German Tariffs: Pre Board Class 10 Answers History and Geography

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1. The Zollverein or German Customs Union was a coalition

of German states formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their
Nguyen Dynasty
2. Textile industry.

12. The use of containers has helped much greater volumes of goods being
transported by airlines. Goods are placed in containers that can be loaded intact
into planes. Containers have led to huge reduction in port handling costs and
increased the speed with which exports can reach markets. Similarly, the cost of air
transport has fallen. This has enabled much greater volumes of goods being
transported by airlines. Airlines is the fastest mean of transportation.

French revolution of 1830, known as French revolution of 1848
July revolution
Triggered after Louis XVIII death Took place during the reign of King
Louis Phillipe
Charles X, established the French Citizens unhappy by the way the
Constitution, Many citizens of France country was being run, also discontented
opposed that about only 1% of population was
allowed to vote.
July 27, 1830, fighting broke out in the Fighting again broke against French
street of Paris amid military officials officials and unhappy citizens. Citizens
and angered citizens overpowered military
By that July 29 the rebels gained power King Louis Phillipe escaped to England.
and forced Charles X to flee to Great Republic was then set up in France.

(i) It would increase the profit opportunities of the colonizers.
(ii) If the economy was developed, the standard of the people would improve with
the result they would buy more goods.
(iii) The market would naturally expand which meant more business for the French
15. 1. For long time the dalits suffered in the Indian community.
2. Congress too ignored dalits because of the fear of sanatanis.
3. So, the dalit leaders wanted solution to this problem.
4. They demanded reservation in educational institutions and separate
electorate for them.
5. They believed that political empowerment was the solution to their

16. National arrogance of the colonial power, their attempt to block the Indian
Culture, their economic policy of draining away Indian wealth, wide spread hunger
and starvation of masses, burden of heavy taxes over Indian, etc are the number of
factors, responsible for the rise of anti-colonial movement. Gandhiji succeeded in
forming all these element together under one banner, which led to anti-colonial
mass movement.

17. The HVJ pipeline is a 1,750 Km pipeline grid set up to supply industrial and
domestic gas to the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Haryana and NCT. Fertiliser units in U.P. have benefited immensely from this
project. Later, Indraprastha Gas Limited took over the supply of domestic gas to
the NCT area. HVJ stands for Hazira, Vijaipur and Jagdishpur, the key industrial
areas on the route of the pipeline. The project was conceptualised by Gas Authority
of India Limited (GAIL) in 1986.

18. 1. Emergence of synthetic substitutes- these synthetic fibers can be easily

2. Jute manufactured goods are costlier.
3.There is stiff competition in the export markets.

19. Mumbai is the biggest port with a spacious natural and well-sheltered
harbour. The Jawaharlal Nehru port was planned with a view to decongest the
Mumbai port and serve as a hub port for this region. Marmagao port (Goa) is the
premier iron ore exporting port of the country. This port accounts for about fifty
per cent of Indias iron ore export.
Ports (such as airport or seaport) are areas used for loading and unloading of cargo
and import and export of goods from one country to another. Harbours are places
where ships and other seafaring vessels are anchored to be kept safe from bad
weather. Docks are places where ships are built and repaired.

21. a. The Act of Union marked the merger of Parliament of England and
Parliament of Scotland, was signed between England and Scotland in 1707.
b. The Act resulted in formation of 'United Kingdom of Great Britain'.
c. The British parliament which so came into existence was dominated by the
British Members.
d. The act also provides that any old laws which were against the provisions
of the newly constituted act would be declared null or void.

The teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. The teachers
while teaching criticized their text. The students of French should occupy front
seat in the class. If they refused, they were expelled. The students fought against
the colonial governments efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for
white-collar jobs.

22. A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Satyagraha and non-violence
C. Satyagraha loosely translated as "insistence on truth" (satya "truth";
agraha "insistence" or "holding firmly to") or holding onto truth or truth
force is a particular form of nonviolent resistance or civil resistance.
D. Gandhiji used Satyagraha in South Africa against the discrimination and
ill-treatment meted out to the blacks and coloured people in south Africa by
the Britishers (Whites).
E. Physical force means fighting against evil by using body strength and
violent means using external force, but soul force means resisting the evil by
inner strength by using nonviolent means like satyagraha.

23. Integrated steel plants are different from mini steel plants in many aspects.
An integrated steel plant is large and handles everything in one complex-from
integrating raw material to steel making, rolling and shaping. On the other hand,
mini steel plant is small has an electric furnace, uses steel scrap and sponge iron,
and has re-rollers that use steel ingots as well. It produces mild and alloy steel of
given specifications.
The problems face by this industry are:
a. High production cost and limited supply of coking coal.
b. low productivity of labour
c. irregular supply of energy, and
d. poor infrastructure.
Recent developments that has given rise in production capacity are liberalisation
and Foreign direct investment, with the help of private entrepreneurs.
29. A.
i. nagpur
ii. amritsar
B. Andhra Pradesh

30. a. ratnagiri
b. balaghat
B. Rajasthan

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