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0 0 2
Disclaimer 2
Kali 7
The Colonel 9
Anna Never 11
Romeo Exxet 13
Nerelas Ul Del Sylvanus 16
Griever 18
Yuri Olson 20
Ophiel 22
Kujaku 25
Alastor 27

0 0 3

Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Name: Unknown
Rank: Supervisor of the Crows of Wissenschaft
Place of Birth: Unknown
Age: Unknown (presumably about 28 years old)
Fighting Style: Self-taught based on a combination of firearms, swords and speed
Ethnicity: Asher
Height: 1.81 m
Weight: 81 Kg
Hobbies: Unknown
What they most appreciate: Nothing
What they hate most: Noise

0 0 4
Level: 10
Life Points: 195
Class: Shadow
Race: Nephilim DAnjayni If XII abilities were already considerably inhuman, having
Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 15 Con: 7 been subjected to The Process has given him many unique
Pow: 9 Int: 8 Will: 10 Per: 11 abilities. The following are the most prevalent. Overall, the
PhR: 80 MR: 85 PsR: 90 VR: 80 DR: 80 abilities from The Process have a Level modifier of +3.

Initiative: 190 Natural, 180 Long Sword, 170 Pistol, 170 Adaptability: XII's body has the ability to rapidly adapt
Leo (Pistol), 140 Leo (Sword) to any situation or contingency. At the start of any turn, he
Attack Ability: 270 Leo (+10), 270 Long Sword +10 may declare that he gains one the following advantages:
Defense Ability: 265 Dodge +20 to his Attack Ability
Damage: 110 Sword, 80 Bullets, 90 Long Sword +10 +20 to his Defence Ability
Wear Armor: 10 +20 to Initiative
AT: None AT 5 against all types of attack
+30 to all his Resistances
MK: 250 +4 to Strength
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki Detection, Erudition, +1 to Agility
Weight Elimination, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, +50 to Notice and Search
However, activating his ability to adapt puts a considerable
Use of Necessary Energy, Ki Concealment, Aura of
strain on the nervous system of XII, so you cannot use it for
more than 5 minutes each day.
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 3 AGI 3 CON 1
Regeneration: The Process provides XII with a
POW 1 WILL 3 Total: 12
Regeneration 14.
Generic Ki: 96
More Than Human: While criticals continue to affect
Techniques: Veritas, Versus, Visio Dei
him like any other being, XII has no vulnerable points on his
body (not even his head or heart).
Advantages and Disadvantages: Ambidextrous, Severe
Minor Telekinesis: XII can use without limit the Minor
Phobia, Imperceptible Ki, Night Vision, Immunity to Pain
Telekinesis Psychic Power at the Medium Difficulty.
and Fatigue.
Physical Need: XII must consume small amounts of
Natural Abilities: Ars Magnus: Leo, Long Sword
processed blood regularly to survive. If he spends more than
Powers: Inhumanity, Zen.
a week without it he would begin to suffer pain and
discomfort, which will produce a -20 All Action Penalty and
Size: 15 Medium Regeneration: 14 would cause the rest of his powers from The Process to
Movement Value: 15 Fatigue: 7 become unstable. If he still does not receive his dose, his
body will begin to degenerate and go into a state of
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 90, Athleticism 65, dementia until, in a period between one and two months, he
Swim 40, Jump 20, Climb 65, Style 20, Leadership 20, Lock would die.
Picking 30, Disguise 130 Hide 250, Theft 30, Stealth 260,
Poisons 20, Notice 250, Search 250, Track 30 , Science 65,
History 65, Medicine 65, Memorize 65, Composure 75,
Withstand Pain 75, Sleight of Hand 30 Cheats, Ki Detection
250, Ki Concealment 435.

0 0 5
Very little is known of XII, the reserved and solitary From that, less than a year later, Lucanor put him in
Supervisor of the Crows of Wissenschaft. The majority of charge the main bulk of the Crows of Wissenschaft, his
the agents of the organization do not know him nor have work has been superb. He appears wherever the
they even seen him; only a shadow moving in the darkness Organization needs it, either to strengthen the security of
of the world. Inexplicably appearing in different places any of its facilities or ensure that those who threaten the
around Gaia and, similarly, vanishes without a trace of their objectives of the Prince are removed. He is also in charge of
presence. Some say it is nothing but a ghost, a legend eliminating the possible leaks of information and, if it were
embodied by someone different each time. the case, any renegade agent. He acts alone but in the rare
But he does exist. cases where it is considered necessary for a large-scale
XII is one of the main agents of the prince of Lucrecio operation, he commands two agents only chosen to form his
and, despite the short time he has been active, he is one of assault team of Wissenschaft. His current role is to
the pillars that support the current power structure of accompany the Researcher Reist Ebersbacher and provide
Wissenschaft. Unlike other Crows if first rank he is known all the tactical support he may need to recover the Lost
only by the number that was assigned to him upon joining Loggia of Solomon pursued by the Empire and Azur, as well
the organization. According to the Arcana of the Tarot the as test the latest weapons developed by Wissenschaft. He
twelfth card is The Hanged Man, representation of sacrifice also needs to secretly monitor Ebersbachers actions and
and atonement, the incarnation of those who have given ensure that, in any case, not overstepping in his duties.
their all for what they believe. But the Arcane also has a For the first time since he was reborn in the world, XII will
much darker interpretation, the eternal suffering and show his true power.
martyrdom. The reasons why he received that particular
number is unknown, but no doubt that Lucanor had an
appropriate motive for it.
XII's identity before becoming what it is today is a
mystery. No one but the prince of Lucrecio himself, knows
anything at all about his former life and, since none of them
ever speaks of the past, it is difficult to know someone else.
However, there is no doubt that the Crow is completely
faithful to the principles of the organization and to be the
prince of Lucrecio absolute dedication.
Although the rest of the leadership of Wissenschaft is
ignorant, XII is the most perfect of all the Crows created to
date. His level of synchronization is at the limit of a true
Processed, while not suffering any negative consequences
that always carries from the experiment. Even possessing a
purity rate close to ten precent, his body has not
experienced physical alterations or deformities, only
obtaining pure power.
This is not entirely fortuitous; it is because Lucanor
decided to subject him to the experiment in a different way
to the others. While every one of the organizations Crows
are a work of art of supernatural genetic engineering, XII is
more, it is a masterpiece carved with time and dedication.
For five long years he remained in suspended animation,
cryogenically frozen in laboratories of Wissenschaft while
slowly his blood was being replaced by the dark fluid that
gives birth to the Processed. Thanks to that his body was
able to adapt to the substance without serious alterations.
XII was not the only one who tried this method, but he was
the only one who survived it.
He is solitary and silent, perhaps that is why, the rare
times that he says something, everyone will listen. He
behaves in a cold and direct manner, while his sudden
appearance always causes nervousness among researchers
and Crows. When not engaged in a mission or managing
operations and away from the bustle of cities, he looks for
quiet places where no one will bother him.
XII has capabilities worthy of his legend. If his combat
ability was is itself inhuman, the Process has merely
multiplied his powers to limits impossible for a mortal man.
He is so fast that when moving he disappears from the view
of ordinary people and even superhuman individuals
distinguish him as a dark blur approaching them. He fights
using two technomagical weapons called Nillium and Ether,
a sword-pistol and an automatic revolver, wielding them as
if they were a part of him. His inexplicable speed allows him
to combine physical attacks with long-range shots; running
following his own projectiles leaving no possible escape to
his enemies. Surprisingly, his speed is not the only gift he has
obtained from the Process, his body and his essence is able
to adapt in seconds to any contingency or necessity. This
allows it to withstand blows that would kill any normal
person (even surviving impacts that have pierced his heart),
or repel supernatural effects of the highest level.

0 0 6
Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Real Name: Kali Ul Del Serendis

Rank: Executioner of Selene
Place of Birth: Selene
Age: 20
Fighting Style: Assassination Arts of Selene
Ethnicity: Vildian with Sylvain blood
Height: 1.74 m
Weight: 41 Kg
Measurements: 82-59-89
Hobbies: Collecting Scarves
What they most appreciate: A pendant given to her by Celia
What they hate most: Failing her mother

0 0 7
Level: 10 Within Selene nobody is as feared as Kali, the
Life Points: 135 Executioner. The daughter of Alaxa, the very lady of the
Class: Shadow organization herself, this young woman is a peerless hunter,
Race: Half Sylvain a perfect assassin with who bears the role to find and kill
Str: 7 Dex: 11 Agi: 13 Con: 6 renegade agents who have betrayed Selene and destroy
Pow: 8 Int: 8 Will: 8 Per: 11 anything that might endanger her companions. Some even
PhR: 85 MR: 100 PsR: 85 VR: 95 DR: 95 consider her the best of all assassins in the world; they say
she has the ability to destroy anything that becomes her
Initiative: 165 Natural, 175 Stiletto +10, 175 Kunai 10, target, whether mortal or divine.
180 Daggers The very existence of Kali is shrouded in mystery, because
Attack Ability: 250 Selene, 260 Stiletto +10, Kunai +10 even Alaxa has never revealed the identity of her father,
or Dagger +10 although it appears that he was human. That makes the
Defense Ability: 270 Dodge (Selene) young executioner an unusually rare mixed race, since the
Damage: 30 Selene, 60 Stiletto +10, 60 Kunai +10, 80 fact that a Sylvain bearing the child of a Human is something
Dagger +10 that has been seen little more than a dozen times in history.
Wear Armor: 5 Either way, the only thing known for sure is that she was
AT: None born on the island of Selene, where as one might anticipate
she soon demonstrated that she had inherited Alaxas
MK: 290 enormous talent for combat. She soon became the brightest
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki Detection, Erudition, of all students and only her sister Celia, with whom she
Weight Elimination, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, developed a strong rivalry and friendship with, managed to
Use of Necessary Energy, Ki Concealment, False Death, keep up with her. Both girls competed in countless tests
Inhumanity. without reaching a clear dominance over the other, and
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 2 AGI 2 CON 1 decided to settle their dispute by participating in a mission
POW 2 WILL 1 Total: 9 that would determine who would get the title of
Generic Ki: 57 Executioner of Selene.
Techniques: Shadow Jump, Daughter of the Moon, Surprisingly, although it was Celia who managed to find
Sinalma, Festival of the Four Seasons her target first, she decided to drop out of the organization.
Devastated by the decision of the one whom she believed
more than a sister, Kali won the title with the terrible task of
Advantages and Disadvantages: Ambidextrous, Acute
one day having to kill her best friend.
Senses, Martial Mastery 1.
Since that moment, already turned into the Executioner of
Natural Abilities: Aikido (Advanced), Selene (Base),
Selene, she has done her job with absolute efficiency, which
Selene Weapons Module.
has allowed the organization to survive even in the dark
periods that have recently passed.
Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 2
Kali has a really unusual personality. She's cold while ironic,
Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: 6
distant while very human. She has no qualms about killing,
but at the same time would not hurt anyone if it was not
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 110, Athleticism 60,
part of her duty as executioner. Therefore, it sometimes
Ride 30, Swim 30, Jump 15, Climb 60, Intimidate 125, seems as if two different people are sharing the same body.
Lock Picking 30, Hide 220, Theft 30, Stealth 245, Trap When not acting as an agent she behaves like an ordinary
Lore 30, Poisons 140, Notice 220, Search 220, Track 160, young woman who loves dresses and pretty things.
Memorize 15 , Composure 40, Withstand Pain 65, Sleight However, when a task is entrusted to her, a completely
of Hand 70, Ki Detection 255, Ki Concealment 305. different nature awakens in her, making her a perfect
assassin, the very embodiment of death.
Too often she feels alone but after what she considers a
betrayal by Celia, her only friend, she never tried to get
close to anyone for fear of again losing another person
important to her. However, she professes absolute devotion
to her mother, so she would do anything that she asked.
Naturally, as the Executioner, she is a master in the arts of
combat and assassination without equal. She could hide even
from the darkness itself, and her natural instinct to find a
weak point in the defence of her targets is unmatched. As if
that were not enough, she has mastered four of the original
ancestral Selene techniques, considered in antiquity as some
of the most powerful ever created.
Recently she has been involved in the events leading to the
Breach of the Heavens. Commissioned by the former
Archbishop, the ultimate assassin has been given to hunt
numerous individuals endowed with unique powers, which
has even led to confrontation with the best agents of
Wissenschaft. At the moment her whereabouts are
unknown, but those who know her do not hesitate to
continue acting in the shadows as they always have, towards
the benefit of the organization.

0 0 8
Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Real Name: Wilhelm (his last name is unknown)

Rank: Colonel of Les Jaeger
Place of Birth: Togarini
Age: 28
Fighting Style: Hephastios and Azur Assassin Commando Style
Ethnicity: Daevar
Height: 1.91 m
Weight: 82 Kg
Hobbies: Playing chess
What they most appreciate: Logic
What they hate most: The imperfection of the world

0 0 9
Level: 8 No one doubts that Les Jaeger is the most powerful
Life Points: 220 organization of the few in the Alliance. Despite having been
Class: Dark Paladin / Tao recently created, its agents are feared and respected above
Race: Human any other military in the world. However, even within Les
Str: 8 Dex: 11 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Jaeger there is a person whose mere mention produces a
Pow: 8 Int: 11 Will: 11 Per: 9 mixture of awe and terror, a man whose power and
PhR: 75 MR: 75 PsR: 85 VR: 75 DR: 75 influence has spread worldwide. Everything about him is a
mystery. In fact, it can be counted on the fingers of one
Initiative: 130 Natural, 120 Godhand + Hephastios hand those who even know his real name.
Attack Ability: 215 Godhand For the rest, it's just The Colonel.
Defense Ability: 200 Godhand The story of this enigmatic individual and his rise to power
Damage: 80 Godhand is the subject of debate, as there are few who know
Wear Armor: 50 anything of his life before he became Supreme Leader of Les
AT: Longcoat of Command (A. Longcoat +10) (Cut 3, Jaeger. The only thing known for sure is that when he was
Impact 2, Thrust 4, Heat 3, Electric 4, Cold 4, Energy 2) young, he briefly entered the service of the Lord of War
Tadeus Van Horsman, becoming his right hand for a short
MK: 190 period. For unknown reasons, he abandoned Tadeus to be
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, under the command of Gaul and support him during the
Aura Extension, Increased Damage, Use of Necessary breakup of the Empire, ensuring power to Azur. After the
Energy. creation of the Alliance, the Supreme Archon Gaul put him
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 3 AGI 1 CON 1 at the head of his body of intelligence and special forces, to
POW 2 WILL 2 Total: 10 which the Colonel christened the named Les Jaeger. In that
Generic Ki: 85 position he responds to no authority except that of the
Techniques: Hephastios Crest, Awakening of Ifrit Arbiter Aizen and Gaul himself. In fact, he controls the
entire organization with such thoroughness and perfection it
would be possible to collapse without him.
Advantages and Disadvantages: Natural Learner
The Colonel is one of the most brilliant military minds of
(Tactics), See Supernatural, Disquieting.
Azur (maybe even the world), only comparable to that of
Natural Abilities: Boxing (Supreme), Godhand (Base).
some of Arbiters and to Gaul. Each of his plans, each of his
strategies... is a perfectly calculated move in which each and
Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 2
every one of the details are always provided. For him, the
Movement Value: 8 Fatigue: 8
life of his men is little more than a bargaining chip with
which to achieve mission success.
Secondary Abilities: Ride 60, Swim 30, Style 70,
However, his strategic capabilities and planning are not his
Intimidate 160, Leadership 210, Persuasion 170, Tactics
only qualities. The Colonel is a talented martial artist who
240, Notice 60, Search 60, History 40, Composure 150,
has forged his immeasurable body into a living weapon. His
Feats of Strength 120, Withstand Pain 100, Sleight of Hand
perfect mastery of Ki and huge inner energy make him one
of the worst enemies that anybody can ever face in combat.
When fighting, his mere presence is so powerful that it can
even paralyse his enemies, frozen like a toad watching the
eyes of a snake. And thanks to the acquisition of the
Hephastios armband, an ancient technomagical weapon that
can control fire, his powers have increased to reach levels of
power never seen before, with a mere gesture he creates
huge tongues of fire consuming everything they touch.
Therefore, no man or immortal can oppose him, and even
the some of the Arbiters respect him.
It is difficult to determine what drives his cold heart,
although those that believe he is a dark creature and greedy
for power could not be more wrong. At heart, Colonel
knows that the world is doomed to chaos and, in its current
state, humanity is headed to inevitable destruction.
Therefore, his goal is to return order to Gaia, for which
absolute power is needed to guide man down the right path.
The cost in lives or collateral damage is simply a minor price
to pay.
For months has focused all efforts of Les Jaeger on finding
and controlling all Lost Loggia relics of the world, knowing
that he who controls their power, will have Gaa at their
feet. He has assembled a group of Special Forces directly to
his service with which he plans to confront all organizations
in the shadows that try to oppose him.
At last, the final game is about to begin.
And The Colonel does not intend to lose.

0 1 0
Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Real Name: Elisabetta Barbados

Rank: Empress of the Sacred Holy Empire of Abel
Place of Birth: Abel
Age: 13
Fighting Style: Angelus Fencing
Ethnicity: Aionense
Height: 1.38 m
Weight: 38 Kg
Measurements: Secret!
Hobbies: Travelling incognito
What they most appreciate: Too many things
What they hate most: Her own inability to change things

0 1 1
Level: 7 Even at a young age, her personal history has always been
Life Points: 190 fraught with problems and difficulties. Her mother died
Class: Paladin bringing her into the world, the reason why Elias hated her
Race: Human and, considering her the cause of the death of his beloved
Str: 8 Dex: 10 Agi: 11 Con: 6 wife, kept his distance from her. Alone and friendless, she
Pow: 11 Int: 9 Will: 8 Per: 10 tried to grow up happy, even when everything seemed to be
PhR: 90 MR: 105 PsR: 95 VR: 90 DR: 90 against her. Her character soon won her the affection of
many people, among whom is included the Lord of War
Initiative: 120 Natural, 90 Angelus (Bastard Sword +20), Tadeus Van Horsman himself.
110 Katana +10 During the Breach of the Heavens, Elisabetta was an
Attack Ability: 185 Angelus (Bastard Sword +20), 185 exceptional witness of everything that happened, realizing
Katana +10 that there were forces in the world and unknown powers.
Defense Ability: 210 Angelus (Bastard Sword +20), 210 After the death of her father and the subsequent chaos
Katana +10 she decided, very reluctantly, to assume full control of the
Damage: 130 Angelus (Bastard Sword +20), 90 Katana Empire with the support of Tadeus Van Horsman and the
+10 Order of Heaven. Even knowing that her appointment
Wear Armor: 75 would cause a stir, Elisabetta thought it would be much
AT: None worse if she let Abel be shattered even more than it was.
Since coming to the throne, she began to enact
MK: 180 revolutionary laws and edicts that led to the unconditional
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki Detection, Presence support of one sector of society and the absolute rejection
Extrusion, Aura Extension, Increased Speed, Use of of the other.
Necessary Energy, Ki Concealment. Since she began her travels as Anna Never she has gotten
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 2 AGI 2 CON 1 into endless trouble and problems, temporarily making
POW 2 WILL 1 Total: 9 unlikely traveling companions (with people as unusual as
Generic Ki: 75 Sylvia Ul Del Sylvanus and Donoban Van Horsman). As
Techniques: Last Song "Anna" she has even been involved in some issues against the
Empire, when she considered Abel's actions were unfair and
there was abuse of power. One of the things that have most
Advantages and Disadvantages: See Supernatural,
shocked her is her trip to Remo. Although she has spent
Charm, Good Luck, Martial Mastery.
very little time there, what she saw there truly left her
Natural Abilities: Mixed-Class Weapon module (Katana).
horrified. Including the hatred of these people towards the
Special: Mikael 50, Uriel 50, Jedah 50, Gabriel 50, Noah
Empire and no justification for the atrocities committed
50, Rafael 50, Erebus 50, Azrael 50, Barakiel 50, Eriol 50,
there. That's one of the reasons for her rejecting to wage
Meseguis 50.
war against Azur, as she believes that people have already
suffered too much in too little time.
Size: 11 Medium Regeneration: 1
Of course, Anna's identity is only one of many faces.
Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: 6
Although she has been fond of her, if necessary she would
have no problem taking another name to keep traveling
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 50, Athleticism 30, Ride anonymously. She secretly hopes one day to meet again
80, Swim 30, Jump 15, Climb 40, Style 135, Intimidate 30, with Nemesis, wishing right now that she had the courage to
Leadership 220, Persuasion 120, Disguise 100, Hide 60, confess her feelings. Her head tells her that it is nothing
Stealth 65, Notice 115, Search 75, Track 25, Animals 90, more than foolishness of her age and knows that he is
Science 40, Herbal Lore 90, History 125, Medicine 50, someone exceptionally dangerous for her, but neither one
Memorize 50, Navigation 50, Occult 90 Appraisal 50, Magic thing nor the other manages to silence her young heart.
Appraisal 60, Composure 135, Feats of Strength 20, Despite her young age, the Empress has demonstrated an
Withstand Pain 110, Art 75, Dance 75, Music 75 , Sleight incredible talent for fighting, and thanks to the training she
of Hand 35, Ki Detection 150, Ki Concealment 125. has received from Kisidan, already is a true master with the
sword. Her learning was so amazing that even her own
teacher believes that, in a few years, she might even be his
The young woman Anna Never, daughter of some simple equal (something unthinkable for a mere "mortal").
traders of Gabriel that travels to all corners of Gaia, could Elisabetta has attracted the attention of C'iel and Gaira as
be overlooked were it not that, for one reason or another, even they were not expecting. The unusual behaviour of this
she has been directly involved in the major events that young girl has made them both put a lot of interest in her,
shook the world the past year. However, it is much more making sure that no power, not even themselves, can
than mere chance that has led to this young lady of thirteen influence her decisions. Interestingly, she is undoubtedly one
years old to become one of the people most relevant to of the human beings with the greatest Gnosis of those to
what happens in Gaia. have existed for centuries, so certainly her actions, whether
"Anna Never" is nothing more than an identity of for good or bad, will alter the course of events of Gaia as
Elisabetta Barbados, the child Empress of the Sacred Holy nobody could predict.
Empire of Abel, uses to travel the world incognito. With
that name she may go unnoticed and observe the world
with her own eyes.

0 1 2
Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Name: Romeo Exxet

Rank: Supreme High Inquisitor of the Church of Abel
Place of Birth: Unknown
Age: 32
Fighting Style: Mundus in combination with sacred power
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Height: 1.93 m
Weight: 92 Kg
Hobbies: Meditating
What they most appreciate: Power
What they hate most: The ignorant, who are those that deviate from his worldview

0 1 3
Level: 11
Life Points: 245
Class: Warlock
Race: Human Although superficially he could be considered "human",
Str: 11 Dex: 12 Agi: 10 Con: 10 Romeo Exxet possesses powers far superior to that any
Pow: 13 Int: 12 Will: 10 Per: 10 mortal could have. This is represented in a number of
PhR: 135 MR: 140 PsR: 135 VR: 135 DR: 135 unique abilities, both physical and spiritual, that are
described below. Overall, the capabilities of Chosen of the
Light have a level modifier of +3.
Initiative: 125 Mundus, 95 Jared (Bastard Sword +20)
Attack Ability: 255 Mundus, 275 Jared (Bastard Sword
Luminous Nature: In terms of play Romeo has
absolute affinity towards the light as if he were an elemental
Defense Ability: 255 Mundus, 275 Jared (Bastard Sword
creature of high rank. Any being of light of low or
intermediate grade will automatically consider him its
Damage: 110 Mundus, 160 Jarad (Bastard Sword +20)
superior, and must pass an MR or PsR check against 120 in
Wear Armor: 75
order to refuse to follow a direct order given by him.
AT: Wings of Azreal (Half-Plate +15) (Cut 7, Impact 7,
Furthermore, halve any damage received that is based on
Thrust 7, Heat 5, Electric 3, Cold 4, Energy 4)
light, except those that is produced by beings with Gnosis 35
or higher.
MK: 250 Exterminator of Gods: Any attack that Romeo makes
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Ki Detection, Weight against creatures with a Natura greater than 10 or Gnosis
Elimination, Levitation, Object Motion, Mass Movement, greater than 20 applies a special bonus of +50 to its damage.
Flight, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Use of This ability modifies both the physical and magical attacks of
Necessary Energy, Inhumanity. Romeo.
Ki Accumulations: STR 2 DEX 2 AGI 2 CON 2 Seraphim Wings: At will Romeo can externalize a pair
POW 2 WILL 2 Total: 12 of huge wings of light that allow him to move through the air
Generic Ki: 70 with a Flight Value 12. This ability can only be maintained
Techniques: Caedus Celestia for 5 rounds, after which he must wait a full minute before
using it again.
MA: 90 (100 with Jared)
Zeon: 1,595
Magic Projection: 210 Offensive Projection, 230 through
Magic Level: 80 Light
Metamagic Advantages: Spell Specialist 30, Spell
Specialist 60, Double Spell.

Advantages and Disadvantages: The Gift, Touched by

Destiny, Use of Armour 1.
Natural Abilities: Mundus: Control of the Surroundings,
Magic Projection as an Attack.
Special: Mikael 80, Azrael 80, Chosen of the Light.

Size: 20 Medium Regeneration: 3

Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: 10

Secondary Abilities: Ride 65 Swim 60, Style 125,

Intimidate 70, Leadership 240, 120 Persuasion, Notice 100,
Search 100, History 120, Occult 200, Magic Appraisal 180,
Composure 100, Feats of Strength 45, Withstand Pain 100.

0 1 4
The Supreme Inquisitor Romeo Exxet is the highest figure Romeo sincerely believes he has been chosen to save the
of power of the Inquisition. His name is pronounced in world from destruction that it is heading towards. He feels
whispers with a mixture of fear and unconditional devotion. he is the final instrument of a higher force that guides his
In the eyes of the world he is a holy man, endowed with hand and destiny. For him names like God, C'iel or Beryls
divine powers and gifts that have not been seen since the are just different names from what he represents, is the
era of the Messiah, whose fate is none other than the saviour of existence itself. Therefore he seeks to obtain
salvation of Gaa from perdition. power, absolute and ultimate power that allows imposing his
But the truth, like dreams, is always open to many will as supreme will.
interpretations. Being the voice of God.
It is impossible to deny that Romeo is a unique man, a While aware of the power of the Lost Loggia and he
figure in whom it is difficult to determine whether he controls a considerable number of them, he despises their
represents the ideal embodiment of an Inquisitor or its abilities and those who use them. He believes that those
more radical opposite. In the five years he has spent as who seek to use them are just fools blinded by earthly
Supreme Inquisitor his fame has spread like the wind. He is things, unable to realize that there are other higher powers
very intelligent and has shown to be a person both so available to anyone who would look. But, as irritating as he
sympathetic and fearsome. He is not at all cruel, he is even finds it, he knows that when his plans will have to wait a
tolerant of matter other Inquisitors consider heretical. little longer. The transient state of weakness in which the
However, he is completely without pity or remorse. Church is in forces him to try to ensure a certain order
Anything that is an obstacle or danger to his goals is before he can continue to focus on his plans. And thanks to
something with no place in the world. the information services of the Thirteenth Cardinal he has
As head of the Inquisition and the most powerful of all the found that different forces are actively acting in the shadow
High Inquisitors of history, his personal and political power against the Circle of Cardinals, as well as his own master.
is at the level of the greatest powers of Gaia. A single word Although he does not really care too much what the destiny
and thousands of people would give their lives without awaits them (and knows that the Thirteenth Cardinal is no
hesitation or kill with the same fervour. The Inquisitors, danger), he is really annoyed that they are trying to act
from the most radical to the most moderate, follow what he against the Church. That is why the Supreme Inquisitor is
says with absolute fidelity by his charisma and leadership. very active now, the sooner he can fix these minor issues,
His will within church circles is absolute, since only he the sooner he can begin his true objectives.
answers for his actions before the Thirteenth Cardinal and For Romeo, the day when the world is saved by his hand
Supreme Archbishop. In fact he is the only person in the is getting closer.
world, with the exception of Magnus, who knows the
identity of the Cardinal in the Shadows.
Born under a prophecy that he would be a saviour, his
personal history has always been surrounded by darkness.
Unlike the rest of Inquisitors he was not raised in Albidion,
but confining him from the continent in a monastery on the
tiny island of Kaasi. There, the best teachers were totally
devoted to him to cultivate his body and mind, with the sole
aim of creating the ultimate Inquisitor.
And they succeeded.
In only fifteen years his skills far exceeded those of all his
instructors together and his natural powers were such that
it even produced fear among his peers. Some members of
the high ecclesiastical circles even consider that maybe it was
too dangerous to let him live. It was the intervention of
Augustus, former Supreme Archbishop, who exonerated
Romeo of any suspicion, but the old man saw that the boy
was perhaps too perfect. Years later, it was impossible to
deny that there is any soul in Gaa more qualified than
Romeo for Supreme Inquisitor.
Everything that is in him, from the tiniest of his hair to the
last drop of his blood emanates true power. In his body
converge dynasties of various incarnations of the seven
sacred Beryls, and his arrival in the world was predicted for
centuries as a chosen of the light. Blessed from the moment
of his birth, Romeo has always been a giant among ants. His
natural affinity is such that even the most powerful
elementals kneel before him and serve him as if his words
were absolute orders.
Given his position he usually never enters the battlefield
personally letting other Inquisitors do it for him. However, if
for any reason he is forced too, he boasts an immense
destructive power. In combat he carries one of the eleven
original Lawmakers, who belonged to the Apostle Jared,
The Executioner. It is a huge cross-shaped greatsword
forged with the blood of the Messiah that the Supreme
Inquisitor always has across his back. In reality he never
unsheathes it; he simply makes it float around him as he
wields it with unparalleled expertise.

0 1 5

Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Real Name: Nerelas Ul Del Sylvanus

Rank: Lord of all the Faerie Nations
Place of Birth: Sylvania
Age: 254
Fighting Style: Divine Arts fighting combined with arcane magic
Ethnicity: Sylvain
Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 68 Kg
Hobbies: Reading
What they most appreciate: His sister Sylvia
What they hate most: Mankind

0 1 6
Level: 14 However, the fateful night when his sister disconnected
Life Points: 250 the defences of Sylvania he knew everything had come to an
Class: Warlock end. Between death, pain and suffering of their own, the
Race: Sylvain fallen prince did what was in his power to save as many as
Str: 8 Dex: 13 Agi: 11 Con: 8 he could, but not without changing forever.
Pow: 16 Int: 14 Will: 10 Per: 8 As opposed to the usual in his people, Nerelas always
PhR: 105 MR: 150 PsR: 135 VR: 115 DR: 125 allowed his passions to guide him. He is an individual of
great contradictions, capable of loving as intensely as
Initiative: 155 Natural, 165 Pillar of Souls (Quarterstaff appalling is his resentment and anger. He carries on his
+20) shoulders the weight of many regrets and heartbreaking
Attack Ability: 330 Pillar of Souls (Quarterstaff +20) hatred towards mankind and all those who betrayed him.
Defense Ability: 330 Pillar of Souls (Quarterstaff +20) Yet, there is some light in his nature and he has not yet
Damage: 100 Pillar of Souls (Quarterstaff +20) crossed an impassable line in his actions, but he knows that
Wear Armor: 10 when he does, there will be no turning back for him.
AT: Sylvanus Ceremonial Uniform (Cut 4, Impact 4, Thrust In recent decades he has become a dark and melancholic
4, Heat 4, Electric 4, Cold 4, Energy 5) figure, who does not hesitate to resort to any measures,
however radical, to achieve his goals. Above all he wants to
MK: 280 obtain huge power, a force greater than that of a god itself
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, with which to protect his own and take revenge against
Aura Extension, Use of Necessary Energy. those who destroyed them.
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 3 AGI 2 CON 1 Using the knowledge he gained during the time he spent in
POW 4 WILL 2 Total: 12 Sylvania, he has sought for years the location of the Eye of
(DEX 4 POW 5 WILL 3 with the Pillar of Souls) God, an enormous artifact of unparalleled power, and he
Generic Ki: 76 believes he has found it in the depths of Bekent. Still,
Techniques: End of Fantasy, Dedalus, Metatron knowing that he would not be able to access it, he has left it
alone instead searching for a source of energy to make it
work, he has not tried to reach it yet for fear of revealing
MA: 200
his objectives in the Powers in the Shadows. He has
Zeon: 2,110
therefore initiated a deal with Kagami, legendary renegade
Magic Projection: 260, 280 through the Pillar of Souls
agent of Jrgand, for a part of their technology to control
Magic Level: 80 Light, 50 Fire
the Eye. Nerelas is sure that Kagami betray him, but after
Metamagic Advantages: Remove Protection, Increase all, he plans to do the same with his partner when he had
Destruction (Arcane), Defensive Expertise (Arcane),
obtained what he needed. If he gets control of the device he
Offensive Expertise (Advanced), Mystic Accuracy.
plans to use its power to destroy in an instant the civilization
of man, plunging everything into a chaos of flame, as once
Advantages and Disadvantages: The Gift, Gestureless happened with Sylvania. Knowing that, even with the power
Casting, Magic Nature. that The Eye would confer to him, once he activated it he
Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack, Magic will be stopped by Imperium a few hours later, but at least
Projection as a Defence. he would have gained his revenge. Whether he would finally
be able to dare carry it out or not is something only time
Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 5 will tell.
Movement Value: 11 Fatigue: 8 Nourished by the gifts of C'iel and incredible natural
talent, the powers of Nerelas border on the divine. Both his
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 75, Ride 105, Swim magical abilities as his fighting skills make him a true force of
105, Style 120, Intimidate 110, Leadership 140, Persuasion nature virtually unstoppable. With his current power, it
170, Notice 130, Search 130, Track 15, History 140 would be very easy to destroy entire armies in seconds.
Occult 220, Science 120, Magic Appraisal 210, Composure The Fallen Angels, lords of Samael, have been looking for
120, Withstand Pain 120. him for years to offer him a position of prominence among
them, but he has always rejected. In fact, he does not have
the slightest interest in pursuing purposes other than his
"Heir of Ruins" or "Ruler of the Betrayed" are some of the own. Undoubtedly, what hurts him most is not knowing the
titles by which are known of Nerelas Ul Del Sylvanus, the whereabouts of his sister. For he feels very conflicting
Fallen Prince. Son of the late Emperor Taumiel, and if the emotions and, although he wants to hate her with all his
elven nations still existed he would be the supreme ruler of heart, his feelings still disturb him. Wishing to find her, but
all that mankind now considered "faerie tales". also fears that moment, he ignores what might happen when
Like his twin sister Sylvia, Nerelas was born in the period he finally does.
of splendour for Sylvania, in those days of illusion in which
the faerie races dreamed of regaining their old life.
Endowed with innate powers far superior to any other
supernatural being, the burden was upon him to raise the
empire that in antiquity governed Gaia. For theirs was more
than mortal, was a beacon of hope that returned the light to
those who were lost.

0 1 7

Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Name: Jonathan Grimm

Rank: Knight of the Order of the Seventh Heaven
Place of Birth: Abel
Age: 38
Fighting Style: Imperial Fencing
Ethnicity: Asher
Height: 2.35 m
Weight: 142 Kg
Hobbies: None
What they most appreciate: The Empire
What they hate most: Failure

0 1 8
Level: 10 Prepared by Baphomet and the best agents of Lascar
Life Points: 350 Giovanni, the boy learned to remove and save lives with the
Class: Weaponsmaster same ease with which others breathe and to face men and
Race: Human nightmares alike. In his own way, he was as a legacy left
Str: 11 Dex: 13 Agi: 7 Con: 11 behind by the previous generation. Griever entered the
Pow: 7 Int: 6 Will: 10 Per: 8 Order at just thirteen years old and before the age of
PhR: 95 MR: 80 PsR: 90 VR: 95 DR: 95 eighteen he was part of the personal agents of Elias. He
participated in dozens of high-level missions and survived
Initiative: 110 Natural, 40 Two-handed Sword +10 several wars in the shadows. He sacrificed everything, even
Attack Ability: 275 Two-handed Sword +10, 265 love, just to achieve his goal, and no doubt that he
Pankration succeeded.
Defense Ability: 270 Two-handed Sword +10, 260 The high Praetorian remained with his mission even when
Pankration the Empire was plunged into a dark period, more faithful to
Damage: 160 Two-handed Sword +10, 50 Pankration the ideals that represented Abel than the Sacred Holy
Wear Armor: 130 Emperor himself. After being briefly removed from his
AT: Septimus Induviae (Armoured Longcoat +10) (Cut 3, position, by direct order of Elias, he and Tiamat were in
Impact 2, Thrust 2, Heat 3, Electric 4, Cold 4, Energy 2) charge of stopping the uprising of Yuri Olson. Although he
managed to stop the forces of the young general, the
MK: 150 Emperor's death was a terrible setback for Griever, who felt
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, that he had failed in his role. The Empire crumbled for the
Aura Extension, Use of Necessary Energy, Inhumanity. second time without him being able to do anything about it.
Ki Accumulations: STR 2 DEX 2 AGI 1 CON 2 Then he met Elisabetta Barbados, the daughter of the late
POW 1 WILL 2 Total: 10 Elias who aspired to the throne of Abel. Even in this time of
Generic Ki: 64 crisis, she managed to keep majority of the Empire together.
Techniques: None. Griever could not help but crack a wry smile when he
realized, the girl would become the image that he had not
been. And, whatever the cost, this time around he would
Advantages and Disadvantages: Martial Mastery 1, To
protect her.
the Limit, Untiring.
Formal, disciplined and fully dedicated to his work, the
Natural Abilities: Area Attack module, Chained Attack
Praetorian Griever is most serious about how he takes his
module, Defence Against Projectiles module, Firm Grip,
role. He greatly appreciates his three companions, although
Increased Critical module, Bodyguard module, Different-
they often exasperate him. Towards Elisabetta he feels a
Class / Unarmed module, Ars Magnus: Final Attack,
mixture of affection and admiration, both for her personality
Pankration (Advanced).
as much for her position. He would not hesitate to kill or die
for her without hesitation.
Size: 21 Medium Regeneration: 3
Griever's devotion towards Abel is beyond patriotism. It is
Movement Value: 7 Fatigue: 14
his purpose and that to which he has devoted his entire life
to. Inside he feels every one of the principles underlying the
Secondary Abilities: Athleticism 65, Ride 75, Swim 40,
Empire and, as a living standard of its ideals, his only goal is
Style 55, Intimidate 65, Notice 160, Search 160, to live up to the expectations that his father had for him.
Composure 55, Feats of Strength 160, Withstand Pain 120, It's really difficult to determine the true power of the
Sleight of Hand 105. Praetorian, because apparently he was not born with innate
special powers, but the truth is that there has not been one
fighter in the world that has been able to break him in
In the seven hundred year history of the Sacred Holy combat. Closer to a primeval force than a man with a sword
Empire, the Throne of Abel has benefit from the service of
in his hands he has no equal. He could kill entire armies or
some of the most powerful individuals of Gaia. But of all the
cut dragons in half with a movement. He is the ultimate
agents of the Emperor, among Arbiters and Lords of War,
warrior, the ultimate weapon forged by the Empire to
of High Inquisitors and Templars of Tol Rauko, none has
destroy all enemies.
generated a myth greater than that of the Knights of the
Griever does not feel comfortable abandoning Elisabetta
Seventh Heaven. Griever, the Destroyer of the Eternal
for long periods of time, she is most aware that his combat
Flames, is its living embodiment.
abilities are needed. At the end of the day, he is the sword
Personal guardian of the child Empress, this man is more of his lady.
than just power and skill, he is the force of an ideal made The sword of the Empire.
flesh. Son of Baphomet, the last of the Praetorians who
directly served the Giovanni dynasty, Griever was trained to
be the ultimate weapon of humanity, a man who equally
could face gods or demons with his own hands.
His personal history and his life have been complicated.
Related by his mother with the Barbados family, the young
man could have been anything he chose, but decided to
follow the path of Baphomet willingly. His father
understood that to ensure the survival of Abel he would
need to create a new symbol, someone able to make up for
where he had failed. Ironically, he found what he was
looking for in his own son.

0 1 9

Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Name: Yuri Garvus Olson

Rank: Imperial General
Place of Birth: Dalaborn
Age: 25
Fighting Style: Imperial Fencing
Ethnicity: Aionense
Height: 1.83 m
Weight: 70 Kg
Hobbies: Reading
What they most appreciate: His companions
What they hate most: Losing

0 2 0
Level: 8 At fourteen, after a heated discussion, he left home and
Life Points: 240 renounced the family name. Thanks to his knowledge of
Class: Paladin / Weaponsmaster military operations he began working as a free agent and, in
Race: Human no time, his achievements were so striking for someone his
Str: 8 Dex: 13 Agi: 8 Con: 8 age that he attracted the attention of the Lord of War
Pow: 10 Int: 10 Will: 9 Per: 8 Tadeus Van Horsman. Interested in the young man, Van
PhR: 75 MR: 75 PsR: 75 VR: 75 DR: 75 Horsman decided to evaluate him by placing him in
command of a small division of men performing covert
Initiative: 190 Natural, 100 Exelion (Long Sword +10) operations. In that post was where Yuri developed his full
Attack Ability: 225 Exelion (Long Sword +10) potential; by the time he had turned nineteen he had
Defense Ability: 225 Exelion (Long Sword +10) become Tadeus right hand and had no qualms about
Damage: 90 Exelion (Long Sword +10) expressing his opinions openly what has become his mentor.
Wear Armor: 120 Since then, his charismatic personality and achieved
AT: Medeus (Full Plate +15) (Cut 8, Impact 8, Thrust 8, successes making him an inspiration to all young people of
Heat 7, Electric 3, Cold 7, Energy 5) Abel. However, his best known act and his consecration as a
hero of the Empire came at the time of greatest crisis of
MK: 140 (50 Free) Gaia, it was he who, leading a division of the Knights of the
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, Order of Heaven, assaulted Arkangel during the Breach of
Aura Extension. the Heavens and carried out the rescue of Tadeus.
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 2 AGI 1 CON 1 After the accession to the throne for Elisabetta, the Lord
POW 2 WILL 1 Total: 8 of War turned to Yuri to lead a group of special agents who
Generic Ki: 58 acted in the shadows and respond only to the Empress
Techniques: The Tower of the King, Shield of the Queen herself. Unfortunately, first he had to "die".
After faking an accident at sea and the Empire officially
announcing his disappearance, Yuri is now in charge of the
Advantages and Disadvantages: Charm, Quick
organization known as The Empresss Hand, and has led
Reflexes, See Supernatural.
numerous covert operations for Elisabetta. In the short time
Natural Abilities: Knight module.
he has been active, the young General has earned the
respect and admiration of his peers thanks to his openness
Size: 16 Medium Regeneration: 2
and natural charisma. He is not only responsible for
Movement Value: 8 / 7 Fatigue: 8
monitoring plans and organizing missions, but tends to
captain groups often when in battle.
Secondary Abilities: Ride 60, Swim 70 (35), Style 130,
Although serious, Yuri has a fun and friendly personality
Intimidate 70, Leadership 225, Persuasion 130, Tactics 210,
with he manages to be liked with ease. In contrast, when in
Notice 50, Search 40, Track 20, Stealth 40 (5), History 50, combat he becomes a real demon that nobody would want
Memorize 30, Composure 110, Feats of Strength 50, to face. Trained since childhood by the best teachers and
Withstand Pain 105. trained in the use of Ki by the Knights of Seventh Heaven
Tiamat and Kisidan, he is widely recognized as one of the
best warriors of Abel, maybe worldwide. The only thing that
Despite his young age, the Imperial General Yuri Olson is exceeds his fighting skills is his incredible tactical capabilities.
a legend in his own right. Young and impetuous, yet Whether at a map or on that same battlefield, Yuri's mind
incredibly skilled in all fields, not just the only person in the operates at a different level than that of a normal person
history of Abel to reach the position of General before and in an instant is capable of devising and analysing dozens
turning twenty-two but, were it not for the recent events of plans and choose the most appropriate in each case.
that have shaken the Empire, no one doubted that one day Yuri has a particular way of doing things. Although he
he would be Lord of War. always follows the orders he receives, he interprets them to
Born into the Garvus family, one of the most important his "style", trying to get what is proposed in the most
military lines of the Empire, and son of High General Sergei unlikely way. Perhaps that fact is what makes him really
Garvus, even before he could stand up properly, he began unpredictable, no one ever knows what he will end up
to be trained in the use of weapons. His father, who soon doing. Above all, his highest priority is always to ensure the
recognized his natural ability, found in him a diamond in the lives of his agents. Having lost several friends in the past, has
rough and tried to transform him into the perfect soldier. promised himself to avoid making sacrifices again at all times.
He tried to instil that the morals and feelings were nothing Surprisingly, that does not ever stop him succeeding in the
but an obstacle to turn weaker men and that for his future missions, and to date, has not failed in anything that's been
position, were things he had to do without. proposed.
However, Yuri had his own ideas. For him, there is nothing that is not important.

0 2 1

Illustrated by Wen Yu Li
Name: Ophiel Akerontes Zeros
Rank: Fallen Angel
Place of Birth: Dafne
Age: 294
Fighting Style: Dark magic and killer instinct
Ethnicity: Duk'zarist (Mixed)
Height: 2.26 m
Weight: 89 Kg
Hobbies: None
What they most appreciate: Nothing in particular
What they hate most: Humanity

0 2 2
Level: 10
Life Points: 210
Class: Warlock
Race: Dukzarist (Mixed) Because of his monstrous origin, the nature of Ophiel is
Str: 12 Dex: 13 Agi: 10 Con: 8 halfway between Duk'zarist and a dark elemental.
Pow: 13 Int: 12 Will: 10 Per: 10 Accordingly, he possesses considerable dark powers that are
PhR: 105 MR: 115 PsR: 105 VR: 100 DR: 100 described below. Overall, the abilities of Son of the Shadows
and his Duk'zarist nature have a level modifier of +5.
Initiative: 130 Natural
Attack Ability: 260 Umbra, 260 Weapon Mastery of the Shadows: Ophiel has control over
Defense Ability: 260 Umbra, 260 Weapon darkness equivalent to the effects of the spell Control
Damage: 110 Umbra Darkness (Darkness Lv 30) cast at the Base degree.
However, if you focus on controlling the darkness and takes
Wear Armor: 25
no other action for the turn, increase its effects to those of
AT: Pandemonium Scales (Cut 6, Impact 5, Thrust 4, Heat
the spell cast at the Intermediate degree. This ability has no
5, Electric 4, Cold 4, Energy 2)
cost to Ophiel.
Elemental Nature: Ophiel ignores any darkness-based
MK: 200 (100 Free)
damage inflicted by creatures with Gnosis lower than 35,
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion,
but takes double damage against light-based attacks.
Aura Extension, Use of Necessary Energy.
Superior Umbra: Ophiel can use the abilities of Ars
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 2 AGI 2 CON 1
Magnus Umbra without any cost to himself in Ki. Also, being
POW 2 WILL 2 Total: 10
something innate in him, Ophiel can attack with his shadows
Generic Ki: 71 and accumulate or cast dark spells without applying any
Techniques: End of Eternity, Zeul, A World Without God penalty to his ability for multiple actions or reduce his MA.
Area Attack: Unlike the general rules of Umbra, Ophiel
MA: 90 (100 using Nue) can perform area attacks with his shadow up to a distance of
Zeon: 1,150 50 meters. Increasing the scope in this manner has a cost of
Magic Projection: 210, (225 Using Ring of Shadow) 5 points of Ki per use.
Magic Level: 80 Dark Shadow Weapons: Using his mastery of shadows
Ophiel can solidify it to form any weapon made from
Advantages and Disadvantages: Blood of darkness (Quality +0) and wield it without any penalty, like
Phandemonium (special), The Gift. an expert in its use.
Natural Abilities: Magic Projection as an Attack, Ars Dark Empowerment: By spending every turn 2 points
Magnus: Umbra: Attack of Shadows. of Ki or 20 points of Zeon Ophiel can increase the potency
of his attacks through Umbra. If he does, it is considered
Size: 17 Medium Regeneration: 7 that the shadows that he commands are +10 Quality
Movement Value: 10 Fatigue: 8 weapons, so proportionally increases attack ability, its
damage and armour modifier.
Secondary Abilities: Swim 65, Style 60, Intimidate 120,
Leadership 130, Persuasion 105, Notice 130, Search 105,
Occult 135, History 60, Magic Appraisal 190, Composure
130, Withstand Pain 125.

0 2 3
Ophiel Akerontes Zeros, favoured son of darkness, is the If ever there was a positive feeling in the heart of Ophiel,
youngest and most ambitious of all the lords of Samael. it died with his mother when he was young. Now, it is filled
Despite being the last to join the Fallen Angels, in just two with a deep cold darkness and hatred for the world. His
decades he has emerged as one of the most active powers companions and lovers mean little to him; they are
of the organization. He is a shadowy figure, who enjoys disposable instruments in pursuit of his goals. The only
controlling his agents from the shadows for the sole person for which he still genuinely seems to care for his
purpose of plunging the world into utter chaos. brother Kairos, although their relationship has become cold
Ophiel not even a true Duk'zarist, his nature is something recently.
much darker and frightening, even among member of that Right now, Ophiel commands a group of exterminators of
same race. In fact, no one knows whether to consider his Samael with which he is conducting a covert attack against
birth a miracle or a curse for Gaia. His mother, Adelisia the Church. After months of effort, he has managed to
Akerontes, one of the most powerful summoners of her infiltrate a number of agents into senior offices of the
era, by mistake attracted the Dark Aeon Phandemonium Church. His master plan is to supplant the Supreme
during a ritual. Adelisia was trapped inside the entity for Archbishop with a puppet, with which to control both the
several hours and when he re-emerged, she could no longer Inquisition and the Christian dogmas. Although most of
see. It is difficult to determine whether she was already Fallen Angels seek to exploit this influence to be able to
pregnant at that time and all that darkness affected the child return openly in the world, those things matter very little to
in her womb, or if it was the Phandemonium himself who Ophiel. He just wants to drag humanity into a fratricidal war
impregnated her by some unknown means. For whatever and use the secrets that the Church has accumulated over
reason, months later she gave birth prematurely to a baby the past seven centuries to achieve ultimate power.
who she named Ophiel, which in their language means Ironically, his biggest enemy in that undertaking is none
"Hope". other than the Fallen Angel Dinah, who, despite having
Adelisia was weakened after the delivery and, in many worked with him many times, has proven to be radically
ways, never recovered. However, raised the little one with opposed to its plans.
true maternal devotion alongside his brother Kairos. But those things matter little to Ophiel.
Tragically, fourteen years later she was killed by a group of Man, god or demon... anyone who crosses his path will be
Inquisitors while trying to protect her children. Witnessing exterminated by the shadows.
the death of his mother, the young man's latent powers
awakened and, flooded by a primordial rage, invoked a
tangle of darkness and shadows that engulfed everything for
miles around. While Ophiel laughed and cried steadily, the
Inquisitors were devoured by darkness. When the shadows
disappeared and all was quiet, there was only the small
Kairos and a sea of blood surrounding the future Fallen
The world never knew, but that cold winter night of a
year that nobody remembers, an unparalleled horror was
After leaving his brother in the care of Samael, Ophiel
disappeared from the face of the earth for a century.
Nobody knows exactly what he did during that period,
although there is speculation that he spent a lot of time in
The Wake. The first evidence that he had returned was
around the year 920, when, in person, he devastated
several church sites ending more than a dozen High
Inquisitors. Like a shadow, for decades he accumulated
power in the darkness, surrounding himself with the most
terrifying agents and followers. Soon he commanded a
powerful group of demonic entities, spirits of the dead and
dark seraphim who followed him with blind devotion.
However, Ophiel wanted more.
Knowing he needed a greater influence and control over
the world, he entered the service of the Fallen Angels, for
whom he worked as a Supervisor for decades. He quickly
established a close relationship to the radical sector of the
organization, becoming its top agent. Eventually, his power
became too great to continue to be ignored and, after the
death of the Fallen Angel Ravernus at the hands of Legion,
took his position as the ninth Angel.
Ophiel possesses a truly frightening power, so it is difficult
to consider him a mere mortal creature. With his powers, it
would be so easy to destroy conventional armies like a child
stomping insects. Not only does he have a great martial skill
and knowledge of magical beyond the comprehension of
even the best archmages, but, because of the Aeon's blood
running through his veins, he has several unexplained
abilities. But they all pale compared to his absolute control
of the darkness; with a single thought he is able to give solid
form to shadows, creating tangles of living weapons that
destroy everything they touch.

0 2 4
Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Name: Kujaku Asakura

Rank: Princess of the Asakura Clan
Place of Birth: Lannet
Age: 23
Fighting Style: Samurai Fencing
Ethnicity: Ryuan
Height: 1.70 m
Weight: 51 Kg
Measurements: 82-58-91
Hobbies: Watching cherry blossom trees and eating something beneath them
What they most appreciate: A hair pin given to her by a girl she saved
What they hate most: The Dark Aeon Orochi

0 2 5
Level: 7 Time passed and the day she turned twenty-two Kujaku
Life Points: 225 was ordered to marry a nobleman of an important Imperial
Class: Acrobatic Warrior family. Although she was not exactly happy about the news,
Race: Human she readily accepted the decision of her mother and
Str: 7 Dex: 9 Agi: 13 Con: 6 prepared to change her lifestyle. However, before the
Pow: 10 Int: 7 Will: 8 Per: 9 ceremony she decided for the first time to commit to
PhR: 65 MR: 75 PsR: 70 VR: 65 DR: 65 disobeying the crazy taboo of entering the Akuchi
Initiative: 175 Natural, 135 Nodachi +20 Inside, the Princess drew an old nodachi that was on the
Attack Ability: 210 Nodachi +20 altar, unwittingly unleashing a terror of immeasurable
Defense Ability: 205 Dodge proportions. She had just not only sealed her own fate, but
Damage: 140 Nodachi +20 also that of the entire world.
Wear Armor: 5 Enveloped in insane choirs and tears, a huge serpent-
AT: None shaped shadow emerged from the depths of the temple
rupturing everything. Had it not been for Takanosuke, who
MK: 215 covered the princess with his own body, Kujaku herself
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, would have died overwhelmed by the wave of darkness.
Aura Extension, Inhumanity. And then, holding the sword in her hands, the truth of what
Ki Accumulations: STR 1 DEX 3 AGI 3 CON 1 had happened became clear to her.
POW 3 WILL 1 Total: 12 Akuchi was just a prison where one of the nine heads of
Generic Ki: 76 Orochi had slept, the Dark Aeon that Emperor Amaterasu
Techniques: Reigi no Ishizue, Kaze no Odoriko no Mikoto dismembered and sealed in antiquity with the
three sacred weapons. The entity, conscious again but with
even a tiny fraction of his divine power, he would be
Advantages and Disadvantages: Blood of the Kami
available to find and free his other parts until the shadow of
(Michinokami), See Supernatural, Quick Reflexes, Martial
Orochi once again fell upon Gaia. The affinity of the spirits
Mastery, Easily Possessed.
Kujaku possessed was only a connection that the Aeon used
Natural Abilities: None.
to his advantage.
With tears flooding her eyes for her foolishness, the
Size: 12 Medium Regeneration: 1
princess raised her sword, which was none other than the
Movement Value: 13 Fatigue: 6
heavenly blade Kusanagi no Tsurugi, ready to make amends
with life. The ninth head lunged at her, but still weak, only
Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 205, Athleticism 180,
managed to infect Kujakus blood with his poison. Realizing
Swim 35, Jump 85, Climb 35, Style 95, Persuasion 15, Hide
that it was not the right time to take on the power of the
150, Stealth 145, Poisons 45, Notice 70, Search 50, Art
sword that could seal it, preferring to evade combat, it
45, Dance 45, Music 45, Sleight of Hand 190.
escaped towards its other parts. Exhausted, Kujaku fell to
her knees, vowing to not let anyone pay for what she had
done. Certain that her family would not allow her to correct
Tradition and duty. Honour and atonement. All these
her mistake, upon awakening she made the difficult decision
principles are in conflict in the princess Kujaku Asakura. In a to pursue the Aeon, knowing that it represented being
few months this young woman has gone from being one of marked as a traitor in the eyes of her clan.
the most important members of her clan to being a Soon she felt the shadow of Orochi had crossed the ocean
renegade fugitive pursued by all the great families of Lannet. toward Phaion, which made things easier for her by not
Second daughter of Katsumi Asakura, regent of the having to stay in Lannet.
Asakura Clan until the young Tatsuya comes of age; the As a fighter Kujaku is a prodigy. Despite being a woman,
princess Kujaku is famous throughout Lannet for her beauty
as is traditional in the nobility of the Asakura family she
and swordsmanship.
received intensive training with the sword, which made her
From an early age she was always a determined girl with a
the best Samurai Maiden of the Asakura. She is an expert in
huge love for adventure and the unknown. Kujaku had a
the use of Ki, and in many fighting techniques. Especially,
natural desire to help people, because her affinity for the
now carrying the heavenly sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, a
spiritual world allowed her to speak with the spirits... and
weapon of unparalleled power capable of ignoring any
not knowing how to say no to what they asked. As a mere
protection or armor. Unfortunately, the curse of poisonous
teenager, she and her guardian Takanosuke staged dozens blood of Orochi spreads through her body more and more,
of incidents exploring places tied to myths and fables. But of causing a piercing pain that is becoming increasingly harder
all the places they visited, there was always one in particular to bear.
that aroused particular interest; Akuchi Sanctuary, from
which the young girl heard strange whispering voices.

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Illustrated by Wen Yu Li

Name: Alastor (real name unknown)

Rank: High Arbiter of the Azur Alliance, The Demon
Place of Birth: Unknown
Age: 33
Fighting Style: Unleashed demonic power and distorting reality
Ethnicity: Tayahar
Height: 2.53 m
Weight: 164 Kg
Hobbies: None in particular
What they most appreciate: Being above the rest
What they hate most: Betrayal

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Level: 10
Life Points: 425
Class: Dark Paladin / Weaponsmaster
Race: Human (Demonic Hybrid) As a gateway to infinite demonic energies, Alastor long ago
Str: 13 Dex: 10 Agi: 8 Con: 12 ceased to be a mere human. Collectively, his demonic
Pow: 13 Int: 7 Will: 8 Per: 7 abilities have a level modifier of +2.
PhR: 95 MR: 100 PsR: 85 VR: 95 DR: 95
Channel Unlimited Power: Alastor recovers 10
Initiative: 110 Natural, 40 Saytan and Armour points of Zeon and one point of Ki per turn if not in a place
Attack Ability: 260 Saytan (Two-handed Sword +10) either sacred or charged with positive energies.
Defense Ability: 260 Saytan (Two-handed Sword +10) Infernal Eyes: Alastor can see magical forces and
Damage: 170 Saytan (Two-handed Sword +10) spiritual beings.
Wear Armor: 150
AT: Arbiter Armour (Full Plate +15) (Cut 10, Impact 10,
Thrust 10, Heat 7, Electric 3, Cold 7, Energy 5)
MK: 170 Clad in his Arbiter armour and mask, Alastor can channel
Ki Abilities: Use of Ki, Ki Control, Presence Extrusion, his demonic power to control the course of the battle at
Aura Extension. will.
Ki Accumulations: STR 2 DEX 2 AGI 1 CON 2
POW 2 WILL 1 Total: 10 Limit: All the High Arbiter abilities only work with
Generic Ki: 79 people who have agreed to volunteer their obedience to
Techniques: Ignis Alastor, and consider him to be their superior.
Motum: Alastor can make his subordinates feel the
MA: 15 position he wants them to be directed to. This ability allows
Zeon: 400 him to show up to three different points, and is able to
Control: 120 / 200 Against demonic beings choose which of his men should go to which position.
Motum has a radius of 1 kilometre and when active
Advantages and Disadvantages: Hard to Kill, Combat automatically consumes 1 point of KI or 5 points of Zeon
Senses, Severe Phobia. every five rounds.
Natural Abilities: Area Attack module, Ars Magnus Opugnis: Alastor can give a subordinate a +30 to a single
Magnum: Liberation of Power. offensive action. Activating this ability automatically consume
Powers: Inhumanity. 5 points of Ki or 50 points of Zeon.
Creed: While the Arbitrator stays focused and does not
Size: 25 Medium Regeneration: 5 do anything else, all his subordinates within one kilometre
Movement Value: 6 / 8 Fatigue: 12 away get a +10 to any action directly related to combat.
Terminus: The most terrible ability of Alastor as an
Secondary Abilities: Ride 50, Swim 5, Style 55, Arbiter lets him sacrifice one of his subordinates turning
Intimidate 210, Leadership 225, Persuasion 150, Tactics them into a living bomb. A will he can make someone
170, Notice 75, Search 75, Occult 85, Composure 140, explode like the centre of the spell of Fire Mine, cast with a
Feats of Strength 180, Withstand Pain 100. zeonic value equal to four times the presence of the
individual sacrificed. Activating this ability automatically
consumes 5 points of Ki or 50 points of Zeon.

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Annihilation. Power unleashed. Nothing better defines Alastor has a peculiar sense of honour and some
then those three words represent the Arbiter Alastor. This admiration for power. Despite his cruelty and tyranny, he
colossal figure clad in his armour and mask, has become the praises those who have strength and courage to use it. Of
representation of absolute control that Archon Gaul has on course, one of his greatest amusements is to precisely
the Alliance and, in the future, above all Gaa. His position in confront them and destroy them completely. For him, the
the Arbiters represents the Devil, a perfect symbolism for joy of feeling his fingers crush an opponent's throat while life
what is probably the scariest General of Azur. escapes their body is... something unique. He also feels
Although today there is no one who has not heard of him, respect for his agents when they show enough talent to
his true history is unknown to all. Years ago, Alastor was a serve him, but that does not prevent the use and discard at
child of weak complexion and sickly, raised in a traveling will.
caravan in the Kushistan deserts. His poor health prevented The Arbiter is still essentially human, but the ritual that
him from going out to play with other kids his age, so he turned him into what he is now produced permanent
was unable to make normal friends. But the fact is that, changes. Under his armour, his massive body is full of seals
despite his faults, had a very special gift that set him apart and tattoos that connect directly with his dark powers. In a
from everyone, he could see and talk with the spirits of the way, he is a living link to the scariest part of The Wake, a
barrens. Suddenly, Djinn, dark and small malignant spectres, flesh and blood portal to Hell. Far from simply containing
began to gather around him, whispering things in his ear and evil spirits inside himself, Alastor can nurture the will of pure
becoming his new playmates. Many might think that that demonic power, enough to make him an unstoppable killing
was what made the young man's personality turn dark and machine or feed his skills to recreate reality in a battle.
sinister, but the truth is that Alastor already bore that As an Arbiter of Azur Alastor is officially in charge of the
character in his blood. orders of knighthood of Bellafonte, a work executed with
The people of the caravan where he lived began to look remarkable skill. However, this is only his official duties.
suspiciously at the scrawny kid who whispered Gaul has secretly ordered him to retrieve a number of the
incomprehensible words in the shadows. So when Alastors Lost Loggia of Solomon which may be the key to the most
parents died in an accident, they decided to expel him from powerful weapon humanity has seen since the War of God.
the community, even if it meant certain death in the burning Evidently, Alastor has his own plans to obtain them, but
dunes. even he is not foolish enough to challenge the objectives of
The boy said nothing. There was little he could do to the Supreme Archon until he is absolutely sure of his
oppose their unanimous decision. He just stayed back victory.
watching his neighbours abandoned him to die. Ironically, as
sinister as he was, Alastor had never intended to harm
At least, not until that night.
Surrounded by hundreds of tortuous souls and as he felt
that the forces were beginning to desert him, he unearthed
the bodies of his parents and dragged the remains of them
to an old Shoteth temple, the deity for the Enneath who
symbolizes evil. There, following the careful instructions of
the dark Djinn, he opened the two bodies and used their
blood, cold and congealed, to completely cover his body
with tattoos. As a final sacrifice, he offered himself in
exchange for becoming the container of unparalleled
power, opening a door into darkness through his own
The sky turned red like blood, a wailing choruses spread
everywhere and sandstorms flooded the desert while the
ailing body of the young man grew to acquire a hulking
Thus, a new king of demons, born of the seed of man,
cursing the world with every wicked step.
Alastor's first action was completely exterminate the
members of the caravan that had abandoned him,
motivated both by his desire for revenge as much as the
need to test his new power. Satisfied, he dressed himself in
the clothes of the dead and left with a smile, knowing that
his "real life" had only just begun. After that he spent a
decade traveling from one place to another in search of
anything that would increase his power. Every time he
discovered a procedure that would allow him to increase his
dark abilities, he did not hesitate in the slightest to claim
them. He also participated in many wars, for the field of
battle and the dead provided him with renewed energy.
Clad in dark armour, he became known as the Devil's
There would be some time before he became Arbiter
when, after years of massacres and endless struggles, his
path crossed with someone different to all those he had met
before; Matthew Gaul. For the first time, Alastor was forced
to withdraw from a confrontation because, despite his
monstrous ego and ability, knew a higher power. For Gaul,
that clash would represent his first meeting with whom,
over time, would stand next to him to take over Togarini
and help him create the Alliance. The rest is history.

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