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Multiple roles
4 theories-
Sheldon stryker's identitiy theory individuals assign their own identities and roles,salience
Gerorge J mccall and JL simmons theory of identity- role identity is an imagined
mechanicsm selective perception of cues from others
Peter J burke identity control theory an individual's role identity serves as a benchmeark for others
to follow (feedback loop)
importance of identity
Jonathhan H.turner theory on transactional needs verification of identities, making a profit in
exchage of resources, group inclusion, trust , facity
Core Social Group Role

individauals seek rewards that come with legitimization of their role performance
-extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
-Support for an identty

(Sheldon)Degree of commitment to an identity is positive and additive.Extent which the identity is

valued by others.

Role suport mechanisms withdrawing from interactions, switching to new role identity

tutotrial 8
roles- a position, which expects you some behaviour

1) Role ambiguities especially if you are new to something
2) Role conflicts limited resources(time)
3) Role perfomance time management, lack of organisational support
4) Identity shift and the possible identity crisis
5) Resources and flexibility to adapt

reallocate, abandon,
group project

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