Eus Ideas

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Jeremys Ideas:

o So that alumni can give gifts and donations in the long term
o Personal liability absorbed
o Increases accountability
o Public liability insurance
o Challenges
Expensive ?
Takes time
Social card
o Partnership with other clubs
o Far reach
o Changing structure of how we approach social card
Ball sponsorship (bank)
Room for EUS
Semester calendar actually be printed and put up in the uni
o Challenge: a lot of events dont get organised until 3 weeks prior
o ^change that culture
o Even a monthly calendar (on the 1st of April, put out May calendar)
Fortnightly rotational meetings
Once a month have an informal breakfast or lunch with all the executives
for them to meet up, chat, etc
Executive camp (yes)
Continue/ make first year event better

First year / second year

Representatives on both
International representatives
Regular weekly events (eus cant do this but with the clubs

Set up a sub section of of eus first and second years to be organising their stuf

Similar to how the first year touch was set up

Have their own initiative to get together
Make sure you have a whiteboard in every meeting and write up what youre
talking about
This makes everyone feel like their ideas are heard and just do a show of
hands when you need to vote on something.

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