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Task 1: Proposal
Task 2: Pre-production material
Task 3: Filming
Task 4: Editing

Social Action Production Proposal

Name of production
The name of the production is "Nothing but Time"

Reason for following this issue

The reason why we decided to follow this crisis is because we students in the Henley
College. This issue affects us directly as when we have time off lesson we have
nothing to do. We believe this is a serious issue that hasn't been looked at by anyone
before. Furthermore, we feel that the Henley community doesn't really care about
the young people in Henley even though the population of people aged 0 to 15 is
around 18.5%. With this amount of young people as well as having a large college
situated in Henley where people aged 16 and up go to, we felt that the Henley
council should focus more on the young people in Henley.

Length of production
The length of the production will be 10 minutes. This is because we want our video to
be short and straight to the point. I believe having this length will allow us to give a lot
of information on the issue without it being too boring or long. Having it this length will
also make it quite impactful as it will give a lot of information on the topic in a short
amount of time.

Interviewees in production

We will interview residents of Henley, a member of the Henley Council. Her name is
Helen Barnett and she is a member of the Henley Council. We will also interview
people who study at Henley College. We will interview the residents of Henley to get
their opinions of what it's like to live in Henley, getting older parents with children who
are younger people in Henley. As well as getting interviews with the younger people
living in Henley. This way we get multiple views on the problem. We are interviewing
the Henley council as they are the ones that are responsible for the problem so a
viewpoint from them would be very interesting and they would likely have a lot of
information on whether it is an issue or not and how people can help if it is. We will
also have interviews with people who study at Henley college as they will have
another unique perspective on the problem and give information to the viewer of
why it is a problem. We will also be interviewing the head of planning for the skate
park as this will give information on how people are trying to help support young
people in Henley. His name is Collin Brathwaite and we will be doing an audio
interview with him.

Production angle, how and why

Ours will be informative. This will be done with having a lot of different interviews
giving their opinion on the issue. Showing the viewer how different people see the
problem and giving lots of different sides on it. Allowing the viewer to come to their
own conclusion on the issue. Furthermore, we will present facts about the issue in
voice overs to give the viewer more information on the issue. We wanted to make it
an informative video as we think that would work best in showing the issue. I say this
because with this angle we can give a lot of information on the topic, which we
thought would make the video more impactful as then the viewer would understand
the issue better. Also have it informative allows the viewer to get more information on
the issue and therefore better understand it and how to help it.

A production layout (beginning, middle and end)

In our social action we are going to start off with the background of our topic, we will
focus on how Henley has very little for youths to do. And how there used to be a
youth club and skatepark in Henley and however unfortunately they were both shut
down a few years back. We will talk about how the skatepark is now being rebuilt
which is an initiative by the community of Henley and not the council. Now the
community center may be shutting down, which leaves absolutely nothing for youths
to do in Henley. However there is currently a new project in progress to have a new
skatepark be built but this was not a project created by the council rather members
of the public living in Henley. We want to raise awareness for the lack of things young
people can do in Henley showing that the Henley council does not do much for the
young people in Henley.

After informing the public of these issues will be trying to raise awareness and this will
be done through interviewing the public and sharing their opinions on the fact that
there is nothing for youths to do. This will give information on how the public of Henley
feel about the issue. In addition, we will also be talking to a specialist and interview
them with a member of the council which will give the information needed for the
audience more about the issue and how it can be solved. Furthermore there will be
b-roll with further information giving facts and figures for the audience.

Conclusion on how the public can make a change and take action, we would like to
encourage our viewers to write or visit the councils website and help make a change
for the better .

Target Audience and why

The target audience is teenagers and parents who live in Henley. This is because this is
who would most relate to the problem and also who the problem affects. I say this
because parents will be looking for things that their children to do in Henley and will
also not want their children to turn to drugs as there is little to do. This means that this
video will be most impactful to them and they will be the most likely to take action
after watching. It is also targeted at teenagers as this is who the problem affects so
we want to make them aware, they are also most likely to take action after watching
the video as they are the ones affected by it.

Where your video will be uploaded / shown

It will be uploaded to YouTube, this way it can be watched by anyone for free at any
time. It is also where teenagers watch most of their content in video form. It also gives
the ability for the video to be shared therefore the video could be shared through
other platforms.

List of questions you wish to ask / have answered in your production

1. Why is there little for teenagers to do in Henley?

There are little to do for teenagers because henley is a small town which cant
afford big complexes that have a load of activities for the teens to do, There was
a skatepark made in 2004 however in 2013 one of the ramps got a small hole in it
and in 2016 the ramp was removed.
2. What is the council doing to solve this problem or do they even see it as a
At the Council Q&A on 22.09.11 at the Town Hall, he said that an upgraded skatepark in
Henley would "contribute to the life of the town" and that he values such a facility. Mr Howell
quoted from a Police report provided, at his request, by Thame Police on their experiences
with their skatepark, "It is a useful asset that helps occupy Thame Youth." He also added that
Thame Police have no concerns regarding anti-social behaviour and that Thame Town Council
have no issues or complaints. Mr Howell kindly provided us with a copy of the Police report.
3. What do people living in Henley think of this problem?
They have a clear knowledge of the problem with the skatpark and mst know
about how the skate park will be rebuilt.
4. What could be done to solve this problem?
Have a Charity page or a way the kids could do out do activities or charity runs to
fund their own areas to hang out.
5. How will/does this problem affect the people of Henley?
It makes teenagers roam around on the streets because there is no allocated
area dedicated for their age group.
Location Recce

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Lighting Information: Solutions:

1: Natural lightning when doing 1: Use portable light with Camera Kit
interviews no power for lighting cables

2: Artificial lighting when doing interior

filming use lights
Sound Information: Solutions:
1: Wind 1: Wind use a wind breaker on the mic
2: Traffic 2: Prevent people from walking into the
3: People talking and walking scene, but allow background walking.

Power Information: Solutions:

Use power supplied when in a building, Bring spare batteries for everything
however there wont be need for much
power apart from using batteries for
cameras and lights and microphone

Hazards: Solutions:
1: Cars 1: Be careful when crossing the road
2: Pot holes 2: Dont trip
3: Trees

Production Name:

Item Script page Description Actor/location Notes

Camera (Nikon Start-End Standard DSLR Zoom Lens
D7000 camera.
External Start-End
Found Footage

Footage Reference Used

description for
Henley - Social
Drone action
footage B-roll Social
Henley - action
Drone B-roll
footage Social
Henley - action
Drone B-roll

Henley old Social

skatepark action
footage B-roll

Footage of
Center Social
Henley action
Regatta B-Roll
Production Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Date: B-roll

3 B-roll Interview Filming Helen Edit Edit
Oscar/ & Colin
Date Sarah &
16/03 Voiceover

Edit Edit Improvements Improvements Improvements
Equipment Hire sheet

Item From Return

We have all equipment


Copyright issues / legal ethical issues you may face

Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an
original work exclusive rights, as long as we use uncopyrighted music and stock footage in
which we have permission to use we should not face any copyright issues, During this social
action, I will have to be careful on saying and doing stuff that may have an impact on the
individuals. When it comes to ethical issues, I will have to bare in mind the old society views
and ensure that nobody is upset and nothing unkind is implied. We may also be showing
drug use which could be considered unsuitabel for young people.
List of Questions you wish to ask and order of questions (Make sure they link and follow on
from each other. The wording of your questions will be graded)

For Public:
Question 1:

Do you think there's a lot for youths to do in Henley to do?

Question 2:

What do you do with your kids in Henley?

Question 3:

Do you think the major/community do anything for teenagers?

Question 4:

Do you think there's a problem that there is nothing for teenagers to do?

Question 5:

Do you know any places where the youths can hang out?

Question 6:

Do you spend a lot of time in Henley?

Question 7:

What do you think the youth do in Henley?

Question 8:

What does the community do for young people in Henley?

Question 9:

How do you feel when people say there isn't a lot for youths to do in Henley?

Question 10:
Does this make you want to make a change?

Question 11:

Are there any future plans for Henley apart from the new skatepark?

Question 1:

Why do you think Henley attracts the old generation?

Question 2:

Do you think there is enough activities in Henley for young people to do?
(if not then why? If so then why?)
Do you not want to keep the younger generation here so the town can grow?

Question 3:

We conducted some interviews with the public in Henley where we asked people do
they think there is things for teens to do in Henley. Majority of the answers were no,
why do you think this is?

Question 4:

What are you doing for the young people in Henley (if they say skate park bring up
drug scoring in old skate park)

Question 5:

What can people do if they feel this is a problem

Question 1:

Did people use the old skate park as a place to score drugs?
Question 2:

Why do you think this was?

Question 3:

What kind of drugs were sold and to who?

Question 4:

John Howell, a member of parliament for Henley supports the funding for the new Skatepark,
He says "It is a useful asset that helps occupy Thame Youth." Do you agree
Do you think the skate park was a safe place?

Question 5:

Do you think this will happen in the new skate park too?

Question 6:

Is there any way to stop this?

Question 7:

As a young person what is your experience with living Henley?

Question 8:

Do you think there are enough activities for young people to do in Henley?

Question 9:

As a young in Henley what do you to stay busy?

Question 10:

How do you think the Henley council could improve Henley for young people?

Question 1:

Do you have an issue with Henley as a town not having enough for youths to do?

Question 2:

Does this have an effect on you with your own children?

Question 3:

Do you think there should be more activities for teenagers to do like, Trampoline
parks, basketball courts, tennis courts?

Question 4:

In our documentary, we mention about how the Henley skate park is being rebuilt
and there has been a substantial amount of money raised by the Henley community
to get the skate park built. Do you think this money is going to the right place with
building a skate park with it?


Before you go off and film please be aware of the following.


Interview in relevant locations

Make sure there is no background noise when filming - ask to turn off all machines or film in a
quiet location and if outside try and use a wind cover and microphone.

Use TWO cameras when filming - One following the interviewer and one following you as you
had with your multi camera unit

Get MORE footage than you need - you can always cut items out but you can't add once
you have filmed
Think about how you want the final product to look before you start filming

Add archive footage (clips, newspaper clippings, footage from news stories
etc...) but ALWAYS reference them on screen and make sure you have
permission to use them

Once filming is finished make sure the following is complete BEFORE you start to edit your

Shot list and running order of final production (including found and archive footage)

Sequence Description
1 Panning shots of Henley being very cinematic, showing
the beauty in Henley, voice over plays giving brief
description about Henley
2 Cut to screen captures of news saying how lots in
Henley is shutting down
3 Videos of where the skatepark will be built the
community center the Rainbow Center and where the
youth club used to, voice over explaining that a lot of
things for youths to do in Henley has shut down leaving
little for young people to do.
4 Cut to some interviews with the public to back up this
point, have quick cut of a couple of people answering
questions in an interview
5 Show footage of play park, saying that people go here
with their kids
6 Show weather report saying its gonna get cold and
rainy, voice over saying that people can't do this when
it's raining
7 Show footage of skate park with voice over saying that
the council has ordered a new skate park to be built
but bringing up the problem that last time it was a
common place to score drugs
8 Interview with College student explaining how a lot of
people including himself used scored drugs at the
Henley skate park
9 Interview with a member of the Henley Council asking
about what they think of the problem or if they think
there is a problem as well as what people living Henley
can do to try help change this problem
10 End shot of drone footage going through Henley with
voice over saying how you can help stop this issue

Voice over script

Shot Script
1 Drone footage of Here we have the beautiful town of Henley-On-Thames, Located
in Oxfordshire, 9 miles northeast from Reading, known for holding
Henley(Title) the famous worldwide rowing regatta. As you can see it looks like
a wonderful place to live. However there is a problem.

SCREENSHOT and Young people in Henley are finding less and less activities
available to them. With the Youth club shutting down due to
Screen capture lack of funding in January 2015, the Rainbow Children's Centre
soon to follow. And the possibility of the Community centre
shutting down. It seems there is less and less things for Young
people to do. If you have a look at the site Day Out with the
kids, it lists only two things that you can do with your children
in Henley. One being a rowing museum,. We interviewed some
residents of Henley to get their opinion on if they think this is a
Play Park Footage People said that the park was one of the only things they could
do with their children, however if it rains thats not really an
and weather report option. But that's ok I don't think it rains much in

Skate Park There has been a project to create a new skate park to be made.
This was not set up by the council but by a few local people, it
started six years ago and now with council approval contruction
will begin soon. The cost for the build is 290,000. Although this is
providing activities for young people to do in Henley ,there is a
problem. The last skatepark was used by youths to score drugs,
will this be an issue with the new skatepark. We interviewed the
head of this project to get more information?

Henley Council We also interviewed a member of the Henley town council to

get their opinion on whether they think there is a problem in

Ending drone footage There is clearly a problem in Henley, so how can you help solve
it. Pretty simple, just make the council aware of it. If you think
this is an issue and want your voice heard then email the
Henley Council at
and help make a difference in Henley
Checklist for production items

In production

Interviews In Progress

Voiceovers Not Completed

Facts about issue (either spoken or put on screen) Not Completed

Cutaway footage Completed

Archive footage Completed

End credits with 'thank you to' section Not Completed

Music Not Completed

Roles and responsibilities

Name Role Responsibilities

Josh Asking questions in Keeping track of how many

interview. interviews we have
B Roll in children's Center completed.
Bring in External Microphone
Seb Organising and scheduling Planning dates and
town council and head of the information needed for
skatepark project for interviews such as questions.
interviews Bring in Camera with tripod
Asking questions in Interview

Callum Filming B Roll Make sure footage is in

Filming Interviews Focus

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