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Power Distribution Network

Planning Criteria
Design Philosophy
(Version 1.0)
January 2007

Issued By:

Power Network Development Department

Asset Management Directorate
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................ 2

2.0 Planning Process ....................................................................................... 4

3.0 Inputs/Factors for Planning: ....................................................................... 6

4.0 Load Forecasting: ...................................................................................... 7

4.1 Forecasting Methods ............................................................................... 8

4.2 Approaches Adopted by ADDC............................................................... 11

4.3 Reporting requirements for Load Forecast. .............................................. 16

5.0 Planning Criteria: ...................................................................................... 19

5.1 Supply Security Standard ....................................................................... 19

5.2 Power Quality Standards/Guidelines: ...................................................... 20

6.0 Design Philosophy: .................................................................................... 21

6.1 Urban Area: .......................................................................................... 22

6.2 Rural Area:....................................................................................................... 29

6.3 Mega Projects: ..................................................................................... 34

7.0 System Improvement works: .................................................................... 35

8.0 Aged Asset Replacement: ........................................................................ 36

9.0 Economic Feasibility Study: ..................................................................... 36

10 Risk Analysis: ........................................................................................... 36

11 Drawings...36

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1.0 Introduction
The framework adopted in the Planning criteria and Design philosophy is to deliver one
of the key Asset Management functions, which is a Systematic and Co-ordinated
activities and practices through which ADDC optimally manages its assets, and their
performance, risks and expenditures over asset lifecycle for the purpose of achieving its
Organizational Strategic objective. Where the Organisational Strategic Plan is defined

the overall long-term action plan for the organisation that is derived from and embodies
its vision, mission, values, business policies, objectives and the management of its risks

The objective is to ensure and to be able to demonstrate that the assets deliver the
required function and a level of performance, in a sustainable manner, at an optimum
whole-life cost basis without compromising health, safety, environmental performance,
or the organisations reputation.

To pursue the above objective, a holistic approach in the overall planning and
development of the electrical distribution network, in line with the adopted strategic
framework of Asset Management function and shall address the following;

Planning Requirements and Development Process.

Electricity Regulatory Requirements (Technical and Performance
Electricity Distribution System Planning Criteria.
Distribution System Characteristics.
Distribution System Design Philosophy (Urban/ Rural system)
Engineering and Good Utility Practices.
Environment, Health & Safety Requirements.

The planning and development of electricity distribution network shall essentially comply
with the License obligations, Structural and Regulatory requirements, in order to create
an electricity supply/distribution infrastructure that is secure, reliable and economical
with a specified level of continuity and quality in a sustainable manner; relating to the

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existing Standards and Contractual Agreements with the Customers and other stake

As part of the planning process and new Price Control regime starting January 2006 (and
with appropriate modification to License), ADDC is required by the Bureau to produce
annually Five (5) Year Planning Statement. The planning statement give a forward view
on the proposed expansion of infrastructure, new connections and the associated capital
expenditure requirements that will meet the forecast demand growth and support the
growth and development of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Condition 29 of Distribution License
requires ADDC to develop and review Security Standards from time to time for the
distribution system. ADDC must plan and develop its distribution system to a Standard
not less than that set out in the Distribution System Security Standard.

ADDC is obliged under Condition 3 of its license to maintain a Distribution Code, detailing
technical parameters and other requirements relating to the connection and the use of
the distribution system. The Code is kept under review by the Distribution Code Review
Panel. All modifications to the Code have to be approved by the Bureau in accordance
with Article 55 (8) of Law No (2) of 1998.

The Company shall also comply with the Code of Practice/Guaranteed and Overall
Service Standards and required to report the performance against these Service
Standards established pursuant to Law No (2) of 1998, Article 54 and 55.

Technical and Performance Standards in particular the Engineering Recommendations

related to the Security of Supply Standards, Electricity Distribution Code, Electricity
Supply Regulations, Electricity Wiring Regulations, Network Performance and Quality of
Supply Standards sets out the criteria and methodology, which ADDC shall use in the
planning, design, development, operation and maintenance.

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2.0 Planning Process:

The planning process adopted by ADDC can be easily understood with the help of the
process flow chart (Figure-2.1) depicted below. The process begins with the demand/
load forecasting that determines the future demand. A reality check will be done with
forecasted load/demand to evaluate the system capabilities. The system should be
capable of catering to the future demand without compromising the supply security
standards and the quality of power supply or any other requirement that are defined by
the regulator. The system evaluation will be done with the help of simulation software by
carrying out load flow, short circuit and stability studies. All the risks are clearly identified
and if the risks can not be managed with the existing system, new proposals are
recommended for implementation.

Once the system design/plan meets the technical criteria, economic feasibility analysis
will be carried out. The feasibility analysis process compares the investment and the
economic benefit rising out of implementation of the expansion/augmentation proposals
in the planning statement. Feasibility for a proposal is determined with the help of
standard cost evaluation methods.

The feasibility studies are carried out to conclude whether the investment proposals are
economically viable or not and would aid the management decision making process on
the investment related issues. This will enable ADDC to reach a decision with relatively
lesser time involved and bring down the gestation period and helps to implement/realize
the infrastructure as planned/scheduled within the planned time frame and without any
cost overruns.

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Total & Spatial Planning Standards
Total & Spatial Load Forecast
Load Forecast Supply Security

Evaluation of System Capabilities

Evaluation of System Capabilities

Identifying System
Identifying Deficiencies
System Deficiencies System Model
System Model

Adequacy & Security
& Security NO
Evaluate RisksRisks & Constraints
& Constraints


Do Nothing
Nothing Can
CanRisks be
Risks be

Managed ?


Formulate New
Formulate New Proposals

Evaluate System
Evaluate System

Figure- 2.1

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3.0 Inputs/Factors for Planning:

The planning process is affected/influenced by so many diverse factors. A sincere

attempt is made to consider all the factors that affect the planning. The list of
inputs/factors that is being considered for the planning in brief is presented below.
Figure-3.1 depicts the pictorial representation of the major inputs/factors that influence
1. The future demand to be catered by the system
2. Supply and security Standards
3. Power Quality Standards/Guidelines
4. Operational flexibility
5. Environment Health & Safety
6. Best practices
7. Costs for feasibility studies( Economic feasibility)
8. Urban Structure Frame work Plan (Plan Abu Dhabi-2030)
9. System performance reports
Load Forecast
Total System & Spatial SupplyCSS Security
Load Forecast; How
much.., Std. S duration/
Where.. & When.. Restoration
Restoration timing/
Refurbishme Power/Service
Power service quality
Old Under Quality.
Old performing

Operational Concern
Expansion Operational
Plan Abu
CostDhabi Plannin
Planning &Operational flexibility,
Ease of Switching
Ease of switching &
g Load transfers
Urban Structure

Best Practices
Best Safety
Health & Safety
International & Local
International Community
Environment, safety
Standards to& be
Community concerns
Advanced Utility Practices/ addressed.

Figure- 3.1

All the inputs/factors and their consideration while planning is explained in the
subsequent sections.

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4.0 Load Forecasting:

The ability to forecast the demand for electricity is a fundamental prerequisite for the
development of a secure and economic power distribution system. The demand forecast
is used as a basis for system development, and also for determining tariffs for the future.
Geographical information (Where) is very important in the distribution system, in addition
to the quantity (How much) and timing (When).

Over estimation of demand may lead to unnecessary investment in distribution assets.

Under estimation of demand may lead to shortages of supply and infrastructure. In the
competitive market such bottlenecks in distribution infrastructure would slow down
economic growth and could turn away potential investors. These both extremes are
undesirable for the electricity industry and to the overall economy.

Even with the best available information, forecasting by nature is not an exact science. It
is open to the occurrence of the unpredictable events that may vary the consumption
pattern with time. Therefore, it is prudent to consider a range of future possibilities that
would depend on different scenarios. It is essential to select an appropriate model (with
its associated inputs) that will produce as accurate, robust and understandable forecast
as possible.

The term forecast refers to projected load requirements determined using a systematic
process of defining future loads in sufficient quantitative detail to permit important
system expansion decisions to be made. The demand for electricity depends on a
number of socio-economic factors such as economic growth, industrial production and
the new technological developments that influence the life styles, and also on the
Governmental policies. Prediction of future demand requires an intuitive and wise
judgment and calls for revising the estimate at regular intervals (at least yearly) to take
care of new policies, changes in socio-economic trends. Thus, the projection may have
to consider these changes into account and possible scenarios to reflect the same.

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4.1 Forecasting Methods:
For forecasting the demand for electricity many reliable statistical methods have been
developed which are very much effective and efficient in projecting the future demand.
The statistical models that can be adopted are illustrated as below. These forecasting
techniques are widely used for a macro level forecasting by many utilities.

a. Trend analysis.
b. Multivariable regression (Econometric).
c. End use method.
d. Scenario approach.

(A) Trend analysis:

Trending methods are widely used as a tool for forecasting that works with historical
data, extrapolating past load growth patterns into future. Trending techniques involve
fitting trend curves to basic historical data adjusted to reflect the growth trend itself. With
the trend curve the forecast is obtained by evaluating the trend curve function at the
desired future point. Although it is a very simple procedure, it produces reasonable
results. Such a technique is to be classified as a deterministic extrapolation, since no
attempt is made to account for random errors in the data or in the analytical model.
Some eight to ten standard analytical functions are used in trend curve fitting.

If the uncertainty of extrapolated results is to be quantified using statistical entities such

as mean and variance, the basic technique becomes probabilistic extrapolation. The
uncertainty arises from two sources i.e. uncertainty in the historical data and the
uncertainty in the analytical model chosen to describe the underlying growth in load. The
basic draw back of this model is that the projections are based on past trends and do not
take it account the policy decisions aimed at changing these trends.

(B) Econometric Method:

The econometric method determines energy demand by considering the influence of

independent variables, such as population, income, economic growth, cost, industrial &
commercial activity and also other socio economic variables. Econometric models are

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estimate equations that relate electricity demand to external factors. Regression
equation modeling is considered as the starting point for econometric research. The
technique postulates the casual relationship between a dependent variable and one or
more independent variable. It attempts to explain observed changes in a dependent
variable caused by changes in the independent variables.

An important problem to solve in econometric method is the selection of the correct

independent variables. Initially an extensive list of possible combination exists, and the
problems arise in choosing the appropriate variables and in estimating how many of
them should be included in the final model. The final model should incorporate all the
important explanatory variables. In addition, it should be simple in order to make it easier
to use and interpret.

Multi-variable regression analysis can be used to establish the correlation between

selected socio-economic-energy variables and energy consumption data using the past
sample data. The relation obtained will be then used to estimate the energy consumption
data for the future years using the trend/modified trend values for the regression
variables for the future years.

Input is subjected to many sources of uncertainty including errors of measurement,

absence of information and poor or partial understanding of the driving forces and
mechanisms. This uncertainty imposes a limit on the confidence in the response or
output of the regression model. Further, regression models may have to cope with the
natural intrinsic variability of the system, hence a comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis to
be carried out to understand the variation in the forecast results for changes in the
regression variables.

Sensitivity analysis is a statistical technique for understanding and analyzing the

behavior of complex computerized mathematical models. In particular, Sensitivity
analysis is the study of how the variation in the output of a model (can be apportioned,
qualitatively or quantitatively, to different sources of variation.

There are several possible procedures to perform sensitivity analysis (SA). The most
common sensitivity analysis adopted is sampling-based. A sampling-based sensitivity is

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one in which the model is executed repeatedly for combinations of values sampled from
the distribution of the input factors. Other methods are based on the decomposition of
the variance of the model output and are model independent. In general, SA is
performed by executing the model repeatedly for combination of factor values sampled
with some probability distribution. The following outlines the process for SA.
Specify the target function and select the input of interest
Assign a distribution function to the selected factors
Generate a matrix of inputs with that distribution through an appropriate
Evaluate the model and compute the distribution of the target function
Select a method for assessing the influence or relative importance of each
input factor on the target function.

(C) End-use Technique:

The end-use method determines energy demand through total kWh use from all of the
electrical appliances used in the households. The forecast is "built from the sum of end-
using activities. End-use models must include kWh consumption data by type of
equipment or process. This method is most readily applied to the residential sector,
because the data required for this forecast include: forecast year, number of residential
customers, residential housing stock or commercial buildings, industrial process data,
major appliances, and kWh use per appliance. In the basic form, this model is simple
accounting procedure that enumerates the end uses and adds the electricity use for
each end use of its components.

(D) Scenario Based Approach:

A scenario is a timeordered sequence of events bearing cause effect relationship with

one another and modeled to simulate a future situation. Scenario approach captures the
effect of policy changes and other guidelines of the government to meet specific goal or
an objective to the energy consumption.

Scenario analysis is a means by which decision makers understand the uncertainty

created by multiple combinations of input factor values; as a result, they sometimes
investigate the results of scenarios in which combinations of variables are changed. The

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scenario analysis identifies combinations of inputs, which lead to output target values.
Scenario analysis uses groupings to determine which causes a particular output value to
change. While there are many different types of scenarios, a common arrangement is to
compare the base case or the expected case, the optimistic case, and the pessimistic
case. The base or expected case is developed from the best estimates from the
forecast. The base or expected case is not a true expected value, because the
expected case can only be determined through probabilistic analysis as the distribution
of the input factors has not been considered in the determination of the base case. The
pessimistic case shows the probable outcome when nothing goes as expected, while the
optimistic case shows the results when everything goes better than expected. The three
cases can be used to estimate the distribution of the input values. The scenario
approach emphasis is on the future that is ultimately unknowable. Therefore, it is
reasonable to select not only the best guess about the future, but also for maximum and
minimum possible values so that some range of likely electricity consumption can be

4.2 Approaches Adopted by ADDC:

The growth in demand is attributable mainly to two factors; one is from the new load
additions and the other is from the growth in the consumption/demand by the existing
consumers. To collect the data pertaining to new load additions by prospective
consumers, ADDC requires the consumers to intimate the new load addition in advance
by way of (LDN) Load Demand Notification, as a prerequisite. The process flow chart
has been attached for better understanding of the process. The applications are
received by an ADDC representative at Municipality, registered and a unique LDN
number is issued. The application thereafter is forwarded to Customer Service section
wherein all the details are logged into the LDN database. If the load is less than 500 kW
then it will be directly sent to customer services dept. for connection or else it will be
forwarded to Asset Management Directorate. AMD will prepare feasibility report a copy
of the approval/conditional approval to DMS will be sent for information. This process
enables ADDC to plan the system to cater to these requirements as per LDN.

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Received application at Municipality by

ADDC representative

All required details / No Request customer

documents to complete the
available documentation


Register the
application and issue

Forward application to ADDC

Head Office
(Customer Service Section)

Record application
in the LDN data

Check < 500 kW Forward to

Connected Customer
Load Details Services Section

Load 5000 kW
Forward to Asset

Receipt of Application
at Asset Management

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LDN Process Flow Chart

All required details No Request customer

/ documents to complete the
available documentation

Demand Factor (Non-A/C Loads)
Residential = 0.3
Calculate Peak Commercial = 0.4
Demand based on the Industrial = 0.5
Demand Factor & Co-
incidence Factor Demand Factor (A/C Loads)
District Cooling = 0.9
Other cooling types = 0.8

For Bulk Consumers also verify

Size transformer & Circuit the Specific Consumption (W/m2)
configuration considered by the consultant
Locate the source
Finalize connectivity
1 Transformer = TRM
2 Transformers = QRM
> 2 Transformers = HV Panels
Prepare SLD (PNDS) & issue
for approval to Planning
section in PNDD

LDN Process Flow Chart (Continued)

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No Prepare reinforcement
Existing Network scheme to accommodate the
adequate to feed load and provide
the load? conditional approval


Approve SLD

Send copy of Approval /

Conditional Approval to
DMS for information

Initiate implementation of the

reinforcement scheme
Approve LDN

Customer approaches ADDC 6

Months prior to completion of
his construction activities

Forward to Power Network Services /

Projects (based on the cost involved)
requesting TPD approval & W/O release
attaching the following documents Re-approval of SLD has to
Routing Slip be obtained from Planning
GIS drawing indicating the location Section before execution.
of proposed SS Copy to be sent to DMS for
Approved SLD information once again
Approved LDN and
Connectivity Drawing


Customer Services PNDD Dev.

PNDD - Planning Notes

LDN Process Flow Chart (Continued)

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Define Variables

Define Functional Relationship

between Variables and Load

Collect past Data of the Variables

Select Model (Best fitting Trend


Carry out Regression Analysis

Test and Validate Results

Are Results


Perform Load Forecast for all the


Prepare Load
Forecast Report

Load Forecast Methodology

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ADDC has adopted the trending technique to forecast the area wise demand. The
process flow chart given above explains the process in brief.

The total area wise demand forecast for a short term (the time-line up to which
confirmed LDN are available, and considered as 2 years) will be the summation of
demand load computed from LDN database. Beyond two years, the projections are done
by extrapolation method using an appropriate function that gives best fit on the previous
trends (at least 5-years historical data).

Due to the limited availability of data currently, it is not possible to carryout the
forecasting exercise by the other methods such as econometric, simulation and end-use
techniques. The prerequisite for this kind of approach is the load research data, for all
categories of consumers. ADDC is in the process of collecting these relevant data and
use it to carryout a more accurate forecasts in the future.

Sum of area/sub-station wise peak is to be used to compute regional peak and in turn
regional peaks are summed up to give over all system peak, by applying appropriate
Diversity Factors at area/substation & regional levels. Such diversity factors are
computed from historical information on individual area/substation peak and their
respective coincident peak with the system peaks. Overall peak loads will also be
validated from the system energy and number of consumers forecasts. All Mega projects
demand will be added on actual to the areas wise/overall load forecast after verifying
their projections for specific consumption, demand-cum-coincidence factor used and
time line proposed for expected occupancy/utilization.

4.3 Reporting requirements for Load Forecast.

The load forecasting report would include the following points

1. Introduction:
Brief introduction on the load forecasting methodology used.
Brief description on the consumer categories served by ADDC
Brief description on the service areas geography etc.

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2. Historical data:
Table/Graph depicting the historical s/s wise peaks, area wise peak and total
system as a whole. To make note on any bulk transfers b/w primaries because
this will affect the statistics.
Table/Graph depicting the distribution of consumers/loads on each primary
substation in the system.
Table/Graph depicting the historical data on the number of consumers/connected
load category wise (Connected load will be more meaning full in case of
industrial category). Also, to include a column to show number of consumers &
connected load added year wise
Table/Graph depicting the historical data of the category wise energy sales (from
billing section) if not available to present the total energy sales along with the
year wise growth rates also to mention the Cumulative Average Growth Rate
(CAGR) of energy till date.
Table/Graph depicting the previous forecasted demand and actual (from
the previous planning statement) or to compare the current forecast with
any base load forecast done in the past like master plan etc.
To present the Cumulative Average Growth Rate (CAGR) of the peak
demand till date and percentage growth every year.
Table/Graph for the system load factor

3. Existing Network Details:

To include table on the existing substations with the installed and firm capacity
area wise.
4. Forecast Methodology:
Methodology adopted, assumptions made like Demand Factors, Diversity
Factors and actual peak considered for forecasting is a coincident peak or
non coincident etc.
5. Forecast Results:
Peak Demand forecasted for three areas and for total system with
assumed coincident factor. The results to be presented in three cases like
optimistic, base or pessimistic scenarios.

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The forecast to be divided into company forecast ( area wise) and
forecast at Transco point of interface.
To calculate the energy based on the peak load or/and vice versa and to
validate the load factor considered in calculating the energy or peak.

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5.0 Planning Criteria:

This section broadly outlines the criteria to be followed by the planning section while
planning the distribution system configuration. This chapter considers and explains the
significance of each and every individual criteria/aspect that is to be taken into
consideration while developing the network. The planning criteria have been developed
based on the standards set by the Regulation and Supervision Bureau (RSB) and the
best utility practices that focus on developing and operating a secured, reliable and
economical power system.

5.1 Supply Security Standard:

The planning criterion is established based on the currently accepted security standards,
which is as follows.

Class of Range of Group Min Demand to be met after

Supply Demand First Circuit Outage
A Up to 1.5 MVA Demand within repair time
B 1.5 to 6 MVA Group Demand within 3 Hours
1/3rd of the Group Demand within 30
C 6 to 30 MVA minutes
Group Demand within 3 hours


Demand that is typically served by a single distribution transformer up to 1500 kVA and
smaller. Loss of power to this group is either due to low voltage system fault or a
distribution transformer failure. Outage can be restored within the time required to repair
or replace the component.


Demand served by an 11 kV feeder or a distribution substation more than 3000 kVA

capacity. In order to satisfy the standard, the network design will have to have alternative
source to which the affected demand could be switched. Three-hour time frame is the
maximum it usually takes to manually re-configure the circuit and isolate the faulty

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This group demand typically includes the load on a primary substation or a 33 kV feeder.
An outage affecting this group could be caused by a transformer failure or 11 kV bus
failures. The standard requires one-third of the load affected by such an outage to be
restored within 30 minutes and the entire affected load in 3 hours. The 30 minutes
allowed reflects the time required to restore part of the lost demand by local manual or
remote switching. In order to satisfy this security standard the network design would
have to have alternative source to which the affected group could be switched because
primary substation equipment cannot be repaired or replaced in 3 hours time frame.

5.2 Power Quality Standards/Guidelines:

A: Voltage Levels:

Nominal Voltage Normal Operations Contingency (N-1)

33 kV 5% 10%
22 kV 5% 10%
11 kV 5% 10%
400 V* 10% n/a
*as per IEC 38 requirements

B: THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) Max. Planning Limit:

Voltage Level THD Limits

400 V 5%
6.6 kV, 11 kV & 20 kV 4%
22 kV to 400 kV 3%
(Note: Shall be updated as per IEEE Std. 519)

C: Voltage Unbalance, Fluctuation, Dip, over voltages & PF

Indicator Targeted Value
2% ( at PCC)
Max. Voltage Unbalance 1.3 ( at individual loads)
3% (depending upon the rate of occurrence.
Max, Fluctuation Some cases higher value could be accepted.
Max. Flickering Pst 1.0 and Plt 0.8
0.93 at Consumer end
Power Factor 0.91 at TRANSCO interface
Amplitude <60% V_nom,
Max. Voltage Dip (Sag) lasting < 1 Sec.
Temp. Over voltages 1.7 V_nom

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6.0 Design Philosophy:
It is mandatory for any planner to know the geography of the planning area and its load
density. The planning exercise begins with understanding the area, its geography,
population, land usage and load density etc. On the basis of geographical dispersion
and also load densities, total Abu Dhabi Emirates has been divided in to three planning

1. Abu Dhabi Island (ADI).

2. Eastern Region (ER).
3. Western Region (WR).

Drawing 6.1 to 6.3 presents the detailed map of Abu Dhabi Island, Eastern region and
western region. Drawing 6.4 presents the entire map of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Abu Dhabi
Island is densely populated area with skyscrapers and hub for major commercial
activities in the Emirates. Eastern region and western region is comparatively less
populated and dispersed. Eastern region is a mix of high density and low density load
whereas western region is predominantly a low density typical rural load. Each area load
characteristics depicts its own traits in terms peak load, load density, load characteristics
and developmental/growth avenues.

The planning philosophy has been categorized as applicable to rural and urban areas.
In urban areas, the load densities are very high with expected high demand growth
whereas in rural area the load growth is low and dispersed over a very large area. Urban
areas would require large capacity substations and a number of distribution substations
within a very small reach. As the feeders are not very long, voltage regulation is not a
constraint in urban areas and invariably loading of an asset is a limitation. However,
locating a suitable substation plot and the required route corridor for cable circuits is
challenge and therefore, influenced planning in a big way.

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6.1 Urban Area:

Abu Dhabi Island comprises of highly dense load. Due to high load density, the 33 kV
sub-transmission (low firm capacity) is not an economical option and therefore, not
recommended. Hence, the planning for Abu Dhabi Island is being done by adopting
132/11 kV system. All existing 33/11kV substation in high density areas would be slowly
phased out and replaced with 132/11kV system. The standard substation
capacity/configuration of 132/11 kV substation is as depicted in the Table below:

The reactive power compensation is provided at the 11 kV bus of the primary

substations. The compensation at the 11 kV bus of the primary substations will have the
following advantage:
Effective/Optimal usage of the transformation assets as the transformers will
carry less reactive power and can carry more active power when compared.
Better voltage regulation (reduced voltage drop) as the transformer will
carry less reactive power.
Reduced system losses in the system.
Maintains the power factor to the desired level (0.91).

The general practice adopted in reactive power compensation for the primary
substations is to provide the compensation up to 30% of the transformer capacity. The
Reactive power compensation to be provided in the primary substation as standard is
presented in the table given below.

The operation philosophy of the 132/11 kV substation is as follows:

1. Two transformers will be operated in parallel as depicted in drawing 6.5.

2. Incase of failure of one transformer three transformers will be operated in parallel
and this is presented in drawing 6.5 B.
3. Auto re-closer facility to close the bus couplers in the event of outage/failure of
one transformer.
4. 11 kV system will be operated in radial (open ring) as depicted in drawing 6.6A-&

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Standard 132/11 kV Substation Configuration
SN Equipment description Rating/specs Value
Rating 40 MVA
Total S/S Capacity 160 MVA (4 x 40 MVA)
FIRM Capacity 120 MVA
1 Transformer 132/11 kV Impedance % Z 25%
Number of Taps 24 for Step of 1.25%
Vector Group YNYNO
Type of Cooling ONAF
Rating 1500/1000 kVA
Station Transformer
2 Impedance % Z 6%
11/0.415 kV
Vector Group Dyn11
MVAR Rating 48 MVAR (4x12 MVAR)
3 Capacitor bank kV Rating 12 kV
Vector Group Y
Type GIS
Continuous Current
2500 A
11 kV Bus
4 Rated Breaking Capacity
couplers/Incomer 31.5 kA
S.C Withstanding
31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type GIS
Continuous Current
630/1200 A
11 kV outgoing feeder
5 Rated Breaking Capacity
Breakers 31.5 kA
S.C Withstanding
31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type GIS
Continuous Current
2500 A
6 Bus Bar -11 kV Rating
S.C Withstanding
31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Fire fighting equipments Automatic fixed water
7 --
for transformer spray systems
Standard Protection Differential, REF, O/C,
8 --
functions E/F, U/F, U/V and df/dt

11 kV Feeder Configuration:

Open-loop ring configuration with two feeders interconnected from the same substation
(different bus sections) or two different substations. The maximum loading on each
feeder will be limited to 50% of its rated capacity. Existing configuration in many areas
are having switching station with an express feeder. This architecture though is efficient

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 23 of 50

in terms of cable utilization, poses operational challenges and may not cater to some
extreme contingencies. ADDC approach would be to continue with exiting circuits and
replace with a ring configuration as and when a new substation is commissioned in the

11 kV Feeder size:

The underground cable of 3Cx300 Sq. mm, Cu. XLPE will be used as the main cable,
which can carry up to 335 Amps (5.7 MW), in order to utilize the full substation firm

SN Description Size Rating

Underground cables (First 2 / 3
3Cx300 Sq mm, CU,
1 legs of the ring) all new 335A*
Underground Cables existing 3x240 Sq mm ,CU
2 300A*
system XLPE
Underground cables (further 3Cx185 Sq. mm, CU,
3 270 A*
legs of the ring) XLPE
* Site Ratings

Note: Choice of lower sized cable in the third leg or beyond, as applicable, would be
driven by the ring configuration and the number of substations proposed per ring. In any
case, it should be ensured that extreme N-1 contingency is complied with for all possible
ring loading scenario, while using lower sized cable in the down stream legs of the ring.
300 sq. mm. XLPE Al Cable can also be used from third leg and beyond to bring down
the initial investments.

11/0.4 kV Distribution Substations:

The number of Distribution transformers that can be connected to the 11 kV feeders /

ring will depend on the connected kVA. Following Demand Factor (DF) may normally be
used to compute expected peak demand for a Distribution Substation. The Demand
Factors for different class of customers to be arrived, based on the load research.

ADDC is proposing to carry out a comprehensive study to validate/revise the demand

factor and diversity factors that to be used for sizing of the equipment.

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 24 of 50

Type of Load Factor
Non-AC loads:
Residential = 0.3
Commercial = 0.4
Industrial = 0.5
Mixed Use = 0.4
AC Loads:
District Cooling = 0.9
Other types of Cooling = 0.8

Additionally, a Diversity Factor of 1.1 (Coincidence Factor=0.9) may be used to compute

overall loading of a ring.

*Recommended number of distribution substations per

SN feeder/loop ( Assuming 100% Transformer loading )
1500 kVA 1000 kVA 500 kVA
1 4 6 12

* Number of transformers/ substations in a feeder/ring can be increased depending upon

the expecting maximum loading on each transformer, irrespective of the size of the

Distribution Transformer:

In order to have an optimum inventory and spares, it is proposed to use the following
Distribution Transformer sizes, as a Standard, in the network:
i) 1500 kVA
ii) 1000 kVA
iii) 500 kVA
The distribution transformers shall be hermetically sealed corrugated fully filled with oil
rather than the conventional transformers with the conservators.

11/0.4 kV Distribution Substation configuration:

A typical RMU based substation located in a typical 11 kV loop will comprise of the
i) Ring Main Unit (TRM / QRM).
ii) Distribution Transformer(s).
iii) LV distribution Board.

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 25 of 50

Drawing 6.7 presents the standard electrical substation configuration of typical
Distribution Substation.

Regarding the configuration of the distribution substation, loading of each bus-section will
be restricted to a demand of 3.0 MVA and sectionalizing arrangement shall be provided
for any load demand exceeding 3.0 MVA. Its recommended to have substation with TRM
configuring only for public distribution system, closer to the load point, unless high load
density justifies installation of QRM. All distribution substations should be accessible to
ADDC O&M staff on 24 Hrs basis and connected to the main road.

In order to reduce the cost of construction and have faster completion period, it has been
decided to utilize the GRP based enclosures as follows:

i) RMU (TRM) based 11/0.4 kV Package Unit (Dwg. No.: AMD-PND-0116, R3)
ii) RMU (TRM) based 11/0.4 kV Distribution Substation (Dwg. No.: AMD-PND-
0114, R3)
iii) RMU (QRM) based 11/0.4 kV Distribution Substation (Dwg. No.: AMD-PND-
0115, R3)

LV Distribution Boards (LDB):

Following standard capacities will be utilized in the network:

Distribution Bus Bar Incomer
Fuse Ways /
SN Transformer Rating Rating
Rating (No.
Capacity (kVA) (Amps) (Amps)
1 1500 2700 2700 10 / 630
2 1000 1800 1800 8 / 630
3 500 900 900 6 / 630

The incomers will be off-load isolator and the outgoing will be Fuse based. In case of
QRM substations, a combined LVDB will be installed with two (2) bus-sections with bus-
section isolator. This interconnection facility at the LV level will result in additional
security of supply, in case of a failure of one of the transformers and also during periodic

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 26 of 50

Ring Main Unit (RMU):

The RMUs shall be of SF6 type. The RMUs shall have a standard switch for incomer
and outgoing feeders and circuit breaker (vacuum) for the transformer feeder. The
RMUs will have the facility to monitor and control from remote. The Feeder rating would
be 630 Amps and the Transformer Circuit Breaker rating would be 200 Amps. The
RMUs will be fitted with Self powered numerical O/C and E/F Relay. The RTU for remote
will be powered by auxiliary supply of 24 V DC, which will be part of the RTU panel. The
RMU and RTU shall be interfaced through a stand alone marshalling panel. New
generation RMUs available in the market that can be programmed for automatic open
close operation to reduce the interruption duration are recommended for use in VIP
areas and other essential loads.

Voltage Drop:

Voltage drop calculations will be computed for all 11 kV proposals made. This
calculation will determine the percentage voltage regulation to supply demand load to a
given distance with particular conductor. The voltage drop of 5% is acceptable for any
proposals being prepared and if the voltage regulation is more than that the proposal will
to be revised to restrict to 5% voltage regulation in 11 kV system. The voltage drop in a
distribution lines/cables will be reduced by using the better size conductor and proposing
the substations at an optimum location. Voltage drop will not be an issue normally in an
urban network.

Low Voltage Distribution:

Low voltage distribution planning is also a very crucial activity for a power utility. The
planning/design process adopted at present is explained below.

The receipt of Load Demand Notification LDN initiates the process of LV Planning. LDN
is submitted along with all other relevant information for further processing by the
customer to Customer Service Directorate, a sample copy of LDN is attached in the end
of the section. The nearest feeding point would be identified from which the new load
can be fed. Loading of all the associated elements along with upstream elements would
be verified and possible impact of addition of new load on to the network would be

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 27 of 50

identified. The recorded peak load of the distribution transformer and associated feeder
pillar would be extracted from the database (Reflex Information System) where the
phase wise peak load details are available. Loading will further be revalidated with the
help of field staff, if required. It is ensured that the new added load is not going to over
load any of the upstream elements. The Feeding Scheme prepared to supply electricity
to new consumer would consider the following:

1. Demand factor of 0.4 and coincident factor of 0.9 is considered to decide the
2. The maximum cable distance from the substation to feeder pillar to be restricted
to 150-200 meters and 100 meters from feeder pillar to service turret.
3. In few cases where there are no sources nearby and the load has to be fed from
a farthest sources then the cable will be upgraded to the next size to increase the
transfer capability, minimize voltage drop and loses to an extent.
4. If there is no space or spare capacity available in the nearby feeder pillar then a
new feeder pillar will be proposed. The proposed feeder pillar box would be
proposed/designed in such a way that the LV system would be reconfigured and
rearranged to avoid future overloading on the system and also to facilitate
additional new connections in future from these feeder pillars.
5. At present the voltage drop calculation is not performed for each and every
individual feeding schemes. Based on the experience and restricting the cable
lengths as mentioned above the voltage drop will be contained but as an
improvement in the process it is proposed to include the voltage drop
calculations in the feeding scheme prepared for all the submitted LDNs.
6. The cable ratings are decided based on the standard current carrying capacity
mentioned by the manufacturer however it is proposed to consider a suitable de-
rating factor for the cables when deciding the cable size in future.

The typical distribution system single line diagram is depicted in Drawing 6.8. A
Typical Standard Distribution system would consists of the following

1. Distribution substation with 2 x 1500/1000/500 kVA Distribution Transformer

2. 10/8/6 numbers of outgoing feeders for 1500/1000/500 kVA transformer capacity

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 28 of 50

3. Typically 5/4/3 numbers of feeder pillars would be used in 1500/1000/500 kVA
transformer capacity substation. The feeder Pillars will be of 800/1600 Amps
4. The number of outgoing feeders for an 800 Amps rating F.P would be 8 feeders
and 9 numbers for 1600 Amps F.P.

The standard equipments ratings used in LV distribution system are as follows:

Standard Equipments Specifications/Ratings used in LV distribution
SN Equipment Ratings/Specification Remarks
1 1500,1000 & 500 kVA 2 Nos. of Dist. Transformer per S/S.
Feeder 1600 A 2 incomers and 9 out going feeders
Pillars 800 A 2 incomers and 8 out going feeders
4 Core 240 Sq mm Used for feeding F.P from S/S
4 Core 185 Sq mm Used for feeding F.P from S/S
3 LV Cables
4 Core 120 Sq mm Used for outgoing feeders from F.P
4 Core 70 Sq mm Used for outgoing feeders from F.P

6.2 Rural Area:

In some part of eastern and western region the loads are distributed over large area.
Due to the low load density, the load will be catered through a conventional 33/11 kV
system. The substation transformation capacity will be decided based on the expected
load. The standard recommended practice is to use substations with 4, 3 or 2 numbers
of 20 MVA transformers. In some cases where the load is very small and located
remotely, suitably sized 33/11kV packages units can be used initially and replaced by
permanent 33/11kV substation as the load grows.

The reactive power compensation is provided at the 11 kV bus of the primary

substations. The compensation at the 11 kV bus of the primary substations in the rural
areas will have additional benefits other than effective/optimal usage of the
transformation assets:

Helps the system to maintain the voltage stability especially in the case of
primary substations with auto tap changing facility and fed by long radial lines in
the system.

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 29 of 50

Can contain the voltage drop and improves the voltage profile in the rural
distribution system.

Standard 33/11 kV Substation Configuration

SN Rating/Specifications Value
Rating 20 MVA
80/60/40 MVA,4/3/2 x 20
Total S/S Capacity
Transformer FIRM Capacity 60/40/20 MVA
33/11 kV Impedance % Z 12.0 %
Number of Taps 20,step of 1.25%
Vector Group Dyn11
Type of Cooling ONAF
Station Rating 2 x 1.5/1.0 MVA
2 Transformer Impedance % Z 6%
11/0.41 kV Vector Group Dyn11
MVAR Rating 24 MVAR for 4 x 6 MVAR
3 kV Rating 12 kV
Vector Group Y
Type Gas(SF6) or Air Insulated
33 kV Continuous Current Rating 2500 Amps
Breaker- type Rated Breaking Capacity (Icn) 31.5 kA
S.C Withstanding Capability 31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type Gas(SF6) or Air Insulated
33 kV Bus Continuous Current Rating 2500 Amps
couplers Rated Breaking Capacity (Icn) 31.5 kA
S.C Withstanding Capability 31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type Gas(SF6) or Air Insulated
11 kV Bus Continuous Current Rating 2500 Amps
couplers Rated Breaking Capacity (Icn) 31.5 kA
S.C Withstanding Capability 31.5 kA for 3 Sec
11 kV Type Gas(SF6) or Air Insulated
outgoing Continuous Current Rating 630 Amps
feeder Rated Breaking Capacity (Icn) 31.5 kA
Breakers S.C Withstanding Capability 31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type Gas Insulated
8 Bus Bar-33 kV Continuous Current Rating 1600 Amps
S.C Withstanding Capability 31.5 kA for 3 sec
Type Air Insulated
Bus Bar -11
9 Continuous Current Rating 2500 Amps
S.C Withstanding Capability 31.5 kA for 3 sec
Fire fighting
Automatic fixed water spray
10 equipments --

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 30 of 50

Standard 33/11 kV Substation Configuration
SN Rating/Specifications Value
Differential for REF,O/C,
11 Protection --
E/F,U/F,U/V and df/dt

The operation philosophy of the 33/11 kV substation is as follows:

1. Two transformers will be operated in parallel (in 4 x 20 MVA S/S) substation.

2. Incase of failure of one transformer three transformers will be operated in parallel.
3. Two transformers will be operated in parallel (in 3 x 20 MVA S/S) substation.
4. Incase of failure of one transformer two transformers will continue to operate in
5. In case of 2x 20 MVA substations the transformers will be operated in radial.
6. Incase of failure of one transformer the other transformers will take the entire load
7. Auto bus-coupler closing facility to close the bus couplers in the event of outage
one transformer.
8. 11 kV system will operated in radial (open ring) (refer drawing).

The design philosophy for the 11 kV distribution systems will be similar to the guidelines
presented in the previous section except the major portion of the network would be of
over head type. The auto-recloser facility will be provided for long 11 kV over head lines
in the rural areas to close the line after a transient/ temporary fault. The following
conductors will be used as a standard for 11 kV feeders in rural areas.

SN Description Size Rating

200 sq. mm AAAC
1 Overhead Line - Main 473 A**
150 Sq. mm. AAAC
2 Over Head Line - Spur 398 A**
** Tropical Ratings

Some of the remotely located loads that cannot be fed by 11 kV feeders due to the
distance involved and voltage drop problems will be fed by using 33/0.415 kV
transformers of appropriate capacity. 33/0.415 Package units/Ground based substations

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 31 of 50

(630, 1000 & 1500 kVA) are to be used to feed the loads that are very remotely located
relatively better load concentration. The pole mounted transformers (250/315 kVA) are
mainly used to feed the small loads that are typically found in the remote rural areas.
The 33/0.415 kV pole mounted transformers will be fed from a nearest 33 kV source by
a tap off arrangement.

33 kV Feeders:

The decision to determine the number of feeds at 33 kV for a 33/11 kV substation is

based on the N-1 security criteria, meaning that in case of failure of one of the feeds, the
healthy feeders should be capable of feeding the firm capacity of the substation/ without
overloading. Drawing 6.9 and Drawing 6.9-A presents the system configuration for a
33/11 kV substation with 4 transformers. The 33 kV system configuration for a substation
with 3 transformers is presented in the Drawing 6.10 and Drawing 6.10-A. Drawing 6.11
and Drawing 6.11-A presents the system configuration for a 33/11 kV substation with 2

33 kV Feeder configuration:

SN Description Criteria
Three (3)
1 Substation with 3 transformers
2 Substation with 2 or 1 transformer(s) Two (2) feeders

33 kV Feeder Size:

SN Description Size Rating

1 Underground cables 3Cx300 Sq. mm, Cu., XLPE 335A*
2 Overhead Line 240 Sq. mm, ACSR 360A*
3 Overhead Line 200 sq. mm. AAAC, Poplar 473A**
4 Overhead Line 250 sq mm , AAAC Sycamore 547A**
* Site Ratings, ** Tropical Ratings

The capacity of the above underground cable and the overhead line conductor is around
20 MVA after considering possible de-rating.

Most of the substations would be fed by over head lines in rural areas where the loads
are spread out across wide geographical area. The over head lines are susceptible to

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 32 of 50

frequent tripping due to transient faults and performance/reliability can be greatly
improved by giving a due consideration to the design of the 33 kV OHL on the following:

1. The creepage distance for 33 kV line will be as per the standard practice of
2. Silicon rubber insulators to replace the conventional porcelain insulators in costal
areas and where the insulators are subjected to high level of pollution and
humidity. Normally, it is preferred that the entire length of 33 kV line would be of
Silicon rubber insulators as the incremental cost between the two options has
narrowed down due to the new manufacturing techniques and wide spread use
of polymer insulators.
3. Insulated conductors to be used in areas where the lines are susceptible to
corrosion, large vegetation, and high wind velocity and in the middle of desert
with likely formation of sand dunes that can impact ground clearances.
4. Sectionalizers to be installed at every 5 kms. distance (as a standard) to isolate
the faulty portion of the line in the event of a fault. However, the same needs to
be studied with respect to each line tap-offs.
5. Fault locators to be installed at regular intervals to avoid extensive patrolling to
identify the faults and for quick restoration.
6. Auto bus-coupler closing facility to close (Charge) the line after a transient fault
from a remote end will also be part of the 33 kV line design.
7. The poles that are normally used in 33 kV OHL design is iron poles and the
grounding of these poles is by running a separate ground wire through out the
length of the line and grounding at each and every pole to limit the resistance to
5 ohms as per the standard practice. The same would be adopted for all the new

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 33 of 50

6.3 Mega Projects:
There are a number of mega projects that have been planned in the Emirate. The mega
development projects are of self contained developments that demand for a dedicated
substation for feeding the loads. All the mega developments that are expected to have a
very high load density, have been planned with 132/22 kV substation configuration only
to cater to such development on stand alone basis. The standard substation
capacity/configuration of 132/22 kV substation is as depicted in the table given below.

Standard 132/22 kV substation configuration

SN Equipment description Rating/Specifications Value
Rating 80 MVA
Total S/S Capacity 320 MVA
FIRM Capacity 240 MVA
1 Transformer 132/22 kV *Impedance % Z 25%
*Number of Taps 24 for Step of 1.25%
*Vector Group YNyno(d)
Type of Cooling ONAF
Rating 1500/1000 kVA
Station Transformer
2 Impedance % Z 6%
22/0.41 kV
Vector Group Dyn11
MVAR Rating 48 MVAR, 4 x 12 MVAR
3 Capacitor bank kV Rating 24
Vector Group Y
Type GIS
Continuous Current
2500 A
4 22 kV Bus coupler/Incomer Rated Breaking
31.5 kA
Capacity (Icn)
S.C Withstanding
31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type GIS
Continuous Current
630/1200 A
22 kV outgoing feeder
5 Rated Breaking
Breaker 31.5 kA
Capacity (Icn)
S.C Withstanding
31.5 kA for 3 Sec
Type GIS
Continuous Current
2500 A
6 Bus Bar -22 kV Rating
S.C Withstanding
31.5 kA
7 Fire fighting equipments Automatic fixed water --

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 34 of 50

Standard 132/22 kV substation configuration
SN Equipment description Rating/Specifications Value
for transformer spray systems
Standard Protection Differential, REF, O/C,
8 --
functions E/F,U/F,U/V and df/dt
* Parameters as per the tender document of TRANSCO

The operation philosophy of the 132/22 kV substation is as follows:

1. Two transformers will be operated in parallel.
2. Incase of failure of one transformer, three transformers will be operated in
3. Auto bus-coupler closing facility to close the bus couplers in the event of
outage one transformer.
4. 22 kV system will operate in radial (open loop) and DMS controlled.

The design philosophy for the 22 kV distribution systems will be similar to what has been
presented in the previous section for urban area 11kV system. However, each 22kV ring
will be able to carry a load up 13 MVA and larger sized transformer up to 3000kVA with
appropriate % impedance to contain fault level to design 50kA at LV switchgear, would
be used.

7.0 System Improvement Works:

Apart from planning the system to cater to the future demand it is necessary to identify
the requirements of the system for improvement/augmentation to enhance the system
performance. The system performance reports with the reliability indices published
regularly would give the information about such bottle necks in the system affecting the
reliability/security of supply. Although the system is already designed to meet such
criteria/guide lines in the beginning, it may deviate from those criteria during the actual
operation due to some other factor or changes in reference conditions. The reliability
indices along with the other parameters would be monitored continuously by the
planning team to identify the reasons for outage or deviation in the supply standards.
Based on such inputs, system augmentation/expansion would be proposed to improve
the system performance.

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 35 of 50

8.0 Aged Asset Replacement:
The scheduled asset replacement to be a part of the plan and all the assets that has
surpassed their useful life has to be replaced in time. When the asset is not replaced
right in time may pose threat to the system integrity and may fail catastrophically in the
future due to increased demand on the equipment. The schedule replacements for the
future (5 years) will be identified in advance and incorporated in the 5-yaer planning
statement, so that the equipments if possible may be upgraded to higher capacity
instead of replacing it, depending upon the area plan. A well structured asset
replacement plan integrated with expansion plan would optimize overall costs increases
and the reliability and availability of the equipments.

9.0 Economic Feasibility Study:

Normally economic feasibility study will be carried out for each and every
project/proposals and ranked for inclusion in the 5-year planning statement. The NPV
method is adopted in establishing the feasibility of a project. The NPV (Net Present
Value) method considers the initial capital investment, operation and maintenance costs
for the entire life span and the interest rates on the capital investment. Projects
associated with positive NPVs represent net savings for the organization and will be
considered viable. The cash inflow will be normally calculated based on the energy
charges (economic cost). There are many projects of strategic importance and therefore
may not be viable on stand alone basis.

10.0 Risk Analysis:

Risk Analysis is the science of risks and their probability and evaluation/quantification.
The risk is part of any business and it needs to be addressed for better understanding
and to promote preparedness for such eventualities. As part of the risk management
process, risk analysis for each project will be performed, as applicable. The detailed and
comprehensive risk analysis is a quite involved task and also time consuming. The exact
quantification of the risk on a prescribed/predefined scale requires expertise and time.
Hence a simple format has been designed to list the probable risks with the probable
weight for each risk like High, Moderate or Low, as described in the table given blow.
This approach would be adopted till a comprehensive risk analysis methodology to be
defined in the future releases of this document.

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (ver-01) Page 36 of 50

Risk Analysis for a Project
SN Potential risks Probability of
Risks in the event of Rejection/Delay in implementation of the Proposals/ Project
1 Inability to meet the expected demand/ load H/M/L H/M/L H/M/L
2 Reduction in Reliability of the system
3 Not meeting Strategic Company objectives
4 Increased in Losses.
5 Poor quality of supply
Over all risk involved H/M/L
Risks in the event of acceptance & implementation of the proposals/ project
1 Uncertainty of the expected load H/M/L H/M/L H/M/L
2 Under utilization of the asset
3 Financial/cost implications, if any
Over all risk involved H/M/L

H: High, M: Moderate, L: Low

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I/C-1 I/C-2 I/C-3 I/C-4

132 kV

132 kV Bus: 1650A, 31.5 kA,

132/11 kV 132/11 kV
40 MVA 40 MVA
DYn11 DYn11
17.3%Z 17.3%Z

11 kV Bus: 2500A, 31.5 kA, 3 sec

11 kV
* *

Drawing 6.5 P
12 12 S 12 12 S

Drawing 6.5
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 38 of 50
I/C-1 I/C-2 I/C-3 I/C-4

132 kV

132 kV Bus: 1650A, 31.5 kA,

132/11 kV 132/11 kV
40 MVA 40 MVA Transformer
DYn11 DYn11 out of service
17.3 %Z 17.3 %Z

11 kV Bus: 2500A, 31.5 kA, 3 sec

* *

Drawing 6.5 -B S
12 12 S 12 12 S

Drawing 6.5 -B
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 39 of 50
Trf. I/C-1 Trf. I/C-2 Trf. I/C-3 Trf. I/C-4

11 kV Bus: 5000A, 31.5 kA, 3 sec

11 kV NC NO NC
* *








8 Rings 8 Rings
Drawing 6.6A
Drawing 6.6A
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 40 of 50
Trf. I/C-1 Trf. I/C-2 Trf. I/C-3

11 kV NC 11 kV Bus: 5000A, 31.5 kA, 3 sec

* *








12 Rings

Drawing 6.6B
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 41 of 50
I/C-1 I/C-2
11 kV Bus: 25 kA, 1 sec

11 kV

11/0.415 kV

Station Cubicle DB
Station Cubicle DB
32 A
Off Load Isolators 32 A

0.415 kV BUS 50 kA, 1 sec

400 A

LV out going Feeders LV out going Feeders

Drawing 6.7
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 42 of 50


FS 80 A

1500 KVA Tr.

LVDB (8 Way) Off Load Isolator

400 A (each)

4 way mini pillar Link Consumers MDB/Meter Cabinet

100 A (each)

50-185 sq mm

MCCB Max.Demand,<= Incomer fuse

rating or 80 85% of the
connected load

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 43 of 50

Drawing 6.8
Incomer-1 Incomer-2 Incomer-3 Incomer-4

33 kV Bus Bar-1

33 kV Bus Bar-2

Bus Coupler

3c,300 sq mm 3c,300 sq mm 3c,300 sq mm

XLPE Cable XLPE Cable XLPE Cable

33 kV

33/11 kV 33/11 kV 33/11 kV

20 MVA 20 MVA 20 MVA
Dyn11 Dyn11 Dyn11
12% Z 12% Z 12% Z
11 kV
* *

Drawing 6.9
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 44 of 50
Incomer-1 Incomer-2 Incomer-3 Incomer-4

33 kV Bus Bar-1

33 kV Bus Bar-2

Bus Coupler

3c,300 sq mm 3c, 300 sq mm 3c,300 sq mm

XLPE Cable XLPE Cable XLPE Cable
Outage of
33 kV
due to

33 kV Close

33/11 kV 33/11 kV 33/11 kV

20 MVA 20 MVA 20 MVA
Dyn11 Dyn11 Dyn11
12% Z 12% Z 12% Z
11 kV
* *
NC NO NC Close

Drawing 6.9-A
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 45 of 50
Incomer-1 Incomer-2 Incomer-3

33 kV Bus Bar-1

33 kV Bus Bar-2

Bus Coupler

3C, 300 sq mm 3C, 300 sq mm

XLPE Cable XLPE Cable

33 kV

33/11 kV 33/11 kV
20 MVA 20 MVA 20 MVA 20 MVA
DYn11 DYn11
12 %Z 12 %Z
11 kV
* *

Drawing 6.10
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 46 of 50
Incomer-1 Incomer-2 Incomer-3

33 kV Bus Bar-1

33 kV Bus Bar-2

Bus Coupler

3C, 300 sq mm 3C, 300 sq mm

XLPE Cable XLPE Cable

Outage of
one 33 kV
due to
Fault Close

33 kV

33/11 kV 33/11 kV
20 MVA 20 MVA
20 MVA out of
20 MVA
DYn11 service DYn11
12 %Z 12 %Z
11 kV
* *
NC Close

Drawing 6.10-A

Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 47 of 50

Incomer -1 Incomer -2

33 kV Bus Bar-1

33 kV Bus Bar-2

Bus Coupler

3C, 300 sq mm
XLPE Cable

33 kV

33/11 kV
20 MVA
11 kV


Drawing 6.11
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 48 of 50
Incomer - 1 Incomer - 2

33 kV Bus Bar-1

33 kV Bus Bar-2

Bus Coupler

Outage of
one 33 kV
Incomer due 3C, 300 sq mm
to Fault XLPE Cable

33 kV

Transformer 33/11 kV
out of 20 MVA
service DYn11
11 kV


Drawing 6.11-A
Planning Criteria & Design Philosophy (Ver-01) Page 49 of 50

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