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Countable and uncountable

Nouns can be either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns (or count
nouns) are those that refer to something that can be counted. They have both
singular and plural forms (e.g. cat/cats; woman/women; country/countries). In
the singular, they can be preceded by a or an. Most nouns come into
this category.
A smaller number of nouns do not typically refer to things that can be counted
and so they do not regularly have a plural form: these are known
as uncountable nouns (or mass nouns). Examples include: rain, flour, earth,
wine, or wood. Uncountable nouns can't be preceded by aor an. Many abstract
nouns are typically uncountable, e.g. happiness, truth, darkness, humour.
Some uncountable nouns can be used in the plural as well, depending on the
meaning or context of the word. Take a look at these sentences:
uncountable because it's referring to the drink in
Would you like some coffee?
He ordered a coffee. countable, because it's referring to a cup of coffee
uncountable, because it refers to the quality or state of
There's no truth in the rumours.
being true
The fundamental truths about human countable, because it's referring to facts or beliefs that
nature. are true

In the Oxford Dictionary of English and the New Oxford American Dictionary,
nouns that are chiefly uncountable are described as mass nouns. This type of
noun entry may also include an example sentence showing a countable use of
the type described above. For example:
beer noun [mass noun] an alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt
flavoured with hops: a pint of beer | [count noun] he ordered a beer.
There are some words that should only be used with countable nouns and some
that you should only use with uncountable nouns. Here are the main examples:

word with countable noun? with uncountable noun? examples

few, fewer fewer students; few cars
little, less, least less food; little time
many, several several books; many changes
much much pleasure; much sleep
You often hear people using less with countable nouns (e.g. there are less
cars outside the school gates). Although it's a common mistake, it is still a
mistake and you should try to avoid making it in formal writing or speaking.
Activity 1
Write Countable or Uncountable next to the word.

1. Time __________________________
2. Meat __________________________
3. Flour __________________________
4. Rice __________________________
5. Books __________________________
6. Butter __________________________
7. Apples __________________________
8. Tea __________________________
9. Sugar __________________________
10. Pencils __________________________
11. Oil __________________________
12. Games __________________________
13. Milk __________________________
14. Bread __________________________
15. Cars __________________________
16. Tomatoes __________________________
17. Pens __________________________
18. Jam __________________________
19. Salt __________________________
20. Cream __________________________
21. Hair __________________________
22. Friends __________________________
23. Houses __________________________
24. Honey __________________________
25. Chairs __________________________
26. Fingers __________________________
27. Cheese __________________________
28. Carrots __________________________
Activity 2

We use a / an + singular countable noun. (A pen, an apple)

We use some + plural countable nouns in positive sentences. (There are some cars.)
We use some + uncountable nouns in positive sentences (There is some oil)
We use any + countable / uncountable nouns in negative sentences and in most questions.
(I dont have any pens. There isn'tany salt. Do you have any sisters?)

Write a, an, some or any.

1. It is _________ dog.
2. Have you got _________ friends?
3. I bought _________ milk.
4. Linda has not got _________ pets.
5. There is _________ orange on the table.
6. Tim eats _________ cheese every day.
7. We don't have _________ bread.
8. My brother found _________ money.
9. My sister found _________ pen.
10. Do you have _________ eggs?
11. There are _________ students in the classroom.
12. Is there _________ pencil on the desk?

Activity 3

We use how much with uncountable nouns.

We use how many with countable nouns.

Write How much or How many.

1. _________________ chese do you buy?

2. _________________ books are there in your bag?
3. _________________ films did Tom see last week?
4. _________________ money do you spend every week?
5. _________________ friends does Linda have?
6. _________________ sugar do we need?
7. _________________ tomatoes are there in the fridge?
8. _________________ meat are you going to buy?
9. _________________ ,ilk did you drink yesterday?
10. _________________ apples do you see?
Activity 4

Write a / an, some or any on the lines below.

I went to the supermarket because there wasn't (1)_____________________ eggs left. When I
arrived at the supermarket, my mother called me and she reminded me to get
(2)_____________________ bread and milk too. I remembered that there wasn't
(3)_____________________ ice-cream, and since I like ice-cream, I got
(4)_____________________ of that and (5)_____________________ bottle of orange soda, too.
When I got home, my mother had made (6)_____________________ soup. So, she gave me
(7)_____________________ nice warm bowl of tomatoe soup. It tasted really good. I asked her if
there was (8)_____________________ more. She said that it was all finished but that she could
make (9)_____________________ more soup if I would go back to the supermarket and buy
(10)_____________________ more tomatoes. I told her to not worry about it.

Activity 1

1. Time - Uncountable
2. Meat - Uncountable
3. Flour - Uncountable
4. Rice - Uncountable
5. Books - Countable
6. Butter - Uncountable
7. Apples - Countable
8. Tea - Uncountable
9. Sugar - Uncountable
10. Pencils - Countable
11. Oil - Uncountable
12. Games - Countable
13. Milk - Uncountable
14. Bread - Uncountable
15. Cars - Countable
16. Tomatoes - Countable
17. Pens - Countable
18. Jam - Uncountable
19. Salt - Uncountable
20. Cream - Uncountable
21. Hair - Uncountable
22. Friends - Countable
23. Houses - Countable
24. Honey - Uncountable
25. Chairs - Countable
26. Fingers - Countable
27. Cheese - Uncountable
28. Carrots - Countable

Activity 2

1. It is a dog.
2. Have you got any friends
3. I bought some milk.
4. Linda has not got any pets.
5. There is an organge on the table.
6. Tim eats some cheese every day.
7. We don't have any bread.
8. My brother found some money.
9. My sister found a pen.
10. Do you have any eggs?
11. There are some students in the classroom.
12. Is there a pencil on the desk?

Activity 3

1. How much cheese do you buy?

2. How many books are there in your bag?
3. How many films did Tom see last week?
4. How much money do you spend every week?
5. How many friends does Linda have?
6. How much sugar do we need?
7. How many tomatoes are there in the fridge?
8. How much meat are you going to buy?
9. How much milk did you drink yesterday?
10. How many apples do you see?

Activity 4

1. any
2. some
3. any
4. some
5. a
6. some
7. a
8. any
9. some
10. some

This is part of a letter you receive from an English penfriend.

Last week I went shopping with my mother to the supermarket. I don't like to shop,
but she did buy a lot of food that I like, such as tomatoes, meat and chocolate. Do
you ever go shopping for food in your house? What type of food do you like to

Now write a letter, answering your penfrind's questions in about 100 words.

Jack Smith
12 Locus Street
Montgomery, Alabama,
P.C. 36103 (U.S.A.)
September 2nd, 2016

Dear John,

How are you? I'm fine. How is your family? I understand that you don't like shopping for
food, because I also don't enjoy it.

However, I sometimes go shopping for food. For example, when my mother runs out of
something, like eggs, she might ask me to go and pick some up. At times, my father goes shopping
for food and asks me to come so that he doesn't forget anything. Although, we usually forget
something I like chocolate, also. Furthermore, I like cheese and pasta.

I have to go now, because I have to study. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Wishes,

1. Write the date in the order of Month Day Year
2. Start letter with Dear and the name of your friend. For example, Dear John,.
Paragraph 1
3. Ask how your friend is.
4. Say how you are
5. Respond to a detail about your friend.
Paragraph 2
6. Answer all the questions asked.
7. Use a good variation of grammar
Paragraph 3
8. Give a reason why you have to finish the letter.
9. Write I look forward to hearing from you soon.
10. Write a salutation, like Best Wishes,
11. Write you name only, NOT your surname.

Your english teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with the sentence.

One time, I ate in an interesting restaurant.

Write your story in about 100 words.


One time, I ate in an interesting restaurant. It was spacious and lively and it was near a lake
in the a small forest. I felt sastified to be there with my family, but I was a little sad.

My father asked Should we order the rabbit with rice and wine sauce? We all agreed.
Many dishes were made from deer and rabbit, since it was next to a hunting zone.
They even decorated anklers on the wall!

Suddenly, the waiter came out with a birthday cake and everybody started singing. I thought
they had forgotten my birthday! In the end, they just wanted to give a birthday surprise.

Paragraph 1
1. Good use of grammar tenses to the set the scene
2. Describe how the person felt.

Paragraph 2
3. Direct Speech brings the story to life
4. Create Interest

Paragraph 3
5. Surprise at the end
6. Partly explains what happened

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