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Budget M.


GAD Designation PKR ECCD

211 Project Manager 5,395,200 74,933 1

211 M & E Officer 2,697,600 37,467 1

211 A & Finance Officer 2,697,600 56,200 1

211 Office Boy 472,080 9,835 1

213 M & E Officer 3,771,714 39,289 1

213 Team leaders 5,280,400 55,004 1

213 Admin and accounts 2,640,200 27,502 1

ECCD Specilist 2,514,476 26,192
ECCD Supervisors/
213 Technical Assistants 54,325
ECCD Officer 1,005,790
213 10,477
213 Coordinators 28,294

M. Garh Layyah Rajanpur Thatta Khairpur Ghotki


1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1
GAD No.: PAK0213in
Education Budget FY12
Project title: Emergency
Proposed project period: April, 2012

Currency of the proposed budget: USD

Currency of local spending: PKRs
Exchange rate applied for conversion into US$: 85.865
Value added tax incorporated in the budget? No
Do you have a special status regarding the paym Yes
IH budget exchange rate for FY 12: 1 Euro =

Total Budget for 27 Months

Code Budget Item Unit

Unit Cost No. of Units Total Budget

1. Human Ressources
1.1 Project Staff
Monitoring & Evaluation, Coordinatoor [DRR
6B11 and EiE]
per month 839 27 22,640

2B10 Project Officer per month 524 27 14,150

2B10 Project Manager per month 1,153 27 31,130
2D10 M&E Officers [partner] per month 1,572 27 42,450
2D10 Team leaders [partner] per month 2,201 27 59,431
2D10 Admin and accounts [partner] per month 1,101 27 29,715
7A20 Accounts Officer per month 472 27 12,735
189 212,252
1.2 Existing Plan Staff (percentages)
6A10 Program Support Manager (10%) Percentages 291 12 3,494
3B10 WES advisor,(20%) Percentages 419 12 5,031
2B10 Learning Advisor (20%) Percentages 419 27 11,320
5B10 Child rights Advisor ( 10%) Percentages 210 12 2,516
5B10 Gender Advisor (10%) Percentages 210 12 2,516
5B13 DRM Advisor (10%) Percentages 105 27 2,830
7A25 HR Management team [5%] Percentages 186 12 2,236
6B11 Monitoring & Evaluation (10%) Percentages 93 27 2,516
7A30 Internal Control [20%] Percentages 349 27 9,433
7A20 Finance Deppartment [10%] Percentages 349 27 9,433
5B10 Grants Department [5%] Percentages 105 27 2,830
7A10 Admin and logistics [10%] Percentages 186 27 5,031
6A10 Country Director[5%] Percentages 349 27 9,433
276 68,619

Subtotal Human Ressources 465 280,871

2. Travel
2.1 International Travel
2B10 2.1.1 Flight costs per flight
2B10 2.1.2 Per Diems per diem

2.2 National Travel

2B10 2.2.1 Transport per trip 226 18 4,071
2B10 2.2.2 Per Diems per diem 57 54 3,082

Subtotal Travel 72 7,154

3. Equipment and Supplies
3.1 Purchase or rent of vehicles
2D10 Vehicle rental with POL per vehicle 1,572 27 42,450

3.2 Furniture & Computer Equipment

2B10 Computers/Laptops per item/set 1,000 4 4,000
2D10 Photocopier per item/set 685 3 2,055
7 6,055

3.3 Machines, tools per item

3.4 Other (please specify)

Subtotal Equipment and Supplies 34 48,505

4. Local Office
4.1 Vehicle costs
2B10 4.1.1 Fuel per month 342 27 9,247
2B10 4.1.2 Vehicle maintenance per month 57 27 1,541
Budget FY12
4.2 Office rent
2D10 Office rental per month 1,258 27 33,960
2B10 Office rental (Multan Office) per month 1,027 27 27,740

4.3 Office running costs (electricity, water)

2D10 Office utilities per month 472 27 12,735
2B10 Office utilities (Multan Office) per month 195 27 5,260

4.4 Office supplies / consumables

2D10 Office supplies per month 189 27 5,094
2B10 Office supplies (Multan Office) per month 114 27 3,082

4.5 Communication (telefone, internet, courier services)

2D10 Communication per month 157 27 4,244
2B10 Communication (Multan Office) per month 228 27 6,164

4.6 Building Maintenance

2B10 Building Maintenance per month 856 27 23,116

4.7 Support Staff Cost

2B10 Driver (Multan Office) per month 285 27 7,705
2B10 Office Boy (Multan Office) per month 228 27 6,164
2B10 Office Cleaner (Multan Office) per month 228 27 6,164

Subtotal Local Office 378 152,219

5. External Services & Visibility
5.1 Studies, Research
2C10 Baseline and Action Research Study
23,292 1 23,292

5.2 Publications

5.3 Expenditure Verification / Audit

2B10 Undertake the audit Audit 11,646 1 11,646

5.4 Evaluation costs

5.5 Translation / Interpretation

5.6 Financial services (banking fees etc.)

5.7 Visibility actions

Development of Safer Schools campaign
2E16 Materials 5,823 2 11,646
materials (messages and IEC)
Make a video documentry for the
2E16 Video Doc 5,823 1 5,823
Development of ECCD campaign
2E16 Materials 5,823 2 11,646
materials (messages and IEC)
5 29,115

5.8 Other (please specify)

Subtotal External Services & Visibility 7 64,053

6. Project Activities

6.1 Start-up Workshop Workshop

6.2 Advocacy
Advocacy for safer schools
National workshop on safer schools
2A10 Workshop 5,823 2 11,646
(engage all the key actors)
2A10 Mock drills at schools Schools 12 180 2,096
First aid trainings for 10 children of each
1F11 Trainigs 58 72 4,193
1F11 Provision of First Aid Kits at schools Schools 35 180 6,289
Prepositioning of Educational material
2F15 (continuity of education during Districts 1,165 3 3,494
437 27,718

Capacity Building of CSOs/Local

organizations for Child Centered DRR
and Safe Schools
5K10 Identification of CSOs in districts Orgs
6 30 175

Mapping of selected CSO and their CSO/Local Budget FY12
5K10 17 30 524
geographical working areas Orgs
5K10 Assessment of shortlisted CSOs Orgs
12 30 349

Capacity Building of CSOs/Local

Developing Safer School Campaign
5K10 Strategy & Manuals & Its Trainings 8,735 1 8,735
Training of CSOs on Organizational &
5K10 Trainings 368 3 1,103
Programatic Issues
5K10 ToT of CSOs on CCDRM manual Trainings 2,758 3 8,275
Training of CSOs on community
5K10 Trainings 368 3 1,103
mobilization and organization for CCDRM
Training of CSOs on Account Keeping and
5K10 Trainings 368 3 1,103
Instituional Support in term of material to CSOs/Local
5K10 1,165 15 17,469
partner CSOs Orgs
Support to each partner CSO for CSOs/Local
5K10 1,398 15 20,963
community mobilization Orgs
Networking of CSOs
Establishment of district network Districts/Netw
5C12 582 3 1,747
secretariat orks
bi monthly meetings of District CSO
5C12 Meetings 12 18 210
154 61,756

Facilitate establishment and training

of school management committees
for monitoring of school
rehabilitation and for school
2H10 Training of SMC members members
105 90 9,433
Facilitate the establishment and
training of Student Representatives -
2H10 Training of students Students 105 90 9,433

Social Mobilization and Capacity

Building of Communities, SMCs,
Teachers, Students, on SDPs
2H10 Education Coordinators Months 1,223 25 30,571

Awareness raising of community

members, parents, volunteers,
caregivers, government official and
partner staff on Child Protection,
ECCD and psychosocial issues.
2A10 Awareness of Community members Trainings 70 90 6,289
5C10 Development of IEC on Child Protection Material sets 5,823 1 5,823
91 12,112

MoU with Government

Meetings with Provincial & Distrtict
2C11 Meetings 4 699
Governments 175

891 151,723
6.3 Early Childhood Care and Development
Establishment of ECCD Centers
Construction of ECCD centers [1 ECCD
2E17 6,988 90 628,894
Room + Verandah] Centers
2E17 Construction of latrines Latrnies 4,658 90 419,263

2E17 Water systems Water pumps 349 90 31,445

Caregivers [community based] Caregivers

2E15 5,814 90 523,240
2E11 Training of caregivers Caregivers 140 180 25,156
2E14 ECCD supplies/materials [kits] Centers 582 90 52,408
2E16 ECCD Specilist Months 1,048 27 28,300
2E16 ECCD Officer Months 419 27 11,320
2E16 ECCD Supervisors/ Technical Assistants Months 2,446 24 58,697
2E16 Training and support to ECCD centers Trainigs 262 90 23,584
798 1,802,306

Advocacy for ECCD Budget FY12
National workshop for engaging all the
2A10 Workshop 5,823 2 11,646
Meetings with Provincial & Distrtict
2C11 Districts 1,165 6 6,990
8 18,636
Project Monitoring
Coordination and reflections
Conduct Quarterlty review and planning
2C11 4,658 4 18,634
workshops Meetings
2E16 Conduct regular monitoring field visits Visits 5,241 12 62,889
NO staff monitoring visits Visis 3,500 3 10,500
Monitoring of Project Activities (Plan
2B10 Support 50,751 1 50,751

Project Evaluation
2B12 Consultant days 815 21 17,120
Evaluation sharing workshop [Hall
2B12 Hall 873 1 873
2B12 Refreshment of guests persons 12 200 2,329
242 163,097

1,048 1,984,038

Subtotal Project Activities 1,939 2,135,762

7. Total GAD Budget 2,895 2,688,564
8. GNO Administration Costs (10% of Total GAD Budget)

Programme staff support at CO 2,871 9 25,835

Admin staff support at CO 2,871 9 25,835
Grants staff support at CO 2,871 9 25,835
HR staff support at CO 2,871 9 25,835
Finance staff support at CO 2,871 9 25,835
Office rent and utilities support at CO 5,741 9 51,669

9. Total Budget for GNO 2,869,406

Please state whether there is any risk of 1. a devaluation/appreciation of the local

currency against
*If staff are the remitted
not working currency
fulltime within the
for the project the project period
percentage or 2. aberisk
should of an in-
country inflation.
alongside This would
the description helpbudget
of the to agree onand
item a realistic
in sustainable
the number project
of units (not
the unit cost).

Amount in US$ Comments

Total Budget #REF! For 01.04.2012 - 30.06.2014

Expenditure charged to GNO: #REF!

Other Contributions: -

Sponsorship -

Local Authorities/ Government -

Local Community* -

* Only cash; other kinds of contribution should be explained in the proposal

Budget FY12
National Rural Support Programme
Revised Budget Working

Budget Item Unit

1. Human Ressources
1.1 Project Staff
Project Manager per month
Project Coordinator at NRSP Head Office (50%) per month
M & E Manager at DG Khan (100 % Share) per month
Admin & Accounts Assistant (M. Garh & Layyah) per month
M&E Officers [partner] per month
Team leaders / District Manager[partner] per month
Admin and accounts [partner] per month
Education Coordinators/ Mentors / Facilitators (Partner) per month

Office Attendant / Security Guards District Officer Muzafarghar per month

Office Attendant / Security Guards District Officer Layyah & Rajanpur per month

2. Equipment and Supplies (Partner)

2.1 Purchase or rent of vehicles
Vehicle rental with Fuel per vehicle
Vehicle rental with Fuel in Muzaffarghar per vehicle
3. Local Office
3.1 Office rent
Office rental (100%)(Partner) per month

3.2 Office running costs (electricity, water)

Office utilities (100%) per month

3.3 Office supplies / consumables

Office supplies (100%) per month

3.4 Communication (telephone, internet, courier services)

Communication (100%) per month

Subtotal Local Office

4. External Services & Visibility
4.1 Visibility actions
Development of ECCD campaign materials (messages and
Subtotal Visibility Actions

Subtotal vehicle rent, local office and visibility

5. Project Activities
5.1 ECCD Centers in Muzaffarghar
Establishment of ECCD centres/ Caregivers Salaries M. Garh
Provision of materials for ECCD centres and its replinishment M. Garh
Social mobilization with parents for sending children to ECCD/ECE M.
Development of guidelines for caregivers for child protection at the
centres M. Garh
Video conference sessions M. Garh
One district level workshops for government on Child Rights and RBA
M. Garh
Exit strategy for handing over the centres to public/private
sector/community M. Garh

5.2 Advocacy
Advocacy for safer schools
Prepositioning of Educational material (continuity of
education during emergencies)
Subtotal Advocacy Budget FY12

Facilitate establishment and training of school

management committees for monitoring of school
rehabilitation and for school management
Training of SMC members SMC members

Facilitate the establishment and training of Student

Representatives Committees
Training of students Students

Social Mobilization and Capacity Building of

Communities, SMCs, Teachers, Students, on SDPs
Events in School and around with greater involvement of communities
around ECCD Centers
Awareness raising of community members, parents,
volunteers, caregivers, government official and partner
staff on Child Protection, ECCD and psychosocial
Awareness of Community members (General Child, Mother
Health, Disable childred, Child protection/Rights)
Development of IEC on Child Protection Material sets
Training of Govt. Officials on ECCD Manual Trainings

MoU with Government

Meetings with Provincial & Distrtict Governments Meetings

Subtotal Awareness Raising

6 Early Childhood Care and Development
Establishment of ECCD Centers
Construction of ECCD centers [1 Room + Verandah] ECCD Centers
Construction of latrines Latrnies
Construction / Rehabilitation of Other Needs Identified Schools
Water systems Water pumps
Caregivers [community based] Caregivers
Performance Incentive for Caregivers Incentive
Development and Printing of Caregiver's kit Kits
Training of caregivers Caregivers
ECCD supplies/materials [kits] Centers
ECCD Construction Supervisor (Consultant) Months
Training and support to ECCD centers Trainings
Consultancy Fee for Visiting Doctor at ECCD Center (one visit after 6
Visit Round
Medicine Support for Children Round

Subtotal Early Childhood Care and Development

7. Advocacy for ECCD & DRR
National workshop for sharing with all the stakeholders Workshop
Project formal Inauguration Ceremonies at Provincial and
District Level
Meetings with Provincial & District Governments Districts
Advocacy for up-scaling / replication of the model
ECCD Pilot Results Dissemination Seminar Seminar
Lessons Learnt Material Development

Handing over ceremony of ECCD Centers to Govt / sponsors Cermony

Celebration of International and National Child Rights /

teachers / education / Girl child day at district level
Subtotal Advocacy for ECCD & DRR
8. Project Monitoring
Coordination and reflections

Conduct Quarterly review and planning workshops


Conduct regular monitoring field visits Visits

Subtotal Project Monitoring & Evaluations
Management Fee of Administration Cost (Fixed)
Subtotal Project Activities

10. Total Budget

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