Japanese Hand Rifle and Mortar Grenades

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,J'liP.I'I'~,I"1 hlll:idi ,gre:Mdi'l,l; iliire a Im,pllt "n~ .r.r'O'i:I'tl,iVIlI., Tn.! O:OilUD/on t'IIlU' 'IJothH'I 11, Q.t 'In". :U~e, delliY' t."fI~.Th~ ,c;roOlllldhl' ,~'Ullt 1I1Lp:!.nge, 'the .u:r:l.~.J' 1I:Ij:)!lIi:! tlrl,e, 1)i'lR:ilorto, 1 !'It t,j ... to th.'py,rot,1j ctv),h d,iIl1l"IIoY l:I e!'oro

tl:'l.l'o,wl,n,g: '''boll, lS:r,wolI!dch The ,.nt!.",plI,r,IIQi!'mll SI"ikIY,de.e

d'ilP'i;llli!, 1.I!'i'10,n, tl'DSJI!ell'l,tlll,tlofi ,rOt' thel:r .,tfut,. ~6QQ'.

tb,~ y' ,1;;)l'oI(1 0 "l.l,~d lid o,f' ;;l1ItI:!. 1;"0 It g:-eM ,!:I,iII,1i • T1tl,~ J,~ pil ~""""

!l,.'ltO .~iIi<l'II' 1:1'1:1'101:1, uao of t.he, wmd, sr'QW1,ed,6 hi l!;I'o,o,b:y 'tr.pl. -

,!)n,l,,. OI~O 'liI,r 1;,1:1. ,r'1.tl,ijp."MI dll!,$ 1nc O'I?IHJr. tel!! a.1l tlll,p" e t ,f'tJ:~ I., ''!',n.. 'Q~hu!il" • ..;re UIIi.' do l .. y U 1e,1

',",hI! b,uul 1!!t'II'a.~ •• ,. ~. JI,plinoao '1I11,e boU~ ~h,el ~pl,J1!'D t. and t~i,!i ~il,p' hunC:h/.:&, e tt.Ilt.~!;!;!.,I1i" ,ii:or-tho .. HIe" -

'Ttl'.' Sl"!!Jf:lld,l, d1,i!,~hir'i,'I'h! • ~Y,cih I.It)Dq J~,:p,.n, •• '. "e'lli'1,oifi.E!!1':I~. II.U,I:'I,II ~nd grlllM,doCl."n-t:lrLr'l,e,dI,

i;I!!iI',I"t.,l" e)l.lIlJllil ,are prope,11'II,d 'w1 tl1 Idt II h nC:.,I,:nd ,II (1;0.11:1',11 c'l. ''nl. lIor t.ar' Ih.ne 1.~'!iI' ,1 ncl,udDd! 1 n:1:h h pubU G" t,j[ lID.

,in pu t (I,r th. ,'.ne Z' 11,1 IJr,in .. ,d,. '1111:1' lIar-'D .qu1 p!!Ha,n't •


'I).pt! '9'7 HI nd a:r.l)pA d 8. Typ.!!! ,00 Fiend! [lrenA~". i'Iu n T:Jp ill lUUlldi Gr ~"1I1 dr& •


II' .-iiI

.. I~i


Armol" Ph'J"(lln80:rll!l'Il11;dl!l~ " 1/2 'Kg •. I)~,¢~n{;Uaf'J" (): .. ~'nl'" d". l:n(l!!ndh.I'Y S,d.ell:: Gr'!!llll!ll.,tlj.!lI. Mol@t-ov Ooe;Rto.ll. Gr'!~nl!idf!!.


I' .. '



Frfl!ngllJ 1 ~ Hen Ol"~n.!l: d.M. Pn ni!ll b 1 ~ Slinolol e Or enn 11,,,


'. ill if,! .~ i.' !!!i ~ i!!1 I~ .. • • to' . • .. • ~
'. i!i' .' • .' .' i~ ~ .
.' i!!; ~ • .. ' . ~ ~ iii Modd 59 r~Qr.ta!l:' Gr(l,mHI,. H.E, Sho:O. MOdi81 139 Nllfil!'tlll.r Gr'e!HI de 3.'\1.oloie Sti'1l!11 ...

~Qdi'6l {lS' tIllQr"e~J" Gr~nln d!~ lnc.:!n'll1:!.lu·:::r Sh,d.3i... ~ '. M cd·al ~9 M 0'1' tJ8 I' C;:rl!!!n<'l di!!f'rill! ~ tIc" Shell ..



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1. F'lr-l.ne pb1i '7. [11:1,1,,11 " P o,nu.

~. PI,r! flgpl n a. [:0 t'Ci'!'\<II tOI'

~,., C::i",~,op ',!!:p',l"l~ 1),. !!llW"ii unS enllf'So

ii' s. .. r~~J f,ot'l!i; 10. Illron,clI.-~(!'i -

5., Prllli'!Ii'~ lL P:roJ;;e,ll.tn,s :Ct\iU:"~1Ii

,S" G.;~ vel:lt~ lii!.:!!ti~~l .a,i!I!l'~i!"

., l:ll,. F1.1.lJ.Il,S Pl'i,!!3; lot Ii' 1 n~~ f.- ~I 'iii!!: !:-6,tl'i;



TV'PE' 91'

Ovo1:.a.ll hl'tilgtb ,.. • ~ • • :; l::'Jeho! ~ ,Max :t:~'IIW d h,m (II t \lit' ~ • • • '. '2 i n c.he!ll ~

Co1nJ' • t •••. ~ ' ••• ~ !.~ody~ blliek~ F\I:;:." cov~ri r~d: end ru~. 1. II, b..it lUll

Tot&l weight ••••••• lO~~ o~.

Fl1,11ng ~ ••• ~ ,I • ~ ,~ Po'!'!.lf!'T',.,.d T'.,fI~T'~

Weigh,t OIl' tll.11.og,. • '. • '. 165 F,;l"OIl'UI ~

Deli, ~ ••• ~ + ~ •• G a~cond~.




J-J.A· N D M' OR'TA" R'

::-'-, ',"._ '! ",' ,.:,_-- -', ,-_- r

, " '. I. < I '._.'. ..... , .... ,. I

OR R,'FL,e


Tbe' e~lJt, 1:r'CN:;I, bQd, 1." erH.nd,r.lonl .nd hUI ,[li~ g:CII:r-,r,ptCidi ugmi!li:ltl'l It (HUlla :plug

.Ic:r-ew:'! into !tbl!l U'ppi(ll' (lnd of th'll tHl,dJ. an,d fl bri.\ljis flue 5Cr~W!l' throlugh tohi., pl:ug" .

Tbe bueotthe ~efil!ldQ is ·UloX;(l.~od, but o'ot entlr'1li1:r th.:rCl'u~n 't.o tone eh:fu·g.~I,Qt;.o

tb~"u 'thread" tlt.l! tho pr-opollrsnt e'ontalnoI:'. _

Tho .i1;I.;z:,e QOlllll·illt·iI ,gf n' b:ra!Uli l:nol"tlifJ1 P,II 1.1 e,!::, .:lth ,II :lI!u~l ,r.lr.lnlS ·p.ln IIflpar,.ted t%:,OIa tn,., prllftol" b,. III c,rellip !:If:!":1nS" ''ft •• 1,n,ez-'UI -eighth hol.(l' III ;-he CUU 1'101 .. light bJ;'l!I.,u (lap trhl.,chil!l C:rh~'p6di into .. 'COJMflI,lW-I in tbe ru::ebod'r ,116 IIIIJt.o pr'e¥,ant

tbe ttrlns p1n frOm ;rlll'o, chl!i& tho, prlmG,l'. Tbf)! ,n,r1rc pi.n ht:.lu"eoli.de.d ,lnt:·o't.n.fio in'CI1rt:L ell

w'''ll.6h.t~ Rndi"betoro .8~t.ng, • .1 t hi not tl.C:Z"f) • .,d In tar c:nou.gh af'il4 U,s pDlftt. 40"tI-:8 fllot .p'l',otrudo below thtl b'I!!lll.;fIO.r th!lil lnfl:rt1.rII we1Sht,. 1"hfllre,tQl"C!', bot,oro' u,eJ"l.n,g the gro,nad(!l. it is n,1!I1ll'IltU,I!..t':r to nt-e. til(l tiring pin tn.t,a, the In&t't.h wtl,1,S,bt .0 't.hd· 1t wl.l:l pro"" tt'u.de. In a.d.dl ticn, .. d,clubl,~' br.f.ii,I~ ,1I.,.ro t:r p£ n f.lt. through ,bohs III t,h.iDir'a~1 ·c.p an.d. !'uu body lnt,o h@ha: i'n the' Ino~th, .. debt 'Utu.- pl""'VOilt,lng 't1\(11 tlX"l ngp,in tl"OlIII

r ... ohl.nsth.~ p,e.rcU.III,lQn Clftlp.-

'Fhfl de.b,. p,llIlllee I cr'e.'I!!! In't.o tho buel or nl" fill,., .ndi eont,iiln'! I. 11_11, ,qulintl t,' C,!" ,~lI.nuilQT bJ.tU!lI: i"QI.do'r In 'tho. ,top lind II 'h1.,ghl,.· pr,u!!odpol.h,t ot black pO'lln10l" in. t,he- ~¢'*o,r ~ectlQn., A tid., drUhd 1,n the ~hl. (J,t'lh. Cl.I.U conUlM .. tuUbh p.lu,S:' _.bloh melt •• h.n the bllllck paIWd.(l1" burn., .1101f1.;ng 'th., u¢a:plf Qf' th~ .IRU •• fro.nne,d on ~,cqbUI!IM.on lof th~ del.ll, t:rl!lil.u" T.hll .BC.Peo ,(I.r th ••• 1l'.'~1! 1!1.11 o;n.ll bl 'ei t:tt.. thoro.ell'

to knowlr tbe deb)' pe'll.'st h,u 1,snlt.ed. 'The 'tl(ltr,ldUo:n.tO'J" 1& ,clontlll,ne,d In.theo 10.or' jilli:t't ,of Ii 'br.UI tubjl eJl,hndi.1ng ;frOllli, the ban Cl'.r 'thel ru.U t,C! t.h,. DO·tt,OlQ, ot' the

bur II tl ns d.ilu·S.. -..

Tn.; ,!It'!i''''l, p,rQpiUi\lln't OC::On.tIPl 1 ;;uu'h Ii" _ lOIfil" 1 ~02n In d hlllet.l" •. and :Mil ,11Jc: perfor.'t1bD. 1'0 it. ••• 1.1,1). It 1. aet"e, •• a. lnto thlll ba.u ,o'·th. bod,. Ii. per'Cerau,ll plug .er~.11 Into' the bil". altha. contallf1.er "rut 1n .. ~.'orritf 1110 llih' 1 •• p~.roy.a,lQD. CllIp.. ho finh hoh. hltd; 't:hrcruS:h the percil,uelcN::I ~p bold~r-' to ... _J,,!. qU8Ll'llUt1 or 1;,'ho:k' :po.dler,.. II. perf'or'Hed .te,el dbl:! !lIO'Urll_ t:b. plug i~nd In.!!lde tho .. propd,l.a:n.t oc,ntal ner JU· oj:!.r .1.1 III, C::' oPP !I'r.' cup con t.l nl ng t1.II:,e !lO,r nl tro'o:.ll ttl,o" e ,rc',P e.ll&!!1't p'(i,rier- ...

When t;;,bJ..1 ,gr ,e-n. del 11 uu ~ ,II. .. t'1 n I. 81" 1111:1.19 do e., ,I. tiM e',a: tdl dl. \d 1 11 eJ' b 8!ore'!lttuJ intO' tilt. I:!IUI'~I of t:h<1!I gro,nad. inlllt, •• d (It t.be prope,ll.nt con'tUnf,!l". Thi.

II· t:. b 11 ,;1." lil.f'· CI (I. rr:t.. -I t hLl n t t li!!JB III J.1I.1i tl ,t e f 111,.<1 "''Ooft'itn 'b1lJ,:l!. 1 !II tad !:I&,rtF i dg" ot'ti .,15 .. c&"1.1.b,fI r.

0PC'!;f'BI t.1 O'.ll

'I'h!! firing pill.la"ut n t':Bt . bltthrelldle,d do'.nln'to tl'ii8 ,h!,~rtU. •• Ight .. _ The IIi.r.,t, pin must t'hen b,. dthdrlli'!l1'.i.. ::tr tb. grenade b to b. thr().n bJ ~nd.1I' 1.\ 1. n' .. 0, •••• "'1 tlO !I:t;,rUi;& tho 11:lIe~th; 'l!'e.1Ii:l't (lD .CIIDa b.rclcbJ,eQt thUll, 41"1.\'1q ttll" tbins .p1n. iQto the p~bler' ,to ilnit8 tbll deb,. tr"ln .. ,

It' th(i greBe de' ill t~ tile f1.l:"e.d h'CIlI the ,Ir,on.d.. dU,(;h"1'61il", ,~l" bel. IIIOr~ft,r ., 1 t b I1Om~t.l!!!iltli callCld. tot... pooQ"de wI'h p'ropelllint (u:mhln.f' 11, dropped 1:Ia .. ri.r'I.t into the ahcb...r,8Jn~,.1Ib8n the 'l:i"le;g~ me¢hilnll!!l!D, ,c.r ·tho d:,hch"rs.,1' h operated;, ita 1',11''';' ins p,ln etr1,lull, t;bepeIFcuuS.on eap .1s;ldt1ne; the pr-opdUn,s chilI'"" .. lob. p.r'O'P.,ll,ethtl gr e,n.I. d.. . Fo't'Q, •. or Ii .'t,b.ikQk cauue th~ f'.1rlng pin 10 ~h. 8l",ena.d., fuse '~O cornp'l:".eltne

Cl"'.",,}) .p.l"l,ng a:ndhl,t; the p,t'1=~r' tCi:tgn,Uo the t!el.,. ,tl"dn.. . . .' .'

1<1 1'11"., t,b. Uflna,d,. f'rQiID. II rl,rle. tbe c.~tr.ldg,. 1- r"iI!IIIQI'lfed, .~OID 'the .'.,b1111:61" and, 1~.d~4 int,@; the l"'lf.1.,. 'l"b", IIlt.bU.,her .t,1I ph.Qed OY'r'Iii·be' l,8.Uft!:',hef'" and tbe, rlCl'"1 1." t'1:r,.d. 'The "hl)~k of dlU.hu·,S. tore:., '~hA!I .'tf'~ker intQ 'Iii,be prbit'lrtg.n.1 t1ngtbll

del,y. I



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'T H £.$ E CHA J\,A,C T E lijS!NSC RI.BE D ON TUBE.""

"C:H '@tl li/' ) -A. 11" ,t=11 ,~. ,,'

(C H t\?, l'o:KYG ~ M A1RCH fg41~

~NIERTtA f'ElLE T' CREEP S·PR'ING _ ___...

PR U~E,R _____..~ ...




B,OD'( T"'~T

- iii ~-'\II - Ij



I I ,-_,',--. _ I _I





Overgll l~ntth • • • M.,.lmWII dlo.m0te;r .' • CQior ~. ~ ~ • • •

• • ~ ~ 4 Inehea. _ • ~ • 2 lnehe~.

,. • • • P("l!y' bln ek: tu:. covet f'l)d~ nne

'b':!,,'" '!\II.

• ~ ~ • • 1 Ib~ 3 o~~

~ • ~ •• ro.~~red T.N~T~

'. "' • ,F .. <t, - ,f; j!I,ocondl ~

CO N fA} DE,NTI 11 L

----_ . .,..... -~--,.-".,.",......".



Tot~l ~9~ght ~ •• F1.J .. :n. ns .......,

n,~l,.J .,~. ~ ~




'The body 18 cy.U.ndr''i.onl .'Uh, !lerrfttl,Qnl!! to,g1"''' lIJnlfomfrasmon:Ut.lo:l'h 'Tnt. s:!:'ena:de' bl 1delltlc:fll tQth~ 1yp" 9li gt'l:'I'l'Iadll f1i.Jtce;pt tho.t,· the bu. or th.lll lP'enad,e ;1 • • IOUd ilnd th",'l'#lfor,e '!nnilot t.1&:I(~ ,n 1J,rope.Ul.ng cbli.f'-a.~ It CD,n (lIUY b. u.ud !!.I, • blnd

.u'~'nudl!l'. -

7ho fU'I'd) 'conlllil!lt.D Q.t ~ bt"ilU Ine,rtUpe:llet. .'Bh fl; ""teel tl1'1 ,ng, p1:n !Ulpft:t'li,t,.d from:!! the 'prlmot" bJ" ·Il cr-,up .,pil'1ns;. 'rh,e, In,er'th ".1g.ht. is bo"uli Lot'i) Ui.e flue bJ" .. light br8l8S ~'il.p'Y!I'hl ch 1" Qr~mred tnt'o .. Q'lIinnoltu·. 1n tn. fut:o bod,. "00 ... to pl!'ovcmt the t'll'1.:ng iPln tt'amrc,~chLng !;h~ p:!"l,IiI!ft'.r.Th.' f'U"J.ng ,PIn 1.11 ttu~e.dedl llnt-o "'he in,ert:i1!L Wl(l1sbt, ,one!, b~trl:re OIl'mlll,g,. 1 t :1 I- nDt II;)r" • .,d in< r.r tU:i(!l,LiP acnd ,1t,1 'P01,D't dOl". liO'~, pl'(I't,r-ud.e bl'llQ. tna bUCi tl-ft.he. :Ln~rUIl 'll!ol.gbt.. Tharet~re;; b·ofo:r. 'udng tnt! a;re,nad,&, it 11 1:l1!1H::;O!l!\ijH', t'Q!;c:te'!ii' ttio tlr1ns p:h.n 1n,to the, i:n'II·rt.Jilll, welght .'D t.nlit. 1.1; .'lU, P1"(I;t.I"Udil .. , [nil dd.lt lon, a. do~b leb r II, Ii!! 81 (II ret ii' ]:11 n r1 U thr' Clugb hDh,. .ILn ther b".,... 0 IlP find .. !\l.Z'!II bO'dJ' InL,o ho.l(ll!; in t,ne :11.. riQ'r t:1. .. "eight tb!.U!i pr~Y.r)t.lnR ~. ,'1rlns p.1n !'rem re.R clans the lP,ereulUli'on (!,IJP'.

Th~ dll!! h Y P (1:1:.. ht 5 e:re'tul 1 n to t.n e b iii il!!1 0 tth e tu:t e _ nd con tlill nil • 1m. !1q,'I1"nt1t" or gron'llllllu" black prJl!Mler' .1.0 Ul,'!) tiO'p ,fmd " hlgh.ly p:re~~nul 'palu!lt; Qt bJ..iu::k ~"d.~ 1:111 tbe lo'll~:r'1!I Muon,. A ~lol,e iClr,l.l,.I.ed Jln thll'l 1I~. deot tho fgU! o;o,",",lnll "" rudbl8' pl'ug lih:ll cb me 1 t;!!II wh on tho b 1 R ~k p,o'!l'di or 'but" nil, Q, Ji.1 QI1I' 1 ns the tiii'ic. pI! of' tbe Bll,l, 81.ranzi,a4 on cembua t 1 on or tb~ de;l.l t,rl' n, '1'1'1" .'t!ICII'lPfI or th'III,8 gliB!~8 W1l11 "nabla tbe thro •• r

to, ikm:i'I' 11' tbl!l d:eby V'llIllifj,t b&:J1 lS1lI'ted. tho e.'li-I",J'l 4'~t'on.rftor h oonia,1nlli1 1n 'th. e-

1.'ti''II.er pllrt (It ra 'b,r." 'tu!b",.. :

0:2 e:ril :1;, ! on

Tho f'1 1'1 ng pln !lliUi!l.t tl:i'I t be tm-8.d.e4 doiilm :tn,t,o t·llf!i lnorM .••• l ght. The •• fe,t:,. ip!.n mU1i1 t thtll:11 be '111 thdr,.n,. J.. tbo ,Brfln.,~. b to, b. t.i'l.~'(lI.nt.J' h.n.d,t 1t II, n.,e,e'lI!1I1'7 t'o 1I't.rl.ke 'thl! 1 nflrU'I! '!ffll.g'h·t 01), ,milt, hard. o;ib.Jieot 'to'bu. 41'1 "I'l.l:Ia th.er1r-l:n,g pin int,., the Pl"i.mfll" ·to ! gnlte: '!:hfl. de,l",! ttll'lfl..


1. ~~~ e al;l.d:)t '2. ~'t.r.U~:tlI'

,5", s,~,r.~tJ t.or'!ii:

4,., I-'loI,tcO' 'co VcO:r'

5 '0, ~'t:.l"1 I!!or' ,1I]J'r11'1i~

(l.. F\i!i ,~, ~~ v'~:r i' il'c:,ttl :'I.eI' ~ ~rli!w. '1'.1' • .l.;:::.cr CI§Jp'

e.. 1" 4..~. :lh :f!::t.!1! r.;:lI

9· .U~ Vl'ltit.

LO. P:l.1l1n.e;,pJi.lJ!g

U. P!!'.Hfly trM:tii,

l~. Gr~~~d~ '~~y 13. E~plo'1v~ rll1.r '14;. n",t;or'l!(! t~il'

0,0 TYPE,

YJkiL,."·, ·.n, .'" .~~


Over'8ll l,engit,h • • ~ • ~ • .:5.'~1/2 lnch'IHI., Ma.,.:,1,lII:wu di '.m l'!t~ [' '. '" • • '. J,"'::l!/6 1. n e I:U:"!!I '.

Co,lol' '.. ~ ~ • • • ~ " '. ~"od:r b,lll'~k -1 th whl t. h,l:,l,tll P~!I,It.!I,d, Ir,ound it. 1~~ top Qt the gr~"ndn 18 peLnt.d

!'" I'ld" nJi.:t (!I C o,v'e<:r l"ed! it:: , the fi.ae Ie bi'iI.!u .•

'. '. 0.91 b,s.,

• • • C~9t Plcric Aold

• • • 4 - 5 ~&conds~

'f'otalw(ll gilt • • • F'll.H:'~:. • '. '. .. • Del~J • ~ ~ • • ~

De,sorlp ~ l on

'JI:'be- c,nti!.hd, bod:)' .h.u,!lMooth tlUr(liiic.,. 'FlU!!'. 111 • Ilh,ould!!lt' proJ.cUq l/UI!' trolll *!cI1. ell ~ hid or t.ho bod y • Tho :I. n~ 1 d 8, M t.be bod:)" .ill f 1.nl d:lo d 'I!',Hb b equ til" U .ko I!1p th«; tiller !'!',Olll r.,a.ct1n~d th the s t.eeJl!. ell:lI... The tiller Ie IIIl.,i:) -i'Appod tah ... ",. pa.pe;t' ..

.A. Ugh.t ltIo-t!l!l .:C'.lill.llb dc.U'(!c't;.or :!iii tl Hod i.n. tll. tOI~' OO!f the gr't1,nlH:J.. Thill de.f)·ector l,ill 5/S" .1(1'8 .nd 7/B" in dh!mftUr.. 1'110 ,1/;91'1 h'Olll'lill'ep,uric!hod 1,n the a'ut'~I"po:r.1ptUH:·1 ,and mn:teh th~ IIpRMor hol,lI'lIl! 1:11 tbo t'uU bo,dy. TI~ll1l po,atltlonlll th. ee! ~ vent" i ~l the tuz !1119C,1) t':rClIII 1:.h~ he J." II lion. t no 1'.lt.luh d~,tJ (I c tOIl' _. 'lhG' ('.Lilli h di eotJ. ill 0 tOIl' ,r- edu,ce II the 1"'0 'ii lib 1.1. 11;;,. '0 r u:;o fllu n. rr'OIll t'ib ill ~II!iP bi.U'Rlng th.e band (l,r thol tl:lrcnlil'~ir' p . .ndtho :polS::!l1bUl t)! o.r the r .Luh being Ullin. 'til" ·tlJe ,.n_'7 lit M;ht.

Thtli ru.t.el a IdmllRrto tl'l&,t UIHld, 1:r'i tbl!! 't'fF,e '91 ,,;nIlS. 017 ,gri!l<nJ'&diU 1rt to Ii .ro.

lBJ,~U·('!\I'mol;!'nti.!t ~h1l:. 'th1l! Qld ty-po tbi! !II trl ~,(u· lIirJtUi'1!l o:r !5pU"'i.I'ii!, C::.Il,., ... ('I,r the sr,e'l:NIde

.hl!l!Il thel !HI.ret, iII'!ri!!l .111 pulhld. In thl.!1 t\J,Z'ii, ,I iic:r.o,'II' 1n 'the fule bod,- P'I"'l)jilIOII:;, t;l:u"ough ~ &1010 in th., IlIItrtkl~r e.O'II,er"fil(!, It •• P'' the :0'1.1' Iii, plae_,. The 11110'1;. 11110'.'1, t be i::l) v air' to !'I!,o,ve do.n II h!!ln t hl!ll~ t r' 1Inu:"' 111 It Mi.I ell: 'OElJ." ,bard o,"o,j 0 CI t '. All ,lUl' tb~

,e!'t;:J:" ,n::ar- 9J J:lJd 1:rn :r'U. a .'1II,1!l: h t Ii!:r. (II m~,~ hi nlll d. t,olet:tle:r II :l'Id t.b. :lI t 1'1 k~1:" pr'o,trudle a 1101:;)'1.11 t 1 t. dQ~1I no·t tUlrvlO! to be 't~li"~'UI,t:lCld, dO!!!I11 to iI:MIIi 'th-e Ir,e:nildl ••

T'heo lnertJ.a lII!l!Il:Ilght ll'1! h,lllld lntne, (UU b, UH!: llSl'l't bru!i ellP -h.ich 15 O1"'llillp,ed.

:1. n,'GO eo o-l.mu!I)u.:re ;1,11, the; .r'U,z t! bo,d,.. If. d 01oli~U e 'ti:r!l.u, U t. 'tIP 1 n r 1 ~,I!i ~hr01l;l@,bl:1iic,l.u,

:In tb!to hr,.1UI eap' .. nd .:l"'UUI bod, l~to hole .. Intlb .. 6 111'-1.'rtl. welscbt tfi,uj pri,ventla,g tll. fh':lng p,l,n trom J'eAchlns ttlepu'TC!;UIIII!10,n !l1.P •.

Th~ d.II1&1 p.,l'llt'lt ~1c:rO.1I1 lnto th~1 bfllse. Qr t.MI tg~ e .nd, conti,! n:!!, iii .ma.n C!;u.l'::!it.1.t,.

Gf grl"!'!J;ulnr' bJ.!II.elC PQII"do:r In 'thai hp lind! a. b"l,fhlJ Pl'O:l •• ~ "iI'U", ol blliCkpod,I\t" In 't.he· lower II(!c·lo!on.. ,t. )JilU.C1' drlUtldI in t.he BIde otth(l:n.:r:. cQntdnlJ .. ,r~:Ubl(i p,lUS "'hl,en m~,lta .. h.Olt it,h. tll.e,k pO'!r4t1l" burAl!I, U10.1inl th~ •• ell.po of 'tbe ••••• ro~.d. in eombult.lDoot' thlJi die'.JL."" t:r.dl.,n,.. ~bt I!I!iic·l1pO oftheae 8-,I.S wl11 on.tll. tb,_ 't-:lwo'!uu .. te 1<1:00l1li' it th.e del!!i" pellll!lt Mil h:nt hd~,

The te't'I',lfl deto'fiD tor 10 contillno,d In tb.o l,Q'II'fI:rp ... :rrt ,of • oreu: 'tube iixt",nd.lng, 1'1'0."11 tile. blue oC the t'uu to the; bot,t.on:l. clr thil, bU;.Ung cbiltO,se~

,OPrI;[',il Han

'l'hl!i .~l1fe;t7 p.1n .iii .. Hh.dr(i'!I'Riilnd! lb. he,.d of 'the 1'uz·. bi .,truclic ,On .a.1It hard, obJtlct, .• Thin to'rclu th!!!1 It,rlker do .. " .lntQ th" p·r1.!lPer ~1!idt:l.n8 the (le:11I;,'.


T A TIl\. .N·-C'S':'E. P·UL· ,. 'L. 'TY" P'E' -TrA' '. N-D:· ~ h.'t"" 'DL1':I

~~."".~' _", _ .. ,~ _ "",,' ' __ ,_:' --: -I ,J:!,.,' J_ "_I -_' ~~~j."U-L.I- .. u:!.1

1. t.lill1di C,I)V~. a, Load CO\!l!r .~. Lirlii,aa ,pla!'t'o '1/1. [lob)\' peU,et S ; D (Iit'iii,; '~II, t·Q:r' 6·" C'I);'Ut' ~ i.~b 1'0 , 7. F.I..rins, ,'lI,trtng e, ~~hl:..!"l)n :!~nh.or 1:1 .• ' :J,I. ~ ell !):Q,.,!:po.!) 1. U en





0"l1ll:l:"ii11 l'!!'dg'tb • • • • '. A :!',-:V·4, ,inch-ell ~

MIIJ!.1i11!1;'Wa .dlJ.ll.lI!Iiif!i to 1!I,:t" • .. '.' ~ • ~. .1.h,r he -ii' .'

Co,loif' .'... i, • • .' "' .. • I:Ill1l'~.

'To tal '1'IIo1,Sh:t • .. .' '. "' • • :1 l·~ ..

Pilling •• ~ • .. .... ~ Gr'II,rw1I!1:r" T ~:H .-1' .. '

~~lght-or ttl11ng ~ ••• ~9~5 ~r~~~.

n.liii7 .' 0, '. .. • .' • • ~ 6-1/2: ,iJifj,eOrli!lI.


'Tne b ady. unlt k:,iI t.)jjll!' l'ypelU or g.1'" M:e (1,(1 l,onsU,ud 1 n.! II II!!:" ra t tone. but, d 00,11 hn Viii' 1':1'111(1 't['t\n~v-or'!I~ d.,pruat.onll., On ""HI !l-lde. rIt,tOQ to,)) (l.nd ~cQtto<m. u·. two, ring.] .1'110):1 '~ould be uj,jd:fQf' Cll'r'J'1:1, rig OIl:" r~'r' lI:nJeha,r1na,~ 'I'M 'lI,llIIl:d c-o"'o[' lll! • cr'lIl!'od ,OR

to the top! of t,t',elgr'",na:df!' 1r1f~ Li gTtlO'l!'!HlltQ !}r-1J'f1,<1~ 0, glp fe,r "Ill." t"e(lo'Vlil. 'The. tlmtllb cO!vel'" J'eleallClI hold.' th8i COII'!!'f' on And mU'!lt ba depift8Sed beror-ili "",e (!C'l,jer cOin

be remov,ed ~ 'lhenth t.~ 1 ~ deli l"oII:II!:1i ~d ~ :~ III ee Vill" ,e.ll n b 0' ufl,U ;r~1Ir!lldl!1 one Rnd ctl~, .. hatr 't;u rn:!l! " t.~!l' 8:XP!i)1!!1 :ii:I16, tb!:l tl ~ J t\ii!ltf."hl1g m,.hh 1 J;! Dt·t,O. !:l.I:I,II,d, to (I, trl (;'t ion .• 1l.gnH'!!:!:' ..


Tno tbUP!D <:,0'''''1' ;'OloQII,J" j:i;l,H!t bill d~:Pl"'OBIOd" .nd UHtnt.tli.~o,ye:r mus'l<: b .• J"f!JiIIiC)'Y'6d ..

Whent:.'he fir:!."g !1!]!t:;N.'ng 18 pun.d, It i1r,"W!1 '. ,un-dCld ,t,rlng tWol.Igb ~ .. ~,cb c::ampCld,,~! '~n" 'lbe 1.S:l:ll, t,!. iIl'n, (I f th~ !P t·(;h cQm,pti. tt.~ e'l:!. '!!I":U 1 J! e:nl~. th,~ bh e k p~i!!ltl.r' d..a" trAj,ll;>


.1i~;t'GIlt (,~~.

flu; II M r;e:. ru.U:; ~:r-hl.E" Ci,p,c!uHI'D I!,u.n,d; CI Fl-1·c'ttci'! l,~:~ 'I;o:;r

~g OQI ~It"'''''''l'n~' = i!" fI"ii

'fi! ~ ... ;;.

rc, U. ::l.<i.

~~'~:r iii

.ul'ub to el·c~, Ij; , OC.~II, 'j' P II '" 1 .• ,·~ , "11'1"

'upl()~"l'v"" 7'nl ~!I:'. ':rc[1.ad·c: ;:,~r.t



011 ,til


0'\1'.1"11.11 l'II.Dgth. ~ • • ~' ,. .. 7-~1" 1 nr::!'iel. JrtazlJIIlllD. ,cU.,a.J!)'etelr' " • .• .. • l,~fl'/UI, lne.hol ..

Color ~ •. ,. '"" '. .. .. ~ .80d1 t:;.!,lcln handle

unplllnt~ ;1~

'1'0'1;01,1 .. eight .• • • " • '. 1 .lb. :!l Qt".,

F.lll.lng ...." .' '.' .. '0, .. C:a II ~ P'1.e:~ i, i) !old,,.

lIit.lI.gh.t o.t .tl1Une 0;., '. .,S 01.

0&1., • ~ • ~ • • ~ • • , - 5 a~cond~~

JAPANESE c::; Tl C· - K-'

',....... I Ii .•• . .



Des Cl' Ipti on,

'r.he b'odiJ 1:11 cy:l.lndlrl c~l 111 :~bi!l P'" .. nd 1. 1:I!A~1lI 'ot ~.,t ~Ud 1/.,11 tnlc~.. 'l'be Mnd1e 1 a tu:rn,I!Iii.i frnm. 0 tt '.ood ,lind .111 P'1iI into the ,I t ,til ~l bod,. -h..r·e .1 ,t 1, held 'b::r 'three IOl",e.Il!,,, Tb111 ,j c:tnt 111 Il1nl'od. '!I'1 t!l:il t, !Do.t:hlg. 0.( t,!J,r. 'The .ero'" !!)l'IIp a.t th,it pull ondi iO.t thi'i!! hlr:u!h 15 ,o-f Hght Un :p,l.ted st"Bl.,

The fuz., (i,<c,ne h taot '.. trl e t·ll 'on Ilf,n1·t:!.·on compo,a:1 t::l on .. 1 t.h; il undllllil ,I1::r'11:11' i"'\m-' ningthrou,e;b 1t~ Thl81Pl1t.l"lng eXU'!1.da up th.II!' hollOl!' 'lD,ndl •• nd.tI. cClM,e'otll'diU .. pu J..l :fOol ne; -td Glb I.. iI!Il:!tPQBl!ld b-, r tmI-ov'1 ng the, [10 :re. 9, p' • t tbe; t,O'p 0 r thit hand.Ii;, OJ

Ope,l"!!1 tl on,

Tn.B II 'err !iii,. Q a p 1. It l' 8.00 ved. t:r'olll th e to, 10'(' 'the' btl ndle ~ Tne rl ng, 1 nlld,.th.e oandl8

:1. "hon :pul.l"Ili'''"_ Tnl.11 dr ••• thfl1 _,I!Rch'd .t:r.ingtbrough th:", ,Ii.,e;R,it.:ioD, 'O!ll!llpo.lltlon 11;-"

n1 UnS tb,o'ot' .s !Iecond (11th,. ~ Tbe d.U:r tl'.ln d.tQlrllI. ~ •• Ii Clap WfLHih d,e-t,O'fili te.1 the :lnI.tn. lOb", r811 •


• 1 ,

~!II,crlpt1 on

'l'h1 a ml Hfi 18 or '. II h II io t,t:;,. t, It" 1I1;Ui •• ill, IV en-,d. :!. q~l:t • pOI! .:Ii. tll!h ~ t. ,0010.-' ,d;"U of o:lg,ht,op.u". to •• 'crUQn.1I Df C·ilI t or .1.'1',. ri:r"p,p,ed In •• x ",RpSr'tt., all beldto,,., Isetber :In. ~ - ~,kl e;(I102''' (lIUIi'711i1li EloY'.r~Tb. g,,:t.I/er .. l ilbli.p" or 'the IIltnl 1. tiblit 'of .. t,ut dIlc,. l"tllletlib.U.ng .. wa.t-1l1i' bottle •. It b •• rl17 :",~o,gn1u,d 1:1.,. toUl" .'~.ll,

"pi!!! ~t!d pti'n:ta n,e'nt 1Im&f:l Itt ill ,e U·_ o·h(ld b.,. k.M 11:1, woO'b b'l ns: to, U,. ,oute!" .dS.' ott-h. ILl De body.

The< :fu ucontilll nl, t.(~ ,1I,r Lng II J .. cD:Jpru 1111 on • prol:ng, .nd. .. t11'I:1:18 "p,t:b, Ipd fItS,it

the, l"att,er ot 'IIuhb ill cOl!ltl.,inod 1~ Ii ,tiring p,in ,lil"ii,et'i!I" Fouj:' ,t •• l retdmQl b-.lh nt into hole I, In t.h,!!! ruu bod!, and notch .. 1n the tlrbl:8 p:ln !llen. r.t.J,n1as tb. JH;ldt1,on ,of t'he f:ll.rJona, ;p10., ,A tun 011' :p'l'ovJi.dn .II! 'b.a, ••. 1"01' the '-0 .prinSI .a.~. II, grQo\f,edo:nth,e 1n81d'_, abeut 1/3, ol"tbe •• ,. up troml ta bu.. T'b.l". 1 .... 'Ii,tet1' ,p,1n .hi. ell pl!::1I! tilt thl'ou.gh tll til ru u bodr J'IlI t, b.10. tbe; bu., or 't.:bli u t. t:r o.'p.n4 b.tween th, •• trlk~JtI:"' ~nd th& p,er"cllulon c.p.~. The; 110.4 .. 1" dJell:r t:ralD. t.h.t' •• dl l'~t~th,. blilUI ,ot the, fuJ:8 bod',", .. nd the ,d.tona tor' tub. t.br- •• d).1 o,Y'e:r 'the lb ••• ot the 10.1117

't;r'1i 1 n cOD,ta.iner '.

,£!LII 1. !L!,1!! 1A L DaU,


:LUIJH).'b,.Il'· ~,; ~ ~ ~ ."". 04, .. 3/4 Inoh!!'II!!,.

l'hl ekne'3,s. .'.... ~ ~ .. 1'-1/2 1nc; h".,.

C'ol'~r ., ~ .' "' .' • ~ • .. KJh,lI'kl

ro:t;·li.l .elght • • .' • ,; " .. • 2 Job •• , 11 oa;,t.en.g'th ofFUU Au embhd, ~ • ,6-1/ .. lr.II~;h.~I. .. D.l~7 ~ ••••• ~ ~ •• 5 - S •• cond~. :Fl1.11.ng ••••• ' '. ' •••• ' T • .:Il.'.


o:p.er .. t lo~!I}

Th,. tuze 1. ~.iIl'r'r1Itd ,lIflpl.r.'te17 ,an!i 11! II.Our.!! to' th'. m1 ne bJ'. loc!ldll,g .rlng.

The m1nlll, 111 tbel!Ji i! lap/p'ed iIIg.! ne, b! .1:1 IirllOI"1J4 ,11u.rtlJ c.. t.b,,, ill~t.tl" p~ll 1,1 'pUll,,,,d, .n,d the tuz. CII,p 11 slYen ",harp, I'ap., Tht. t'gr"O.11 it dO.ln •• rd .• Slil,n,lt the oomIP'l'u:alon iI PI' In.s: Ii' eOilflipr'IuI1Qg the r:ll.r1~ pin .p1'1 ng;. .ndpif'illum,tlng t:b.. grlOo.,. to, the:r.1;;a.ln1ng bdb.. ':he oDm,pHI.lo:1l Q,r tho. tlrl,1!:I;1 pta Ilprl,ng fDt',e •• tb,. 1:1 .. 11. Qu·t •• rd lrit,ot,hli1 grOOTe, -tid shoot. the t"lf"lns p.h'1 l:nto trilll' p,u'·CU..dO'D, (,.II:P.

~'e m:1I:\~' ar. ot·t.ncou.p18"'toget.~,«r. .nil ",b.n.o u. .. ,d, .. Ul pen.i" .. h 1, ... 1/"·

~t~&l pl.t~. •

J'~p"nu""rn!'Qi" rl.r'<i'll.q 1II1,n.'" ifu,ohaku h,k\U:'al.

Thl. I, or tho I,.". Datt.a". II. -bo'.,., but .li .11I.,lIdI, Uk •• tnm .t th Ii ·r1i1it' b.UI ..

Tb'iI!i iUojo'netLu4 ml',ra,o. 1. ttl. b •• ,-,. 1J1tllthSli .1.Dcr ..... d .. sn.t,h, P,l'op.SO't7' 1.t C«D

o "_ _

b. 't;,ou,lod, h'CiI!I. • r.·nso '01 ·"."f'Ult.



F.Lt1ng pin Cre'QP spring

Percu:ss:ion cap

Out·er brass aov,E!l"

eo,v,e.r fuze t:u.be

WhltephospboI'U$ filling

PropeUkIg' a.tbchrnant '-~~!oi2'



£.2.B.!l~i.1!!l ~!!. ~y"

OV,of'filJL le·nsrt:.h •. • .• 5 ~& 1 nolle"., Max:tmliiJ:!! ,~U.ame; t·er • ~ .• • • :2 •. {) 1 n.~nCliC •. Body 1!:t:itU:::,!I:t'llll) •.•.• ~ " Br!l!1I8. •

W·e·;.ght. j; '" 1 •. 1 lb.

P"1.111ng ..,... • ~ • • 'fIIbl Ui p:h!olllphot'UII .•

De ~ "1" .... ,. ., ~ • • •. • <ti, ... 6 I .• ;·()Zul .• "

t'~2"'" K···s

,,f _;-, _I -"> . ',': ' ",~ I~



'rhl .• grllln.d~ m.,,,' be- tWoQ"ll'Il.DJ hind 'o,r [pf'iQJ.o:t.d ... lth. the 50 lUll gr6n ••• dl.:cl!Iar.ger, Itod.el_ Elf!;o The In'!1:.ndllr:r rUUhg h (;ont • .1n&d in, bl''''' bo4r -ml.ob m., bav •• p:rQ-pe·:ru~ ch.ar.gtl on. th.e bUilh"

tho nn. 1... ..lIQU"r to·tbe OiUI UII ed 1.0 th" 'l'TP'u 91.. lII.ni.1. 9," t"rliip.lllnt.. t1om. ba;l:!.~ !!!re~l!d& • ., 'be fil.r.. 'c~:IIl;d I ti' 01' .. br,lI..u; .lnort;l* pell" ·.I .: l;b I ,lIt •• t 1'1:J'1ng ptD ,Itlpante4 trom tl:ilil~ pt'.l~.it' bl' ill erfllifp I!Ipt'1I'iS~ 'rb;. lnu·U.",.,tght. 1.11 bo14 ~n:toth • . f'll.z~ by .. 11sht br.U.iI (ll:p 'IIt111e,h ,hQr.h!ip.tli! 1 nt.o " ·olliN1l1.lUJ'e :li.nth .. rQ~'11 bodJllc

,iI _ to prlll'unt 'tl:ul f1r1:ng pln .rr.=rIlUhl"s tl:ut ~rilller,. 'n~.nrlnep1n. 1. til.n(l.I4e'\I into! tb.e 1:nt!ll"tll!; 1tl'!l.gl:"iit., and., il;l!lIlf'!)Ilre; am1.ng~ 1 t iii nell; u;,l'e •• d ,1n, t"1I1" ,e<nw,p anell it. plo:h'lt doe.iI not pr'otrude 1:1111'0'. tb. b ••• of UI·", 1n.:['I,;,1 .. 'III'"lgb:t:. Tb.oretor>tll' be·for,e Ulll1'18, 'tb. gr.en,lIId.ei 1.t. 1.iJ ~.C"I!l.,ii;.t',· to' ~c:re .. tll'" nrliisp,lm in.t,o tblll In.e.li"tJl,1.

.".:lght .110 th:lt it .111 pret·rude.. In l.ddH;:lon., " double br ra't:r pin f1te

thrQugh hel'e.1 1n t.he braue.p and .rue .• body .tn.to bo],," in tOil! 1north nIght. t~Il!l I)'t',n',!lrl'!=lna tho' r1rlng ph! tl'~i'CI'.(lM,:ng t~HI' iP'IJ~·c'U .•• 10Ll ¢!lip.

'I"hD' l/l.ell.:;r :p!!!l.Ji..et ,~Gr!!l." l!'il!i;·othe bu. ,"', t.be .tu:z. ... nd cont.ln.: _ ~all qUlli.n·tU'7

o.t'g.ruml!!ll' blaok powder !n, 'tl'1. top IIInl'i ... bl,ghl:1p·r.· ••• d peu.ot; Qt, )lu.ltpClwll.,r' _

in tJte ltQ''I!IIIF 1·e;ctlQD... A, holt! drll'.l'ld :In Mli«l .~Jl.d.1I (It the .r~:u iQlon.t.l:n1S • t\l~lb1.6 p.lu.g, 1!'hl'ch melt.! .hem the'bJ.II.C." p.O'!f"!.·. burM, allodngthill, n'e~p. of' the Sue. t,omed o'n QDP!bu~thm 'CI·r- thedlllh'7'tr.ln. Tn", eJlcap!ll c'f U':ltllil." ,.II"n _ill ~n .. Ql6

·thet.bi'O'lIIl11il' ·to luio'" It ·th., dle"'I_" pell_I;RaI IIn:t.~lIId" SOl:!tI.·th t~U) prlllle<r lil •

4· '1;.0 5 In oond.1I d·o 1 ill! 1 p·d 1. ~ t 1rhl oh. _ill Ili_" onl, t.1 II. !u'n tral bUl'1l t:., f' tu b'lI ,.

~T:tHI .,10 •• 1 pr·o'Jjui.ll.llot CilontlllnJ'r. 1. lt1!l :l.c<n(h 1 .• 021'1 In 1!i.j;IIU!!ter" and, ~,. Illx. pe.ffor. U (10 10 lh 1itl.llih 1 t h I, Q.1"IIW·", 4 .l.n. to tb!ll bill II. 'Q£ the itiody i ;. p,'r.f'Ol'lI t.il plilig i. cr.w. 1n't.o· t'ne< 11 •• 81 ot th:l!.. oontaln.e!rlnli5 In,. e • .,lt, h1l t'hil 1. I.P"rl;\l:IlllI.l On. clip. 11!';0 t! u,h bo hi h'" dit .• lI"c1Ilgh. tbe. ji)'no\l, 1!I;J.1 O'!'IIt: 1.1' ho! dllrt 0 II !lim •. U. ·quIIU!. bitT

D.t bluk po.del" ... I. ".·rfo,uhd ,nul dl.1n !li9vn .. th .. plll.U6 IU1.d .1Dll.d., thfl\ prop,eU.nt QQntdn,ol' p:~pC!r 1.1 iii. ~o<pipelf' .~1Jp' '000'1;.11.1 MI'l8 flakes ,or ni.troC!! .. llulOl!!lil i'l'I'IOip&.Uant

pO'lllld .• I"'. _

O'peir;!..'t1 o~

'rbll' .N.r1ng ~1.n lmu.lt, .:i:'1r-U .. b'8 bh.r'ud!lld do.," Into th., lnl!lrtU, I .. lght. Tb,,, ~;Qf'elt1 pin :mullIt t'h&n b,e. "I Uull!' •. .-n.. It'· the ven.dtio 11i to be tnrQI!i!!I\ b,.· i:wIl:l!:!. It. 1111 :tiClCOIH.'l'·" ·i;·o aitdk. toll,., In'~ll''th '!ufgh.ii. on .~ .. ruu'd It)bJ'.o't t.hu.II dt":lLv1n.gtlhofl rl:rll'.i~ pin into thll F!'ll1!11.~:r t.,O· :II. 6:n 1 to" th4i d.h.:)' t.l'd.n,~

It the V.nlldii'i' h. to b. l'l:r.d ,f.r"OI!!!! th.V,IliIl."o d\,tH:h.r',ger, or kll.·" .'!AQrt..l"' 1.1 it, :1, Icmot1:lIIti. ~lll"d~ tilHI grenad •• 1.th prcp,.,n,.nt (iontaln'llt' .11. dl"lDp,p·edl b .• I!1Ii1 flrat, into the dlutt&r-SIiII'. Wben the t~la~t" moc~:nh~ '0,£ ·th·o dl.lI,ch .. :rgn .h o p,iU"I.\ edj, it. f1r'11:'liS Pl. n.~· 'Itrll!:t,.U:lIIP'IIIi",",UU.llOIl. c.p· .1S,nl·Ung, th.e PI:'Q,p-iIi,lU..n,s;. aiIl,lrs'o ~'!lb :prop~,lll _ theS~lInSu~lI ... Porn CI.f' 1II,"ttli.C)l (;."",,. t.hl! tJl.:rl:08 pin ln, ·t.n,o'_UIIIDadOi fuu, t,o lQ.om.p:rul tblll or IUlip • PI' 1 ng nul hl t. ttl. pr 1m.IU· to 1 g:r:ll·t.,tb. del .. ,. trU n.~



~j~."'A~~ ~~~R··~~------~~fM'$~ S"~ ,,_ -~~-



OV'II.l"lIll l'''ngt.h • • •• • "' l~ .. if1n,CnieB '. :1i!l.:x.111l11U!!. 011.1118 to ~l" '.' • '. ~.. :2' .. :1 ll'i.~:Il'lIii .. ·L·ftiI'lS·ti:i C.r h.,nd.ILe '. .' • • "' 5. ,;, 1 De.be, •• ,

1""111.1 ne;: .'...... ."' P.ho tptiOr'IQ.:a D,Qd. ~ ":r b Qn

,d!1l1 lil1!. pih .hl •. ,

Wei,giRt 'of' r1.1U ne: ..'. 2 HIli ~ 3i 101; ..

D-e.i<ii1' • M' ~ ~ •. .' • cO ~ G, .ile;cond,jt,.


, 'Fh1~ _ F~nad!,o !bod-,' h Ions !lind o,;,l:hu:!.~l(i, .. l '-lth he:;m1:aphllu"lcal end,ls. ':rbi' handh h-!IIoUd an-d ,I~:!I' $ t,nnll·Yo,r'U hot. drU1II'(li t..u·elJjp on • .rIm1," 'Tn" b-e,d)" 1 .• fUlLled ,dL·th Upho.phol"~$ ... J!.mp:r!lB~bd. r'1J'b,ber pd,lertl lri -c.,riD-on dbulphlde.. Tho.le, pfI,ll.t .. a.re .' CIII t. 't·er ad \:)11 1U!!!l"1i n. €I r .. 1m ill l c.:Gl!t:r .1, bU.ril U rIl8, ch~ rS:fI '. It;, h po:rJ:,d 'bl..& t,M t, t!h.I!ISf'~riii.dit 1 II 1I~""It:1!!!el (-1110<1. ri ito. pboil!phClr~.· ',lOok,., rUHng~ The handle :pro,.,. 'trude" !'1"om nfHI' tlfld. Qfth8J ba'di,', t]j~ tUI.,e frem, ~h,1I ,¢l,th~r'oi

The l'u~., c'onll.ll-te of' Il b1'fi,U lnort.l. p,.U l!ft '.S. tb ., .11'\'0'01 fll"l~ plnup.t'Uo,!Il ri'O:I2It.!:Iepd~-e(r til' llii orca'" lIprtrmg,. The; 1tHI!t'tU .'lI!lp;ht Iii held Into t.hlll l\U!t! bJ

!I. Ught bra,u ,etllJ:p 'ifhl-.:h La c,rlmpe(J 11:!t.Ofi c~!Ulelur'e':L .. n.t;lie r~z.e bod,. IIQ ,u to p:rl!lven.t the. C1.r,tng, pl~ ff"otIl- !"-IUi ~ll1lng thee pr'l~or'. 'The rhJ;~5 p,l.l1 :h tthr'e,.d.,d :trlit.Q ·th'liI hlln·Hi.'i!I!f!l,sht .• !'Intll~ blltf;JJ'~ .rmin,g, 1'1;; 11, .not ,Icr •• ~di 1ii rlt' on"ugh. .nd It,a, po lnll: do (Hi! Ro,t ])l'ot t"ud II, tielo. t,nll b., e or t.h & 1 n e.rt h '!IItl.n ght, ~ Th.I[I!rltfor",fj" b.to',r,o lL:iiling the gr"'fI.~diil' 1 t hi hO'OUn,r, to IC::r'.· .. t.be fh:-lns pl.n 1uto the lne,rtUJ .eieht eo that ;t .:1:.1,1 'prot..- rudll!'~ In.. lI.dd .. !t1onf" a do"bh bNill" .'lirfl'~r· p.ln tUII tm-,o~,gb hole:!, in t,h", brau ~ap and fOUl bo·d:r 'uto holu :Ililil Uil" Inert •• Ught thus pre. venUne; the, rlrlng pin f'I:"Qi'1I i:'tliill.ch1nl!! tnt! p,ol",euii.dQ,n ~p,;;

The 4.1117' Ptlll~tl,f}r~"III. into' 'the b,u,- of the tu:u .. ntll 'c(lt1ft..,lnl a lImfl,li q,ua,otl t,y Qf ,st"!!! n1illh r b.1I'I ckpo''!I~~r' In th II! 1;,OP ,lind. • hi ghl,'p Ires "I,d poe 11 eli: Qf blli.,~k: PQ''I!I!d:er Jln ·th,e l,~!!;:r UCUOl'ili. A hoh, '~rU'hd 1n ·t.hol 1,ld'I' ,ot tlUI ru::,e cont,'lln,. Ii tu.:r;,lblo, plugill!hl ron_ lQel til! 'Eliill tl1,1\1 bb,ek p,o.'d'lu·bu.rn •• , l-llo'!lll'illl,il the 611QI.poil or~be' S:tilfJ!i r'oFimlld on e,o.mblu!'l:.lol'l Q'f thfl '~:.h! tt"l in., 'The eu:ape o.r tn~u gue'. wlTl ,iII'niI,bl. the thr'Qlw!!r to kuolll' 1tthll' del.y pdht h.tI. le:,nH~di.,

O.,pe:l"f11 t l'o'n

'lhCl f11' tog. IIln IIIUII t f1:r1t bill 't1u"i;".dld. ,do'liIin, lntot~1I ~.nlJlrt·l .... 1 s;ilt • Tb,fjo .n,tet,. pin .hl t.h!:i:Il'lf1t.hd .... ;m,.Jul t tie:QJ;'''1 'tlu'oll'l.n,e;, i·t ~. "I!!Ic(l'.~U·l t,Q :ltrlJuth,1!1 lne'il:'ti!i .~lght o:n, a bnrd. obJoot:, driYing tn~ .,!;;rliler <lawn 1,nto "!;b.o piolmllll' .nd. ,Ism t.-1Jl16

lI:bD dellll~' 'lbe d'l'It(Jllltt,hHI,Q.ftbeoorillt-er t,utie, _'lm:l .c:., tt;.l' tli. 1:n,CI!iJi:'i,Cl:l."1 p,.-U!!!oti .hl,Clh '!i'111. 19n1'!:,., Clp'ont,lnooull,..




m OO'EC:n:VZ

I eo~

,BAR roM B In:A.;r i .nd,

lMOKa: rO'l r nLIliGi

J' ,- P"'IAN'"IE' 'S"'~E-'

IA_!>,." ".,',.' ,~,,_-,



-' I


De iHlf' 1 P Uon"

The bod)' or tbh gl"'~n.noe ~amdl!l!'tll ('),r .. J.P""~31!1 b~1II" t;,otU.'. :In,t,g ,'no topot

'!'i'M, (:,h, i,:1!! (1 't,t,ed ,(ul"1!11-",8J1'I' II ~t.li,Q;n tu,r:,fjJ" Thel1"8 1. II rubber .11,1 nil!" unae:ro the

fuz ~ to ren~,er :l!. t, l,:![qu't do ti 8M. lind the t'~,e tit-II Int,Q the' D!!N::k or thili bot,'Ue, 1n the I:!!SfUlIJr or a ct'o-n ,at,cPPO;T,_-

Thill ,rl:l.~!i eena h,t, 1110 f fi n r1 fl8, pin, eene 1111 1'I'Ilid in a bOQ,!ll, ns _ nd. ,e". rll t;.tot from. the' dtlton,D lO,or ,canta,,, n~d 1 n A clU'rloT b" A ,I'II!!Ii rll'l'l'pi,nand IJ creep .prlns. 'lh. tl;~l,n! pln houll ng bi,1!! ,iii 1',1,~f!'l'1.. !lpl"u~:E"l e,1I1 1!e.tlbt O'll the 'top of it lind b •• r:..s.s. n.t thll' u'nd,ll"lrl ,d! III 0 tt.h., nn~ 9' e Ai '''h1 'e h 1 ~ ,0 r I. 1I1 .... n fU" iii M "HI! ,",The 'bo'!;' t Q. '0 r tb. th.'!,t;,ot:!lJtOl' ~I:rrhir HI al'iliot'OIJ,n(!,~d af;ld bear. al)l!Iin;I$t &CIl!!!II iIIuri'Ai:!' ao 'itJ'l.ll,t lttoo is ,['rutQ iI'U]it',e '. The!!lti r(>t:; pin ru.nJS ttu'01ll,e;h the ,riri't!g pl:n haudol Ii,ud rnt; ..

Q Sin 1 :ns t tbeo t I:',Ip ,of' 11: he d" t"em,1I t,ol" col!! l'rllti" "0 \h;ltn,e 1. 't hifl !l:"pil iI" t ;h tr~. ,to move'ii1 gel'li!!)lltb the detQr!i!l.t'Q~' t.hlu". 11 ,an lnoilfl.mHal"J m.1x'turl!!i ~oo!!ll.tlng, of bilrrllUl nltI'lite

a ndm,!I. S:rlll!l II 1 wa. "


OV'Dl"Gd.l b!llS t,n, • • • 11-1/4 1, n,e'ho!!i' .,'

KI!lxl.mnm c..l'~ am'l! tor • .. • • 2-1/3 1 ncbf:llJ '.

Fl,111ng .'..'.....,"' iii ill]" t.nt lil.IIIi::IA[g,llill t bcn-

dD~ t:.yp., 11 ~,a1 d,,,-

c&.:pa.e1t'J" .. .. •• ..... 12 'O!;.rn:,s':!Ii ' ..




Th.i!I 8f1fet,y pin 111 Pu.l1o;d! out ,111'14 'tht! ,g'r:"e:n!li!'ltl i. tnl',o.'h 'On l:::llpllCt t!b.iI l!!I.l'l-ay.,!! tuz 0 1I',nl rune t 1 Dn Rnd !II oI't\ ott tbe deton.a t;o:r ,th.·u, 1.5n1t.l,ng tho lil:i(!l1nd,h.!"1

'boQi!!I't.~l' and infle.mtQ.O.:t,).!0(11 t'111iflii:' ~ -






~, ~'l:;;;~

" ,


:~72 :S""K Oil 172'C,_.·K


'F'ftllnOleLE R~ c .N.. ORE:iil\!)ES , DIlIt& '

M~1!l xlm\Ulli a l m.o t·e r ,. ., '.' .' • .' .' ;" ~ '9 1 nchu'.'

T~tal w~igbt •• ~ •• ~ •• Itt lb_. filLing,., • • j'i • • • • • ~ liI1dro"c,.n,1,,!!, .a.old. W&l,ghl: Qr t11 H.ne. • ~. ... U'., t ,fluid' 01,.

C,!lp,icl t:J .• • + '.. .~. ~. ~ ~ + ~ ~ 1 ... ~& fluid O~ iii

I __ ~-

The,a. gr'!lluulee 8!l'.fI, l";8c(lgn! uiDl" mft.1nlJ as ro\u1d g'l_.a bo:w'lI f111.dw!'t:h K .. C.HI,. 'r'hey ,dirf,or- ~n mlno·J' det·fl.UllI •.

1 ..

'Tba co:ppe.r ,i!lta'onlztld tnll' "JJ., I, roU.nd bo,t.t.o1lte·(! .h.er.·all th,., .1'72 I-X and 172 e-I< lull. ,n •. t c,o'tt.ome"

T:h~ CQ'PPI!l1" gl n,., ~1'11" Ii 11!111o'lI' tl.nt wn11.t:he other' two I.pP·!I,.r 'te, be 11,ght: ,gl'tliI'In .. 'l'hreeoppe.r aU. b·tL h ed 1:nliltt·~",dor t"''O· 1,1i thll' Tho ,!!'!oi~p~n~ 11't,abl . .11 it!!ld IlItopper .In~ tn.!! I',lt.Il.~r Wllll!ih!!IU" ..

Th,ij '!i:!:OPPeJl" ,hbU1'u,!! typo 1,5 CU'l:"hd 1n ~ !IIhl!Htt :m . ."tll {:l·ontiiln .. r ilnd tb!'il 172 1\-K •. M 172 C ... ·K a.r.e c:u,::-rhd 111 C;:il.rd'bOil·rd COl1.t·1I tn.fll'II:.

typ,e h.IUl!Qn(!1 (I thor'li hl!!lve to type 1, clo~~d b1 _ crO~R twO' ,.1'. ,c:lotutd. \'I,,.' Ii cro·n.

Clip 'ClY'Dr- !I. cork capo," eil' • J:"U1:ibtlt'

tb~, ,gr'O'n!lld":I COlltllln 1C .2:~t .. of Uquu Whllch: t:lI! aoout. eo:( h1dt'o,c71;n.1c «ell!!. Thjs 11,1 ill y er;!' st.:r Cling. :11,'111 t.flrnll; poie 0 n ..

9:2013:1"0. ·tt iI'l!}

Th~ s.r '\\lnQ, d I) hi t"I'i.I;"'Q'iI'ii. If:';! nd. on lJ11pl! C t 'the "J~l. glilll!! h !J'II'ltt Rod de~d11 1 [ lnh . .Q l'f!d. iftll.;F' nQii'i."p,orf!1~·ttint. 110 tonGS!!' grti'flllJd.,. , •. ;1"11'

iJlIl~,h illS 'p.1l1bo.:r::.II. 6[1!' U IlIh!:S ill .

11"." ·wl"U. b1"eoli.k t'~"'!..IlI'lillns t:be H.,C.:M ..

I,n lIuch q!:lilintl t.161; 'tI:l!. ,g'l;, II .'XO.pt.10iiidi!i'l.gn,ed CO'r !,un; In 8mJall 'ililo,nd .• -IiI.Ce.

:Fi'kJ~NrJHLE Sr.lO!Kj~ GJt!'.I·IAlJ£.

!J~t..· - - .

ti" ,!'!%".a 11 h ns't.h • ~ '.....;; J." lrl'~ ntli~, •

~!I;I~,11ll.WiII 'c.U !O.tle t,or' • • .. • • .' :1 .. 16 1 n.(no,~,., C:lr·cum1'!!IrMl.C:~' .••• ~ • ' •• ' Ii!.,~ l,nchot ...

Color •.• ~ ..... .• •.• ... L:lslillt "e.lJiQ1h

TQt~l ~ellbt ~ ~ • ~ • ~ ~ ~ 9.7 o~_

Fll..!.1.ne. •. .., • .' ~ .. 'n tn nl um &. IIUi. h::onl;'e!;r,iI.chlot'~d,lI!.

~~'clght. ot C.1.Ll.l.ns • it .. " ,4 .• 1 1~!LIIi ,.1

rucr1$'Itlon . .

1'1&6 gI"6Jnnd(!II 1.~1 ('la. t bO'l;·tpIlH!ld ~ph~~:~ en.l c,o-nt-u' n.t!lrll!i~d'., or ,C!JU'I!r ,B.b;n ~ :~·t 'hg;1!I !II ahO!l"t floflc\<el,o •• d '1:11 !!II I'r;j l"ubb!!T ;lIi'!;QFlP0T' htlld llhdo'1" II, t'Dd] rubblll[' •• 11:1:1'1':1" .It·hln

on lflinQr Li'(lQ c:I:"o.n eR'~jo itai.1'l ot"lng. e;;nelOwlI!d 'Dr ill. h!JlivhT' h"onout.er c'f'Q'II'n ~.P •. The fJ.l UilC 1:1, .~ I!Ib.t,uJ'. of U Un:l.lUI:I. l;n~1 S.lhllfi.n 't:.,e:t.J"fi.cb.lorlldfi .h:l. c.h dll be b.,Gil'olJ~.d 'by ·th,l!l mO'~:11 It.'LH'" of' th~ t! 'lri, -1 til th~ forlDA t;,t on. e,f b,.d!f',!>~t d'II' !Jr.'" :b,4rQ(:bl.·erl0 ,.tld"

e'pilI-a tl,O\n.

'the, !li;t';!Inlil.d~ h th'l"ojlrn o!1l'l.d on llzlP'1l ct the ,e;lfl.l!I!; b-ot"th br'll'!lk. 'I',de!l!.lins thltt):u:i.di .nd 'pt",odudns ImQ,k:.,,, . U; 1'1 lnt~nded fO:r" un 1n iI,Cll:'l!Iftning Ope'l"lI,t1Q·na.. 'Thou3h the f:!.1hr' 18 lrrHilIU.ng to lhl!ll'lkln II! " l.!quU, .. 1n or·dlrwu·j· (h,ld ca·.Il/Q,entt'lith'li1ill, t;h" tlm!!J leI!! 1 ~ !nJ1ll I'd ill., .:trr it Ht 'I. n~ I!lno'~ r;h to ,e. !Ii.. OQI/.ug:hi ng ...

. , ,


C Q H f r n E ~ ~ 1 l L

• ,--_,,,,., !!!!!!'1!!!!!0 __ , ...... _

f· •



/ '





OV'8-l'ilJll 1,~n,a:,lI:;h •• ~ + '7 ~191l ~iict:U:"~., !l[nxi:rDQm dlllmt:l,t;,ef" ~ ., • + ,. _, 1 ~,&O i nr.:h<!l~"

Cl!olQr • ~ ~ ,. • '. .' '. • ,. • [)lIn ~ll: f1ll'i1d g~C!,,,,

Te)'tit'll 1JIi81gh,'t ,..oj "' ,. " .. ~ • 12.,·".5. 0:1'. '.

F11tlns • ~ • .'. '. .'. .'. l:. N .'i'~

I!'e,ign:t of tl11:tns; .... ' ~ .• 3~1B1 02:.


'f nil! gr eUIIIJ d 1':1 l ~ 8i ~o 11!i' ort;,n~' (I o!l"m~ Ii:! Qt"a~ If Oo''!!!o,bor fll,n.:ulrsrl.nll t. .ndI 1. ~ fl..rod rr'OIll. II CUll' Iflu'n(:h"I' II t. t.1'I eHed tel th. B tB'rldltrd 6 .. 5 ~~ ,rl r .I.e.

TI:ii!l bod, :ti!l elyl!. nurl tlal w~t:h.1I ill i!u'!!l,-cord,ea 1 iilli,A.JHllld,I:l,!&adl ~ It h illiildn, in tWOI ~}u·tetl:1,:t',e(l (h~,d tQgo tn "rill rid fl t t od,1Ir U: It .. bl!ll:llll! t,I . e ali p ,IUld .c,ono to, st nt:ho

holh'!l-~n{,lr'e(!' ,effi!j,ct. 'The f.-at''''. ,1I:r-d P~Ir'. 't ,c.-ont ... IJ. ... rllI ... t.h ... ~ .. Ix:plo.l'¥o. !Ch •. rg• 0,1, •. t:l'lro.U,-,n.d

tblltl.cnel.Tbfl IIiI,rt~r pln'l; wni r::111~ !II,l!IJde ot 1i11!:ll1110Wlli hI. ... r:Lfl-ed CQ,llliii" n.lIl" 'the 'b,a,e!!l! Qrl,d ,cO!'l'l;,~:tnllth~ ,rllU! nno;! ,e:xplos t VII t:r It. 1 n.,

Tho. fuz.e .la bU.d in by II 'tl,I." e' ~l"h .l ttl .. pl'(1,t:l'udillillgll~1gIDt _hleb 111 ~cr'lfJl'ed :Ln';,o the bil!l:!!"" of' the e;:f'otu:J d~. 'TIll'; ruU I.!! h!ild 1n 'I'lollt:lon ti7the Irplgot ~!j'biil neerilL,1! .Urine pln Ie; .a~~u.r(til! to ,8 houdn,E!l thllit hil!:l!! f,Oltr ~tlr:;rupll)C.llpr1.nS:1 pr'g,· I; r'ud t [Is, frOIll 'the iI:t d!!! .. A r'oUll'lldi t Ih 'I' hOIl.i,Ii(ill'lg 1.10111 fl tbu'k ep:rl R6, he.ld, :I.:n, tI',. ,,:n .l"I!t .. 1 ngu9!e<Y,e· 'Whioh 11.:5 [11'0' S flU. of Q;itOO'il'!'U! "!)tojl,ed on ttl. 1.n,n'lI!r!!~de.Ho'.ldln.g 1;.1:0., rl~1l'l!S pI!!"! ;!l;t!lUonl!T'Y l,~ ~ ¢Q~lh~ il;)lo¢I<,~p'l'lng "~',n.h·b h,~~l.d lin b;:r ~n~ It'llling

~leev,e·. 'Thll,I'Il tilll !@Ili!i:O rI. Cl:Z"iH'Ip ~pr'l:ng betw'III!IQ - the tlrlrl,g pIn lIn.d (letonl!:!tllI' .. ,'

Tbe p·l"Op~ns.l"Ig ~MT'g8 ~o!'ld !.til. ot II IIpedjj,l e:1IIi.rt1"tclge .t th ii, wO(ldeln bullet. ..

O'!perill t .~ on

On .tir:!ng; ~etbililok c:iI.U.!Ii(I·::!1 th!!! !uiIIl!h1,8 .• '.L'''''''''!IlIto mo.o down ,lind ttl, :h, h~ld d.o.n bl the (J t.1ri:'u,p!l~r,lt':lSIl .o.l <lb ongll.go in 't:.iwI. groove 1n the aml:rl\B :l!ilee'li'e,~ Control ~ fuga 1, fore'" 'tne,n- e:,allUII tho Il:l'~cll: ·1P.:r'1ng toe~p!ll,nd 1100 t,ht!l, !u:te 1. lined.. 00 l[tip~ ~:t tlh~ f:lf'lI18P,l.n hO'\.lJd~g!)7C!rcl~~i!N' tbe a'C!Op II!p.l"ll:lg .nd !I!!IO~ •• ontoi;,be fblJb cap lII~ttlng ott 'h~ d8ton~tor .nd ~~o.t~r.




~ .... - FL. .... SH PORTS,





I ! I I


I -





I)!:! :'lI Cl' l12'U ,on

Thill S:I"!!!Hlldfl' :It III I.l!t ed wl'th III :l!pe,'c:ltIl fid"ptel;' .hloh tl U '0\1'01' t·tle ,ond ,ot the l"lfh' '\;,a,r-.fr'el.. It:ltd pntntflid dlvof' ilntll IthoroughlJ' wllitllJll"p'l"oofedwlth Clo.t,. or h~o v]" 18 cql.il!ll' lInd p:Alf'iIi.f f 1 1'1",

'The rl.(,I!.j! 1" of.:NQ .. 2"'Sllg,e ~l Un phh'liUh rolhd t.N'tlfldlto .fit tho.'1 [Dn, thl! IbQ~J o.f tho grl!l,nt'lde.. Soft tr'on 'II!"~re 1 ... rapped in til, tn:rud 6r'GO'''.'' .nd Itl.l,d!O:r'ed :I: n ph,ee "pre!lI.lI!C.~.bl J t:o it1 do 1 n 1!''i1I1II11ng !;;he Jo1.nt.. T.he bodi,. Pl'Q:(UII' 1. rolloed tromNo'.. 23 gillll!.'!1 ~I tIn p,la t'sond 1. sold &red -l0ns. one lon,e1t,udj,nal ~e,8,lI1t lig1.1(!ld tbr~nd5 1II.!'''e pro',ldol1 ftt fllAch end! to fl't the threllid" on thelno.,e .nd bll' ...


Overall 1~n5th •• ~ •• B~1/2 ln~h". :Waxll!!,~ d1If!Jmil!it'l!Il' • • • .. ij.),d,'. 2 In,en,e,e.

Fln~~ ~-1/16 lnch6~.

C(llo.r ,0" ~ .' • .. • 8,1,].v!fT

Toto.]l .,elght ;0 ' •• , l~29 llbm.,

'PI1Hng • ~ ~ ., ~(,:;I;lIn:tl:l'Oi:"fltih.!!lnil!l-fl'ij .. :;:"

Zinc. jI!(lt!8l111o -:.?7 .. 6~ Z.ln~ Chllorld" ... 2 .. 9% Zinc O~lde ~13~4~



Thl!!! b,e, !H, 1:11 !J t!l.~ ~ (!d tl(O.I:II ,~ 0., 10 Sill It'. B&; $ iii he!i!l 't: ,. ~ I!JI el IJ nd 11!i '. ,e,r"t!J'!Ir'iI,d, 'I1!i'lto 'ttl" blody b1' llI.o.!ln.[CC)f .rQl.l~d tIIl"'IHHI:i~ :Soft; 1l'Cil .1re 1,8 'fi'QPpe~ lin'~ ,!!o,ld'lJir,ed into 'tn8~Ui thn~d grOO''!.''\!!II. 1'h~ b[II,U I! pii ~t:L.Ul:r ru liCll'd, .Jl, 'ttl. :plu t1 c .11.1oh he •• thr'eellded hQl~ hs,.Lt' rUhd ,,1 til ~!CldflT '. t'n,o 'b 0 'I. it iJilIl :pl!1 t. :I!:, hold In 10'1;1 c. bJ .. :lCIlilll !I'e)',.,. Imbedd~d in 'the Bo.l!.d~r. T,he le:n1 h;r pel1~t 1. "ncD.lid! l~ .' tMn .• ",ll,.d, br,".1I! OQOUin()T'iI,ni chi 1m, lIupp,artfldb1 t1.n pla.t. IiiICf' •• e~ 5:11,d .IQ]Ld,ill'I!I[(j, onto the bod,.~ .

Th~ to''ll'' fl!mok!i P Or' h " 're p l!iH'l.d II t gOo I nt "1'",111. Ii l"O'und tn!ll li .... e iI:nd II r,. e,01toOIr"i$d, .1 ttl li ~ht .h~~'t !:If! to·. I db Q::!lI!'hi.;eh iiir'~ hfllldi 'L:n pl" ee by .1Ii te~Jr1"Qo:r c!IJ.!:!!elot i:lO'i(I!!,r,ed ".1 tb - :pllr • .rf'! n , ';'ht'tr.tl a r(! tn:roflili t bl~h. pgT't., .p.,eo(l, lilt. 12'0· lnte:r.,.,.l*, in t.hol bottOM of tlb. bO.f! $.

T'he Sr'Mrlde, tub!!! Iii il'illido of No. 1,e BIlIO MS, ,.iud,.,u, ,1:;'.'(11 t'l.nl.tn~ .nod, t,be u.ppn end Ie tru-eRdlii~ to n t tJill'I .Stlt!U IiInd o.r the b;ll,'." Thle th:ruded je,.lnt, 1-

"'I'D 'PI'!!Ie:! 'ira,11 iidhOJA L ve[l;. .. ~ e , .. Th fli tub!!!l! I. iii ~ IIl'1hd 1111. th. p. r- rt 1 ni, blp 1\"~lBlnat:o ~ ,eIJl"dbQflrd di15C 8'ttflehOdto 9 or h<.l',I;·'!i'~Y t'l!Ilnlill. The ('our rl~n .. ,.r'lI aold'lI[l'edto, .[ld! are ",qUill.).: ,epn efl~ ~r"O\lnd!, tht't tube land ,1I:r:e or N,o. 24 B&X. tin p.hte.

Til. I~O,n n fOl"'e" ~nd prim,u'! 1 BIl.l U[o,n Ii r" rl:ir.nhha:dl b,. •• ~,uld,lil"rd ~~2:5G e.1. '" J'n pl'il!1 e lie r.1f hi· C IU'" t rl d,ge 1.00ul ~ d ''!!it hi., g.27 &r nCUI ,or p'Qil!l(!e t· ,j.nd. r Uti 'Id WU,b .. .'~CH';!, pli'lllll!lt.. Th1i'1, .:::.rtr:ttiB;i) I!· wt'ilpp~d in pltptlt' and ~tor~. ln thlt srenade tube,.

ThD t'l r 1 ,e; 'ce: i:" t i"1:. dig4!l' 11 f'o,,~ (I 'IIfJ,d f'.:r 01!tl! t h~ s:r on" de 'tub,,, lind 1 n., iiii' hid 1 n, t,h. rl t'l! 8,., ThQJ s:r~n.do :hl pl. iHI·dj 'Clvn" c.ho :Ii[pigo t •. dilliptl!lf ~ ~aen t.bol r-U.'lo h; r'll"~d. ~,b. '.')1" fil" 0111. tbo e:(!. t"t r 1, dg'!!!' PI' o:p'e 11 th (I' E;.nn!!'i d ~iII ndll U'r,;! Pi!!; ,UI t:lu"'Q IiIghihil! nil! Ih:p~'rU ,",'0

;hi.1tl a.u th~ 1 g.n U, itX' pi!!l.l fI to .. n.:l 'ell 1 n tlI.rn :1 ;gnl t 1iI,1I Lho.mo ke ,11th; tUl:'e • ,Bao:lii:(t iii

l:helfl eml tot,lId ti~n:,~ug,b the e!!l1 B.1 o:n hol",. '.





8. 145,

'F,lt.! ~ G~~l>t ------C



- -_ '\14 ~ --~

O'l1'elr'o 11 'I."i!!n!!: tb ~ •• '. .. 6 ... 1/4 ~ n,"b~ II! .•

eaxl i!!t~ dl (I~e t ilI:t> • • • .. .' ~ Q :EImI,. .

Co 1 Oir' of" body • '. ,. • ~ .. E,1 a ell; •

:li!Iark1nall. .' .. .' • • .' .' 1'1p$/}(; !'I:r!!ld bandi,.

Bela" b~r~':ht5/.l6" ,.'11,1,1011' 'o":n4. e,~.lc. dr1v':!Urlil blind! 5/16'!!1 -til t,. bl,:ru! ~, 11 d .. ay CliR .b.lIll 6/1.6~ 1'11110. bnnd; :!lll. pla'Oed IIQllle ... t,LCII~. 10;' lillu at' thlll. c,,.bol" t;,!!'Q :;!ler.t:lonodi .h1t. ~ ,.eUo. blind ...

Tbt,fI;l ·'II'I/I:!.,ght ... '. ~ ~ '. ~.(!i, Ibll.

FuZ,6 • '.' • 0 •• ' .. ~ • ' •• '. II'I,lItantal\liOiUiII 1.I:iI,p •. l!:t,~

Fl1,11 q '. • .' '. • • • • '.' t .,1\1.,1' .'

lfi'~lg:h.t - ot f111lng. •• '. 5,." 0::.·1 •


s s a eas sr r I. A,!!




. IDuCl'.t ptl'OD

TM ibQd1, ot 1:;~~tllllihlill:U .tII _dl. or ttll'OIt P".r't;!l. Thill prop.elhn,t; IbIi~ebo~.'lng

1 • Uil!de (I.r !:!h el .od Calm! til:!. nIt-be p'f''(!:rHIl.lant '0 tint.. I fill' IIlndi . the iilli'Cp,e,llll n.t cOntll! 1 ne<l' 'r::~velr. ..t, S/S!!!trMo CePlp'~r I'otd:!.ng bclilndi 1..r-e06!III.d lilllto 1timalllMilltllJ O~er' &1,ght "/l'&~' hol till .• Th (I b,1 nd 1 :IIhll,).d 1 n poh.~. Ill" S .t &,81 pl:Il.I. !hll PII'r' OU:lUd •. 1;.:11. primilli' 1.;811 ~~nu.lgl:!>d 1~ tl:!. ~. "',j[I g:t' fib,,! bQ\,I,i!!ll~g .•

Th:1 ial.in :I!!bmll 'b ... 'C'Qve,z:-h thrlll'l1'O,dto tbe. top UlcUQrn. 011 on,e ,![u':Id ,!fI.nil5. to tiboe p'Mpenant ~.)Ie. hotlil:!ng on, the oit.hllf'~ :File, top lI!l!!lotlo:n 1- (I,r ,hel :6/~{~!lthl(!:k and. n.1II 1~I:fi 'opemn:g .1.n t.b~ 'f"olp1nt'ol .'h,l.ah t,t:1'I11 filf;eo f,l,t.h

Ul, .1 .. t~1I of the hu a:r'~ 'C!O,bl! tructi'Kt OIb:[,.8111 OX.C:IIP~ thll flrln,g pln, .hi c.l'l, U IJttlol t .. tid the ,Jt'm.tngil!llu 'It • .- IiIIht ch, 11 lUi,d. ot:·t.:lnpll.h~ ... II tbi!lclri:; il1p:rln,; holOlI!l ~l:D,lIIr:trlng ,in a,ulI!III.b1t gu:lldlfl up ,orr or tholf1fl.lng lI:l.e·ne~ Th.o armIng dClI!lI\l'l;IhJIi;" '1::.0 ill!lnt:r:ll.fill:SlSil di" t.&n.t,. ...U:. hiD Lt, ~ 'he :!II 'I) I' 1],( .. 1' '~ni! pl!!in.e: «iii II I, th . ., ro:r'_~d find 1) f

t.'be, lI'tr1·lc!l'1" .,nd toh!!!· l.'I:p·plli,r.pr.llng,., ;l:bll:F1/I 1.1 .. Ipl"lng re,tli1.n!!!:r ti·eot:I!II'een the tllllQ

I pl"l.ngll' ~ -

'lb.o t~()~p[,c'flgod. III1!!,htJP1.n, p .. IlIII':Nli thTii:;)'\;I,gh ,t;b~, :f\l!:r:1I bqdi:r lml!l,dlllilhlJ bl/lll:e,lfIjth

tbe fJ,.rlD,g 'pin IIIII!I!I!IiIII.M'J ,gutde. 'fbI< prop;(!lhut.h c.-pO,.d IC.r n;it:l'oullulo",.

Id1pb.nli.am.t :nflrJa teli •.

lOpeI'll t I 'on.

'Th;lI.l I!!bdlh fir' e.d. from. t.bl:!' TnH! t a'~ ore'OI!! d.f:j ~1~. o,h11 r 8.":ro. T.bll< n fiII't.l pin 1.1

rgC)',ed .n,d, '~hit)o !lh,,];l 1. '~QPp"d int.o thlClpen end or .tllo, d1.:III()I_~gfllr~ 'M:Ienth" trl gSe-1" me!;l;:aa oJ,8111 of the- ,d,1 uMre;t!ll" h QP!!iI:"",~·.d.. t.~~ .n.r lq pt~gof t;h."dlUobGre;; 81" hit.. 'M\~ !p.&:r~Il.l!Ill!Il Ona,. p·.,.1I w! the - n,l.lh. fi' .. ~ t.Ill!li 1, gnlt,u 'the bl .. ell: pO'lII!dil8l" lindit.h en t::lJ:e p,r~p flo 1 hilt: pOlifd . .elJ;'. '0111 gl."'1 ,gIlI:lIU·" te di I[;JlI..C1i!I t~i;f'oll,!sh ·th4 IHlrr'~:r'., t:!; QP,II[II l~ the. bli •• ,hou.1,1.lIg", eJ::iP,lIInd.:!.:ng. til" coppar" ~'Qt'I.t1.:ng billl.ndi :toto. thedt . .i!,1ng c,t' th" dU" C.Wr.l'g61i'" g11f.hlg ,!!! gUII.ll arid .1i.I!I[I!I,a:rtl.n,g l"ot'l'l.tlOI':l. 'tot:h.. 1Ib-.ll." Th!~!'!h,,]I,l ~6Q b'lI thrown 1'rclllt .1 ... 01>0. ';I'I(}O:r:ardllr:h!lp,.n.d1t'l(!:. trp.on th, •• ~t.tlng ;Or the, dJ..I.o_r8~r'.",·

S,6t:t"lok aeUo!\onflrl:ns c"uUI "theflr1ng pin I.l!u!ll!bl,,'pU .• l~ 1;1:1. t~u:,.to Im:Q''I7'!I!' d(l.,n ••. ~d. 0 Q£I,preu:l ns tlnel I D "'~.Ii 'tl Ie: i!,p:r-l na ,lIndi b !II,~,d.,l.ng tb" thir' ". p:rO:ng;lll, O~ t~!O "rild.nB, .11l,!!I\'\''', b. ... 0.1( 1,nt.o·t.:h81 ~Qntlouro.tt.h,~. 1!I!1.e<"",~ tl'lol:.Ul .J!..!"lO!~~.t.bo rl:i':l~p:ll.n ."l!!IIlblJ gul d. to C'mp,1t d,~:l::r '000""1" t.bll "MII1 ~ .11 o,tI "1'8' .1!'b'e'!11 e to·b. ~k QI" .• iue, th,. ntbllil.'t:1I: .p:~l:mi!r!: r'o:J'fiIe!!ll to·~~ .r'blne; ,,:l.[I ."!!Ill1~bl,. ,Il'ldo In.! Uioil 1!~ri8 .1.,.,..". tOl'lIIl1.r<li .

• gll .. fI.. .AI leOn II' t:hfll 11~1~ II •• 'VII, h c.h"r o.t th!l,unt:rltual!l d . ..,IHlnt;" t:hG:1C11iove out.Dr-1i .na tb'" jt:-lklii' :hfrfl(ltc, hI. tthe: de,'tonat::or b:p-oli lmp.¢t~, It h.illbeeln. eon;· cl uded ~t t,lI!! .,rr IIOt! V'I .n d1 U.iI of the .ilh e 11 111 r .. th w 1:[111 'to,~ lind! the oli.llu.111t'"f ..,tr.n"t ot "&arb} b~..r!!ltl du:nlildJ'be !_~u..

~ _ ..

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£Q1i!!~. ,~E ltI I!£: ~_~_!l!

()'\I"ll"lI:ll l!!lflgl;h + • • '. ,', ~ '. 6-·~j4 1 I'! en.1I II ~ ~1!i.Jt1'iii\ioi!, d 1 tiili1!!' t'~r • • .' •• '50c:n,.

·G,~ loJr • Ii .' iii' 'II! ill !I'l'll j !II Ii '84,11 (::K!ii'

:rili!lir:Ioc.:I, J1igl +.' ~ • '. • ~ • On 't"llh S!loiS" r,,,,di

b!!!nd.. '1].01'0"" lH'W"ro,l,!!!!;' ,. ,51l:.,~ii 'IInl ~'110 'b,!lndi. ".ru~' II~QV~ rotat:l.n,' b!ln.d,~ f>/16~ '!tf:dn it;lIi:I~.

'l'\Qt~l"'~~lElbt ~.' ..... 1.'9 lblh

FrI:t.~1! '. '. • • ~ .' ,. • • • .' TyP'1I ~189 1I~:l1

t:~ilLG .tu.&!!.

• • '. • u,oJ: • .c;b,l O:l:"& thll, ni!J. ~m'~fi!:8 mi:lltUr"lI.


... . ~ .

ill • 'I


Thll. piJ:'oJ~,~tih 1l~:lIlng l:!I of .rOirB~d lit-eo'],.., tho rlIQU lIc:re-"'1II onto' 'tho ~l:D bod, U: lIi PQ1~t Ju.t lHIiW.t!ci! t.b~' !)QtY:'I'~'h,t.. The =-1.1:1. bQdJ'h join.ted. to 'toM ~I.:J. 1JIi1t:b. a. p.:r-."I eU t,., ):il!l,l,dI. b~1 r'~,~ II! '~r"'!!fIl IIhom,1!I r" p.~ ~B ~ Tl'!'f/ilbll. ~ hi '~Q!!!JIi' t~o t;; •. d 01 tl!l~ I." ~,-

t.hm!l, ~ or ""III'II.ii!J 1;;(1 gl!'t,tI'~r. Tho IIp'pei!'IIIHI t1 '01:1 f II tm, 11'1:1;'0, t!:l~ 1U,1 n 'b o:~.,!O Il'b,e 10""111:'

.I!,UUOR ,u n.t.t,.d, '.:!..'th IIC)QPflll:r' ro"f, •. t:lng, 'b,!)j,!:Id .mt ~,olllt!!o1n. tho< 'pr.bl!'!iI'ro ,Ii!tld prop.il~ lAI~t~~:rge,. Tn!! 19lf'n~'I!!~ti'~~ 1I11!.' ,d.i~thQl'~11 1:1\ 't.:tlebllll!'l !;.c,ll:1o;.t.:l:lle S .• " •• too e.sclI!pe in!:,!;)" tb. dl.ilCM]"g'~f't.lld. e'l.ght hO.h~ beno'ath th" ret_ting \!;ll'lJd .,0, tbAt: t1h.e gl!l!'lO!'l fot'cl!!,t-!:l~' b:and .l!.n~o ttl!! 1'1Ln:lne:; ,oif tb,e, Ilhchu:E;-e.r.. Th!!l !I.('Jc"kem1~Io·IU''f! 11 h!!,ld lQ I. bro",ilil' ,e:i1p' lfiiild, thtl mdln, bod,jI'.

TnaplJ"~p~1111.n"t g,m. r,gll 1. iIIr;lf ITt 'tJ~() e fI,lll.'IlI)o !I,tI di,pbo&I'lY'lud :I"Jo1!I,n"lI:lI,iI '.

the 1'11:1 ~C!h 0,' II! ,~,Y1""o h ochnt e d,dlll' tr~,l n t we ~'i1'1!!1 8 t;rl !€~f' i I h~11llb1 " .~.ret1 :pin B.nd C'~I!Io!!!lP fl:p~'tn.g. sllttinf;lI! llIt'lI !!J,CCI,lIlt f'jjd b>J ro't!! t~allS th:lo lo.v rJing :In 1",ol:t t,:l: 01'1, to ·the g,t',"iI.UOlll .1n the t't!:!u bodiJ. ThUi po:n.I;1,a'M .. PQrt In tlltl lO'lH'r'J':1ag Jl.Ji:t t~ht~1;I1Il 11;.iI) th~1Il.f:p,er pp"~tol!!e,hrd(l t:nUI'!,. Tbe t"uiUI I'll ~U'lled '1.0 gr.d~Uo~ -of' b~fldre'd!l oJ fe'~t" :n,O!:; ~ml. U or til!!!"". ,

2:!:OI'\i! tl 01:1,

'fh~' !Jd'!:o~J' pi,n 1.:1 J'l1i,l1..1~.a Oyl;:· ~!'Id: ~b~ "lIdl 11 ~'QPp'"d:, b!loi •• C.l.it'lllt ~ l.nt/I) the! dl.lcl!lilrg-eI'~ ~~n the !:r'1.sse::(!'1!l1!l'-ctlOnlllll ,e,r tbtl d:l,lobiat'g.r 11, oJMn··I:'Udi.~lU t1rln;g pin fir'''''''1 the' porc'Uulol'1 CCII]! ~rlidtnH .~,e;nUol!l:l!l t:ht!b.l'Ii!~kpo'llldl4lJ:' 1.1lid, .1.n. 'liiU::r11 .'t.bl.'

prop,(llllttlt pg,!I;d8f'. Tho!!!, !18111011 g~nll8."I;!hd'bol!o .. tnrO:i:lgb tho(! p'~r,r:OI" .. UIO,1i) befil'll,l.'tb tbe

N'lt~t1.~ blnd~ .ltplnd:i.ns ,n 1~toth'B l'if'U~ !U:I'~ PiI:'O;vl[(!J,ng • til •• ',i[!U.. 'T~ "hlll,~], I:;l!ll ~ b'lI pr~$Id.l,ed. f:t'QCII, l.i Q .~ I> "loo 1mrd .• "

Q~!!Ie tl;).~ okt!;:b>tl!, tri.!!!: 'oil' oyn ~Q!:l!~~ t: hd, ~r!BJ ,p IIP/f":l,. 1:18. IU'lei . lnlt:!lU,.i11 t;h. l,o,.e,l!' p'QIlfdi!!l1' trill.:!. Q... Till ill I:lIU'RIIi if.! iii ~J..(l CRt_it di ru U o',n Wlt:U U r •• (lil;t'" ~,b. pit'e.4 ..

J 1!.l,1!!~,illd p,c'rt iI.m.dtl:l'&iIl tho U;p:p or IOrd:l1, 111 16n1 't;.od.. thll'i b'iU'n' in, .. countor Q.lo,okotlu dl~o!I,(;"lil)H WltH l',"r"'Ii¢~(I!I,th!l .POif't; 11:1 'ttl., fu.to 1;I.~lloh'!lid1Dgt;Q ~b.'''!Xpl,Qi!:li:.'I'(! ClhJ!lr'g.o .:I..n tbe s .. l::nll~' 'cFh:hi eh,lli,rgl!i' :t"!lIpWl''!I.~h. It,h:li,n pJhld:e , •. !b thle b"l!:to.t'tiU Cw.o l!!~lDCI~, :1 gD1it'lIlotbe, Im!,O II,~' ,~tI,I'U,l" !IIi:;l; tlU'iII. III 1~1li .~,.eli. t.bo '!IIIIOlC.l;Il!tUU,.,tr_ 'tb.lllb~Ll Q:A.jit!.g ..







I. I:


~& ......... v """~"i'" AND !G,NITeR

.r>aWCE.R. ,.ft~IN

Weigbt of r~111n8 fo~ I Q'r'lp_t 1 011

lMe .hell h 0. c,Undr!.c@:l ilhoet Icul.tlJl ty!b" -l,thlli ~e!ll,t~br8~,phflric.lno!l,e. and 15 ee v el,f",edwi til. I. ,dellr locquol",. Around tbl! lit de' ct th'I' gr em, de· "r,.t'I)W"' iii:lb!!!ilI' (,oil d;l! C'lI. ,uch 1i!!5 e coverl role ~e;ve-n port,1I t.n tbe grenade cl,ldnB .. , ,Th~ 011"''' 1111 Qf' U,Bh~ ml'>td thrl!Jl~,dd tCf'leC011!1II' tke pro~ClUln6 ,d'lllJ',gl!._"I'hl! prc:polll1\g ehal'l,e 1,:\1 (if tb~ IUme tTPe! '~'II thnt "'''!!Ied. 'wtt.h t11.", r~(),dol 91 !l!1:"lIInltdll. The char·,s., 1, 19nt t'ful, b:rt.o b h. e hi: pOtlld! l'i'I" pyro- t ~ 1;:'br1.~ c t.ro iidlullS t:.htll t.. run t,h:rons;h the bu e c,t 'tl.e ,gl"flflrI de '" 'l1'IHU\iI'I ~U"'!!I ,-ctu~IH!idi b:1' t.h~ fllfulh of the prope,l,l,ui't.

.... 6-1/& ln~hUft,. .. ' ••• ' .. s.o :~ ..

• '. • !O ... I\ll.:ln'~. •• ~ • 1~26 Iba4

~ • ~ ~ ., PoL,." dutli lat'!:"~iII to t

'47 .' j!\lh Al uml ,tlWll, 2 L '1:( J Sulphw". UI, •. ~j Ant1· .=.(my t:rll.ulphlda. 6 .1'::, '.ax" 2 .e,;.

• + • • O~67 lb~.


1(:09'1"'1 DE~TI1l.,:[,

..... .-' _, ..... -, .......... - -


Overall length • ltQ~lm-iJ:m:I dl1,Il!:ma,t;,II::

Color ~ • ~ ~ •

W'!!!lght • 0; 0;

pu..Ung to ..


O'IUI'J'Wi U C!1:1

The !!IhoO'll is droppodi into thiii 'dhchn.TSO!t'b.~fI f_l.r.8 t.5;:u:ln the t;rl,l'i;gerr !!I!echIM.nh:m of l:)l~ dlll¢:ti-.£I.r.g~r h. QJ.NI.r'io tlod I' the :n rIng pl~ hi Ui' tll::l·o' pcrculs::I, Oill c.p IDt.bro pro""' p,ellQntcho l"s:e IIIhlch pro'pe,l,1i the l:I,holl out of dlill ella C·t.atBI'l"lln.d lI. e;,nl to", tn~ delllJ tt'o.1n j\~ t;hl'ibo,!I,,1!!! ~f' t.hD nh'ol1., ThLs inturR ig.."d tu tb,ii 1 nc,o.n.dJ.Ilr7' rUling .•

OVIIT'.fi 11 length • ., .. •• .' 6-1'/4, l:nl!lhl!lll. lItil..~tm'WII d1e..motoJ' • ... ~ • 60 :mm.

Weight •• ~ ~ ••• ~ ~ ~ l~S lb~.

:Doll cr'lpUoli

'T'bo :pr!l;c U CII!I' :l!IlhtiU 1,8 ot 111QI.;fj l)ut1i'IU"d IMf,l" lllind. dillll.,;n.!I~~Onlil IIU the n. E~ IIb,ll ~ I 'tdou tu,t bii 'iII!l' th~' l' o,d b(l nd I,roy,nd, tho nOlJe. ho.e,v~f'·., ~.II tbliit :1.1 the.l .. p' 'I'll., 'Q;f Iflldlctiitlns III fnlle.d IIhltll. The bille' or the pririlcUc:& .lIh.e.l,]l. 1. !IIB,de o,t one p·art

onl f ~ 'Tbe f :ro!?,f! ll,t! nt bu eo hen,1! I ng .h th.&. d ed d i ren:: U:r on to the IIIAi n, ~h.II'll bu, eo. The m'Rln 1$h.!!Ill bale lA Qf" h:uvt.'IIr con:otrUct·:s.QI'\ tha.n.lil tnfl,t of the, M.E •• h..ll •

• J



Base c .

Mainspring hOlil,s~,ng




~g XIl.R j! I!! & .DIIta


O",el.l'iill1 le.ns.th. '. .. • • • '.' 24, lneh., ••

Length gf b,~~["rel 0; ~ .' .. '.' 10' jlm~tle,~.

W,.1.gh:t ~...........,.' 10-1/4 1.1b1l"

M.xl:~:wlJ, R,flHe;;e

:Mod el 99 She 1,1 ~ ,. ~ ,~ 1'7'10' 1~ :rd~ .' )!O,dell,l 9'1 sr~W!.d'" • • '" JL?'f) ':r .. ,r'd~.




Thill! 50 IIml. iO eH ei c:l:i. r g tu' ell: n fir. (I, e l.th e't' t I:l & It od,el 0 g III h~,l!lor' tblll ,.o,(h,l 01 U' ottl.d., I, 'It iii or.m,9t~QUcJI of .. "t ed" pl.p&-l1k,o,. 1'1 f"hdb.rr61 _h1 <:1\ 1 I· ittach.,ed to I; ,.;dllli ·bn.lIi!'. 'Tb& ltia. (!I·e 1" 'eW" v oil i 0 thQ t 1 t mllll' bo n·t t eod 'O''I'(lrlr' 1I~IM!ld.111Ul" II r:,.d t:r.'. t1"U~, or ~,Qg:. . {l,ehl!llenth~ l;!'li.rrd lli.ndt.be ba:!lleJ ,1.1 th!:llt:l"f'SISer houlll!lns 'Contdnlns tb. ~'Q1ll,k1.rI!g lind, r:1,r~ ng, metChan1.1!i1ll lind l"I:nge .. ,f!dJ,1Il5 ting IIU emtll, ..

The dl'~ha:I'ge:r hu t'llf!Inge .ellleB~n. both 111l1u c,f th8triQ!!Irlilot IliR·di -the .'!!I,.pon ~lIin 'b .. "'et:. 011; tho del!lre,d t'II:OS" I:rl tl.U'n~ne; '~'ll~ "lov.Ung knob.lI(btn tbe Iim~b .1.1. t:!li.!irn~ d. ~ it bnS tho.u,,: ",l" 'hOl~ t;.".nill th,e dl!11! U.tJiU tha·t tM tr1.:g,g.l!Il" biOi!:!'! fig pl"C trl1d'll. InUd. tbo blu'rel of tJle 4111 cti!l.rs~I' 'thuil! rllgul:1 tl.ng th'" dls'!:,Ii:nce Ule proJillOtll.

tr.". .. lllii:hrouah the barru. 8,ebtndl th,1I tlrlng 'pin bou.lns 1:1 the Mln .• p'i".1~5 and _ maUuil)trlng bQul!l1ng. 'Thet,r1Sgnpi'otru<t\C!!11i tlUoough. ill. leng'thwl •.• I"lo·t. In the ,.!!!Ieta""l

'Ol" ·'rigge.r· heuelng.


!,he DII.let7 pln on tho lib<Oil Ur.,~,"(IId~. ,Ind. tho IIbdl 1,1 p1.I.I;'O,d1 l.n tbe b.l"r.,l .• :0(1 -11 Of!ii[u!lto, dro;t 0 tb e .f h"ll"liS P 1 n oo'ud n,g, .b,er"'1i U. r~.1 fl. uoU:l t i I".d ~ 'b. ·t;r:ll.a 1m rh tf:!IM:\ :pull" d lind! tb~ 0 o~ga l flI. tb!'t rl J!I!!III' a:u;rVie ttU!l1 ,!II, do n .. s p·t:l REt :l:wu~.&l .. lo;rwillrd bJ ~ngll.,!Slngtht!, le'QIsa In tnt! f:r-ont ot the h~u, • .tr:l!!!I'j th.r,oib, c·iu.dng 'loti I' liI!I1tulpl'lng to be ,eo:rI!!pn'lIt",l. III tnt:. Iu::t:l.c.n. 'Uk.iII p,bc:,e~ the; re;.:!:' .on th. trl.(I:,ger ·eng·'gu .gHlulit tbe; 'IH:I<:!l:1ns lug on t.ho flr!:nS, plQ.h&tt~ ,A ;c:n,Un,\liodpi:i.U QQ th" t:r:li i86 (! r IIU o.a the I!U'U" t(j,!b fi COlli It di.!! (U:I:8;'. 8;ed rro. t:b~c 0 ckl:ns l'U,g, .1 ad. t.b. OO!!l,~ }ll"lfl!li.lIlon. of tIJIl!I illill,iosprl ng; 'upton !bol ng ro.!li.·!I ... ·Dd t .'(lnd..t:h., .!'lrIne: pln tonrlrd _114 .le,t:1 of.f thilil ?'I"QP.ll •. n.t.

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