s efficacy and versatilit y especially r efe rring
s tolons th at ar e cha racterized by long in ternodes t o it s repu tation as a w ound healing age nt a nd
and n odes on w hich are bo rne renifo r mco rdate brai n stim ulan t pr o mo ting br ain gr o w t h and im
leaves and ses sile flo w e rs in sim ple um bels I t is pr ovin g lear ning and m em or y M any scien tist s i n
com m only kn o w n as G ot u kola in Chin ese India n t he w or ld have bee n conductin g quite e xtensive e x
Pen ny w o r t in Engli sh Bra hmi in H indi and perim en tal and cli nical investig ations and focu sing
M anduukapa rani in Ay ur veda and u tilized as a n t heir in teres ts on sear ching f or som e pr omising
impo r tant f olk m edicinal he rb b y na tives of Asia com po unds w ith high ef fectiv eness and lo w to xicit y
sout hern and middle Af rica sout heas tern U nit ed f or t h e benefit of humans health H er e w e r evie w
S tates and A us t ralia w it h a lon g hist o ry of recen t advances in the chemi st r y and bioactivities
t herapeu tic uses since ancient times o f C asia tica pa rticula rly mentio ning its principal
In co m m on w it h mos t t raditional phyt ot hera active m as striterpenoid s
peutic ag en ts C asi atica is claimed to pos sess a
w ide r ange of p har m acolo gical effect s being used
f or w ounds heali ng m ental diso rders at her 2 1 Triterpenoids T rite rpene is a major and t he

oscler osis f ungicidal a ntibacterial antio xidan t mos t im po r tan t co m pon ent o f C asi atica r egarded

and anticancer purposes C asia tica has also as a ma rke r co nstit uent in ter ms o f qualit y cont r ol

been repo r ted to be usefu l in t he t reat ment of in T he t rite rpenes ob tained f r om C asi atica are
flam m atio ns dia rrhea asth ma t ubercu losis and main ly pent acyclic t riterpenic acids and t heir
va riou s ski n lesio ns a nd ailments like lepr osy lu res pective glycosides belonging t o ur sa ne o r
pus psoriasis and keloid In addition nume ro us oleananet y pe including asiatic acid asiaticoside
cli nical rep o rts verify t he ulcerprev en tive and an ti madecassic acid madecassoside brahm oside brahmic

Co rrespondence L uping QIN P hD P ro fesso r Tel Email lpqin s m mu edu cn

Jo urn al o f C hi nese In t eg r a tiv e M edicin e M ay V o l N o

acid brahminoside thankuniside i sot ha nkuniside A d vanced st udies indicated t hat asiaticoside in
centellos ide madasiatic acid cen tic acid cenellic duce d type I collag en sy nt hesis via the activation of
acid bet ulinic acid indocentic acid etc Ear lie r t he T GF r ecept or I kinaseindep enden t Smad
w ork on th is plan t has led to t he isolation of man y pat h w ay wh ich f org ed a b asi s f or m olecu la r
t riterpenoid constit uen ts and Bri nkha us et a l has unders tandin g of Centel las bioactivit y on w ound

already revie w ed t he che mical pro file of C asi ati ca healing

befo re t hus w e predo minantly collect phyt o 2 1 2 Brain stimulating effects A s co m m only
chemis t r y info r mation on novel com po unds isolat ed described bo th i n Chi nese and Indian medicine sys
f ro m C as ia tica in rece nt years Sh ukla et a l tem C asia tica posses ses va rious CN S effect s

separ ated a n e w ursane triterp enoid f r om C such as s ti m ulat o ryn er vi ne t onic rejuvenant sed
asi ati ca and ex hibited it s dosedependen t g r o w th ative t ranquilize r esp ecially me mo r y im pr ove
inhibito r y activit y ag ainst lar vae of Spilarctia men t and i ntellig ence pr o m oting pr oper ty So me of
o bliqu e L ater on M a t suda et a l isolat ed a t hese bioactivities hav e been dem onstr ated expe ri
ne w oleanene t riterpe ne cent ellasapo genol A men tally Scien tific findin gs ex hibited t hat t he
and its olig o glycoside f r om C asia tica cultivated i n aqueo us ex t ract of C asi ati ca has cognitive enhan
Viet nam Con tinuou sly i n t h eir co m parative st ud y cing ef fect and an an tioxidan t mechanism is
o n t he g enet ype cultiva ted in S ri Lanka ho w ever inv olved A dditionally C as ia tica leaf

t hey obt ained t w o ne w ur sanet ype t riterpe neolig o ex t ract w as no t o nly s ho w ed t o im pro ve spa tial
glycosides cen tellasaponins B a nd C a nd a n lear ning per fo r mance and enhance m em or y reten
oleananet ype trite rp ene olig o glycoside cent ellasa tion i n ne onatal r at s duri ng g r o w t h spur t period
ponin D K ur oda et a l also sepe rated ne w t rit but also f ou nd efficien t in e nhancing hippocam pal

erpene glycosides f r om t he aerial par ts of C C A ne ur onaldendritic a rborization in rat s t hus

asi ati ca and n one of t hese saponins revealed signifi pr o viding evidence to sho w t he ef fect of t his plan t
cant cytotoxicity M o reo ver Jia ng et al identified ex t ract on t he brain regions involved in lea rning

f our n e w triterp en oid glycosides nam ed asiaticoside and m em or y

C D E and F f r om t he Bu O H fr action of C 2 1 3 Treatment of venous hypertension and

asi ati ca In addition dr a wing as sistance f r om t he microangiopathy S t udies d one in acco rdance w ith
techn olo gy of bio t ran sf or m ation M onti et a l standa rdized scientific crite ria have sho w n t h at
pr epa red an array of novel derivatives of asia ticos i t riterpenic co m p on ent s in C asi atica e xhibit a pos
de wit h m olecular diversit y and f unctional variety itive effect in the t reatm ent o f venous insu fficiency
Being t he chief bioactive substances in C and micr oangiopat hy and se veral prosp ective
asi ati ca triterpenoid derivatives play an im por tant placebocon t rolled r and omized t rials convinced t he
role in t he aspect of medicinal app lication Sever al effectiven es s of t he to tal t riterpenic fr action of C
o f t h eir t raditional uses have been scientifically asi atica by im pr ovin g mic rocir culation ede ma a nd
validated a nd so me o f t he active principles have decr easin g capillar y per meability

also been r epor ted 2 1 4 Actions on gastric ulcer M any scie ntific
2 1 1 Wound healing properties A s an universal findings sug gest th e potential use of C asi ati ca
use in w ound h ealing a nd va rio us skin disorde rs and it s active in g redie nt as an tig ast ric ulcers
effectivenes s of t he ex t racts and mon o mer s f r o m C drugs Che ng et a l displayed t he healin g effect s

asi ati ca has been subjected t o and jus tified b y bo th o f C as iatica w a ter e xt ract and asiaticoside on
exp erimental and clinical evaluations acetic acid induced gas tric ulce rs in rats by signifi
W ound healing is a com plex p hy siolo gical can tly attenuating t he m yeloper o xidase activity
pr oces s t hat r equires a se ries of st eps of w hich pr o m otin g epith elial cell pr olifer ation and angio
gr anu lation colla gen mat ur ation and scar fo r ma genesi s and upr eg ulatin g expression o f basic fi
tio n ar e som e o f t he many phases E xt r acts of br ob las t g r o w th fact or in t he ulcer ti ssues there
C asia ti ca ha ve been sho wn to produce differ en t f or e st r engt hening t he m ucosal defensive fact ors
actions on t he va riou s phases of w ound r epair Cen tell a ex tr act w as also repo r ted t o s ho w an ti

Scien tific s t udies pr oved t ha t t riterpenes ulcer o genic activity a gai nst va riou s physical a nd
f ro m C as ia tica s tim ulated ex t racellu lar mat rix ac ch emical facto rs such as et h an ol aspirin cold
cum ulation i n r at ex perimental w ounds as fur t he r res t raint st ress and py loric ligatio n induce d gast ric
evidenced in v it ro by g eneexpr essio n alterna tio n i n ulcers i n rat s In addition Gu o et a l sho w ed

a h uman der mal fibr ob las t As iatic acid w as t he t hat C asi atica w ater ex tr act and asiaticoside have

o nly com ponent responsible fo r t he collage n an an tiinflam ma to r y pr oper ty t hat i s brough t

synt hesi s s tim u latio n w hile m adecassoside w as ab ou t by inhibition of N O sy n t hesis and t hus facili
ab le t o i ncrease sig nifican tly collagen secr etion tates ulcer healin g
Jo urn al o f C hin ese In te g r at ive Me dicin e Ma y V ol N o

2 1 5 Anticancer activity A s anticancer drugs of o xidative s t ress pr ocess and depending on it s

plant o rigi n a re gai ning p opularit y man y scien tist s an tioxid ant pr oper ties C asi ati ca has been re
cast ligh t o n C as ia tica in searc h of p otential bio cen tly indicated to s ho w an tilipid pe ro xidative and
active molecules agains t tumor Babu et al found f ree ra dical scavenging activities In addi

crude ex t ract of C asi ati ca as w ell as it s pa rtially tion M atsuda et a l isolate d a flav o nol pet ule

purified fr action s e x hibited selective cy to to xicity in tin and kaem p fer ol ODglucur onide f r om t he
vit ro and a n tit um our pr o per ties in v i vo Syne rgis aerial par ts o f C asi ati ca c ultivat ed in Vietnam
tic inhibito r y effect of asia ticoside co m bined w ith bo t h of wh ich e xhibited po ten t i nhibito r y activit y
vinc ristin e on pr olife ration o f several cancer cell on aldose reductase in rats A nd bio flav onoids of
lines w as al so repo r ted sho w ing asiaticoside as a C asi ati ca ha ve ever been e xhibited t o be effica
biochemical m odulato r can induce ap op t osis cious in ve nou s in sufficiency pr o bab ly due to t heir

Besides t he w at er e xt ract of C asi atica w as dis actions on m ucopolysaccharide metabolism
played t o e xer t a chem opreve ntive effect on colo n 2 4 Other components C ohe ren t resear ches on
t um orig enesis Fur t her m o re asiatic acid w as C asi ati ca also revealed the presence of polysac

sug gested t o be a g oo d candida te fo r t he t her apeu ch arides poly ynealkene a min o acid s fatt y
tic int er ven tion of human skin ca nce r acids sesquiterpenes al kaloid s st er ols car ote

2 1 6 Other ef fects In addition to a bove noids tanni n chlo r ophyl pectin i no r ga nic salt s
men tioned activities t riterpe noids i n C asi ati ca etc
w er e also claimed t o be effectively applied f or an ti
bilharzial an tifer tility a ntiherpes sim plex virus
radio pro tection cosm etics im m uno modulato r y In vie w of it s versatile medicinal prope rties
and antag onizing liver fibr osi s t he requir eme nt of C asia tica in p har m aceu tical in
A dmitting of no e xception C as iatica dustries has bee n sharply inc reasin g th us leading
despite of it s m ultifarious fav or able uses has bee n t o t h e o ver e x ploitation of t his herb It has already
inevitable t o s ho w several adver se effects incl u been lis ted as t hr eat ene d species by t he In terna
di ng m utag enicit y aller gic con tact der ma titis and tional U nion fo r Co nser vation o f Nat ure a nd
hep ato to xicit y perhaps m ainly evoked by its t rit Na tional Resour ces I U CN and an enda nger ed
erpenoid s co mponents species T he refo re a pplicatio n of tiss ue cult ure
2 2 Essential oil Closely related to t he species appr oaches fo r r apid m ultiplication of elite clones
H ydr ocoty le lik e m ost m em be rs o f t h e fa mily and ger mp lasm con ser vatio n is of vital im p o rt ance
A piaceae C asi atica w as char acterized by t he In recent year s C asia tica re generation has been
pr esence of essential oil Qin et al identified achiev ed by u sing leaf derived callu s ste m seg

v ola tile co m p onent s by GCM S f r om C as iatica men t s and nodal seg ment s as e xp lant s s h oot tip
o f w hich t he main constituen ts w er e cary o and su spen sion cult ures pr oviding a pr erequisite
phyllene fa rnesol and elemene Subsequently f or t he gener ation of bioactive secondar y pr oduct s
t hey f ound t he volatile oil ex tr act displayed an tide f ro m t his species H o w e ver f urt her st udies are
pressan t effect in m ouse Recen t a nalyses of t he still needed t o be done for t he eval uatio n of t he ge

v ola tile fr action of t his medicinal plan t g r o w in g i n netic r eso urces of t he p lant fo r variation in m o r
Sou t h Af rica r evealed monote rpenoid h ydr o phological g ro w t h and he rb a nd yiel d relat ed
ca rb ons o xy genated m o noterpenoids ses ch aracters t o identify high herb and m adecassol
quiterpenoid hy dr oca rb on s o xy genated sesquit yielding populations suita ble fo r u se in ag r ono mical
erpenoid s a nd su lfide sesquiterpe noid and plant breeding pr og ra ms
hum ulene cary ophyllene and bicyclog er ma A great pro gress has been m ade ove r t he past
crene w er e the predo minan t constit utes T he v ola decades in st ud y of biologically active co m ponent s
tile e x tr act ex hi bite d a bro ad spect rum of an ti bac and bioactivities o f C asia tica bu t t he r esu lts are
terial activities against bot h Gra mpositive and still unsatisfact or y E ven t hough t his highly pre
G ramnegative or gani sms cious herb is surr ounded w it h m ultifa rious claims
2 3 Flavonoids Besides t riterpenoids a nd es sen t he unde rlying m ec hanisms inv olved in its physio
tial oil C as iatica has also been repo r ted t o con lo gical effect s a re lacki ng M or e scien tific data are
tain numer ous fla vo noids including quercetin and required befo re r eco m mendation fo r increase in it s
kaem p fer ol catechin rutin and na rin gin as a utilization can be given w it h confidence
major pa rt of the to tal phenolic con ten t s so me of
w hich a re majo r co n t ribut o rs i n pa rticu lar to t he REFERENCES
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Jo urn al o f C hi nese In t eg r a tiv e M edicin e M ay V o l N o

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