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Management of chromoblastomycosis: Novel


Article in Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases May 2006

DOI: 10.1097/01.qco.0000216625.28692.67 Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Flavio Queiroz-Telles
Universidade Federal do Paran


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Management of chromoblastomycosis: novel perspectives
Philippe Esterrea and Flavio Queiroz-Tellesb

Purpose of review Introduction

Significant advances in knowledge of As a member of the heterogeneous group of subcu-
chromoblastomycosis and its etiologic agents have been taneous mycoses, chromoblastomycosis commonly pre-
made in the past 5 years. New explanations and approaches sents typical features: lesion beginning at the site of a
that could resolve persisting medical challenges for this transcutaneous trauma; chronic evolution associated with
orphan disease are reviewed here. survival of the fungal agent and fibrotic reaction; and
Recent findings nonprotective humoral immune reaction. In tissues all
In recent years advances have been made regarding the etiologic agents form thick-walled, dark multiseptate
taxonomy and ecoepidemiology of the etiologic agents, structures, the muriform (sclerotic) cells. Considered
basic knowledge of the pathogenesis of the lesions, an endemic disease in the most important foci
especially the fibrotic process, and the immunologic (Madagascar, northern Venezuela, and the Amazon
response to chromoblastomycosis. Conversely there have region of Brazil), chromoblastomycosis is considered an
been no recent significant advances in knowledge of the occupational disease in many tropical and temperate
genetic polymorphism of the wild isolates or in development countries. This paper presents new concepts in pathophy-
of experimental models, impairing the possibility of in-depth siology and medical management of this exotic mycosis.
clinicopathologic investigations. As a result medical
management is dependent on the development of Etiology
diagnostic and therapeutic tools developed for other fungal The spectrum of Dematiaceae involved in causing
diseases. chromoblastomycosis has been expanded. The most
Summary common agents are Fonsecaea pedrosoi and Cladophialo-
Recent findings are applicable in laboratory and medical phora carrionii. Less frequently, the disease is caused
practice. Benefits can accrue to basic knowledge from data by Phialophora verrucosa, Rhinocladiella aquaspersa, or
collected on other cutaneous diseases of parasitic or Wangiella dermatitidis. In recent years, Exophiala jeansel-
bacterial origin. mei and Exophiala spinifera have also been observed
forming muriform cells in lesions of chromoblastomyco-
Keywords sis; thus they are also considered etiologic agents [1].
antifungals, chromomycosis, Cladophialophora spp., According to molecular taxonomic studies, Fonsecaea
dematiaceous, fibrosis, Fonsecaea spp., granuloma compacta, formerly an uncommon agent, appears to be
no more than a morphologic variant of F. pedrosoi [2].
Curr Opin Infect Dis 19:148152. 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

International Network of Pasteur Institutes, Institut Pasteur de Guyane, Cayenne
The natural habitat of the fungal species
Cedex, French Guiana and bDepartment of Public Health, Federal University of incriminated
Parana, Curitiba-PR, Brazil Chromoblastomycosis is most frequently observed in
Correspondence to Flavio Queiroz-Telles, Department of Public Health, Federal tropical zones, occurring generally in people engaged
University of Parana, Curitiba-PR, Brazil 82010650
Tel: +41 99721828; fax: +41 33606090; e-mail: in forest or bush clearance, but in subtropical regions
such as southern Brazil, it is observed in rural workers,
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2006, 19:148152
especially those who do not routinely wear shoes, leading
2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins commonly to lower limb involvement. The various fungal
species identified can be considered as black moulds with
a saprobiotic life in organic matter (rotting wood) and soils
[3,4]. Several reports involve different species of palm
trees harbouring wild strains of Dematiaceae, especially
F. pedrosoi [5]. Observations of typical muriform cells (see
above) in the medulla of cactus-like plants [6] suggest the
importance of these environmental sources. Not surpris-
ingly, the ecology of the pathogenic complexes is clearly
differentiated. In tropical areas, F. pedrosoi is the only
species isolated in the evergreen forests (in the Brazilian
Amazon or in northern Madagascar). In temperate
zones, such as southern Brazil, Uruguay, and northern

Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chromoblastomycosis Esterre and Queiroz-Telles 149

Argentina, F. pedrosoi is also prevalent. C. carrionii, con- Humoral immunity

versely, is identified only in spiny desert areas (northern It has been repeatedly shown that patients with chromo-
Venezuela, the Australian bush, or southern Madagascar). blastomycosis produce specific antibodies, identified
by both enzyme-linked and immunoblotting tech-
The mode of contamination of niques [8,9]. In addition to specific IgG1, IgM and IgA
chromoblastomycosis have also been characterized [8], although in-vitro inter-
The etiologic agents gain entrance through transcu- action between fungi and antimelanin antibodies inhib-
taneous puncture wounds, usually by a thorn or a splinter. ited fungal growth [9]. As in other chronic fungal
Less frequently, animal-associated trauma (horse buck infections, the humoral immune response does not seem
cocks spine, insect bite or sting) or other kinds of trauma to be protective by comparison with cell-mediated
can be identified as the portal of entry of the fungus. The immunity.
observation that fungi propaguli may gain entrance to the
hosts soft tissue via plant fragments has rarely been Cell-mediated immunity
made at the histopathologic level, but the topography The characteristic granulomatous reaction associated
of the lesions (mainly lower extremities, i.e. feet and legs) with neutrophil-rich purulent abscesses shows an expres-
is typical. A primary lesion is represented by a papule that sive frustrated phagocytosis of brown thick-wall fungal
slowly enlarges over time and contains the resistant cells, the in-situ persistence of which is considered the
muriform cells. These lesions are considered a biologic main factor explaining this chronic and highly organized
adaptation enabling the agents to survive in the hostile inflammatory reaction. If polymorphonuclear neutrophils
host tissue environment. In relation to the site of infec- represent the first line of defence, macrophages (some-
tion, evolution time, and individual host response, the times identified as epithelioid or giant cells) are highly
primary lesion can evolve to polymorphic skin lesions, activated, as proven by the prominent expression of
including nodular, tumoral, verrucous, cicatricial, and tumour necrosis factor-a and their enhanced in-vitro
plaque lesions [1,7]. The most frequent clinical presen- antifungal activities by melanin [10,11]. CD4 and
tation, a tumoral (cauliflower-like) lesion, develops at the T lymphocytes were identified at the periphery of the
site of inoculation, and satellite lesions gradually arise granulomas, with immunostaining for the cytokine inter-
from scratching autoinoculation and spread via the lym- leukin-10 [12]. It is unclear whether this T-helper 2
phatic system. The hematogenous dissemination some- profile is linked to extensive severe [12,13] or verrucous
times proposed is not completely convincing and seems forms; patients with an erythematous atrophic plaque
better linked with phaeohyphomycosis, although the two present with a T-helper 1 profile [11,12].
nosologic entities represent two poles of a spectrum of
fungal infections (Fig. 1). A keloid-like fungal scar?
A perigranulomatous synthetic activity of fibroblasts is
Mechanisms of immunity in observed, usually with huge deformation of skin adnexae,
chromoblastomycosis and linked to prominent expression of transforming
Mechanisms of immunity in chromoblastomycosis in- growth factor-b [11]. The irreversible fibrotic process,
clude humoral and cell mediated. associated with mature collagen cross-linking due to lysyl

Figure 1 Spectrum of infections caused by dematiaceous hyphomycetes (black fungi)

The same agent may cause different types of

disease depending on the hosts immune status
and the mode of infection.

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150 Skin and soft tissue infections

oxidase and transglutaminase enzyme activity observed surgery. Recently, Malagasy doctors used cautery in
at the circulating and tissue levels, is responsible for the conjunction with short-term terbinafine therapy on
filariasis-like lymphoedema observed in the most chronic early-stage lesions of chromoblastomycosis.
cases [14,15]. Microinvasive squamous cell carcinomas,
arising from chronic lesions, have occasionally been Antifungal chemotherapy
described. The azole compounds have both in-vitro and in-vivo
action in several dematiaceous fungi, including chromo-
Antifungal susceptibility testing blastomycosis agents. Their principal mechanism of
At present the standard methods to test the in-vitro action is to block membrane 14-a-demethylase and in-
susceptibility to antifungal drugs are not available for hibit the transformation of lanosterol into ergosterol, a
filamentous and dimorphic fungi. Nevertheless, the vital cell membrane component. Among the azole deriva-
determination of the susceptibility profile, by in-vitro tives, ketoconazole, an imidazolic compound, is not recom-
methods, of clinical isolates of the etiologic agents can mended for chromoblastomycosis because of its hepatic
be used to identify microbiologic resistance but not and endocrine toxicity combined with its lack of efficacy in
to predict clinical response. Some instances of azole F. pedrosoi infections. Saperconazole has been success-
resistance have been observed in sequential isolates fully used in chromoblastomycosis, but it was discontin-
of F. pedrosoi from patients on long-term itraconazole ued in the past decade due to teratogenicity in animal
treatment [16]. The in-vitro mode of action of terbina- models [23]. Fluconazole does not show potent in-vitro
fine is clearly fungicidal and not merely fungistatic as activity against the black fungi. Itraconazole, like fluco-
are most of the other antifungals against filamentous nazole, is a first-generation triazole and is better tolerated
fungi [17]. than ketoconazole. It shows a broad antifungal spectrum
and has been evaluated in several open, noncomparative
Recent therapeutic progress clinical trials. In a series of 30 Brazilian patients treated
Chromoblastomycosis lesions are recalcitrant and ex- with 200400 mg of daily itraconazole, the final assess-
tremely difficult to eradicate. Patients with chromo- ment showed that eight patients (89%) with mild forms of
blastomycosis are a true therapeutic challenge for the disease achieved clinical and mycologic cure after
clinicians. Over the past few decades several treatment 10.9 months of therapy (range 717.6 months). Similar
regimens have been employed [1,8,18,19]. In the early response was noted in 11 (91%) of the 12 patients with
stages, lesions respond to surgical resection, but later, as moderate forms after 12.9 months (range 531 months) of
severity increases, better results are achieved with sys- continuous treatment (Fig. 2). Among the nine patients
temic antifungals. Therapeutic success depends on with severe lesions, four (44%) had clinical and mycologic
the etiologic agent (C. carrionii is more sensitive than response after a mean treatment duration of 30 months
F. pedrosoi), the severity of the disease (oedema and (range 1051 months), and the remaining patients had
dermal fibrosis can reduce the antifungal tissue levels), significant improvement [1]. Based on its pharmacoki-
and obviously, the choice of antifungal drug. As in other netic profile and the data obtained for onychomycosis,
endemic mycoses, comparative clinical trials are lacking pulse treatments have been considered, although never
in chromoblastomycosis. In most of the noncomparative in a large-scale series. Itraconazole is well tolerated even
studies, the lesions are not graded according to severity, in prolonged courses. Conversely, the drug may have
and different authors have used nonstandardized criteria unpredictable gut absorption and irregular plasma levels.
for cure for this mycosis. There is thus no gold standard It is metabolized in the liver via cytochrome P-450, which
therapy for this mycosis but several treatment options may lead to several drug interactions that contraindicate
including systemic antifungals used alone or combined itraconazole for some subjects with chromoblastomycosis
with physical methods such surgery, local heat, or topical [24]. Three new second-generation triazoles were devel-
liquid nitrogen. Recently, topical ajoene was shown to oped in recent years. All these compounds show in-vitro
result in the same response as topic 5-flucytosine in activity against the black fungi. Voriconazole and ravu-
patients with mild forms of chromoblastomycosis caused conazole derived from fluconazole molecule. Voricona-
by C. carrionii [20]. A comprehensive review of the zole is commercially available and differs from
principal therapeutic choices in chromoblastomycosis fluconazole by its broad spectrum and increased bio-
was published by Bonifaz et al. [21]. chemical affinity to fungi 14-a-demethylase. This prop-
erty translates into strong antifungal activity [24]. To
Physical methods date there is no report of the use of voriconazole in
For localized initial lesions, surgery is often a first-line chromoblastomycosis, but it has been successfully em-
solution. To reduce the long course of systemic therapy, ployed in phaeohyphomycosis [25]. Ravuconazole is
various medical teams have proposed combinations of currently under development but has not been tested
drugs with physical methods, the most interesting of in chromoblastomycosis. Posaconazole is an itraconazole
which [22] uses itraconazole in conjunction with cryo- derivative molecule, finishing phase III clinical trials. It

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Chromoblastomycosis Esterre and Queiroz-Telles 151

Figure 2 A moderate verrucous chromoblastomycosis plaque lesion caused by Fonsecaea pedrosoi

The patient had the disease for 22 years and received itraconazole, 200 mg/day, for 22 months (a). Clinical and mycologic cure was observed at
follow-up (b).

has one of the broadest antimycotic spectrums, being Conclusion: current and future best practices
active even against Zygomycetes. Posaconazole was suc- Ecoepidemiologic studies on chromoblastomycosis show
cessfully used in dematiaceous infections, including that the etiologic agents are ubiquitous in the environ-
phaeohyphomycosis, black grain mycetoma, and chromo- ment where the disease is observed. Opportunities for
blastomycosis caused by F. pedrosoi [26]. infection through different kinds of trauma are frequent,
but conversely the clinical forms are not frequent. Are
Allylamine-based therapy dematiaceous wild strains less adapted to mammalian
Based on its good in-vitro activity (even better than the organisms? Is the inoculum usually so small that the
activity of itraconazole against F. pedrosoi), terbinafine hosts defence system is able to block the progression
therapy at 250500 mg/day has been proposed for this of infection? Is there a genetic susceptibility to the
mycosis. The largest case series (42 patients) has been disease, as suggested by earlier HLA studies [29]?
followed in Madagascar. A global 74.2% cure rate was These questions are unanswered. The experience of
reported at the end of treatment, reaching as high as 81% the Malagasy and South American medical teams leads
after 2-year follow-up [27]. It seems that the fungicidal to the conclusion that therapy combining surgery and
(rather than fungistatic as with the azole derivatives) itraconazole or terbinafine is at present the best protocol,
action of terbinafine on the early ergosterol synthesis especially in cases of extensive disease. The new second-
step is a clear advantage; drug interaction level is also generation triazoles, especially posaconazole, may play a
lower [19]. This explains why some patients have been role in the treatment of chromoblastomycosis.
treated successfully using a 1 g/day dosage without pre-
senting with an increased rate of adverse events. Inter- The next step, developing a genome-wide expression
estingly, and surprisingly, it was found in vivo that profile in response to antifungal drugs and based on the
terbinafine showed a significant antifibrotic effect (on use of real-time polymerase chain reaction and micro-
newly synthesized, poorly cross-linked extracellular array, is being quickly implemented in mycology [30]. In
matrix), a finding that, unfortunately, has not been addition to these molecular tools, the availability of
studied at the molecular level [14]. modern medical imaging and combined azoleallylamine
therapy is modifying the medical management of this
Combined therapy tropical mycosis [17,31,32].
In the past, itraconazole has been combined with
5-flucytosine with some success [28]. The recent in-vivo
demonstration of a synergistic effect between itracona- References and recommended reading
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