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I have a source column data with names like ravi kumar.

I want to insert the rav

i in one column and kumar in another coliumn of target table. how do u implement
in informatica?
Doubts regarding rank transformation: can we do ranking using two ports? Can we
rank all the rows coming from source, how?
I have a source column table data as basha? kammur. i want to insert basha in on
e column of target table and kammur in another column of target table. how to im
plement in informatica.(this is a interview question asked in ibm)?
How can we say that union transformation is an active transformation? Can u plz
give me an example.
What is the feature of etl tool in market, which tool occupies more area in mark
1.what is the diff b/w rowid and row? 2.diff b/w rowid and row number?
What are the mappings that we use for slowly changing dimension table?
What is the hierarchies in dwh
How can we store previous session logs
My source is having 1000 rows. I have brought 300 records into my ods. So next t
ime i want to load the remaining records. So i need to load from 301 th record.
Whenever i start the work flow again it will load from the beginning. How do we
solve this problem.
What is mystery dimension?
What is dimension table exactly?
What are the data movement modes in informatcia?
What are the different threads in dtm process?
What is a junk dimension
What r the circumstances that infromatica server results an unrecoverable sessio
Explain about perform recovery?
How does the server recognize the source and target databases?
What s the diff between informatica powercenter server, repository server and repo
About informatica powercenter 7: 1) i want to know which mapping properties can
be overridden on a session task level. 2)know what types of permissions are need
ed to run and schedule work flows.
Two relational tables are connected to sq trans, what are the possible errors it
will be thrown?
In a filter expression we want to compare one date field with a db2 system field
current date. Our syntax: date field = current date (we didn t define it by ports
, it s a system field ), but this is not valid (pmparser: missing operator).. Can
someone help us. Thanks
What is load manager?
What is the rank index in rank transformation?
What r the options in the target session of update strategy transformation?
Why we use partitioning the session in informatica?
Why use the lookup transformation?
In certain mapping there are four targets tg1,tg2,tg3 and tg4. Tg1 has a primary
key,tg2 foreign key referencing the tg1 s primary key,tg3 has primary key that tg
2 and tg4 refers as foreign key,tg2 has foreign key referencing primary key of t
g4 ,the order in which the informatica will load the target? 2]how can i detect
aggregate transformation causing low performance?
How to load the data from people soft hrm to people soft erm using informatica?
How many number of sessions that you can create in a batch?
Compare data warehousing top-down approach with bottom-up approach
What r the methods for creating reusable transformations?
How can u recognize whether or not the newly added rows in the source r gets ins
ert in the target ?
How to export mappings to the production environment?
Where do we use mq series source qualifier, application multi group source quali
fier. Just give an example for a better understanding
How do we estimate the depth of the session scheduling queue? Where do we set th
e number of maximum concurrent sessions that informatica can run at a given time
What are the differences between informatica powercenter versions 6.2 and 7.1, a
lso between versions 6.2 and 5.1?
Discuss which is better among incremental load, normal load and bulk load
What happens if you try to create a shortcut to a non-shared folder?
Somebody ca explain me the 3 points want to know : 1) the differences between usi
ng native and odbc server-side database connections 2)know the reason why to reg
ister a server to the repository is necessary 3)know the rules associated with t
ransferring and sharing objects between folders. 4) know the rules associated wi
th transferring and sharing objects between repositories
What is micro strategy? Why is it used for? Can anyone explain in detail about i
What is the best way to show metadata(number of rows at source, target and each
transformation level, error related data) in a report format
When the informatica server marks that a batch is failed?
Why we use partitioning the session in informatica?
Which tool you use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor and
stop the informatica server?
What is code page compatibility?
How can you assign a index for a particular column? How do you choose which Colu
m is the best to create index?
What is the mapping for unit testing in informatica, are there any other testing s
in informatica, and how we will do them as a etl developer. How do the testing
people will do testing are there any specific tools for testing
Can anybody write a session parameter file which will change the source and targ
ets for every session. I.e. different source and targets for each session run.
What is meant by junk attribute in informatica?
What are partition points?
How to delete duplicate rows in flat files source is any option in informatica
Which transformation should we use to normalize the Cobol and relational sources
Where should u place the flat file to import the flat file definition to the des
I have flat file it contains n number of records. I need to load half of the recor
ds to one target table another half to another target table. Pleas any one can e
xplain me the procedure.
How can u recover the session in sequential batches?
What are the scheduling options to run a session?
What is power center repository?
If the workflow has 5 session and running sequentially and 3rd session has-been
failed how can we run again from only 3rd to 5th session?
How to use mapping parameters and what is their use
Diff between informatica repositry server & informatica server
How many ways you can update a relational source definition and what r they?
What r the mapping parameters and mapping variables?
Differences between connected and unconnected lookup?
What is a source qualifier?-
How to load the data from people soft hrm to people soft erm using informatica?
How many number of sessions that you can create in a batch?
When we create a target as flat file and source as oracle.. How can i specify fi
rst rows as column names in flat files
How do you create a mapping using multiple lookup transformation?
To provide support for mainframes source data, which files are used as a source
Explain about recovering sessions?
Can informatica load heterogeneous targets from heterogeneous sources?
While running multiple session in parallel which loads data in the same table, t
hroughput of each session becomes very less and almost same for each session. Ho
w can we improve the performance (throughput) in such cases?
Can i use a session bulk loading option that time can i make a recovery to the s
What is data merging, data cleansing, sampling?
There are 3 depts. in dept table and one with 100 people and 2nd with 5 and 3rd
with some 30 and so. I want to display those dept nowhere more than 10 people ex
I have an requirement where in the columns names in a table (table a) should app
ear in rows of target table (table b) i.e. Converting columns to rows. Is it pos
sible through informatica? If so, how?
In the source, if we also have duplicate records and we have 2 targets, t1- for
unique values and t2- only for duplicate values. How do we pass the unique value
s to t1 and duplicate values to t2 from the source to these 2 different targets
in a single mapping?
What is the procedure or steps implementing versioning if you are already in ver
sion7.x. Any Gotha s or precautions..
What is the default join that source qualifier provides?
Can any one tell me how to run scd1 bec it create two target tables in mapping w
indow and there are only one table in warehouse designer(means target).. So if w
e create one new table in target it gives error..
I have source like 1;2:3.4 its flat file. Now i want in my target table as 1 2 3
4 plz can any one explain me the procedure how to get output like dat
In a sequential batch can you run the session if previous session fails?
What are the types of groups in router transformation?
How do you transfer the data from data warehouse to flat file?
Define informatica repository?
What is change data capture?
How is the union transformation active transformation?
Can batches be copied/stopped from server manager?
Can we add different work flows in to one batch and run sequentially? If pos how
do we do that?
How to retrieve the records from a rejected file. Explain with syntax or example
What is the look up transformation?
Explain the informatica architecture in detail
What r the reusable transforamtions?
What are the scheduling options to run a session?
I was working in sql server, now i got an golden opportunity to work in informat
ica. I have lots of (silly) questions to build my career, so please guide me pro
perly. I will ask lots of questions . What is the process flow of informatica,
What is a time dimension? Give an example.
What r the types of metadata that stores in repository?
How can we join 3 database like flat file, oracle, db2 in informatrica. i can do incremental aggregation in real time?
101.identifying bottlenecks in various components of informatica and resolving t
102.if i done any modifications for my table in back end does it reflect in info
rmatca warehouse or mapping designer or source analyzer?
103.after dragging the ports of three sources(sql server, oracle,i nformix) to a
single source qualifier, can u map these three ports directly to target?
104.informatica live interview questions
105.why you use repository connectivity? the informatica server increases the session performance through partiti
oning the source? to join two tables without using the joiner transformation.
108.what is the maplet? many ways you can update a relational source definition and what are the
110.what is the look up transformation?
111.what is router transformation?
112.what r the different types of type2 dimension mapping?
113.what is the difference between powercenter 6 and powercenter 7?
114.what is exact use of online and offline server connect options while defining wo
rk flow in work flow monitor? . The system hangs when online server connect option
. The informatica is installed on a personal laptop.
115.can any one explain real time complain mappings or complex transformations i
n informatica. Specially in sales domain. to append the records in flat file(informatica) ? Where as in datastage
we have the options i) overwrite the existing file ii) append existing file
117.why dimension tables are renormalized in nature ?
118.which is better among connected lookup and unconnected lookup transformation
s in informatica or any other etl tool?
119.which transformation should u need while using the Cobol sources as source d
120.what is session and batches?
121.can u generate reports in informatcia? to recover the standalone session?
123.where is the cache stored in informatica?
124.can we run a group of sessions without using workflow manager
125.what is metadata reporter?
126.what is the router transformation?
127.which transformation should you need while using the Cobol sources as source
128.what r the connected or unconnected transformations?
129.can u use the mapping parameters or variables created in one mapping into an
other mapping?
130.why we use stored procedure transformation? to load time dimension?
132.after dragging the ports of three sources(sql server, oracle, Informix) to a
single source qualifier, can u map these three ports directly to target?
133.can u copy the session to a different folder or repository?
134.what is partitioning ? Where we can use partition? What is advantages? is it
135.what is meant by edw?
136.what are the properties should be notified when we connect the flat file sou
rce definition to relational database target definition? real-time which one is better star schema or snowflake star schema the su
rrogate will be linked to which columns in the dimension table.
138.what is the exact meaning of domain?
139.what is difference between portioning of relational target and partitioning
of file targets?
140.if i get a flat file as source, i need to get distinct data in the target. H
ow do i accomplish this? Please give a detailed answer of what all transformatio
ns we have to use and how the data flow will be, and what sql statement we have
to use.
141.what is data transformation manager? can u work with remote database in informatica? did u work directly by u
sing remote connections? is the union transformation active transformation?
144.what is lookup transformation and update strategy transformation and explain
with an example. thanks in advance do you handle decimal places while importing a flat file into informatic
146.what is batch and describe about types of batches?
147.differences between informatica 6.2 and informatica 7.0 yours sincerely
148.which tool u use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor an
d stop the informatica server?
149.can u start a batches with in a batch?
150.what is incremental aggregation?
151.what is meant by complex mapping
152.can i start and stop single session in concurrent bstch?
153.can you start a session inside a batch individually?
154.can we use aggregator/active transformation after update strategy transforma
155.can you copy the batches?
156.why we use stored procedure transformation?
157.can any one comment on significance of oracle 9i in informatica when compare
d to oracle 8 or 8i. I mean how is oracle 9i advantageous when compared to oracl
e 8 or 8i when used in informatica many ways you create ports?
159.what r the joiner caches?
160.what is load manager?
161.what r the types of metadata that stores in repository?
162.could anyone please tell me what are the steps required for type2 dimension/
version data mapping. How can we implement it which circumstances that informatica server creates reject files?
164.what is dtm process?
165.suppose session is configured with commit interval of 10,000 rows and source
has 50,000 rows. Explain the commit points for source based commit and target b
ased commit. Assume appropriate value wherever required.
166.what are the types of mapping wizards that are to be provided in informatica
Describe two levels in which update strategy transformation sets?
168.what is the limit to the number of sources and targets you can have in a map
169.difference between summary filter and details filter?
170.what are the reusable transformations?
171.what r the types of mapping wizards that r to be provided in informatica? can we eliminate duplicate rows from flat file?
173.if a session fails after loading of 10,000 records in to the target. how can
u load the records from 10001 the record when u run the session next time in in
formatica 6.1? to create the staging area in your database
175.what is aggregate cache in aggregator transformation?
176.why and where we are using fact less fact table? can we join the tables if the tables have no primary and foreign key rel
ation and no matching port to join?
178.what is work let and what use of work let and in which situation we can use
179.what will happen if you are using update strategy transformation and your se
ssion is configured for insert ? What are the types of external loader available wi
th informatica? If you have rank index for top 10. However if you pass only 5 re
cords, what will be the output of such a rank transformation?
180.which objects are required by the debugger to create a valid debug session? do you decide whether you need to do aggregations at database level or a
t informatica level? can I transform row to column? to get the first 100 rows from the flat file into the target?
184.what is data cleansing..?
185.which tool u use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor an
d stop the informatica server?
186.can u start a batches with in a batch?
187.what is incremental aggregation?
188.what is a command that used to run a batch?
189.what are the unsupported repository objects for a maplet?
190.what is aggregate cache in aggregator transformation?
191.what r the types of lookup caches?
192.what are aggregate transformation? do we analyses the data at database level?
194.can u tell me how to go for scd s and its types. where do we use them mostly
195.i have a situation here to load the table into informatica. I have 5 tempora
ry tables as sources. They look like: table1: (k key, n-null, x, y, z values) k
1 x n n n n k2 x n n n n table2: k1 n x n n n k2 n x n n n the other 3 ta
y. But there can be a situation like any of the table can contain duplicates lik
e: k1 x n n n n k1 y n n n n this kind of records should be errored out. Because of
, we can t use aggregator/group by as we are not sure which one should be removed.
How can we obtain this functionality in informatica. my source table 1000 rec s r there. i want to load 501 rec to 1000 rec into
my target table ? How can u do this ?
197.if you want to create indexes after the load process which transformation yo
u choose?
198.if you are workflow is running slow in informatica. Where do you start troub
le shooting and what are the steps you follow?
199.can we look up a table from a source qualifier transformation-unconnected lo
200.what r the tasks that load manger process will do?
201.what r the active and passive transformations?
202.what is the router transformation?
203.what are dimensions and various types of dimensions?
204.why sorter transformation is an active transformation?
205.what are the different types of transformation available in informatica. And
what are the mostly used ones among them
206.i want to prepare a questionnaire. The details about it are as follows: 1. I
dentify a large company/organization that is a prime candidate for dwh project.
(for example telecommunication, an insurance company, banks, may be the prime ca
ndidate for this) 2. Give at least four reasons for the selecting the organizati
on. 3. Prepare a questionnaire consisting of at least 15 non-trivial questions t
o collect requirements/information about the organization. This information is r
equired to build data warehouse. Can you please tell me what should be those 15
questions to ask from a company, say a telecom company?
How can you stop a batch?
208.what are the types of lookup? provide support for mainframes source data, which files r used as a sourc
e definitions?
210.i have windows xp. I was told a person could find out what sites a person is
looking on your computer. How do you do this. I have a person who uses my compu
ter, and i think he is looking at sites he should not be viewing. to get two targets t1 containing distinct values and t2 containing dupli
cate values from one source s1.
212.what is the difference between power centre and power mart? What is the proc
edure for creating independent data marts from informatica 7.1?
213.we are using update strategy transformation in mapping how can we know wheth
er insert or update or reject or delete option has been selected during running
of sessions in informatica.
214.what are the different types of type2 dimension mapping?
215.what is the need and when do we use a dynamic lookup cache?
216.can you use the mapping parameters or variables created in one mapping into
any other reusable transformation?
217.what is tracing level?
218.what is a view? How it is related to data independence? and what are the dif
ferent types of views, and what is materialize view
219.define mapping and sessions?
220.what are the active and passive transformations?
221.what r the unsupported repository objects for a mapplet?
222.there are 1000 source tables containing the same data with different file fo
rmats, now i want to load into a single target table to achieve ?
223.what is source qualifier transformation?
224.what is the method of loading 5 flat files of having same structure to a sin
gle target and which transformations i can use?
225.what is surrogate key ? In ur project in which situation u has used ? Explai
n with example ? do you load the time dimension.
227.can you start a batches with in a batch?
228.which transformation should we use to normalize the Cobol and relational sou
229.what are the measure objects
230.what are the options in the target session of update strategy transformation
231.what are the designer tools for creating transformations?
232.where should you place the flat file to import the flat file definition to t
he designer?
233.what is code page used for?
234.what are the rank caches?
235.difference between static cache and dynamic cache? which conditions we cannot use joiner transformation(limitations of joine
r transformation)?
237.what r the basic needs to join two sources in a source qualifier? to define informatica server?
239.can anyone explain about incremental aggregation with an example? a two dimension array is initialize with pointer?
241.what are the different options used to configure the sequential batches?
242.what is a transformation? to generate the metadata reports in informatica?
244.what is difference between lookup cashe and unchashed lookup? Can i run the
mapping without starting the informatica server? do we estimate the number of partitions that a mapping really requires?
Is it dependent on the machine configuration?
246.what are the tasks that source qualifier performs? the informatica server sorts the string values in rank transformation?
248.what are the tasks that load manger process will do?
249.what is update strategy transformation? can u complete unrecoverable sessions?
251.what are the new features of the server manager in the informatica 5.0?
252.what are the types of mapping in getting started wizard? can you improve the performance of aggregate transformation? can i get distinct values while mapping in informatica in insertion?
255.what is polling?
256.this is a scenario in which the source has 2 cols 10 a 10 a 20 c 30 d 40 e 2
0 c and there should be 2 targets one to show the duplicate values and another t
arget for distinct rows. T1 t2 10 a 10 a 20 c 20 c 30 d which transformation can
be used to load data into target? 40 e which conditions we cannot use joiner transformation(limitations of joine
r transformation)?
258.what is the maplet?
259.partitioning, bitmap indexing (when to use), how will the bitmap indexing wi
ll affect the performance
260.what is difference between dimension table and fact table and what are diffe
rent dimension tables and fact tables
261.what are cost based and rule based approaches and the difference do you identify existing rows of data in the target table using lookup t
263.what is data driven? a scenario i want to change the dimensions of a table and normalize the r
enormalized table which transformation can i use?
265.can you copy the session to a different folder or repository?
266.what r the tasks that source qualifier performs?
267.what is the diff b/w stop & abort in informatica sess level ?
268.what r the settings that u use to configure the joiner transformation?
269.what is tracing level and what r the types of tracing level?
270.what is difference between maplet and reusable transformation?
271.what is the procedure to load the fact table. give in detail?
272.what is the status code?
273.why did you use stored procedure in your etl application?
274.what are variable ports and list two situations when they can be used?
275.while importing the relational source definition from database, what are the
meta data of source you import?
276.what is transaction? can you access the remote source into your session?
278.what are the new features in informatica 5.0?
279.what are the basic needs to join two sources in a source qualifier?
280.what are the difference between joiner transformation and source qualifier t
281.with out using update strategy and sessions options, how we can do the updat
e our target table?
282.what is rank transformation? where can we use this transformation? the concept of mapping parameters and variables, the variable value will
be saved to the repository after the completion of the session and the next time
when u run the session, the server takes the saved variable value in the reposi
tory and starts assigning the next value of the saved value. For example i ran a
session and in the end it stored a value of 50 to the repository. next time whe
n i run the session, it should start with the value of 70. Not with the value of
51. How to do this.
284.what are the joiner caches?
285.what are the settings that you use to configure the joiner transformation?
286.what transformation you can use in place of lookup?
287.what is a source qualifier?
288.what r the settings that u use to configure the joiner transformation?
289.what is tracing level and what r the types of tracing level?
290.what is difference between maplet and reusable transformation?
291.what is the procedure to load the fact table. give in detail?
292.what is the status code?
293.why did you use stored procedure in your etl application?
294.what are variable ports and list two situations when they can be used?
295.while importing the relational source defintion from database, what are the
meta data of source you import?
296.what is transaction? can you access the remote source into your session?
298.what are the new features in informatica 5.0?
299.what are the basic needs to join two sources in a source qualifier?
300.what are the difference between joiner transformation and source qualifier t
301.with out using update strategy and sessions options, how we can do the updat
e our target table?
302.what is rank transformation? where can we use this transformation? the concept of mapping parameters and variables, the variable value will
be saved to the repository after the completion of the session and the next time
when u run the session, the server takes the saved variable value in the reposi
tory and starts assigning the next value of the saved value. For example i ran a
session and in the end it stored a value of 50 to the repository. next time whe
n i run the session, it should start with the value of 70. Not with the value of
51. How to do this.
304.what are the joiner caches?
305.what are the settings that you use to configure the joiner transformation?
306.what transformation you can use in place of lookup?
307.what is a source qualifier? many types of dimensions are available in informatica?
309.define informatica repository? do you configure mapping in informatica dimensional modeling fact table is normalized or renormalized? in case of
star schema and incase of snow flake schema? can you create or import flat file definition in to the warehouse design
313.when we create a target as flat file and source as oracle.. How can i specif
y first rows as column names in flat files
314.discuss the advantages & disadvantages of star & snowflake schema?
315.difference between rank and dense rank?
316.what is update strategy transformation ? can we partition a session in informatica?
318.can anyone explain error handling in informatica with examples so that it wi
ll be easy to explain the same in the interview.
319.what is the difference between connected and unconnected stored procedures.
320.which tasks can be performed on port level(using one specific port)?
321.when do u we use dynamic cache and when do we use static cache in an connect
ed and unconnected lookup transformation
322.waht are main advantages and purpose of using normalize transformation in in
323.what is the difference between constrained base load ordering and target loa
d plan
324.what is source qualifier transformation?
325.what is difference between if and decode function
326.when do u use a unconnected lookup and connected lookup . What is the differen
ce between dynamic and static lookup y and when do v use these types of lookups (
i.e. dynamic and static )
327.scd mappings are mostly used unconnected lookup transformation. Unconnected
lookup used static cache only. at this time how can you insert or update date in
target by using static cache? to recover sessions in concurrent batches?
329.why we use lookup transformations?
330.what is data driven?
331.what is batch and describe about types of batches?
332.can informatica be used as a cleansing tool? If yes, give example of transfo
rmations that can implement a data cleansing routine.
333.on a day, I load 10 rows in my target and on next day if I get 10 more rows
to be added to my target out of which 5 are updated rows how can I send them to
target? How can i insert and update the record?
334.differences between connected and unconnected lookup? to read rejected data or bad data from bad file and reload it to target?
336.1)what are the various test procedures used to check whether the data is loa
ded in the backend, performance of the mapping, and quality of the data loaded i
n informatica. 2) what are the common problems developers face while etl develop
337.what are the types of data that passes between informatica server and stored
procedure? to move the mapping from one database to another?
339.what is the target load order?
340.can we eliminate duplicate rows by using filter and router transformation ?i
f so explain me in detail .
341.briefly explain the versioning concept in power center 7.1. achieve the session partition what are the necessary tasks you have to do
343.can you use the maping parameters or variables created in one mapping into a
nother mapping?
344.what are the types of metadata that stores in repository?
345.what is the default join that source qualifier provides?
346.what are the difference between view and materialized view?
What is difference between stored procedure transformation and external procedur
e transformation? to use the unconnected lookup i.e., from where the input has to be taken
and the output is linked? What condition is to be given?
349.what is the rank index in rank transformation?
350.what is difference between portioning of relational target and partitioning
of file targets? the max how many transformations can be us in a mapping?
352.why did u use update strategy in your application?
353.what is iqd file?
354.what r the mappings that we use for slowly changing dimension table? do I import vsam files from source to target. Do i need a special plugin
356.what is meant by aggregate fact table and where is it used?
357.what are target types on the server?
358.what are mapping parameters and variables in which situation we can use it do you create single lookup transformation using multiple tables?
360.why is meant by direct and indirect loading options in sessions?
361.what are target options on the servers?
362.what are the join types in joiner transformation?
363.can you generate reports in informatcia?
364.what are two modes of data movement in informatica server?
365.explain use of update strategy transformation
366.the designer includes a find search tool as part of the standard tool bar. Wha
t can it be used to find?
367.if you have four lookup tables in the workflow. How do you troubleshoot to i
mprove performance? to import oracle sequence into informatica.
369.what is difference b/w informatica 7.1 and ab initio
370.identifying bottlenecks in various components of informatica and resolving t
371.what is parameter file?
372.what is the difference between summary filter and detail filter can u work with remote database in informatica? did u work directly by u
sing remote connections?
374.what is the difference between normal load and bulk load? u will create header and footer in target using informatica?
376.what are two types of processes that informatica runs the session?
377.what r the types of groups in router transformation?
378.what are the real time problems generally come up while doing/running mappin
g/any transformation? can anybody explain with example.
379.what is difference between maplet and reusable transformation? many types of facts and what are they?
381.what are load types in informatica and what is delta load
382.what are the session parameters?
383.what are the methods for creating reusable transformations? can you say that union transformation is active transformation.
385.what does the expression n filter transformations do in informatica slowly g
rowing target wizard?
386.difference between static cache and dynamic cache
387.where to store informatica rejected data? How to extract the informatica rej
ected data ?

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